Sample Storage and Extraction

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1 Sample storage
After collecting samples, transport the filters to the laboratory, taking care to minimize
contamination and loss of the sample. Glass fiber filters should be transported or shipped in
a shipping envelope. Store these protective envelopes up to 300C until analysis. The
maximum sample holding times is usually 180 days. Analyze the samples within 180 days.

1. Analysis
7.1 Extraction of Samples
The collected sample on glass fibre filters may be extracted by either hot plate procedure or
by microwave extraction (Method IO-3.1).


Microwave extraction

Cut 1x8 strip or half the filter from the 8x10 filter sample and place on its edge in a
labeled centrifuge tube using vinyl gloves or plastic forceps. Using the plastic forceps, crush
the filter strip down into the lower portion of the centrifuge tube to ensure acid volume will
cover entire filter. Add 10.0 ml of the extraction solution to each of the centrifuge tubes (3%
conc. HNO3 and 8% conc. HCI). Place the centrifuge tubes in a Teflon vessel containing 31
ml of deionized water. Place the vessels caps with the pressure release valves on the vessels
hand-tight and tighten using the capping station to a constant torque of 12 ft-1b. Place the
vessels in the microwave carousel. Connect each sample vessel to the overflow vessel using
the Teflon connecting tubes. Place the carousel containing the 12 vessels on the turntable of
the microwave unit. Irradiate the sample vessels at 486 W ( power output) for 23 min.

Allow the pressure to dissipate, then remove the carousel containing the vessels and cool in
tap water for 10 min. using the caping station uncap the microwave vessels, remove the
labeled centrifuge tube containing samples. Add 10ml of deionized water to each centrifuge
tube. Cap the centrifuge tube tightly and mix the contents thoroughly for 2-3 minutes to
complete extraction. The final extraction volume is 20ml based upon the above procedure.
Filter the extracted fluid with Whatman No. 41 and make up the final volume to 100 ml ,
the filtered sample is now ready for analysis.


Hot plate procedure

Cut a 1x8 strip or half the filter from the 8x10 filter using a stainless steel pizza cutter.
Place the filter in a beaker using vinyl gloves or plastic forceps. Cover the filter with the
extraction solution (3% HNO3 & 8% HC1). Place beaker on the hot-plate (Temperature
below 800C), contained in a fume hood, and reflux gently while covered with a watch glass
for 30 min. Do not allow sample to dry. Remove the beakers from the hot-plate and allow to
cool. Rinse the beaker walls and wash with distilled water. Add approximately 10 ml
reagent water to the remaining filter material in the beaker and allow to stand for a least 30
min. Transfer the extraction fluid in the beaker to a 100 mL volumetric flask or other
graduated vessel. Rinse the beaker and any remaining solid material with distilled water
and add the rinse to the flask. Dilute to the mark with distilled water (Type I) water and
shake. The final extraction solution solution concentration is 3% HNO3 / 8% HC1. The
filtered sample is now ready for analysis.

7.2 Analysis of samples

7.2.1 Instrument / Equipment

A light beam containing the corre3sponding wavelength of the energy required to raise the
atoms of the analyte from the ground state to the excited state is directed through the flame
or furnace. This wavelength is observed by a monochromator and a detector that measure
the amount of light absorbed by the element, hence the number of atoms in the ground state
in the flame or furnace. A hollow cathode lamp for the element being determined provides
a source of that metals particular absorption wavelength.

The method describes both flame atomic absorption (FAA) spectroscopy and graphite
furnace atomic absorption (GFAA) spectroscopy. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometeranalyze the metals by Flame, if results are below detection limit then go for GTA. Arsenic is
analyzed by Flame- VGA.

7.2.2 Flame Procedure

Set the atomic absorption spectrophotometer for the standard condition as follows: choose
the correct hollow cathode lamp, align the instrument, position the monochromator at the
value recommended by the manufacturer, select the proper monochromator slit width, set
the light source current, ignite the flame, regulate the flow of fuel and oxidant, adjust the
burner for maximum absorption and stability and balance the meter.

Run a series of standards of the metal of interest and construct a calibration curve. For Lead
(Pb) and Nickel (Ni), the wavelength required for analysis is 217nm and 232mn
respectively. Where as in case of Arsenic (As), the VGA should attach with Flame and the
wavelength required for analysis is 193.7nm.

7.2.3 Furnace Procedure

As a general rule, samples that can be analyzed by flame or furnace may be more
conveniently run with flame since flame atomic absorption is faster, simpler and has fewer
interference problems. Tube life depends on sample matrix and atomization temperature. A
conservative estimate of tube life is about 50 firings. Read the metal value in ug/L from the
calibration curve or directly from the read-out of the instrument.

2. Calibration
Prepare standard solutions from the stock solutions. Select at least three standards to cover
linear range as recommended by method. Aspirate the standards into the flame or inject the
standards into the furnace and record the absorbance. Prepare the calibration graph by
plotting absorbance and concentration in ug/ml.

8.1 Preparation of Standards

For each metal that is to be determined, standards of known concentration must be
acquired commercially certified standards.

8.2 Standard Curve

Standard curve is prepared by using standard solutions of known concentration.

Quality Control

To produce good quality data, perform quality control checks and independent audits of
the measurement process; document their data and use materials, instruments and
measurement procedures that can be traced to an appropriate standard of reference.
Shewarts analytical quality control chart should be maintained for good quality data.
Detection limit and working range for each metal should be followed of the working

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