Discipleship Encounters

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Jerry and Nancy Reed

(With Disciplers Guide)

Jerry and Nancy Reed

Version 3.5 of Discipleship Encounters

Covenant Resource Center

3200 W. Foster Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60625

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Web address: http://www.discipleship.info

2003 by Jerold and Nancy Reed. All material in these Discipleship

Encounters may be copied and passed on to others.

Introduction i

Preface iv

Encounter Outlines

Step One Becoming a Christian; the Four Assurances 1

Step Two The Basis of Discipleship 2
Step Three The Wheel 4
Step Four The Lordship of Christ 5
Step Five The Holy Spirit 7
Step Six The Word 9
Step Seven Prayer 11
Step Eight Witness 13
Step Nine Fellowship 15
Step Ten The Obedient Believer 17


Practical Helps 19
Optional starting points
The Bible, God, & People 21
The Bridge Illustration 23
Progress Sheets for keeping track of each encounter (copy ready) 24
Prayer list (copy ready) 26
Stewardship in the Christian life 27
Summary of memory verses 28
Topical Memory System (material from The Navigators) 29
Study the Scriptures (STS) outline plan 30
The STS form (copy ready) 31


Stop! Don't read any further until you have read the Preface to these
Discipleship Encounters. The warning in the Preface against the "information
trap" is important background for effective discipleship.

Please check this box when you have read the Preface.

Great! Thank you for reading the Preface. Here are some considerations to help
you as you proceed in the discipling process:

1) Review the Practical Helps for Discipleship found on pages 19 and 20 of

the Appendix. Many basic questions about discipleship are answered there.

Please check this box when you have read the Practical Helps.

2) Turn now to pages 21 and 22. These are entitled The Bible, God, and People
and represent optional starting points in the discipling process. You can see
from the content that this step opens up conversation about who God is, what the
Bible is, and what God has done in Christ so that people can know Him. Turn to
page 23. This is an explanation of the Bridge Illustration which many have
found useful for leading someone to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please check this box when you have read pages 21, 22, and 23.

3) Now look at the Progress Sheets on pp. 24 and 25. Make copies of these two
pages for each encounter group that you have. Then write the name(s) of your
disciple(s) in the spaces provided at the top of the page. At the close of every
discipleship encounter check off the points and subpoints covered. (Some days
you may not cover the points in the outline because you are dealing with other
important items). Write in the date of your next encounter beside the point
where you plan to begin.

Please check this box when you have made copies of the Progress Sheets.

4) Remember the importance of asking a question. The question is your friend.

Use them as you disciple others. Questions allow your disciple(s) to talk and
share their insights and understandings and to ask their own questions which
will often guide your conversation in unexpected but important directions.

Now, turn toThe Discipler's Guide on page 1a to find the"Prompts and Notes
for STEP ONE. (This page is opposite page no. 1 (STEP ONE)) and observe
the following:
a) Page 1a is the guide for page 1 of the Encounter outlines and page
2a is the guide for page 2, etc.

b) Notice that at the top of the page the Purpose of Step One is stated.
The purpose for each Step is important to keep in mind as you proceed
through the Encounters with your disciple(s).

c) There are Remember paragraphs highlighted with a shadowed

background on each "Prompts and Notes page. These paragraphs
emphasize the importance of Christian formation in the discipling
process. Here you will find ideas for enriching the process and helping
your disciple(s) begin discipling others. Sometimes you will discover
suggestions for Review. Remember these are just general guidelines.

d) The numbers down the left side of the page refer to the line numbers
in the Encounter outlines. An arrow () before a number means that
there is a question written in italics that you may want to use to start a
conversation about that point. A number without an arrow (for example
2.3 on page 1a) is information just to tell you what we had in mind
when we put the outline together.

e) Finally, the footnote at the bottom of the page is the first reminder of
what has already been stated, namely that the questions provided in the
Discipler's Guide are only suggestions. Be relaxed and confident in the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, -- free to create your own questions or
pattern for working through the outlines as you spend time growing
with your disciple(s).

Please check this box when you have carefully studied page 1a.

5) As you start, agree together on the length of time you will meet together. You
might suggest just two or three weeks and then re negotiate for a longer time
period if you and your disciple(s) are agreeable. An option for the first round
with someone is to make a copy of Step One without the top line that says
"STEP ONE and page -1-". In this way Step One stands alone and does not
suggest that there is more to follow. Thus it becomes easier to have early closure
if you discover that the group is not working out. Be careful of "sag" in your
relationship halfway through. Help those being discipled to have a sense of
progress, bit by bit, as you grow together. When you end make sure you have
strong closure. Do not just fade away.

6) The last consideration before you begin discipling someone is basic and
easily overlooked. What are your objectives or expectations for discipling the
person(s) you have in mind just now? There are different ways to answer this
Possible answers could include such things as having a basic understanding of
what the Christian life is all about, the ability to train new Christians, raise up
leaders among youth, leadership training for small groups, preparation for
planting a new church, training people who can share pastoral responsibilities,
preparing those who can teach Sunday School, and/or equipping those who
might share in leading worship . One major objective in all of the above is to
raise up another generation of disciples. Use your imagination to think of many
more possibilities for giving sharp focus to the discipling process. Again, what is
your purpose for discipling someone at this time?

Write your purpose(s) here by completing the following sentence.

My purpose at this time for getting together with [fill in the name(s) 1, 2, or 3
people here]

______________________, ______________________


is to: ______________________________________________

Check this box when you have written down your purpose(s).

Remember that the nervousness you will experience as you approach those with
whom you want to get together and grow comes from our spiritual enemy. He
does not want this powerful and effective process to begin. But we have victory
in Jesus. Therefore pray and go, asking the Holy Spirit to fill you and use you.

An Ever Growing Story

There is probably nothing more satisfying than knowing that God is

using you to encourage another person to grow as a Christian. In the last
twenty years literally hundreds of people have discovered the significance, joy
and satisfaction of helping another person grow in their Christian life using
these Discipleship Encounters.

Marvin Ladner, a business man who first discipled me at the university,

planted a seed that continues to grow. First in Ecuador, then more significantly in
Mexico, the simple and yet dynamic discipling process set forth here took on a
clear focus as we trained lay leaders to start churches and pastor them. The
process continues. It began in Spanish, and then English, and now there are
translations in French, Japanese, Korean, Lingala, Swedish, Tagalog, Russian,
Swahili, and Tenyidie (also known as Angami Naga for use in Nagaland, India).
In process is a Bulgarian version.

As we watch the dynamics of discipleship encounters in many

different contexts we have discovered people using the outlines that make up
the Discipleship Encounters in different ways. The following pages are
designed to help the discipler have a positive experience in discipleship.

Narrow-Band or Broad-Band Discipleship?

The term discipleship in some circles has become synonymous with

teaching or Christian education. The meaning of discipleship in these cases is
broad-band and inclusive. The focus of these Discipleship Encounter outlines
is narrow-band or that of an intensive relationship between an experienced
person and one, two, or three others. This could also be called a mentoring
relationship in which wisdom, knowledge, experience, insight, and vision is
transferred from one to another.

Multiplication of Leaders

This form of discipleship works well in any area of church life and
ministry. Lucy Baig, in using her spiritual gift of mercy, used the Encounter
outlines to train other women to minister to elderly women in Mexico City. In
the same way, the outlines that make up the Encounters may be used by
Sunday school teachers, worship leaders, church planters or anyone who has a
vision for multiplying their kind.

Unity and Care Within the Church

While interviewing disciplers with more than twelve years of

experience in Mexico City, I was pleasantly surprised by Sara's observation
that discipleship had produced the wonderful by-product of bringing people
together in the church so that they really became friends. Pastor Roberto
Gonzalez, one of the most experienced disciplers I know, said that in his
church the discipleship ministry was impacting mutual care among his
members. He told of a member who had known another for sixteen years and
was no more than an acquaintance. Now (because of Discipleship) they are
close friends and caring for one another.

More Than One-on-One

People err when speaking of this dynamic discipling process as a

one-on-one discipleship approach. While it is true that often we do have one-
on-one discipleship encounters, this must be seen as an accommodation to a
better approach. Ideally two or three disciples in a group provide the best
dynamic for discipleship. When there are two or three together the mutuality
of being part of the Body of Christ is more easily experienced. Body life can
more easily be learned in this context. There is also an implicit kind of
accountability present when there is more than just one disciple in the

Discipling or Teaching? (Encounters or Classes?)

A special note to those who might use this material -- before you
start "discipling" people you need to make a decision. The decision is one of
focus. Do you plan to teach the content of these Discipleship Encounters or
are you going to disciple a few people using these outlines to help you in the
discipling process? If your focus is on teaching the content of this material I
would strongly urge you to do so without calling the process discipleship.
Discipleship is much more than just teaching content. If you are looking for a
title to use in the case of teaching this material you could call it Training in
the Christian Basics. In this case you will have "classes" and not "encounters"
when you meet. An "encounter" is the meeting together of you, and your
disciple(s) with the Lord for growth through prayer, fellowship that
encourages, and the study of the Bible in the context of daily living.

Formation or Information?

It is this dynamic approach to discipleship that is encouraged with

these outlines. The focus is on Christians growing into the likeness of Jesus
Christ. The intent is the formation of a godly life and character along with a
basic knowledge of the Bible. By way of comparison, in the classroom
context, knowledge or information is the focus, while in the discipling
context, formation, i.e. principles, values, vision, and goals, along with
knowledge becomes the focus. On the one hand, the teaching approach tells us
that Jesus is Lord. On the other hand the discipleship approach helps us to
experience the Lordship of Jesus in our daily lives.

With this discipleship model, life is shared with others. There is

growth together. Vision and ministry is both shared and taught. Dependency
on the Lord Jesus increases and fruit is born. Thus discipleship can involve
nurture, evangelism, church planting, prayer, worship, and justice and peace
issues all at the same time.

The Ideal Context For Vision Casting

Leaders must have a vision -- a mental picture of what tomorrow will

look like. They see a future in ministry and its exciting possibilities. However,
most vision casters have found that their followers (disciples) will probably
forget the vision within a month unless that vision is repeated over and over in
different ways. These Encounters provide a context for casting a vision and
reinforcing it over a period of months.

One Life Impacting Another Life

An illustration may help to show the dynamics of one person

impacting another through the discipling process. As Suzy approached her old
doll house on the back porch she remembered how her Daddy had
transformed the looks of the garage door earlier in the day. He had taken a
can off the shelf, opened it, added some water, stirred and begun painting. So
Suzy decided she would paint her doll house. She found a can, added water,
stirred and with a small brush from the garage began painting one end of the
doll house. When one end was finished she stood back to see how nice it
looked. To her surprise it looked the same. Nothing had happened! When her
Daddy came to see what the problem was he discovered that she was painting
with water.

Suzy had gone through the motions of mixing and painting but there
was no change in the final product. She lacked just one thing -- the pigment,
the color. And so it is with discipleship. Simply using the outlines as material
for teaching is the same as painting with water. For true discipleship to take
place we need to share the pigment of our lives. Pigment represents such
things as our passion, our vision, our hunger for more of God, our feeling
weak and casting ourselves in dependence upon the Lord, our seeking the
fullness of the Holy Spirit, our honesty, our search for purity -- all of this and
more. These things are more easily caught than taught. That is why we say
that the Encounter outlines are a pretext for meeting together.

Time and Multiplication

The fruit of discipleship is seen after you have invested time in a

relationship and let the pigment of your life impact the life of your disciples
(as you depend on the infilling Holy Spirit). There are no short cuts. This is
more than a ten week process. Six months to two years is realistic. I find that
nine months is usually adequate for a discipleship relationship to bear fruit.
By the time the disciples have come to step five in the process they should be
selecting the people they will each be meeting with on a regular basis for their
own "discipleship encounters."
This means that you will still be available week after week to
encourage and help your disciples to have a positive and lasting impact on the
next generation of disciples. Ideally, by the time you have finished step ten
and some "Study the Scriptures" Bible studies (pp. 30-31), your disciples
should be doing well in their own "encounters" and you can begin again with
another small group of two or three people.

I have also had failures in discipleship. Sometimes early in the

process and other times later, someone drops out. I have worked with those
who never reproduced themselves. These cases throw me back on the Lord in
dependence and weakness. Yet the successes far outweigh the failures.
Discipleship is worth the risk of some failure along the way. We are always

This Preface should serve as a guideline and not a hard and fast rule.
But there is one rule of thumb that should continually be applied in the
discipling process: Is what I am teaching, showing, and demonstrating easily
transferable and "pass-on-able?" We hear many good sermons, and there are
many good seminars and classes available which help build up our
knowledge, but most are not designed to be easily transmitted to others. Keep
it simple.

A Pretext for Meeting Together

Since the discipling process depends on the dynamic factors

mentioned above, we make every effort to avoid the subtle traps that could
make it just another class or time consuming effort. Thus the Discipleship
Encounter outlines become the pretext for meeting together and growing
together. All the people involved in the process grow together. We offer a list
of practical helps on pp. 19-20 that will answer the most common questions
and provide guidelines for those who are just getting started.

Whom Shall I Disciple?

The question always comes up, "Whom shall I disciple?" There are
five options that I shall mention:

1. New Christians. Initially the Encounters were written for new

believers so that they could immediately share their new found faith in Jesus
Christ with their family members and friends. Basic to the process was the
vision that these new Christians would soon begin to disciple their own
friends and relatives as soon as they came to know Christ.

2. Fervent Christians. Without a clear sense of direction and

purpose, younger fervent Christians easily lose the freshness in their walk
with the Lord Jesus. The Encounters provide the context and focus for
continued growth and purposeful ministry.
3. Vintage Christians. The Encounters provide the framework for
helping seasoned Christians (vintage Christians) organize their knowledge so
that they can pass it on to others -- especially to those new Christians that they
are praying for. Also the outlines provide the very exciting possibility for
renewal among those who desire more of God in their lives. In discipleship we
grow together - both the disciples and the discipler.

4. Pre-Christians. The Encounters may be used to help pre-

Christians (non-Christians) explore the meaning of being a Christian. If this is
the case the table of contents will guide you to various themes or starting
points that you might find useful in your encounters together. Pages 21-23 in
the Appendix will be helpful in this case.

5. Your own children. Taking each of my teenagers out for

breakfast once a week before school was a wonderful time to "check in" with
them. We inched our way through the outlines as we talked about school,
friends, etc. Having their best friend join us worked out especially well. For
the younger child in grade school - once a week after school for ice cream
works well. In this case we suggest an abbreviated, more easy going approach
using the graphics to help communicate the basics.


The discipler will readily discern that these outlines contain little that
is original. My wife, Nancy, and I compiled the initial outlines in Ecuador,
South America. We used the Navigator's Wheel Illustration to determine the
major themes of the material. Later, following Dale Bishop's and Keith
Tungseth's adaptation of the Wheel we added the hub to represent the Holy
Spirit. Many disciples, disciplers and colleagues in ministry have helped in the
development of this tool. We want to thank to Tim Ek for help with the
stewardship outline (See page 27). Special thanks go to Jerry and Vicky Love,
our missionary colleagues in Mexico, for helping to field test and make
improvements in the outlines and for developing the supplementary material
found in the Appendix on pages 21-23. We are indebted to Carl Racine, short-
term missionary to Ecuador and Mexico, for his keen insights and
suggestions. Our appreciation for continual fresh insights and ideas for
improvements goes to former short-term missionary to Mexico and President
of Alaska Christian College, Keith Hamilton.

Since coming back to the United States, I (Jerry) teach evangelism,

discipleship, and church growth at North Park Theological Seminary. Nancy
is the Coordinator for Hispanic Church Relations for the Covenant Church
and works directly with national church leaders in Latin America, Spain, and
the Hispanic church in the U.S.A. We continue to be involved in discipleship
ministries. We work with churches, pastors and lay people in discipleship
seminars in the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. The
feedback and insights gained from the seminars as well as from my students
and personal experience are now reflected in this present edition (Version 3.5)
of the Discipleship Encounters which also includes the Discipler's Guide .

Chicago, April 2002 Jerry and Nancy Reed



1. If someone were to ask you what a Christian is, how would you respond?

2. Salvation comes only through receiving Jesus Christ. Booklets such as

"The Four Spiritual Laws" or "Steps to Peace with God" help us explain to
others how to know and walk with Jesus. See http://www.ccci.org/wyltkgp/
or http://billygraham.org/languages/spanish/stepsToPeace.asp.

2.1 Becoming a Christian in the book of Romans -- the Roman Road

A. The human problem: sin - Rom 3:23
B. The result of sin and God's gift - Rom 6:23
C. God's costly provision for my sin - Rom 5:8
D. Faith and submission to Jesus' lordship - Rom 10:9
E. The call to a response of total commitment - Rom 12:1,2

2.2 Salvation is a free gift Eph 2:8-10

2.3 The Miniature Plan of Salvation.

Rev. 3:20, Jn. 1:12, & Rom. 10:9. *

3. The Four Assurances

Satan especially attacks new Christians in these four areas. We defend

ourselves with the Word of God even as Jesus did--Matt 4:4,7,10

3.1 The assurance of salvation

I John 5:11,12
3.2 The assurance of victory over temptation
I Cor 10:13
3.3 The assurance of forgiveness
I John 1:9
3.4 The assurance of God's provision for our needs
John 16:24, Mt 6:25-34

HOMEWORK: Memorize Rev 3:20 and John 1:12. In the following weeks
you will be memorizing other verses.
Romans 10:9 I John 1:9
I John 5:11,12 John 16:24
I Cor 10:13

*The indicates homework.



Romans 1:11,12 "For I want very much to see you, in order to share a spiritual
blessing with you to make you strong. What I mean is that both you and I will
be helped at the same time, you by my faith and I by yours." Good News Bible

1. Discipling--

1.1 A. Four generations - a biblical model of multiplying disciples.

The gospel and the Christian life are shared simply with others
so that they can easily be passed on from the first to the
fourth generation. 2 Tim 2:2
1st generation: Paul
2nd generation: Timothy
3rd generation: faithful people
4th generation: others
B. Four generation principle in O. T. -- Ps 78:5,6; Joel 1:3

1.2 The illustration of the two seas:

A. The Dead Sea--does not support life because it doesn't give,
only takes in water. (Christians who just receive and don't
share the gospel and the Christian life with others.)
B. The Sea of Galilee--supports life because water comes in and
goes out (Christians who share Christ with others.)

1.3 Examples:
A. Andrew calls Simon Peter--John 1:40-42
B. Philip and Nathanael--John 1:43-45
C. Jesus and His disciples--Mark 3:14 He chose them to be with
him first and then to send them out
information 10% of the discipling effort
formation 90% of the discipling effort

2. What are the requirements of discipleship found in Luke 14:25-33? (This

is a familiar Hebraic form of teaching using extreme contrasts.) Compare
Matt 10:37-39; 15:3,4.

3. Can you find at least ten privileges of discipleship John 15:7-16?


4. We are setting down the basics in discipleship. Don't be discouraged if you

don't see all of the characteristics of a disciple in the beginning. We're
learning and growing.

4.1 Personal characteristics that develop in a disciple's life:

A. Decisiveness: 1 Cor 16:13,14 "Be alert, stand firm, be brave,
be strong. Do everything in love."
B. Maturity. Grown up into Christ -- Eph 4:14,15
C. Diligence. Have a great desire to LEARN and great diligence
to PRACTICE what you have learned. 1 Tim 4:15, 16
D. Faithfulness. Get to know one another. Establish trust. 1 Cor
4:2; Prov 20:6; Eccl 5:4-6a
E. Modeling. Be a model for others to follow--1 Tim 4:12
F. Encouraging. Encourage others to be successful in all areas of
life--Phil 2:3,4; Lk 22:24-26; Rom 12:3
G. Pace setting. Plan for the "long haul"--1 Cor 9:24-27

4.2 Relationships with others.

A. Friendship requires effort.-- Prov 17:17; Jn 15:12-14.
B. Leadership focuses on serving.--Mark 10:43-45. A Christian
leader is a servant. This is not our cultural pattern, but is
Christ's model given to us.
C. Mutual submission is God's plan.--Eph 5:21; 1 Peter 5:5; and
unity is the result of being joined together in one body --Eph
D. Spiritual authority comes as a result of working with and
voluntarily under others. Notice how Titus is commissioned
by Paul--Titus 1:5-- to act with authority --Titus 2:15. Also
observe how Paul is subject to the Apostles--Acts 15:1,2;
16:4.and Gal 2:9,10. We recognize and submit to spiritual
authority. It is not imposed.

HOMEWORK: Memorize 2 Timothy 2:2

Find some of the characteristics of a disciple:

John 13:34,35 ______________________________

John 8:31__________________________________
Ephesians 6:18 _____________________________
I Peter 3:15 ________________________________
John 15:8__________________________________
Mark 10:43-45 _____________________________
Acts 1:8


1. Personal daily devotions.

1.1 Christ's example--Mark 1:32-35

1.2 Begin with 7 minutes a day:
--2 minutes pray, ask God's leading
--3 minutes read the Word
--2 minutes pray to put into practice
what you have learned
1.3 Needed: a time, a place, a plan and a Bible (a pen and a notebook)

2. The wheel illustration* (Shows the relationship of the themes of each

STEP that follows in these Discipleship Encounter Outlines).

2.1 CHRIST--the axle, the center of life--Phil 2:9-11

2.2 HOLY SPIRIT--the hub--Eph 5:18; John 16:13,14; Luke 3:16

2.3 The VERTICAL SPOKES (God speaks to us through his Word and
we speak with God through prayer).
THE WORD--Psalm 119:9,11; Matt 4:4
PRAYER--Phil 4:6,7; John 15:7

2.4 The HORIZONTAL SPOKES (We reach out to Christians in

fellowship and to non-Christians through our witness).
WITNESS --I John 1:3

2.5 OBEDIENCE--John 14:21; Luke 6:46-49 - the tire or rim -- that

which holds everything together.

or continue a personal
devotional time.

Memorize John 15:5

And the parts of the

*Adapted from the

Navigators Wheel
Illustr. Used by

1. The Bible speaks of Jesus as Lord*. He wants to be Lord of the life of each
believer. The definition of the word Lord is: owner, chief, governor,
slave owner, highest authority, king. This word indicates: position,
complete control, greatest authority, master. Therefore, we need to
respond to the question posed in Luke 6:46.
2. We have to decide to serve one lord or another--Luke 16:13.
3. Choose 2 or 3 areas which make it especially difficult for you to live under
the new management of Jesus or to let Him be Lord of your life.

Priorities--Matt 6:33
Things--clothing, cars, etc. Luke 12:15
Social standing--Matt 20:26-28
Power--1 Peter 5:5,6
Pride--Rom 12:3
Family--Luke 14:26; Matt 10:37
Escapism--drugs, alcohol, Eph 5:18
Pleasure--Mark 4:19
Egoism--Phil 2:3,4
Money--Eccl 5:10,11; Psalm 62:10
Sex--1 Cor 6:18-20; Matt 5:27-28
Anxiety--Rom 8:28; Phil 4:6
Good deeds--Rom 4:4,5; Eph 2:8-10
Tithe--robbing God--Mal 3:8-10; 2 Cor 8:1-8, 9:6-8
Fear--2 Tim 1:7; 1 John 4:4,18
Thought life--Phil 4:8; Col 3:2
Critical spirit--Matt 7:1-3
Bitterness--Heb 12:14,15
The tongue--James 3:2; Prov 26:20-22
Envy--Prov 14:30; 1 Pet 2:1
Bad temper--Prov 16:32; 2 Tim 1:7
Irresponsibility--1 Cor 4:2; Matt 25:14-30
Care of the body--1 Cor 6:19,20
Lying--Lev 19:11; Eph 4:25
Resentment--Prov 10:12; 1 Peter 3:9
Forgiveness--Mark 11:25
Other..(for example: racism, denying Christ, not accepting
others, deceitfulness, cheating, exploitation of others, guilt, etc.)

*In the New Testament the word Savior occurs only 24 times and the word
Lord occurs over 600 times thus showing the importance of Jesus' lordship.
4. Choose with your mind and with your will to offer your whole life as a
living sacrifice--Rom 12:1,2.


4.1 Consider the idea of giving over all your rights to God. He always
protects and takes care of what is His. Now there is no reason for
arguments or bad attitudes towards others, because now you are no
longer the owner of anything that they can harm.

4.2 Consider the idea of giving all your belongings over to God--
Genesis 22:1-18
-What did Abraham offer to God?
-What did God do with this sacrifice?
-Can you trust God to do what is best with your life and possessions
if you give them to Him?

4.3 Commit yourself to giving thanks to God whatever happens--I

Thess 5:18; Eph 5:20. This instruction is for you to apply to your
life, but not to give insensitively to people who are hurting.

4.4 Continue seeking instructions from Christ each day. The action is
continual--Luke 9:23.
A. Deny yourself
B. Take up your cross each day
C. Follow Christ

HOMEWORK: Memorize Philippians 2:9-11

Read the booklet "Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery Of

The Spirit-Filled Life?" http://www.ccci.org/spirit

*This illustration of Christ or Self being on the Throne of your life is adapted
from the above booklet. by Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. 1966.


1. Every believer has the Holy Spirit

1.1 Sealed with the Holy Spirit--Eph 1:13

1.2 The Holy Spirit gives testimony to our spirit--Rom 8:16

2. Words of John the Baptist

2.1 "He will baptize you with the Holy spirit and with fire."--Mt 3:11;
Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16
2.2 The fulfillment of the promise--Acts 1:5; 2:4

3. The teachings of Jesus

3.1 The Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask --Luke 11:9-13
3.2 Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Streams of living water - John 7:37-
39; "like" a dove - Mt 3:13-17; Wind - Acts 2:2; Fire - Acts 2:3.
3.3 The role of the Holy Spirit
A. John 14:26
1. Counselor or helper--sent by the Father in the name of Jesus Christ
2. Teaches all things
3. Helps us remember what Jesus said
B. John 15:26-16:15
1. Counselor or helper--John 15:26
2. Spirit of truth
3. Bears witness to Christ
4. Convinces the world of:--John 16:8
5. Guides into all truth--John 16:13
-Speaks what he hears
6. Declares things to come
7. Glorifies Christ--John 16:14
C. Acts 1:1-9-Gives power to witness--Acts 1:8
D. Gives witness as we speak of Jesus--Rom 15:18,19; Heb 2:4

4. The disciples had the Holy Spirit before Pentecost--John 20:22 -- but were
filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (see the next point).
5. The Bible speaks of being filled with the Spirit-
-Acts 1:8; Eph 5:18 There is a variety of
experiences. (Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 9:17-18;
10:44-48; 19:1-6) Compare Acts 2:1-4 with
Acts 4:31-a continuous experience.
6. We are told to "Be filled with the Holy Spirit." Eph 5:18
7. A complete circle back to where we began (line 3.1) -- Lk 11:13
The Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. So we must ask and
receive by faith. Gal 3:2-5

8. The Holy Spirit and people.

8.1 The Holy Spirit must overflow and control our lives-- Eph 5:18
This control includes body, soul, and spirit 1 Thes 5:23:
A. Our spirit - revived by the Holy Spirit -- Rom 8:16
B. Our body - physical part Rom 12:1, 1 Cor 9:27
C. Our soul - psychological and mental part Rom 12:2

8.2 The Holy Spirit gives gifts to us depending on his purposes and
designs for each of us. They are usually given for us to bless others.
Rom 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:1-11 & 27-31, Eph 4:11, and 1 Pet 4:10,11

8.3 We are involved in a spiritual conflict (2 Cor 10:3-5):

A. Against the world--1 John 2:15-21, Jn 16:33
B. Against the flesh (human nature)--Gal 5:16-17; Rom 8:9,13
C. Against the devil--1 Pet 5:7-9; Eph 6:10-13

8.4 The Spirit must control us. We must walk in the Spirit--Gal
5:16,18,25. We begin this walk by faith and by:
A. Receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit by faith ( 7 above)
B. Submitting to God -- Heb 12:9; Jas 4:7 Gal 2:20; Zec 1:3
C. Giving our worries and concerns to Him - 1 Pet. 5:7
D. Resisting the devil making him run from us Jas 4:7,8; Mt
16:23; Eph 4:27, 6:11 & 16; 1 Pet 5:8,9 and Rev 12:11
E. Bearing the fruit that comes from the Spirit - Gal 5:22,23
F. Crucifying the sinful nature's passions and desires - Gal 5:24
G. Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit can be continual - 2 Cor

9. The Holy Spirit indwells the church (groups of Christians);

A. See 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Cor 6:16. where the temple is you (plural).
B. The Spirit guides the church in unity of decision - Acts15:28
C. God indwells the church through the Spirit - Eph 2:22

HOMEWORK: Memorize Eph 5:18

Rom 8:16

Review the booklet Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery of

the Spirit-Filled Life? http://www.greatcom.org/spirit/english


1. Why do we use the Bible as our basis for the Christian life? -- 2 Timothy
3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:20,21

2. For the Christian, the Bible is:

2.1 The eternal and enduring word of God.

A. It has its source in God through the Holy Spirit -- 2 Pet 1:20,21
B. It stands forever -- 1 Pet 1:23-25

2.2 Spiritual food -- Jer 15:16; Matt 4:4;

A. Our physical being needs food, our souls are nourished with
studies, and our spirits require the nourishment provided by
the word of God -- Heb 5:12-14.

B. The word (milk) is to be desired and craved -- 1 Pet: 1:25 - 2:2

2.3 Our vital weapon -- Eph 6: 12-17

A. It was Jesus' defense against Satan -- Mt 4:4,7,10
B. It is the sword of the Spirit -- Eph 6:17
C. It works powerfully in human lives -- Heb 4:12

2.4 Light for our way--Psalm 119:105

A. It shows us how to approach God:

1. Through Jesus for salvation -- Jn 14:6
2. Confidently through Jesus our high priest -- Heb 4:14;16
3. In the name of Jesus when we pray -- Jn 14: 13,14

B. It shows us God's desires and purposes:

1. The evangelistic mandate (Great Commission) -- Jn 3:16;
Mt 28:18-20
2. The cultural mandate - care for all of creation -- Gen 1:26
(see p. 27 for the implications of Gen 1:26.)
3. The law of love -- Mt 5:43-47; Jn 13:34,35; 1 Cor 13:4-8
3. What the Bible does for the Christian:

3.1 Discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart -- Heb 4:12
3.2 Protects from sin -- Psalm 119:11 (It is necessary to memorize the
Scripture -- Deut 6:6; Prov 7:1-3)
3.3 Gives wisdom -- Psalm 19:7; II Tim 3:15
3.4 Gladdens the heart -- Psalm 19:8; Jer 15:16
(Continued on next page)


3. What the Bible does for the Christian (continued from last page):

3.5 Serves "...for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults,
and giving instruction for right living...." -- 2 Tim 3:16,17
(Good News Bible)

3.6 Assures us of the following:

A. Forgiveness of sins -- 1 Jn 1:9; Acts 26:18
B. A new nature (life) -- 2 Cor 5:17; 2 Pet 1:4
C. The Lord's guidance -- Ps 32:8; Acts 16:6-10
D. The Lord's presence -- Mt 28:20
E. Victory over temptation -- 1 Cor 10:13
F. Provision of all our needs -- Jn 16:24; Phil 4:19
G. Eternal life -- 1 Jn 5:11,12; Jn 5:24
H. Jesus' second coming -- 1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thes 4:16,17

4. Five ways of growing in our knowledge of the Word of God so that we can
apply it to daily living:*

*Illustration adapted from "The Navigators"

Used by permission.

HOMEWORK: Memorize the books of the Bible

Memorize Psalm 119:9,11
Memorize the Hand Illustration

Prayer is talking with God, a two way conversation opening up to Him, and
listening to Him. You can pray anywhere at any time.

1. Elements of prayer -- We can use the acronym "CATS"

1.1 Confession -- 1 John 1:9; Ps 66:18; Prov 28:13

1.2 Adoration/praise -- Psalm 86:12; Heb 13:15
1.3 Thanksgiving -- Eph 5:20; 1 Thess 5:18; Phil 4:6,7
1.4 Supplication (asking):

A. For others - Intercession -- Col 4:12; Eph 6:18-19 (Not praying

for other Christians is a sin -- 1 Sam 12:23)
B. For the Lord to send workers into His harvest field -- Mt 9:37
C. For ourselves - petition -- Matt 6:11; 7:7,8.

2. Why pray?

2.1 God commands it -- Luke 18:1-7; "Pray constantly"--1 Thess 5:17

and we need it -- Phil 4:6,7

2.2 Christ's example--Mark 1:35

"...went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed."

2.3 Paul's example

"Always praying"--Col 1:3; 1 Thess 3:10
"Follow my example, just as I follow Christ's."--1 Cor 11:1

2.4 Spiritual warfare. Through prayer we gain spiritual victory over

principalities and powers--Eph 6:12,13,18

2.5 To receive mercy and grace to help us -- Heb 4:14-16

3. What can hinder our prayers?

3.1 Sin--Isaiah 59:1,2

3.2 Doubt--James 1:6; Mark 11:24
3.3 Our motives--James 4:3;
3.4 Family relationships--1 Peter 3:7
3.5 Unforgiveness--Mark 11:25,26; Matt 6:15
3.6 Pride--1 Peter 5:5
3.7 Spiritual powers, Satan--Eph 6:12, Dan 10:2,12-14.
4. How to discover the riches of prayer.

4.1 Obey His commands and do what pleases to Him--1 John 3:22
4.2 Ask according to the will of God--1 John 5:14
4.3 Ask believing--Matt 21:22
4.4 Keeping Jesus' words in our hearts--John 15:7
4.5 Forgive--Mark 11:25
4.6 Be humble--1 Peter 5:5
4.7 Get priorities right--Matt 6:33
4.8 Ask specifically--Mark 10:51

5. What are the results of prayer?

5.1 Receive the Holy Spirit--Luke 11:9,13

5.2 Peace--Phil 4:6,7
5.3 Joy--John 16:24
5.4 Loving care--1 Peter 5:7
5.5 Wisdom--James 1:5
5.6 Healing--James 5:13-15
5.7 Growing in faith e.g. Abraham--Gen 18:16-33
5.8 Revival--2 Chron 7:14

6. Collective or corporate prayer--Acts 2:42; 4:31; Mt 18:19-20

HOMEWORK: Memorize Phil 4:6,7

Make a daily prayer list and use it.
Begin reading the Psalms, as well as hymns and choruses, and make a list of the various
names and descriptions of God for use in praise and prayer.

A. 1 John 5:14,15 1. Delayed answer "wait"

B. 2 Cor 12:7-9 2. Different answer

C. John 11:1-44 3. Definite answer "yes"

D. Acts 3:1-10 4. Step by step answer

E. Deut 7:22 5. Denied answer "no"

(Verification of responses is on the bottom of page 13.)


1. Ways of witnessing

1.1 Your life--James 1:22; Col 4:5,6; 1 Peter 3:16 "What you are
speaks so loudly I can't hear what you say." Emerson

1.2 Your word--1 John 1:3; 1 Peter 3:15

A. Direct testimony/evangelism--for example the use of The
Four Spiritual Laws-2 Tim 1:8
B. Indirect testimony--share your own experience of the power of
God in your life.

1.3 Your concerned prayer for a friend's need or problem--Acts 28:8

2. Who is responsible for saving people? (Also see appendix pages 21,22)

2.1 Jesus Christ--1 Tim 1:15

2.2 We are ambassadors of Christ--2 Cor 5:19,20

2.3 The Gospel--the power of God for salvation Rom 1:16; Define
gospel in your own words--1 Cor 15: 3,4

3. An example of witnessing; Philip and the Ethiopian--Acts 8:26-40

3.1 He communicated verbally - he spoke - Acts 8:35

3.2 In the process he used the Scriptures - also Acts 8:35 The Plan of
Salvation from the Bible will help us do the same. (this is a
variation of the Roman Road that we have seen in Step One):


A. All have sinned--Rom 3:23

B. The wages of sin--Rom 6:23
C. Christ died for us--Rom 5:8
D. Salvation is a gift--Eph 2:8,9
E. You have to receive it--Rev 3:20; John 1:12
F. You must receive Him as Lord--Rom 10:9
G. The assurance of salvation--1 John 5:11,12

3.3 He was prepared and knew the Scriptures--1 Peter 3:15,16

(Responses to exercise on bottom of page 12: A-3, B-5, C-1, D-2, E-4)

4. Personal testimony

4.1 What is a personal testimony? 1 John 1:3; Acts 4:20

4.2 Pauls testimony--Acts 26:4-23; 22:1-21 This testimony can be
divided into three parts:
A. B.C. How life was Before knowing Christ--Acts 26:4-11
B. M.C. The Moment Paul came to know Christ--Acts 26:12-18
C. A.C. How life has been After knowing Christ--Acts 26:19-23

5. Christians living in unity -- a powerful witness--John 17:21,23; 1 Cor


6. The scope of our witness is seen in Jesus' last words known as the Great
Commission--Mt 28:19,20. The importance of these can be seen when we
compare them to the first words he spoke to his disciples--Mt 4:19.
Remember his command to pray--Mt 9:37,38. This witness starts at home
and extends outward in ever larger circles to include the whole world--Acts

HOMEWORK: Memorize 1 John 1:3

Write your own personal testimony, using the three parts
mentioned in section 4.2 as they apply
Memorize the Plan of Salvation in 3.2
Be able to explain the Bridge illustration (see p. 23)


1. Fellowship is unity among the members of a group. It has to do with

companionship, friendly association, a mutual sharing of an experience,
activity or interest. Fellowship in a Christian context is one family living
together under one leader, Christ. They all follow Him while they love one
another, help one another, and learn from one another.

2. The basis of fellowship

2.1 All people either have or need fellowship based on:

A. The desire to belong to something
B. Common interests
C. The need to feel important
D. The desire for fun

2.2 Christian fellowship adds supernatural dimensions to relationships.

A. Is based on communion with the Father and Son 1 John 1:3
B. Means walking in the light--1 John 1:7
C. Is permanent because Jesus is always the same--Heb 13:8
D. We are members of one another Rom 12:5

3. The example of the early church

3.1 Four things which they continually practiced--Acts 2:42

A. Learning from the apostles
B. Fellowship
C. Breaking of bread
D. Prayer

3.2 "Of the same mind...in full accord" Phil 2:1,2. In your own words,
explain what this means to you.
3.3 The Christians loved one another--1 Thes 4:9,10; 2 Thes 1:3

4. Why fellowship is so important for Christians.

4.1 In the church it provides:

A. Loving acceptance of one another--Phil 2:1-3
B. Loving and supporting relationships--Gal 5:6; 6:2
C. Mutual help--Eccl 4:9,10,12; Gal 6:10
D. Growing into maturity--Eph 4:13-16
E. Effectiveness in prayer--Matt 18:19,20
F. Exhortation and teaching--Col 3:16
G. Strengthening family relationships--Eph 5:21-6:4
4.2 In the world (i.e. among non-Christians) Christian fellowship
A. Shows that we are Jesus' disciples--John 13:34,35
B. Demonstrates our unity so that others will believe that God
sent Jesus--John 17:21,23
C. Makes missionary and evangelistic work possible--Rom

5. The Body of Christ--Rom 12:1-8

5.1 Responsibilities of each member towards him/herself--Rom 12:1-3

A. Present ourselves as living sacrifices--Rom 12:1
B. Be transformed--Rom 12:2
C. Don't think more highly of self than we ought--Rom 12:3

5.2 Responsibilities of the members of the body toward each other

A. Love one another--Jn 13:34-35
B. Restore one another...carry each other's burdens--Gal 6:1-2
C. Bear with and forgive one another--Col 3:13
D. Build up one another--1 Thes 5:11
E. Encourage to believe...protect from sin's deceitfulness--
Heb 3:12-14
F. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds...encourage
to hope--Heb 10:24-25
G. Confess sin to one another...pray for one another--James 5:16

5.3 Characteristics of the Body itself--Rom 12:4-8

A. Many members--Rom 12:4
B. Being many members, it is one body--Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 12:20
C. Not all members have the same function--1 Cor 12:7-11
D. All are members of each other--Rom 12:5
E. If one member suffers, all suffer--1 Cor 12:26

6. Christians have a special relationship with God. They are:

6.1. Children of God--Jn1:12 and God's friends--Jn15:15
6.2. Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ--Rom 8:17
6.3. Members of God's household--Eph 2:19
6.4. A family of believers--Gal 6:10
6.5. Jesus' brothers and sisters--Heb 2:11-14

HOMEWORK: Memorize 1 John 1:7

Read 1 Cor 12. From verses 11-31, what are the outstanding
characteristics of the body of Christ?


1. The goal of life

1.1 Be made in the image of Christ--Rom 8:29; I John 3:2

1.2 Perfect (mature) in Christ--Col 1:28
1.3 Fruit that remains--John 15:16

2. What is Christian obedience?

2.1 Keeping the commandments of Christ--John 14:15

2.2 Doing what He tells us--John 15:14

2.3 Doing the will of the Father--Matt 7:21

2.4 Following Biblical examples:

A. Christ--Phil 2:5-8
B. The apostles--I Cor 11:1-Paul
C. The heroes of the faith--Heb 12:1

2.5 Loving God and your neighbor

A. The new commandment--love as He loves us--Jn 13:34,35
B. The two great commandments--Luke 10:27
1. Love the Lord your God with.all your heart, soul, strength
and mind.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

2.6 Denying yourself--Luke 9:23

2.7 Following the two mandates:

A. The evangelistic mandate--Mt 28:19-20
B. The cultural mandate (to take care of God's creation)--Gen
1:26, 28-30

3. Some things God promises those who obey Him.

3.1 Blessings--Deut 28:1-14; Josh 1:8

3.2 Persecution and suffering--2 Tim 3:12; 1 Peter 4:12-16
3.3 Being a friend of God--John 15:14
3.4 Being loved by God--John 14:21
4. Observations about obedience

4.1 Obedience is better than religious rituals--I Sam 15:22; Isaiah


A. "Why do you call me Lord..." Luke 6:46

B. "No one can serve two masters..." Luke 16:13

4.4 Obedience is from heart--Pr 4:23; Ps 119:10,11. So it is a matter

of the will. In this moment, you can decide to obey Christ
voluntarily. His promise is that he will give you the POWER to
carry through--Phil 4:13.

4.5 God helps the believer to be obedient. Phil 1:6; 2:13-the will and
the power to obey; Matt 11:28-30.

4.6 Obedience can lead to persecution and suffering--II Tim 3:12;

I Peter 4:12-16; Abraham obeyed and suffered--Heb 11:8-10

5. We must be obedient all through life.

5.1 He that thinks he is safe; watch out that he doesn't fall--I Cor

5.2 The importance of faithfulness--"When you make a promise to God,

do not be slow in keeping it." Eccl 5:4,5

5.3 Small things are very important--Matt 25:21; James 3:3-5; Song
of Songs 2:15 (Note: It was the little foxes that could sneak in
undetected and chew the bark off the grape vines and thus kill the
plants. And so it is with us, little sins can sneak up and destroy us.)

5.4 We must look at things from the perspective of eternity.

A. Time is going quickly, night is coming--John 9:4
B. Christ will return soon--I Thess 3:12,13. "Be irreproachable
in the coming of Christ."

HOMEWORK: Memorize John 14:21

1 Start by contracting to meet with your potential disciple(s) for only two to
four weeks. After that, you are free to continue if mutually agreed upon.
2 Decide where you will start - Step One or the optional starting points on
pages 21 or 23 are likely places to begin. Some however, will start with a
particular topic e.g. prayer, or witness, depending on their particular
situation. Be prepared ahead of time.
3. Begin each weekly encounter with prayer.
4. Have the materials on hand (outlines--"lessons," cards for verses, pamphlets,
5. In general, go to meet them rather than wait for them to come to you. If
there are several disciples, choose the home of the one who would have the
most difficulty in coming.
6. Give out the outlines step by step -- a page at a time.
7. Have a system for notifying if someone is not able to attend.
8. Meet around a table for ease in writing and using the Bible.
9. Use an hour to an hour and a half of time.
10. Share group leadership. Let others talk.
11. Women meet with women and men with men.
12. If there are two or more persons in the group and one misses a discipleship
encounter, have one of the others in the group catch them up.
13. Don't take anything for granted. That is why the outlines begin with the
Miniature Plan of Salvation -- Rev. 3:20, John 1:12, and Romans 10:9.
14. Don't try to force an issue; allow the Holy Spirit to act.
15. Pace yourself and the group. It is not necessary to read all the biblical
passages listed. Need and time must be taken into account. Take time to
allow the person(s) to understand the materials, not only the theoretical parts,
but also their practical applications to life.
16. Develop a personal relationship, not just as student to teacher, but as friends.
Plan to do some social activities together.
17. Talk about problems as they come up. Pray with your disciple(s) and direct
them towards a practical solution. If there are critical problems at the
moment, first handle them and then continue with the encounter. Don't
hesitate to ask for help from a Christian whom you respect.

18. Share openly with them your own spiritual needs and personal problems (we
all have them).
19. Review the materials once in awhile. Have the disciple present or review the
material with you or better yet, with someone else.
20. Remember that "information" is necessary, but the goal is "formation" of
disciples for the Lord.
21. Time with the disciples may include:
21.1 Personal application from the Word (you share.)
21.2 Check-up (homework, memorization, etc.)
21.3 Handle problems as they arise.
21.4 Prayer.
21.5 Continue with the outline.
22. Have the disciples in the group write the memory verse on their cards as you
dictate them.
23. Before leaving the Encounter, plan for the next one by making notes on the
Progress Sheet or on your own "lesson plan".
24. Remember, being involved in ministry gives a sense of direction to everyone
involved in discipleship
25. Never allow your discipling relationships to fizzle out. Always have closure.
Celebrate what has been accomplished.
Q.- Am I doing it right? After four months I'm only on Step #4. It seems
like we spend so much time talking about "other things."
A.- You are right on target. There is no given time frame. Many people will
take a year. Some more time and others less. You would not touch on
the "other things" if you did not have the outlines in front of you as
your "pretext" for getting together. You are all growing!
Q.- Now that we are discipling people in the church, should we organize a
committee to keep it going?
A.- Discipleship depends on vision and relationships. Selecting a promoter
to encourage people and to organize an annual banquet or semi-annual
half-day retreat and to lift up the discipleship vision is a good idea.
Periodic words of encouragement in the weekly bulletin are always
appropriate and help create an ongoing interest in discipleship for the
whole church. This requires little organization.

1. The Bible - our authority for faith, doctrine, and conduct.

1.1 The origin of the Bible (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21)
1.2 Christ used the Scriptures - the Old Testament (Lk.24:27)

2. The Bible teaches that God is:

2.1 The Creator (Gen. 1:1; Acts 17:24-31)
2.2 The Provider (Ps. 55:22; Jn 16:24)
2.3 The Alpha and the Omega (Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13)
2.4 The "I Am" (Ex. 3:14; Jn 8:58)
2.5 The God of eternal love (Jeremiah 31:3)
2.6 The God of forgiveness, reconciliation (Nehemiah 9:17; Jeremiah
2.7 A Spirit (Jn. 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:17)
2.8 A Trinity (Genesis 1:26,27; Matt. 28:19; Jn. 8:58; 1 Pet.1:2;
2 Pet.1:1; Acts 5:3-5; 2 Cor.3:17 and 13:14)
2.9 Just (Deut. 32:4)

3. The Bible teaches that I am:

3.1 A unique creation of God (Psalm 139:13-16)
3.2 Lost by my own choice (Isaiah 53:6)
3.3 Separated from God (Isaiah 59:2)
3.4 An individual with freedom of choice (Romans 6:23)

4. God's original plan for humankind. (Figure #1)

4.1 What did God have in mind when he created humans? (Genesis
4.2 Did God's plan for people change when sin entered into their lives?
(Romans 8:29)

Figure # 1

5 How God brings hope to people - His plan still intact. (Figure #2)
5.1 If God has not changed His plan for people, even after the fall, what
change needs to take place so that humankind can participate in that
plan (John 1:12,13; Col. 2:13; Col. 3:9,10)? There has to be a
change within people themselves. [This is a change from being lost
to becoming a follower of Christ.]
5.2 How people may become alive in Christ: Rev. 3:20; Jn. 1:12; &
Rom. 10:9


6. God's plan for followers of Jesus Christ.

6.1 It always has been and will be God's plan that we be conformed to
the image of Jesus, His Son. (Rom. 8:29; Gal. 4:19; James 1:18; I
Jn. 3:2)
6.2 How we may participate in this process.
A. Every person bears the image of our father, Adam, but is able
to receive the image of the "man from heaven" which is God's
plan. (1 Cor.15:49)
B. This is an ongoing transformation if we keep our focus on
Christ. (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29)
C. What will we finally be like in the future? (I Jn. 3:2)
7. Two ways in which salvation may be understood.
7.1. One very common but un-biblical way is to see our salvation as
simply an escape from an unpleasant end (hell).
B. Does God exist just for people's good or do people exist for
God? (Col. 1:15,16; Eph.1:5-6,12)
7.2 The biblical understanding of salvation is seen in our relationship
with Christ - there is an interchange of life (Gal.2:20) which:
A. -Produces in the Christian the desire to reflect the image of God
(Rom. 8:8,9; Phil. 2:13-15; 2 Cor. 5:17).
B. -Produces the desire to grow & mature (Rom. 8:9-14; Gal.4:19).
C. Helps the Christian handle the difficulties of life (Phil. 4:12-13).
D. Thrusts us out to do good works (Eph. 2:10; Titus 3:8).
8. Understanding Christian maturity.
8.1 What did Paul have in mind when he discipled Timothy? (2 Tim
8.2 Can a person grow in Christ without Discipleship? (I Pet 2:2)
8.3 How are we benefited from discipleship? (Rom. 1:11,12)
8.4 What does it mean to grow or to mature as a Christian? (Eph. 4:13)
8.5 Some goals for the Christian:
A. Become like Christ Himself (Rom.8:29, 2Cor 3:18)
B. Be faithful (1 Cor. 4:2)
8.6 Who is our model? (Eph.4:13)
Homework: Memorize Rom. 8:29

God created people so he could have a personal and direct relationship with
them. This relationship was broken because of sin. Now there is a separation
between people and God.

1. The actual situation of the human being.

1.1 All have sinned--Rom. 3:23
1.2 The wages of sin--Rom. 6:23
1.3 There will be a judgment--Heb. 9:27

2. God wants to have a good relationship with every person.

2.1 God loved us so much that He gave us his only Son--John 3:16
2.2 He wants to give us life to the full--John 10:10
2.3 He loves us even though we don't deserve his love--Rom. 5:8

3. People are trying to reach for God through religion, philosophy, good deeds,
pleasures, etc. These are represented by the partial bridges below. Eph
2:8,9; Prov. 14:12

4. God has provided us with the only way to Himself -- through Jesus Christ
who died on the cross for our sins--John 14:6; 1 Pet. 3:18

5. We must received Christ as our Lord & Savior--Rev. 3:20; John 1:12;
Rom 10:9

Ask if there is something that would keep the person from receiving Christ and
wait for an answer. If he/she says "no," then invite the person to pray to receive
Christ. The person may pray on his/her own or repeat a prayer after you.
Sometimes you may give the person the "homework assignment" of considering
what you have shown him/her. Assure them you would be interested in knowing
where they come out in their thinking. After they invite Jesus Christ into their
life you will want to use Step One to help them start growing

Without writing in the numbers, you draw this Bridge Illustration as you talk.
(The numbers refer to the points listed above. Practice this presentation).
{Make copies of these Progress Sheets for each Discipleship Encounter}-24-

(For the discipler)

Name of disciple(s): 1______________2______________ 3________________

Optional starting point from p. 21: The Bible, God & People

page 21 1.__9_* 3._____ 5._____ 7._____

2._____ 4._____ page 22 6._____ 8._____
Homework: Rom 8:29 **
Step One -The Miniature Plan of Salvation and the Four Assurances

page 1 1._____ Homework: 1 Jn.5:11-12

2._____ Rev.3:20 1 Cor.10:13
3._____ John 1:12 1 Jn.1:9
Rom.10:9 John 16:24
Step Two - The Basis of Discipleship

page 2 1.1_____ 2_____ 4.1_____ 2 Tim 2:2

1.2_____ 3._____ 4.2_____ Characteristics
1.3_____ page 3 4._____
Step Three - The Wheel Illustration

page 4 1._____ Devotional Time

2._____ Jn 15:5
The Wheel
Step Four - The Lordship of Christ (Christ the Center) (Is your disciple praying
for others to disciple?)
page 5 1._____ page 6 4._____ 4.3____
2._____ 4.1____ 4.4____ Phil 2:9-11
3._____ 4.2____ Read Booklet
*Your handwritten check mark ( 9 ) reminds you how far you have advanced.
**The indicates homework. Check off the first when an assignment is
given and the second when it is completed. The means "please note!"
Progress Sheet (continued) -25-
Step Five - The Holy Spirit

page 7 1._____ 5._____ 8.2____ Eph 5:18

2._____ page 8 6._____ 8.3____ Rom 8:16
3._____ 7._____ 8.4____
4._____ 8.1____ Review Booklet

List the names of those your disciple(s) want to disciple: ________________,
_________________, ________________, __________________
Step Six - The Word of God (Are your disciples discipling yet?
Encourage them.)
page 9 1._____ 2.3____page 10 3.5____ Bks of Bib.
2.1____ 2.4____ 3.6____ Ps 119:9,11
2.2____ 3._____ 4._____ Hand Illus.
Step Seven - Prayer (Be sure to talk about your disciples' disciples. Suggest
all getting together for prayer & Bible study sometime.)
page 11 1._____ page 12 4._____ Phil 4:6-7
2._____ 5._____ Prayer list
3._____ 6._____ Praise list
Step Eight - Witness (Encourage your disciples' discipling activities).

page 13 1.1____ 3._____ 1 John 1:3

1.2____ page 14 4._____ Written testimony
1.3____ 5._____ Plan of Salvation
2._____ 6._____ page 23 Bridge Illustration
Step Nine - Fellowship (Pray about your disciples' discipling activities).

page 15 1._____ page 16 4.2____ 6._____

2._____ 5.1____ 1 John 1:7
3._____ 5.2____ Characteristic of the
4._____ 5.3____ body in 1 Cor 12
Step Ten - The Obedient Believer (Talk about your disciples' discipling ).

page 171._____ page 18 4.______ John 14:21

2._____ 5.______
{Make a copy of this Prayer List for each Discipleship Encounter}


Prayer requests Answered prayer Date


1. Stewardship's whole-life implications (or being responsable servants of God)

mean giving to God our:
1.1 TRUSTS - God has given us everything we have--1 Cor 4:7,
10:26; Ps. 24:1; 115:16; Deut. 26:11
1.2 TIME - We determine how we will use our time--Eph 5:15-16
1.3 TALENTS - Our abilities and spiritual gifts come from God and
are to be used for others--1 Cor 12:7
1.4 THANKSGIVING - Our response to God when we enter his
presence is one of thanksgiving--Ps 95:2
1.5 TRASH - We are to exercise "dominion over the earth" (Gen
1:26) and thus are responsible for our wastes--Ps 24:1
1.6 TEAMWORK - We are to work together because we belong to
each other as members of one family--Eph 2:19
1.7 TITHES - We have been chosen to manage 100% of the
resources God has entrusted to us. Dedicating 10% (a tithe) to
the Owner who has given his son for us seems like a little
thing. Even adding an offering beyond the tithe makes a lot of
sense. Mal 3:10 gives us a good starting point for giving--1
Chron 29:14
1.8 TESTIMONIES - Our stories of God's grace and faithfulness help
others realize that God is personally interested in
them--1 Cor 4:1
2. Stewardship's true tests:
2.1 Excel in the grace of giving--2 Cor 8:7-8
2.2 Giving according to what we earn -1 Cor 16:2
For those whose income is not from a wage or salary they may give the
produce from a tenth of an acreage or the income from the sale of a tenth of the
livestock etc.

A. How we should give:

1. Regularly in the local church--1 Cor 16:1-2
2. Cheerfully--2 Cor 9:7
3. It is recommended for those who want to give to special
projects that they do so with an offering beyond the
tithe to the local body of Christians.

B. The results of giving 2 Cor 9:6-15:

1. You will have your needs met--vs. 8
2. You will be enabled to be generous--vs. 11
3. Thanksgiving will be given to God--vs. 11 & 12
4. The needs of God's people will be met--vs. 12
5. God will be praised or glorified--vs. 13

Homework: Memorize 2 Cor 9:7


STEP ONE The Miniature Plan Rev 3:20

of Salvation John 1:12
Rom 10:9

The Four Assurances I John 5:11,12

I Cor 10:13
I John 1:9
John 16:24

STEP TWO Discipleship II Tim 2:2

STEP THREE The Wheel John 15:5

STEP FOUR The Lordship of Christ Phil 2:9-11

STEP FIVE The Holy Spirit Eph 5:18

Rom 8:16

STEP SIX The Word Books of the Bible

Psalm 119:9,11

STEP SEVEN Prayer Phil 4:6,7

STEP EIGHT Witness I John 1:3

The Plan of Salvation Rom 3:23 Rev 3:20

Rom 6:23 John 1:12
Rom 5:8 Rom 10:9
Eph 2:8-10 I Jn 5:11,12

STEP NINE Fellowship I John 1:7

STEP TEN Christian Obedience John 14:21


The Bible, God & People Rom 8:29

Stewardship 2 Cor 9:7

The Navigators'

A. Live the New Life

Christ the Center II Cor 5:17 Gal 2:20
Obedience to Christ Rom 12:1 John 14:21
The Word II Tim 3:16 Josh 1:8
Prayer John 15:7 Phil 4:6,7
Fellowship Matt 18:20 Heb 10:24,25
Witnessing Matt 4:19 Rom 1:16
B. Proclaim Christ
All Have Sinned Rom 3:23 Isa 53:6
Sin's Penalty Rom 6:23 Heb 9:27
Christ Paid the Penalty Rom 5:8 I Pet 3:18
Salvation Not by Works Eph 2:8,9 Titus 3:5
Must Receive Christ John 1:12 Rev 3:20
Assurance of I John 5:13 John 5:24
C. Rely on God's Resources
His Spirit I Cor 3:16 I Cor 2:12
His Strength Isaiah 41:10 Phil 4:13
His Faithfulness Lam 3:22,23 Num 23:19
His Peace Isaiah 26:3 I Pet 5:7
His Provision Rom 8:32 Phil 4:19
His Help in Temptation Heb 2:18 Ps 119:9,11
D. Be Christ's Disciple
Put Christ First Matt 6:33 Luke 9:23
Separate from the World I John 2:15,16 Rom 12:2
Be Steadfast I Cor 15:58 Heb 12:3
Serve Others Mark 10:45 II Cor 4:5
Give Generously Prov. 3:9,10 II Cor 9:6,7
Develop World Acts 1:8 Matt 28:19,20
E. Grow in Christ-likeness
Love John 13:34,35 I John 3:18
Humility Phil 2:3,4 I Pet 5:5,6
Purity Eph 5:3 I Pet 2:11
Honesty Lev. 19:11 Acts 24:16
Faith Heb 11:6 Rom 4:20,21
Good Works Gal 6:9,10 Matt 5:16
Now that you have finished the Encounter Outlines you can strengthen your grip
on the Scriptures by doing STS chapter studies. STS stands for Study The

The STS Bible study is a suggested outline to follow for individual preparation
of a Bible study--chapter by chapter and week by week. Start these after the
completion of the Encounter Outlines.

We suggest doing these studies in small groups with several of your disciples if
possible. Meeting time should be about an hour to an hour and half. Give the
leadership of the study to a different person each time you meet. Many have
found that beginning this type of study in a the short pastoral epistle such as
Second Timothy is good because a short book with short chapters provides
comfortable "bite size" portions for getting started. With concentration the
preparation can be done in about one hour. The instructions are simple.

1. OUTLINE or SUMMARY (of the assigned chapter for the week). Some prefer
to outline the chapter and others are more at home writing a summary. The
summary should be limited to an average of 5 words per verse. In both
cases write the verse numbers in the left-hand margin for easy
referencing later in the group study. The back page provides extra space.

2. TITLE.By the time you have finished outlining or summarizing the chapter
you will be able to write your own original title for it.

3. PARALLEL or CONTRASTING PASSAGES. In this section you are stretched.

The object is to find as many cross-references (parallel of contrasting
passages) as possible without using margin notes or any kind of study help.
Because this is difficult in the beginning it is best to start by limiting the
time spent to 15 minutes. The process of turning the pages of your Bible
and searching for something that you barely remember is a great learning

4. PROBLEMS. State either real problems (things you do not understand) or

potential problems (things that a new Christian might not understand).
Write the verse numbers in the left-hand margin. The person
without any problems will answer the others' questions in the study.

5. PERSONAL APPLICATION. This is the single most important part of the STS
study and should reflect how the Lord speaks to you personally as you
search His Word. It reflects you, your life, your needs, your context and
God's encouragement, direction, comfort, and call to follow Him.
Your Name: Date:
Book and Chapter:_____________________________________________
vs. # |

vs. # | Cross Reference | Key Thought
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4. PROBLEMS OF THE PASSAGE: (Both real and potential problems)
vs. # |
Questions to help your focus: Which verse(s) have spoken to you during your study and
meditation? How do they speak to you? Do they encourage? bring hope? correct?
challenge? instruct? guide? comfort? Be specific. This is for you, not for others, even
though you may want to share this with others and help them learn how the Lord
speaks and guides us through His word.
This form is designed for user copying.

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