Contoh Soalan 12

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Soalan 12

Cheetah boleh dianggap sebagai haiwan yang berlari terpantas di dunia. Halaju tercatat ialah
96120 km/h (6075 mph). Cheetah boleh memecut dari 0 hingga 100 km / h dalam tiga saat.
Ia juga boleh berpusing dan berubah arah pada kelajuan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, kelajuan ini
adalah sangat memeri tekanan pada badan cheetah, selalunya membawa kepada ia perlu
berehat sehingga tiga puluh minit selepas acara pecut dan kadang-kadang ia boleh mula terlalu
panas selepas berjalan hanya 10 saat.
The cheetah can be considered as the worlds fastest land runner animal .
It has a recorded speed of 96120 km/h (6075 mph). The cheetah can accelerates from
0 to 100 km/h in three seconds. It can also turn and change direction at these speeds. However,
these speeds are very stressful on the cheetah's body, often leading to it having to rest for up to
thirty minutes after a sprint and sometimes it can start to overheat after running just 10 seconds.

Diagram 1.1
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan struktur terperinci dan rangka cheetah
Diagram 1.2 shows the detailed structures and skeleton of the cheetah

Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.2
(a) Berdasarkan gambar rajah, cadangkan ciri-ciri penyesuaian yang ada pada cheetah , bagi
membolehkan ia menjadi pelari daratan yang paling pantas di dunia
Based on the diagrams , suggest the adaptive features that the cheetah has, to enable it to
be the fastest land runner in the world.
Analisis ( 5 markah )
Usain St. Leo Bolt nicknamed "Lightning Bolt , born in 21 August 1986 is a Jamaican sprinter is
regarded as the fastest person ever. He is the first man to hold both
the 100 metres and 200 metres world records . Along with his teammates, he also set the world
record in the4100 metres relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in these three events, the
first man to win six Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and an eight-time World champion. His
2009 record breaking margin for 100 m, from 9.69 seconds (his own previous world record) to
9.58 seconds, is his highest achievement.
Usain St Leo Bolt digelar sebagai "Lightning Bolt, lahir pada 21 Ogos 1986 adalah pelari pecut
Jamaica yang dianggap sebagai seorang yang terpantas . Beliau adalah orang yang pertama
yang memegang kedua-dua 100 meter dan 200 meter rekod dunia. Bersama-sama dengan
rakan sepasukan, dia juga mencapai rekod dunia dalam the4 100 meter dalam acara berlari
berganti. Beliau adalah juara Olimpik bertahan dalam tiga acara, lelaki pertama yang
memenangi enam pingat emas Olimpik dalam acara pecut, dan juara dunia sebanyak lapan
kali. Rekod margin beliau dalam acara 100 m adalah dari 9.69 saat (rekod dunia sebelum ini
beliau sendiri) kepada 9.58 saat, adalah pencapaian yang terbaik.

Usain St. Leo Bolt

( b ) Pada pendapat anda, adakah anda berfikir bahawa Usain St Leo Bolt boleh mencabar
cheetah sebagai pelari pecutan mammalia daratan terpantas di dunia? Tuliskan pendapat
mungkin anda.
In your opinion , do you think that Usain St Leo Bolt can challenge the cheetah to be fastest
land mammal runner in the world? Write your possible opinions.

Menilai ( 5 markah )
Cheetah pernah didapati secara meluas di semua kawasan Afrika , meneruskan ke arah timur
ke Asia dan sejauh ke India . Walau bagaimanapun aktiviti memburu , kemusnahan habitat, dan
pembunuhan mangsa bermaksud bahawa cheetah kini hanya terdapat di negara-negara
terpilih dengan kepadatan yang tinggi di Afrika. Malangnya, populasi cheetah dianggarkan telah
merosot lebih dari 76 % daripada julat sejarah mereka di benua itu.
The cheetah was once found widely across all of Africa extending eastwards into Asia as far as
India. However hunting, habitat destruction, and loss of prey has meant that cheetah is now
only found in select countries in high density in Africa. Sadly, cheetahs are estimated to have
disappeared from over 76% of their historical range on the continent.
Diagram 1.3 shows the a map of current and historic distribution of cheetahs
Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan satu peta taburan semasa dan bersejarah cheetah

( c ) Based on the current distribution and the historic distribution of cheetahs, can you develope
a proposal on ways how conservation of cheetahs can be done.
Berdasarkan taburan semasa dan pengedaran bersejarah cheetah , bolehkan anda bangunkan
satu cadangan mengenai cara-cara bagaimana pemuliharaan cheetah boleh dilakukan.
Mencipta ( 5 markah )

Skema Pemarkahan

Able to suggest the adaptive features that the cheetah has, to enable
it to be the fastest land runner in the world
Sample answer

Has small head

The head is small and therefore very light
Deep chest
The deep chest makes it able to expand its lungs more and
therefore take in more oxygen during a chase
Streamlined body
Reduce the air resistance
Has a long tail
It works as a balance check when the cheetah is at top speed
Has a flexible vertebral column
Allowing it to have a longer stride when running as it can
space its legs much further apart// which enable it to straighten its
back and stretch fore limb and hind limbs to a full spread/ then arch
the spine so that the hind legs reach forwards in advance of the
Has small paws
Are light and easily controlled
Has very small teeth
Provides more space ,more oxygen to enter the mouth quickly
Has very strong muscles ( at the hindlimb/ forelimb/vertebral
column )
For contraction and relaxation for the forward/upward thrust
Has an oversized, powerful heart
Able to pump huge amounts of blood
Has extra long eyes
Can get a fast, wide-angle view of their surroundings even at
top speed//any suitale characteristics





Any five

Able to write the possible opinion on whether Usain St Leo Bolt can
challenge the cheetah to be fastest land mammal in the world
Usain St Leo Bolt is unable to challenge the cheetah as the fastest

land mammal in the world

Possible opinions
Usain St Leo Bolt best speed is only 9.58 seconds for 100
meters but the cheetahs speed is 3 seconds for 96120 km/h
Because Usain St Leo Bolt does not
have a very flexible vertebral column which can be stretched
and straightened the fore lim and hind limbs / arch the
vertebral column/spine
does not have a very long tail to act as a balance check
does not have a streamline body to reduce the air resistance
does not have a light body weight for the muscles to carry it
does not have a small head /flattened rib cage/long thin
legs /small teeth to reduce the body weigh/mass
does not have an oversized powerful heart pumps huge
amounts of blood / large lungs / nostrils allow for fast and
deep air intake
does not have a very strong skeletal muscle at the fore and
hind limbs allow the animal to achieve a stride of 25 feet (7.6
only use his two legs for running unlike the cheetah using 4
limbs//any suitable opinions
Any five


Able to develope a proposal on ways how conservation of cheetahs

can be done.
Sample answer
The proposal may include suggestions as below
Studying the animals in the field to track population trends,
measure the level of human persecution, identify and address
additional threats, and gather other important data
Understanding cheetah behaviour within a natural ecosystem
is an important step for their conservation.
Data obtained on migration patterns, food selection, social
behaviour, population size and hazards such as diseases,
bushfires and poaching helps scientist gain valuable
information on these animals
Developing a cooperative outreach strategy with local
livestock farmers and other land users to reduce the killing of
Working with local schools to educate students about
cheetahs and other native wildlife;
Supporting childrens centers to provide out-of-school



education programs to promote wildlife conservation among

future generations;
Building the capacity of students and community members to
become cheetah conservation leaders; and,
Partnering with suitable agency to strengthen cheetah
protection policies.// or any other suitable proposal
Measures are taken and projects are drawn to sensitize
conversation animal centres, not only in Africa, but also on the
international stage.
Any five


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