Virgin and Maiden redirect here. For other uses, see quences in most societies today.
Virgin (disambiguation) and Maiden (disambiguation).
The term virgin originally only referred to sexually inexVirginity is the state of a person who has never enperienced women, but has evolved to encompass a range
of denitions, as found in traditional, modern, and ethical concepts.[3][5][6][7] Heterosexual individuals may or
may not consider loss of virginity to occur only through
penile-vaginal penetration,[3][6][8][9] while people of other
sexual orientations often include oral sex, anal sex or
mutual masturbation in their denitions of losing ones
1 Etymology
The word virgin comes via Old French virgine from the
root form of Latin virgo, genitive virgin-is, meaning
literally maiden or "virgin"a sexually intact young
woman[11] or sexually inexperienced woman. As in
Latin, the English word is also often used with wider reference, by relaxing the age, gender or sexual criteria.[12]
Hence, more mature women can be virgins (The Virgin
Queen), men can be virgins, and potential initiates into
many elds can be colloquially termed virgins; for example, a skydiving virgin. In the latter usage, virgin means
The Latin word likely arose by analogy with a suit of
lexemes based on vireo, meaning to be green, fresh or
ourishing, mostly with botanic referencein particular, virga meaning strip of wood.[13]
The rst known use of virgin in English is found in a
Middle English manuscript held at Trinity College, CamYouth by French painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau. White bridge of about 1200:
has traditionally been associated with ritual purity, innocence
and virginity.
marie. Cursor Mundi 24977
2 Culture
The concept of virginity has signicance only in a parFurther expansion of the word to include virtuous (or ticular social, cultural and moral context. According
nave) young women, irrespective of religious connec- to Hanne Blank, virginity reects no known biologiand grants no demonstrable evolutionary
tion, occurred over about another century, until by about cal imperative
1400 we nd:
Female virginity
Virginity pledges (or abstinence pledges) made by heterosexual teenagers and young adults may also include the
practice of technical virginity. In a peer-reviewed study
by sociologists Peter Bearman and Hannah Brueckner,
which looked at virginity pledgers ve years after their
pledge, they found that the pledgers have similar proportions of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and at least
as high proportions of anal and oral sex as those who have
not made a virginity pledge, and deduced that there was
substitution of oral and anal sex for vaginal sex among the Virginity is regarded as a valuable commodity in some
pledgers. However, the data for anal sex without vaginal cultures, and the right to have sexual intercourse with
sex reported by males did not reect this directly.[26][27] a virgin can be bought. For example, in Japan, geishas
would sell the right of rst access in a ritual called
mizuage. There is also a legendary droit du seigneur (the
2.2 Female virginity
lords right, often conated with the Latin phrase "ius
primae noctis") which allegedly entitled the lord of an es2.2.1 Cultural value
tate to take the virginity of the estates virgins on the night
The rst act of sexual intercourse by a female is com- of their marriage, a right which the lord can trade for
monly considered within many cultures to be an impor- money. In the lm Pretty Baby (1978) there is an auction
tant personal milestone. Its signicance is reected in for the virginity of 12-year-old Violet. Modern virginity
expressions such as saving oneself, losing ones virgin- auctions, like that of Natalie Dylan, are discussed in the
ity, taking someones virginity and sometimes as de- 2013 documentary How to Lose Your Virginity.
owering. The occasion is at times seen as the end of It was the law and custom in some societies that required
a man who seduced or raped a virgin to marry the girl Some medical procedures, such as hymenotomy, may reor pay compensation to her father.[31] In some countries, quire a womans hymen to be opened.
until the late 20th century, a woman could sue a man who
had taken her virginity but did not marry her. In some
languages, the compensation for these damages are called 2.3 Male virginity
"wreath money".[32]
Historically, and in modern times, female virginity has
been regarded as more signicant than male virginity.
The perception that sexual prowess is fundamental to
2.2.2 Proof of virginity
masculinity has lowered the expectation of male virginity
without lowering the social status.[3][4][41] For example, in
Main article: Virginity test
some Islamic cultures, though premarital sex is forbidden
in the Quran with regard to both men and women, unmarSome cultures require proof of a brides virginity be- ried women who have been sexually active or raped may
fore her marriage. This has traditionally been tested by be subject to name-calling, shunning, or family shame,
the presence of an intact hymen, which was veried by while unmarried men who have lost their virginities are
either a physical examination (usually by a physician, not. Among various countries or cultures, males are exwho provided a certicate of virginity) or by a proof of pected or encouraged to want to engage in sexual activ[3][41][42][43]
blood, which refers to vaginal bleeding that results from ity, and to be more sexually-experienced.
the tearing of the hymen after the rst sanctioned sex[3][41][44]
A 2003 study
ual contact.[33][34][35] In some cultures, the nuptial blood- such ridicule from their male peers.
most counspotted bed sheet would be displayed as proof of both
consummation of marriage and that the bride had been a
Coerced medical virginity tests are practiced in many regions of the world, but are today condemned as a form of
abuse of women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO): "Sexual violence encompasses a wide
range of acts including (...) violent acts against the sexual
integrity of women, including female genital mutilation
and obligatory inspections for virginity".[36]
Researchers stress that the presence or absence of a hymen is not a reliable indicator of whether or not a female
has been vaginally penetrated.[33] The hymen is a thin lm
of membrane situated just inside the vulva which can partially occlude the entrance to the vaginal canal. It is exible and can be stretched or torn during rst engagement in
vaginal intercourse. However, a hymen may also be broken during physical activity. Many women possess such
thin, fragile hymens, easily stretched and already perforated at birth, that the hymen can be broken in childhood
without the girl even being aware of it, often through athletic activities. For example, a slip while riding a bicycle
may, on occasion, result in the bicycles saddle-horn entering the introitus just far enough to break the hymen.[37]
Further, there is the case of women with damaged hymens undergoing hymenorrhaphy (or hymenoplasty) to
repair or replace their hymens, and cause vaginal bleeding on the next intercourse as proof of virginity.[28] Others consider the practice to be virginity fraud or unnecessary. Some call themselves born-again virgins.
There is a common belief that some women are born
without a hymen,[38][39] but some doubt has been cast on
this by a recent study.[40] It is likely that almost all women
are born with a hymen, but not necessarily ones that will
experience a measurable change during rst experience
of vaginal intercourse.
Social psychology
Some studies suggest that people commence sexual activity at an earlier age than previous generations.[52][53]
However, the 2005 Durex Global sex survey found that
people worldwide are having sex for the rst time at an
average age of 17.3, ranging from 15.6 in Iceland to 19.8
in India[53] (though evidence has shown that the average age is not a good indicator of sexual initiation, and
that percentages of sexually initiated youth at each age
are preferred).[54][55] A 2008 survey of UK teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 (conducted by YouGov for
Channel 4), showed that only 6% of these teenagers intended to wait until marriage before having sex.[56]
The rates of teenage pregnancy vary and range from
143 per 1000 girls in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea. The rate for
the United States is 52.1 per 1000, the highest in the
developed world and about four times the European
Union average.[47][57] The teenage pregnancy rates between countries must take into account the level of general sex education available and access to contraceptive
options. Many Western countries have instituted sex education programs, the main objective of which is to reduce
such pregnancies and STDs. In 1996, the United States
federal government shifted the objective of sex education towards "abstinence-only sex education" programs,
promoting sexual abstinence before marriage (i.e., virginity) and prohibiting information on birth control and
contraception. In 2004, President George W. Bush announced a Five-Year Global HIV/AIDS Strategy, also
known as the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),[58] which committed the U.S. to provide
$15 billion over ve years toward AIDS relief in 15 countries in Africa and the Caribbean, and in Vietnam.[59]
A part of the funding was earmarked specically for
abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.
In a peer-reviewed study about virginity pledges (commitments made by teenagers and young adults to refrain from sexual intercourse until marriage), sociologists
Peter Bearman of Columbia and Hannah Brueckner of
Yale estimated that male pledgers were 4.1 times more
likely to remain virgins by age 25 than those who did not
pledge (25% vs 6%), and estimated that female pledgers
were 3.5 times more likely to remain virgins by age 25
than those who did not pledge (21% vs 6%).[26][27]
1965 and 1985 to see if virginity at marriage inuenced sex, commonly called the age of consent. Social (and lerisk of divorce.
gal) attitudes toward the appropriate age of consent have
drifted upwards in modern times. For example, while
ages from 10 to 13 were typically acceptable in Western
This article examines the relationship becountries during the mid-19th century,[62] the end of the
tween premarital sexual activity and the long19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were
term risk of divorce among U.S. women marmarked by changing attitudes resulting in raising the ages
ried between 1965 and 1985. Simple crossof consent to ages generally ranging from 16 to 18.[63]
tabulations from the 1988 National Survey of
Today, the age of consent varies from 12 years (or onFamily Growth indicate that women who were
set of puberty) to 21, but 16 to 18 is the most common
sexually active before marriage faced a considrange of ages of consent, but some jurisdictions also have
erably higher risk of marital disruption than
a close-in-age exception, allowing two adolescents (as
women who were virgin brides. A bivariate
young as 12 years of age) to have sex with each other proprobit model is employed to examine three
vided their ages are not more than 2 years apart. Some
possible explanations for this positive relationcountries outlaw any sex outside marriage entirely.
ship: (a) a direct causal eect, (b) an indirect eect through intervening high risk beHistorically, and still in many countries and jurisdictions
haviors (such as having a premarital birth or
today, a females sexual experience may be a relevant facmarrying at a young age), and (c) a selectivity
tor in the prosecution of a perpetrator of rape. Also, hiseect representing prior dierences between
torically, a man who took a females virginity could be
virgins and non-virgins (such as family backforced to marry her. In addition, children born as a result
ground or attitudes and values). After a variof premarital sex were subject to various legal and social
ety of observable characteristics are controlled,
disabilities such as being considered illegitimate and thus
non-virgins still face a much higher risk of dibarred from inheriting from the putative father's estate,
vorce than virgins. However, when the analysis
from bearing the fathers surname or title, and support
controls for unobserved characteristics aectfrom the putative father. Many of these legal disabiliing both the likelihood of having premarital sex
ties on children born from extramarital relationships have
and the likelihood of divorce, the dierential
been abolished by law in most Western countries, though
is no longer signicant. These results suggest
social ostracism may still apply.
that the positive relationship between premarital sex and the risk of divorce can be attributed
to prior unobserved dierences (e.g., the will3.2 Religious views
ingness to break traditional norms) rather than
to a direct causal eect.[61]
Main article: Religion and sexuality
All major religions have moral codes covering issues of
sexuality, morality, and ethics. Though these moral codes
do not address issues of sexuality directly, they seek to
regulate the situations which can give rise to sexual inter3.1 Social norms and legal implications
est and to inuence peoples sexual activities and practices. However, the impact of religious teaching has
Main articles: Sexual morality and Norm (sociology)
at times been limited. For example, though most religions disapprove of premarital sexual relations, it has alHuman sexual activity, like many other kinds of activity
ways been widely practiced. Nevertheless, these religious
engaged in by humans, is generally inuenced by social
codes have always had a strong inuence on peoples atrules that are culturally specic and vary widely. These
titudes to sexual issues.
social rules are referred to as sexual morality (what can
and can not be done by societys rules) and sexual norms
(what is and is not expected). There are a number of 3.2.1 Buddhism
groups within societies promoting their views of sexual
morality in a variety of ways, including through sex edu- Main article: Buddhism and sexuality
cation, religious teachings, seeking commitments or virginity pledges, and other means.
The most common formulation of Buddhist ethics for lay
Sexual morality
Religious views
Virgo inter Virgines (The Blessed Virgin Mary with other holy
virgins), from Bruges, Belgium during the last quarter of the 15th
Islam considers extramarital sex to be sinful and
forbidden.[4] Though Islamic law prescribes punishments
for Muslim men and women for the act of zin, in practice it is an extremely dicult oense to prove, requiring
four respectable witnesses to the actual act of penetration. Though in Western cultures premarital sex and loss
of virginity may be considered shameful to the individual,
in some Muslim societies an act of premarital sex, even
if not falling within the legal standards of proof, may result in personal shame and loss of family honor,[4] leading
some societies to practice female circumcision and honor
See also
The Purity Myth
Sworn virgin
[3] See here and pages 47-49 for views on what constitutes virginity loss and therefore sexual intercourse or
other sexual activity; source discusses how gay and lesbian individuals dene virginity loss, and how the majority of researchers and heterosexuals dene virginity
loss/"technical virginity by whether or not a person
has engaged in penile-vaginal sex. Laura M. Carpenter
(2005). Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual
Experiences. NYU Press. pp. 295 pages. ISBN 0-81471652-0. Retrieved October 9, 2011.
[20] Oral Sex and HIV Risk (PDF). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). June 2009. Retrieved August
30, 2013.
[23] Michael R Kauth (2000). True Nature: A Theory of Sexual Attraction. Springer. p. 74. ISBN 0306463903. Retrieved August 30, 2012.
See also
[51] Allen, Colin. (May 22, 2003). "Peer Pressure and Teen
Sex. Psychology Today.'.' Retrieved July 14, 2006.
[69] Walker, Benjamin (1968). The Hindu world: an encyclopedic survey of Hinduism, Volume 2 The Hindu World:
An Encyclopedic Survey of Hinduism, Benjamin Walke.
Praeger,. pp. 571572.
[52] Judith Mackay, The Penguin Atlas of Human Sexual Behavior, Myriad Editions, published by Penguin, 2000;
ISBN 978-0-14-051479-7 Human Sexual Behavior Atlas
[70] Lutwyche, Jayne (2012-09-07). Ancient Romes maidens who were the Vestal Virgins?". BBC. Retrieved
[76] arsenokoits (masc. noun of fem. 1st declension), literally a man who shares a bed with other men (see LSJ and
[77] Syriac- Christian and Rabbinic Notions of Holy Community and Sexuality Naomi Koltun-Fromm April 2006 pdf
[62] Waites, Matthew (2005). The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN
1-4039-2173-3. OCLC 238887395 58604878.
Further reading
Journal articles
Armour, Stacy and Dana L Haynie. 'Adolescent
Sexual Debut and Later Delinquency'. Journal of
Youth and Adolescence 36 (2007): 141-152. [abstract only]
External links
Media related to Virginity at Wikimedia Commons
Quotations related to Virginity at Wikiquote
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JacobTrue, Lordsheikh, Peboki, Le Puppy, PC1996, Sudhir kumar garhwal, TheVTeam, Finching, BattyBot, Factman1234567, Alan
Tyhir, Banking honesty, Khazar2, MadGuy7023, EagerToddler39, Trollyomama, GirlsWantTheSex, Lugia2453, John D. Rockerduck,
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Beboplouie, Heretomessstuup, BarryWills, ELPRESADORS SON, Gregorico1000, Snowager, Skr15081997, Dougmillen, Sibeydobey,
Cdfwedits, Tn9005, Margaretadovgal, Individualgeckore 2000, Hamza Abdullah Ben Yahia, Monkbot, BethNaught, Athekittenw, Tareta,
Jimsen~enwiki, Muhammad Areez, Me and the monkey, Aosoriory, Asiongivan, The Last Arietta, Jamesg29, Hollard1998, Connor Harrison98, HoustonMade, Superderp250, RuneMan3, Anonymous 456789.3456789, Caamano christian, Connormccarthy69, OOHSOZ123,
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