* Arduino17 application directory
* upd braccio library to 2.0.0
* fix wire library - freq restored to 2
* upd eeprom library to 2.0.0
* upd SAMD compiler flag -MMD
* fix RTC library moved into SAMD core libraries
* upd RTC library new alarmClearFlag fuction
* fix Server.h - include Print.h
ARDUINO 1.7.10 - 2016.04.15
* New Board Arduino UNO-WiFi
* New Board Arduino Tian
* Fixed SAMD serial communication over native port
* Fixed SAMD concat. between string and float
* Fixed SAMD analogWrite function
* Arduino Ciao Library Update 0.0.3
* Arduino Lucky Shield Library Update to 1.0.3
* 'Rest' renamed in 'EnergySaving'
* new Arduino WiFi Library
* 'WiFi' renamed in 'WiFi Shield'
* Updated Firmata library and added SAMD compatibility
* Fixed SAMD Servo, SD and SPI
ARDUINO 1.7.9 - 2016.03.21
* Fixed M0 / M0 Pro i2c communication
* Set Arduino M0 / M0 Pro default analog reference
* New Board Arduino Industrial 101
* Introducing buildprefs.txt in the sketch directory by @stevemarple
* Arduino Ciao Library Update 0.0.2
* New Arduino Braccio Library 1.0.1
* New Arduino Lucky Shield Library 1.0.0
* Added Arduino M0 / M0 Pro SoftwareSerial library
* Updated Arduino M0 / M0 Pro RTC library
* Added Arduino M0 / M0 Pro LCD library
* Added Arduino M0 / M0 Pro GSM Shield library
ARDUINO 1.7.8 - 2015.10.29
* Fixed M0 / M0 Pro delay() - support ticket #764877
* Arduino M0 / M0 Pro A0 GPIO Bugfix
* add new arduino yun mini board.
* upd atmel driver bundle to version 7.0.712
* upd zero pro bootloader: rx/tx now blink during upload
ARDUINO 1.7.2 - 2015.04.16
* Cleaned up GSM Shield 2 library code
* Fixed SS pin in the SD library
* Fixed a bug that prevented the typing of special characters in the editor of t
he IDE (
* Add the new Arduino Leonardo ETH board
* Fixed Win 8.1 USB 3.0 bug (Arduino Zero Pro)
ARDUINO 1.7.1 - 2015.04.13
* fix BNO055 include in 9 Axes Motion Shield library (@boen)
* add Ethernet 2 Shield library
* add GSM 2 Shield library
* add bootloader source code of arduino zero pro
ARDUINO 1.7.0 - 2015.03.30
* Update DAC, ADC, PWM, Digital for SAMD
* Add openocd and cmsis tool
* Update windows driver with the Zero Pro
* Add Atmel Drivers
* Introduce .bin compiling pattern for Zero Pro (programming port) in platform.t
ARDUINO 1.6.1 - 2015.03.10
* Improved Yun detection for upload via network (Ron Guest)
* In platforms.txt "objcopy" recipe is no more tied to the "hex" format (Arnav G
* /dev/cu.* serial ports are now filtered from the port list on MacOSX
* Ports in ports list are now grouped by type
* Upgraded avr-gcc toolchains to 3.4.5
* Fixed: wrong parsing of boards.txt when using submenu and boards id with under
* Windows: updated bundled JVM to latest 8u31
* Windows: JVM memory settings can be customized editing arduino.l4j.ini and ard
uino_debug.l4j.ini files
* "new" button now behaves as "File -> New..." menu: a new window with an empty
sketch is created
* Windows: opening a lonely sketch caused the IDE to crash. Fixed with a bounty
on bountysource @gerito1
* Bridge: fixed bug with multiple and failing YunClient.connect calls @sngl
* Translations updated
* Improved SoftSerial library and optimized its memory usage @matthijskooijman
* Fixed: status board was not changing when using custom menu @PaulStoffregen
* Fixed: better error message when using a busy serial device
* Fixed: missing bool operator on EthernetClient
* Fixed: missing bool operator on SoftSerial
* MacOSX: back to native file dialogs and buttons, when using experimental versi
* MacOSX: command line interface now works also with java-latest version
* Improved library name matching @PaulStoffregen. Avoids conflicts with librarie
s that bundle files equally named
ARDUINO 1.6.0 - 2015.02.09
* Updated help with the latest docs
* Updated translations
ARDUINO 1.6.0rc3 - 2015.02.03
* Bunch of bugfix on MacOSX build (
ARDUINO 1.6.0rc2 - 2015.01.20
* Reenabled speed of 38400 on serial monitor
* Improved Find/Replace dialog layout (Eberhard Fahle)
* Fixed missing .dll error on some Windows box
* Arduino "boolean" type is now mapped to "bool" instead of "uint8_t" (Christoph
er Andrews)
* sam: HardwareSerial now has buffered transmission (Collin Kidder)
* sam: HardwareSerial fixed modes (parity, data bits, stop bits) (bluesign2k)
* avr: Fixed regression in pulseIn() function accuracy
* GSM: minor changes and bug fix (
The following changes are included also in the Arduino IDE 1.0.7:
* Mitigated Serial Monitor resource exhaustion when the connected device sends a
lot of data (Paul Stoffregen)
ARDUINO 1.6.0rc1 - 2014.12.11
* IDE internals have been refactored and sorted out. (Claudio Indellicati)
The builder and the GUI now have clearly separated source code making it easie
for IDE developers to maintain and propose patch.
From a user point of view nothing changes and the IDE should behave exactly as
* sam: added -MMD flag to let gcc produce dependency files (full rebuild on Ardu
ino Due is now triggered only if needed)
* LiquidCrystal: added setRowOffsets function to support different LCD hardware
configurations (Mark Sproul)
* LiquidCrystal: various improvements and optimizations (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Fixed PROGMEM error in Robot_Control/examples/explore/R06_Wheel_Calibration
* SD: Fixed SPI transaction mismatch (Paul Stoffregen)
The following changes are included also in the Arduino IDE 1.0.7:
* EthernetClien: use IANA recommended ephemeral port range, 49152-65535 (Jack Ch
ristensen, cifer-lee)
* Fixed regression in HardwareSerial::available() introduced with
ARDUINO 1.5.8 BETA - 2014.10.01
* Find/Replace over multiple tabs (Erwin Ried, Fulvio Ieva)
* Fix wrong "Replace" behavior with empty "Find" field (Fulvio Ieva)
* A lot of command-line improvements (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Cursor is not moved when invoking autoformat
* SPI: added transaction API (Paul Stoffregen)!msg/developers/TuZLfjeZjDI/6deN
* FileIO bridge: fixed wrong return value in File::size() for size >32768
* Updated Temboo to latest version
* Updates/Fix to various examples
* sam: "new" and "delete" do not bring in 50Kb of stdclib anymore
* Correct implementation of gcc specific internal functions (__cxa_guard_*) (Ale
xey Guseynov)
* Fix for upload problems on Leonardo (and derivative boards based on mega32u4)
* Small improvements on String class (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Fixed size of available flash for mega2560 boards (Leonardo Milani, Arnav Gupt
* sam: removed useless empty digitalPinToTimer(..) macro stub (Bill Perry)
The following changes are included also in the Arduino IDE 1.0.6:
* avr: Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() funciton (Christopher Andrews
ARDUINO 1.5.7 BETA - 2014.07.07
* Upgraded AVR toolchain: gcc 4.8.1, avr-libc 1.8.0
* Upgraded ARM toolchain: gcc 4.8.3-2014q1
* Upgraded avrdude to version 6.0.1
* ARM gcc doesn't require ia32-libs anymore on 64 bits linux systems
* avr: fixed typo in SerialEvent3 handling (Matthijs Kooijman)
* avr: HardwareSerial support for different size of TX and RX buffer sizes (Jan
* avr: HardwareSerial support for buffer sizes bigger than 256 bytes (Jan Baeyen
* sam: Added configuration (parity, data bits, stop bits) to Serial1/2/3 of Ardu
ino Due (bluesign2k)
* Removed a lot of compiler warnings from Arduino core
* avr: Fix EXTERNAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS for atmega128rfa1 and atmega256rfr2 (Matthijs
* sam: Fix to Wire::endTransmisson() return value (bluesign2k)
* sam: Fix to Wire usage of TWI status register (bluesign2k)
* avr: Fixed PROGMEM statements to be compatible with newer avr gcc (Scott Howar
* Moved to appbundler for building releases for MacOSX. (Haavar Valeur)
This should remove dependency from Java 1.6 on recent MacOSX.
* Added support for '-' and '.' in filenames (Georg von Zengen)
* (re)Added 'arduino_debug.exe' in Windows build for debugging purposes
* Magic baudrate is no longer removed (it was a workaround for RXTX)
(for more info see github issues: #1203 and #995)
* Allow overriding platform.txt using platform.local.txt (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Explicitly define compiler.path in avr/platform.txt (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Make the low available memory message a warning (Matt Robinson)
* Proceed with upload even if port can't be found (David Mellis)
* Added support for ArduinoISP
* Windows: added board detection on serial port menu
* Updated SpaceBrew library
* Fixed HttpClient::running() function
* Fixed HttpClient::ready() function (Manuel Rabade)
* Added HttpClient::noCheckSSL() method
* Improved speed of YunSerialTerminal
* Fixed CRC of shutdown command on YunSerialTerminal example
* Updates/Fix to various examples
* Added Wire.setClock(..) method (Kristian Sloth Lauszus)
The following changes are included also in the Arduino IDE 1.0.6:
* avr: Improved USB-CDC write speed (Justin Rajewski)
* avr: Improved USB-CDC read code (Paul Brook)
* avr: Fixed race condition in USB-CDC transmit (Paul Brook)
* Fixed wrong NULL pointer handling in Stream class (Amulya Kumar Sahoo)
* Added initVariant() hook to allow 3rd party variant-specific initialization
* Fix toolchain command line to compile assembler files (Jimmy Hedman)
* If two libraries have the same header file use the lib with the same folder na
me (Paul Stoffregen)
* Robot_Control: removed duplicated SPI and Wire (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: fixed issue on motors being opposite (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: updated turning algorithm (Xun Yang)
* Esplora: added reading form Tinkerkit inputs
* SoftwareSerial: Fix idle level when initializing with inverted logic (Jens-Chr
istian Skibakk)
* Wifishield: fixed paths on firmware upgrade scripts
ARDUINO 1.5.6-r2 BETA - 2014.02.21
* JSSC: Fixed NPE when RXCHAR event with no bytes (Jos Pereda)
ARDUINO 1.5.6 BETA - 2014.02.20
* Implemented 1.5 library specification Rev.2
* Replaced RXTX library with JSSC (Alexey Sokolov)
* If two libraries provides the same .h file prioritize the library with tha sam
e folder name
* Improved command-line parsing (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Windows: added arduino_debug.exe to help debugging errors when launch4j fails
to start IDE
* TFT: warning messages in PImage class and strings inside examples now stored i
n flash to save RAM.
* Ethernet: added operator == for EthernetClient class (Norbert Truchsess)
* Robot_Control: removed embedded copies of Wire and SPI to allow their use in s
Old sketches using Robot_Control now must include Wire.h and SPI.h.
* Robot_Control: fixed issues about motor turning algorithm
* Bridge: optimized FileIO.doBuffer() (bobh66)
* avr: Pile of HardwareSerial improvements (Matthijs Kooijman)
- Remove duplicate code from HardwareSerial::begin() methods
- Simplify HardwareSerial::begin() (Rob Tillaart)
- Use constants for register bit positions in HardwareSerial
- Fix HardwareSerial::flush() when interrupts are kept disabled for a while
- Fix lockup when writing to HardwareSerial with interrupts disabled
- Disable the UDRE interrupt sooner in HardwareSerial (Nathan Blackwell)
- Put each HardwareSerial instance in its own .cpp file in order to save memor
for unused UARTS
- In HardwareSerial::write, bypass the queue when it's empty in order to
improve throughput when using high baudrates (KurtE)
* sam: Fixed wrap-around bug in delay() (Mark Tillotson)
* sam: Fixed regression in analogRead() (fails to read multiple channels) (Mark
* sam: Fixed loops in Reset.cpp (Matthijs Kooijman)
* Bridge: Fixed return value of Bridge::get(..) (returning 0 with valid data len
* Bridge: Implemented multi-byte File::read(..)
* sam: Fixed SPI initialization (when using extended API and multiple CS)
* Partially fixed the behavior of EthernetClient::flush(), now it doesn't discar
incoming data BUT it doesn't wait for outgoing data to be successfully transmi
* Esplora: Added support for display GREENTAB_L
* sam: Fixed wrong initialization for ADC timings (analogRead speed Arduino DUE
improved by a factor x10)
* avr: Fixed wrong extended fuses on Arduino Yn when using external programmer
* Added LED_BUILTIN metadata in variant files
* avr: Refactored Mega* variants definitions in boards.txt (Kristian Sloth Lausz
* avr: Removed File object destructor. In order to free memory allocated by a Fi
le object the safest way is to call its close() method
* Added digitalPinToInterrupt variant macro (Paul Stoffregen)
* avr: added variant file for Arduino Ethernet
* Added SERIAL_* metadata in variants files (Paul Stoffregen)
ARDUINO 1.5.4 BETA - 2013.09.10
* Revert to English locale if the system default is not available
* Added support for Arduino Yn
* Autodetect of boards connected to each serial port
* Network upload and discovery for Arduino Yn
* sam: fixed wrong SPI initialization (noblepepper)
* updated all instances of Adafruit_GFX to the latest version
* added libraries for Arduino Yn
* avr: fixed bug introduced with recent optimizations in HardwareSerial (atmega8
cpu) (darryl)
ARDUINO 1.5.3 BETA - 2013.08.30
* Removed useless baud rates from serial monitor
* Fixed some minor IDE UI bugs (Shigeru Kanemoto)
* Added support for new 1.5 Library format (
* Pass board type from boards.txt (
* Display estimated RAM usage after compile (Loren M. Lang)
* Import library menu is now scrollable
* Scrollable menus can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel
[arduino core]
* sam: Fixed delayMicrosecond() when interrupts are disabled (Paul Stoffregen)
* sam: Upgraded libsam, and added missing modules (CAN, ETH, etc.) (Thibaut Viar
* sam: Added compatibility for avr/pgmspace.h (Paul Stoffregen)
* Merged all improvements made in Arduino IDE 1.0.3
* Merged all improvements made in Arduino IDE 1.0.4
ARDUINO 1.5.1r2 BETA - 2012.11.06
* Fixed wrong release file for windows.
ARDUINO 1.5.1 BETA - 2012.11.05
* Merged changes coming from stable release of Arduino IDE 1.0.2.
[arduino core]
* added support for yield() function in Arduino Core. This is a
preliminar step for experimenting with cooperative Schedulers.
* Simplified boards menu selection. (new boards.txt file format with
custom sub-menus).
* Fixed "FAT" (multi-platform) library detection. This bug caused
many libraries to be detected as 'invalid'.
[sam arduino core]
* attachInterrupt() and detachInterrupt() are now working.
* Fixed macros to query low level GPIO registers:
digitalPinToBitMask(), digitalPinToTimer(),
portOutputRegister, portInputRegister()
* Fixed analogWrite() on DAC0/1 when writing on both DACs
(thanks to smay4finger)
* Added firmware for atmega16u2 on Due Board.
ARDUINO 1.5 BETA - 2012.10.22
* First release for the unified IDE for both AVR 8-bit and ARM 32-bit
(SAM3 CPUs) architectures.
* This release include the SAM Arduino Core used in the Arduino Due
* Everything is in beta, most features or libraries are still missing
or incomplete.
* For more info refer to this press release:
* Backported SPI Transaction API from IDE 1.5.x (Paul Stoffregen)
* Backported GSM from IDE 1.5.x: fix build regression
* Backported Ethernet from IDE 1.5.x
* Backported SD from IDE 1.5.x
* Backported SPI from IDE 1.5.x
* EthernetClient: use IANA recommended ephemeral port range, 49152-65535 (Jack C
hristensen, cifer-lee)
* Fixed missing NOT_AN_INTERRUPT constant in digitalPinToInterrupt() macro
* Fixed performance regression in HardwareSerial::available() introduced with ht
* Mitigated Serial Monitor resource exhaustion when the connected device sends a
lot of data (Paul Stoffregen)
ARDUINO 1.0.6 - 2014.09.16
* avr: Improved USB-CDC write speed (Justin Rajewski)
* avr: Improved USB-CDC read code (Paul Brook)
* avr: Fixed race condition in USB-CDC transmit (Paul Brook)
* avr: Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() funciton (Christopher Andrews
* Fixed wrong NULL pointer handling in Stream class (Amulya Kumar Sahoo)
* Backported String class from IDE 1.5.x (Matt Jenkins)
* Backported Print class from IDE 1.5.x
* Backported digitalPinToInterrupt macro from IDE 1.5.x
* Added initVariant() hook to allow 3rd party variant-specific initialization
* Added replacement stub for cstdlib atexit() function (Christopher Andrews)
* Added compatibility for IDE 1.5.x libraries layout
* Fix toolchain command line to compile assembler files (Jimmy Hedman)
* If two libraries have the same header file use the lib with the same folder na
me (Paul Stoffregen)
* Robot_Control: removed duplicated SPI and Wire (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: fixed issue on motors being opposite (Xun Yang)
* Robot_Control: updated turning algorithm (Xun Yang)
* Esplora: added reading form Tinkerkit inputs
* SoftwareSerial: Fix idle level when initializing with inverted logic (Jens-Chr
istian Skibakk)
* fixed a bunch of examples
* Wifishield: fixed paths on firmware upgrade scripts
ARDUINO 1.0.5-r2 - 2014.01.08
* Signed drivers for Windows 8.1
* Fixed Windows drivers signature (that prevented installation on
some Windows 8.x OS). Now the signature is timestamped and should
not expire.
ARDUINO 1.0.5 - 2013.05.15
* [avr] malloc bug: backported avr-libc 1.8.0 implementation
* [avr] removed deprecated interrupt handlers causing compiler issues
with newer avr-gcc.
* [avr] added c_str() method to String
* [avr] Stream "_timeout" field and related methods are now protected
* Upgrades to WiFi library
* Fixed a bunch of examples
* Added Arduino Robot libraries
* Fixed a bunch of bugs on Mega2560's bootloader (Mark Sproul)
ARDUINO 1.0.3 - 2012.12.10
* Added support for the Arduino Esplora
* Signed application for MacOSX 10.8
* Fixed power-up-starts-bootloader in Leonardo (and derivative)
bootloaders. (Kristian Lauszus)
* Fixed digital_pin_to_timer_PGM array in Leonardo variant.
* Published updated Wifi firmware
* Updated source code for atmega8 bootloader
* Added 600 baud support in SoftwareSerial (Sbastien Jean)
ARDUINO 1.0.2 - 2012.11.05
* Added support for the Arduino Micro.
* Added support for the LilyPad Arduino USB.
* For Arduino Mega, having avrdude use "wiring" not "stk500v2" for
uploads (to improve auto-reset behavior).
* Find-In-Reference now works whether or not text is selected.
* Not generating prototypes for functions that already have them.
(Lars J. Nielsen).
* Improved line numbers for error messages. (Paul Stoffregen)
* Automatically create libraries folder in the sketchbook.
(Paul Stoffregen)
* Tutorial on installing libraries (linked from readme.txt in the
libraries folder). (Limor Fried)
* Fix to allow selection of Norwegian. (Rune Fauske)
* Fix to race condition / occasional error in compilation. (gandrewstone)
* Don't break long C++ comments during auto-format.
[core / libraries]
* Included WiFi library and wifi shield firmware.
* Added ability to specify serial configuration (data bits, stop bits
and parity check) in Serial.begin(). (Alarus)
* Avoided overruns of the incoming serial (CDC) buffer on the Leonardo.
(Peter Van Hoyweghen)
* Avoided auto-reset of the Leonardo when opening serial port after
upload without specifying a baud rate. (Peter Van Hoyweghen)
* Fix for tone() on the Leonardo. (Shigeru Kanemoto)
* Improvements to the Find / Replace dialog. (Peter Lewis)
* Support for selecting words (on double-click) and lines (triple-click)
in the Arduino software. (Peter Lewis)
* Don't insert newline when using serial monitor keyboard
shortcut. (Lars J. Nielsen)
* Added a preference for disabling verification on upload (for increased
speed). (Nathan Seidle)
* Added the gcc toolchain to the Linux distribution. (To use the
toolchain already installed on your system, simply delete the one
that comes with the Arduino software.) (Paul Stoffregen)
* Updating Arduino Mini upload protocol to 'arduino' from 'stk500' (should
fix problems with auto-reset not working).
[core / libraries]
* Updated (and official) support for the Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4).
Includes new bootloader and various fixes to the core.
* Adding overloads to Wire.write() (for Wire.write(0)). (Paul Stoffregen)
* Fixing delayMicroseconds() for 20 MHz clocks (Erdem U. Altinyurt)
* Support third external interrupt on ATmega1284P. (maniacbug)
* Update reference voltage constants for ATmega1284P. (maniacbug)
* Adding --relax linker flag for ATmega2560. (arducopter)
* Fixing Ethernet library bug on avr-gcc 4.5.1 (SurferTim)
* Fixed DHCP hostname generation. (peter)
* Simplifying microseconds to clock cycles conversions (Rob Tillaart)
* Fixed various warnings. (maniacbug)
* Fixed bug w/ repeated initial characters in findUntil(). (Jeffery.zksun)
* Added INPUT_PULLUP option for pinMode(). The INPUT mode now explicitly
s a new color scheme and about image for the IDE (by
* The name of the currently selected board and serial port are now shown
at the bottom of the editor. (Code from Wiring.)
* A progress bar is displayed during compilation and upload. (from Wiring.)
[core / libraries]
* Serial transmission is now asynchronous - that is, calls to
Serial.print(), etc. add data to an outgoing buffer which is transmitted
in the background. Also, the Serial.flush() command has been repurposed
Added support for the Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega 2560.
Including ATmega8U2 firmware used by Uno and Mega 2560.
Including source code to optiboot bootloader used by the Uno.
Including source code to the stk500v2 bootloader used by Mega 2560.
New application icon (by ToDo).
* Synchronized with the Processing 1.0.9 code base, bringing various fixes,
including to a bug causing saving to fail when closing the last sketch.
* Added support for third-party hardware in the SKETCHBOOK/hardware folder,
mirroring the current structure of the hardware folder in Arduino.
* Added Ctrl-Shift-M / Command-Shift-M shortcut for serial monitor.
* Hold down shift when pressing the Verify / Compile or Upload toolbar
buttons to generate verbose output (including command lines).
* Moving build (on upload) from the applet/ sub-folder of the sketch
to a temporary directory (fixing problems with uploading examples from
within the Mac OS X disk image or a Linux application directory).
* Fixed bug the prevented the inclusion of .cpp and .h (or .c and .h) files
of the same name in a sketch.
* Improved the Mac OS X disk image (.dmg): added a shortcut to the
Applications folder, a background image with arrow, and new FTDI drivers.
ARDUINO 0017 - 2009.07.25
[documentation / examples]
* Many new and revised examples from Tom Igoe.
[core / libraries]
* Updated LiquidCrystal library by Limor Fried. See reference for details.
* Updated Firmata library to version 2.1 (rev. 25).
* Replaced the Servo library with one (MegaServo) by Michael Margolis.
Supports up to 12 servos on most Arduino boards and 48 on the Mega.
* Improving the accuracy of the baud rate calculations for serial
communication (fixing double-speed problems on 8 MHz Arduino boards).
Thanks to gabebear.
* Synchronized with the Processing 1.0.3 code base (rev. 5503), bringing
many improvements (listed below).
* New icons and about image by Thomas Glaser (envis precisely).
* Support for multiple sketch windows.
* The serial monitor now has its own window.
* Comment / Uncomment menu item (in Edit) and keyboard shortcut.
* Increase and Decrease Indent menu items (in Edit) and keyboard shortcuts.
* Support for third-party libraries in the SKETCHBOOK/libraries folder.
* Libraries are now compiled with the sketch, eliminating the delay when
switching boards and the need to delete .o files when changing library
source code.
* Arduino now comes as an app file (in a dmg) on the Mac.
* Adding the Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328 to the Tools > Board menu.
ARDUINO 0016 - 2009.05.30
[documentation / examples]
* New communication examples (w/ corresponding Processing and Max/MSP code) by
Tom Igoe.
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the Arduino Pro and Pro Mini 3.3V / 8 MHz w/ ATmega328.
* Adding support for the LilyPad Arduino w/ ATmega328.
* Adding write(str) and write(buf, size) methods to Print, Serial, and the
Ethernet library Client and Server classes. This allows for more efficient
(fewer packet) Ethernet communication. (Thanks to mikalhart.)
* Improvements to the way the Ethernet library Client class connects and
disconnects. Should reduce or eliminate failed connections and long
timeouts. (Thanks to Bruce Luckcuck.)
* Optimizing the timer0 overflow interrupt handler (used for millis() and
micros()). Thanks to westfw and mikalhart.
* Fixing bug that limited the bit() macro to 15 bits. Thanks to Paul Badger.
* Adding ARDUINO version constant (thanks to prodding from mikalhart).
* Ordering the items in the Tools > Board menu.
* Adding "Copy as HTML" command to the Tools menu.
* Eliminating (maybe) the occasional "Couldn't determine program size" errors.
Thanks to the Clever Monkey.
* Moving selection of Linux look-and-feel into the arduino script so it can
be changed by users. Thanks to Eberhard Fahle.
* Adding automatic dependency generation to the Makefile. (Lars Immisch)
ARDUINO 0015 - 2009.03.26
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the Arduino Mega (ATmega1280).
* Reinstating use of core.a library in the build process, slightly shrinking
compiled sketch sizes. (Thanks to William Westfield.)
* Fixing bug in copy for forum (thanks to eried).
ARDUINO 0014 - 2009.03.07
[core / libraries]
* Fixing bug that prevented multiple outgoing Client connections with the
ethernet library.
* Clarifying ATmega168 vs. ATmega328 in the Tools > Boards menu.
* Updating the Mac OS X AVR tools to AVR MacPack 20081213. This includes
avr-gcc 4.3.2, which should fix problems with functions called from
within interrupts.
ARDUINO 0013 - 2009.02.06
[documentation / examples]
* Adding examples for Parallax Ping Sensor and Memsic 2125 accelerometer.
[core / libraries]
* Adding support for the ATmega328. The upload speed is 57600 baud, so you
may need to edit boards.txt or reburn your bootloader if you bought an
ATmega328 w/ bootloader from adafruit or other supplier.
* Adding support for printing floats to Print class (meaning that it works
in the Serial, Ethernet, and LiquidCrystal classes too). Includes two
decimal places.
* Added word, word(), bitRead(), bitWrite(), bitSet(), bitClear(), bit(),
lowByte(), and highByte(); see reference for details.
* Working around problem that caused PWM output on pins 5 and 6 to never go
to 0 (causing, for example, an LED to continue to glow faintly).
* Removing cast macros, since function-style casts are a feature of C++. This
should fix contributed libraries that broke in Arduino 0012.
* Modifying pulseIn() to wait for a transition to start timing (i.e. ignoring
any pulse that had already started when the function was called).
* Fixing bug in random() that limited the ranges of values generated. Thanks
to Mikal Hart.
* Modifying delay() to pause for at least the given number of milliseconds.
* Fixing bug in Ethernet library that interfered with use of pins 8 and 9.
* Originating each outgoing network connection from a different port (in the
Client class of the Ethernet library). Thanks to Paul and joquer.
* Updating ATmega168 bootloader to work with standard distributions of avrdude
(responding to signature requests made with the universal SPI command) and
correctly store EEPROM data. Thanks to ladyada.
* Omitting unused functions from compiled sketches, reducing their size.
* Changing compilation process to allow for use of EEMEM directive (although
not yet uploading EEPROM data).
ARDUINO 0012 - 2008.09.18
* Added Arduino Nano to the boards menu.
* Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (8 MHz) to the boards menu.
* Added Firmata library by Hans Steiner and others. This provides a standard
protocol for communicating with software on the computer.
* Added an Ethernet library for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield.
* Added a Servo library based on the work of Jim Studt.
* Added a LiquidCrystal library based on the work in the playground. It
supports both 4- and 8-bit modes.
* Improved millis(): it now overflows after 49 days instead of 9 hours, but
now uses slightly more processing power.
* Fixed reversing direction bug in Stepper library. (Thanks to Wayne Holder.)
* Moved insertion of #include <WProgram.h> to after any comments and #include
statements in the main sketch file. This means that an #include <stdlib.h>
now works.
* Upgraded to newer versions of avr-gcc (4.3.0) and avr-libc (1.6). This
provides support for newer Atmel chips, but may increase the size
of sketches.
* Allowing per-board specification of the upload.using preference, allowing
upload via bootloader to some boards and via a programmer to others.
* Added return values to some functions in the Wire library to allow for
better error handling.
* Fixed random() to work with long values.
* Creation of an abstract Print base-class to allow Serial, SoftwareSerial,
and LiquidCrystal to share code for print() and println().
* Incorporated ladyada's watchdog timer mods to the bootloader source, but
only compiling them in for the Pro and Pro Mini (because they are included
in the bootloader being burned on the boards by SparkFun).
ARDUINO 0011 - 2008.03.28
* Upload rate no longer selectable from a menu within the IDE. Instead, edit
the serial.download_rate item in the preferences.txt file.
* Created Xcode project for building Arduino on the Mac (doesn't yet regenerate
the grammar files or package the distribution); active target should be "App".
* Removed unused or unimplemented items from menus.
ARDUINO 0002 - 2005.10.05