Iquanta Numbers
Iquanta Numbers
Iquanta Numbers
How many 3-digit numbers less than 500 exist which have 12 factors and only 2 prime factors
2. 161^199 mod 25 find remainder
3. (2^2-1)(3^2-1)....(11^2-1) mod 13
4. Sum of all values of N which satisfies 1<= N <= 200 and N^2 mod 100 = 21.
5. What would be the remainder when 2^110001^11^110000 1is divided by 23.
Last two digits of 3^3^3^3^3......(2012 times) ?
What would be the remainder when 3^2002 is divided by 17 ?
The number 2^1000 is divided by 13. What is the remainder?
Last digit of 7^2013 ?
Last two digits of 2^2013 ?
Remainder when 2^100000 is divided by 17 ?
11^104 + 1 is divided by 17 ?
If n is relatively prime to 72 then n mod 72 is 1.
Remainder when 29^202 is divided by 13.
Remainder when 99^999999 is divided by 23 .
Remainder when 29^198 is divided by 20.
Remainder when 3^1000000 is divided by 14.
a, b, c are digits taking values from 0 to 9. What is the smallest 6-digit number of the form abcabc
that has 24 factors?
3333......33333 repeated 2014 times, what is the remainder when this number is divided by 45?
Ans key
2)87(for last 2 digits, it's the value we get dividing with 100)
6. Sum of all values of N which satisfies 1<= N <= 200 and N^2 mod 100 = 21.
7. N=1223334444... 301 digits
Find remainder when divided by 250
8. 11111......1038 digits mod 53
9. If a three digit number abc has 2 factors (where a, b, c are digits), how many factors does the
6-digit number abcabc have?
10. What would be remainder when (3^100-2^100 ) is divided by 11 ?
11 What digit does a represent, if
35! = 10333147966386144929a66651337523200000000 ?
12. Remainder when 4^4^4 is divided by 32
13. What would be last two digits of (121^47) -(149^124) ?
14. max rem we can get when a 2 digit no is divided by sum of it's digits
15. Find the remainder when 5+55+555+5555+....99 times is divided by 400.
16. N =5^(1! +2! +3! +......+12! +13!)
The digits of the number N are added to get another number. Then the digits of the number
are added to get yet another number. The process is repeated till a single digit number is
What is that single digit number?
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 8
18. What would be remainder when 6 +66 + 666 + 6666 +...........+666666....(6 comes 66 times)
is divided by 13 ?
19. Remainder when 67676767....(67 repeated 900 times) is divided by 999 ?
20. 5^5555 + 10^5555 + 15^5555 + ... + 5555^5555 mod 100
21. z is product of first 31 natural no. if x=z+1 then no of primes among x+1,x+2,...x+30 is ??
22. Find the largest number P that can be obtained as the product of two or more positive
integers whose sum is 20
1) 625
2) 1024
3) 1458
4) 1728
5) 1998