CIVIL Spouses Jalbay Vs PNB

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Spouses Jalbay vs PNB

G.R. No. 177803

August 3, 2015

Virginia and her husband, Danilo Agus, applied for a loan with PNB. As a security, the Spouses
Agus constituted a real estate mortgage over the a lot, which they represented as being owned by
siblings Emiliano and Teresita Jalbay-Cinco. The borrowers, however, failed to pay. PNB
foreclosed the mortgage and emerged as the highest bidder at the public auction.
Spouses Jalbay learned about the mortgage and foreclosure of their property. Contending that the
real estate mortgage and the proceedings for its foreclosure were invalid for lack of consent of
the real owners, the Spouses Jalbay filed a complaint against PNB. The RTC declared the real
estate mortgage as null and void and the foreclosure proceedings without force and effect.
ISSUE: Whether PNB observed the necessary diligence in granting the loan
RULING: YES. Not only did it require Emiliano, Jr., Cinco, and the Spouses Agus to submit
their biodata, duly accomplished loan application and the TCT covering the mortgaged lot, it
likewise caused the subject property to be inspected and appraised, and conducted a thorough
credit investigation on the persons of the borrowers.
True, banks, in handling real estate transactions, are required to exert a higher degree of
diligence, care, and prudence than individuals. Unlike private individuals, it is expected to
exercise greater care and prudence in its dealings, including those involving registered lands. A
banking institution is expected to exercise due diligence before entering into a mortgage contract.
Indeed, there is a situation where, despite the fact that the mortgagor is not the owner of the
mortgaged property, his title being fraudulent, the mortgage contract and any foreclosure sale
arising therefrom are given effect by reason of public policy. This is the doctrine of "the
mortgagee in good faith," wherein buyers or mortgagees dealing with property covered by a
Torrens Certificate of Title are no longer required to go beyond what appears on the face
of the title. However, the rule that persons dealing with registered lands can rely solely on the
certificate of title is not applicable to banks. Thus, before approving a loan application, it is a
standard operating practice for these institutions to conduct an ocular inspection of the property
offered for mortgage and to verify the veracity of the title to determine its real owners. An ocular
inspection is necessary to protect the true owner of the property as well as innocent third parties
with a right, interest or claim thereon from a usurper who may have acquired a fraudulent
certificate of title.
Here, the Court finds that PNB has complied with the required degree of diligence, prudence,
and care in dealing with the mortgagor. There was also no sign or circumstance which could
have possibly triggered suspicion on the banks part. Aside from the fact that the certificate of
title to the subject lot is authentic and issued in the name of Emiliano Jalbay, he also appeared to
have been the one occupying said property. Hence, there is no compelling reason to depart from
the assailed rulings of the appellate court.

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