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Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders in QCA: Abstract

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Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders in QCA

Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders in QCA


As transistors decrease in size more and more of them can be accommodated in a

single die, thus
increasing chip computational capabilities. However, transistors cannot get much
smaller than their current size.


quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

approach represents one of the possible solutions in overcoming this physical limit,
even though the design of logic modules in QCA is not always straightforward. In this
brief, we propose a new adder that outperforms all state-of-the art competitors and
achieves the best area-delay tradeoff.
The above advantages are obtained by using an overall area similar to the
cheaper designs known in literature. The 64-bit version of the novel adder spans
over 18.72 m2 of active area and shows a delay of only nine clock cycles, that is
just 36 clock phases
KEYWORDS -Verilog HDL, Xilinx 14.3.

Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) are an attractive emerging technology suitable for the
development of ultra dense low-power high-performance digital circuits. Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)
which employs array of coupled quantum dots to implement Boolean logic function. The advantage of QCA lies
in the extremely high packing densities possible due to the small size of the dots, the simplified interconnection,
and the extremely low power delay product. A basic QCA cell consists of four quantum dots in a square a rray
coupled by tunnel barriers. Electrons are able to tunnel between the dots, but cannot leave the cell. If two excess
electrons are placed in the cell, Coulomb repulsion will force the electrons to dots on opposite corners. There are
thus two energetically equivalent ground state polarizations can be labeled logic 0and 1.The basic building
blocks of the QCA architecture are AND,OR and NOT. By using the Majority gate we can reduce the amount of
delay.i.e by calculating the propagation and generational carries.
A. Description
Multiple full adder circuits can be cascaded in parallel to add an N-bit number. For an Nbit parallel adder, there must be N number of full adder circuits. A ripple carry adder is a logic circuit in which
the carry-out of each full adder is the carry in of the succeeding next most significant full adder. It is called a
ripple carry adder because each carry bit gets rippled into the next stage. In a ripple carry adder the sum and
carry out bits of any half adder stage is not valid until the carry in of that stage occurs. Propagation delays inside
the logic circuitry is the reason behind this. Propagation delay is time elapsed between the application of an
input and occurrence of the corresponding output.
Consider a NOT gate, When the input is 0 the output will be 1 and vice versa. The time taken for the
NOT gates output to become 0 after the application of logic 1 to the NOT gates input is the propagation
delay here. Similarly the carry propagation delay is the time elapsed between the application of the carry in
signal and the occurrence of the carry out (Cout) signal

Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders in QCA


RCA architecture

C. Basic Full adder block

To understand the working of a ripple carry adder completely, you need to have a look at the full adder
too. Full adder is a logic circuit that adds two input operand bits plus a Carry in bit and outputs a Carry out bit
and a sum bit.. The Sum out (Sout) of a full adder is the XOR of input operand bits A, B and the Carry in
(Cin)bit. Truth table and schematic of a 1 bit Full adder is shown below
There is a simple trick to find results of a full adder. Consider the second last row of the truth table,
here the operands are 1, 1, 0 ie (A, B, Cin). Add them together ie 1+1+0 = 10 . In binary system, the number
order is 0, 1, 10, 11. and so the result of 1+1+0 is 10 just like we get 1+1+0 =2 in decimal system. 2 in the
decimal system correspond to 10 in the binary system. Swapping the result 10 will give S=0 and Cout = 1 and
the second last row is justified.

Fig ; 1 bit full adder schematic and truth table


Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (sometimes referred to simply as quantum cellular automata, or QCA)
are proposed models of quantum computation, which have been devised in analogy to conventional models
of cellular automata introduced by von Neumann. Standard solid state QCA cell design considers the distance
between quantum dots to be about 20 nm, and a distance between cells of about 60 nm. Just like any CA,
Quantum (-dot) Cellular Automata are based on the simple interaction rules between cells placed on a grid. A
QCA cell is constructed from four quantum dots arranged in a square pattern. These quantum dots are sites
electrons can occupy by tunneling to them.

B. Cell Design

Fig: Simplified Diagram of QCA Cell

Fig :Four Dot Quantum Cell

C. Structure of Majority gate

Fig: Structure of Majority gate
D. QCA Majority Gate:
The QCA majority gate performs a three-input logic function. Assuming the inputs are A ,B and C, the
logic function of the majority gate is
E. Architecture of Basic Novel 2-bit adder


To introduce the novel architecture proposed for implementing ripple adders in QCA, let consider two
n-bit addends A = an1, . . . , a0 and B = bn1, . . . , b0 and suppose that for the i th bit position (with i = n 1, .
. . , 0) the auxiliary propagate and generate signals, namely pi = ai + bi and This article has been accepted for
inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.gi = ai
bi , are computed. ci being the carry produced at the generic (i1)th bit position, the carry signal ci+2,furnished
at the (i+1)the bit position.


Fig Novel n-bit adder (a) carry chain and (b) sum block.
The reduced number of gates of this work offers the great advantage in the reduction of area and also
the total delay. The QCA architecture is therefore, low area, low delay, simple and efficient for VLSI hardware
implementation. It would be interesting to test the design of the modified 128-bit Novel adders.
The authors would like to thank D.Thirupathi Reddy, the VLSI Division, MRRITS, Udayagiri, India, for their
contributions to this work.


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D.Thirupathi Reddy B.Tech from JNTU Anantapur University, M.Tech from JNTU

Anantapur University. He is working as Assistant Professor ECE Department of Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy
Institute of Technology and Science,Udayagiri,SPSRNellore,Dt,A.P,INDIA-524226.He was the member for
Techno vision-2K5, Techno vision-2K6,and Techno vision-2K13 held in the Rajamohan Reddy Institute of
Technology and Science,Udayagiri,SPSRNellore,Dt,A.P .He published one International journal. He attended
work shop on cadence tool, Faculty Development programs and technical symposiums.

Soma Praneeth Reddy, Studying B.Tech(ECE) at Mekapati RajaMohanReddy Institute of

Technology and Science(MRRITS), SPSR Nellore,AP,and doing projectwork on Area-Delay Efficient Binary
Adders In QCA with Reduced Area&Delay Application , Attended one national level technical seminars, one
national level workshop.

Katasani Sandeep kumar reddy ,Studying B.Tech(ECE) at Mekapati RajaMohanReddy

Institute of Technology and Science(MRRITS), SPSR Nellore,AP,and doing projectwork on Area-Delay
Efficient Binary Adders In QCA with Reduced Area&Delay Application.
Suddamalla Nagadastagiri Reddy, Studying B.Tech(ECE) at Mekapati RajaMohanReddy

Institute of Technology and Science(MRRITS), SPSR Nellore,AP,and doing projectwork on Area-Delay

Efficient Binary Adders In QCA with Reduced Area&Delay Application.Attended More than three national
level technical seminars,two national level workshops.
S.k.Khasid, Studying B.Tech(ECE) at Mekapati RajaMohanReddy Institute of Technology and

Science(MRRITS), SPSR Nellore,AP,and doing projectwork on Area-Delay Efficient Binary Adders In QCA
with Reduced Area&Delay Application.

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