How To Read Power Spectra

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How to Read Power Spectra

FTIR Tips for FTIR Analysis


Part 2 - Checking Power Spectra

In Fourier transform infrared spectrometers, a background measurement is casually made before

the sample measurement. However, if this measurement will be made carefully, you can obtain
more satisfactory measurements.
Now select the 'Measurement' tab and check the box beside 'Display Background (K)' (Fig. 1) to
carry out a background measurement.

Figure 1 Measurement screen

Fig. 2 shows the background measurement taken with the standard parameters. The result is
referred to as a Power Spectrum because the actual signal intensity distribution is displayed for
each wavelength. The final transmission spectrum of a sample is obtained by dividing power
spectrum of the sample measurement by that of background measurement. The data obtained
for those wavenumbers with a stronger signal intensity will have less noise.

Figure 2 Power Spectrum of Background Measurement

From the Power Spectrum, the measurement region and the level of noise in that region are
identified. Looking at the spectrum in Figure 2, the signal intensity in the vicinity of 2000 cm -1 is
strong and then becomes weaker on either side of this value. On the long wavelength side, the
signal reaches almost zero at 350 cm-1, which indicates that measurements cannot be made at
longer wavelengths (0- 350 cm-1). On the short wavelength side, the intensity gradually drops
off until approximately 5200 cm-1 and then rises again in the region around 5800 cm -1. It then
gradually decreases up to 7800 cm-1but never completely reaching zero.
The S/N ratio will be better in the wavelength regions where the signal intensity is stronger.
Therefore, the best S/N will be obtained in the vicinity of 2000 cm -1. The ratio will obviously
decrease in the vicinity of 400 cm-1 and shorter than 5000 cm-1. You can confirm that a
measurement can be made in the region of 350-7800 cm -1 under these conditions from the
entire Power Spectrum.

The following factors will affect changes in the intensity at individual wavelengths in these Power

igure 3 Schematic diagram of the IRPrestige-21 optical system

(1) Type and luminosity of the light source
(2) Material of the beam splitter

(3) Window in the sealing case of the interferometer

(4) Type of infrared detector and window
(5) Internal amplifier filter
(6) Accessories used

We will now discuss the effects of the individual factors on the spectral intensity.

(1) Type and luminosity of the light source

A high-luminosity ceramic is used as the infrared light source in the IRPrestige-21 and the FTIR8400S. The luminosity of approximately 1200 C is held constant over time by both an applied
voltage control system in the lighting up circuit and a heater unit enclosed in the ceramic. The
heater unit has a long operational life ensuring the durability of the high surface temperature.
Bodies that emit light at all wavelengths are referred to as black body radiators. The emission of
the ceramic light source may be approximated as pseudo-black body radiator. The spectral
distribution for the light source can be determined from the Planck's Radiation Law or the Planck
Radiation Formula:

(2) Material of the beam splitter

For the middle infrared region, germanium is used for the beam splitter. The extremely thin
nature of the beam splitter, with a thickness measured in microns, dictates that the germanium
be deposited by vapor-deposition on IR-transparent material (e.g., potassium bromide).
IR-transparent materials are various substances that do not absorb light in the IR region of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

(3) Aperture plate interferometer casing

When the humidity increases inside the interferometer deliquescence occurs which ultimately
hinders the unit from being used for measurements. Deliquescence is the phenomenon by which
crystals absorb moisture, swell, and undergo breakdown. In a climate with high temperatures
and high humidity, it is important to take adequate steps against deliquescence within the FTIR.
KRS-5 is used as the exit aperture plate for the airtight interferometer casing in the FTIR-8400S

and IRPrestige-21 because of its excellent moisture resistance. Our KRS-5 aperture plate
possesses the following characteristics: Wavelength transmission region: 16600-250 cm 1

Transmittance: 70 %T The KRS-5 plate was adopted for use in the present instrument because

the increased reliability with respect to moisture out weighed the loss of throughput (30 %).

(4) Infrared detector and aperture plate

Standard infrared detectors are equipped with a DLATGS pyroelectric element. The designation
comes from an abbreviation that stands for deuterated L-alanine triglycine sulfate. Since the
properties of the DLATGS elements change with temperature, the temperature is controlled to
maintain stable sensitivity.
Moreover, since these DLATGS elements can undergo deliquescence, a KRS-5 aperture plate is
used to block out external air.
When the signal from the incoming infrared light changes rapidly, the DLATGS element has the
property (frequency dependence) that allows it to decreases the output signal strength.
Consequently, if the mirror speed is increases to 9.0 mm/s from the usual rate of 2.8 mm/s, the
signal output will decrease and the power spectrum intensity will drop to 1/3 of the normal level.
Another option is to install the MCT quantum detector which does not display as large of a
frequency dependence as the DLATGS detector. Therefore, there will be less dramatic decrease
in the output signal, when the mirror speed is set to 9.0 mm/s. This is the main reason that this
high sensitive detector is utilized in an infrared microscope for measurements and time-variable
measurements that require high speed.
However, the MCT quantum detector requires cooling with liquid nitrogen. It also displays a drop
in sensitivity in the vicinity of 700 cm-1 and drops nearly to zero on the longer wavelength (lower
wavenumber) side.

(5) Internal amplifier filter

Electronic amplification is important for processing the infrared interference signal input from the
detector. First, the signal from the low wavenumber side (long wavelength side) is run through a
high-pass filter in order to remove noise due to commercial frequencies (60 Hz and 50 Hz), and
then a low-pass filter is used on the signal from the high wavenumber side (short wavelength
side) in order to avoid folding (overlapping) due to the sampling theorem.

(6) Accessories used

The measurement region can also be limited by the accessories used. For example, when
utilizing the ATR technique, the measurement region is intrinsically limited by the material of the
In addition, for accessories that employ infrared transmission aperture plates (e.g., liquid cells,
solid cells, and gas cells) each of the various materials used can have a different transmission

range and transmittance. Care should be taken to ensure that the intensity distribution will be
satisfactory prior to making the measurement.

Wavelength region

Transmittance (thickness)

Germanium (Ge)

5500 - 660 cm-1

50 %T (2mm)

Zinc selenide (ZnSe)

10000 - 500 cm-1

65 %T (1 mm)

KRS-5 (note)

16600 - 250 cm-1

70 %T (2 mm)

Potassium bromide (KBr)

40000 - 340 cm-1

90 %T (5 mm)

Sodium chloride (NaCl)

50000 - 600 cm-1

90 %T (5 mm)


40000 - 30 cm-1

70 %T (1 mm)

Potassium chloride (KCl)

40000 - 500 cm-1

90 %T (10 mm)

*Note) KRS-5 is a mixed crystal of thallium bromide and thallium iodide.

How to Read Power Spectra

FTIR Tips for FTIR Analysis

Part 2 - Checking Power Spectra

The shape of a power spectrum differs according to the window material and optics system in
the accessories used for measurements and according to the type of detector used. The
measurement environment also has a major influence due to superimposition of noise
components from water vapor and carbon dioxide gas, for example. Therefore, the features of
the power spectrum must be thoroughly investigated before starting the measurements.
Now we will measure the power spectra of various accessories.


Part 2 - Checking Power Spectra

(1) Single-reflection Attenuated Total Reflection

Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) measurements are conducted by placing the sample in close
contact with the surface of a prism made of highly refractive material that transmits infrared

This method permits measurements using chemical pretreatment of the sample, without
mechanical machining. Consequently, the number of accessories using this method is increasing
as FTIR sensitivity increases.

Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the power spectra obtained from a single-reflection attenuated total
reflection instrument (product name: MIRacle) with a ZnSe (zinc selenide) prism and Ge
(germanium) prism mounted, respectively.
Both ZnSe (zinc serenade) and Ge (germanium) absorb IR at lower wave numbers, such that
spectral data cannot be obtained below about 600 cm -1.

Fig. 1 MIRacle Power Spectrum: ZnSe Prism

Fig. 2 MIRacle Power Spectrum: Ge Prism

As the ATR method measures the spectrum of IR light from the prism penetrating the sample,
close contact between the sample and prism is extremely important. However, as germanium is
relatively soft, with a Knoop hardness number of 24, its surface becomes scratched with use.
The scratches cause poor contact with the sample and may result in the prism breaking due to
the increased clamping force applied.

Fig. 3 DuraSamplIR-II Power Spectrum

The diamond ATR accessory has diamond on the sample contact surface, which allows the
sample to be pressed strongly against the prism surface. This accessory allows the measurement
of hard samples that are difficult to measure using conventional ATR.
Fig. 3 shows the power spectrum obtained from a single reflection attenuated total reflection
instrument (product name: DuraSamplIR-II) with a ZnSe support element mounted below a
diamond prism.
A moderate absorption between 2700 and 1500 cm -1 is observed in Fig. 3. This is the absorption
of diamond, which can shift the baseline in this region during measurements of high-refractiveindex samples.

(2) Gas Cell, Liquid Cell

An IR-transmissive window is essential to seal in a gas or liquid.
Various window types are used for different sample characteristics. However, it is important to
check the quantitation peak positions and the transmission range of the window.

(3) IR Microscope

Fig. 4 Power Spectrum using a 20 m 20 m Aperture Set (AIM-8800 IR Microscope)

An IR microscope is useful for the measurement of minute samples.
Due to the high sensitivity required, an MCT detector is used to measure minute samples with an
IR microscope.
As it can detect extremely low throughput of IR light, the MCT detector is suitable for light
intensity attenuated measurements such as IR microscope measurements. However its
wavelength-sensitivity characteristics offer no sensitivity below the cutoff frequency (wavelength
at which sensitivity becomes zero).
Fig. 4 shows the power spectrum measured with an aperture set at 20 m square.

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