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The Remembrance and Reactivation 'Spherical and The: Breathing' Human'Merokaoba'

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Section C: Merkaba Instructions

The Remembrance and Reactivation of

'Spherical Breathing' and the Human'MeroKaoBa'

originally taught by Drunoalo Melchizedek

Recreatins the MeroKa.Ba:

There are seventeen breaths to reactivating the Mer.Ka.Ba, each breath consists of breathing in (and
then out) in one motion.4lre firs-t gg-p{gglbl
ci.9g:!s^_9ly9g 9jgt-teqfahearet tvter.fa:g*a. It will also help you to remember the shape of the Startetrahedron around your physical body. The next seven breaths re-establish the 'spherical Breathing'
and Pranic flow within your physical bodi wffiTeaEs you to intake Prana in th; correct *uy. Th"
Fourteenth breath changes the balance of the Prana within your body and also focuses on opening
yiil'ffit-eEaka' (which witl in time transforn your Mer.Ka.Ba experience and your perception
of 3rd and 4th dimensional awareness). The last three breaths*of this process are the breaths that


The instructions for each individual breath are broken down into various sections to help you study
the process:


(what you will need to have opened to be able to be 'feeling/sensing,)

(what mudra or hand positions you will need to use)
(what you will need to physically do with your body)
(what you will need to think/seelvisualise or sense)
(what you will need to do with your breathing)

As part of your preparation to do your Mer.KaoBa meditation," et thg intention that vo_lrr 'Fligher
of what you are about to do i
takes you as fafTs it is

appiop.iiG aT*,is time.

Part I

The First Six Breaths:

(Balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system)

First Breath,Inhale:

It is important to open your heart *dlg

and !q&g!
&gll""e for all life during every breath of this
meditation. This is.-thq ke)' aspect to the meditation If the feeling of love is missing
from the meditation then very little will happen. Feeling love may not be an easy thing
to do in the beginning stages. A suggestion to help you develop this ability may be to
in by thinking of
This will create the feeling within.
Nature is can be a
to think about because
an unconditional
or an
A place
gr _rne !,{ay
into the stars at
that will
'Unconditional love' means
loving something withorrt any

Studert Workbook for the Flozoer of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Version @ 1999 by Flozuer of Life Resenrch, LLC


Section C: Merkaba Instructions


At the moment of inhalation, place your hands in the 'fust mudra'position, with your
palms facing up and your thumb and first finger touching at the tips. Remember to
have them touching lightly, and do not allow anything to interfere with the circuit by
having your other fingers touch each other or any other object.


Become aware

of the 'Sun' tetrahedron (the apex facing up and pqhting to

:_dZe-il it'6'p'fiiaa;na-"-ea'-mnt for ilft;Eilfffi;t


side faceTfront fo,

females. See and visualise the tetrahedron filled with a brilliant white light. See the
tetrahedron around you. If you cannot visualise it then'sense'or 'feel'it around you.



With empty lungs, begin to inhale, breathing only through your nostrils. Breathe in
deeply and slowly stretch the duration of the inhale for approximately seven seconds.
As you begin breathing, push out on your stomach (thus filling the lower part of your
lungs) and then continue to breathe in, pushing out your chest (so your chest lifts up,
thus fiJling the upper part of vour lungs).

First Breath, Exhale:


Begin when you feel love in your Heart.


Keep the same mudra.


Become aware of the 'Earth' tetrahedron (the apex facing down and pointing to the
Earth). The flat side faces front for males, and the pointed side faces front for females.
See this tetrahedron filied with a brilliant white light.

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Year 2000 Version @ 7999 by Flower of Life Resenrch, LLC

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Section C: Merknbn Instructions


As you finish inhaling, begin to exhale without any pause. Exhale through the nostrils
deeply and slowly stretch the duration of the exhale for approximately seven seconds.
Exhale whilst puling the chest in, followed by pulling in the stomach. There should
now be no air left in yow lungs. Now that the air is out of your lungs, relax and hold

your breath for five seconds.

(Please note that while these instructions break down everything step-by-step, the
actual process of the 'inhale' and 'exhale' is one flowing motion with no breaks or
pauses during the flow.)



flat equilateral triangle at the top of the 'Earth' tetrahedron located in

the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the base of the sternum (top of
the Solar Plexus). In a flash, and with a pulse like motion, send that triangular plane
down tlrrough the 'Earth' tetrahedron. The triangular plane gets. smaller as it goes
down and pushes ail the densely charged energy of the mudra/electrical circuit out of
the apex of the 'Earth' tetrahedron. A light will shoot out of the apex toward the centre
of the Earth. This mind exercise is performed simultaneously with the following Body
Be aware of the

Move your eyes slightly toward each other, (slightly crossing your eyes). Now bring
them up to the top of their sockets, or, in other words, look up (approx. 45'angle). This
motion of looking up with your eyes crossed should not be extreme. You will feel a
tingling sensation between your eyes in the area of your "third" eye. Now look down
(without moving your head) to the lowest point you ca.n/ (as fast as you can). You may
feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The Mind and the Body must co-

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Year 2000 Version A rc99 W Flower of Life Resenrch, LLC



Section C: Merknba Instructions

ordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from
their uppermost position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane
of the 'Earth' tetrahedron move down to its apex.
This combined exercise will clean out the densely charged thoughts and feelings that
through time have entered into your electrical system. It will specifically clean out the
part of your system that is associated with the 'mudra' you are using at the time. Each
mudra deals with a different part of your tetrahedral/chakra system. Immediately
upon pulsing the energy down your spine, change mudras to the next one and begin
the entire cycle over again.

The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra
Second Breath:
Thumb and second

finger together.

Third Breath:
Thumb and third
finger together.

Fourth Breath:
Thumb and little
finger together.

Fifth Breath:
Thumb and fust
finger together,
(same as first

Student Workbook for the Flozoet of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Version @ 1999 by Flower of Lifc Resenrch, LLC

-1 3-

Section C: Merknba Instructions

Sixth Breath:
Thumb and second
finger together,
(same as second



The Next Seven Breaths:

(Recreating the 'Spherical Breathing'within your body)

At this point an entirely new

breathing pattern begins. You do not need to visualize the star

tetrahedron at this time. You only need to visualize and work with the prana tube that runs vertically
through the entire star tetrahedron, from the apex of the 'Sun' tetrahedron above your head, to the
apex of the 'Earth' tetrahedron below your feet.
The tube extends from one hand length above your head to one hand length below your feet. The
diameter of your tube will be the size of the hole formed by touching your thumb and middle finger
together. In appearance, the tube looks like a glass fluorescent tube running straight through your
body with a crystalline tip at each end that fits into the apex of each tetrahedron.


enth Br e ath, lnh al e :


Feel love in your heart.


For the next seven breaths, use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale; the thumb,
the first, and second fingers touching together, palms up.


Visualize or sense the tube ruxning through your body. The instant you begin the
seventh breath inhale, see the brilliant white light of prana moving up from the bottom
of the star tetrahedron to behind the navel, and at the same time, down the tube from
the top of the star tetrahedron to behind the navel. This movement is almost
instantaneous. The point where these two light beams meet is within you at the navel
level. The moment the two beams of prana meet, (which is just as the inhale begins), a
sphere of white light/prana (about the diameter of a grapefruit or your own closed fist)
is formed at the meeting point centered on the tube. It all happens in an instant. As
you continue to take the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to
concentrate and grow slowly.

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Year 2000 Version A rc99 by Flower of Life Resenrch, LLC


Section C: Merkaba Instructions



Deep rhythmic yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no
holding of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop
or change i. *y way when you go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow
that will not stop for as long as you breathe in this manner.

enth Bre ath, Exh ale :


Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.


The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the end of the fulI exhale,
the prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in diameter.


Do not force the air out of your lungs. \A/hen your lungs empty naturally, immediately
begin the next breath, thus keeping a flowing motion.

Eighth Breath,lnhale:

Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.


The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energ"y and continues to grow



Deep rhythmic yogic breathing.

Eishth Breath. Exhale:


Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.

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Iear 2000 Version @ 1999 bu Flowar of Lift Resmrch, LLC

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Section C: Merkabn Instructions


will reach maximum size at the end of

this breath. The maximum size is different for each person. If you put your longest
finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show
you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for you. This sphere of prana carurot
grow any larger.


Deep rhythmic breath. Feel

The prana sphere continues to grow in size and


Ninth Breath, Inhale:


Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.


As the Prana sphere cannot grow any larger, the prana begins to concentrate within the
sphere. The sphere becomes brighter and brighter.


Deep rhythmic breath. Feel the flow.

NinthBreath, Exhale:

Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.


See the sphere

getting brighter and brighter.

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Year 2000 Version @ 7999 by Flower of Life Resenrch, LLC


Section C: Merknba Instructions


Deep rhythmic breath. Feel the flow.

Tenth Breath.Inhale:

Feel love in your Heart.


Keep the same mudra.


As you breathe in the tenth breath, the sphere of light in your stomach area will reach
maximum concentration. Approximately halfway into the inhalation, at the moment of
maximum possible concentration, the sphere will "ignite," changing the color and
quality. The electric color of prana will turn into the brilliant light of the sun. The
sphere will become a golden sun of "brilliant light". As you complete the tenth breath,
inhale. This new golden sphere of brilliant light will rapidly reach a new and higher
concentration. At the moment you reach fulI inhalation of the tenth breath, the golden
sphere of light in your body is ready for another transformation.







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Deep rhythmic breath. Feel the flow.

Tenth Breath, Exhale:


Feel love in your heart.

Studcnt Wotkbook for the Flozoer of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Vetsion @ 1.999 by Flower of Life Resenrch, LLC


Section C: Merkaba Instructions



Keep the same mudra.

At the moment of exhale, the outer layer of the sphere of golden light bulges to expand.

In one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands
quickly to the diameter of the 'sphere of Leonardo' (Christ sphere), which is the
diameter of the distance between the longest fingertips of your extended arms. Your
body is now completely enclosed within a large sphere of brilliant golden light, and
you have now returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this
point, the sphere is not stable, so you must now breathe three more times to stabilize
the sphere.


Forced Breath. At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out
with pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, within the first second of this
exhale, rapidly push out all of your breath. The sphere will expand at this moment.

Eleztenth, Tzaelfth and Thirteenth Breath, Inhale and Exhale:


Feel love in your heart.


Keep the same mudra.


Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles, meeting at the
navel sphere and expanding out to the larger 'Christ' sphere.

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Year 2000 Vetsion @ 1999 by Flower of Life Research, LLC

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Section C: Merkabn Instructions


Deep rhythmic yogic breathing. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilised
the large 'Christ' sphere and are ready for the important fourteenth breath.

It is important to note here that the original small sphere is still there inside the larger
sphere. In fact, the small sphere is actually brighter and more concentrated than the
larger one. It is from this inner sphere that prana is drawn for various purposes such as


The Fourteenth Breath:

(Openirg the'Universal Heart Center', tuning to 4th dimensional awareness)

Fourteenth Breath, lnhale and Exhale:

within your heart center.


Feel love


Change the mudra to the 'relaxing mudra'. This mudra is different for males and
females. Males place the left palm on top of the right palm and females will place the
right palm on top of the left palm. Let the thumbs lightly touch each other. It is a
mudra that relaxes. This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation.

If this Mudra feels more comfortable with your hands in the opposite position, then
feel free to change hand positions. The goal is to feel more relaxed and comfortable.

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Year 2000 Version @ 7999 bv Flower ofLife Resenrch, LLC


Section C: Merkrzba Instructions





As you begin to inhale, using your intent and your mind, raise the point where the two
beams of prana meet at the navel to about 2 inches above the base of the sternum, (the
4th dimensional chakra). The entire large 'Christ' sphere, along with the original small
sphere (which is still contained within the large sphere), is now at the new meeting
point within the tube, at the 'Universal Heart Center'.
Breathing from this new point within the tube (and with an open heart) will inevitably
change your awareness from 3rd to 4th dimensional prana conscious-breathing, (from
Earth consciousness to 'Christ Consciousness'). It may take awhile, but it is inevitable.


Deep rhythmic yogic breathing. If you decide to remain at breath 14 without moving
on to the Mere KaoBa, then shift to a shallow breath, (continue breathing using your
stomach). In other words, breathe rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where
your attention is more on the flow of energy moving through the tube meeting at the
stemum and expanding out to the large sphere. At this point don't think (just breathe
and feel the flow). Feel your connection to all life through the Universal Heart Center.
Remember your intimate connection with God (the Universe).

Part IV


(Activating the'MeroKaoBa'-The Vehicle for Ascension)

F ift


B r e ath.

Inh ale :


Feel unconditional love for all life.


Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron. Each whole star tetrahedron is comprised of
one 'Sun' tetrahedron and one 'Earth' tetrahedron. These two, the 'Sun' and 'Earth'

Stuilent Workbook for the Flozoer of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Version A


W Flower of Life Resmrch, LLC


Section C: Merkaba Instructions

tetrahedrons together, form the whole star tetrahedron (The three dimensional Star of
David). There are three of these whole star tetrahedrons around your human body,
and they are super-imposed over each other. Each whole star tehahedron is exactly the
same size, dimension and exist on the same axis. Each whole star tetrahedron has a
polarity of its own: Male, Female and Neutral.
The first whole star tetrahedron is neutral in nature. It is literally the body itself and it
is locked in place at the base of the spine. In this meditation it does NOT change its
orientation and does rotate i. *y wav. As with the other whole star tetrahedrons, it is
placed around the human body according to the gender of the male or female
performing the meditation.
The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature. It is electrical, and is literally the

human mind. It rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking outward. (It
rotates toward your left side, beginning from a point in front of you).
The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature. It is magnetic, and is literally the
human emotional body. It rotates clockwise relative to your body looking out. It rotates
toward your right side, beginning from a point in front of you.
On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, set the intention in your mind
to rotate the star tetrahedrons at "Equal Speed". This will start the two whole star
tetrahedrons spinning (in opposite directions to each other) at equal speeds to each
other. This means there will be a complete rotation of the mind (male) star tetrahedron,
for every complete rotation of the emotional (female) star tetrahedron. If one set goes
around 10 times, the other set will also go around 10 times, only in the opposite

F ift

Deep rhythmic yogic breath again, followed by forced breath, but only for the next
three breaths. After that return to shallow rhythmic breathing.

enth Br e ath. Exh al e :


The two sets of star tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving
at exactly one-third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able
to see this because of the tremendous speed, but you can feel it. \A/hat you have just
done is to start the "motor" of the MerKaBa. You will not go an1'where, or have an
experience. It is just like starting the motor of a car, but keeping the transmission in


Student Workbook for the Flozoer of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Version @ 1999 by Flower of Life Research, LLC



Section C: Merkaba Instructions


Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath number ten. Blow out in
the same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of star tehahedrons take off

ixte enth Bre ath, Inh ale :


Feel unconditional love for all life.


As you begin to inhale, set the intention in your mind for, "34-Left-27-Right". This is
the code to your mind to spin the two sets of star tetrahedrons at a ratio of 34 times to
21 times, meaning that every time the 'mind' (male) star tetrahedron spins to the left 34
times, the 'emotional' (female) star tehahedron will have spun to the right 21 times. As
the two sets speed up, the ratio will remain constant. (This is connected to the Fibonacci


ixt e enth


Deep rhythmic yogic breath.


ath, Exh al e :

As you let out your breath, the two sets of star tetrahedrons take off from their setting
at 'one-third the speed of light' to 'two-thirds the speed of light' in an instant. As they
approach 'two-thirds the speed of light', a phenomenon takes place. A rotating disk
about 55 feet in diameter pops out around the physical body, the center being at the
level of the base of the spine. The sphere of energy that is centered around the two sets
of star tetrahedrons forms with the rotating disk to create a shape around the human

body that looks like a "flyrng saucer". This rotating energy matrix is called the
Mer.Ka.Ba. However, at this point the field is not stable. If you could see or sense the
MeroKaoBa around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable, as it will be
slowly wobbling. Therefore, the next breath is necessary.
(Please note that you must complete breath seventeen immediately after breath sixteen.
Do not wait or meditate at this point because your fields are not stable yet.)

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Year 2000 Version @ L999 W Flowr of Lifc Research, LLC


Section C: Merkaba Instructions

:!ii::1" ,:*ii




Same as breath number fiJteen. Make a small hole in the lips, and blow out with
pressure. It is at this point that the speed increases. As you feel the speed increasing,
let all your breath out with force. This action will cause the higher speed to be fully
activated and the MerrKarBa to be formed.


ent e enth Br e ath, Inh ale :


Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt throughout all of this meditation
or very little results will be experienced.


As you breathe in, set the intention in your mind for "nine-tenths the speed of light".
This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the Mer.Ka.Ba to 'nine-tenths
the speed of light', which will stabilize the rotating field of energy. It will also do
something else. The 3rd dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9 /1.0 the speed
of light. Every electron in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at
9 /70 the speed of light. The MerKaBa will attune you to 9/10 the speed of light. This is
the reason this particular speed is selected.


Deep rhythmic yogic breath.

ev ent

enth Br e ath, Exh ale :


The speed increases to 9 /


Same as breaths fifteen and sixteen. Make a small hole in your Lips, and blow out with
pressure. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now
in your stable, and 3rd dimensionally tuned MerrKaoBa. With the help of your 'Higher
Self', you will understand what this really means.


the speed of light and stabilizes the Mer r Ka r Ba.

After you are finished with the breathing exercise, at either breath fourteen or breath
seventeen, technically speaking you can immediately get up and return to your every
day life. If you do, try to remember your breathing and the flow through your body as
long as you can.
However, it would be desirable to remain in the meditation for awhile longer, perhaps
fifteen minutes to an hour. \A/hile you are in this meditative state, your thoughts and
emotions are amplified tremendously. This is a great time for positive affirmations,

programning and the setting of intent. Talk to your Higher Self to discover the
Student Workbook for thc Flozaer of Life 2000+ Workshop
Year 2000 Version @ 1999 by Flower of Life Research, LLC


Section C: Merkaba lnstructions

possibilities of this special meditative time.

Below is an abbreviated version of this meditation. As you become more familiar with the meditation
you may find it useful to follow the phrases in the abbreviated instructions to simpli:fy your thoughts
during the meditation. You can also use it for quick reference.

Abbreviated Instructions for the MerKaBa Meditation

17 Breaths (Short Version)



Breath I

Thumb & Index Finger


Thumb & Middle Finger

Breath 3

Thumb & Ring Finger

Breath 4

Thumb & Little Finger

Breath 5

Thumb & Index Finger

Breath 6

Thumb & Middle Finger

Breath 7

& Middle Finger

Inhale: Sun Tetrahedron - Exhale: Earth Tetrahedron
Hold vour Breath - Eves In and Up......Pulse
I4@!9: Sun Tetrahedron-[@!9: Earth Tetrahedron
Hold your Breath - Eyes In and Up... ...Pulse
I@: Sun Tetrahedron - Exhale: Earth Tetrahedron
Holdyour Breath- Eyes In and Up......Pulse
Inhale: Sun Tetrahedron - Exhale: Earth Tetrahedron
Hold your Breath - Eyes In and Up... ...Pulse
Inhale: Sun Tetrahedron - Exhale: Earth Tetrahedron
Holdvour Breath- Eves In and Up......Pulse
I4@!9: Sun Tetrahedron * Exhale: Earth Tetrahedron
Hold your Breath - Eyes In and Up... ...Pulse
Inhale: Prana coming in through both sides of your
fube, meeting at navel.
Exhale: Prana Sphere forming at navel, grapefruit

Breath 8
Breath 9

& Middle Finger
& Middle Finser

Inhale: The Prana Sphere is growing larger.

Exhale: It reaches maximum size.

Inhale: Prana Sphere will grow brighter.

Exhale: Continues to grow brighter.
Inhale: Prana Sphere ignites and





becomes like a sun.

& Middle Finger

Exhale: Blow out forcefully and with the Power

Breath into a golden sphere that surrounds the body.
Small sphere at navel still present.

& Middte Finger
& Middte Finger
& Middle Finser

Inhale / Exhale: Prana comes in and radiates out to

Large sphere, which stabilizes it.


Hands together, palms



Inhale / Exhale: Prana comes in and radiates out

to Large sphere, which stabilizes it.
lnhale / Exhale: Prona comes in and radiates out
to Lorge sphere, which stabilizes it.
!g@!9: Place your hands together as small Prana
sphere moves up to Universal Heart Center.
Exhale: Prana continues to come in the tube, meeting

Stuilent Workbook for the Flozoer of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Vetsion @ 1999 W Flo-uu of Life Resenrch, LLC



Section C: Merkttbn lnstructions

at the Universal Heart Center.

Continue rhythmic breathing with Prana meeting at Universal Heart Center. You have now initiated

Christ Spherical Breathing, breathing from the 4ft Dimension. This is an unlimited source of
Unconditional Love from Father Sky above and Mother Earth below.

ln preparation for Activating your MerKaBa through Breaths 15

three superimposed Star Tetrahedrons:

17, envision yourself within your

One star remains stationary and represents the physical body.

2"d star spins

left or counter-clockwise and represents male, electric, mental body.

3'd star spins

right or clockwise and represents female, magnetic, emotional energy plane.




Hands together,
palms upward

Inhale: Equal Speed

Exhale: Blow forcefully out with forced exhalation.

Hands together,
palms upward

Inhale: 34:21 - 2/3 Speed of Light

Exhale: Blow forcefully out with forced exhalation.

Hands together,
palms upward

Inhale: 9/10 Speed ofLight

Exhale: Blow forcefully out with forced exhalation.






Student Workbook for the Flozon of Life 2000+ Workshop

Year 2000 Vetsion @ 1999 by Flo-,ner of Lifc Rcsearch, LLC


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