Task 3

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Task 3Table 4: Reframing Behavioral Characteristics

Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet

Name of child

General behavioural



She always knocks over

other childrens
constructions or tries to
destroy other childrens
art work

She may want to

join in with other
childrens play but
may not know how
to ask

He always disobedience a
teacher and ignore her
when he was speaking
with him.

She may be
frustrated because
she does not know
how to play with
the materials or
complete her own
art project
He may want to
show his syelf
infront of


He dosesn't respect a



He biting his friend and

when the teacher asks
him he sharpening.
He doesnot sharage a
meterails with his frenids.
And he hut them if they
ask to take mateaials.

She excessive restroom


Teacher take him

to prenciple always
for punish.

Maybe he selfish.

Suggestions to
help improve

Sat with DK and

discuss with his why
you misbehave?
reward system that
will engage DK to by
good to get a happy
face or stare.

He wants every
thing for his.

Punish dwod by
dont let him play or
do activity if he didnt

Maybe she get

bord in the class.

Motivate him by
given star if he is
Let a facility go with

She may want ti

play outside play


He wandrening in the
class while teacher speak.

He is hyperactive.
Eat chocolate in
the morning.

Give him a more

activity to be busy
and use his energy
in a right way.


He sleeping at the class.

He dident sleep

Meeting her mother

to solve this


Reframe these behavioural characteristics and suggestions for improvements.

I thank that teacher should repeat
rules of a believer every morning that
will assist children to remember.

In my view, the teacher must engage them by the

reward system, for example, boys with a good believer
at the end of the day teacher will put stars in their name
other ways if they do misbehaver during a day she takes
one star from their name. So, children will try to
discipline to get stars.

Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer
List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school
Mathematical Resources
found in the preschool

Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be

developed with it.

Unifix cubes

1-Comparing between a color red, yellow and


Compering: by putting all with orange colors

together as you see in the picture.

2-Patterns according to a color next to each


An example of pattern put red yellow and

blue again red yellow and blue.

1-Ordering and patterning- children try to

organize a color button as a patterning.

Ordering and patterning, for example, the

copy a color that mentions a color to make a


2- One to one correspondence-match a

patterning in the picture and button.
3-Counting a button.
4-Comparing color.

Exploring on possible activities to develop

mathematical skills and concepts using these

One to one correspondence they match with

the color in the picture. For example, if in the
picture read first they must put read.
Counting a button when the child put it they
may say one, two, three.
Comparing color, for example, they say this is
red, and this is yellow so, they natural

Foam shapes of
various sizes, shapes,

1-One to one correspondence- Children match

a shapes with the right place.
2-Compering between forms- Children they will
be able to know naming shapes: circle, square,
rectangle, a hexagon of each shape and how
the rectangle looks and other shapes. Also, they
know the color red, blue, yellow
3-Ordening and patterning- kids are ordering
shapes according to color or names.
4-Classyfing- kids are comparing between color
and shape. Size it is bigger or smaller.

One to one correspondence kids match a

shape with a place, for example, he put circle
shape in the circle place.
Compering between shapes- Children they
will be able to know naming shapes: circle,
square, rectangle, hexagon of each shape
and how the rectangle looks and other
shapes. Also, they know the color red, blue,
The child may put in the first line red, green,
red green from each shape.


1-Counting, a button.
2-One to One Correspondence matching
according to number For example number 5
children have to put 5 button.

1 to 1 correspondence: put a
picture and shapes in right place.

Picture of

Child while he put a button he direct says

one, two ..
Matching according to number For example
number 5 children has to put 5 buttons.

-Couniting skill:
counting a
-1 to 1


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