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Ethics and Conduct

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2. 2. BASIS: Republic Act No. 6713 the "Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees. Approved: February
20, 1989.
3. 3. TERMS TO FONDER: 1. CRIME an act committed or omitted
in violation of law forbidding or commanding it. Simple
nonfeasance, misfeasance, or malfeasance by public servants or
police officers that violates the provisions of the RPC and other
statutes may constitute the commission of the crime. 2.
DISHONESTY the concealment or distortion of truth in a manner
of a fact relevant to ones office or connected with the performance
of his duties.
Consist of abandonment or renunciation of ones loyalty to the
government of the Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the
government. 4. ETHICAL STANDARD refers to the conduct and
behavior governing a group, a class, or organization. 5. GIFT
Refers to the thing or right disposed gratuitously, or any act of
liberty in favor of another who accepts it, and shall include a
simulated sale or ostensibly onerous disposition thereof. It shall not
include an unsolicited gift of nominal or insignificant value not given
in anticipation of, or exchange for a favor.
manifested lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory
performance of police duties. This refers to any physical and
intellectual quality, the lack of which substantially incapacitates one
to perform the duties of peace officers. 7. MALFEASANCE It is
the performance of some act which ought not to be done. It is the

doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which

the officer had no legal right to do at all, as when he acts without
any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuse his powers.
Or the performance of some act which is unlawful or wrongful or
which one has specially contracted not to perform or it is
sometimes called official misconduct.
6. 6. TERMS TO FONDER: 8. MISCONDUCT This is generally
premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose. It usually refers to
transgression of some established and definite rule of action,
where no discretion is left except what necessity may demand. It
does not necessarily means corruption or criminal intention but
implies wrong intention and not mere error of judgment. 9.
MISFEASANCE or Irregularities in the Performance of a Duty It is
the improper performance of some act which might lawfully be
done or the performance of a lawful act in an unlawfully or culpably
negligent manner.
to what is judged as good conduct. The term moral is also used to
describe someone who has the capacity to make value judgments
and discernment from wrong. 11. MOONLIGHTING An act of a
member of the PNP pursuing or following any calling or occupation
or the act of engaging in any business, which includes but not
limited to all activities, jobs, work, and similar functions, performed,
engaged in or undertaken by him, in or off duty hours with or
without compensation, which is inconsistent or incompatible with
the PNP duties and/or functions.
DUTY It is omission of some act, which ought to be performed. It
is the omission or refusal without sufficient excuse, to perform an
act or duty, which is a peace officers legal obligation to perform. 13.
OPPRESSION Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful

execution, or excessive use of authority. 14. POLICE CUSTOMS

AND SOCIAL DECORUM A set of norms and standards
practiced by members during social and other functions. 15.
POLICE ETHICS It is the practical science that treats the
principle of human morality and duty as applied to law
refers to the set of behavioral standard governing particular
profession or professionals. 17. PUBLIC OFFICIAL Includes
elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or
temporary, whether in the career or non- career service, including
military and police personnel, whether they receive compensation
or not, regardless of amount.
EMPLOYEE Any persons holding any public office or
employment by virtue of an appointment, election, contract and any
persons holding any office or employment, by appointment or
contract in any state-owned or controlled corporation. 19.
VIOLATION OF LAW Presupposes conviction in court of any
crime or offense penalized under RPC or any special law or
11. TERMS TO FONDER: 20. Conflict of interest arises when
a public official or employee is a member of a board, an officer, or a
substantial stockholder of a private corporation or owner or has a
substantial interest in a business, and the interest of such
corporation or business, or his rights or duties therein, may be
opposed to or affected by the faithful performance of official duty.
21. Commitment to public interest - Public officials and employees
shall always uphold the public interest over and above personal
interest. All government resources and powers of their respective

offices must be employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly

and economically, particularly to avoid wastage in public
12. TERMS TO FONDER: 22. Professionalism - Public
officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties
with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence
and skill. They shall enter public service with utmost devotion and
dedication to duty. They shall endeavor to discourage wrong
perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue
patronage. 23. Nationalism and patriotism - Public officials and
employees shall at all times be loyal to the Republic and to the
Filipino people, promote the use of locally produced goods,
resources and technology and encourage appreciation and pride of
country and people. They shall endeavor to maintain and defend
Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
13. TERMS TO FONDER: 24. Solicitation or acceptance of
gifts - Public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept,
directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or
anything of monetary value from any person in the course of their
official duties or in connection with any operation being regulated
by, or any transaction which may be affected by the functions of
their office.
14. TERMS TO FONDER: 25. Statements of Assets and
Liabilities and Financial Disclosure - All public officials and
employees, except those who serve in an honorary capacity,
laborers and casual or temporary workers, shall file under oath
their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth and a
Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections and
those of their spouses and unmarried children under eighteen (18)
years of age living in their households.
15. TERMS TO FONDER: Statements of Assets and
Liabilities and Financial Disclosure: The documents must be filed:

(a) within thirty (30) days after assumption of office; (b) on or before
April 30, of every year thereafter; and (c) within thirty (30) days
after separation from the service.
16. The PNP Core Values The police service is a noble
profession which demands from its members specialized
knowledge and skills, as well as high standards of ethics and
morality. Hence, the members of the PNP must adhere to and
internalize the enduring core values of love of God, respect for
authority, selfless love and service for people, sanctity of marriage,
and family life, responsible dominion and stewardship over material
things, and truthfulness.
17. The Police Officers Creed I believe in God, The Supreme
Being, The Great Provider, and The Creator of all men and
everything dear to me. In return, I can do no less than love Him
above all obeying His word, seek His guidance in the performance
of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times.
18. The Police Officers Creed I believe that respect for
authority is a duty. I respect and uphold the Constitution, the laws
of the land and the applicable rules and regulations. I recognize the
legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and obey legal orders of
my superior officers. I believe in selfless love and service to people.
Towards this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen
over and above my personal interest.
19. The Police Officers Creed I believe in the sanctity of
marriage and family life. I shall set the example of decency and
morality, shall have high regard for family life and value of marital
fidelity. I believe in the responsible dominion and stewardship over
material things. I shall inhibit myself from extravagance and
ostentatious display of material things. I shall help protect the
environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. I

believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must be trustworthy and I

shall uphold the truth at all
20. Filipino Values 1. Fear of the Lord (Pagkatakot sa Diyos).
2. Faith (Pananalig) 3. Close Family Ties (Makapamilya) 4.
Community Spirit (Bayanihan) 5. Solidarity (Pakikibaka) 6. Love for
Others/Fellowmen (Pakikipagkapwa/Pakikisama) 7. Knowledge
(Karunungan) 8. Love for Country or Patriotism (Pagmamahal sa
Bayan) 9. Responsible Citizenship (Mabuting Mamayan) 10.
Courage (Lakas or Tibay ng Loob)
21. Police Lifestyle- The PNP shall promote and maintain a
lifestyle for its members which the public will find credible and
respectable. The public expects a police officer to live a simple and
dignified life. They must be free from greed corruption and
exploitation. Delicadeza- In consonance with the requirements of
honor and integrity in the PNP, all members must have the moral
courage to sacrifice self- interest in keeping with the time-honored
principle of delicadeza. Some of the Basic Issues, Professional
Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies, Traditions
22. Non-Partisanship- PNP members shall provide services
to everyone without discrimination regardless of party affiliation in
accordance with existing laws and regulations. Political
Patronage- PNP members shall inhibit themselves from soliciting
political patronage on matters pertaining to assignment, award,,
training and promotion. Some of the Basic Issues, Professional
Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies, Traditions
23. Secrecy Discipline- PNP members shall guard the
confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized
disclosure, including confidential aspects of official business,
special orders, communications and other documents roster or any
portion thereof, contents of criminal records, identities of persons
who may have given information to the police in confidence and

other classified information or intelligence material.Some of the

Basic Issues, Professional Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies,
24. Obedience to Superiors- PNP members shall obey lawful
orders of and be courteous to superior officers and other
appropriate authorities within the chain of command. LoyaltyPNP members shall be loyal to the Constitution and the police
service as manifested by their loyalty to their superiors peers and
subordinates as well. Discipline- PNP members shall conduct
themselves properly at all times in keeping with the rules and
regulations of the organization. Some of the Basic Issues,
Professional Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies, Traditions
25. Command Responsibility- In accordance with the
Doctrine on Command Responsibility, immediate Commanders/
Directors shall be responsible for the effective supervision, control
and direction of their personnel and shall see to it that all
government resources shall be managed, expended or utilized in
accordance with laws and regulations and safeguard against
losses thru illegal or improper disposition.Some of the Basic
Issues, Professional Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies,
26. Happy Hours- Usually on Friday or any other day suitable
for the occasion, PNP members gather together at their PNP club
for a light hearted jesting or airing of minor gripes. Honor
Ceremony Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are rendered
to visiting dignitaries, VIPs, PNP Officers with the grade of Chief
Superintendent and above and AFP officers of equivalent grade,
unless waived. Half-Mast The flag is raised at half-mast in
deference to deceased uniformed members of the command.
Some of the Basic Issues, Professional Conduct, Customs and
Ceremonies, Traditions

27. Patriotism- The PNP members are traditionally patriotic
by nature. They manifest their love of country with a pledge of
allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the constitution ValorHistory attests that the Filipino law enforcers have exemplified the
tradition of valor in defending the country from aggression and
oppression and protecting/preserving the life and property of the
people. They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their
countrymen whom they have pledged to serve. Spiritual BeliefsPNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving person.
They attend religious services together with the members of their
family. Some of the Basic Issues, Professional Conduct, Customs
and Ceremonies, Traditions
28. Camaraderie- The binding spirit that enhances teamwork
and cooperation in the police organization, extending to the people
they serve., in manifested by the PNP members deep commitment
and concern for one another. Duty- PNP members have
historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants
who perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and
self-sacrifice. They shall readily accept assignment anywhere in the
country. Word of Honor- PNP members word is their bond. They
stand by and commit to uphold it. Some of the Basic Issues,
Professional Conduct, Customs and Ceremonies, Traditions
29. Integrity PNP members shall not allow themselves to
be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in accordance with
the provisions of RA 6713 and other applicable laws. Judicious
Use of Authority PNP members shall exercise proper and
legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty. MoralityPNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and
decency and shall set good examples for others to follow. Ethical

30. Humility PNP members shall recognize the fact that
they are public servants and not the masters of the people and
towards this end, they should perform their duties without attracting
attention or expecting the applause of others. Justice PNP
members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of others so
that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as human
beings, parents, children, citizens, workers, leader s, or in other
capacities and to see to it that others do likewise. Ethical
31. Perseverance Once a decision is made, PNP members
shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even in the face of
internal or external difficulties, and despite anything which might
weaken their resolve in the course of time. Orderliness PNP
members shall follow original procedures in accomplishing tasks
assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and
effort. Ethical Standards
32. Courtesy A manifestation of expression of
consideration and respect for others. Traditions Bodies of
beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation
to generation with the effect of an unwritten law. Customs Established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that
have obtained the force of law. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS
Definition of Terms:
33. Social Decorum A set of norms and standards
practiced by members during social activities and other functions.
Ceremony A formal act or set of formal acts established by
customs or authority as proper to special occasion. CUSTOMS
34. Salute to National Color and Standard Members stand
at attention and salute the national color and standard as these
pass by th Salute Salute is the usual greetings rendered by

uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing person entitled

to a salute. Police Customs on Courtesy Address/Title Junior in
rank address senior members who are entitled to salute with the
word Sir or Maam. All Police Commissioned Officers shall be
addressed sir or maam by Police Non- Commissioned Officers and
Non-Uniformed Personnel.em or when the national color is raised
or lowered during ceremonies.
35. Courtesy Call of Newly Assigned/Appointed Member
PNP members who are newly appointed or assigned in a unit or
command call on the chief of the unit or command and other key
personnel as a matter of courtesy, as well as for accounting,
orientation and other purposes.Police Customs on Courtesy
Courtesy Calls The following are the customs on courtesy calls:
36. Exit Call PNP members pay an Exit Call on their
superiors in the unit or command when relieved or reassigned out
of the said unit or command. Promotion Call Newly promoted
PNP members call on their unit head. On this occasion, they are
usually given due recognition and congratulations by their peers for
such deserved accomplishment. New Years Call PNP
members pay a New Years call on their commanders and /or key
officials in their respective areas of responsibility. Christmas Call
PNP members pay a Christmas Call on their local executives in
their respective areas of responsibility. Courtesy Calls
37. Rank Has Its Own Privilege (RHIP) PNP members
recognize the practice that different ranks carry with them
corresponding privileges. Courtesy of the Post The host unit
extend hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the
command or unit. Police Customs on Courtesy

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