Chong 2010 NgembanTiO2
Chong 2010 NgembanTiO2
Chong 2010 NgembanTiO2
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 7 March 2008
Received in revised form 16 June 2008
Accepted 24 June 2008
Available online 9 July 2008
Congo red
a b s t r a c t
Nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2) has received a great attention in the eld of research and development as a promising photocatalyst to promote the degradation of organic contaminants in water. One
of the key technical challenges involved in separation and recovery of the photocatalyst particles from
the water treatment system makes this technology unviable as an industrial process. A novel titania
impregnated kaolinite (TiO2/K) photocatalyst was synthesized by a modied two step solgel method:
hydrolysis of titanium(IV) butoxide and heterocoagulation with pre-treated kaolinite (K) clay. The
TiO2/K photocatalysts were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and BET specic surface area measurements (BET). The
photocatalytic activity was evaluated by the degradation of Congo red in aqueous solution. The TiO2/K
photocatalyst had a rigid porous layer structure and promising nano-size properties, and demonstrated
an enhanced adsorption and photocatalytic ability for the removal of Congo red. The TiO2/K photocatalyst
can be easily separated and recovered from the water treatment system. The TiO2/K photocatalyst is
expected to deliver a true engineering solution for an industrial water/wastewater treatment process.
2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
1. Introduction
Heterogeneous photocatalysis employing nano-sized titanium
dioxide (TiO2) has been an attractive research and development
subject in water treatment owing to its proven capability in the
degradation of bio-recalcitrant organic contaminants [19]. The
high specic surface area (SSA) of the photocatalyst as a result of
its nanometer size has rendered its high efciency in degrading
indiscriminately any organic contaminants [1012]. However,
there are still some technical challenges that impede this novel
technology towards large scale implementation. One of the most
prominent challenges is the post separation and recovery of the
photocatalyst particles after water treatment due to the very ne
particle size and hence the reusability of the particles [13,6]. It
was reported that the small size (430 nm) of the TiO2 (Degussa
P25) can easily form aggregates in suspension, resulting in a significant reduction in both its effective surface area and photocatalytic
efciency [3].
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
Fig. 1. The crystal structure of kaolinite, viewed on the left hand side along b-axis
and on the right hand side along a-axis. The c-axis is vertical. (Reproduction from
Barrer [3]).
Exo Up
Weight (%)
1.299% Component 1
Onset temp:
11.83% Component 2
(3 .178mg)
Temperature (C)
Temperature (C)
Fig. 2. Differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric proles for raw kaolinite. (a) Heat ow against temperature prole. (b) Weight loss against temperature prole.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
The 60 mL diluted nitric acid (HNO3) was then added drop wise
into the mixture A. The mixture A was stirred constantly until
the dispersion became rst milky white and subsequently transparent homogeneous sol with no visible precipitation. The stirring
was continued for 30 min until a transparent sol with certain viscosity was attained.
As the second step of the synthesis process, the K particles were
dispersed in 100 mL of Milli-Q water and the resultant K suspension was placed in a three necked round bottom ask. This ask
was then set in a water bath set at 37 oC. The K suspension was
mixed completely. The resultant homogeneous sol from the rst
step of the synthesis was then added drop wise into the K suspension with the aid of a separatory funnel. The mixture in the ask
was then continuously stirred for 4 h before the mixture was
cooled down to the room temperature. The resultant heterocoagulated mixture, denoted as mixture B, was then aged for 1316 h,
depending on the concentration of HNO3 used. The mixture B
was ltered and washed repeatedly three times with Milli-Q water,
and then dried at 6570 oC for 24 h. A 3 h heat treatment was carried out at an increasing rate of 2 K/min to desired temperature.
After calcination, the samples were cooled down to room temperature. The newly prepared photocatalyst of TiO2/K was stored in
the desiccators before use. For the bare TiO2, the K suspension step
was taken off and the resultant mixture A was also stirred in the
water bath at 37 oC before being washed, ltered, dried and calcined under the same conditions as those stated above.
2.4. Characterisations of TiO2/K photocatalysts
The particle size distribution of the K sample was measured
using a particle sizer (static light scattering laser diffraction)
instrument (Malvern Mastersizer 2000), which covers the measurement range from 0.02 to 2000 lm. For this size measurement,
the K particles were dispersed in water with sodium pyrophosphate added with agitation and sonication until a stable dispersion
was achieved.
The differential temperature analysis (DTA) coupled with thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) (TA Instruments) were used to analyse the weight loss of K as a function of elevated temperature. The
K sample was heat treated in the range of room temperature up to
1200 oC at a heating rate of 10 oC/min under high purity nitrogen
gas to avoid any possible oxidation by atmospheric oxygen or air.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained
using the Nanoscope II Electrochemical electron microscope at an
accelerating voltage of 5 kV. The images of transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) were obtained using Philips CM-100 TEM at an
accelerating voltage of 100 kV. The prepared TiO2/K photocatalysts
Fig. 3. The particle size distribution curve for the pre-treated particles.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
tra for the solution was scanned using UVvisible spectrophotometer (Helios Gamma, England). From the absorption spectra scan
ranging from 200 to 700 nm, it was found that the most intense
peak for the reaction solution was at 496.5 nm. Then a series of
absorption spectra measurements were conducted for each of the
quarterly diluted reaction solution in order to plot the absorbance
concentration prole. Each measurement for the diluted points
was repeated three times to minimise measurement errors.
Then 100 mL of the reaction solution was introduced into the
beaker placed on the magnetic stirrer with 1 g of TiO2/K photocatalysts. The suspension was allowed 30 min dark adsorption before
the UV light was switched on. The samples were collected every
1 h and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatants were
then ltered using Millex VX lter (Millipore 0.45 lm) to ensure
the reaction samples were free of TiO2/K solids. Finally, the concentration of Congo red in the ltered supernatant was measured and
calculated using the UVvisible spectrophotometer (at 496.5 nm)
and the absorbance concentration prole. The sampling and sample tests were carried out in triplicate.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
allows small polar molecules to replace the water layer but the ne
brous habit of the crystals sustains a large surface area [24].
Hence, the resultant outgassed K particles present an enhanced rigid structure with large surface area that can minimise the possibility of chemical intercalation and promotes the reuse potential
for the prepared photocatalysts.
3.2. Synthesis of titania sol
The synthesis of the titania sol was carried out by the modied
two step solgel method. Titanium(IV) butoxide was used as the
titanium precursor in the initial gelation step of the acid catalysed
solgel process. We found that the transparent titania sol was not
formed using 1 M HNO3, which was the recommended HNO3 concentration in previous reports [29,30]. Suh et al. [31] reported that
the formation of a transparent titanium aerogel only occur in a
small range of HNO3 concentration. The treatment of titania coated
substrates with certain acid concentration can improve the photocatalytic ability [4,32,33]. It is important to nd a suitable HNO3
concentration to control the formation of titanium sol [5]. A study
on the impact of the HNO3 concentration on the preparation of the
solgel and photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 has not been reported in the literature.
Fig. 5 indicates that the HNO3 concentration ranging from 0.05
to 1 M has a varying impact on the formation of solgel. The optimal HNO3 concentration range of 0.250.30 M can contribute to
the formation of transparent titanium sol (i.e., denoted as clear
gel (hard)) after aging for 1316 h. The HNO3 plays an important
role in controlling the rates of hydrolysis and condensation reaction of the titanium alkoxides precursor, so that the TiOH monomers can be slowly condensed associated with the growth of
strong TiOTi polymeric network [31]. When an excessive
amount of HNO3 was used, the hydrolysed solution of titanium
precursors exhibited an extensive degree of uidity even after
aging for 1316 h [34]. The excessive use of HNO3 can retard the
condensation process and further affects the monomer cluster
cluster growth to form the TiOTi polymeric network in the titanium sol [7,31,34]. However, once a low concentration of HNO3
was used, the gelation rate increased until a precipitation occurred.
It was note that a suitable HNO3 concentration contributes to not
only the formation of suitable homogeneous transparent titanium
sol but also the gelation behaviour and textural properties. Fig. 5
shows that the titanium sol exhibited four gelation behaviours
and textural properties. A HNO3 concentration lower than the optimal range of 0.250.30 M resulted in increasing the gelation rate
and forming a precipitated gel. Suh et al. [31] reported that the pre-
cipitated gel was due to the presence of precipitates in the polymeric gel network. The hard gel performed a low degree of
uidity and has a negative impact on the subsequent heterocoagulation process with the pre-treated K particles. Therefore, the concentration of 0.250.30 M HNO3 was used in the following
It was observed that the photocatalysts prepared with different
HNO3 concentrations performed variable initial absorption ability
for the Congo red. Fig. 6 shows that the TiO2/K prepared with
0.28 M HNO3 contributed to an optimal 30% removal of Congo
red by initial adsorption. This adsorption ability is generated by
the strength of the polymeric gel network formed under different
molarity of HNO3. This strength can be further enlarged when
the TiO2/K is heat treated, resulting in TiO2/K particles with variable particle sizes and SSA [3537]. The different network structure of the TiO2/K can be proven through the direct comparison
of SEM images e.g., in Fig. 7a and b, which shows the surface
images of the prepared photocatalysts under the optimal 0.28 M
of HNO3 and the pre-treated K, respectively. The original prototype
of the K surface was in a at sheet pattern. A highly porous structure was observed after the attachment of TiO2 crystallites. The results shown in Section 3.3 revealed that the K prepared under the
optimal molarity of HNO3 had a signicant larger SSA of
35.24 0.11 m2/g than the pre-treated K (14.54 0.09 m2/g), as
stated in Section 3.1.
Robert et al. [38] stated that the resultant titanium sol should
have its pH adjusted to pH 3 with the addition of 1 M sodium
hydroxide (NaOH). We found that the pH value for the resultant
titania sol was 1.76. The use of NaOH to adjust the initial pH up
to 3 likely contributed to the formation of large dense TiO2 crystallite after calcination. This was evidenced from the peak broadening in X-ray diffraction. Although the mechanism for the
formation of the dense crystallites was unclear, it can be seen that
the pH adjustment had an important impact on the formation of
dense crystallites, the porosity of the structure, and consequently
the adsorption capacity of the TiO2/K. Thus it was proposed here
that the pH adjustment of the titania sol should not be carried
out to preserve the high specic surface area, but instead the
molarity of HNO3 or other preparation conditions should be
It can be concluded that the titania sol required for the subsequent heterocoagulation with pre-treated K can be synthesised under the optimal HNO3 range of 0.250.30 M without further pH
adjustment with NaOH. This is certainly benecial as the enhanced
adsorption capability promotes the surface reaction and hence the
photocatalytic efcacy of the TiO2/K.
Gel Precipitated (Hard)
Clear Gel (Hard)
Very Clear Gel (Soft)
No Gel
Ti 0
Fig. 5. The textural properties of titania sol under different concentration of nitric acid.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
Fig. 6. Initial adsorption tests of Congo red (40 ppm) for the photocatalysts prepared under different molarity of nitric acid. The other preparation conditions were constant;
volume ratio Ti: EtOH: HNO3: 5:6:12. The K suspension loading used is 10% (w/v) (i.e., 10 g in 100 mL water). Calcination temperature is 600 oC.
Fig. 7. SEM images for sample K (a) After outgassed; (b) After coated with TiO2
(0.28 M HNO3).
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
Fig. 8. TEM images for photocatalysts prepared under different loading in kaolinite suspension. (a and b) 5% w/v; (c and d) 10% w/v; (e and f) 15% w/v.
depending on the extent of the heat treatment condition. As a result of the smaller subunits of TiO2 crystal, the formation of the
uniform coating layer contributed to an increase in the SSA. These
results were shown in Section 3.4. A higher K concentration of
(15% w/v) resulted in a relatively distant dispersion of crystal
growth as presented in Fig. 8e and f, in which there were only
a few crystals formed on a K particle with inconsistent particle
size around 610 nm. This is due to an increase in the crystal
nucleation sites from 10% (w/v) to 15% (w/v) that superseded
the xed amount of titanium sol that will be attached onto the
K particles. Therefore, 10% (w/v) of K suspension was chosen for
all the subsequent experiments. A further study needs to be conducted to effectively determine the exact weight percentage in
controlling the coating lm thickness, so that the optimal particle
size to SSA can be found.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
side of K that presents a surface of oxygen and resulting in the formation of TiOSi bonding. Gates et al. [41] reported that the presence of such bonding is highly benecial in inuencing the stability
of the prepared photocatalysts and its application for the utilisation in catalysis. Besides this, it was also reported that the existence of such TiOSi bonds could suppress the phase
transformation of anatase to rutile [2]. This is highly benecial,
as most of the self-synthesized TiO2 is highly photoactive in its
anatase form. All these have shown the inuences of K, apart from
providing a structural rigid support. However, the existence of
such bonding is highly inuenced by the preparation conditions,
mainly the calcination temperature. In order to synthesise a highly
photoactive photocatalyst that compromises the essential criteria
such as the particle size, SSA and crystalline phase, an extensive
study needs to be conducted to govern the correlation between
each of the criteria.
Fig. 9 shows the correlation between the particle sizes and SSA,
and the calcination temperature. The size of the TiO2 crystallites
coated on the K particles has direct relationship with the calcination temperature. When the calcination temperature increased
from 500 oC to 700 oC, the particle size increased from approximately 6 nm to 18 nm. The increase in the particle size which is
due to the formation of agglomerates and accompanying crystal
growth (as evidenced from SEM and XRD peak) led to a reduction
in the SSA of the prepared photocatalysts. The SSA changed slightly
from 39.23 0.10 m2/g to 35.24 0.11 m2/g between 500 oC and
600 oC. An abrupt decrease in the specic surface area to
25.51 0.12 m2/g was observed when the particles were treated
at 650 oC.
Table 1
The characteristics of the titania/kaolinite nano-photocatalysts prepared under
different degrees of heat treatment
temperature (oC)
phase (A/R)
diameter (nm)
39.23 0.10
37.87 0.10
35.24 0.11
25.51 0.12
24.04 0.12
Fig. 9. The correlation between specic surface area (m2/g) with calcination temperature (oC) and particle diameter (nm).
Fig. 10. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for the titania/kaolinite nano-photocatalysts under different heat treatment conditions. (A) 500 oC; (B) 550 oC; (C) 600 oC; (D) 650 oC;
(E) 700 oC. A: Anatase; R: Rutile.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
Fig. 11. The kinetics for the photo-degradation of 40 ppm of Congo red in the reactor system.
M.N. Chong et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 117 (2009) 233242
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