Acupuncture For Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation in Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Study

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Acupuncture for Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation in Chronic

Stroke: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Study
Peter M. Wayne, PhD, David E. Krebs, PhD, Eric A. Macklin, PhD, Rosa Schnyer, LicAc,
Ted J. Kaptchuk, OMD, Stephen W. Parker, MD, Donna Moxley Scarborough, MS, Chris A. McGibbon, PhD,
Judith D. Schaechter, PhD, Joel Stein, MD, William B. Stason, MD
ABSTRACT. Wayne PM, Krebs DE, Macklin EA, Schnyer
R, Kaptchuk TJ, Parker SW, Scarborough DM, McGibbon CA,
Schaechter JD, Stein J, Stason WB. Acupuncture for upperextremity rehabilitation in chronic stroke: a randomized shamcontrolled study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005;86:2248-55.
Objective: To compare the effects of traditional Chinese
acupuncture with sham acupuncture on upper-extremity (UE)
function and quality of life (QOL) in patients with chronic
hemiparesis from stroke.
Design: A prospective, sham-controlled, randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Setting: Patients recruited through a hospital stroke rehabilitation program.
Participants: Thirty-three subjects who incurred a stroke
0.8 to 24 years previously and had moderate to severe UE
functional impairment.
Interventions: Active acupuncture tailored to traditional
Chinese medicine diagnoses, including electroacupuncture, or
sham acupuncture. Up to 20 treatment sessions (mean, 16.9)
over a mean of 10.5 weeks.
Main Outcome Measures: UE motor function, spasticity,
grip strength, range of motion (ROM), activities of daily living,
QOL, and mood. All outcomes were measured at baseline and
after treatment.
Results: Intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses found no statistically significant differences in outcomes between active and
sham acupuncture groups. Analyses of protocol-compliant subjects revealed significant improvement in wrist spasticity
(P.01) and both wrist (P.01) and shoulder (P.01) ROM in
the active acupuncture group, and improvement trends in UE
motor function (P.09) and digit ROM (P.06).
Conclusions: Based on ITT analyses, we conclude that
acupuncture does not improve UE function or QOL in patients
with chronic stroke symptoms. However, gains in UE function

From the Research Department, New England School of Acupuncture, Watertown,

MA (Wayne, Schnyer, Kaptchuk); Biomotion Laboratory (Krebs, Scarborough),
Department of Neurology (Parker), and Department of Radiology (Schaechter),
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; MGH Institute of Health Professions,
Boston, MA (Wayne, Krebs, Scarborough); New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA (Macklin); Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (Krebs, Schnyer,
Kaptchuk, Schaechter, Stein); Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of New
Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada (McGibbon); Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital,
Boston, MA (Stein); and Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA (Stason).
Presented in part to the Society for Acupuncture Research, October 23, 2004, San
Francisco, CA, and to the American Physical Therapy Association, June 10, 2005,
Boston, MA.
Supported by an anonymous philanthropic foundation grant to the New England
School of Acupuncture.
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any
organization with which the authors are associated.
Reprint requests to Peter M. Wayne, PhD, New England School of Acupuncture,
124 Watertown St, Watertown MA, 02472.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005

observed in protocol-compliant subjects suggest traditional

Chinese acupuncture may help patients with chronic stroke
symptoms. These results must be interpreted cautiously because of small sample sizes and multiple, unadjusted, post hoc
comparisons. A larger, more definitive RCT using a similar
design is feasible and warranted.
Key Words: Acupuncture therapy; Cerebrovascular accident; Hemiparesis; Muscle spasticity; Range of motion, articular; Rehabilitation.
2005 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and
more than 3000 years, and in recent years has become
increasingly integrated into mainstream biomedicine. Recent

surveys suggest acupuncture is commonly used after stroke in

China today and in the treatment of other neurologic disorders.2,3 Recent systematic reviews,4-6 including a 1997 National Institutes of Health consensus statement,7 suggest that
acupuncture may be a useful adjunct to stroke rehabilitation,
but caution that stronger conclusions are limited by inappropriate designs, small samples size, and lack of appropriate
controls. A recent meta-analysis8 of randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) that evaluated the benefits of acupuncture administered during the acute stage of recovery from stroke concluded that when added to standard stroke rehabilitation, acupuncture has no effect on motor recovery but may have an
improved effect on disability.
Data about the benefits of acupuncture in long-term stroke
survivors with chronic symptoms are more limited. Studies
conducted in China suggest acupuncture can improve motor
function and activities of daily living (ADLs) when administered during the subacute and chronic stages of stroke recovery,
but that the magnitude of improvement is generally not as great
as when the treatment is administered during the acute stage of
recovery.9-11 Naeser et al12 reported in a case series improvement in hand dexterity and grip strength after acupuncture in 8
chronic stroke patients. In a second study,13 they reported
improved knee flexion, knee extension, and shoulder abduction
in chronic stroke patients after acupuncture, but only if pathology affected less than 50% of the motor pathways as revealed
by computerized tomography scans. Neither study included a
sham acupuncture control group.
Two aspects of the design of RCTs for evaluating the efficacy of acupuncture in stroke patients limit the conclusions that
can be drawn from published research. First, the interventions
used in control groups varied widely. Early RCTs compared
the benefits of acupuncture plus standard care with standard
care alone and reported that the addition of acupuncture improved the rate and magnitude of recovery.14-16 However, these
studies potentially confound the specific effects of acupuncture
needling with nonspecific effects of attention and expectation.17,18 More recent RCTs have used high frequency, low


intensity, transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation,17 or needles inserted shallowly at traditional acupoints19 as controls.
Because the mechanisms underlying acupuncture are still
poorly understood, particularly how acupuncture might benefit
recovery from hemiparesis, it is unclear whether these sham
treatments are truly inert.20-22
A second limiting aspect of studies of acupuncture in stroke
patients is that many have used standardized acupuncture
points in all subjects.17,19,23 The use of fixed, standardized
prescriptions for acupuncture points deviates from traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, which postulates that stroke
survivors comprised a diversity of TCM diagnostic classes,
each with different stroke etiologies and symptoms.24-26 Accordingly, TCM proposes that optimal treatment should use a
unique acupuncture protocol for each diagnostic class. Therefore, studies that have used standardized treatments may not
have effectively tested the benefits of acupuncture as it is
clinically practiced.27,28 To evaluate the benefits of acupuncture for chronic stroke symptoms, and to address important
methodologic issues, we compared the efficacy of an active,
individualized, TCM-based protocol with a sham protocol in
which a validated sham acupuncture needle device was
used.29-31 Our study was designed to collect data with which to
assess whether active acupuncture improves upper-extremity
(UE) range of motion (ROM), spasticity, and motor function;
and to assess whether active acupuncture improves ADLs,
quality of life (QOL), and mood.
Study Design
This study was a 2-arm RCT with blinding of patients and
assessors, but not acupuncturists. Patient recruitment was coordinated through Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospitals Stroke
Service and targeted people in the greater Boston area. Recruitment included use of hospital databases; letters to local hospital
neurologists, nursing homes, and stroke support group leaders;
and newspaper advertising.
To be eligible, patients were required to have moderate UE
dysfunction from a first stroke incurred at least 6 months
earlier. Moderate UE dysfunction was defined as at least some
weakness or functional limitation, but not so severe as to
prevent a patient from being able to raise the impaired arm
from a hanging position to a tabletop while seated (knees 15.2
cm [6in] under table). Other inclusion criteria were the ability
to arise independently from a chair and the ability to walk
independently with or without a cane or walker. Exclusion
criteria were: (1) previous experience with acupuncture; (2)
contraindications to electroacupuncture, including wearing of
pacemakers or embedded neural stimulators, cardiac arrhythmia, epilepsy, or women who were pregnant or trying to
conceive32,33; (3) comorbidities that would prohibit participation in study procedures, including active renal dialysis, metastatic cancer, or extremity fracture within the past 6 months;
(4) simultaneous participation in other forms of physical or
occupational therapy; (5) enrollment in other studies that involved active interventions; or (6) cognitive impairment that
would interfere with ones ability to give informed consent.
Two independent institutional review boards approved the
Study Procedures
Patients deemed eligible from an initial phone screening
were scheduled for an enrollment interview at the New England School of Acupuncture, during which the studys objec-


tives and procedures were explained. Eligible subjects who

agreed to participate provided written informed consent according to institutional guidelines on human research and were
randomly assigned to either an active acupuncture or a sham
acupuncture group. To ensure an equal proportion of severely
impaired patients in each study arm, randomization was stratified by the severity of the patients hand motor impairment as
assessed by their ability to tap the index finger of the impaired
hand 3 or more times on a tabletop within 15 seconds. Computer-generated randomization within each stratum was conducted using permuted blocks of 4, with consecutively numbered sealed opaque envelopes for each group prepared by the
studys statistician. The studys principal investigator (PMW)
opened the envelopes consecutively after each patients enrollment and informed the acupuncturist as to which treatment
group the patient was assigned.
Patients, study staff, and outcome assessors were blinded to
treatment group assignment. The success of patient blinding
was assessed after the second and 20th (final) acupuncture
treatments with a self-administered instrument (modified from
Kalish et al34). To do this, subjects were asked to indicate the
treatment group to which they believed they were assigned by
circling the applicable statement: (1) I believe I am in the active
acupuncture group; (2) I believe I am in the inactive, sham
acupuncture group; or (3) I am unsure what group I am in. If
they chose response (1) or (2), they were also asked to rate how
confident they were of their answers on a 5-point Likert scale.
Both the active and sham acupuncture protocols were developed using an expert panel consensus process (R.N. Schnyer et
al, unpublished data, 2005). Treatments were administered
twice weekly for 10 weeks by 2 licensed TCM-style acupuncturists who were trained in China and had an average of 20
years of clinical experience treating stroke patients in China
and the United States.
Active acupuncture intervention. We followed a flexible,
yet standardized and replicable, protocol using the manualization process used in other acupuncture RCTs.34,35 The
protocol was based on TCM-style acupuncture36,37 and consisted of a combination of traditional acupuncture points on the
body surface and a modern system of scalp acupuncture.38
Both manual and electrostimulation were applied to the body
points, while manual stimulation only was applied to the scalp
points. Body and scalp acupuncture protocols were alternated
on a weekly basis.
All patients received a TCM evaluation at each visit based
on the 4 examinations: interrogation, looking, smelling and
listening, and palpation.1 These evaluations determined the
specific acupuncture points and stimulation strategies to be
applied during the visit.
Specific body acupuncture points used are listed in appendix
1. Manual stimulation was applied on body parts until a characteristic response referred to as de qi was obtained. De qi has
a sensory component perceived by the patient as a heaviness or
ache in the tissue surrounding the needle, and a biomechanical
component perceived by the practitioner as a needle grasp.39
Additionally, electric stimulationa was applied to points on the
affected limbs. Scalp acupuncture was directed at sensory and
motor components of the affected limb.14,38 A total of 2 to 3
acupuncture scalp lines were selected per session (57 needles
in total). Needling was performed on the side opposite the
affected limb, and thus, on the side of the stroke. For both body
and scalp treatments, needles were left in place for 20 to 30
minutes. Each session lasted approximately 60 minutes. We
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005



used stainless steel disposable, presterilized needles (34 gauge;

length, 3040mm) for all active treatments.
Sham acupuncture intervention. For the sham acupuncture, we used a sham acupuncture needle developed by Streitberger and Kleinhenz29 and validated in various populations,30,31 including stroke patients.40,41 The device works like
a magicians sword: the patient sees and feels the acupuncture
needle, but as it is applied to the skin, the needle retracts and
slides up the needle shaft rather than penetrating the skin. For
body points, a 1 cm-diameter plastic ring, covered and held in
place with paper surgical tape, supported needles in a vertical
position. At each body treatment visit, 4 to 6 sham needles
were placed at predetermined locations at least 1cm away from
any acupuncture point (Schnyer, unpublished data). One to 2
needles were located on each affected arm and leg. In addition,
1 needle each was placed on both the healthy arm and leg.
Sham electroacupuncture was administered to arm needles,
using wires that were severed and retaped so as to leave a gap,
and thus not conduct electricity. We also used sham needles for
the sham scalp acupuncture. Two sham needles were located
2cm from active scalp lines.
To further reduce the chance that patients in the sham group
would correctly guess their treatment group assignment, 1 real
needle was administered in a visible location adjacent to Ren 6,
on the abdomen without the use of a sham ring and tape. In
addition, to avoid unblinding resulting from patients in different groups comparing their experiences, rings and tape were
used on 1 needle in the active group at every session. Patients
were told that the tape and rings were used on some points to
ensure accuracy. Finally, to minimize nonspecific differences
between active and sham protocols, we developed a standard
operating procedure that was in all practitioner-patient
Outcome Assessments
The following outcomes were assessed at baseline and at a
12-week follow-up visit at the MGH Biomotion Laboratory.
UE function. Motor function was assessed using the UE
motor component of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA; scale
range, 066; normative score, 66).42-45 We used the Modified
Ashworth Scale46 to assess wrists and elbows while patients
were seated. This well-validated instrument characterizes spasticity on a scale ranging from 0 (no increase in tone) to 4 (limb
rigid in flexion or extension). Grip strength was assessed with
a Jamar dynamometer.b While seated, subjects performed the
three jaw chuck12 by pinching the tips of their first and
second fingers against the dynamometer as hard as possible for
3 seconds with their thumbs positioned just beneath; the other
hand was rested on the thigh. Subjects performed 1 practice
trial before 2 measures were recorded, with a 60-second rest
between trials. Recorded measures were averaged. Activeassisted UE ROM was tested while subjects were seated. The
physical therapist assessed joint ROM by assisting the motion
of each major UE joint through the full available motion and
recording the maximum ROM values (angle values recorded in
ADLs, medical QOL, mood, expectation, and patient-practitioner interactions. ADLs were assessed with the Barthel
Index (scale range, 020; score 20, greatest independence in
ADLs).47 Mood was assessed with the Center for Epidemiological Surveys Depression (CES-D scale) (scale range, 060;
scores 16 indicated depression).48 Health-related QOL
(HRQOL) was assessed by using part I of the Nottingham
Health Profile (NHP) along 6 dimensions: emotional relations,
sleep, lack of energy, pain, physical mobility, and social isolation,49 and scored by the method of OBrien et al50 (scale
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005

range, 0100; score 100, good QOL). Each of the above

measures was administered at baseline and at 12-week and
6-month follow-up visits.
Patients beliefs or expectations regarding the efficacy of
acupuncture for treating stroke were assessed using a selfadministered Treatment Credibility Scale (scale range, 04;
score 4, greatest expectancy) developed by Borkovec and
Nau,51 and modified for acupuncture studies.20,34,52 The instrument was administered at the baseline visit.
Patient-practitioner interactions were characterized by responses (scale range, 04; score 4, most satisfied) to 2 questions on a 5-point Likert scale: (1) How dedicated do you
think your acupuncturist is to helping you with your stroke
symptoms? and (2) Has your acupuncturist treated you in a
professional manner? These questions were asked after the
second acupuncture treatment.
Data Analysis
We used the Student t test and Fisher exact test to compare
baseline characteristics of the 2 groups. Efficacy of acupuncture was tested for measures of FMA, spasticity, grip strength,
ROM, ADLs, and QOL, and mood in multiple linear regression
models, controlling for each measure at baseline, subject dexterity, baseline FMA score, and log-transformed time since
stroke. Baseline values were included as covariates to control
for regression to the mean. Dexterity, baseline FMA, and time
since stroke were included based on an assumption of their
expected clinical associations with outcomes, independent of
treatment type. Age, sex, and acupuncturist were considered as
covariates and were dropped. While more parsimonious models were adequate for some measurements, the full model was
applied uniformly to all measurements to avoid overtailoring
specific models to particular patterns in this small data set. Two
sets of analyses were performed for all measurements. One set
was an intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis that included all randomized subjects classified according to their randomization and
irrespective of their completion of acupuncture or sham treatments. The second set was a per-protocol analysis that included
only subjects who met the following criteria: baseline data
collected before the start of treatment, 20 acupuncture or sham
treatments completed in no more than 12 weeks, and follow-up
data collected from 9 to 18 weeks after baseline. Results are
reported as significant on a comparison-wise basis at equal to
.05 for 2-tailed tests.
Recruitment, Enrollment, and Protocol Adherence
Figure 1 summarizes the flow of subjects through the trial.
Between October 1, 2002, and October 31, 2003, 140 stroke
patients expressed interest in participating in the study. Ninetythree patients were ineligible because of: complete inability to
move their arm (n18) or no arm weakness (n4); contraindications to electroacupuncture (n14); prior acupuncture experience (n23); currently enrolled in other studies or receiving other treatments (n7); more than 1 stroke (n4); less than
6 months poststroke (n1); and recently fractured paretic arm
(n1). Eleven subjects were not interested and 14 decided not
to participate because of transportation problems. The 33 patients who expressed interest and met the entry criteria provided written consent and were randomized to active (n16) or
sham (n17) acupuncture. Dropouts and adherence to protocols are summarized in figure 1.



and 64% in the sham group indicated they were not certain
whether they were receiving active or sham therapy. Only 28%
correctly guessed their assignment. Responses to the masking
questionnaire did not differ by actual treatment assignment
(Fisher exact test, P.71). After completing all treatments,
only 35% of subjects who completed the instrument correctly
guessed their true assignment, and again, responses did not
differ by treatment assignment (Fisher exact test, P.32).
Efficacy of Acupuncture on UE Motor Function,
Spasticity, and ROM
In the ITT analyses, no UE function measure differed significantly between 2 treatment groups after controlling for
baseline values of each measure, baseline FMA, dexterity, and
log-transformed time since stroke (table 3). In the per-protocol
analyses, however, several 12-week change measures favored
the active treatment group, including Ashworth wrist scores
(P.01); shoulder ROM through the frontal plane (P.01);
and wrist ROM in the sagittal and frontal planes (P.01) (see
table 3, fig 2). FMA (P.09) and digit ROM (P.06) showed
trends toward improvements in the per-protocol active group
relative to the sham group.
Fig 1. Flow diagram of subject progress through the trial.

Baseline Characteristics of Subjects

Baseline characteristics of our randomized subjects are summarized in table 1. Treatment assignments effectively randomized subjects on all parameters. Per-protocol patients did not
differ from all randomized patients with respect to any baseline
characteristics (P.14).
Treatment Blinding
Masking of treatment assignment was effective (table 2).
After 2 treatment sessions, 47% of subjects in the active group

Efficacy of Acupuncture on ADLs, QOL, Mood, and

In the ITT analyses, Barthel ADLs, NHP, and CES-D did not
differ significantly between treatment groups at 12 weeks after
controlling for baseline values of each measure, baseline FMA,
dexterity, and log-transformed time since stroke (table 4). In
the per-protocol analyses, the overall NHP scores improved
more after 12 weeks in the sham group, which implies greater
improvement in health perspectives among sham subjects.
However, this was due largely to lower scores among sham
subjects for the energy level dimension at baseline, rather than
higher scores at 12 weeks. The median change was zero for all
other NHP dimensions for both sham and active subjects. NHP

Table 1: Baseline Characteristics of Randomized Subjects


All (N33)

Active (n16)

Sham (n17)

Age (y)
Sex (% male)
Race (% white)
Time since stroke (mo)
Dexterity (% high)
Barthel Index
Three jaw chuck
Ashworth: elbow
Ashworth: wrist
ROM shoulder
Sagittal plane
Frontal plane
Transverse plane
ROM elbow: sagittal plane
ROM forearm: transverse plane
ROM wrist
Sagittal plane
Frontal plane
ROM thumb
ROM digits

59 (2889)
53 (10292)

63 (2889)
66 (12292)

54 (4269)
41 (10123)








NOTE. Values are mean (range) or percentage or as otherwise indicated.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005



Table 2: Masking of Treatment Group Assignments
Group Guessed, % (n)

Group Assigned



Not Sure




47 (7)
29 (4)
46 (6)
30 (3)

7 (1)
7 (1)
38 (5)
20 (2)

47 (7)
64 (9)
15 (2)
50 (5)



scores at 6-month follow-up differed between sham and active

subjects along the energy level dimension due to the same
difference at baseline, but none of the other dimensions or the
overall score differed significantly.
Scores from the Treatment Credibility Scale showed that all
subjects indicated high and equal levels of expectancy that
acupuncture might be effective in treating stroke (median of 12
on a 3 to 15 scale for both groups), and were also generally
satisfied with the professionalism and dedication of their practitioners (median of 5 on 1 to 5 scales for both measures in both
The large number of stroke survivors with persistent UE dysfunction and associated disabilities has driven the search for novel
interventions for rehabilitation.53 Recently introduced approaches
including constraint-induced movement therapy,54,55 computeraided movement tracking,56,57 robot-aided training,58-60 and
neuromuscular stimulation61 show promise but have not been
consistently effective.
Our study is the first randomized, sham-controlled trial to
evaluate the benefits of acupuncture for UE function and QOL
in stroke survivors with persistent symptoms. ITT analysis
found no significant differences in responses to treatment between subjects receiving active versus sham acupuncture for
measures of arm function, ADLs, HRQOL, or mood. Two
factors, however, caution against rejecting acupuncture as a
therapy for chronic stroke based on these results. First, sample


sizes were small and confidence intervals for most measures

were quite wide and included clinically relevant magnitudes of
benefit from active acupuncture. Second, in the subset of subjects treated according to protocol specifications, active acupuncture significantly improved UE spasticity and ROM and
showed trends toward improvement in motor function compared with the sham control, as we had hypothesized. It is
possible, however, that these results were due solely to chance,
given the large numbers of outcomes analyzed.
The results of 2 prior non-sham-controlled studies support
the value of acupuncture in stroke survivors with disabilities in
arm function. One study12 reported improved hand dexterity
and shoulder abduction, and the other13 showed significant
increases in grip strength (three jaw chuck). Subjects in both
studies had strokes 6 months to 8 years previously.
Especially noteworthy in our results were the clinically
relevant observed changes in spasticity. A recent study62
reported spasticity in 19% of patients at 12 weeks poststroke, and that spasticity was associated with significant
deficits and disabilities. In our study, Ashworth scores of
per-protocol subjects who received active acupuncture improved an average of 1.27 and 1.05 relative to sham subjects
for the elbow and wrist, respectively, after controlling for
important covariates. These improvements are comparable
to changes in UE spasticity in chronic stroke patients after
other therapies, such as botulinum toxin injections.63 A
recent RCT that evaluated acupuncture for chronic poststroke leg spasticity reported no differences between active

Table 3: Efficacy of Acupuncture on UE Motor Function, Spasticity, and ROM After 12 Weeks

Adj R (%)


95% CI




0.6 to 6.9
2.6 to 0.5
2.2 to 0.3
7.3 to 6.3


26.9 to 30.3
12.0 to 53.5
4.3 to 43.6
17.0 to 14.1
45.0 to 57.5




12.6 to 57.8
13.5 to 85.3
16.0 to 65.6
12.5 to 30.7
39.3 to 131.0


17.1 to 53.5
2.6 to 23.5
8.1 to 10.4
3.2 to 17.0




13.2 to 72.2
5.0 to 31.9
3.9 to 14.5
0.5 to 22.2



Adj R (%)


95% CI

Ashworth: elbow
Ashworth: wrist
Three jaw chuck
ROM shoulder
Sagittal plane
Frontal plane
Transverse plane
ROM elbow: sagittal plane
ROM forearm: transverse plane
ROM wrist
Sagittal plane
Frontal plane
ROM thumb
ROM digits



4.2 to 4.1
1.4 to 1.0
1.5 to 0.4
6.2 to 1.7





Abbreviations: Adj, adjusted; CI, confidence interval.

*The stated treatment effect is the least-squares mean of the active treatment group minus the least-squares mean of the sham treatment

The stated P values are not corrected for the number of outcome measures analyzed.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005



Fig 2. Least-square means estimates and 95% confidence intervals of change from baseline for per-protocol subjects. (A) ADL, mood
function, strength, and UE spasticity. (B) ROM. Abbreviation: A, active treatment; NS, not significant; S, sham treatment. Note that the scales
for CES-D and Ashworth scores have been inverted so that all measures show improvements to the right and declines to the left. Significant
differences between active and sham acupuncture groups are indicated by *(P<.05), (P<.01), and (P<0.1).

and sham treatments.41 Lack of changes in leg spasticity in

this study may have been due, in part, to the use of fewer
acupuncture treatments than in our study (8 vs 20 treatments).
Also worth noting in our study is that per-protocol subjects
did not show improvement in grip strength (ie, three jaw chuck
measured with a dynamometer) or QOL (NHP). Results of
previous studies have suggested acupuncture can positively
affect these outcomes in stroke patients.8,13
An important finding from our study was that our sham
acupuncture protocol, which used a blunt-tipped sham needle
that did not penetrate the skin, was effective as a concealable

control. This observation supports other recent studies that

have endorsed the validity and credibility of this device for
acupuncture RCTs.30,31,41 Controls in other studies of acupuncture for stroke rehabilitation have been criticized for various
reasons. Standard care controls14,15,64 have been criticized because they do not account for the potential role of attention and
other nonspecific effects of the often ritualistic administration
of acupuncture.19 Studies in which acupuncture needles have
been inserted shallowly have been criticized because there is no
consensus on how shallow, or minimal, needling needs to be in
order to be inert.21,22 This is especially problematic when
shallow needling is done at known acupuncture points.19 Fi-

Table 4: Effects of Acupuncture on ADL, QOL, and Mood at 12-Week Follow-Up


Barthel Index (ADL)

CES-D (depression)


Adj R2 (%)

Treatment Effect*

95% CI

Adj R2 (%)

Treatment Effect*

95% CI



3.4 to 3.6
7.5 to 4.9
3.5 to 3.0




3.2 to 4.6
13.2 to 1.6
1.4 to 4.5


*The stated treatment effect is the least-squares mean of the active treatment group minus the least-squares mean of the sham treatment

The stated P values are not corrected for the number of outcome measures analyzed.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005



nally, some recent acupuncture stroke studies have relied on

low level subliminal transcutaneous nerve stimulation as a
control.17 It is not clear how inert this treatment is, or whether
it adequately controls for the rituals and expectations associated with true needle insertions.65 The sham device we used
represents a significant improvement over controls used in
other stroke-acupuncture studies, and shows promise as a valid,
effective control for future trials that evaluate acupuncture for
poststroke therapy.
The result of ITT analyses suggest that acupuncture does not
improve UE function or QOL in patients with chronic stroke
symptoms. However, positive improvements in UE function
found in per-protocol subjects suggest traditional Chinese acupuncture may help patients with chronic stroke symptoms.
These results must be interpreted cautiously because of small
sample sizes and multiple, unadjusted, post hoc comparisons.
A larger, more definitive RCT using a similar design is feasible
and warranted.
Pool A: Points for treating upper- and lower-extremity hemiparesis:
LI 15, LI 14, LI 11, LI 10, LI 4, TH 14, TH5, TH 3, Baxie, SI
9, SI 4, SI 3, GB 30, GB 31, GB 34, GB 39, GB 40, ST 34, St
36, ST 41, ST 42, LV 3, Bafeng.
Pool B: Points for treating underlying TCM etiology:
KD 3, LU 5, Ren 4, LV 3, UB 18, UB 23.
Pool C: Points for treating associated symptoms including
aphasia, facial paralysis, depression, and insomnia:
Ren 23, Extra Yin Yu Yue, HT 5, HT 7, ST 5, ST 6, ST 7, LI
4, Tai Yang, TH 17, TH 5, Anmian, LV 3, UB 43, UB 45, Du
20, P 7
NOTE. Anatomic correspondences of points follow Deadman
et al.66 At each treatment, 10 to 15 points were chosen from
pool A, 3 to 5 points from pool B, and 1 to 2 points from
pool C.
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 86, December 2005

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