Ethics and Conduct
Ethics and Conduct
Ethics and Conduct
(a) within thirty (30) days after assumption of office; (b) on or before
April 30, of every year thereafter; and (c) within thirty (30) days
after separation from the service.
16. The PNP Core Values The police service is a noble
profession which demands from its members specialized
knowledge and skills, as well as high standards of ethics and
morality. Hence, the members of the PNP must adhere to and
internalize the enduring core values of love of God, respect for
authority, selfless love and service for people, sanctity of marriage,
and family life, responsible dominion and stewardship over material
things, and truthfulness.
17. The Police Officers Creed I believe in God, The Supreme
Being, The Great Provider, and The Creator of all men and
everything dear to me. In return, I can do no less than love Him
above all obeying His word, seek His guidance in the performance
of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times.
18. The Police Officers Creed I believe that respect for
authority is a duty. I respect and uphold the Constitution, the laws
of the land and the applicable rules and regulations. I recognize the
legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and obey legal orders of
my superior officers. I believe in selfless love and service to people.
Towards this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen
over and above my personal interest.
19. The Police Officers Creed I believe in the sanctity of
marriage and family life. I shall set the example of decency and
morality, shall have high regard for family life and value of marital
fidelity. I believe in the responsible dominion and stewardship over
material things. I shall inhibit myself from extravagance and
ostentatious display of material things. I shall help protect the
environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. I
27. Patriotism- The PNP members are traditionally patriotic
by nature. They manifest their love of country with a pledge of
allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the constitution ValorHistory attests that the Filipino law enforcers have exemplified the
tradition of valor in defending the country from aggression and
oppression and protecting/preserving the life and property of the
people. They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their
countrymen whom they have pledged to serve. Spiritual BeliefsPNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving person.
They attend religious services together with the members of their
family. Some of the Basic Issues, Professional Conduct, Customs
and Ceremonies, Traditions
28. Camaraderie- The binding spirit that enhances teamwork
and cooperation in the police organization, extending to the people
they serve., in manifested by the PNP members deep commitment
and concern for one another. Duty- PNP members have
historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants
who perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and
self-sacrifice. They shall readily accept assignment anywhere in the
country. Word of Honor- PNP members word is their bond. They
stand by and commit to uphold it. Some of the Basic Issues,
Professional Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies, Traditions
29. Integrity PNP members shall not allow themselves to
be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in accordance with
the provisions of RA 6713 and other applicable laws. Judicious
Use of Authority PNP members shall exercise proper and
legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty. MoralityPNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and
decency and shall set good examples for others to follow. Ethical
30. Humility PNP members shall recognize the fact that
they are public servants and not the masters of the people and
towards this end, they should perform their duties without attracting
attention or expecting the applause of others. Justice PNP
members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of others so
that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as human
beings, parents, children, citizens, workers, leader s, or in other
capacities and to see to it that others do likewise. Ethical
31. Perseverance Once a decision is made, PNP members
shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even in the face of
internal or external difficulties, and despite anything which might
weaken their resolve in the course of time. Orderliness PNP
members shall follow original procedures in accomplishing tasks
assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and
effort. Ethical Standards
32. Courtesy A manifestation of expression of
consideration and respect for others. Traditions Bodies of
beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation
to generation with the effect of an unwritten law. Customs Established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that
have obtained the force of law. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS
Definition of Terms:
33. Social Decorum A set of norms and standards
practiced by members during social activities and other functions.
Ceremony A formal act or set of formal acts established by
customs or authority as proper to special occasion. CUSTOMS
34. Salute to National Color and Standard Members stand
at attention and salute the national color and standard as these
pass by th Salute Salute is the usual greetings rendered by