Gasparo To 2004
Gasparo To 2004
Gasparo To 2004
Departamento de Ci^encias Patologicas, CCB, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Cx P. 6001, 86051-990 Londrina, Brazil
Departamento de Ci^encias Fisiologicas, CCB, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Cx P. 6001, 86051-990 Londrina, Brazil
Departamento de Imunologia, Universidade de S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil
Received 12 January 2004; received in revised form 30 April 2004; accepted 14 May 2004
First published online 9 June 2004
Macrophages co-incubated with Candida albicans strain CR1 in vitro showed early signs of apoptosis, but evolved to necrosis
after 2 h. In this study, we investigated whether strain CR1 caused apoptosis or necrosis of macrophages after its inoculation into
mice peritoneal cavity, and whether this correlated with the secretion of IL-10. Peritoneal macrophages from mice that received an
inoculum of C. albicans CR1 showed signs of apoptosis and necrosis from 30 min to 2 h afterwards, whereas heat-killed C. albicans
did not cause those eects. IL-10 production was low during the rst 6 h post-infection, when macrophages predominated in the
peritoneal exudate, whereas its higher production after 24 h correlated with an increase of neutrophils in the exudate. Treatment of
CR1 with pepstatin (an inhibitor of proteinases) prevented the process of apoptosis and signicantly reduced IL-10 production,
suggesting that the increased production of IL-10 was caused by processes occurring during the initial phase of infection, such as
apoptosis, necrosis and uptake of death cells.
2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Candida albicans; Apoptosis; Necrosis; IL-10
1. Introduction
Candida albicans causes several diseases, ranging
from mucocutaneous infection to systemic infection.
Moreover, C. albicans may cause peritonitis when it
reaches the peritoneal cavity by its iatrogenic inoculation through contaminated plastic devices and uids
during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [1,2].
Several putative virulence factors of C. albicans were
identied, such as ability to form germ tubes, adherence
to host cells, and secretion of proteinases [36]. Candida
proteinases decreased the opsonic and bactericidal activities of human serum by degradation of the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G and proteolysis of C3 of
0928-8244/$22.00 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.H. Gasparoto et al. / FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 42 (2004) 219224
3. Results
3.1. Phagocytic cells
Mice that received an inoculum of viable C. albicans
CR1 showed a signicant reduction in the population of
peritoneal macrophages 6 h post-infection, which returned to control levels after 24 h (Fig. 1(a)). The population of neutrophils signicantly increased in the
group infected with viable CR1 strain after 6 h, and was
greatly increased at 24 h of infection (Fig. 1(b)). A large
percent of macrophages showed at least one phagocytosed blastoconidia 30 min after infection, and this
percent was greatly reduced thereafter for both viable
and autoclaved C. albicans (Table 1). The results obtained by plating of the peritoneal exudates (Table 2)
T.H. Gasparoto et al. / FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 42 (2004) 219224
show that there was a close correlation between reduction of C. albicans in the peritoneal cavity from 30 min
to 24 h post-infection and the percentage of macrophages and neutrophils phagocytosing them. The inoc-
Table 1
Phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils
42.0 1.4
23.5 2.1
24.0 2.70
8.20 1.65
2.7 0.3
6.6 0.9
1.2 0.6
6.9 2.0
33.5 4.8
29.6 3.8
7.14 1.9
9.3 1.5
0.2 0.44
2.0 0.50
Percentages of macrophages and neutrophils phagocytosing C. albicans CR1 viable (V) autoclaved (A) at dierent times. Data are reported as
means SEM for ve experiments.
Table 2
Recovery of C. albicans from peritoneal exudates (CFU)
Time post-infection (h)
5 105 1.6 102
3.3 104 1 102
3.5 103 1 102
1.8 102 7.3 101
Number of C. albicans CR1 (colony forming units) in the peritoneal exudate after inoculation of 107 yeast cells. Data are reported as means
SEM for ve experiments.
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Fig. 2. Fluorescence micrograph of phagocytic cells stained with (a) annexin V-FITC 30 min and (b) 2 h post-infection with viable C. albicans CR1;
propidium iodide on the same preparation (c) 30 min and (d) 2 h; or propidium iodide plus 6-CFDA (e) 2 h. Arrow indicates macrophage
phagocytosing dead cell and (f) 24 h post-infection with viable CR1.
4. Discussion
We previously reported that C. albicans CR1, which
was isolated from a HIV-infected individual, induced
early apoptotic changes in macrophages that phagocytosed them in vitro, but that those macrophages
progressed to necrosis and lysis 2 h thereafter; similar
pro-apoptotic changes were not observed in macrophages co-incubated with C. albicans 577, which was
T.H. Gasparoto et al. / FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 42 (2004) 219224
bound annexin V-FITC and became permeable to propidium iodide, and that these changes occurred from 30
min to 2 h after in vivo infection, in agreement with the
prior in vitro observations. Thus, the results obtained in
this in vivo study parallel the ones previously observed
in vitro. Moreover, heat-killed strain CR1 did not induce similar changes in peritoneal exudate macrophages
for up to 24 h of observation, which suggests that induction of macrophage apoptosis by C. albicans CR1
depends on a factor released by the viable pathogen.
Of the numerous cells reported to recognize and remove apoptotic cells, the macrophages are the most
prominent [15,16], and we detected macrophages
phagocytosing dead cells 2 h post-infection. Macrophages appear to recognize apoptotic cells via dierent
mechanisms, including integrins, phosphatidylserine
recognition, scavanger receptors, and lectins [17,18]. In
this study, we observed that both apoptosis and necrosis
increased from 30 min to 2 h of infection. Phagocytosis
of apoptotic cells, due to the exposure of phosphatidylserine for instance, could explain the signicant reduction of macrophages detected 6 h after infection.
Considering that incubation of CR1 with pepstatin before infection prevented the process of apoptosis, it
seems that proteinases released by the pathogen inside
of macrophages participate in this process. As expected,
since apoptosis and necrosis occurred in an early phase
of the infection, and those cells were therefore removed,
after 24 h the cells present in exudate were mostly viable,
and the incoming neutrophils were the most prominent
A small amount of IL-10 was detected in the peritoneal exudates of mice infected with either viable or autoclaved C. albicans CR1, 6 h post-infection. This
observation is in agreement with that of Romani et al.
[19], who found that macrophages have a poor ability to
release IL-10. On the other hand, those authors detected
a high production of IL-10 by neutrophils from CA-6
infected non-healer mice, although those cells were unable to produce IL-12. In this study, we observed that
the increased amount of IL-10 in the peritoneal exudates
24 h after infection with viable C. albicans CR1 correlated with an increase in both the amount and the proportion of neutrophils, suggesting that the increased
production of IL-10 depends on processes taking place
during the initial phase of infection, such as induction of
apoptosis or necrosis by viable C. albicans CR1 and
uptake of death cells by incoming phagocytes. Further
corroborating this conclusion, we observed that pepstatin reduced the apoptosis and necrosis of macrophages during the rst 2 h after infection and abolished
the increase in IL-10 otherwise observed 24 h after infection with viable strain CR1. An apoptotic cell exposes
phosphatidylserine externally, thus engaging the phosphatidylserine receptor and providing a dominant antiinammatory signal [20,21], in agreement with this
study. These results suggest that the ability of C. albicans CR1 to induce early apoptosis of macrophages
might induce or modulate an anti-inammatory pattern
of immune response afterwards.
We gratefully acknowledge Renata Scavone and
V^ania Darc for technical assistance. CAPES, CPG/
UEL, CNPq and Araucaria Fundation funded this
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