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World Health


Mental and neurological disorders

ne in every four people, or 25% of individuals, develop one or more mental or behavioral
disorders at some stage in life, both in developed and developing countries. These disorders
can now be diagnosed as reliably and accurately as most of the common physical disorders.
Some disorders can be prevented; all can be successfully managed and treated.
The World Health Report 2001 focuses on a number of common disorders. These include
depression, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimers disease, mental retardation
and disorders of childhood and adolescence.

DEPRESSION episodes. Other effective interventions include setting up

supportive network systems for vulnerable individuals,
What is depression? families and groups. The evidence regarding prevention
of depression is less conclusive, only a few isolated studies
Depression, sometimes referred to as unipolar
show that interventions proposed for the prevention of
depression, is a common mental disorder characterized
depression are effective.
by sadness, loss of interest in activities and by decreased
energy. Depression is differentiated from normal
mood changes that are part of life by the extent of its SCHIZOPHRENIA
severity, the symptoms and the duration of the disorder.
Suicide remains one of the common and often avoidable
What is schizophrenia?
outcomes of depression. If depressive episodes alternate
with exaggerated elation or irritability they are known as Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that typically begins in
bipolar disorder. Depressive disorders and schizophrenia late adolescence or early adulthood. It is characterized by
are responsible for 60% of all suicides. The causes of profound disruption in thinking and perceptions, affecting
depression vary. Psychosocial factors, such as adverse language, thought, perception, and sense of self. It often
living conditions, can influence the onset and persistence includes psychotic experiences such as hearing voices or
of depressive episodes. Genetic and biological factors delusions. It can impair functioning by causing the loss
also play a part. of an acquired ability such as not being able to gain ones
own livelihood or disruption of studies.
How many suffer?
How many suffer?
It is estimated that 5.8% of men and 9.5% of women
will experience a depressive episode in any given year. Around 24 million people worldwide suffer from
These prevalence figures can, however, vary across schizophrenia at any point in time. Schizophrenia
different populations. It is estimated that 121 million is found approximately equally in men and women.
people currently suffer from depression. Women tend to develop it later in life, and also tend to
have a better course and outcome after treatment.
What can be done?
The first-line treatment for most people with depression What can be done?
consists of antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, Primary prevention of schizophrenia is not possible.
or a combination of both. Antidepressants are effective However, recent research has focused on developing
across the full range of severity of major depressive ways of detecting people with schizophrenia in the very

Fact Sheet: The World Health Report 2001 1

World Health

early stages. Early detection would increase the chance the individual, reduce disability due to lost mental
of early treatment, diminishing the risk for recurrence functions, reorganize routines so as to maximize use
or serious residual damage. of the retained functions, minimize symptoms such as
suspiciousness, agitation and depression and to provide
The treatment of schizophrenia has three main com-
support to the family.
ponents: medications to relieve symptoms and prevent
relapse; education and psychosocial interventions to Psychosocial interventions, including education, support,
help patients and families cope with the illness and counseling and respite care, are extremely important
its complications; and rehabilitation to help patients in Alzheimers disease, both for patients and family
reintegrate into the community and regain even their caregivers. Some medicines have demonstrated some
occupational functioning. usefulness in ameliorating cognitive dysfunction and
improving attention, as well as reducing delusions.
Until recently, about one-third of schizophrenia patients
recovered completely. With modern advances in drug
therapy and psychosocial care, almost half the individuals EPILEPSY
who develop schizophrenia can expect a full and lasting
recovery. However, in the remaining cases, it can follow a
What is epilepsy?
chronic or recurrent course with residual symptoms and Epilepsy is the most common of brain disorders. Epilepsy
serious limitations in day-to-day activities. is characterized by repeated seizures, or fits as they
are commonly known, which may take many forms
ranging from the shortest lapse of attention to severe
ALZHEIMERS DISEASE and frequent convulsions. They can occur several times
a day to once every few months. Epileptic seizures are
What is Alzheimers disease? caused by bursts of excessive electrical activity in the
Alzheimers disease is a degenerative brain syndrome brain. The majority of individuals with epilepsy do not
characterized by a progressive decline in memory, have any obvious or demonstrable abnormality in the
thinking, comprehension, calculation, language, brain, besides the electrical changes.
learning capacity and judgement. It is important,
What causes epilepsy?
however, to differentiate the symptoms of Alzheimers
disease from normal age-related decline in cognitive There are many causes of epilepsy, including genetic
functions which is much more gradual and leads to predisposition, brain damage caused by infections,
much milder disability. birth complications, brain injuries, parasites, alcohol
or other toxic substances, and tumors. Tapeworm,
How many suffer? schistosomiasis, malaria and encephalitis are some of
the common infectious causes of epilepsy. However, in
There are currently an estimated 37 million people
half of the cases, the causes remain unknown.
worldwide with dementia, with Alzheimers disease
being responsible for causing the majority of the cases. How many suffer?
About 5% of men and 6% of women over 60 years of
It is estimated that about 50 million people of all ages
age are affected with Alzheimers disease. With the
around the world are affected by epilepsy. It is estimated
ageing of populations, this figure is projected to rapidly
that more than 80% of individuals with epilepsy live
increase in the next 20 years.
in developing countries.

What can be done? What can be done?

There is currently no cure for Alzheimers disease. Effective actions for the prevention of epilepsy are
The goals of care are to maintain the functioning of adequate prenatal and postnatal care, safe delivery,

2 Fact Sheet: The World Health Report 2001

World Health

control of fever in children, control of parasitic diseases, fetal alcohol syndrome; dietary control to prevent
and prevention of brain injury such as controlling blood mental retardation in people with phenylketonuria; and
pressure or using safety belts and helmets. environmental control to prevent mental retardation due
to poisoning from heavy metals such as lead.
Epilepsy therapy aims to prevent seizures and to
reintegrate people with epilepsy into all aspects of Also, prenatal genetic testing can detect certain forms
community life. Up to 70% of people newly diagnosed of mental retardation such as Downs Syndrome and
with epilepsy can be seizure free if treated with parents could benefit from prenatal counseling in
antiepileptic drugs. Despite the fact that in most these cases.
countries the cost of treatment can be as low as $5 per Treatment goals are early recognition and optimal
patient per year, the vast majority of those suffering utilization of the intellectual capacities of the individual
remain untreated. In Africa, for example, more than by training, family education and support, vocational
80% of people suffering from epilepsy do not receive training and opportunities for work in protected
any treatment. environments. The training of parents to act as teachers
and trainers of daily life skills is central to the care of
persons with mental retardation. Parents have to be
MENTAL RETARDATION aware of learning principles and be educated in behavior
modification and vocational training techniques. In
What is mental retardation? addition, they can support each other in networks
Mental retardation is a condition of arrested or incomplete and groups.
development of the mind characterized by impairment of
skills and overall intelligence in areas such as cognition,
language, and motor and social abilities. Also referred to SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS
as intellectual disability or handicap, mental retardation What are substance use disorders?
can occur with or without any other physical or mental
There are a number of disorders resulting from use of
disorders. In addition to genetic factors, injuries at
psychoactive substances including alcohol, opioids such
birth and brain infections, a common cause of mental
as opium or heroin, cannabinoids such as marijuana,
retardation in iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency is the
sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other stimulants,
single largest cause of preventable brain damage and
hallucinogens, tobacco and volatile solvents. The
severe mental retardation.
conditions include acute intoxication, harmful use,
dependence, and psychotic disorders. Tobacco and
How many suffer? alcohol are the substances which are used most widely
It is estimated that the overall prevalence of mental across the globe and which pose the most serious public
retardation is between 1% and 3%. It is more common health consequences.
in developing countries because of the higher incidence
of injuries and anoxia or deprivation of oxygen at birth How many suffer?
and early childhood brain infections, all of which cause Today, approximately one in three adults, or 1.2 billion
retardation. people use tobacco. By 2025, the number is expected
to rise to more than 1.6 billion. Tobacco was estimated
What can be done? to account for 4 million annual deaths by 1998. It is
Mental retardation can be prevented. Actions to prevent estimated that tobacco-attributable deaths will rise to
8.4 million by 2020.
mental retardation include iodization of salt to prevent
iodine-deficiency mental retardation (cretinism); There are an estimated 70 million people who have
abstinence from alcohol by pregnant women to avoid alcohol use disorders, including harmful use and

Fact Sheet: The World Health Report 2001 3

World Health

dependence, 78% of whom are not treated. The rate development such as autism. The course of these
of alcohol use disorder for men is 2.8% and 0.5% disorders is steady, without remission or relapses,
for women. though some tend to improve with time. The second
category, behavioral and emotional disorders, includes:
A large number of other substances generally grouped
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) also
under the broad category of drugs are also abused. These
known as hyperkinetic disorders, conduct disorders and
include illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine and cannabis.
emotional disorders of childhood.
It has been estimated that there are about 5 million
people in the world who inject illicit drugs. There is a high
prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users, How many suffer?
making it a major public health problem. Though the prevalence figures vary considerably
between studies, it is estimated that 10-20% of children
What can be done? have one or more mental or behavioral problems. The
real dimension of the problem is largely unknown
The goals of therapy are to reduce illness, disability and
and more research is needed to establish exactly how
death due to the use of psychoactive substances and to
many children are affected by these disorders and to
help patients achieve a drug-free life. Strategies include
what extent.
early diagnosis; identification and management of risk
of infectious diseases as well as other medical and
social problems; stabilization and maintenance with What can be done?
pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence; counselling; Inadequate attention has been paid to this area of mental
access to services; and opportunities to achieve social health. The diagnosis of childhood and adolescent
integration. Medical detoxification is only the first stage disorders requires an understanding of normal and
of treatment for dependence, and by itself does not abnormal psychological development. This is best
change long-term drug use. Long-term care must be done by trained observers with a variety of clinical
provided to decrease rates of relapse. instruments in addition to parent reporting.
Treatment of child and adolescent disorders varies.
There are emerging tests involving neuroimaging that
hold promise for precise definition of pathological
brain function for a variety of disorders that could help
improve treatment options. Currently, outpatient care is
What are disorders of childhood and adolescence?

A product of NMH Communications. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2001.

preferred to hospitalisation as it represents appropriate
Contrary to popular belief, mental and behavioral least restrictive care. Child and adolescent disorders
disorders are common during childhood and require a continuum of care over time and services,
adolescence. Many of the disorders more commonly linking all settings where the child may receive care
found among adults, including depression, can begin such as hospitals, out-patient facilities, families and
during childhood. The are two broad categories specific schools. These treatments include both individual and
to childhood and adolescence. The first is disorders of group psychological support such as psychotherapy or
psychological development characterized by impairment counselling. The use of medication to treat ADHD or
or delay in the development of specific functions such hyperkinetic disorders is now common, as are behavioral
as speech and language (dyslexias) or overall pervasive techniques for anxiety disorders.
Design: Marilyn Langfeld.

4 Fact Sheet: The World Health Report 2001

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