Correspondence To Editor
Correspondence To Editor
Correspondence To Editor
CASE REPORT Figure 1 - Magnetic resonance showing an upper pole lymphocele displacing
the renal graft.
A well-documented case of chronic renal failure due to misplacement of the transplanted kidney CLINICS 2008;63(1):147-8
Rodrigues P et al.
placed by a 500 ml lymphocele in the upper pole. reported in the literature.7 The kidney becomes loose in the
On the 120th PO day, the patient was submitted to open peritoneal cavity and, as seen in our case, the intra-perito-
surgical exploration but the arterial de-torsion was quite dif- neal approach did not prevent lymphocele formation.
ficult due to an intense fibrotic reaction, resulting in kid- Although widely discussed, torsion or compression of the
ney retrieval after massive arterial lesion. pedicle and displacement of the graft have rarely been re-
ported in the literature8,9 due to inadequate methods of visu-
DISCUSSION alization or restricted usage of imaging tools because of their
invasiveness and lack of contrast. Arterial stenosis or kinking
Complications arising from kidney transplants may re- at the vascular anastomosis may occur in 3.5% to 12.5%3,4
sult from immunological, urological, or vascular causes.5 of grafts, but invasive investigation could not be justified un-
Leakage of urine through the incision and/or persistent anu- less hypertension or progressive graft loss supervenes.
ria are signs of early urological problems. These scenarios The advent of MRA has allowed for the study of the
are usually investigated by percutaneous biopsy and ultra- vascular pedicle with minimal clinical manipulation and
sound exploration, either of which may indicate problems no nephro-toxicity. Conventional arteriography, despite high
with causes ranging from immunological to surgical issues. resolution, is limited by its planar nature. MRA is a desir-
Asymptomatic lymphocele collections are a well-known able approach due to the possibility of image reconstruc-
complication related to rejection or to improper donor lym- tion into a 3D image.
phatic ligation during the harvesting dissection. In our case, there was evident torsion of the pedicle in
Lymphocele formation is a frequent event in kidney the post-operative period leading to stabilization of the de-
transplantation, occurring in 22% of cases, although it does creasing creatinine levels at an elevated level with fluctua-
not seem to be associated with the source of the kidney, tions thereafter. The torsion was evident in the open field,
but rather with rejections or ATN episodes.6 but the fibrosis impeded a simple manual de-torsion. Knotty
Most lymphocele formations are asymptomatic and do resection and re-anastomosis led to thrombosis and graft
not harm the graft, but large or irregularly positioned for- loss, revealing the difficulty in approaching the pedicle in
mations may hamper the functioning of the ureter or im- surgical revisions for vascular complications. As reported
pede vascular flow. by others, this results in a higher rate of transplant nephrec-
In our case, it is noteworthy that the decrease in the cre- tomies.3
atinine level ceased after the patient resumed walking, which It is impossible to determine the real cause of the de-
possibly contributed to kidney displacement and torsion. Since scribed displacement, but it may be related to the intra-peri-
fluid collection is more frequent in simultaneous pancreas-kid- toneal position of the kidney frequently used for simulta-
ney grafting, some authors advocate intra-peritoneal placement neous pancreas-kidney transplants. This approach, as well
of both organs in order to avoid retroperitoneal collections fre- as peritoneal fenestration, has been advised10 in order to
quently seen from minor pancreatic collections. minimize the formation of lymphoceles and to facilitate
The potential complication of renal pedicle torsion re- peritoneal absorption of intra-abdominal collections, but it
lated to this approach is a concern, though it has never been did not provide absolute prevention in our case.
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