3-Renewing The Mind Through The W - Bill Basansky
3-Renewing The Mind Through The W - Bill Basansky
3-Renewing The Mind Through The W - Bill Basansky
Chapter I
Inferiority Complex
Chapter II
Inability To Concentrate
Chapter III
The Spirit Of Condemnation
Chapter IV
Obsessed With Prejudice
Chapter V
Compulsion to Perfection
Chapter VI
N arrow-Mindedness
Chapter VII
More Symptoms of the Unrenewed Mind
Chapter VIII
Controlling Your Mind
Chapter IX
The Will, the Intellect, and Emotions
Chapter X
Pulling Down Strongholds
Inferiority Complex
It is my desire to challenge and awaken every
Christian to ask himself this question, "Is my mind renewed
in the Word of God?"
I am not asking you whether you are Spirit filled, but I
am asking you, "Is your mind renewed in the Word?"
Do you have any symptoms of an unrenewed mind?
I am going to discuss (in this booklet) several
symptoms of the unrenewed mind in a Christian. As you
study these symptoms and learn how to resolve them in
your Christian walk, you will live a more victorious life.
Jesus has promised every believer a victorious life who
recognizes undesirable symptoms in his life, humbles
himself before God and asks to be made free.
To be a mature Christian it is very important for an
individual to understand and recognize symptoms of an
unrenewed mind. Having recognized undesirable
symptoms in your life you must RENOUNCE them and
not fellowship with them. (Don't give in to them.) Then
renew your mind by CONFESSING what the Word of God
says you are in Christ Jesus. I Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if
any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new," and 5:21, "For he hath
made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made
II Timothy 1:7.
If you have fear to make decisions and step out for
God, then, you have an inferiority complex, which is a
symptom of an unrenewed mind.
To say, "Well, I don't think I could do that, I don't
know how," or "I am embarrassed," does not mean that
you are not saved or Spirit filled. It does mean that your
mind needs to be renewed with the Word of God.
I can understand how you feel when you say, "I can't
do it," but I cannot agree with you, for the Word says that
we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens
So when your mind tells you to say, "I can't," or "I'm
not worthy," that is the moment you should say out loud,
"I CAN DO ALL THINGS ...," then you will possess
sound mind"
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me, the works
that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12).
Inability To Concentrate
Another symptom of the unrenewed mind is the inability
to concentrate. Are you unable to read the Word of God
without falling asleep?
Please understand, this is not a sign that you are not
saved. However, it is a sign that your mind needs to be
dealt with by the Word of God.
You say, "I can't stay awake."
How many times have you desired to read the Word?
You plan to take a shower, or a bath, turn your night light
on, go to bed and read your Bible. You had very good
intentions to do that. But what happens when you get into
You really meant to "study and show thyself approved unto
God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the
The Spirit Of Condemnation
When you as a Christianeven a Spirit filled
recognize some of the symptoms of an unrenewed
mind, you should not run away from them or be
condemned by them. You need to come and ask Jesus to
deliver you and cleanse you with His blood. The Bible
says in Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to
them which are in Christ Jesus..." If you are a child of God, don't
listen to the condemnation.
Condemnation is another symptom of the unrenewed
How can a Christian know if it is God talking to him,
or if it is the devil condemning him?
Does God condemn? Of course not!
First of allwe read in the above scripture, "there is now
no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." If you are a born
again believer, then you have the wisdom of Christ Jesus in
you, and you will know that it is not God condemning
you. It is the other spirit that we call the devil. God does
not condemn.
If you do something wrong, don't run away from God.
Run to God. The Spirit of God will gently show you that
you were wrong, and He will lead you to repentance. You
Obsessed With Prejudice
B e i n g "Obsessed With Prejudice " is one of the
symptoms of an unrenewed mind. You would be
surprised at how many Christians are obsessed with
I am not necessarily speaking of racial prejudice,
although it could well be.
May I give you the definition of the word "prejudice?"
The dictionary says that "prejudice" is a "preconceived
and unreasonable idea, judgment, or opinion; intolerance,
malice; skillfully trying to look for an
opportunity to find things wrong about a person, and
make him feel lesser than you are." That is a prejudiced
How many times have you walked into a supermarket
and found yourself wanting to go around to a different
aisle? You didn't want to go through a particular cash
register line, because you didn't like the 'checker' who was
standing there.
Have you gone to a store, or perhaps a bank, and you
don't like the teller, or the clerk? Have you ever seen a
person coming down the street, and you would turn
around and walk a block out of your way so you wouldn't
have to meet him? He hasn't done anything wrong to you
tells us this,
Compulsion to Perfection
Another symptom area of the unrenewed mind that
causes many Christians to suffer is the "abnormal
compulsion to perfection."
They expect an unreasonable amount of perfection in
themselves but they are never able to achieve it. They also
expect perfection of everyone around them, or those who
work with them, and because they do not find perfection
in everyone, they are intolerable.
Some Christians have abnormal compulsion to perfection
in their homes. I've been in some homes where you
wouldn't dare to sit down on the couch unless they put
some kind of quilt over it. I've been in some places where
you couldn't walk on the kitchen floor unless you took
your shoes off in the garage. I've been in places where they
have silverware that cost a great deal of money, but the
family would not use it more than once or twice a year.
These people have the compulsion to perfection, when
they would say, "Don't touch my china. Don't sit on my
couch. Don't touch my tools! Don't get into my car with
those dirty hands!" This is not a complete list by any
means, but each should search his own heart to see if he
has such compulsion to perfection symptoms.
It is miserable to have a father, mother, or children who
I'm not saying for you to bring dirt into the house, on
purpose. But, if it accidentally happens, don't blow your
cool. In spite of all your relationship with Jesus, if you blow
your cool, you've lost every joy, and you will cause the
people around you to lose their joy. When you have a
symptom of compulsion to perfection, and you go to pieces,
the devil is right there to work on you and everyone
around you.
About the worst hell on earth is to work with someone
or to live with someone who has the compulsion to
As a Christian, I am not asking if you are saved, or
Spirit filled. I believe that you are washed in the blood of
Christ. I am asking you to think about your mind. Has your
mind been renewed with the Word of God, or are you suffering
from "Narrow-Mindedness?"
Can you listen to other people's opinions? Can you
stand it when other people attack your pet theories or
ideas? Or, do you cut them off, give them the cold
shoulder? Do you refuse fellowship with them, don't go to
see them, or talk to them?
Narrow-mindedness is a symptom of the unrenewed
mind. You can be saved, but your mind is not yet
renewed. This is why you don't know the perfect will of
God. When your mind is unrenewed, God cannot direct
Narrow-mindedness appears in many areas. The beliefs
in doctrines is an area where narrow-mindedness
abounds. One person may say, "Once saved, always saved,"
and another may say, "Saved today and going to hell
tomorrow." You can get involved with doctrine instead of
getting involved with Jesus.
For example, a father had two sons. One son went to
one school and the other son went to another school. One
the Unrenewed
It's time that you recognize how the enemy will come
to attack, and rob you if your mind is not renewed in God's
Word, and you are not in charge.
Vile Imaginations, Impure Pictures, Wandering
Is your mind controlled or troubled constantly by vile
imaginations, impure pictures, or wandering thoughts?
These are signs or symptoms of the unrenewed mind.
Isaiah said, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is
stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee" (Isaiah 26:3). In other
words, whoever keeps his mind upon the Lord, him will
the Lord keep in perfect peace. You need to keep your
mind upon the Lord.
Whenever the devil begins to bombard you with these
thoughts, you can control them. Here is how I overcame
these symptoms.
I knew that those thoughts were not from God, and I
had to take charge of them, so I began to think, talk and
sing about the Lord. We have a picture in our house,
showing Jesus and two of His disciples walking on the
Road to Emmaus. As I looked at that picture, I visualized
myself standing next to Jesus, looking face to face. Or I
saw myself translated into heaven with Jesus. I could see
Him sitting on the throne, and I was looking at Him and
talking to Him. I tell you when I started thinking like that,
in the spirit, those impure thoughts left me. I recognized
that it was the enemy, trying to rob me of my relationship
Controlling Your Mind
Are you in control of your mind?
God does not possess or control the mind of His
people. God gave you a mind, and you are a free, moral
agent. You have to make up your own mind and decide
for yourself what you wish to do, and under whose
influence you are, and to whom you are going to submit
your mind.
The devil's desire is to get after your mind to control
your mind and your thoughts. Once he has entered into
your mind, then he will wait for the proper moment and
strike at you when you least expect it.
That's how the devil operates in the mind, which is in
the soulish realm.
When you admit that you don't want to think bad
thoughts, then it is obvious that someone else controls
your mind, and puts those improper thoughts into your
If it is not of God, and you say it is not you, then it has
to be of the devil.
If you are a Christian and you are being tormented by
the devil, how are you going to overcome him? James 4:7-8
tells us how we can overcome the enemy and live a
victorious life with Christ, by submitting ourselves to God
and resisting the devil. "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist
the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw
nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye
world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
(I John
2:15-16). In other words, don't place your eyes upon the
things of the world. Because when you place your eyes on
the things of the world, you have to take your eyes off
Jesus. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the
and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."
kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be
Well, let me tell you, I have seen some saved and Spirit
filled cheaters. I have seen some saved and Spirit filled
liars. I have seen some saved and Spirit filled Christians
who can't get along with anyone. They just had bad
dispositions. Some people are difficult to get along with.
I ask you, "Are you difficult to get along with? Is that
the Spirit of the Lord?" It just couldn't be!
What about the spirit of jealousy, arrogance,
backbiting? What about getting on the telephone and
gossiping about someone else? Is that Jesus? These are the
signs and symptoms that someone else is in control of
your mind.
If you have these problems, you should recognize them
and go to the Lord and say, "Lord, here are my problems. I
bring them to you because you care for me and I ask you,
Jesus, to forgive me and deliver me from them" (Joel 2:32).
Then renew and cleanse your mind with the washing
of water by the Word (Ephesians 5:26).
The Will, the Intellect, and Emotions
Satan is after your will. In order to get to your will, he
has to get to your mind. In your mind there is the will, the
emotions, and the intellect which is only one part of you
these three are in the soulish area.
Visualize with me a whole person.
1. This person has a mind (or emotions).
2. This person has a will.
3. This person has an intellect.
Man of course is more than just soulish - man is spirit,
soul and body. However, in this chapter I wish to deal with
the soulish part of man.
Sometimes people say, "How come you are so
Well, I'll tell you "how come!" When a person has
surrendered his mind, his will, and his intellect to the Spirit
of God and he gets emotional, he doesn't care what the
people think. He only cares what God thinks of him.
Satan is after your mind for one reason. He knows that
if he can get to your mind, and get you to think like the
world does, and if he can get you to thinking like
everybody else does, then you have given him a legal right
to enter your mind and dominate your will.
That is why people, even some Christians, many times
cannot control the things they do. They know that what
they are doing is not pleasing to God. But their answer is,
"I just could not help it."
If you can't help it, then you are going to have to
recognize that this area has been weakened, and there is
someone controlling or influencing your will. But when
you call upon the Name of the Lord, He will answer you
and help you to get your will back from the one who stole
it from you, or to whom you gave it.
Your mind, your will, your intellect, and your emotion
are in the soulish realm. Your soul does not have direct
fellowship with the Father. That is to say, it is your spirit
that has direct fellowship with the Father. Your spirit
receives the revelation from the Father by the Holy Spirit.
It is the spirit of man within you that is "born again" and
not your soul.
Therefore, the object is to cause our soul (the
unrenewed mind) to be subject to our spirit. For in our
spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit comes the influence
to our soul to do good. And then, of course, the body has
no choice but to line up with the Word of God.
There are certain things that we can do with our
intellect. But spiritual things come from God the Father.
They come into our spirit.
As an individual, you must recognize where the
thoughts are coming from. You have to recognize who
controls your will.
Pulling Down Strongholds
"For though we walk after the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations and
every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." (II
Corinthians 10:3-5).
victorious life.
You must put on the full armor of God and be on the
alert all the time.
Your spirit should always be active and in charge, so
that when Satan tries to get into your mind, your spirit
will notify your mind and you will resist him with the
Word of God.
That is what Jesus did when the devil tempted Him in
the wilderness and also through the words of Peter. You
see, the Spirit of God that's from within Him, told Him
what Satan was trying to do. Jesus didn't read a book
about that. He heard the Father's Voice, which came from
the depths of His heart to His head. Having recognized
the attack of His enemy He willed to rebuke him with His
mouth saying: "Satan, get thee behind me."
Think for a moment of your mind as a computer, that is
capable of storing positive or negative information for
later recall. You can store the Word of God which has
faith and power, or you can store the lies of Satan which
are unbelief, fear and doubt.
Whatever you listen to, willingly as an individual, will
be stored in your computer (heart).
When you allow an individual who is filled with
doubts, negative thoughts and confessions that are
contrary to the Word of God to dominate, you, and you do
nothing to stop them, you are exposing yourself to the
great danger of becoming as they are. In Proverbs 23:7 it
of the believer.
You will find that Satan will work on one person with
a n unrenewed mind, and that person, by the very law of
attraction, will attract other unrenewed minds to himself
and very soon a poisonous plot is spreading in the
congregation bringing death and destruction to
everything it touches.
I have known individuals, and I do know some today,
who have lost their healing, even their salvation, because of
their unrenewed mind.
How can you have a defense against the devil? Satan
knows when your mind is renewed and when it is not,
and in order for you not to give ground to the evil forces in
your mind, you must renew your mind with the Word of
God. Then you can strongly attack with the Word, the old
areas of Satan and tear down his strongholds. Then, and
only then, can you have victory in your life.
Jesus also had problems with the devil. Paul had
problems with the devil. Paul said this in Romans 7:19,
"For the good that I would I do not; but the evil which I would not, that
Jesus did not take upon himself the nature of angels, for
He came here in the flesh, just as you and I. In Hebrews
2:17 it reads: "Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made
like unto his brethren." Jesus was just like you and I, because
we are His brothers. It behooved Him to be made just as
we are.
So that He too could be tempted in all areas. Yes, Jesus
has been tempted with everything the devil had. But Jesus
said to him, "It is written." Jesus knew the Word. He came
at the devil with the Word, BECAUSE THERE IS POWER
IN THAT WORD. Jesus came at the devil with the Word,
but He walked in the flesh just as you and I. When he was
nailed to the cross, it hurt Him in the flesh, in His hands
and in His feet, and in His side.
But He said, "... Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do."
Can you and I display such love as did Jesus?
He was just as human as you are today, and yet He
was just as much God as He was human. He knows how
you and I feel. He knows the temptations. Jesus suffered
that you might be set free.
Jesus overcame all of that in the mind, because He
surrendered His will to the Father. He wasn't thinking as
the world thinks. He was thinking as His Heavenly
Father thinks for He says, "All things are possible
through Him that sent me."
Then He said in Hebrews 2:17, "... that he might be a
merciful and high priest in things pertaining to God, to make
where He is.
Hebrews 2:18 tells us,
That is
why I know that Jesus will provide a way for you and I to
escape, because He too was tempted. He is able to secure
them that are tempted and make them free.
John 8:31-32 reads:
being tempted, He is able to succour them that are tempted."
Bill Basansky, born in the Soviet Union, was taught early in life that
God does not exist Lenin is our God. When the Germans invaded
the Ukraine, his family was force marched to labor detention camps
from which they were released at the end of World War II.
After the war, Bill came to America. He served in the U.S. Air Force
4 years and as a police officer in California six years. He received his
teaching degree and taught languages in a public high school.