1 Denitions
In a clinical context, orgasm is usually dened strictly by
the muscular contractions involved during sexual activity, along with the characteristic patterns of change in
heart rate, blood pressure, and often respiration rate and
depth.[1] This is categorized as the sudden discharge of
accumulated sexual tension during the sexual response
cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the
pelvic region.[1][2][3] However, denitions of orgasm vary
and there is sentiment that consensus on how to consistently classify it is absent.[11] At least twenty-six denitions of orgasm were listed in the journal Clinical Psychology Review.[12]
Human orgasms usually result from physical sexual stimulation of the penis in males (typically accompanying
ejaculation), and the clitoris in females.[2][5][6] Sexual
stimulation can be by self-practice (masturbation) or with
a sex partner (penetrative sex, non-penetrative sex, or
other sexual activity).
The health eects surrounding the human orgasm are di1
modern ndings support distinction between ejaculation a nocturnal emission or a case of anorgasmic ejaculaand male orgasm.[2][12] For this reason, there are views on tion).[2][12][18] Men may also achieve orgasm by stimuboth sides as to whether these can be accurately dened lation of the prostate (see below).[2][21]
as orgasms.[14]
2.2.2 Two-stage model
Achieving orgasm
In general
Orgasms can be achieved by a variety of activities, including vaginal, anal or oral sex, non-penetrative sex or
masturbation. Orgasm may also be achieved by the use of
a sex toy, such as a sensual vibrator or an erotic electrostimulation. It can additionally be achieved by stimulation
of the nipples, uterus, or other erogenous zones, though
this is rarer.[15][16] In addition to physical stimulation, orgasm can be achieved from psychological arousal alone,
such as during dreaming (nocturnal emission for males
or females)[12][14][17] or by orgasm control. Orgasm by
psychological stimulation alone was rst reported among
people who had spinal cord injury (SCI).[17] Although
SCI very often leads to loss of certain sensations and altered self-perception, a person with this disturbance is
not deprived of sexual feelings such as sexual arousal and
erotic desires.[17]
Masters and Johnson argued that, in the rst stage, accessory organs contract and the male can feel the ejaculation coming; two to three seconds later the ejaculation occurs, which the man cannot constrain, delay, or
in any way control and that, in the second stage, the
male feels pleasurable contractions during ejaculation,
reporting greater pleasure tied to a greater volume of
ejaculate.[18] They reported that, unlike females, for the
man the resolution phase includes a superimposed refractory period and added that many males below the age
of 30, but relatively few thereafter, have the ability to
ejaculate frequently and are subject to only very short reA person may experience multiple orgasms,[2][18] or an fractory periods during the resolution phase. Masters
involuntary orgasm, such as in the case of rape or other and Johnson equated male orgasm and ejaculation and
sexual assault. An involuntary orgasm from forced sex- maintained the necessity for a refractory period between
ual contact often results in feelings of shame caused by orgasms.[18]
internalization of victim-blaming attitudes.[19][20] The incidence of those who experience unsolicited sexual contact and experience orgasm is very low, though possibly 2.2.3 Subsequent and multiple orgasms
under-reported due to shame or embarrassment; such orIn contrast to the two-stage model of male orgasm, Kahn
gasms additionally happen regardless of gender.[20]
(1939) equalized orgasm and ejaculation and stated that
Scientic literature focuses on the psychology of female
several orgasms can occur and that indeed, some men
orgasm signicantly more than it does on the psychology
are capable of following [an orgasm] up with a third and
of male orgasm, which appears to reect the assumption
a fourth orgasm.[18] Though it is rare for men to achieve
that female orgasm is psychologically more complex than
multiple orgasms,[2] Kahns assertion that some men are
male orgasm, but the limited empirical evidence availcapable of achieving them is supported by men who have
able suggests that male and female orgasm may bear more
reported having multiple, consecutive orgasms, particusimilarities than dierences. In one controlled study by
larly without ejaculation.[18] Males who experience dry
Vance and Wagner (1976), independent raters could not
orgasms can often produce multiple orgasms, as the redierentiate written descriptions of male versus female
fractory period is reduced.[18]
orgasm experiences.
An increased infusion of the hormone oxytocin during
ejaculation is believed to be chiey responsible for the
2.2 In males
refractory period, and the amount by which oxytocin
is increased may aect the length of each refractory
2.2.1 General variabilities
period.[24] Another chemical which is considered to be responsible for the male refractory period is prolactin,[2][25]
In men, the most common way of achieving orgasm is which represses dopamine, which is responsible for sexby physical sexual stimulation of the penis.[2] This is ual arousal.[25] Because of this, there is currently an
usually accompanied by ejaculation, but it is possible, experimental interest in drugs which inhibit prolactin,
though also rare, for men to orgasm without ejaculation such as cabergoline (also known as Cabeser or Dostinex).
(known as a dry orgasm) or to ejaculate without reach- Anecdotal reports on cabergoline suggest it may be able
ing orgasm (which may be a case of delayed ejaculation, to eliminate the refractory period altogether, allowing
In females
gard to specic density of nerve endings, while the
area commonly described as the G-spot may produce an
orgasm,[2][42] and the urethral sponge, an area in which
the G-spot may be found, runs along the roof of the
vagina and can create pleasurable sensations when stimulated, intense sexual pleasure (including orgasm) from
vaginal stimulation is occasional or otherwise absent because the vagina has signicantly fewer nerve endings
than the clitoris.[5][43][44] The greatest concentration of
vaginal nerve endings are at the lower third (near the entrance) of the vagina.[2][5][45][46]
Sex educator Rebecca Chalker states that only one part of
the clitoris, the urethral sponge, is in contact with the penis, ngers, or a dildo in the vagina.[47] Hite and Chalker
state that the tip of the clitoris and the inner lips, which
are also very sensitive, are not receiving direct stimulation during penetrative intercourse.[47][48] Because of
this, some couples may engage in the woman on top position or the coital alignment technique to maximize clitoral stimulation.[49][50] For some women, the clitoris is
very sensitive after climax, making additional stimulation
initially painful.[51]
Masters and Johnson argued that all women are potentially multiply orgasmic, but that multiply orgasmic men
are rare, and stated that the female is capable of rapid
return to orgasm immediately following an orgasmic experience, if restimulated before tensions have dropped
below plateau phase response levels.[18] Though generally reported that women do not experience a refractory
period and thus can experience an additional orgasm,
or multiple orgasms, soon after the rst one,[2][52] some
sources state that both men and women experience a re2.3 In females
fractory period because women may also experience a
period after orgasm in which further sexual stimulation
2.3.1 General orgasmic factors and variabilities
does not produce excitement.[53][54] After the initial oror
In women, the most common way to achieve orgasm is by gasm, subsequent orgasms for women may be stronger
physical sexual stimulation of the clitoris; general statistics indicate that 7080 percent of women require direct clitoral stimulation (consistent manual, oral or other
concentrated friction against the external parts of the cli- 2.3.2 Clitoral and vaginal categories
toris) to achieve orgasm,[30][31][32][33] though indirect clitoral stimulation (for example, via vaginal penetration) Discussions of female orgasm are complicated by ormay also be sucient.[6][34] The Mayo Clinic stated, Or- gasms in women typically being divided into two
gasms vary in intensity, and women vary in the frequency categories: clitoral orgasm and vaginal (or G-spot)
of their orgasms and the amount of stimulation necessary orgasm.[14][46] In 1973, Irving Singer theorized that there
to trigger an orgasm.[35] Clitoral orgasms are easier to are three types of female orgasms; he categorized these as
achieve because the glans of the clitoris, or clitoris as a vulval, uterine, and blended, but because he is a philosowhole, has more than 8,000 sensory nerve endings, which pher, these categories were generated from descriptions
is as many (or more in some cases) nerve endings present of orgasm in literature rather than laboratory studies.[2]
in the human penis or glans penis.[36][37] As the clitoris is In 1982, Ladas, Whipple and Perry also proposed three
homologous to the penis, it is the equivalent in its capacity categories: the tenting type (derived from clitoral stimto receive sexual stimulation.[38][39]
ulation), the A-frame type (derived from G-spot stimutype (derived from clitoral and
One misconception, particularly in older research pub- lation), and the blended
1999, Whipple and KomisG-spot
lications, is that the vagina is completely insensitive.
as being able to cause a
However, there are areas in the anterior vaginal wall
and between the top junction of the labia minora and
the urethra that are especially sensitive.[41] With re- Female orgasms by means other than clitoral or
vaginal/G-spot stimulation are less prevalent in scientic literature[14] and most scientists contend that no
distinction should be made between types of female
orgasm.[46] This distinction began with Sigmund Freud,
who postulated the concept of vaginal orgasm as separate from clitoral orgasm. In 1905, Freud stated that
clitoral orgasms are purely an adolescent phenomenon
and that upon reaching puberty, the proper response
of mature women is a change-over to vaginal orgasms,
meaning orgasms without any clitoral stimulation. While
Freud provided no evidence for this basic assumption, the
consequences of this theory were considerable. Many
women felt inadequate when they could not achieve orgasm via vaginal intercourse alone, involving little or
no clitoral stimulation, as Freuds theory made penilevaginal intercourse the central component to womens
sexual satisfaction.[56][57][58][59]
The rst major national surveys of sexual behavior were
the Kinsey Reports.[23] Alfred Kinsey was the rst researcher to harshly criticize Freuds ideas about female
sexuality and orgasm when, through his interviews with
thousands of women,[23] Kinsey found that most of the
women he surveyed could not have vaginal orgasms.[57]
He criticized Freud and other theorists for projecting
male constructs of sexuality onto women and viewed
the clitoris as the main center of sexual response and the
vagina as relatively unimportant for sexual satisfaction,
relaying that few women inserted ngers or objects into
their vaginas when they masturbated. He concluded
that satisfaction from penile penetration [is] mainly psychological or perhaps the result of referred sensation.[57]
Masters and Johnsons research into the female sexual response cycle, as well as Shere Hite's, generally supported
Kinseys ndings about female orgasm.[48][57][60][61] Masters and Johnsons research on the topic came at the
time of the second-wave feminist movement, and inspired
feminists such as Anne Koedt to speak about the false
distinction made between clitoral and vaginal orgasms
and womens biology not being properly analyzed.[62]
clitoris, stimulating the vagina without activating the clitoris may be next to impossible.[40][42][65][66] In their 2009
published study, the coronal planes during perineal contraction and nger penetration demonstrated a close relationship between the root of the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall. Buisson and Folds suggested that
the special sensitivity of the lower anterior vaginal wall
could be explained by pressure and movement of clitoriss
root during a vaginal penetration and subsequent perineal
Supporting a distinct G-spot is a study by Rutgers University, published 2011, which was the rst to map the
female genitals onto the sensory portion of the brain;[16]
brain scans showed that the brain registered distinct feelings between stimulating the clitoris, the cervix and the
vaginal wall where the G-spot is reported to be when
several women stimulated themselves in a functional
magnetic resonance (fMRI) machine.[16][40] I think that
the bulk of the evidence shows that the G-spot is not a
particular thing, stated Barry Komisaruk, head of the research ndings. Its not like saying, 'What is the thyroid
gland?' The G-spot is more of a thing like New York City
is a thing. Its a region, its a convergence of many dierent structures.[44] Commenting on Komisaruks research
and other ndings, Emmanuele Jannini, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Aquila in Italy, acknowledged a series of essays published in March 2012 in The
Journal of Sexual Medicine, which document evidence
that vaginal and clitoral orgasms are separate phenomena
that activate dierent areas of the brain and possibly suggest key psychological dierences between women.[40]
sistently than men, they are more likely than men to have
faked an orgasm.[5] Sex counselor Ian Kerner stated,
Its a myth that using the penis is the main way to
pleasure a woman. He cites research concluding that
women reach orgasm about 25% of the time with intercourse, compared with 81% of the time during oral sex
In the rst large-scale empirical study worldwide to link
specic practices with orgasm, reported in the Journal
of Sex Research in 2006, demographic and sexual history variables were comparatively weakly associated with
orgasm. Data was analyzed from the Australian Study
of Health and Relationships, a national telephone survey of sexual behavior and attitudes and sexual health
knowledge carried out in 20012002, with a representative sample of 19,307 Australians aged 16 to 59. Practices included vaginal intercourse alone (12%), vaginal +
manual stimulation of the mans and/or womans genitals
(49%), and vaginal intercourse + manual + oral (32%)"
and the "[e]ncounters may also have included other practices. Men had an orgasm in 95% of encounters and
women in 69%. Generally, the more practices engaged
in, the higher a womans chance of having an orgasm.
Women were more likely to reach orgasm in encounters
including cunnilingus.[68]
Other studies suggest that women exposed to lower levels of prenatal androgens are more likely to experience
orgasm during vaginal intercourse than other women.[10]
direct stimulation of the clitoris through anal penetration may be caused by the shared sensory nerves; especially the pudendal nerve, which gives o the inferior
anal nerves and divides into two terminal branches: the
perineal nerve and the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.[15]
The G-spot area, considered to be interconnected with
the clitoris,[6][15][44] may also be accessible through anal
penetration; besides the shared anatomy of the aforementioned sensory nerves, orgasm by stimulation of the clitoris or G-spot area through anal penetration is made possible because of the close proximity between the vaginal
cavity and the rectal cavity, allowing for general indirect
stimulation.[72][73] Achieving orgasm solely by anal stimulation is rare among women.[74][75] Direct stimulation of
the clitoris, G-spot area, or both, during anal sex can help
some women enjoy the activity and reach orgasm from
The aforementioned orgasms are sometimes referred to
as anal orgasms,[75][76] but sexologists and sex educators
generally believe that orgasms derived from anal penetration are the result of the anuss proximity to the clitoris
or G-spot in women, and the prostate in men, rather than
orgasms originating from the anus itself.[15][73][75] Author
Jack Morin, however, has postulated that anal orgasm
has nothing to do with the prostate orgasm, although the
two are often confused.[77]
On rare occasions, stimulation of the breast area during
sexual intercourse or foreplay, or solely having the breasts
fondled, creates mild to intense orgasms, sometimes referred to as a breast orgasm or nipple orgasm, in some
women.[16] According to one study, by Herbert Otto,
which questioned 213 women, 29% of them had experienced an orgasm of this kind at one time or another.[78]
Research suggests that the sensations are genital orgasms
caused by nipple stimulation, and may also be directly
linked to the genital area of the brain.[16][79] An orgasm is believed to occur in part because of the hormone
oxytocin, which is produced in the body during sexual excitement and arousal. It has also been shown that oxytocin
is produced when a man or womans nipples are stimulated and become erect.[80]
A study published in the July 2011 The Journal of Sexual Medicine was the rst to map the female genitals onto
the sensory portion of the brain, and concluded that sensation from the nipples travels to the same part of the
brain as sensations from the vagina, clitoris and cervix.
Four major nerves bring signals from womens genitals to their brains, said researcher Barry Komisaruk of
Rutgers University. The pudendal nerve connects the
clitoris, the pelvic nerve carries signals from the vagina,
the hypogastric nerve connects with the cervix and uterus,
and the vagus nerve travels from the cervix and uterus
without passing through the spinal cord (making it possible for some women to achieve orgasm even though
they have had complete spinal cord injuries). Komisaruk
cited one reason for this possibility to be oxytocin, which
is also released during labor and triggers uterus contrac-
tions. Nipple stimulation triggers uterine contractions,
which then produce a sensation in the genital area of the
brain. Komisaruk also relayed, however, that preliminary data suggests that nipple nerves may directly link up
with the relevant parts of the brain without uterine mediation, acknowledging the men in his study who showed
the same pattern of nipple stimulation activating genital
brain regions.[16]
3 Medical aspects
3.1 Physiological responses
Masters and Johnson were some of the rst researchers to
study the sexual response cycle in the early 1960s, based
on the observation of 382 women and 312 men. They
described a cycle that begins with excitement as blood
rushes into the genitals, then reaches a plateau during
which they are fully aroused, which leads to orgasm, and
nally resolution, in which the blood leaves the genitals.[1]
In the 1970s, Helen Singer Kaplan added the category of
desire to the cycle, which she argued precedes sexual excitation. She stated that emotions of anxiety, defensiveness and the failure of communication can interfere with
desire and orgasm.[81] In the late 1980s and after, Rosemary Basson proposed a more cyclical alternative to what
had largely been viewed as linear progression.[82] In her
model, desire feeds arousal and orgasm, and is in turn fueled by the rest of the orgasmic cycle. Rather than orgasm
being the peak of the sexual experience, she suggested
that it is just one point in the circle and that people could
feel sexually satised at any stage, reducing the focus on
climax as an end-goal of all sexual activity.[83]
3.1.1 Males
As a man nears orgasm during stimulation of the penis, he
feels an intense and highly pleasurable pulsating sensation
of neuromuscular euphoria. These pulses are a series of
throbbing sensations of the bulbospongiosus muscles that
begin in the anal sphincter and travel to the tip of the penis. They eventually increase in speed and intensity as the
orgasm approaches, until a nal plateau (the orgasmic)
pleasure sustained for several seconds.[18] The length of
a mans orgasm has been estimated at 1015 seconds on
average, though it is possible for them to last up to 30
During orgasm, a human male experiences rapid, rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter, the prostate, and
the muscles of the penis. The sperm are transmitted up
the vas deferens from the testicles, into the prostate gland
as well as through the seminal vesicles to produce what
is known as semen.[18] The prostate produces a secretion
that forms one of the components of ejaculate. Except for
in cases of a dry orgasm, contraction of the sphincter and
prostate force stored semen to be expelled through the peniss urethral opening. The process takes from three to ten
seconds, and produces a pleasurable feeling.[14][18] Ejaculation may continue for a few seconds after the euphoric
sensation gradually tapers o. It is believed that the exact
feeling of orgasm varies from one man to another.[14]
Normally, as a man ages, the amount of semen he ejaculates diminishes, and so does the duration of orgasms.
This does not normally aect the intensity of pleasure,
but merely shortens the duration. After ejaculation, a refractory period usually occurs, during which a man cannot achieve another orgasm. This can last anywhere from
less than a minute to several hours or days, depending on
age and other individual factors.[52][53][54]
having an orgasm, but no pelvic contractions are measured at all.[86]
Womens orgasms are preceded by erection of the clitoris and moistening of the opening of the vagina. Some
women exhibit a sex ush, a reddening of the skin over
much of the body due to increased blood ow to the skin.
As a woman nears orgasm, the clitoral glans retracts under the clitoral hood, and the labia minora (inner lips)
become darker. As orgasm becomes imminent, the outer
third of the vagina tightens and narrows, while overall the
vagina lengthens and dilates and also becomes congested
from engorged soft tissue.[87]
Elsewhere in the body, myobroblasts of the nippleareolar complex contract, causing erection of the nipples and contraction of the areolar diameter, reaching
their maximum at the start of orgasm.[88] A woman experiences full orgasm when her uterus, vagina, anus, and
pelvic muscles undergo a series of rhythmic contractions.
Most women nd these contractions very pleasurable.
Researchers from the University Medical Center of
Groningen in the Netherlands correlated the sensation
of orgasm with muscular contractions occurring at a frequency of 813 Hz centered in the pelvis and measured in
the anus. They argue that the presence of this particular
frequency of contractions can distinguish between voluntary contraction of these muscles and spontaneous involuntary contractions, and appears to more accurately correlate with orgasm as opposed to other metrics like heart
rate that only measure excitation. They assert that they
have identied "[t]he rst objective and quantitative measure that has a strong correspondence with the subjective
experience that orgasm ultimately is and state that the
measure of contractions that occur at a frequency of 813
Hz is specic to orgasm. They found that using this metric they could distinguish from rest, voluntary muscular
contractions, and even unsuccessful orgasm attempts.[89]
3.2 Brain
There have been very few studies correlating orgasm
and brain activity in real time. One study examined 12
healthy women using a positron emission tomography
(PET) scanner while they were being stimulated by their
partners. Brain changes were observed and compared between states of rest, sexual stimulation, faked orgasm, and
actual orgasm. Dierences were reported on the brain
changes associated with men and women during stimulation. However, the same changes in brain activity were
observed in both sexes in which the brain regions associated with behavioral control, fear and anxiety shut down.
Regarding these changes, Gert Holstege said in an interview with The Times, What this means is that deactivation, letting go of all fear and anxiety, might be the most
important thing, even necessary, to have an orgasm.[91]
whether the experiment conducted by Mosovich & Tallaferro casts a new light on the nature of orgasm. In some
recent studies, authors tend to adopt the opposite point
of view that there are no remarkable EEG changes during ejaculation in humans.[100]
3.3 Health
3.3.1 General
Orgasm, and sexual activity as a whole, are physical activities that can require exertion of many major bodily
systems. A 1997 study in the BMJ based upon 918 men
age 4559 found that after a ten-year follow-up, men
who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any
cause as those having two or more orgasms a week.[101]
A follow-up in 2001 which focused more specically on
cardiovascular health found that having sex three or more
times a week was associated with a 50% reduction in
the risk of heart attack or stroke. (Note that as a rule,
Initial reports indicated that it was dicult to observe the correlation does not imply causation.)
eects of orgasm on men using PET scan, because the There is some research suggesting that greater resting
duration of male orgasm was shorter. However, a subse- heart rate variability is associated with orgasms through
quent report by Rudie Kortekaas, et al. stated, Gender penile-vaginal intercourse without additional simultanecommonalities were most evident during orgasm... From ous clitoral stimulation.[40]
these results, we conclude that during the sexual act, differential brain responses across genders are principally
related to the stimulatory (plateau) phase and not to the 3.3.2 Dysfunction and satisfaction
orgasmic phase itself.[7]
The inability to have orgasm, or regular diculty reachResearch has shown that like in women, the emotional
ing orgasm after ample sexual stimulation, is called
centers of a mans brain also deactivate during orgasm,
anorgasmia or inorgasmia.[102] If a male experiences
but to a lesser extent than in women. Brain scans on both
erection and ejaculation but no orgasm, he is said to
sexes have shown that the pleasure centers of a mans
have sexual anhedonia (a condition in which an individbrain show more intense activity than in women during
ual cannot feel pleasure from an orgasm) or ejaculatory
anhedonia. Anorgasmia is signicantly more common in
Human brain wave patterns show distinct changes dur- women than in men,[103][104] which has been attributed to
ing orgasm, which indicate the importance of the lim- the lack of sex education with regard to womens bodies,
bic system in the orgasmic response.[3] Male and female especially in sex-negative cultures, such as clitoral stimubrains demonstrate similar changes during orgasm, with lation usually being key for women to orgasm.[104]
brain activity scans showing a temporary decrease in the
Approximately 25% of women report diculties
metabolic activity of large parts of the cerebral cortex
with orgasm,[105] 10% of women have never had an
with normal or increased metabolic activity in the limbic
orgasm,[106] and 40% or 4050% have either complained
areas of the brain.[7]
about sexual dissatisfaction or experienced diculty
EEG tracings from volunteers during orgasm were rst becoming sexually aroused at some point in their
obtained by Mosovich and Tallaferro in 1954.[94] These lives.[107] A 1994 study by Laumann et al. found that
research workers recorded EEC changes resembling petit 75% of men and 29% of women always have orgasms
mal or the clonic phase of a grand mal. Further studies in with their partner.[108] Women are much more likely to
this direction were carried out by Sem-Jacobsen (1968), be nearly always or always orgasmic when alone than
Heath (1972), Cohen et al (1976),[95] and others.[96][97] with a partner.[8] However, in a 1996 study by Davis
Sarrel et al reported a similar observation in 1977. These et al., 62% of women in a partnered relationship said
reports continue to be cited.[98] Unlike them, Craber et they were satised with the frequency/consistency of
al. (1985) failed to nd any distinctive EEG changes in their orgasms.[8] Additionally, some women express
four men during masturbation and ejaculation; the au- that their most satisfying sexual experiences entail
thors concluded that the case for the existence of EEG being connected to someone, rather than solely basing
changes specically related to sexual arousal and or- satisfaction on orgasm.[109][110]
gasm remained unproven.[99] So disagreement arises as to
Kinseys Sexual Behavior in the Human Female showed
While stroking the clitoris, the parts of the female brain
responsible for processing fear, anxiety and behavioral
control start to relax and reduce in activity. This reaches
a peak at orgasm when the female brains emotion centers
are eectively closed down to produce an almost trancelike state. Holstege is quoted as saying, at the 2005 meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and
Development: At the moment of orgasm, women do not
have any emotional feelings.[92]
4.2 Fertility
tionary functions
sense. He explained that although he accepts that clitoral orgasm plays a pleasurable and central role in female sexuality and its joys, "[a]ll these favorable attributes, however, emerge just as clearly and just as easily, whether the clitoral site of orgasm arose as a spandrel
or an adaptation. He said that the male biologists who
fretted over [the adaptionist questions] simply assumed
that a deeply vaginal site, nearer the region of fertilization, would oer greater selective benet due to their
Darwinian, summum bonum beliefs about enhanced reproductive success.[59]
Proponents of the nonadaptive hypothesis, such as Elisabeth Lloyd, refer to the relative diculty of achieving female orgasm through vaginal sex, the limited evidence for increased fertility after orgasm and the lack of
statistical correlation between the capacity of a woman
to orgasm and the likelihood that she will engage in
intercourse.[34][122] Lloyd is by no means against evolutionary psychology. Quite the opposite; in her methods and in her writing, she advocates and demonstrates
a commitment to the careful application of evolutionary
theory to the study of human behavior, stated Meredith
L. Chivers. She added that Lloyd meticulously considers
the theoretical and empirical bases for each account and
ultimately concludes that there is little evidence to support
an adaptionist account of female orgasm and that Lloyd
instead views female orgasm as an ontogenetic leftover;
women have orgasms because the urogenital neurophysiology for orgasm is so strongly selected for in males that
this developmental blueprint gets expressed in females
without aecting tness, just as males have nipples that
serve no tness-related function.[122]
A 2005 twin study found that one in three women reported never or seldom achieving orgasm during sexual
intercourse, and only one in ten always orgasmed. This
variation in ability to orgasm, generally thought to be psychosocial, was found to be 34% to 45% genetic. The
study, examining 4000 women, was published in Biology
Letters, a Royal Society journal.[123][124] Elisabeth Lloyd
has cited this as evidence for the notion that female orgasm is not adaptive.[34][125]
Miller, Hrdy, Helen O'Connell and Natalie Angier have
criticized the female orgasm is vestigial hypothesis as
understating and devaluing the psychosocial value of the
female orgasm.[9] Hrdy stated that the hypothesis smacks
of sexism.[126] O'Connell said, It boils down to rivalry
between the sexes: the idea that one sex is sexual and the
other reproductive. The truth is that both are sexual and
both are reproductive.[6] O'Connell used MRI technology to dene the true size and shape of the clitoris, suggesting that it extends into the anterior wall of the vagina
(see above).
O'Connell describes typical textbook descriptions of the
clitoris as lacking detail and including inaccuracies, saying that the work of Georg Ludwig Kobelt in the early
19th century provides a most comprehensive and accu-
rate description of clitoral anatomy. She argues that the
bulbs appear to be part of the clitoris and that the distal
urethra and vagina are intimately related structures, although they are not erectile in character, forming a tissue
cluster with the clitoris that appears to be the center of
female sexual function and orgasm.[6] By contrast, Nancy
Tuana, at the 2002 conference for Canadian Society of
Women in Philosophy, argues that the clitoris is unnecessary in reproduction, but that this is why it has been
historically ignored, mainly because of a fear of pleasure. It is pleasure separated from reproduction. Thats
the fear. She reasoned that this fear is the cause of the
ignorance that veils female sexuality.[127]
5 Tantric sex
Tantric sex, which is not the same as Buddhist tantra
(Vajrayana), is the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of
sexual practices. It attributes a dierent value to orgasm than traditional cultural approaches to sexuality.
Some practitioners of tantric sex aim to eliminate orgasm
from sexual intercourse by remaining for a long time in
the pre-orgasmic and non-emission state. Advocates of
this, such as Rajneesh, claim that it eventually causes orgasmic feelings to spread out to all of ones conscious
life).[137] Earlier, in the Ars Amatoria, Ovid states that mammals. Females of some mammal and some nonhe abhors sexual intercourse that fails to complete both mammal species, such as alligators,[148] have clitorises.
There has been ongoing research about the sexuality
The theme of orgasm survived during Romanticism and and orgasms of dolphins, a species which apparently ensexual intercourse for reasons other than prois incorporated in many homoerotic works. In FRAG- gages in [149]
The duration of orgasm varies considerably
MENT: Supposed to be an Epithalamium of Francis
mammal species.[150]
Ravaillac and Charlotte Cord, Percy Bysshe Shelley
(17921822), a translator of extraordinary range and
versatility,[139] wrote the phrase No life can equal such
a death. That phrase has been seen as a metaphor for
orgasm,[140] and it was preceded by the rhythmic urgency
of the previous lines Suck on, suck on, I glow, I glow!",
which has been seen as alluding to fellatio.[140] For Shelley, orgasm was the almost involuntary consequences of
a state of abandonment in the society of a person of surpassing attractions.[141] Edward Ellerker Williams, the
last love of Shelleys life, was remembered by the poet
in The Boat on the Serchio, which has been considered as possibly the grandest portrayal of orgasm in
Shelley, in this poem, associates orgasm with death when
he writes the death which lovers love.[140] In French
literature, the term la petite mort (the little death) is a
famous euphemism for orgasm;[142] it is the representation of man who forgets himself and the world during orgasm. Jorge Luis Borges, in the same vision, wrote in one
of the several footnotes of "Tln, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
that one of the churches of Tln claims Platonically that
All men, in the vertiginous moment of coitus, are the
same man. All men who repeat a line from Shakespeare
are William Shakespeare.[143] Shakespeare himself was
knowledgeable of this idea: lines I will live in thy heart,
die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes and I will die
bravely, like a smug bridegroom, said respectively by
Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing and by King Lear
in the play of that ilk,[144] are interpreted as to die in
a womans lap = to experience a sexual orgasm.[145]
Sigmund Freud with his psychoanalytic projects, in The
Ego and the Id (1923), speculates that sexual satisfaction by orgasm make Eros (life instinct) exhausted and
leaves the eld open to Thanatos (death instinct), in
other words, with orgasm Eros fullls its mission and
gives way to Thanatos.[146] Other modern authors have
chosen to represent the orgasm without metaphors. In
novel Lady Chatterleys Lover (1928), by D. H. Lawrence,
we can nd an explicit narrative of a sexual act between
a couple: As he began to move, in the sudden helpless
orgasm there awoke in her strange thrills rippling inside
Other animals
8 See also
9 References
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primary, natural functions.
Further reading
External links
Orgasm Source: Contributors: Carey Evans, The Cunctator, Brion VIBBER,
Bryan Derksen, The Anome, Tarquin, Stephen Gilbert, Taw, Ed Poor, Alex.tan, PierreAbbat, William Avery, FvdP, David spector, Bth,
Montrealais, Tzartzam, Atlan, Stevertigo, Patrick, JohnOwens, PhilipMW, Jahsonic, Lousyd, MartinHarper, Tompagenet, Ixfd64, AlexR,
TakuyaMurata, Karada, Delirium, Tregoweth, Ahoerstemeier, Moriarty, ZoeB, Jpatokal, Snoyes, NicoNet, Jebba, Glenn, Netsnipe, Evercat, Lukobe, Marymary, Emperorbma, Ec5618, Timwi, PaulinSaudi, Reddi, Ww, Ike9898, Fuzheado, Andrewman327, WhisperToMe,
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