How To Read Power Spectra
How To Read Power Spectra
How To Read Power Spectra
From the Power Spectrum, the measurement region and the level of noise in that region are
identified. Looking at the spectrum in Figure 2, the signal intensity in the vicinity of 2000 cm -1 is
strong and then becomes weaker on either side of this value. On the long wavelength side, the
signal reaches almost zero at 350 cm-1, which indicates that measurements cannot be made at
longer wavelengths (0- 350 cm-1). On the short wavelength side, the intensity gradually drops
off until approximately 5200 cm-1 and then rises again in the region around 5800 cm -1. It then
gradually decreases up to 7800 cm-1but never completely reaching zero.
The S/N ratio will be better in the wavelength regions where the signal intensity is stronger.
Therefore, the best S/N will be obtained in the vicinity of 2000 cm -1. The ratio will obviously
decrease in the vicinity of 400 cm-1 and shorter than 5000 cm-1. You can confirm that a
measurement can be made in the region of 350-7800 cm -1 under these conditions from the
entire Power Spectrum.
The following factors will affect changes in the intensity at individual wavelengths in these Power
We will now discuss the effects of the individual factors on the spectral intensity.
and IRPrestige-21 because of its excellent moisture resistance. Our KRS-5 aperture plate
possesses the following characteristics: Wavelength transmission region: 16600-250 cm 1
Transmittance: 70 %T The KRS-5 plate was adopted for use in the present instrument because
the increased reliability with respect to moisture out weighed the loss of throughput (30 %).
range and transmittance. Care should be taken to ensure that the intensity distribution will be
satisfactory prior to making the measurement.
Wavelength region
Transmittance (thickness)
Germanium (Ge)
50 %T (2mm)
65 %T (1 mm)
KRS-5 (note)
70 %T (2 mm)
90 %T (5 mm)
90 %T (5 mm)
40000 - 30 cm-1
70 %T (1 mm)
90 %T (10 mm)
This method permits measurements using chemical pretreatment of the sample, without
mechanical machining. Consequently, the number of accessories using this method is increasing
as FTIR sensitivity increases.
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the power spectra obtained from a single-reflection attenuated total
reflection instrument (product name: MIRacle) with a ZnSe (zinc selenide) prism and Ge
(germanium) prism mounted, respectively.
Both ZnSe (zinc serenade) and Ge (germanium) absorb IR at lower wave numbers, such that
spectral data cannot be obtained below about 600 cm -1.
As the ATR method measures the spectrum of IR light from the prism penetrating the sample,
close contact between the sample and prism is extremely important. However, as germanium is
relatively soft, with a Knoop hardness number of 24, its surface becomes scratched with use.
The scratches cause poor contact with the sample and may result in the prism breaking due to
the increased clamping force applied.
(3) IR Microscope