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Human Resource

Development (HRD)
By: Prakash Dhakal, MBA in HRM - IBMS College - 2012

Objectives of the Presentation

To figure out the development process of HRD from
its beginning in Global and Indian Context
To give the core concept, objectives and to figure
out the profession of HRD
To make Discussion on HRD Challenges and Trends

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012


Definition: HRD

HRD in Global and Indian Context

HRD A Profession

HRD Practice in the Organizations

The Challenges of HRD

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
Nadler (1970), HRD as a series of organized
activities conducted within the specified period time,
and designed to produce behavioral change.
Common Activities within HRD are:

Education &
Revised Definition, Nadler (1984), HRD as organized
learning experience in a defined time period to
increase the possibility of job performance & Growth.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
A recent review of the definition of HRD by Mclean
and Mclean (2001) provides many insight into the
field of Human Resource Development (HRD) >>
HRD may vary from one country to another and
national differences are crucial factor in determining
the way professionals works. Examples >>
In several countries, HRD is not distinguished from HR but is seen systematically as a part of HR.
Professionals, organizations and Academics seems to contribute to the definition of HRD.
US definition of HRD seems to have influenced the definition on many other countries.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
A recent review of the definition of HRD by Mclean
and Mclean (2001) provides many insight into the
field of Human Resource Development (HRD) >>
HRD may vary from one country to another and national differences are crucial factor in
determining the way professionals works.

In several countries, HRD is not distinguished from

HR but is seen systematically as a part of HR.
Professionals, organizations and Academics seems to contribute to the definition of HRD.
US definition of HRD seems to have influenced the definition on many other countries.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
A recent review of the definition of HRD by Mclean
and Mclean (2001) provides many insight into the
field of Human Resource Development (HRD) >>
HRD may vary from one country to another and national differences are crucial factor in
determining the way professionals works.
In several countries, HRD is not distinguished from HR but is seen systematically as a part of HR.

Professionals, organizations and Academics seems

to contribute to the definition of HRD.
US definition of HRD seems to have influenced the definition on many other countries.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
A recent review of the definition of HRD by Mclean
and Mclean (2001) provides many insight into the
field of Human Resource Development (HRD) >>
HRD may vary from one country to another and national differences are crucial factor in
determining the way professionals works.
In several countries, HRD is not distinguished from HR but is seen systematically as a part of HR.
Professionals, organizations and Academics seems to contribute to the definition of HRD.

US definition of HRD seems to have influenced the

definition on many other countries.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Definition: HR Development
Mclean and Mclean (2001), Revised Global
Definition of HRD (after reviewing various definitions
in the world)
HRD is any process or activity that, either initially or
over the longer term, has the potential to develop
adults work based knowledge, expertise, productivity,
and satisfaction, whether for personnel or group/team
gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community,
or ultimately the whole humanity.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

HRD Research Concerns

360 Feedback
Action Learning
Career Development
Change and its Management
Culture and Diversity
Global HRD
Informal Learning
Knowledge Management
Leadership Development

Human Resource Development

Mentoring and Modeling

Needs Assessment
Organizational Commitment
Organizational Development
Performance Appraisals
Professional Development
Training Effectiveness
Transfer Learning
Work Values
Work Place Learning
Management Development
Learning Organizations

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

HRD in Global Context

As the concept of HRD is new, implementation of the concept of
HRD is rapidly increasing. HRD is more implemented and practiced
as developed countries rather then developing countries.

HRD Practice in USA and other countries:

HR is rather well developed field in US
From the early 70s for over decade, HRD has remained and enlarged
concept of Training and Development
In the early 70s, HRD is termed as ASTD .

HRD in todays Global context used to mean many process starting

from individual performance improvement programs to adult education.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

It is difficult for the lay people and the public to

differentiate between HR Development Professionals and
HR Professionals as both carries the HRD Designation
In one case, it meant HR Development Managers and in
the other it meant Manager HR Department. In both
cases referred to as HRD Manager it becomes different
to differentiate.
Other Countries too have experienced this.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

HRD in Indian Context

Prof. TV Rao, Major Contributor of HRD concept and
theories in Indian context.
The first dedicated department was started in India about 25
years ago at L&T.
The national HRD network was formed in the year 1985 and
sustained itself with good work since then.
An Academy of HRD was started in 1990
Only few institutions have strated masters degree in HRD programs
& Doctoral program is in place, and the body of knowledge in the
field is growing. Now HRD is Professionalized.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Professionalization of HRD
The increasing need of HRD increase the professionalization.
HRD is the need of todays organization to compete with
competitors or to cope with change.
It is not possible for anyone to perform HRD Roles.
HRD required specialized Training, Preparation and
A Profession behavior is defined by high degree of specialized
knowledge, social responsibilities, self monitoring of ethical behaviors
through code of ethics and a system of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
(Barber, 1963)
Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Professional bodies in HRD

There are only few professional body dedicated to HRD and
formed it (who were from ASTD)
There are just 800 professionals as HRD members over
the world.
They organize annual HRD Research Conference and Paper
Presentation with the aim of theory building on HRD.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Professional Development of
HRD Professionals (In the US)
Many Universities in the US have implemented academic
programs for HRD to meet the increasing demand for employees
Skills and Expertise
The program is demand from the students of various background.

George Washington University offers a masters program in HRD with

various courses, like: - Human Resource Development -- Adult Learning
Program -- Organizational Learning -- Strategic Human Performance
Process -- Current Issues in HRD -- Assessment of Impact of HRD etc
Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Factor Responsible for

Development of HRD Profession
Tracing the history, the personnel function derived from the
introduction of welfare and charitable activity,
The second development spring from employer's endeavors
to cope with the challenges of Trade Unionism.
Also the technological challenges is the major responsible
factor for the development of HRD Profession.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

Factor Responsible for

Development of HRD Profession
The Rising Competition both at Home and Abroad
(virtually reduces the profit to the level of production costs)

The rise of Consumerism, Government Protection, also International

Competition Develop the necessity to Maintain the Quality & Price.
Organizational Changes and Maintaining Social Responsibility.
The Structural Changes in Employment
(more are oriented towards white colored job. Gradual decline of
unskilled jobs)
Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

HRD Separate Personnel Discipline

Kurl Lewins (1947), Studies of behavior of small groups and
setting up the national training laboratories is the first
beginning of HRD Profession
There are just 800 professionals as HRD members over
the world.
They organize annual HRD Research Conference and Paper
Presentation with the aim of theory building on HRD.

Human Resource Development

By: Prakash Dhakal MBA HRD @ IBMS - 2012

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Challenges

HRD Practice in China

A planned, organized education and learning process provided
by the organizations to improve employees knowledge and skills
and as well as change their job attitudes and behavior
In china, there is no difference between HR, HRD and Personnel.

HRD Practice in France

HRD Practice in Japan
HRD Practice in Korea
HRD Practice in Singapore
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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Practice in China

HRD Practice in France

HRD Challenges

Competitive Development
Satisfaction to the Human Requirements of organization
Training, and Internal Career Paths

HRD Practice in Japan

HRD Practice in Korea
HRD Practice in Singapore
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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Practice in China

HRD Practice in France

HRD Practice in Germany

HRD Challenges

There is no field defined as Human Resource Development (HRD).

Personnel specialists in management do some research in this
area also

HRD Practice in Japan

HRD Practice in Korea
HRD Practice in Singapore
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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Practice in China

HRD Practice in France

HRD Practice in Japan

HRD Challenges

Individual development, Career

development and Organization
development are three major
components of HRD in Japan.

The Term of HRD is defined by three terms.

Noryuku Kathatu (Development of Individual Abilities)
Jinji Keisei (formulation level of mastery over human resource
through the work system and trainings)
Jinjai Ikusai (fostering of development of human resources
through the management of human resources process)

HRD Practice in Korea

HRD Practice in Singapore
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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Practice in China

HRD Practice in France
HRD Practice in Japan

HRD Practice in Korea

HRD Challenges

Most Korean Staffs treat it is an equivalent to training and

development. OD, T&D, CD are sometimes included.

HRD Practice in Singapore

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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Practice in China

HRD Practice in France
HRD Practice in Japan
HRD Practice in Korea

HRD Practice in Singapore

HRD Challenges

Major Public agencies describe HRD as a set of activities related to

knowledge and skill development through organization and
community development, education, trainings and re-trainings in a life
long learning process to improve productivity at the personnel,
organizational and community level
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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Challenges & Trends

HRD CHALLENGES (in 21st Century)

Employee Retention (Money only is not enough for motivation)
To Attract Talents and Staff Motivations
Diversity Management
Measuring HRD impact and Utility and
Globalization: Rapid
Responding to the multiple Stakeholders
Innovation and Change in
Technology, Quality
Human Resource Outsourcing
Maintenance and
Maintaining Quality of Work Life etc.
assurance, Low Cost
Lack of Ethical Standard of HRD

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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

HRD Practice in different Nations

HRD Challenges & Trends

HRD CHALLENGES (in 21st Century)

What are the Trends of HRD ? - Discussion

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Prakash Dhakal, MBA - Human Resource Management

Dec 2011

D. K. Bhattacharya (2008), Bharathiar University Human Resource Development and Planning.
TV. Rao, (2009), Future of HRD, Macmillan Publication, Chennai, 600041.

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