Integration Inspection Reliability
Integration Inspection Reliability
Integration Inspection Reliability
Steve Reilly, Design Maintenance Systems Inc.
There are many sources of machinery health and production availability information available to an
organization's maintenance and operations staff. Two of the most commonly used sources of information
are scheduled inspection of machinery and condition monitoring.
In most cases, scheduled inspection of machinery has been managed through a plants maintenance
management system (CMMS), and in many cases is carried out by the operational staff. Feedback from
these inspections is used to schedule repairs, lubrication changes, cleaning and other work. Unfortunately,
the plant personnel (or outside contractors) that carry out condition monitoring processes within the plant
often have little or no access to this information. Therefore, the reliability groups using condition-based
technologies such as vibration analysis, oil analysis, thermography etc. have been isolated from the oftencrucial observational data generated by scheduled inspections.
Conversely, the staff involved in maintenance inspections and repairs often have a low level of awareness
about the extent of information available from the condition monitoring processes.
This paper will talk about the use of some new technologies to capture and retain inspection data, and
methods that can be used to integrate inspection results and condition-based data. There will be several
examples from organizations currently using these technologies, relating the challenges they have faced
and the successes they have achieved.
In this paper, we will describe the methods and techniques that are covered by the term equipment
inspection. The basic inspection process will be looked at, and we will discuss some of the drawbacks
that limit the usefulness of manual inspection processes.
We will then look at some tools that can be used to automate inspections, and how these tools can be used
to ameliorate some of the issues of manual inspection.
We will then look at what is needed to bring the data collected by an automated inspection system into a
general database system that can manage all types of machinery health monitoring data.
Finally, we will get feedback from some users who have actually applied these techniques, asking them
why they felt this process is important, how they are doing and where they want to take this process in the
Daily checks
Replacement of parts
Precision checks
As <with> most of the Lean Manufacturing techniques and tools, autonomous maintenance is based on
education and training. It is about raising awareness of the operators on the knowledge and
understanding the operation principles of their machines.
Kunio Shirose, TPM Consultant
Inspection processes can therefore be operations-driven or maintenance-driven; often they are a
combination of both. The management of an inspection program is just as likely to be under the control of
operations / production as maintenance.
In some programs, results are keyed into programs like Excel / Access etc. This requires either 1) clerical
staff support, or 2) the use of maintenance / operations personnel to enter the data. These efforts are often
subject to interruption or even abandonment if clerical support becomes unavailable or if the inspection
sheet data entry becomes too heavily backlogged.
Automation Hardware
Until recently, clipboards and forms were the only really effective tool that could be applied to basic
machinery inspection. Commercialgrade laptop computers are too fragile to be taken out onto the shop
floor. Devices designed for other types of data collection, such as vibration analysis, are rugged enough to
be taken into the plant, but they are too expensive to be broadly deployed to operators, and they are not
flexible enough to collect the data sets needed for effective inspection.
In the last three years, a new type of device, the industrial handheld computer, has been applied to the
inspection process. These units combine the ease of use of consumer grade PDAs such as the Palm and
the Pocket PC with the ruggedness of industrial instrumentation. They are generally equipped with touch
screens and pens, like the consumer PDAs. Some units also come equipped with keyboards. (Figure 2)
The industrial handheld marketplace is relatively new, and highly competitive. As such, handheld
computer hardware has been the focus of considerable research and development, with the happy benefit
(for the users of this technology) that the price / performance ratio of these units has dropped considerably
since their introduction.
Advantages of automation
Direct Data Capture
All data is captured at source, minimizing the possibility of error and eliminating the need for keypunching.
Using pre-defined pick lists (Figure 3) and comments ensures consistency of data throughout the plant,
improving the ability to use inspection data as a decision support tool.
Proper Machine Identification
Industrial handheld devices can use integrated bar coding or other identification tags (RFID, touch button,
etc.) to ensure that the operator is collecting data about the right machine.
Improves Field-Level Decision Making
The operator can have alarms, historical trends, on-alert instructions and machine schematics downloaded
into the handheld device or available through a wireless link. This allows the operator to receive further
instructions in the event of an alarm while he is at the machine.
Automatic Escalation of Detected Problems
Manual inspection methods require someone (either the person doing the inspection or the person
reviewing the inspection check sheets) to notify the maintenance planner of the existence of a problem.
Electronically recorded inspections can automatically notify the CMMS to schedule follow-up work to
confirm or fix the problem.
any work done while performing the inspection round even on machines that are not in the inspection
What Gets Measured, Gets Done
The recording of data collected during inspections ensures that the inspections and basic care routes are
carried out, and that missed or skipped inspections are apparent immediately.
3) Record of Compliance
Another area of difference between condition monitoring data collection processes and operations-based
inspection is the emphasis placed on record of compliance.
Most condition monitoring programs do not have a heavy emphasis on compliance record keeping
because its not really necessary. When data is being collected once a month or even once a week, a simple
overdue measurement points report will suffice to let you know if any points are being missed. The same
level of tracking is usually enough for oil samples, thermography readings etc.
In the operations inspection world, readings/observations are often recorded once a shift, sometimes even
more frequently. A missed point is quickly masked by the inspection done by the next shift. If these
readings are being used to calculate metrics such as OEE or average productivity by shift, missed readings
can skew the values of these metrics. Therefore, inspection systems require the ability to track and trend,
not just the inspection data itself, but the record of compliance in collecting the inspection data. A high
level of compliance is needed before metrics generated from the inspection data can be used with
4) Common Data Infrastructure
Bringing information from inspection programs and condition monitoring programs together effectively
requires a common data infrastructure.
Put simply, it means that every system that is used to collect data on a building, a machine train within the
building, and/or a component within the machine train must use the same identifiers. These identifiers
include location id, machine id, component id, and bar code value (if bar coding technology is used). If
multiple technologies are used to gather data on individual bearings (like vibration and temperature) the
method used to identify bearing location (drive end / non drive end, inboard / outboard, A-B-C-D etc.)
Inspection rounds have always been a part of the maintenance process, and, thanks in part to TPM, they are
also now seen as an operations tool as well.
There are a number of challenges to programs based on the traditional inspection check sheet. Some of
these challenges are include error-prone data, confusion about machine train identification, no access to
previously collected data and often-ignored data review requirements.
Automated inspection involves the use of portable instrumentation to electronically capture the inspection
results at the machine itself. Some of the advantages of using inspection instrumentation are:
It is perceived that there is considerable benefit in bringing condition monitoring data together with
inspection results into a single common area. Although there are many similarities in the data sets
gathered by inspection processes and condition monitoring processes, there are several key differences that
need to be addressed before an effective integration can take place.
Inspection data sets have a broader scope than machine condition monitoring data sets.
Inspection data sets have a substantial amount of non-numeric data condition monitoring data is
primarily numeric in nature.
The system should offer some form of record of compliance with the data collection schedule an
area of significant importance for operations-based inspections.
Some form of common data infrastructure is needed to make sure that inspection findings can be
matched up to condition monitoring findings
Some form of reporting or analysis tool that can access and combine the inspection and condition
monitoring datasets into a unified report.
Ralph Copp
Maintenance Analyst
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
PCS uses an automated inspection device in combination with an infrared pyrometer
(temperature gun) to collect temperature data. Some process data is also entered into the
unit directly. This inspection data is stored in a database along with oil analysis data
taken electronically from a local laboratory, and with leak detection data collected by an
ultrasonic unit and downloaded directly into the software.
How Did You Gather Your Inspection Data Before Using An Automated Inspection Tool?
Temperature readings were gathered using an infrared pyrometer with memory. It could only store 64
readings, so it was awkward to collect a lot of data.
What was the biggest challenge in carrying out the integration?
Setting up the points <in the database> correctly. Once a driver has been built to import the data, it is very
simple. Once you have dragged the data into the correct location, you never have to do it again.
Have you found a noticeable advantage from integrating inspection and condition
monitoring data?
Yes, to have a successful predictive analysis dept. or whatever buzzword you prefer it is necessary to
implement more than one technology. To have all the data in one software package that is easy to manage
can make life much easier for you, i.e.: to be able to easily generate a report having oil analysis data,
vibration, ultrasonic, and temperature data in one trend is very impressive.
Other comments or observations?
The two cheapest technologies on the market today are infrared temperature guns and ultrasonic data
collectors. Both, if used religiously will give you the biggest payback. <Our integrated database> is very
capable of storing this data.
Mike Bonga
Reliability Engineer
Irving Pulp and Paper
Irving Pulp and Paper uses an automated inspection device in combination with an
infrared pyrometer (temperature gun) to collect temperature data. Inspection checklist
data is also entered into the unit directly. This inspection data is stored in a database
along with oil analysis data taken electronically from a local laboratory
How Did You Gather Your Inspection Data Before Using An Automated Inspection Tool?
Mostly using a clipboard.
Do you integrate different data types in a single database? If so, what types?
Basic inspection data (text, checklists, etc.), temperature readings and oil analysis results are integrated in a
single database.
Our vibration data, NDT data, and infrared thermography data are all in separate stand-alone systems. Our
operating data also stands alone but is in itself a valuable condition monitoring tool.
Would you see value in bringing the other monitoring technologies into the integrated
Yes, <we would like to bring in datasets from other technologies>. However, the training and hardware
infrastructure invested into the present vibration data system prohibits purchasing other systems that could
be more easily integrated with the inspection or work order systems.
Integration of the current vibration system into the inspection / monitoring system is not a practical option
for our facility. If the hardware systems were capable of communicating openly with software systems (as
any printer communicates with any PC through Windows) then integration of data sources would be
If you could bring together any two pieces of machinery information in the plant and
view/analyze/report on them together, what would these two information pieces be?
Temperature and vibration.
Any other comments or observations?
Several data logging technologies are available to customers. They all work on the principle of point id
versus measurement information (usually a single number or text). It is not possible (or practical) for
customers to merge one vendor's data to another's for a common view. This results in facilities having the
same machine named in several softwares and databases. This in turn means management of machine lists
in several databases. In the worst case, this results in multiple departments for different data streams, even
though they are representing one piece of equipment.
This is very inefficient. We would benefit from a single equipment (and sub-equipment) list, governed by
the "CMMS", which all hardware suppliers would draw from.