Structural Components of Aircraft: Ae 6502 Aircraft Structures - Ii Unit V Stress Analysis of Wing and Fuselage
Structural Components of Aircraft: Ae 6502 Aircraft Structures - Ii Unit V Stress Analysis of Wing and Fuselage
Structural Components of Aircraft: Ae 6502 Aircraft Structures - Ii Unit V Stress Analysis of Wing and Fuselage
Basically, all air loads are the resultants of the pressure distribution over the surfaces of the skin
produced by steady flight maneuvers or gust conditions. Generally, these resultants cause direct
loads, bending, shear and torsion in all parts of the structure in addition to local, normal pressure
loads imposed on the skin. Conventional aircraft usually consist of fuselage, wings and tail plane.
The fuselage contains crew and payload, the latter being passengers, cargo, weapons plus fuel,
depending on the type of aircraft and its function; the wings provide the lift and the tail plane is the
main contributor to directional control. In addition, ailerons, elevators and the rudder enable the pilot
to maneuvers the aircraft and maintain its stability in flight, while wing flaps provide the necessary
increase of lift for take-off and landing. Figure shows typical aerodynamic force resultants
experienced by an aircraft in steady flight .The force on an aerodynamic surface (wing, vertical or
horizontal tail) results from a differential pressure distribution caused by incidence, camber or a
combination of both. Such a pressure distribution, shown in Fig. has vertical (lift) and horizontal
(drag) resultants acting at a centre of pressure (CP). (In practice, lift and drag are
Measured perpendicular and parallel to the flight path, respectively.) Clearly the position of the CP
changes as the pressure distribution varies with speed or wing incidence.
V-n Diagram
The control of weight in aircraft design is of extreme importance. Increases in weight require
stronger structures to support them, which in turn lead to further increases in weight and so on.
Excesses of structural weight mean lesser amounts of payload, thereby affecting the economic
viability of the aircraft. The aircraft designer is therefore constantly seeking to pare his aircrafts
weight to the minimum compatible with safety.
However, to ensure general minimum standards of strength and safety, airworthiness regulations lay
down several factors which the primary structure of the aircraft must satisfy. These are the limit load,
which is the maximum load that the aircraft is expected to experience in normal operation, the proof
load, which is the product of the limit load and the proof factor(1.01.25), and the ultimate load,
which is the product of the limit load and the ultimate factor(usually 1.5). The aircrafts structure
must withstand the proof load without detrimental distortion and should not fail until the ultimate
load has been achieved
The basic strength and flight performance limits for a particular aircraft are selected by the
airworthiness authorities and are contained in the flight envelope or Vn diagram shown in Fig. The
curves OA and OF correspond to the stalled condition of the aircraft and are obtained from the wellknown aerodynamic relationship
Therefore, for speeds below VA (positive wing incidence) and VF (negative incidence)the maximum
loads which can be applied to the aircraft are governed by CLmax. As the speed increases it is
possible to apply the positive and negative limit loads, corresponding to n1andn3, without stalling
the aircraft so that AC and FE represent maximum operational load factors for the aircraft. Above the
design cruising speed VC, the cut-off lines CD1and D2E relieve the design cases to be covered since
it is not expected that the limit loads will be applied at maximum speed. Values of n1, n2 and n3 are
specified by the airworthiness authorities for particular aircraft.
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The wing sections consist of thin skins stiffened by combinations of stringers, spar webs, and caps
and ribs. The resulting structure frequently comprises one, two or more cells, and is highly
redundant. However, as in the case of fuselage sections, the large number of closely spaced stringers
allows the assumption of a constant shear flow in the skin between adjacent stringers so that awing
section may be analyzed as though it were completely idealized as long as the direct stress carrying
capacity of the skin is allowed for by additions to the existing stringer/boom areas. We shall
investigate the analysis of multi cellular wing sections subjected to bending, torsion and shear loads,
although, initially, it will be instructive to examine the special case of an idealized three-boom shell.
Three - Boom Shell
The wing section shown in Fig. has been idealized into an arrangement of direct stress carrying
booms and shearstress-only carrying skin panels. The part of the wing section aft of the vertical
spar 31 performs an aerodynamic role only and is therefore unstressed. Lift and drag loads, Sy and
Sx, induce shear flows in the skin panels which are constant between adjacent booms since the
section has been completely idealized. Therefore, resolving horizontally and noting that the resultant
of the internal shear flows is equivalent to the applied load.
In the above there are three unknown values of shear flow,q12, q23, q31and three equations of
statically equilibrium. We conclude therefore that a three-boom idealized shell is statically
determinate. We shall return to the simple case of a three-boom wing section when we examine the
distributions of direct load and shear flows in wing ribs. Meanwhile, we shall consider the bending,
torsion and shear of multi cellular wing sections.
Bending moments at any section of a wing are usually produced by shear loads at other sections of
the wing. The direct stress system for such a wing section is given by Equation
in which the coordinates (x,y) of any point in the cross-section and the sectional properties are
referred to axes Cxy in which the origin C coincides with the centroid of the direct stress carrying
The wing section shown in Fig. has been idealized such that the booms carry all the direct stresses.
If the wing section is subjected to a bending moment of 300 kNm applied in a vertical plane,
calculate the direct stresses in the booms.
Boom areas: B1=B6=2580 mm2 B2=B5=3880 mm2 B3=B4=3230 mm2
We note that the distribution of the boom areas is symmetrical about the horizontal x axis. Hence
Ixy=0. Further,Mx=300 kN m and My=0.
The solution is now completed in Table in which positive direct stresses are tensile and negative
direct stresses compressive.
The chord wise pressure distribution on an aerodynamic surface may be represented by shear loads
(lift and drag loads) acting through the aerodynamic centre together with a pitching momentM0 This
system of shear loads may be transferred to the shear centre of the section in the form of shear loads
Sx and Sy together with a torque T. It is the pure torsion case that is considered here. In the analysis
we assume that no axial constraint effects are present and that the shape of the wing section remains
unchanged by the load application. In the absence of axial constraint there is no development of
direct stress in the wing section so that only shear stresses are present. It follows that the presence of
booms does not affect the analysis n the pure torsion case. The wing section shown in Fig.
Comprises N cells and carries a torque T which generates individual but unknown torques in each of
the N cells. Each cell therefore develops a constant shear flow qI,qII,...,qR,...,qN given by Equation
The total is therefore
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Initially we shall consider the general case of an N-cell wing section comprising booms and
skin panels, the latter being capable of resisting both direct and shear stresses. The wing
section is subjected to shear loads Sx and Sy whose lines of action do not necessarily pass
through the shear centre S the resulting shear flow distribution is therefore due to the
combined effects of shear and torsion.
The open section shears flow qb in the wing section is given by equation
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Consider the Rth cell shown in Fig. 23.9. The complete distribution of shear flow around the
cell is given by the summation of the open section shear flow qb and the value of shear flow
at the cut,qs,0,R. We may therefore regard qs,0,R as a constant shear flow acting around the
cell. The rate of twist is again given by Equation
Aircraft fuselages consist, of thin sheets of material stiffened by large numbers of longitudinal
stringers together with transverse frames. Generally, they carry bending moments, shear forces and
torsional loads which induce axial stresses in the stringers and skin together with shear stresses in the
skin; the resistance of the stringers to shear forces is generally ignored. Also, the distance between
adjacent stringers is usually small so that the variation in shear flow in the connecting panel will be
small. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the shear flow is constant between adjacent stringers
so that the analysis simplifies to the analysis of an idealized section in which the stringers/booms
carry all the direct stresses while the skin is effective only in shear. The direct stress carrying
capacity of the skin may be allowed for by increasing the stringer/boom areas as described in Section
20.3. The analysis of fuselages therefore involves the calculation of direct stresses in the stringers
and the shear stress distributions in the skin.
The skin/stringer arrangement is idealized into one comprising booms and skin as The direct stress in
each boom is then calculated using bending Equation in which the reference axes and the section
properties refer to the direct stress carrying areas of the cross-section.
The fuselage of a light passenger carrying aircraft has the circular cross-section shown in Fig. The
cross-sectional area of each stringer is 100mm2 and the vertical distances given in Fig. are to the
mid-line of the section wall at the corresponding stringer position. If the fuselage is subjected to a
bending moment of 200 KNm applied in the vertical plane of symmetry, at this section, calculate the
direct stress distribution.
For a fuselage having a circular cross-section of the type shown in Fig. the determination of the
shear flow distribution in the skin produced by shear is basically the analysis of an idealized single
cell closed section beam. The shear flow distribution is therefore given by Equation in which the
direct stress carrying capacity of the skin is assumed to be zero.
the above equation is applicable to loading cases in which the shear loads are not applied through the
section shear centre so that the effects of shear and torsion are included simultaneously.
Alternatively, if the position of the shear centre is known, the loading system may be replaced by
shear loads acting through the shear centre together with a pure torque, and the corresponding shear
flow distributions may be calculated separately and then superimposed to obtain the final
The fuselage is subjected to a vertical shear load of 100 kN applied at a distance of 150mm from the
vertical axis of symmetry as shown in fig. Calculate the distribution of shear flow in the section.
The first
term on
the righthand side
is the
shear flow
qb. We
therefore cut 'one of the skin panels, say 12, and calculate qb. The results are presented
in Table.
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Note that in Table, the column headed Boom indicates the boom that is crossed when the analysis
moves from one panel to the next. Note also that, as would be expected, the qb shear flow
distribution is symmetrical about the Cx axis. The shear flow qs,0 in the panel 12 is now found by
taking moments about a convenient moment centre, say C.
A fuselage section is basically a single cell closed section beam. The shear flow distribution
produced by a pure torque is therefore given by Equation
q = T/2A
It is immaterial whether or not the section has been idealized since, in both cases, the booms are
assumed not to carry shear stresses. the above Equation provides an alternative approach to that
above Example for the solution of shear loaded sections in which the position of the shear centre is
known. the shear centre coincides with the centre of symmetry so that the loading system may be
replaced by the shear load of 100 kN acting through the shear centre together with a pure torque
equal to 100103 150=15106Nmm. The shear flow distribution due to the shear load may be
found using the method of above Example but with the left-hand side of the moment equation, equal
to zero for moments about the centre of symmetry. Alternatively, use maybe made of the symmetry
of the section and the fact that the shear flow is constant between adjacent booms. Suppose that the
shear flow in the panel 21 is q2 1. Then from symmetry and using the results of Table