Mystic - S Development Guide-1

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Mystics Development Guide Copyright 2014 by Roger Nobles maybe be distributed entirely or in part if kept free.

Mystics Development Guide

January 2014

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Visualization .. 3
Chapter 2 Meditation .. 7
Chapter 3 Walking Meditation ... 9
Chapter 4 Grounding and Protection ... 11
Chapter 5 Akashic Library and an Astral Journey Exercise ..15
Chapter 6 Understanding the Clairs . 18
Chapter 7 The Seven Major Chakras ... 22
Chapter 8 The Seven Auras 27
Chapter 9 -- Cleansing and Balancing Your Energy System
Chapter 10 -- Higher Chakras and Auric Bodies
Chapter 11 -- Totem/Spirit/Power Animals
Chapter 12 -- Spiritual Protection & the Mer-ka-ba
Chapter 13 -- Dream Work
Chapter 14 -- What is Higher Self and How to Connect
Chapter 15 -- Working with Personal Spirit Guides
Chapter 16 -- Ascended Masters
Chapter 17 - Angels, Guardian Angels and Archangels

Chapter 1 -- Visualization (1a)

Visualization is the corner stone, the foundation for anything magical, spiritual, or even physical
activities. An Inventor has a vision of what he wants to accomplish and then searches for all the
steps to manifest that vision. The same is true for a Poet, an Author, or Artist of any kind. In Magic
an effective spell cannot be cast without intent and will. Manifesting the outcome is accomplished
by seeing, visualizing the energy going from self to the universe and becoming part of our reality.
We see with our senses, both physical and spiritual - Visualization is the key that unlocks the
Clairs, and the fuel they run with. Thats why I like to start with this exercise.

Visualization Exercise #1 - The Butterfly

Now with that all said, lets begin the first exercise in visualization with something very sacred to
me, my teacher of death, not as an end, but of freedom and a new beginning, my wings to
enlightenment, The Butterfly. Close your eyes and let the movie play upon the screen behind your
Imagine a caterpillar. See it crawling about on the tree where it lives. Watch it attach itself to a
branch of the tree. Watch as it spins its cocoon. Slowly but steadily it surrounds itself with golden,
silken threads until its totally enclosed. Observe the cocoon for a few more moments

Now envision yourself inside the cocoonsee the softness of silk walls surrounding yourest in
the warmth of the golden darkness Youre only dimly aware, so you dont know exactly whats
happening to you, yet you sense that even in this stillness; a hidden, transforming intelligence is at
Suddenly the cocoon begins to break open, and a ray of light shines through a crack As the light
touches you, you feel a sudden surge of vitality and realize the cocoon is starting to fall away from
As it falls away, you find that you are also shedding the defenses and supports of your safety and
your past You feel the freedom, more beautiful than you ever dreamed it could be; you are now a
beautiful, multicolored butterfly You can fly, no longer earth bound, able to touch the sky, play
with the wind ... Now you live in a totally new realm of colors, of sounds, of open space You
experience yourself flyingbeing supported by the air, being gently lifted by the breeze, gliding
down, flying up again...
Below, you see a green, grassy meadow full of flowers of every kind and colorYou settle on
onethen on anotherthen on another still, yet so gently that the petals arent disturbed. You feel,
you see, you, experience each flower as a different being with its own color and perfumeits own
particular life and quality.
Take your time in experiencing the many aspects of your expansion, your freedom, and your
Dream Journal, something youll hear often, keep one, a Diary of your thoughts, your dreams, your
visions Always record these exercises and your experiences with them, this will help strengthen
the clarity and vividness of your visualizations.

Visualization (1b)
Before we go to the next exercise, I want to backtrack just a little.
What is Visualization and why is it so important? First, Visualization is like plugging your
imagination into a TV or Movie projector, but its all occurring within the minds eye. - Its a way to
animate your thoughts, add color, brightness and contrast, and bring your thoughts to life.
Visualization is the ability to hold an image in your minds eye and is one of the most important
skills to master when you are developing psychic abilities.
This skill to See is also important when we want to spiritually manifest people and events into our
lives, such as a romantic partner, more money, a different job, car, or home, etc. Seeing visual
images in your mind is one of the best ways to both manifest physically and to receive
psychic/spiritual information.
Most of us visualize on a regular basis Maybe its while thinking or daydreaming about what we
plan to do on the weekend or maybe its when were trying to remember where we put our car keys.
Even though most of us visualize often, it usually requires some training and practice to do it at will
and on demand.
Before we look at how and why to Meditate, lets do one more exercise in Visualization.

Exercise # 2 - The Lighthouse

Lets use a man made" symbol for this Visualization exercise. One of my friends is fascinated with
Lighthouses, so we will use that, since they do represent much more than just a building. A
Lighthouse suggests something much more profound and subtle.

Sit and Relax, close your eyes and imagine that you are on a small ship at sea, at night. See the deck
of the ship, the rail around the deck, smell the salty air. The sun has set, you see no moon, no stars,
and the sky is covered with clouds. You feel the wind as it grows stronger, and the rain as it lashes
at your hair, your face. Your clothes are now soaked as the storm rages in. You see the choppy
waves and the foam tops as they crest, fall, rise and fall, rise and fall. The ship is rolling and
pitching. All around you the darkness grows thicker, the waves and wind stronger.
Feel the rolling and pitching of the ship, hear the howling wind, feel the chill of the rain on your
face. See the stormy sea at night. Experience the fatigue in your muscles as you struggle to hold the
wheel steady.
In the distance, across those dark waters you can see a dazzling light shining. Its source is a
lighthouse. That steady, radiant beam guides you through the night. With a sigh of relief, you
welcome this beacon of hope. Now you know where to steer. Concentrate on that lighthouse;
visualize its light radiating in all directions to help people who have lost their way, to guide to
safety all that need it. The storm is raging, the wind howling, the rain falling, the night pitch-black.
But the lighthouse stands solid and shining. Nothing can shake it.
After a time, let the visualization gradually fade, but keep within you this sense of Bright, Shining
Strength as your gift to keep.
This example shows how symbols may not only show us new ways of experiencing ourselves and
life, they may also create a new line of strength and vision with our inner self - one which can
gradually merge with our personality and affect our way of perceiving what is around us and our
reactions as well.
Continue doing this exercise a few more times and please remember to take notes of your
impressions in your Journal.
Next we will get into meditation and the proper breathing rhythm.

Chapter 2 -- Meditation
What is Meditation? We hear a multitude of definitions, some only a single word, but a single
word with deep meaning - Focus, Awareness, Consciousness - all true, but a state we
reach by acceptance not effort.
A definition that really resonates with me is Gom - Tibetan word for meditation meaning "to
become familiar with one's Self strongly implying that we need to train our minds to be
understand our inner self and the states of consciousness that are beneficial:
concentration, compassion, correct understanding, patience, humility, perseverance, etc

Trying too hard is one of the most common mistakes preventing us from entering the state of
meditation. Instructions like clear the mind, turn off your thoughts, while well intended, encourage
the effort, the trying, paraphrasing Yoda, Dont try, Do Bring about a stress free mind by using
quiet contemplation and reflection.

So dont worry about clearing our minds, rather than think about meditating, if thoughts are racing
around inside your brain, let em race. Just accept those thoughts, embrace them and let them be.

Now find a place where you can just be you, maybe a quiet, still, safe place. Just sit down or lay
down if you want to, dont slouch or slump though, keep your back straight, this allows your energy
to flow unrestricted, unblocked. It also keeps you breathe fully and deep, letting the Oxygen supercharge your system.
Play some soft music in the background if you like.
Close your eyes now.
Take a deep breath in count to 7,
Hold it for another count of 7,
Slowly exhale also for a 7 count.
(If you feel 7 is too long use a 5 count instead) The purpose is to set a breathing rhythm, one that you can maintain while youre relaxing
With each breathe in, inhale Confidence; Fill your Lungs with Love
And with each breathe out, exhale all the tension in your muscles, release all fears
Breathe in deeply - feel the peace as it enters your heart
Breathe out - feel your toes, your feet, and your lower legs relaxing
Breathe in - fill your lungs with peace
Breathe out - your thighs and waist are now relaxing, your tension flowing away
Breathe in a smile grows from your heart
Breathe out - feel the tension now draining from your chest, your throat, the lower part of your face
Breathe in - that smile is moving upward now
Breathe out - your cheeks, your eyes, are relaxed
Breathe In that smile has reached your lips
Breath out - now the top of your head is relaxed, your whole body is relaxed
Continue with this breathing rhythm and feel you consciousness becoming aware of your inner self.
Greet yourself with a Howdy, How are you - Talk with your inner you. Now make a date with
yourself, a time when you will come back and become better acquainted with self.
Your Self time is finished for now - Continue to breathe deeply, and count backward from 10 to 1.
10 - 9 - 8 -7 - 6 -5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - Open your eyes on the count of 1. You feel relaxed and refreshed.
And without effort you have meditated.

Chapter 3 -- Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation Exercise - Good for the Beginner, Good for the Guru

I've heard many people say that one has to remain completely still to Meditate properly, but do
we really? What is Meditation actually? Meditation is a state of heightened awareness.
That state can be entered regardless of what we are doing physically. One example of
meditation in action is the Walking meditation. Walking meditation is an opportunity
to exercise greater awareness of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Seems that many of us either
don't really understand the connection of body, mind, and spirit, or we fail to work
with all three at the same time. The more parts of self that we exercise at the same
time, the healthier, happier, and more relaxed we become.
So how do we do this? Actually it's the very simple activity of walking combined with
meditation, Walking Meditation even. No special equipment, you already have
everything you need, so nothing to buy. It doesn't even matter what your religion or
beliefs are either. You don't have to give up anything, no uncomfortable position, yet
the positive impact to improve Mind, Body, and Spirit health is Awesome.
No special place is needed at all; Walking Meditation can happen inside, outside, and
in your yard or garden, through the neighborhood, in the park, at the mall - probably a
good idea to pick a place that is quiet though. Plan on at least a 20 minute walk, and
work up to 45 - 60 minutes per day. If you have an MP3 player and want to listen to
music while youre walking that's fine. Personally, I prefer the sounds of nature, birds
singing, insects chattering, and a gentle breeze. Just be yourself though, what you feel
most comfortable with.
Take a few moments to stretch before you start walking, this loosens your muscles and
tendons. It also brings more attention to your body and starts the process of "going

Now begin the breathing exercise. Breathing deep slows the heart rate, relaxes the
muscles, focuses then mind. This is the ideal state to begin practice.
Breathe in - let go of all preconceived ideas and judgmental thought.
Breathe out - allow your shoulders to relax
Breathe in - take your first step. Dont worry about random thoughts. Relax
Breathe out - keep your head, neck and back straight but angle your gaze toward the
ground about 6 to 9 feet (2 to 3 meters) in front of you so you can see where youre
walking. This helps to keep your eyes from wandering and also your mind. When your
eyes are open, so is your heart - you are receptive, an open vessel.
Continue the rhythm of your breathing. Don't try to concentrate, relax and simply
settle into yourself.
Feel each step as each foot touches the ground, a gentle, relaxed observation.
Experience the feeling, don't try to analyze it, just feel Earth's energy with each step.
If you step on a rock, twig, anything, simply experience the feeling on the soles of your
feet. Just experience and be aware. You are fully aware, fully awake, not trance, no
zoning out. Stay in the moment, the now, and continue to experience the feeling of
each step.
If your mind does wander, no worries, just gently bring your focus back to the feeling
in the soles of your feet with each and every step you take. If your mind wonders 10
times, 100 times, even 1,000 times don't allow it to bother your, don't try to stop your
thoughts, simply and gently bring your awareness back to that feeling in your feet with
every step you take.
This is very important when your focus fades or you mind wanders, experience it,
know it, but don't worry about it, don't judge yourself, your progress, or your thoughts
and very, very gently bring your attention back to the feeling of each step in the soles
of your feet.
No worries, just practice, the more often you do, the more your mind becomes quieter,
your heart becomes still, and the more peace will abide in you. Just practice Walking
Meditation for the joy of doing it.
Soon your mind will automatically you will become less anxious, calmer, more relaxed.
Your mind will become clearer, more peaceful.
Remember - Awareness leads you into the present moment, walk in the Now - without
thoughts of the past or the future. A mind that lives in the present moment is a relaxed
mind. The relaxed mind is a peaceful mind and a peaceful mind is a happy mind.
Awareness brings Wisdom and with Wisdom comes the Light which transforms all
When you finish your walk, take a few deep breaths, drink a glass of water. Relax and

This is also very important - Be Grateful. Spend 2 or 3 minutes feeling appreciation

for the opportunity to practice and your mind's ability to focus.
Next time we walk, we can allow our awareness to take in the nature around us as well
as the feel of the Earth in our feet - We can feel the Skies Breath as a breeze gently
caresses our cheeks, we can enjoy the Birds' Singing - and breathe in the pleasant
aroma of the flowers and the grass, all the Blessings of Nature that we are so Grateful
Chapter 4 -- Grounding and Protection

Be as the Seed, let your roots be secured and grounded in Mother Earth, while your stem, your
leaves, your blossoms reach upward to the Sky Father. Raven Gray Cloud
What are Grounding Exercises and how do they help us?
Grounding exercises are designed to help us focus our attention on the Now by connecting our body
energy with the more serene the calmness and security of Mother Earth. These exercises are
especially helpful when:
- Before we do any energy or spirit work.
- We feel overwhelmed, like something is absorbing all of our energy and attention.
- When we feel spacey or dizzy after energy work or healing.
- If we feel stressed, anxious or panicky
- Or when we feel any numbness in our body, especially our legs
These exercises also help us develop energetic roots to fully ground our energy, to hold energy and
connect with Mother Earth. By being grounded and developing our 'lower' energy we have a solid
foundation and can better connect with and the 'higher' energies of Spirit.
Grounding Exercise -11

Visualization of a seed being planting, sprouting with roots growing downward while stem, leaves
and blossoms reach for the sky.)
Our grounding and centering visualization exercise uses the energy of Earth, for calmness and
Stand or sit comfortably with your feet on the floor or ground. Imagine yourself in your garden. You
dig a small hole and place a seed in the bottom of hole, now cover it with dirt. Smell the fresh,
wholesome earth, as if you were turning over dirt to plant the first seed of spring. Water it and wait.
The Sun bathes the planting spot with light and warmth. Now visualize your self as that seed lying
comfortably in Mother Earths womb. Soon you begin to sprout, tiny tendrils growing both down
and up - your roots grow deeper and deeper into the Earth giving you strength and stability.
As a tiny green sprout, your head breaks through the soul and quickly grows. The stem as your
body grows taller and taller; you stretch your arms as branches, your hands and fingers as leaves,
reaching for the sky. You turn your face to the sky, opening your ears, your ears, your mind to the
Divine radiance shining upon you. Messages from Spirit now channel though you, living energy
flows through you from Heaven to Earth.
You are Grounded and Secure.
Protection Exercises - (Visualization of calling for the Divine white light of protection. Also my
personal method of the Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz - 3 layered protection Bubble with the
Transformative property of Amethyst and the Unconditional Love of the Rose Quartz)
Some use Prayer to call for the White Light of the Holy Spirit of protection. White Light is the
comfort, the Love, and strength of God.
Our prayer to call for this Divine White Light for Protection might go something like this:
Dear God, our Great Spirit, I ask you to send the White Light of the Holy Spirit as a cloak to
surround and protect me this day. That it also cleanse and purify me. I release all negative as a dark
smoke, to be absorbed by the White Light, causing no harm. Let nothing but love and positive
energy pass into or out of this Cloak of Protection.
Or we might use a different approach similar to Meditation:
Sit down and relax. Breathe slow and deep. Let all tension flow from our bodies into the earth. Feel
at peace, relaxed and calm.
Visualize a beautiful white light forming a bubble to surround us. It shimmers with a soft glow. It
grows stronger and shines brighter. We can make it grow until it fills the room were in. Fill the
bubble with love and confidence, knowing that it will protect us wherever we are, whatever we are
If we also want to protect a loved one, simply picture the loved one. Visualize a glowing light all
around them, just like the bubble protecting us now. The Bubble glows with love and protection.
We make it bigger, brighter, and stronger. When we finish, wish our loved one well, knowing they
are safe.
When we have finished our tasks and wish to release our bubble of light, we should ask it to bring
us back to the Now moment. We Thank the Divine for the Light of Protection, take a deep breath,
stretch for a moment, now we may get up and go about our regular business.


A 3rd Protection Ritual is my personal way of Protection. My Stone Friend is Amethyst and a
closely related Friend Rose Quartz. For a long time Ive used this combination for Cleansing,
Creating Sacred Space, and Protection.
I met Amethyst several years before I realized I was on this path, but never understood why, just a
strong bond. When my Lady of the Mysts came to me, she also brought the connection and greater
understanding. From that day to this - whether riding or walking, I always see purple flames just at
the edge of my vision, trailing behind on both sides of my path. The Purple Flame protects me.
Amethyst is also the stone of transmutation, transformation, it repels negative energies and
encourages positive. Amethyst is a mighty crystal used for many purposes, but for now, we will
only look at the protective qualities and why I use it for my personal call for protection. Amethyst
not only repels negative forces from without, but it also protects one from their inner self as well,
truly the As Without, So Within Stone.
Rose quartz is often called the Love stone, but the Love it radiates is not Passion, not Lust, it is soft
gentle, forever kind of love, Unconditional Love. Thats why, along with Amethyst, I use Rose
Quartz to create my Bubble of Protection - to imbue the energy, both without and within, with
Unconditional Love.

Im usually sitting on the floor with my feet crossed for this, but it doesn't matter as long as one is
comfortable and remembers to keep the back straight.
I close my eyes and see a Pink Ray of light beaming from the Rose Quartz. The light reaches my
body and then encircles me. That light which is now around my whole body begins to expand,
much like a balloon and becomes a pink bubble surrounding me. Next I saw a Purple Ray radiating
from the Amethyst, painting a layer of Purple on the outside of the pink bubble. Both bubbles are
still transparent, and I can see myself inside, and I can also see outside. So again I watch that Pink
Ray of Light coming from the Rose Quartz and enclosing the Bubble with another layer of the Pink
Power of Unconditional Love. My Bubble is now complete and I am completely protected, only
Positive energy imbued with Unconditional Love can come in or leave my Bubble. Im confident
and ready for any Energy or Spiritual work.


Chapter 5 -- Akashic Library and an Astral Journey Exercise

Guided Journey to the Akashi Library - What is the Akashic Library?
To know the Library, first we need to understand Akasha. -Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "aether" in both the Elemental and Metaphysical
Senses (some offer a definition of aether as sky, above, that which is outside of the physical, and of
course my personal choice is of the spirit realm.) Thus Akasha is the 5th Element, while
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are the other elements. Scott Cunningham, in his book
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic, describes the Akasha as
the spiritual force from which the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water descend.
In Hinduism, Akasha means the basis and essence of all things in the material world; the first
material element created from the astral world (Air, Fire, Water, Earth are the other four in their
order of creation). Aether translates this way, In Sanskrit the word means "space", the very first
element in creation. In Hindi, and other Indian languages, the meaning of Akasha is accepted as sky.
Western religious philosophies have popularized the word Akasha as an adjective, "Akashic
records" or "Akashic library", referring to an otherworldly compendium (official definition: a
collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, esp. in a book or other
publication) of all knowledge and history.


So my way of understanding the Akashic Library or Library of Spirit, is as a collection of all

knowledge of all things that have been, are now, or ever will be. Shelf after Shelf, stacked high to
the ceiling, filled with books and scrolls, tablets made of stone and of metal, audio recordings,
video recordings, billions and billions of books. Yes it also contains the records of our personal
journey through all incarnations, which might offer important insight into the hows and whys of
our existence at any given moment. For me personally, those records have always been sealed, and
I have never viewed them, actually never even asked to see my Book of Life or that of anyone
else. This is just me, but I much prefer reading the Books of Knowledge.
Each time I journey there, I see a building, large and beautiful, surrounded by many columns, and
tiers and tiers of steps. A lady meets me at the bottom of those steps and leads me upward, through
arched doors and into the main hall. I sign in at the Receptionists desk and them am guided to a
room with a desk and some kind of view screen, not like a TV or computer monitor but one that
projects holographic images on the desk in front of me. My Lady guide brings me a book, and I
read. Sometimes she brings many books, and other times just the one. Each time I leave, its as
though my brain had attended a feast, a feast of knowledge, and now Im full and leave to digest all
I have learned
Now that you understand a bit more about the Akasha Library and what it contains, we are almost
ready for a visit there. There are a few things we need to do first to prepare for this journey. First
thing is to bring out your Dream Journal and a pen, now write down 3 things you want to learn
when we get to the Library. Leave space between each topic so you can record your experiences.
We are now ready to begin.
Go to your comfortable place; play some soft, relaxing music in the background if you wish. Now
sit or lie down, keep your back, your spine straight and be comfortable. The next few steps, we will
repeat each time we do a meditation, a prayer, astral travel, and every kind of Spirit or Energy work.
Soon it will be ingrained into your system so strongly that you wont even think about it, it will just
be done; protect, ground, focus, and relax.
Protect both your physical and spiritual self. Ask the Angels, or the Divine source to clothe you in
the Armor of Pure White Light; call for St Germaine to surround you with the Purple Flame;
Visualize a Bubble forming around, a Bubble of White Light or a Bubble like mine with a center of
core of Amethyst and the outer and inner walls of Rose Quarts. As with any out of body or astral
exercise, we need to establish the tether between physical and ethereal bodies, maybe a silver or
golden thread or rope connecting the two.
Now focus on the seeking of knowledge, finding answers to those items of interest we wrote in our
Dream Journal earlier.

Close your eyes and begin to breathe, deeply and fully. See the air enter your lungs as you breathe
in; watch it leave your body as you breathe out.
Breathe in Confidence; Fill your Lungs with Love
Exhale all the tension in your muscles, release all fears
Breathe in deeply; feel the peace as it enters your heart

Exhale, feel your toes, your feet, and your lower legs relaxing
Breathe in fill your lungs with peace
Exhale, your thighs and waist are now relaxing, all the tension flowing from you.
Breathe in, Your Spirit is awakening
Breathe out, the tension now draining from your chest, your throat the lower part of your face
Breathe in, feel your Spirit separating from your body
Breathe out, your cheeks, your eyes, are relaxed
Breathe In your 3rdeye is activating
Breathe out - now the top of your head is relaxed your whole body is relaxed
We see our Higher Self rising above our physical body as we look down. We visualize that cord
tied between our physical feet and our spiritual feet
Our Higher Self continues to rise toward the ceiling, then through the ceiling We look at the sky,
its evening time and the sky is dark but the stars are bright, twinkling like tiny candles in that sea of
black, feel the spiral were traveling along, as you tiny twinkles grow larger and larger.
We focus on our destination, the Akashic Library, We pick up speed, the stars turn to trails of light
and faster still, faster than sound, faster than light, faster even than the speed of thought. You are
We step forward on a path or white marble, pass through a gate, an archway of white granite with
golden specs gleaming in the sunlight.
Then we see it, the building rises before us and we know its the Akashic Library.

We stop for a moment and gaze at the building, at the magnificent, intricately carved columns
standing like sentinels at the top of several tiers of steps, made of a black stone, mysterious and
dark, like the midnight sky and sparkling with the light of a million stars.


We begin to walk up those steps, first one, and then by twos, were eager, were anxious to reach
the top and go inside this sacred place of knowledge.
We make it to the top of those steps - Each of us is greeted by a Special Guide who leads us through
separate doors, along separate halls, and into separate rooms, designed uniquely to fit our individual
personalities, our questions, our purpose, our desires and our needs.
Each of you can ask information about what is most important to you, and your Librarian will bring
it to you.
Now sit and read, see, hear, and understand. Stay as long as you wish. When your hunger for
knowledge is sated, your guide will lead you back to the foyer where you will rejoin the rest of our
group ready for the return to the Physical Realm.
Hail, Hail, the Gangs all here
Come, Friends, we travel upon the sea
Double check our Navigation
As we ready to leave this station
And Return to our Realm of Reality.
We reenter the sky above and descend through the darkness of space, stars and planets race by. We
can only think of all we learned and other questions we wish were asked and promise to ask them
next time.
Re-entering Earths atmosphere, we see our homes below, the air smells of rain and fresh turned
earth. We know that seed of knowledge is planted within our soul. Our ethereal body slips through
our homes roof. We see our physical body below, all is well, and all is safe. Our Higher Self
reenters our physical body; our eyes open, we feel refreshed, relaxed, and happy, already planning
our next visit to the Akashic Library.


Chapter 6 -- Understanding the Clairs - Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience,

Clairtangency, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Claircognizance
Just how far does one want to go, or need to go for that matter, to understand the height, the depth,
the breadth of being Psychic? Psychic science is a broad subject that includes occultism,
mysticism, metaphysics, parapsychology, and consciousness. In the near future well talk
about the Psychic abilities such as: Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Quantum Physics,
Metaphysics, Parapsychology, and about Spirituality, Mediumship, Paranormal, Soul Rescue,
and Healing with Herbs, Earth Medicines, Energy, and Spirit. For the moment, however, lets
concentrate only on the Clairs.
Energy Contact and Work:
Remember, everything is energy. Energy is not confined only to the Earth, Universal energy
stretches far and wide - also understand that not all Spirits are Earth Spirits that have passed
over, also working with us are Spirits who have never manifested on this world.
The Matrix of Our Mind

What I say now may be controversial; I say it not to offend, but to share my own belief. We often
hear Mediums claim that all Mediums are Psychic, but not all Psychics or mediums. I can
agree with that as it stands, however, where I have an issue is when some claim they dont use
tools, they work with spirits. My position is that all is Energy work; we are all connected
through and with the Universal Energy, Source. We use many ways to talk and work with
Source. Some talk through spirit guides, some use a pendulum or tarot cards, some use
prayer, meditation, chants, and trance are other tools used. Unless we have direct contact
with Source, we all use tools to make that connection and Source uses those tools to send us
messages, to answer requests for information, to grant healing.
There is another set of tools that we are going to look out during this Chapter - a set of personal,
physically connected tools we call the Clairs.
So just what are these Clairs, what do they do, and how do they relate to our physical senses?
Think of your physical senses; Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, and Touching, and Feeling
(Intuition/Gut Feeling), our physical abilities to perceive and understand. Now think of
the psychic senses - Clairvoyance - clear seeing; Clairaudience - clear hearing;
Clairalience - clear smelling; Clairgustance - clear tasting; and Clairtangency aka
Psychometry - clear touch and yes, there is a corresponding Clair of that intuition/gut
feeling as well - Clairsentience -clear feeling sometimes called Empathy - and guess what learning/brainpower also has a Clair counterpart too - Claircognizance - clear knowing
But how do we know which Clairs we may be in tune with and how do we develop any or
all of them? Lets first examine the Clairs in a bit more detail.

Clair Senses
Clairvoyance means clear seeing.
This is when visions past, present and future flash through our mind's eye, or third eye, much like a
daydream. Many of us are highly visual and able to understand an idea best when we see it written
or sketched out as an image on a computer screen or on a canvas. Visual people often choose to be
artists, builders, photographers, decorators, designers and so forth. If this sounds familiar, your
clairvoyance is most likely a dominant sense.
Clairaudience means clear hearing.
This is when we hear words, sounds or music in our own mind's voice. On rare occasions, spirit
may be able to create audible sound, though this takes a tremendous amount of focused energy.
Some of us best retain and comprehend information when we hear it spoken aloud. Our natural
talents tend to lie in our auditory faculties, often making us gifted musicians, singers, writers and
public speakers. If this feels right to you, clairaudience may be a leading sense for you.
Clairsentience means clear feeling.
This entails feeling a person's or spirit's emotions or feeling another's physical pain. Many of us are
clairsentient without consciously being aware of it. When we get a strong "gut" feeling, positive or
negative, about someone we just met or when we get the "chills" for no apparent reason, we may be
tuning into the emotional energy of a person or a spirit around us. When we are highly sensitive and
are in tune with not only our own feelings, but also the feelings of others, this makes us natural
healers and caregivers. We often feel inspired to pursue careers as doctors, therapists, counselors,
nannies and teachers. If this is you, clairsentience is at the top of your senses list.
Clairtangency means clear touching and is the ability to handle an object or touch an area and
receive energy through your hands which leads to psychic knowledge about the article, its owner or
history. Its also known as Psychometry.
Clairalience means clear smelling.
This is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could
include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their
presence around us. When our sense of smell is strong and distinct, we may find that certain smells
connect us to past memories or we may be drawn to working as a florist, a wine taster or a perfume
fragrance creator.
Clairgustance means clear tasting.
This is the ability to taste something that isn't actually there. This experience oftentimes comes from
out of the blue when a deceased loved one is attempting to communicate a memory or association
we have with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of them. If we have a heightened sense
of taste, this would make us natural chefs, bakers or food critics.
Claircognizance means clear knowing.
This is when we have knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have knowledge
about. Spirit impresses us with truths that simply pop into our minds from out of nowhere. An
example of this would be a premonition: a forewarning of something that will happen in the future.
Claircognizance requires tremendous faith because there's often no practical explanation for why
we suddenly "know" something. Many philosophers, professors, doctors, scientists, religious and
spiritual leaders and powerful sales and business leaders tend to be highly intuitive and seem to just
know the facts with a sense of certainty. If this is you, consider claircognizance as one of your
dominant senses.


Our Clair Senses

Our physical receptors and internal control centers might correspond to our energy centers - the


Developing Your Clairsenses

Now, how do you recognize what your preferred or dominant style of Clairsense is? Begin by
sitting in a comfortable place where you won't be distracted for a few minutes. Look at everything
around you, taking in all details and feelings of where you are. Make mental notes.
Now close your eyes and focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly as you mentally review
what caught your attention when you scanned the room.
Was it the sight of something that stood out, the sound of something that you heard, the feeling of
something registering in your stomach or heart, a taste or smell that suddenly appeared or a
strong thought about something that hit you from out of the blue?
Additional exercises:
Begin each of these exercises with your protection ritual, also the deep breathing rhythm for
Once you are relaxed and ready to begin state your intention to your Higher Self and/or your Spirit
Guides or guiding Angels. Let them know that it is your intention to learn to develop your Clair
Come to a state where you are completely relaxed and request that they show you symbols...
whatever pops into your mind first take note of it. What is it? What does it look like? How does it
make me feel?
Which Clair Sense reacted to the symbol first? Did you see it, or hear it, did you
feel something in pit of your stomach or heart, maybe you felt something as it touched your
hand, neck, cheek, did you taste it or smell it or maybe it was a strong thought and you just
knew it, like an epiphany or a light bulb turning on inside your head?
During the exercise keep mental notes of all you experience, then after youre done with exercise
write them down.
Another method to this exercise is to get a symbol of your own... a strawberry, apple, keys, etc.
Close your eyes and bring the thought strawberry into your mind begin to pay attention to the
details. Do you see the Strawberry, what does it look like? Did you touch it, how did it feel?
Or maybe you smelled it, was the aroma strong or slight?
Using your "imagination," the visualizations weve been practicing helps exercise your sense of
second sight; it demonstrates how to look deeper into the images in our minds.
Practice these general exercises for a while, until you know which sense is the first to pick up the
message. Later, after we work more with our Guides or Angels more, we can do these exercises
again, asking our Guide to help us work on each of the Clairs separate.


Chapter 7 -- The Seven Major Chakras

The chakras are the amazing metaphysical power houses of the human body. We will learn to locate
them, clean, balance, and activate and how to use them for psychic power, and for better health and
happiness: The mystical powers of the Third Eye helps with ESP, telepathy and astral travelling, the
Root Chakra associated with the Kundilini or coiled serpent with immense physical energy and the
Solar plexus chakra with manifesting.
Before we start sharing this information about the 7 basic Chakras, lets enjoy a short meditation to
help us relax and reach a state of heightened awareness.
So light your candles or incense, put on some soft yet not quite sleepy time music. Now sit quietly
close your eyes and begin the breathing exercise.
Begin with three deep breaths. Breathe in relaxation - breathe out tension
Allow your entire body to relax (imagine that you are floating on a soft cloud).
Open your mind to learning; maybe imagine the top of your head opening up like a funnel with
knowledge just pouring in.

Understanding the 7 Body Chakras

The Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Think of them as small rotating fans circulating
energy through the body. I see them like tiny but powerful cyclones or tornadoes. These energy
centers work like receivers, transformers and transmitters of the different forms of Prana (Life
Force) then send it, as light energy, through the body.

Each Chakras energy vibrates at a different frequency and can be seen as various s or even felt as
heat energy. These energies also radiate outside of and around the physical body in a Rainbow like
bio-magnetic field called an Aura, but thats the subject of another Chapter. The chakras respond to
and react to your emotions, mental attitudes, physical and spiritual well being.
Each Chakra is associated with one of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether or
Akasha, as well as to, and certain Gemstones or Crystals as well.
All chakras need to be working equally efficiently for you to have true spiritual, mental, emotional
and physical good health. Many say there are 88,000 Chakras in the human body alone. Most are
very small and play a specific yet secondary role in our energy system. Although there are several
secondary Chakras, at least 40 that are of significance; located in the spleen, back of the neck,
palms of the hands and soles of the feet. But for this now well look at the seven basic chakras or
major chakras within the physical body:
1st Chakra - Root/Base chakra found at base of the spine base, sometimes referred to as the
Kundilini or sleeping serpent. Color fiery orange/red. Affects the adrenal system, the spine, the
kidneys and represents our individual life force and energy
2nd Chakra - Sacral chakra located in the pelvis area, just below the belly button. Color orange.
Affects the gonads, reproductive system, influences our sexuality, artistry and creativity.
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus chakra at stomach area about two finger's breadth above the naval.
Color is golden yellow, like the sun. As its name suggests, it is through this Chakra that we absorb
the solar energy which energizes and maintains our, also nurturing our etheric body. This where
our emotional energy is channels through, that gut feeling.
4th Chakra - The Heart chakra is the center of our entire Chakra system. Its located in the center
of the chest and connects the lower three physical and emotional centers with the three higher
mental and spiritual centers. Its colors are green and pink. Affects heart, lungs, circulation, thymus
gland, influences your personal love and unconditional love issues.
5th Chakra - Throat chakra at throat area. Its color is primarily blue. Affects thyroid gland, vocal
and bronchial areas, influences your communication issues.
6th Chakra - The Third eye chakra is located in the forehead between the eye brows just above the
bridge of the nose. Color purple. This is where the conscious perception of being takes place. The
3rd Eye Chakra serves as the seat of our higher mental powers, psychic abilities, and the highest
command center for our central nervous system. It also affects our pituitary gland, eyes, ears, and
7th Chakra is known as the Crown chakra at top of head. Also called the seat of the soul, where.
As we progress along our spiritual path, and the connection with our Higher Self and the Divine
grows and becomes stronger, the Crown Chakra transforms from a receptive energy to one that
broadcast, it radiates, it glows, the Halo effect that is often seen about the heads of Saints, Spiritual
Masters, and Jesus Christ. Primary Color is violet or white.
Locations and Colors of Front and Rear Chakric Openings
Most of the chakras have front and rear openings with the front opening of the chakra represents
your intent, i.e. the front of the throat - a wish to show gratitude to others. While the rear chakra
entrance/exit at the back of the neck, represents your will to actually do it, not just think about it.
Often the front chakra is open and warm while the rear chakra may be closed and cool, through
under-use. The crown and Kundilini/base chakras have only one opening/exit, but these may be
semi closed or damaged, resulting in low life energy at the Base Chakra or limited communication
with Higher Self, the Divine force at the Crown Chakra.

You can normally feel your chakras with the minor chakras in the hands. You will probably notice
your fingertips and the palms of your hands getting warm, hot, or cold.
When a chakra is blocked or damaged from emotional, mental or physical interference, sickness
can develop, in the part of the body associated with the blocked chakra.
When someone hurts you, whether it is physical by striking you, emotionally by hurting your
feelings, or mentally by scaring or intimidating you, cracks, breaks, shrinkage or deformity can
occur in the chakras. Some believe that damage may even be carried over from past life incidents,
like maybe speared through the solar plexus chakra, by an enemy during a battle, showing up as
stomach ulcers in this current life!.
Exercise to Feel Hand Chakric Centers
1. Mentally ask your Spiritual Guides to help you in this exercise.
2. Ask for your palm chakras and fingertip chakras to become activated and feel corresponding
warmth in the center of the palms of your hands and tingling in your fingertips.
3. Place your palms close together, without actually touching them and feel the magnetic pull of
the palm chakras and the warmth of the chakras.
4. Draw your palms slowly away a few centimeters and feel the energy from your hands, like a
light glue-like membrane being stretched. Now bring your palms in again and feel the membrane
contracting. (Some people describe it as being similar to pulling toffee).
5. Concentrate on your right hand fingertips and again without actually touching your left hand,
feel the chakric energy from your palms, as warmth, coolness or tingling.
6. Draw circles in the air with your right index finger, close to your left palm and fingertips and see
if you can feel the movement, with your eyes closed. Now change hands and see if your right palm
is more sensitive than your left. Practice this exercise with other people, if you have the chance to
do so. Some will feel the energies, some will not.
7. Thank Spirit for helping you.
By practicing this exercise regularly, your hands will become more energized and more sensitive to
other peoples vibrations.
Exercise to Feel 7 Body Chakras
1. Stand in front of a full-length mirror. Ask Spirit to help you with this exercise and to send
healing light to any chakras that are damaged. Remember you do not actually touch your body.
Allow your fingertips and palm chakras to feel the vibration of your chakras, just a few centimeters
away from your body
2. Firstly locate the crown chakra. It is a warm/energized spot at the very top of the head. If it feels
cold/weak it may be blocked, unopened or damaged. This will need to be cleansed for greater
contact with Higher Spiritual Forces. Remember this area has only one chakric opening. Ask Spirit
to send healing light to this chakra.


3. Now locate the chakra between the eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra. Again feel the strength and
warmth of this chakra. If it is weak and needs cleansing, your Psychic abilities may be impaired.
This area also has a rear chakra at the immediate back of the head, in line with this front chakra. If
the front is warm and the back cool, this indicates a desire (intent) to experience psychic abilities
such as seeing auras, spirit contact etc but your will or energy to do so is weak. So the rear chakra
will need to be cleansed and opened gently to align it with the front chakra, to overcome this
problem. Ask Spirit to send healing light to this chakra.
4. Then locate the chakra at the mid throat area which represents your communication abilities.
Again feel the strength and warmth of this chakra. If it is weak and needs cleansing, your
communication abilities may be impaired. This area also has a rear chakra at the immediate back of
the neck, in line with this front chakra. If the front is warm and the back cool, this indicates a desire
(intent) to speak the truth and express your opinions, but your will to do so is weak. So the rear
chakra will need to be cleansed and opened gently to align it with the front chakra, to overcome this
problem. Ask Spirit to send healing light to this chakra
5. Now locate the Heart chakra, between your breasts or center of your chest region. Again feel the
strength and warmth of this chakra. If it is weak and needs cleansing, your loving abilities may be
impaired. This area also has a rear chakra at the immediate back of the body, in line with this front
chakra. If the front is warm and the back cool, this indicates a desire (intent) to conditionally and
unconditionally love others, but your will to do so is weak. So the rear chakra will need to be
cleansed and opened gently to align it with the front chakra, to overcome this problem. Ask Spirit to
send healing light to this chakra.
6. Then locate the chakra at the Solar Plexus region, just above the navel.
Again feel the strength and warmth of this chakra. If it is weak and needs cleansing, your personal
power may be impaired. This area also has a rear chakra at your immediate back of the body, in line
with this front chakra. If the front is warm and the back cool, this indicates a desire (intent) to have
your own autonomy and make your own decisions, but your will to do so is weak. So the rear
chakra will need to be cleansed and opened gently to align it with the front chakra, to overcome this
problem. Ask Spirit to send healing light to this chakra. (Note. If the rear Solar Plexus chakra is
very warm this also indicates a good potential healer. This is known as the Healers Chakra.)
7. Now locate the chakras in the Pelvic and lower back areas. These represent creativity, both
sexually and artistically.
Again feel the strength and warmth of this chakra. If it is weak and needs cleansing, your personal
creativity or sexuality may be impaired. This area also has a rear chakra at the immediate back of
the body, in line with this front chakra. If the front is warm and the back cool, this indicates a desire
(intent) to be creative or sexually expressive, but your will to do so is weak. So the rear chakra will
need to be cleansed and opened gently to align it with the front chakra, to overcome this problem.
Ask Spirit to send healing light to this chakra.
8. Finally locate the Kundilini or Root Chakra (actually one chakra opening at the perineum, but
you can also feel it at the Base of the spine). Again feel the strength and warmth of this chakra. If it
is weak and needs cleansing, your personal life energy may be impaired. Ask Spirit to send healing
light to this chakra.
Practice this on other people if possible; youll feel different vibrations in each persons chakras, no
two are identical.


When they are underused, damaged or overused they can cause physical, mental and emotional
problems within the body and disconnection from your psychic abilities, Higher Self, and the
By becoming aware of these blocks and asking Spirit to heal you, you can remove many of these
problems from your life. Note - Which chakras need to be cleansed and opened or healed and partly
closed down? (Remember these chakras will feel cold, low in vibration or overly stimulated and
There are many great guided meditations to clear, balance, and activate the Chakras on the Internet
and on Youtube. Eventually we will begin doing our own or entering that meditative state at will.
One of my Favorites is by Lisa Beachy:
Close the session with a positive affirmation: "My chakras are all healed, opened and functioning
well. I am well physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!


Chapter 8 -- The Seven Auras

What is the Aura?

Auras are a Physical reality with Spiritual connections, and of all spiritual, psychic, supernatural
topics or abilities, the Aura is probably the best documented and accepted by all circles, Religion
and Science. Technically the aura is a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt, and,
sometimes, seen around the physical body. We can tell when someone doesnt feel right to us, like
they are full of anger or if they really live in their heart and feel deeply. One doesnt need to be
psychic to feel/read an aura. An example of this might be a time when you were talking to someone
and you thought they were standing too close to you. You may have even thought to yourself,
Theyre in my space, and then you back away. Even this slight intrusion into your aura or space
may interrupt your personal flow of energy so that you feel slightly invaded.
Before we continue with seeing Auras and color associations and meanings, lets try to feel this
magnetic energy field. I borrowed the following 2 brief exercises from a website
( )
1st Exercise for sensing Auras
Place the palm of your hands together and rub them vigorously. Now pull them apart, slowly bring
them back together again.
As you do this you will feel resistance. This resistance is your Aura (that Electro-Magnetic energy
field), as you bring your hands together youll feel it strongly. When you reach a certain distance
the resistance will dissipate as the Auras merge into one. This exercise can also be done with 2
people, allowing you to sense the resistance of each others Auras.
2nd Exercise for sensing Auras
This is a similar exercise for feeling the auras that you can practice with a partner. Sit comfortably
and close your eyes, be calm and relaxed. Have your friend come over to you and slowly bring their

hands towards. The aim of this exercise is to be able to feel when your Aura is being touched. Tell
your friend when you feel their touch. You might be surprised just how far away they actually are.
Visual aspect of Auras
Now that you have felt the Aura and know they really exist lets take a look at the visual aspects of
this energy field. The Aura is like an energy egg extending about 2 to 3 feet on all sides including
above the head and under the feet into the ground. The Aura may extend to about 50 feet from the
body may be greater depending on certain traumatic events, situation, or an emotional stat, and can
be delicate and very sensitive.
Auras are commonly associated with people. Sometimes we even use them to describe people: He
has an aura about him, or She just has a glow about her when, in fact, all living things generate
this field of energy. Like a mirror almost, the Aura reflects our True Nature at any given moment
and can give an instant insight into our personality, health, emotional state, and even spiritual
development. In general, the more colorful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more
spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the
healthier and more balanced the person is. While the ability to read this energy distribution seems
to be a powerful medical diagnostic tool, usually that requires using some rather complex
equipment, and so we will concentrate on what we can easily see with our own eyes.
Almost anyone can see the first white layer of our on Aura with just a little effort and using the right
background. Here is a simple exercise to help you see your Aura.
Stand in front of a mirror with a plain white or neutral all behind you. Normally do this at night or
in a room without window. Youll want some light but keep it dim.
Now look in the mirror and focus on the reflection of the wall just above your head for about 30 to
60 seconds. Or you can focus on the middle of your forehead, if you prefer. Looking with your
peripheral vision you should start seeing a whitish area, almost like a glow, extending about 1 to 3
inches from your body. This is your inner or etheric Auric field. If you have trouble seeing this
field, just keep focusing on the area just above your head. Practice this until you can see that inner
We see colors also with our peripheral vision, so we can use the same technique to see color. Just
look at yourself in the mirror, pick a spot in the middle of your forehead, or maybe the bridge of
your nose. Focus on that spot, and soon just at the edge of your vision you should begin to pick up
some color. It might take a few tries though, so practice, practice, practice until you do.
The Seven Energy Bodies -- Some say there are seven subtle bodies, or layers, around the physical
body, which create the auric body system (aura). Others see the Aura as a swirling, pulsating
vortex of colors. Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body has its own
unique frequency, thus its own color. The layers, the colors, are interrelated, affecting each
another, as well as, the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior, and health. So a state of
imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others. Continuing with the
seven subtle bodies concept, we can break them down like this: Three physical plane bodies
(lower bodies), three spiritual plane bodies (higher bodies), and the astral body, which is the
bridge between the lower and higher bodies. The three lower bodies process energies from the
physical plane, and the upper three handle energies from the spiritual planes.
First Layer (The Etheric Body) -- This is the closest energy body to the physical. It extends about
one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates at about 15-20 cycles per minute.
The entire body, including organs, can be seen but it is made of a bluish (emotional) or gray light
(highly active).

Second Layer (The Emotional Body) -- Since this is the emotional body, it is associated with
feelings, and is more fluid in nature. It doesnt duplicate the body, like the etheric body does. This
body is about one to three inches from the physical body. The Emotional Body is more like colored
clouds which change color depending on the type emotions the person is experiencing. Love, joy,
excitement, and even anger will result in very brilliant hues, while confused emotions may be seen
with muddy tones. This body contains all the colors in the rainbow.
Third Layer (The Mental Body) -- The Mental Body has an even more subtle composition,
holding our thoughts and mental processes. It extends three to eight inches from the body and is
generally seen as a yellow light, radiating around the head and shoulders. The yellow brightens ask
thoughts deepen, or when concentrating on mental activities. Other colors may also be seen if an
emotion is associated with the thought.
Fourth Layer (The Astral level) -- This layer is often called the bridge between physical and
spiritual plane! When we begin to work with this plane, we also begin to merge our physical and
spiritual senses, perceptions, and abilities. Here we will begin to see energies that are beyond the
physical. This Astral body looks like gorgeous clouds of color, extending about six to 12 inches
from the body. It has all the colors of the rainbow like the emotional body, but also a pink or rose
hue is often present, especially if the person has a nurturing, loving personality. The astral plane is
also called the "emotional" plane, which ties it strongly to the heart chakra and the second subtle
body (the emotional body). Because it is so closely tied to the emotions, when people fall in love,
great hues of pink can be seen shooting from their heart chakra. This is also why when we are in the
astral, our emotions are greatly enhanced either way.
The Fifth Layer (The Etheric Template Body) -- The fifth auric layer is the Etheric Template
associated with aspects of the physical body and related to the Fifth (Throat) Chakra. Known as a
blueprint of the lower etheric body and where matter is shaped into the physical aspect. It extends
about one and a half up to two feet around the physical body. This template has a dark blue hue to
The Sixth Layer (The Celestial Body) -- This is the layer where the physical mind comes to link
with the spiritual mind through meditation and devotional practices. This sixth layer also contains
the feeling of unconditional love, divine love. The colors of this body are very soft in nature
(pastel) and glow softly from the body. The celestial layer of the aura embraces our experiences of
having a connection to something greater than ourselves.
The Seventh Layer (The Ketheric Template or Causal Body) -- This is the mental level of the
spiritual plane. This body contains all the other bodies within it and extends up to three and a half
feet from the body, often in the shape of an egg. Its color gold, or silvery-gold. Looking something
like grid, it pulsates and vibrates at a very high speed, within this level; we "know" we are one with
the One.
Our eyes can see a very narrow range of Electromagnetic frequencies, wavelengths of about .3 to .7
micrometers. Our eyes perceive as color the mix of vibration frequencies in this bandwidth from
Purple to Red. The follow charts might show this visual range in a better perspective. Charts are
courtesy of


Names have been given to regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in which adjacent
wavelengths to illustrate the division between "ultraviolet" and "visible", or "microwave" and
"thermal infrared. The chart below outlines generally accepted regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum and gives their spectral ranges.
Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
gamma ray

<0.03 nanometers


0.03 - 3 nanometers


3 nanometers - 0.4 micrometers


0.4 - 0.7 micrometers

near infrared

0.7 - 1.3 micrometers


1.3 - 3.0 micrometers

thermal (far) infrared

3.0 - 5.0 micrometers AND 8 - 14 micrometers

0.3 - 300 centimeters
Even though our Aura surrounds the entire body, for now we will use the Aura colors around the
head only. People normally have one or two dominating colors in their Aura. These colors pairs are
often our favorite colors.
In addition to dominant colors, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like
flashes, clouds or flames, usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange
in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant color
is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Rapidly changing flashes indicate quickly
changing thoughts.
Life is full of color and like so many other things on your path, color also has meaning. One doesnt
have to be a Metaphysician to understand the importance of color in life. It exists in everywhere,
everyday. Many people associate the color white with the divine, pink with love and purple with
royalty or spirituality. The following is a brief outline of primary colors and their common
Aura Color Meanings
This Chart is one of the most complete Ive found, so rather than include an amateur chart from me,
we can use this one. Please do pay attention to the difference between Clean and Dirty
Light orDark. You might want to refer to this chart when reading Aura colors for yourself or


The importance of color to all life is often under valued, color is a powerful tool that can change mood and attitude, and it also enhances
everyday life. This useful chart examines: "Color Healing" (Magenta for Morning Sickness, Green for Chest Pain), a "Color and Personality"
Wheel, a Best Color for Each Season Wheel, how color affects the Chakras, Color Visualization and Meditation Techniques and the Aura.
The eight main colors are Magenta, Violet, Blue, turquoise, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

AURA Color

& it's meaning....

Pale Blue


Pale Green

Empathy, sympathy, or weakness.

Pale Peach


Pale Pink

True Love

Pale Primrose

Great intellectual power.

Pale Yellow



Represents empathy & harmony. Gentle Strength, Protection, Confidence, & Communication.
Secret desires. Heightens attraction.


The color of spiritual mediums.

Pearl White

Prophesy. Lunar energy. Breaks curses. Deep peace.

Pilot Blue



Unconditional love, Mother love. The color of romance. Symbol of fidelity, friendship, honor,
harmony, compassion, service & faithfulness. Brings affection.

Pink Madder

Loyalty, Commitment

Pink Red

Outrageous, imaginative, innovative.


Wiccan skills. Purification. Ancient wisdom & knowledge.


Transition from the material world to spiritual realms. Awareness. Higher knowledge, Spiritual

Apple Green





Cooling & Balancing. Communication & expanded awareness.

Avocado Green

New Beginnings.


Symbol of heraldry. Represents piety & sincerity.



Neutral, practical, & conservative. Unbiased.


Negativity. Fear, Anxiety, Hatred, Resentment, Guilt, Depression. Known as the color of evil,
despair, sin & mourning. Represents satanic ritual, darkness & the underworld.


Gives peace of mind. Represents Spirituality, & religion. The most calming color. Indicates
sensitivity, truth, healing, hope, friendship, physical protection, creativity, patience, wisdom,
peace, loyalty. Assists with sleep. Represents inner light. Guidance.

Blue Green

Spiritual healing. Depression or sadness.

Blue Grey

Fear of new ideas.

Blue Purple

Transcendent idealism.

Blue Violet

Honor, spiritual truth, devotion, inspiration.


Wealth, Success, prosperity, & elegance. Unconscious beauty.

Brick Red

Selfishness, Avarice, Criminal intent.

Bright Green


Bright Orange

Health & vitality.

Bright Purple

Denotes knowledge of the spiritual in conscious existence.

Bright Red


Bright Yellow

Intuition. Enlightened intellect. Represents playfulness. Gaiety. Joy, Merriment.


For positive relationships.


Represents the practical. A down to earth approach. Animal magic, Symbol of home, friendship,
grounding. Opens energy channels. Eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of

Burnt Orange


Buttercup Yellow



Positive Career Change



Charcoal Grey



Confidence, Prosperity, Travel & Growth.

Cherry Red

Self love Enhances relationships.


Work with the earth & the environment.


Self Determination



Clear Brown


Clear Red

High Energy.

Cloudy Orange

Low intellect.

Cloudy Red

Greed, cruelty.

Cobalt Blue

Intuition from Higher dimensions



Professional growth, business fertility, career maneuvers, passion, & money goals.


Friendship, friends.

Cranberry Red

Love, Passion, Energy, Enthusiasm, Courage.


Represents Acceptance, tolerance, & maturity. Charming, thoughtful, gracious.


Helps in making choices; Offers spiritual guidance & protection. Optimistic, Reckless.


Calming of the physical.

Dark Blue

Superstition. Depression & moodiness. Fanaticism. Smug, Dogmatic, Rigid, & Critical.

Dark Brown

Unenlightened. Denial of spirit. Materialistic approach to life. Evokes wistfulness or

melancholy. Indecision. Drains energy.

Dark Green

Indicates jealousy, or rivalry. Ambition & greed. Insecurity. Selfishness. Grace in old age.

Dark Grey

Energy & guidance for problems to come.

Dark Orange

Distrust and deceit. Down to earth.

Dark Pink

Represents gentle, unconditional love. Thankfulness. Concentrated Spiritual Healing.

Dark Red

High energy, Strong determination, Strong passion, Anger. Aggression.

Dark Purple

Wealth. Has an analgesic, narcotic, & hypnotic effect. Rage. Deep devotion, deep compassion.

Dark Turquoise

Helpful for feelings of loneliness, heightens communication, sensitivity, & creativity.

Dark Yellow

Indicates oppression. Represents treachery, cowardice, aging, & illness. Indicates Caution.
Jealousy. Deceit.

Deep Blue

High spiritual attainment.

Deep Crimson


Deep Gold


Deep Orange


Deep Pink

Marriage. Mature love. Trust. Thankfulness.

Deep Red

Unconscious beauty.

Delft Blue

Strong Ethics

Dirty Green

Envy, Spite, Illness, or Jealousy

Doe Skin
Dull Grey Brown
Dull Yellow

Very orderly.

False optimism, visionary mentality.

Dusty Pink

Sexual Desire

Electric Blue

Individuality, Originality, Encourages uniqueness, Stimulates the need for humanism, Creates
innovation, Enhances our ability to be open minded, Promotes rationality, carries spiritual

Emerald Green

Attracts love, fertility. Money, Prosperity & Wealth. Peace of mind.



End of Difficulties


Positive & pure energy. Emotional tension. Preparation for change.


Spiritual Healing. Represents Faith, Constancy, Wisdom, Glory. Solar magic. Fosters
understanding & attracts the power of cosmic forces. Symbol of attraction, persuasion, wealth,
& financial wisdom. Blessing of home. Super conscious & spiritual truths. Eternal or spiritual

Golden Brown

Friendship. Illumination, wisdom.

Golden Orange

Denotes self-control.

Golden Topaz

Balanced Power.

Golden Yellow

Joy & Gladness.




Creates balance of energy. Heals the heart. Helps us overcome a fear of giving, & sharing.
Assists adaptability. Promotes reconciliation, harmony, & balance. Peaceful thoughts. Renewal.
A symbol of fertility & growth. Represents abundance, vitality, nature, success, good luck, &
beauty. The most restful color for the human eye.

Green Yellow

Jealousy, anger, sickness, discord, cowardice.

Green Grey

Envy, deceit, fear.


Indicates a lack of commitment, Depression. Color of neutrality. Creates confusion. Balance or


Grey Brown


Imperial Purple


Indian Red

Leadership, Valor.


Develops psychic perception. Higher Intuition. Clairvoyance. Helps in discovering past lives
Indicates dignity, tranquility, psychic powers, & trustworthiness. Creates a deep meditation
state. Balances out Karma.

Iridescent Green

Very friendly.

Iridescent Pink

Sexual desire.


Tainted purity, superiority.

Ivory Pink



A charitable nature.


Intuition, dignity, spiritual shield, opening of the third eye. Inner Peace. Spiritual Growth.
Equilibrium. Dainty, nostalgic, feminine. Soothing. Affection & devotion.

Leaden Grey

Meanness, lack of imagination.


Stimulates & vitalizes the brain. Cleansing.

Lemon Green

A Liar & a cheat.

Lemon Yellow

Strong Direction

Light Blue

Represents hope & faith. Harmony, peace & tranquility, forgiveness, fidelity, honesty, patience
& devotion. Used to purify the home. Need to learn from past mistakes; & take care in choices.
Relieves anxiety & confusion.

Light Brown

Indicates genuineness. Doubt.


Light Gold

Prosperity & health.

Light Green

Youth, potential, Vitality & health.

Light Grey


Light Orange

Shy & Timid. Promotes empathy.

Light Pink

Sexual love. Evokes love, romance, grace & joy. Shared Spiritual Awakening. Immaturity.

Light Purple

Increased Psychic Power. Spiritual prowess. Fantasy, romance.

Light Red

Happiness, courage, success.

Light Violet

Enchantment. Communication with spirit guides & angels.

Light Yellow

High wisdom & intellect.


Acceptance of responsibility. Awakening. Enchantment.

Lime Green

Attracts prosperity. Abundance.


Energizes. High level of spiritual healing. Exorcism. Promotes winning. Emotional healing.


Indicates frigidity. Sacrifice, strength & bravery. Recuperation. Composed Warm hearted & cooperative.


Represents endurance. Cooperation, trust, & self-confidence.

Medium Green

Healing & Health.

Midnight Blue

Damaged pride. Angelic protection.

Mint Green

Financial gain.

Muddy Orange

Represents pride or vanity.

Muddy Pink

An individual who is immature.


Slowing of destiny.


Indicates difficulty in rationalizing. Represents jealousy,

Navy Blue

Strong Emotions often focused on self pity. Color for wallowing.

Off White

Peace of mind.


Peace. Natural wisdom. Uniformity.




Grounded awareness.


Helps with assimilation of new ideas. Removes repression & inhibitions. Broadens the mind,
Helps us cope with our life & career. Promotes Drive & ambition. Fruitful Endeavors. Increases
vigor. Stimulates energy, & Endurance. Awe.

Orange Brown

Self-indulgence, sloth, laziness, immorality, perversion, ignorance.

Orange Red

Sexuality, Energy


Physical Energy, Happiness, Power & Healing

Rosy Pink

Unselfish love.




Prussian Blue



Self Control


Nobility of purpose, Spiritual & visionary leadership, Spiritual teaching & goals. Symbol of
power, passionate belief, & respect. Idealism, Psychic manifestations. Abstinence & Sobriety.


Protection & purification.

Raw Sienna

Indicates a poor thinking process.


Brings Joy. A special blessing. Balancing of chakra colors. Hope, renewal & new beginnings.
Spiritual illumination. Helps with the Recognition of our soul mate.


Increases Energy levels, Gives confidence & courage. Brings Joy. Promotes Sexuality, Passion.
A representation of love within a relationship. A symbol of love. Career & goals. Power &
willpower. A warning of danger.

Red Brown

Subdued Emotions. Deep Anger. Temperamental.

Red Gold

Spiritual unity.


Healing & Health. Patience, Passion, Peace. Self-love. Used to bless the home. Love &
romance. Deep affection. Ability to share love.

Royal Blue

Promotes laughter & joviality; color of loyalty. Brings peace & tranquility to the home.
Confidence. Friendship. Success.

Ruby Red

Passionate love or Passionate anger.

Ruddy Yellow

May mean that its owner is shy.

Russet Brown

Hard working.

Russet Red

Short Tempered

Rustic Red

Short tempered.


Supernatural powers.


Represents constancy, prudence & wisdom. Abstinence & Sobriety.



Salmon Pink

Job satisfaction

Sapphire Blue

Broader perception. Inner peace. Spiritual healing.


Represents Lust. Encourages excitement. Sexuality, Physical vigor, & vibrancy. Ostentatious &
Manipulative. Courage. Passionate. Volatile.

Sea Green

Emotional healing & protection. A calming influence. Dynamic motivation.

Sea Shell

A Promise of discovery.


Poor Thought Processes

Silver Grey

Meditation, Yoga, Relaxation

Sky Blue

Increased psychic ability, lucid dreaming. Hope. Restful & peaceful. Aids Communication.
Sincere affection.


Intuition. Symbol of encouragement. Used to remove negativity, & invoke moon magic. Fosters
hope, meditation, unconditional love, nurturing, grounding, appreciation of women & nature,
mystic visions, spiritual & romantic love, tenderness, kindness, sensitivity & psychic abilities.
Encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities. Provides psychic protection.

Silver Blue

Deep Wisdom, intuition, & opportunities.


Spring Green

Children & Fertility.

Straw Yellow

Day Dream

Steel Blue



Pain, Anger, not at peace or ill at ease.

Sunlight Yellow

Promotes creativity, warmth, & optimism. Solar magic. Attracts happiness. Leads us to a new




Soothing, Healing, Wisdom, Peace & Harmony. Aids decision making.


Challenge convention

Tomato Red



Awareness, Healing, Prosperity, Peace, & Growth. Represents natural energy. Reduces stress.
Restful. Generosity.


Travel near or over the ocean.



Very Dark Red



Brings spiritual growth & peace. Helps insomnia. Calms highly-strung, excitable people.
Represents psychic ability, success, wisdom, power, & independence. The bridge between the
conscious & unconscious mind.

Violet Red

Passion, Sex.


Emotional or Mental Stress


Hope, Faith, Purity or virginity, Perfection, Confidence, Enlightenment. Symbol of truth,

protection, happiness, & the divine. Represents calmness, relaxation & inner peace. Brings
Divine Glory. Cleansing, clairvoyance. Seeker of truth. Used to purify the home.


Promotes self confidence. Helps overcome obstacles.


Stimulates intellect. Enhances ability to rationalize, & Mental powers. Represents charm,
confidence, vision, enthusiasm, & an easy going attitude about life. Grace. Promotes unity.
Brings the power of concentration & imagination. Increases direct contact with spirits.

Yellow Grey


Yellow Green

Jealousy, anger, sickness, discord, cowardice.

Yellow Orange



Sexual Arousal

Aura Exercises
As we said earlier, Auras are a physical reality. Now that you have felt them, seen the white outline
or first layer, and you understand the colors, its time for some visual color exercises. These
exercises are simple but I sort of feel visuals really help more than just words These come form

another Website with good information presented a very simple and easy way. The link is at the end
of the exercise Practice Practice - Practice

1. Start by sensing.
A good way to begin seeing auras is to practice sensing them. That means paying attention to how
you feel in someone's presence. Take a deep breath, exhale and then focus on the physical
sensations in your body and your gut reaction. Ask yourself how being around the person makes
you feel--serene? Jumpy? Agitated? Think about what color your might attach to this person. As
your abilities are enhanced, sensing and seeing auras will become easier.


2. Develop your peripheral vision. Our peripheral vision is less damaged than the central part of
our retina and has healthier photosensitive cells. Also, since we've trained our central vision to be
used in certain ways over the years, it can be difficult to call on it now to see in this new way of
viewing auras. One simple exercise you can do is to practice concentrating on one spot for 30-60
seconds. This will increase your sensitivity to light.


3. Tune in to colors. Doing some training with bright, primary colors can help you develop the
ability to see auras. Cover a book in blue or red paper and stand it upright on a table several feet
away from you. Be sure the wall behind the book is white or neutral and the light in the room is soft
but not dim. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, relax and then open your eyes and look at the
book. Don't focus on the book; instead look a little to the side and past it. After a while you'll see a
pale narrow aura coming from the book that will change to a bright yellow or green as you hold
your soft focus.
When you get comfortable with looking at one book, try covering several books with different color
paper and looking at them. As you get better at seeing colors, work your way up using plants,
animals and then people.


It's okay to blink normally and quickly while doing this exercise. The aura may disappear for a
second when you do, but it will reappear quickly if you stay relaxed and hold your focus.


Keep practicing to get used to the way your eyes must maintain that steady, un-focus. Don't strain
your eyes or tense your eyes or forehead.


4. Learn how to see. Have a partner stand 18" in front of a blank, white wall in a room that's not
too brightly lit. Look at the wall behind the person and a couple inches away from his or her body.
Do not look at the person, or you'll lose the aura's image. Instead, look beyond where he or she is
standing and try to notice an area around the person where the background wall may look lighter
than the rest. Try to see the color; ask yourself what color you would use to describe this area.
Once you've identified the color, you can ask the person to sway from side to side. Their energy
field should move with them.


If you saw different colors in different areas of the person's aura you eyes weren't necessarily
deceiving you; an aura can definitely be different colors depending on what's happening in different
areas of a person's body.


Practice for only a few minutes eye and avoid straining yourself. Each individual develops this skill
at a different pace.


The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. If they feel happy and full of
life their aura is stronger, larger and brighter. Try playing your partner's favorite music to help
energize his or her aura and make it easier to see.



5. Practice on yourself. Sit in a dimly lit room and relax. Take a couple of deep breaths. Set in
your mind the goal of seeing your own aura and focus on that goal. It's important that you believe
this is something you can do. Touch your index fingers together, rubbing them and pushing them
against each other. Aura is sticky, and once one finger sticks with another one, the energy will
hang between fingers. Now, focus on the area between fingers as you continue to rub them
together. After a bit, move your fingers apart leaving about a 1/2 inch of space between them. Focus
on the space between them and see if you can make out a colored mist or fog or smoke between
your fingers.
With continued training, the aura will get more clear and easier to see. When it does, repeat the
exercise with your hands, rubbing them together and moving them apart to see the aura between


Chapter 9 -- Cleansing and Balancing Your Energy System

The Human Aura and Chakras:
Our Bodys Energy System is a highly efficient network of the spinning energy wheels inside us,
the meridians as channels like wires connecting and conducting our energy from point to point in
harmony. As this system works the energy is also radiated outside our physical body in layers or
fields of light commonly called Auras. Efficient, Harmonious, this energy field flows around us,
inside of us, maintaining our health, physical, mental, emotional, and greatly impacts or spirit body
also. When all layers of our Auras are bright and glowing, when all the Chakra's are whirling, lit up
or open, bright and clean, then our energy system is balanced.
As strong and life sustaining as our Energy System is, it is also sensitive and vulnerable to many
factors, both external and internal; factors which affect our Auras and our Chakras creating holes,
breaks in connections, imbalances, blockages and distortions. Factors such as traumas, repressed
emotions, negative thought patterns, certain types of emotions, smoking (including second hand
smoke), and the excessive use of drugs and alcohol will affect the vital vibration and effective
functioning of our auras and chakras. Even the way we eat and exercise how we deal with our
emotions will be imprinted on our energy bodies. The effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs,
thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our energy field.


Why do we need to clean our Energy Body?

When our Chakras become clogged, building up residue and spinning more and more slowly and
our Aura becomes dull, we have less energy and are more easily irritated or depressed. If left
untreated, eventually, they seize up and our immune system breaks down, we become both
emotionally and physically ill.
So cleansing our Aura and our Charka's is not only beneficial but essential to maintain and restore
our body, mind, and spirit to health. It helps the auras energy to stay as pure as possible and can
even increase intuitive ability, our Spiritual awareness. Cleansing at least weekly will help raise our
vibrations and eliminate any "plaque" that builds up from negative thoughts and energies.
There are many ways and techniques for this cleansing, but for now we are only looking at a few.
Prayer and meditation are central to keeping our energy systems healthy. Prayer connects us with
our Higher Power bringing emotional balance and stability. The power of prayer can be quite
amazing. A prayer might be something like this:
We should address our prayer to the Divine Source in a way that is comfortable to us.
Please guide, guard and protect me from any negativity within my energy. Surround me in your
Light and your Love, and help me be free of negativity that might affect me. Allow only your
positive energy to flow through me, and surround me. Help me to remain positive in my thoughts,
and allow love to flow into me, through me, and from me. Send the energy which will remove all
negativity that I have acquired or generated throughout the day.
Amen - So Mote it Be
Another way to cleanse the system is visualization, which may be used after the prayer or by itself.
My favorite Visualization exercise is the Waterfall -

If our eyes arent closed, gently close them. Now take a few deep, cleansing breaths, fill the lungs,
hold it, and then release. Relax.
Visualize, see in our minds eye, and picture a waterfall, a sandy beach on either side of the stream,
surrounded by a forest.
Listen, we can hear the sing of the birds, we feel the gentle breeze in our hair.

We take our shoes off and walk barefooted through the sand. Now we step into the shallow water, it
feels so refreshing, so energizing, the feeling races upward through our body.
As we arrive at the waterfall, we feel the tips of our toes opening, the top of our head also opens.
We step under the waterfall; the cleansing, refreshing, energizing water flows through the opening
our head through the Crown Chakra, the energy wheel spins, it feels clean and healthy. The water
reaches our 3rd Eye, it seems as if a film is washed away, and we can see so much more clearly.
The Water continues its journey, cleaning refreshing as it goes, through the Throat Chakra, and then
the Heart Chakra, feel the Love rising and flowing through our blood stream, our body begins to
feel happy.
It enters our Solar Plexus, we feel our confidence rising as the water cleans away all doubt and fear.
Next is the Sacral Chakra - the water washes away our lack of trust and reluctance, we feel
motivated to try new things, to meet new friends.
Now the Water reaches our Root Chakra, as the debris is washed away we feel so connected to
nature, grounded and secure.
All of the blockages, the doubts and fears, the emotional pains are washed from our Energy System,
down through our legs, our feet and out of our toes.
All of our Energy centers are spinning, our Chakras revived, our Aura is glowing bright full of
colors. We step from the Water Fall; we stand on the sand, take a few deep breaths and open our
eyes. We feel renewed, almost like being reborn, and we know our Energy system is once again
clean, our well-being restored.
Other quick ways for cleansing;
Smudging with white sage clears out certain types of negative energy from our auras, chakras, as
well as your home. Some say to first seal the room closing windows and doors, then burn some
white sage, allow the smoke to fill the room. Stay in the room and let the smoke dissolve the
negative energies within us and our home.
Auric brushing -- Ask a friend or family member to run their hands through and around our aura
from top to bottom can help release blockages in your auras.
A healthy diet, clean and vibrant water, and lots of sleep and relaxation are vital to maintain
healthy energetic systems, also eliminate as much stress as possible.


Chapter 10 -- Higher Chakras and Auric Bodies

Before we discuss the higher Chakras or Auric Bodies, it might help to look at some history or
human awareness of these energy centers, these energy fields.
The terms and concepts of physical energy centers appeared in Indias oldest written tradition, the
Vedas 1500 500 BC. These Texts are the written records of the even older oral tradition. The 7
Chakra System and the 7 Auric fields was carried forward by Yoga and Tantra and incorporated into
Buddhist traditions. These energy centers remained primarily in the physical realm with the Crown
Chakras as the point of connection to the Spiritual realm, through most of the first and second
millennium. As Eastern spiritual beliefs were adapted by the Western world and more entered the
quest for enlightenment, anchors to the physical realm began to loosen. More energy points were
discovered on this path to enlightenment. Some see 12 as a sacred number - 12 Dimensions 12
Divine Rays 12 DNA strands 12 Zodiac Signs, So12 Chakras and 12 Auric Bodies For now 5 more
energy points, 5 more Auric bodies were defined. As we advance spiritually, as we become aware
of more dimensional portals, more Chakras and Auric bodies will be defined as well - For now
though, we will only look at the additional 5 of each.
Upper chakras or transpersonal chakras are a line of energy centers that many yogis say
reside above the Crown chakra. I also want to add that many also include a Major Chakra at the
feet connecting to Earth and the Earth Star. Some refer to it as Chakra 0, others renumber the basic
Chakras as 1 - 8, thus the Higher Chakras would be 9 - 13, which ever system you prefer, the
information for 5 upper Chakras we are discussing, remains valid with either view.
Auric Bodies / Cosmic Plane
Layer 8 - Memory Body - This layer is also called the "White Zone," connects with the crown of
the head and extends one foot to three feet above our physical body. Another name for the 8th layer
is, Time Layer and is associated with links to past Akashic Records, present and future karmic
memories, and is related to the Eighth (Memory or Time Continuum) Chakra.
The 8th Chakra Memory Chakra - The center of divine love, spiritual compassion, selflessness,
and activates spiritual skills contained in the seventh chakra. This is our connection to all
of creation and the creator. Even as it connect us to all that is, it contains the imprints of our past
lives - both positive and negative - that we carry from one incarnation to the next. Without
awareness these imprints can govern how we navigate life. By tapping into this center, we can
become more aware and release the energy of the past to transcend through to spirit. Through this
center individuals widen their spiritual perspective, grow in wisdom and psychic abilities like outof-body travel, healing empathy, lucid dreaming, and telepathy.
Layer 9 - Soul Body - The ninth layer is the Soul Body or Soul Level, associated with the planes
between the worlds of heaven and now and is related to the Ninth (Soul Star) Chakra. This layer
interfaces with our "oneness" with Divine order in our pre-destined soul contracts. This auric layer
is very small and occupies an almost non-existent space on the physical plane. It is located several
inches above the head.
Chakra 9 Soul Star - The soul blueprint of our total skills and abilities learned in all the life
times we have experienced. This center is often seen as the Spirit Chakra or Head of God: Its
also thought to be the energy center beyond space and time, beyond the soul. In the 9th chakra we
are united in spirit, become one with Spirit. It is your connection to the highest mind, highest heart,
and highest consciousness.


Layer 10 - Integrative Body - The tenth layer is the Integrative Body that serves as a pathway
between the physical and the spiritual worlds and related to the Tenth (Grounding) Chakra. This
layer is also known as the "traveling path" for the "dream body" in which is able to separate itself
from the physical body and enter into the astral realms. It can access data from our genetic and soul
heritage and contains imprints of our soul purpose. It is also recognized as the layer which
integrates our Chakras and spiritual energy centers. It is located in between the physical body and
the etheric body.
Chakra 10 Grounding Chakra connects us with divine creativity, synchronicity of life. It is
also used to merge our masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. It unlocks the abilities
and talents of the ninth Chakra.
Auric bodies / Universal Plane
Layer 11 - Eternal Body - The eleventh layer is the Eternal Body or Eternal Soul level and where
our physical bodies are transformed into a light body and prepared for ascension, and is related to
the Eleventh (Eternal or Eternal Soul) Chakra. It is connected to and above the memory body in a
linear funnel/mushroom shape.
Chakra 11 Eternal Soul - Pathway to the Soul, our ability to learn advanced spiritual skills and
psychic abilities, teleportation, bi-location, telekinesis in some cases, to travel beyond the limits of
time and space.
Layer 12 - Universal Mind Body - The twelfth layer is the Universal Mind Body or Divine
Consciousness Level, known as the ultimate connection to the Divine, Universal Consciousness,
Ascended Masters and God, and is related to the Twelfth (Universal Mind) Chakra. It is located in
an envelope of fluid-like light penetrating the entirety of the auric layers or esoteric bodies.
Chakra 12 - Universal Mind - Our connection with the Cosmos and the Divine, where we can
obtain advanced Spiritual skills, and is the gateway to ascension and the higher dimensions. .


Chapter 11 -- Totem/Spirit/Power Animals

"How do I know what my Totem is?" We may need to refine that question a little. So before we try
to answer that, lets look at the difference between the various Animal helpers and guides. Totems Spirit Animals - Power Animals refer to different aspects, abilities, purposes for our Animal friends
and companions - although one can be all but not necessarily so. Spirit Animal is more of a personal
spiritual guide - a Spirit animal is more about how we think and 'feel' while Power animal is more
how we 'act' and 'do' - sort of 'Thoughts/'Spirit' manifesting in the flesh with the Power of animation
- make sense?
Totem is one of those often misused and misunderstood words. The word totem comes from
doodem, an Ojibwe word that means clan, or patrilineal kinship group. Totem was the animal
symbol of the Clan, the Family.
Although the Clan concept is found among almost all of the different nations and tribes, the New
Age movement has adopted the word Totem to apply to any animal thought to be helpful on a
personal spiritual level. Totem is often used incorrectly to identify power animal, animal guardian,
or spirit animal helper, even animal familiars adding even more confusion.
Origin of the Story Stick
One of the Spirit Sticks I do is called a Story Stick
Seems that when Great Spirit created all things - Rock People, Plant People - Fin, Fur and Feather
People - We all spoke a universal language We were One with All, feeling a close kinship with
all the Nations of the Earth - other Humans, the Animal Nation, the Plant Nation - the crystal and
Rock Nation. Earth lived in Harmony
The Nation of the 2-Legs called themselves "Human Beings", we had a deep respect for all life
forms, and all things were sacred. When an animal was hunted and killed for food or clothing,
prayers were offered to the animals clan, as a sign of honor and respect, before and after the hunt.
But soon 2-legs became haughty, began to feel superior to all and treated our Fin, Fur and Feather
Family, the Tree and Rock People, our Insect Brothers and Sisters with disrespect, we no longer
honored those who sacrificed themselves to sustain us, those who gave us shelter and clothing. The
Two-legged made their own language and forgot how to hear or speak to the rest of creation - Great
Spirit saw this and was sad but also knew that someday the 2-legged would again learn to respect
and need the old stories and ancient wisdom.
Tree people offered to keep those stories, Some Insect people knew they could lay their eggs in the
trees and when the larva hatched, the Larva would burrow beneath the bark and record those stories
of original ways and wisdom
But how? The young didn't know the stories yet either. Cricket, Grasshopper, and Katydid decided
they could sing the stories at night time and the Larva could crawl on the wood under the bark and
record the songs - soon the forests were filled with beautiful music and songs of the old ways.
But still how would two-legs find or understand these stories? Great Spirit talked with the Animals
and Insects, the Rock People, and Plant People - each 2-legged would be given an animal spirit to
walk with them, to help find those stories and channel understanding


Yes I talk with trees too, my Spirit Brother Crow leads me to certain trees, and fallen branches
where those stories have been recorded - I remove the bark to reveal the stories, and then dress the
limb in honor and gratitude to become a Story Stick.
Many cultures around the world share the belief that Humans are equal to Animals, Plants, Rocks,
and Natural Forces, all things have Spirit. In this world view, Humans are a part of nature, rather
than superior to, or separate from it. Although equals we each have a special gift to share with
others, sometimes many gifts. Animal spirits come to us not only to teach, but also to share with us
gifts like understanding, unconditional love, energy and knowledge. Animal Spirits come to us
offering power and wisdom if we will learn to communicate with respect, trust, and understanding.
Developing a relationship with your Spirit Animal Friend takes time, practice, and patience; if we
do, we gain a powerful spiritual friend.
The Movie "Golden Compass," illustrates the importance of our Spirit Animals. If youve seen the
movie, maybe you remember this quote which explains a lot about our relationship with our Spirit
Animals, "There are many universes and many Earths parallel to each other. In some worlds
people's souls live inside their bodies and other worlds, like mine, they walk beside us, as animal
spirits we call daemons."
Now before anyone gets confused by that word daemons, it is not the same as the word demons, no
evil spirits involved at all - in fact the original meaning before my ancient teacher, Plato, changed it
was "Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals
and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic (subterranean) heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the
gods themselves" - Wikipedia
Our Animal Spirit Helper helps us to get in touch with specific qualities found within an Animal
which we need, connect with, or feel a deep attraction for. We may have several Animal Guides
through out our life. Sometimes an Animal Guide will come into our life for a short period of time,
and then be replaced by another depending on the journey or direction we are headed. Our guide
instructs and protects us as we learn how to navigate through our spiritual and physical life. When
we find an animal that speaks strongly to us or feel we is drawn more deeply into our life, we might
fill our environment with images of the animal to let the animal know its welcome in our space.
Animal guides help us get back to your Earthly roots, and reconnect with nature by reminding us
that we are all interconnected. Our Spirit Animals are the wisdom keepers of the earth's energy and
magic. When we see out of the eyes of the animals, we hear the wisdom that resonates within them
about the earth's energy. We hear how to be in balance and harmony with the earth. We hear how to
be one with the earth.
Find Your Personal Animal Totem
We can ask ourselves several questions that might lead us to our Spirit Animal. All of the questions
below are designed to help us think about any prominent animal in our life. Only you can truly
know which Animal Totem(s) are right for your journey.
We are drawn to that which resonates with us, what animal, bird, or insect am I drawn to? When I
go to the park, forest, or zoo what animal am I most interested in seeing? What animal do I see
most often when Im out in nature or around town? What animal am I most interested in learning
about? Which animal do I find most frightening or intriguing? Is there an animal I dream often
about or one you that I just seem to get out of my mind?


If we still dont know who are Spirit Animal is, here a few exercises that might help us get closer to
the answer. We need to be patient while doing the following exercises to draw our Spirit Animal to
Ask yourself what animal has played a meaningful part in your world? If youre unsure, make a list
of animals that have drawn your interest or have left a deep impression on you from paintings,
photographs, stories, movies, carvings, etc.
Which animal shows up in your life most frequently? Keep a journal of the animals present in your
dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did
you interact with the animal?
Dont give up; sometimes your animal totem is nearby watching to see if youre serious about
connecting with it. Keep doing the above exercises until your animal totem makes itself known to
If you still havent connected, you might want to meditate. Find a place where you can be alone to
meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make its nature known to you. Feel free to use tools
such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you.
Find a place where you can be alone to meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make its nature
known to you. Feel free to use tools such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you. Since we are
drawn to that which resonates with us, what animal, bird, or insect are you drawn to?
Also there are many guided meditations that might help you connect with your Spirit Animal. Here
are a few on YouTube.
Shamanic Meditation - Find your Totem Animal
Find Your Power Animal with Denise Linn
Ted Andrews - Discover Your Spirit Animal
Also guides to various Spirit Animals and the gifts they bring:
Chapter 12 -- Spiritual Protection & the Mer-ka-ba
Spiritual Protection
Do We Even Need Psychic Protection?
The very fact that we might need to protect ourselves in our psychic development sounds bad,
doesnt it? Im sure youve heard some people say or maybe even said it yourself, that psychic
protection isnt really needed. Im the Rooster by birth and so naturally cocky and yes, Ive been
guilty also. But like my Grand Father taught me, Fear Nothing Yet Respect Everything. To be
prepared is a show of that Respect and just plain ol common sense as well. Maybe if we could
always maintain the higher vibrations of eternal happiness we wouldnt attract any negative energy,
negative spirits, but thats not practical. Having a high vibration is important, but is MAINLY
important at the moment of tuning in to get psychic guidance, not so much when youre just going
about your business and not really having anything to do with spiritual activities.
Negative Spirits?
Psychic self-protection is mainly about protecting ourselves from unwanted energies like random
hosts and astral entities. Ghosts and astral entities may not be evil dark or negative, but their
perspective is probably no higher than ours. Protection helps us avoid wasting time channeling
those lower entities, also so we dont feel drained or affected negatively by them. Thus letting us
focus on channeling those spirits who can help us, like our higher self, ascended masters, guardian
angels or spirit guides.
The Dark Realm
I tend to believe that certain spiritual issues such as dark entities attacking us are really
psychological gremlins born from our own fear and anxiety, then manifesting in our minds as a dark
entity. Ghosts or astral entities, when they attach to our aura, tend to drain energy and echo our
negative emotions, but they dont put thoughts in our heads or victimize us in any way. Theyre
stuck and lost not evil or twisted.
How to Raise your Vibration Temporarily
One way to raise your vibration temporarily is to involve the Divine in our tuning in process.
Involving the Divine means calling on God or an Archangel (such as Michael, Gabriel or Raphael).
We can also call on an Ascended Master (like Ganesh, Jesus, Mother Mary, Krishna, St Francis,
Quan Yin or Buddha.) Usually we do this in conjunction with a breathing exercise, which also
raises our vibration. Focusing our awareness at the divine level is one of the best ways I know of to
ward off unwanted energies.
The Second Best Protection Tool
Being more selective about whom we channel is probably the second best tool for our psychic
protection. Dont open yourself up to channel just any old entity, channeling ONLY your spirit
guides, higher self, guardian angels, Spirit Friends who we trust. If a being we dont know tries to
come in we should stop, and ask our higher self or our spirit guides to identify the unknown spirit.


Who Needs Psychic Protection the Most?

Empaths and natural Intuitives need psychic protection the most because they already have very
open energy fields, even before they do psychic development. Psychic development opens them up
even more, so psychic protection is especially important. An Empath is a person who has some
kind of talent for exploring what it is like to be another person. By putting themselves into other
peoples shoes Empaths may often return to their own consciousness with unwanted astral garbage
from another persons experience. Even if an Empath is of a very high vibration, theyre still
vulnerable to unwanted energies all the time.
A Basic Protection Technique
Say out loud, "I visualize this place being surrounded by a Divine golden, white light, also
filling this space completely, repelling all negativity and totally protecting me/us."
Say out loud, "I ask that my Spiritual Doorkeeper and Guardian Angel to only let through, those of
with pure hearts for the highest good.
Now visualize yourself inside a protective bubble of golden white light. This protective auric
bubble will deflect all negative energies, and allow positive energies through.
If you feel unsure of any spiritual beings, just tell them to leave. Your power is always greater
then theirs. Repeat several times if you feel the need.
Sleep Protection
Before going to sleep: Ask your Doorkeeper, your Guide, and your Guardian Angel to protect you
on all levels and fill your room with the Divine golden white light during your sleep.
A little Prayer for protection that Ive always liked Now I lay me down to sleep has many
variations but my favorite is:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep
Angels watch me through the night
Keep me in your blessed sight
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
If I should live another day
I pray the Lord to guide my way
Meditations for Protection
Lisa Beachy YouTube
White Light of Protection through the Heart Meditation Video
Cover yourself with a Cloak of Protection made of White Light Guided Meditation Video

The Mer-ka-ba

The word Merkabah or Merkavah is a Hebrew word meaning Chariot or Throne of God. In a
Spiritual sense, it refers to the vehicle (Gods Chariot) in which one may ascend or descend into the
higher or lower worlds. Actually the Mer-Ka-Ba is even more than the vehicle for
ascension/descension. Really, it can be, anything - since it is the primal pattern that created all
things and all universes, both visible and invisible (*Note1: see The Ancient Secret of the Flower of
Life, volumes I & II) - (*Note 2: also refer to Jewish Mysticism, Chapter 2)
Mer-Ka-Ba (Mer-Ka-Bah) According to some ancient Egyptian texts, this primal pattern was called
the Mer-Ka-Ba. Its actually three words, not one.
Mer refers to a specific kind of light understood in Egypt only during the 18thDynasty. It was
seen as a two counter-rotating fields of light spinning in the same space, which are generated under
certain breathing.
Ka refers to the individual spirits interpretation of its particular reality.
Ba is usually defined as the body or physical reality. In other realities where spirits dont have
bodies, Ba refers to their concepts or interpretation of the reality that they bring to them.
So, the Merkaba is usually depicted as a counter-rotating field of light that affects spirit and body
simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take spirit and body (or ones interpretation of reality) from
one world, or dimension into another. In fact, the Merkaba is much more than this, because it can
create reality as well as move through realities. For our purpose here however, we will focus mainly
on its aspect as an interdimensional vehicle (Merkaba means chariot in Hebrew), that will help us
return to our original higher state of consciousness.

Some credit the concept to The ancient Egyptian word Merkaba was created some 5,000 years ago
by Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his wife Vascenda to describe how combining Conditional Love
and Unconditional Love Energies merges ones human 3rd dimensional physical body and ones
humane 4th dimensional Emotional Body creating the energetic union of Conscious Awareness
people call Enlightenment. (*Note 3 - The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus)


Sacred Merkabas are the Energies of Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light in Action
Sacred Merkabas are created by Individuals who know how to Dance in the Energies of
Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light
Sacred Merkabas are created when ones Energies of Conditional Love
Access the Energies of Unconditional Love and Activate Ones Spiritual Energy Fields of
Consciousness into Merkabas to Visit the Higher Dimensional Levels of our Universe.
In Sacred Geometry the symbol for the Merkaba is based on the primal pattern, Love, which created
all things and all universes, both visible and invisible. Seen in the form of a three dimensional Star
of David, like 3D interlocking triangles, a symbolic message that the Realms are intersecting,
merging the Divine and the Human together.


How to Use a Merkaba:

Using a Mer-Ka-Ba surrounds your being with energy spirals and is very symbolic spiritually of the
Wheels within the Wheels image which transports a Seeker to higher thoughts, Chapters, and states
of being as they travel on their Journey-Quest.
Hold it, Meditate, Breathe...
There are many wonderful on-line meditations to activate and use the Mer-Ka-Ba:
And a few on YouTube as well:

Merkaba - Mer-ka-ba- Healing Crystals are known for activation of the Light Body merged with the
Physical Body in awakening deep Spiritual Transformation. As a Healers Tool, these Quartz
Merkaba Stars extend a focused pulse of intention not only for transverse distance healing but also
reaching through the Astral Realms and affecting healing in time. With practice, one is able to send
energy through time and extend your Journey-Quest into the Astral Realms.


Recommend sites for more in-depth information on activating and using the Mer-Ka-Ba
*Note 1 The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek Vol. 1 & 2
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
* Note 2 -- Jewish Mysticism Chapter 2
*Note 3 -- The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus. -


Chapter 13 -- Dream Work

What is a Dream?
"A dream is a work of art which requires of the dreamer no particular talent, special training, or
technical competence. Dreaming is a creative enterprise in which all may and most do participate."
Clark S. Hall
There are also at least 3 schools of thought about the definition of "Dream Work"
1. Psychoanalysts say that Dreams are a reflection of stresses and traumas during waking times.
They explain that dreams are Mind's way of sorting thoughts to help with decisions.
2. Dream Interpretation -- Dream interpretation differs with each individual person - personal
feelings, fears may change the meaning of dreams considerably - for example a Snake to one might
mean a threat or fear, and to another it might indicate healing, to yet another it might be knowledge
or wisdom
3. Purposed Intervention, Programmed Dreams for self or others - Lucid Dreaming and Dream
In this Chapter, we will look at all 3 schools while focusing on journaling and personal
understanding of dreams.
1. Psychology: What are dreams?
Sigmund Freud: Dreams as the Road to the Unconscious Mind
Freud suggested in his book The Interpretation of Dreams, that dream content is related to wish
fulfillment or the unconscious wishes of the dreamer.
Carl Jung: Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious:
While Jung agreed with Freud quite often, he felt dreams re more than just repressed wishes. He
felt dreams also revealed both the personal and collective unconscious and served to make up for
parts of the psyche that is underdeveloped in waking life.
Calvin S. Hall: Dreams as a Cognitive Process:
Hall explained that dreams are part of a cognitive process where dreams serve as conceptions of
parts of our personal lives. He looked for themes and patterns by asking those take part in his
research to keep dream journals. By analyzing these journals, he was able to create a coding
system that divided the content of dreams into different categories. His goal with dream
interpretation this way was not to understand the dream, but to understand the dreamer.
According to Halls theory, interpreting dreams requires knowing:
1. The actions of the dreamer within the dream
2. The objects and figures in the dream
3. The interactions between the dreamer and the characters in the dream
4. The dreams setting, transitions, and outcome
Although most of the Clinical researches feel dreams are a reflection of our waking life, the
techniques used to analyze dreams, are much the same as those used to explain dream in more of a
spiritual or subconscious manner.
2. Dream Interpretation:

Remember that dream interpretation differs with each individual person - personal feelings, fears
may change the meaning of dreams considerably. This is another reason to keep a Dream Journal.
In many ancient societies, such as Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural
communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be unraveled by people
with certain powers.

One of the most well-known examples of Dream Interpretation can be found in the Bible. The story
of Joseph and the Egyptian Pharaoh -Genesis 41
Genesis 41: 15 - 36 -- 15 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none
that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it.
And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, it is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the bank of the river: 18 and,
behold, there came up out of the river seven kine, fat fleshed and well favored; and they fed in a
meadow: 19 and, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favored and lean
fleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness: 20and the lean and the ill favored
kine did eat up the first seven fat kine: 21 and when they had eaten them up, it could not be known
that they had eaten them; but they re still ill favored, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 22 And I saw
in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good: 23 and, behold, seven
ears, withered, thin, and blasted with the east wind, sprung up after them: 24 and the thin ears
devoured the seven good ears: and I told this unto the magicians; but there was none that could
declare it to me.


And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shod Pharaoh what he is
about to do. 26 The seven good kine are seven years; and the seven good ears are seven years: the
dream is one. 27 And the seven thin and ill favored kine that came up after them are seven years;
and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind shall be seven years of famine. 28 This is the
thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he shod unto Pharaoh. 29 Behold,
there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: 30 and there shall arise after
them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the
famine shall consume the land; 31 and the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that
famine following; for it shall be very grievous. 32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh
twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. 33 Now
therefore let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt. 34 Let
Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of
Egypt in the seven plenteous years. 35 And let them gather all the food of those good years that
come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities. 36 And that
food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of
Egypt; that the land perishes not through the famine.


Keeping a Dream Journal is important. Some call it a Dream Diary - where we record our dream
experiences, like nightly dreams, personal reflections and waking dream experiences. A Journal is
also helpful with remembering our dreams and even interpreting those dreams.
Writing down dreams improves our dream recall, or the ability. When writing down dreams, we
should look for dream signs, or recurring themes. Dream recall can vary from day to day but
keeping a diary tends to regulate waking dream memory.
It also very important to write the dreams in the diary when we first wake up, this helps prevent
forgetting the details of their dreams. Keeping a dream diary also conditions us to understand that
remembering dreams are important. Dreams Journals can be a paper diary a spiral notebook (as
text, drawings, paintings, etc.) or an audio recording. Many websites offer the ability to create a
digital dream diary. Here are a few:

Dream Symbolism
Keeping a dream journal also helps us identify common dream symbols in own dreams. Write as
if you're actually re-dreaming the dream, and underline any unusual or strong aspects. While a
Dream Dictionary may help us understand dreams, don't take these definitions as absolutes;
remember the context of dreams, our personal attachments to the symbols, as well as things
happening in our lives right now, will impact the symbols interpretation. So let a Dream Dictionary
be a starting point for a more personal analysis.


Animal Friends
Spirit animals often show up in dreams. To many Native Americans, Eagle represents Spirituality,
Buffalo- strength, Doe- softness or femininity, a Turtle-slowness, Mule- stubbornness. Spirit
animals may appear in dreams to represent a quality that we may need to develop or lose.
Animals may represent parents, or our relationship to a parent (love, hate, etc.). Being chased by
an animal may represent some hidden emotion or aggression. Look at the particular animal to
understand the symbol it may represent. An animals demeanor is important, a fierce animal is
often a warning, and a calm one might mean happy times. Animals often represent the primal side
of us; our relationship with the animal tells how much control we have over that part of selves.
The more common animals in our dreams are:
Birds - depending on the kind of bird, this is usually a sign of prosperity and unexpected
happiness for you. Large birds are the symbol of Freedom. Singing birds are a sign of happiness.
Cats - an age-old symbol of the Feminine; the elegant and mysterious elements of our lives. To
dream of a friendly cat, means you are developing our intuitive ability. If we are attacked by a cat,
beware of an enemy pretending to be a friend. If you hear a cat screeching, beware of gossip. A
purring cat promises happiness.
Dogs - traditional symbol of the Masculine; cage and loyalty. A friendly dog denotes coming
domestic happiness. A vicious dog warns you of financial or health concerns. A howling dog warns
of separation from loved ones.
Horses - a symbol of animal power, strength and energy. To be riding a beautiful horse denotes
you will achieve much power in life. A wild horse, out of control, is a warning to curb y own
passions. A sick horse cautions you of ill health.
Insects - usually represent small, nagging worries things that "bug" us. Traditionally, they can
represent relatives. How us handle the insects in our dream, tells us how to handle these worries.
Rats - beware of deception, especially from someone close to you. The dream-meaning of killing a
rat is one of success.
Snakes - lead us not into temptation. A sign of betrayals and enemies. If a snake bites you, beware
of a quarrel with a friend. Our dream will show us who enemy is.
Wolves - a balance of the Dog's loyalty and cage with Nature's ferocity. Be prepared to face a
disastrous turn of events. We can overcome if we have powerful friends.
Common Dream Symbols with Their Meanings


It is always practical to have a notepad and pen beside our bed, so that when we wake up, we
can immediately write down our dreams. Other dreams we might remember during the day we
should also write down, as soon as possible. Later, when we look back over our dream journal,
we may see a pattern developing or a prophecy unfolding.

Dream Programming
Everybody dreams nightly, but not everyone remembers their dreams, on awakening. Some
people dream in color, others in black and white. We are all individuals, even in our dream state.
Yet this is a great resource often overlooked but can be an invaluable tool for our Higher Spiritual
growth. Even so called "nightmares" can help us understand our Inner fears and blocks.
Spirit often tries to send information to us through our dreams, usually sent as signs and symbols.
In the American Native Culture, we understand certain animals as representing facts and emotions
in our lives, for example - a Feather is often seen as a message from the Great Spirit."
As our Spiritual path becomes more defined and stronger contact is made with our Higher Self,
its possible to ask our Higher Self to help us with tasks while asleep. Because our Higher Self
connects with the higher, more evolved dimensions of Spirit, and has access to more complex
knowledge and information.
We can successfully program selves to solve a problem during the sleep state. We need to clearly
state to Spirit the problem. Then we can ask Spirit to help find a solution while were sleeping, an
answer that we will remember when we wake up. Keep paper and pen ready. Be ready to write
down the answer as soon as we are awake. Many times a word or symbol will spring to mind on
awakening that represents the solution to our problem. If the answer isnt clear, meditate on the
symbol or word given and allow intuition to present a clearer expanded picture of the solution.
This is also why we have reoccurring dreams; Spirit is encouraging us to really look deeper at
some issue in our life that we need to deal with constructively.
The more energy we give our dreams and interpretations, the more Spirit will use it as a vehicle
to reach and guide us.

Exercise 1
It really is possible to program our own Dreams, so that when we wake up its easier for us to
decipher them and get a clearer understanding of their true meaning. To do this, firstly, we need to
write down about 30 different words that are really important to us. These could be words such as;
Love, Happiness, Hope, Peace, Protection or Freedom. Include words that indicate time (e.g. days,
weeks, months and years). Other suggestions are - Fear, Difficulties, Blocks, Gifts, Hate,
Opportunities, Loss, Progress, Danger, Workplace, Home, Partner, Family members & Friends,
Slow, Fast, Message, Transport etc; Words that mean something to us.
Now try to relate these words to picture symbols. For example - love could be represented by a
heart, freedom by a horse, a month by a full moon, happiness by balloons, fear by a black hole and
difficulties by a wall. Many Dream Interpretation books rely on a generalized word/symbol
diagnosis for everyone, but each person will relate differently to an object. For example, to one
person, a mountain range may express Beauty, another Freedom, but if you have a fear of heights,
it can be interpreted as a Threat or Fear.
We need to read the list several times, until they are set in stone in minds, then ask Spirit, while
we dream or meditate, to show us these symbols for guidance and prophecy." We will find as we
memorize these symbols, they will come to the front in our dream state and meditations, and we
will easily begin to interpret their meanings.
Exercise 2
Find references to the meaning for all the dream symbols, themes and images that we experience
while dreaming. It is extremely important to remember all the details of symbolisms in our dreams
to comprehensively understand what the meanings are.
Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful awareness tool. In analyzing our
dreams, we need to learn about our deep secrets and hidden feelings through proper analysis of the
details. No one is a better expert at interpreting the symbols, themes, images and feelings in our
dreams than we are. Every detail, even the smallest element in a dream is important and must be
considered when analyzing our dreams. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places,
smell, emotions, and even color and numbers that are symbolized in our dreams.

* Idea * Think of possible future uses for dream work, that you can use in your own life and write
them down.


Nightmares can be an important way for Spirit and our unconscious mind to alert us to blocks and
problems within our personality or life style that are stopping our spiritual development. It is
important not to take the nightmare literally, but to learn to intuitively sense the meanings behind it.
For example if often dream that were being chased by a dark, evil man or an unseen monster - this
often means that are running from a negative part of ourselves that we arent willing to face.
Drowning in a dream may mean that we feel swamped by events around us and are losing
control. Water in dreams normally indicates strong emotions. Snakes in a dream have various
meanings. They may mean wisdom, healing, sexuality or an inner fear. This is why our own
personal interpretation is so important.

Exercise 3
Facing Nightmares
We need to be brave and ask the Universe, before we go to sleep, that this time in nightmare will
turn and face that monster, maybe ask Archangel Michael (or your own protective angel) to be
beside us for protection and guidance. Ask that we block or problem be represented by one of our
personal symbols. Make notes in the dream journal, when we wake up. Often once the monster
is confronted and its identity recognized, the nightmare should disappear forever.
For Children
Idea* Facing the monster and shooting at it with an imaginary monster spray is often a
valuable tool for children to use during scary dreams. Practice doing this with them while theyre


Lucid Dreaming -A lucid dream is any dream in which we know were dreaming. The Greek philosopher Aristotle
explained: "often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what
then presents itself is but a dream"
Here are a few simple tips to help you begin your adventures with Lucid Dreaming:
Step 1) Develop Dream Recall Dream Journal again - Keep your journal or a pad of paper and Pen next to your bed and write
down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Yes, immediately means immediately. If you take the
time to get dressed first, or even stare at the ceiling for a minute, the dream memories start to fade.
You may only get a few lines for the first week or so, but in a couple of weeks youre recall ability
will improve and youll be recording several pages.
Step 2) Identify dream cues and/or do reality checks That Dream Journal comes in handy here too, helping you identify common dream elements that
recur from night to night. Use these elements for your reality checks. Ask yourself if youre
dreaming if and when you see these cues during when youre awake too.
Since our working memories can only hold a few bits of information at any given moment, and
were constantly creating our dreamscape in real-time, there are a few things that change if you
look away and then look back at them. So Look around you for clues, like maybe check the clock
to see if time is standing still or passing
Or look at wall brickwork or floor patterns, look away, and look back to see if their positions,
patterns (horizontal vs. vertical) or tile/block size have changed, while asking ourselves Am I
dreaming? If there are changes, guess what? You are dreaming, and now ready to become lucid.
Step 3) Induce lucidity
There are a number of ways to help induce lucidity. One is referred to as Mnemonic-Induction of
Lucid Dreaming (MILD) - facing name for talking to ourselves. When we wake up in the middle
of the night, just tell ourselves to lucid dream for 10-15 minutes, and then go back to bed.

Step 4) Ancillary Drugs

Some experts will also explain and even suggest certain drugs that will help you enter the state for
Lucid Dreaming. I choose to bypass those and keep control of my own mind. So if you would like
to know more then you might want to Goggle or Bing Ancillary Drugs to induce Lucid Dreaming.


Step 5) after you have explored all the fantasies you can think of

Try to explore memory and performance. Satisfy your fantasies of flight first but then stretch your
horizons in other directions.

The first few times you achieve lucidity, you will likely be so excited that you will wake yourself
up. Two effective techniques for extending lucidity are spinning and looking at or rubbing your
hands. The odds for continuing the lucid dream are about 22 to 1 after spinning, 13 to 1 after hand
rubbing, and 1 to 2 after going with the flow. That makes the relative odds favoring spinning
over going with the flow 48 to 1, and for rubbing over going with the flow, 27 to 1. (Source:
Lucidity Institute)

Have fun and sweet dreams


How to Dream Walk

What? What is dream walking? Dream Walking involves entering the dreams of others and
interacting with them in their sleep.
First we decide who we want to contact in the plane of dreams and make it very clear in our minds
that we want to remember to contact them when we are aware in our own dream.
When our body is asleep, our mind is awake and we know were dreaming then we can attempt to
shift into our target's dream. However, they must also be in the dream stare for this technique to
work. We can't enter someone's dream and interact with them if they are not dreaming. That's what
makes this technique so difficult -- we have to be able to go lucid in dreams virtually at will,
because timing it so were both in a dream state at the same time.
We need to make a list of friends we want to contact, just in case, so every time we go lucid, we
have a much better chance of at least catching one of them dreaming at the same time we are.
How do I enter their dream? If they are asleep and dreaming, its quite simple; when we are aware
we are in dreaming. All we do is close our eyes, say the name of the person out loud and form the
image of their face in our mind behind our closed dream-eyelids and start spinning around in
circles. We just know when we are near them in their dream.
We should interact with our target. Interacting with the target can be the best part. We can tell them
they are dreaming and try to help them become lucid. While we are still in their dream we might
offer them advice that will stick in their subconscious mind when they wake up.
CAUTION: Although we can basically control the minds of anyone whose dreams we enter, and
even though, it sounds like some sort of weird dark magic, we will always remember our ethics and
be responsible, using this only for the good of all involved.


Dreams can be a valuable way for Spirit to contact us, to help us look at unresolved issues in our
We can program our dreams to discover information and remember them clearly in the morning.
We can create our own symbols to help personalize and explain our dreams more clearly. Various
Spiritual work and contact with others can be made in the dream state
Practice, Practice, Practice
Happy Dreaming


Chapter 14 -- Higher Self

What is our Higher Self?
When we talk about our Higher Self, we imagine images of some kind of angelic, mystical being in
some far away place. Yet Higher Self doesnt reside in some distant realm, no. Higher Self is much
more physical and local than many seem to think. Our Higher Self is not separate from us; it is
very much a part of who we are. When we speak about our Higher Selves we mean that knowing or
awakened aspects of us. Its through our Higher Self that we connect with spirit, and are able to
access deepest truths and hidden knowledge. Higher Self is YOU, Higher Self is ME, and Higher
Self is US, the best part of us at our purest level. Higher Self is the part of us not tainted by
judgments or prejudices, nor wounded by the past experiences of pain, rejection, etc. Its also not a
reflection of our wishes or expectations, yet our higher self can help us clear a path to achieve our
dreams easier and faster.
Higher Self is that Silver Thread on the Spiritual Web linking us with the Divine. So how do we
connect with this part of ourselves? How do we connect our Conscious Mind, through our
Subconscious with our Unconscious self? The process is not as difficult as we might think; it just
takes a little bit of practice and patience. Our Higher Self communicates through intuition (that gut
feeling), hunches, sudden unexpected life changes, etc. Consciously we either choose to or not to
listen or act on these messages from Higher Self. Actually, our physical self that is the receiver
for these messages, much like a telephone. Our Divine or Higher Self is an infinite being, so our
own potential is also without limits.
Our Higher Self prompts us to be joyful, showing love and compassion to other beings and the
Mother Earth. Our Higher Self loves and understands us unconditionally without judging our
actions. It wants us to be the best we can be!
Higher Self connects with all the Higher dimensions as well as the Akashic Library (Universal
Records of all Knowledge) providing higher information, not normally available to us in the
physical realm.
Higher Self is the more perfected Higher Being version of us. With practice we can learn to not
only contact our Higher Self we can merge with it, as needed even for more physical activities like;
public speaking, art, knowledge, encouragement, and comfort. By acting in a higher, more divine
way, we become our Higher Self!
Some Guided Meditations to aid us in merging with Higher Self
Heart Chakra Meditation to Merge with Your Higher Self
Connect To Higher-Self
Connecting With Higher Self Meditation

Some ways to connect with Higher Self:


I borrowed these from Anna Conlan at Godlike Productions
1. Connect to Light
Spend five or ten minutes gazing into the light of a candle. While you do this, breathe in through
your nose and out through your mouth. Because the mind will tend to wander during this exercise,
count each breath you take. Try not to lose count. This exercise is simple, but not necessarily easy!
Connecting in this way to a natural light source connects us to the Divine Light of our Higher Self.
2. Open Your Heart
Send a blessing to someone you love. Just visualize placing the energy of love, healing or simple
good will into a white ball of light. Send that white ball of light to the person you love, and imagine
them being showered with the blessing energy you sent. Then use the same technique to send a
blessing to someone you know, perhaps someone you are not very close to. Next, send a blessing to
someone who has angered you. Finally, send a blessing to yourself. This practice expands your
heart and awakens compassion, and allows you to connect to the loving energy of your Higher Self.
3. Smiling Meditation
Close your eyes and take a single big breath. Smile. Even if you dont feel like smiling - especially
if you dont feel like smiling! Focus for a minute or two on the sensation of smiling. Notice what
happens to your face, to your emotions, to the space in your heart. Meditate on your smile. This
may feel forced and unnatural at first, especially if you are agitated or stressed. However, youll
find that its hard to meditate on a smile without that smile becoming genuine. If nothing else,
youll smile or even laugh at yourself because here you are, sitting with your eyes closed and
smiling foolishly. Reconnect to the child-like joy that your Higher Self upholds for you at all times.
4. Mirror Gazing
This exercise allows you to connect to your true self with loving acceptance. Sit in front of a mirror,
or hold a hand mirror in front of your face. Look into your own eyes without averting your gaze.
Keep gazing into your own eyes for at least five minutes. You will find that your features become
blurry in the mirror and the importance of your physicality melts away, and you are left with a
connection to your true essence, your Higher Self.
5. Take Your Own Advice
Note every piece of advice you give today, every perspective and opinion you offer. At the end of
the day, write down the essence of what youve been communicating to others. Apply your counsel
to yourself. Sometimes our Higher Self talks through us to others but the message is meant for us
as much as it is meant for those to whom we offer our counsel.
6. Stop the Noise
Go on a media fast for a few hours each week. Turn off the phones, the blackberries, TV, stop
surfing the Internet, listening to the radio, or reading the newspaper. Stop all information input, so
that your inner wisdom has a chance to be heard. Use the silence to ask yourself a question. Engage
in some creative activity, and you may recognize the answer that comes from within.
7. Witness Your Wisdom

Imagine yourself when you were only ten or eleven years old. Now write a letter to the child that
you were. What do you know now that you wish you had known then? If you had the ability to give
the child you once were a little instruction manual for life, what would you want it to say? Write
down everything that you think is important for the ten-year old you to know. When you are
finished, put everything youve written away for twenty four hours. The next day, read the
instruction manual. It contains the wisdom that has come to you from your Higher Self. Allow
yourself to soak up all that you have learned in this lifetime.
8. Hand It Over
This spiritual practice is for those times when you feel overcome by negative emotions or problems,
such as desperation or sadness. Imagine a beautiful angel with you, its arms around you, ready to
take away some of that negativity you cannot handle. Visualize the angelic presence any way you
like - as a conventional angel or cherub, as a bright light or an angel with a human appearance.
Throw the negative energy you are feeling into a bag and give it to the angel. Watch the angel take
the bag back to Divine Source, to be transformed into Divine Love which is given back to you via
the angel. Feel the sense of love when this energy is given back to you.
9. Tune In To Your Desired Outcome
I allow ten to fifteen minutes every day to focus on and feel exactly how I want my reality to
manifest. Then I simply go about my day practicing the art of keeping thoughts that I desire in my
mind versus thoughts of scenarios that I do not want in my life.
10. Practice Gratitude
Each morning before I get out of bed, I say: Dear God, thank you for another beautiful day on
planet Earth. Then, as I go through my day, I silently bless each interaction I have with everybody
I come in contact with, whether in person, over the phone, or via email, and whether it feels positive
or negative in the moment. At the end of the day, before I fall asleep, I say: Dear God, thank you
for all of the experiences of this day. Please help me to retain all the learning from those
experiences, and to release any negativity associated with them. Then I say thank you three
11. Walking Meditation
The next time you go for a walk, allow your gaze to drift to the ground right in front of you. Watch
your feet as you walk, bringing your attention to each step as you take it. Were so often concerned
with where we are going and the goals we want to reach that we are not present to the actions that
allow us to get there. Guidance from the spiritual plane is only available in the present moment.
Mindful walking focusing only on what is immediately in front of you allows you to be open to
receive inspiration and guidance from your Higher Self.
12. Acknowledge Your Divinity
When I feel disconnected from my Higher Self I first remind myself that I am one with my Higher
Self, and all that this involves. Our Higher Self is God, with all the properties of God. Similarly,
just one drop of an ocean has all of the properties within itself as the entire ocean. Those properties
of God and our Higher Self are Love, Light, Truth, Power and Abundance, and because they are a
part of my Higher Self they are a part of me. When I feel disconnected I remind myself that the
perceived disconnect is an illusion. Then I take just a moment to breathe, and if it is practical I may
close my eyes. I visualize my Higher Self as a spark of light just behind my solar plexus or at the

third chakra. And as I focus on it, it begins to grow and expand and fill every cell, muscle and fiber
of my body. As it fills my body I realize that I am the presence of Love, Light, Truth, Power and
Abundance. I begin to feel lighter and more powerful. I take this Light and Power with me into
every situation knowing that I AM the presence of God and that I can bring Light to every situation
and experience.
13. Exercise Your Minds Eye
Spirit uses the minds eye as a vehicle for sending us messages. This exercise is drawn from
William Hewitts book Psychic development for Beginners and is an excellent one to practice
consciously using and manipulating images in your minds eye. Imagine you are holding seven
balloons on strings, each one corresponding to one of the seven colors of the chakras - red, orange,
yellow, green, and blue, violet, indigo. Let go of the balloons, one by one, starting with the red
balloon and watch the balloons one by one fly off into the sky, until they disappear from your
minds eye. This exercise will be difficult to do at first, if you are not used to using your visual
14. Connect to Heaven and Earth
When I need to reconnect to Spirit, I take a moment to sit quietly and focus on my heart. When I do
this, I feel innocence there it feels sweet and childlike. I sit with that feeling and allow it to spread
like an elixir through my being. If I have time, I go back to my heart and spin my heart chakra
clockwise. I send my attention from my heart down into the Earth, connecting with her energy, and
I draw Earth energy up, circulating it through my chakras. When I get to my crown chakra I open it
up it fans upward and outward. I then call in Spirit, the energy of the Universe. I draw the Spirit
energy from the Universe down, circulating it through my chakras, down into the earth. I fill my
entire body with the energies of Earth and Spirit, or Heaven and Earth. I like to think of this as
Mother Father God loving each other inside of me. I feel energy connecting me to Spirit and to
Earth. I send the energies out through my heart and into my aura. I affirm that I am a divine spark of
the Creator. The energy goes out from my heart, creating a path which I fill with the feeling tone of
what I want to bring into my life.


Chapter 15 -- What is a Spirit Guide?

This Chapter includes some information and exercises shared by Raoul Leger
Before we discuss a definition of Spirit Guide or where they may come from, were going examine
the concept of Soul Connections.
It is my opinion that Souls are not created individually, but with a group - and that group is
incarnated at approximately the same time. Each Soul shares much with others within its group,
much the same as extended family. At that moment of Creation, some souls come to be in closer
proximity and share even more in common, like the physical family. Others see to form from the
same cosmic particle like twins, both maternal and paternal twins, much different that the new age
concept of soul-mates and twin flames though.
Youve heard the terms - Soul-Mate, and possibly even, Soul Family, Soul Group, and maybe SoulTribe as well. Each term refers to a particular type of soul connection between beings. Ive shared
this story before, I also feel it is relevant in this discussion as well - it is not an absolute, it is a
concept, my own vision.

Before Creation, the Lake of Chaos was still and dark until a tiny sliver of light touched the surface
of that Lake. A ripple was created, it moved, it grew, a bubble formed, the rose from the Darkness,
A Bubble of Shadow, yet a Bubble of Form, and it spiraled upward as if seeking the Light. That
Bubble was the original essence of life, the First Soul. As it rose, it also divided, then as two
Bubbles, Two Souls, Twin Souls spiraling around each other as they journey into the blackness of
Not. As they continued to travel, tiny particles of light formed in their wake. From these particles,
stars and planets were formed, universes were created. Life began.


While back at the Lake of Chaos, other slivers of light moved along that dark surface, more ripples,
more bubbles, more shadow souls - in waves they formed, in waves they spiraled skyward. As a
group of kindred souls, they followed the path of the Twin Souls. As they encountered stars and
planets, Colonies of Soul Families - Soul Tribes - chose to inhabit the new worlds and to create
physical vessels as homes for the souls of energy. Life took many forms, and continued to adapt, to
change, to grow, to evolve. New Soul Groups are born in the shadow created as the Light of Order
still merges with the darkness of the Lake of Chaos. Each wave, each group of New Souls rises
upward to bring life to the new worlds created in the wake of the Twin Souls continuing Journey.

As Life evolves, those physical vessels housing souls energy forms begin to age to show ware and
injure. They vessels return to where they were formed and new vessels are formed as replacements.
Displaced Souls re-enter the new vessels - Life, Death, Reincarnation, concepts so strange and
unfamiliar were now becoming well know. Displaced Souls did not always reincarnate into new
vessels immediately, some created a Spirit Realm where they could examine everything learned
during their previous incarnation, and decide what needed to be learned in future lives.
Some realized those who remained in physical form often needed protection, instruction, and
guidance for both physical growth and spiritual advancement. These spirits would return to the
physical realm still in spirit form to aid those of flesh. However, as the evolution process
continued, the physical soon forgot about the Spirit and when this energy life form was
encountered, fear sprang from the unknown, the now forgotten. Spirit learned to assume a
perceived form that was comfortable, recognizable, and accepted. Guides would show
themselves as ancestors, passed loved ones, or historical figures of wisdom and fame, or even as
Animals or Nature Spirits. Usually Guides are from the same Soul Group, but may be from other
Groups or Families, from other Worlds, Dimensions, and Realms as well.
References for more about reincarnation and soul connections:


So what is a spirit guide?

Spirit guide
Spirit Guide is a term used by the Western tradition of Spiritualist Churches, mediums, and
psychics to describe an entity that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a guide or protector
to a living incarnated human being.
Traditionally, within the spiritualist churches, spirit guides were often stereotyped ethnically, with
Native, Chinese or Egyptians being popular for their perceived ancient wisdom. Other popular
types of guides were saints or other enlightened individuals. Nevertheless, the term can also refer
to totems, angels, guardian angels or nature spirits.
Many also believe that Spirit Guides are not always of human origin. Some spirit guides live as
energy, in the cosmic realm, or as light beings, which are very high level spirit guides. Some spirit
guides are persons who have lived many former lifetimes, paid their karmic debts, and advanced
beyond a need to reincarnate. Many devotees believe that spirit guides are chosen on "the other
side" by human beings who are about to incarnate and wish assistance. -- Wikipedia
Are spirit guides "all knowing" or are they just like us...only on the other side?
Ive heard this question a lot, yet have never found a definitive answer so will share my opinion.
Spirit guides are very much like us, only they've crossed over and have gained additional
knowledge as their awareness has expanded. I also really believe that learning never ends and is as
true in the Spirit Realm as in the Physical. There are many, many levels of learning. Just because
one has passed and is now "in spirit" doesn't mean they know everything, or have access to all of
the answers about like we are here. We may know more or less than someone else about a given
subject, we may have more experience, but that doesn't mean we know everything. We all have a lot
to learn. One advantage Spirit does often have is a more direct link to Source, the All-Knowing.
And it is this connection which should inspire us to trust our guide and their Messages.
A caution though, and personally, I believe this is more our lack of understanding more than a
malevolent intent from the Spirit world. Not all Spirits from who we seek advice, and not all advice
offered by Spirit is from a more enlightened source. I know this is a bit sensitive and I really dont
want to offend anyone. However, sometimes in our haste for closure we may seek advice from
recently departed Loved Ones. While this is understandable, please learn to accept the message that
they are fine, happy, and will be in our hearts, but dont feel hurt if they are not a Spirit Guide yet.
We may also encounter a well-meaning but unenlightened spirit who offers advice, just as we do
with friends in real life. This we can often be recognized though, it may be too good to be true, or it
may be too scary also. We need to trust our own intuition as well as our Spirit Guide both require
becoming better acquainted with Self and with Spirit, becoming Friends.

Does everyone have a Spirit Guide? It does seem possible. How many? The number of guides is
irrelevant, simply depends on what is needed; each incarnation, each soul, each realm, each
dimension are different. Uniqueness requires flexibility and freedom, fixed numbers would restrict
Yet if someone says they dont have a Spirit Guide, dont be dismayed or disrespectful. Spirit
Guides have not always been a tool used by many Mediums.
Some early modern Spiritualists did not favor the idea of spirit guides. Spiritualist author and
medium E.W. Wallis, writing in A Guide to Mediumship and Psychic Unfoldment, expressed an
opinion that the notion of spirit guides is disempowering and disrespectful to both spirits and living
people. He does not deny that seeking people may be helped by spirits here and there, but decries
the idea that said spirits are appointed or assigned to do nothing but help the living. He advises
would-be mediums to steer clear of the notion that they are being "guided" unless they have
demonstrable proof that such is the case. -- Wikipedia
How can I access my own spirit guides?
First accept they are out there, whether we see them or not, just accept that your Guide is with you.
Next, be active, involved. Visualization and Meditation are very helpful, as is asking for a sign or
symbol. When it comes, it can be a shock, too (but in a good way)!
Sometimes other Psychics or Mediums maybe able to give validation that you have spirit guides on
the other side, possibly even share who the Guides are (again this may surprise you!).
Remember, your own intuition is one of the best and trustworthy ways to tap into the Cosmic
Energy of Source that surrounds us at ALL time. Actually it's rare that a spirit guide or guardian
angel will appear in your life, unless you open and ready to accept the possibility.
Like everything else in life, discovering the truth about spirit is about opening yourself up to the
magic and the mystery, then seeking out experiences that give you the first hand validation

Before we turn the rest of this over to Raoul Leger, I recommend that you meditate of about ten
minutes. Calm your body and mind. And visualize shaking hands with and introducing yourself to
Spirit. Always remember this, Treat any Spirit Guide as your Best Friend, with Love, Honor, and
Respect. We dont command our friends, and we should not command Spirit either. Spirit is Friend
and Helper, they are not our Slaves.
Now we bring in Raoul.


How to Communicate, Understand, and Educate Your Spirits/Guides

By Raoul Leger -

Okay. I will try again....a few days ago Roger asked me if I would like to contribute my
"experiences and what I have learned "in my 40 plus years of medium work post a little or a lot, as
often as you wish"
What I have chosen is "how to communicate, understand, and educate with your spirits/guides it is
important to note that what is right for one is not right for all, you and you alone must
educate your spirits/guides so that YOU understand what is being "given or sent" to you,
many less experienced and beginners in communication with spirit will attempt to mimic
or copy a more advanced or more gifted mediums'
Style, letters, colors, words, sounds, animals, male or female sensations, age, etc. are different for
each of us, what is blue to you and what blue means to you, can be entirely different from
what it means to me (for example). I was fortunate to have teachers who demonstrated
that to me and showed me How to interpret what was given to me, to make it "mine".
The ultimate goal is to learn how to instruct your guides/spirits, so that there is no
confusion on your part in what you give back out in your readings.
It is a long process, a lifelong process...but if your desire is to be "more in unison" with them, it is a
journey well worth beginning and a path which can become extremely fulfilling. What it
will all come down to in a nutshell is; Recognizing, Accepting, Believing, and Trusting
(what you are being given), since a vast majority of the spirit realm is more advanced
than we humans are in knowledge, it is they that must be educated to show us, so that we
can understand, so it is what we tell them if you are shown a color then you have to tell
them to only show you that color when it means (whatever specific definition you give to
it). The same will hold true for every shade of every color, every letter, every Number,
every shape, every sound, every age of every gender, every tree and animal, so herein
you can begin to understand why it is your level of knowledge that spirit must attune
itself to.
I would ask each of you that wishes to travel this route with me, to not try to OVER COMPLICATE
anything, start at the base, you each will need to have a large writing tablet, an 8 1/2 x 11
yellow pad is perfect or a large spiral notebook, for when you are at home or at a sitting
or a friend's home, and a small tablet for when you are travelling, and a package of
construction paper(which you can find at most of the big box stores) the kind that has
numerous colors of pages. For those of you who have pets (birds, dogs, cats, whatever). I
want you to take time out of each day to simply sit with your pet or if you don't have any
go outside and sit near birds or bees etc. and just simply BE with them, become aware of
every twitch, every expression, and every reaction. Speak to them softly. And if you can,
attempt to hear an answer or response. it won't be out loud from them, write it down,
write down every thought and reaction that comes into your mind, and do not doubt what
comes to your mind, write it down, it is always first impression that is true, when you
begin to question you begin to misinterpret. Enough for now,


Spirit Guides # 2 By Raoul Leger

I hope you have had time to get the colored papers etc. I mentioned in the first communiqu re:
understanding and educating your spirit guides - this is the exercise, sit in a dark room,
turn off the phones etc. if you have a partner to practice with, that is fine, but the partner
should have their own set of colored papers, place the papers in front of you in a stack
and with eyes closed ,shuffle the stack as best as you can to mix up the colors....on one
side place your writing tablet and pen (depending if you are right of left handed).
If you have a partner, take turns "going through "the entire stack of colored by one
pick up each sheet and attempt to decipher what color you are holding. When you
have selected a color, write it down on your tablet and set the sheet of colored paper to
the side. Just scribble your color choice, since you are sitting in the dark, if you have a
partner they may write down your choices, this is a multiple exercise.
While holding the paper, place your hands on it - FEEL the texture, feel the color, and the
properties of the color. Of course, you won't be seeing the page of colored paper...but
you may experience differences in temperature, or you may be "given images" to help
you with the color choice. For example: your guides may show you snow or white
capped mountains or a white furry kitten or bunny. To help in your decision of
"WHITE" and so on, and so forth - PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO "READ" THE
PAGES OF PAPER!!!!!! This is not the exercise you are attempting, let that come at
a different time...that is called Psychometry, we are not working on that yet. The point
here is to GO WITH FIRST IMPRESSION!!!!!! If you touch a paper and see blue, or
hear blue, then write down blue, do not ask what shade of blue, do not ask what blue
means, THAT WILL COME LATER. Continue this exercise every day/night for a
week, go through the stack, writing down the color choices you make and then go
through them again. You are learning how to "feel" the spirits/guides and their
simple messages to you. We are going with baby steps here.
Remember; TRUST, do not question, FIRST IMPRESSION! I will enjoy hearing of your
experiences with this Chapter. In the meantime, you need a binder (preferably a 3 ring
binder), at least 2 sets of dividers, and a few packages of lined paper. Next week, you
will begin creating your own spirit/guide - to human - dictionary!


Spirit Guides #3
By Raoul Leger

Okay "students" before we put away our colored sheets, let me suggest that you obtain a small latch
tote for storing your "exercise" materials in, so you have easy access to them to return to from time
to time, because you WILL need them in the future, as we travel this path to understanding and
educating your spirit guides.
While we are still on the colors subject, may I also suggest that when you are going through
newspapers, brochures, magazines (especially travel magazines) that you clip out colors that you
don't already have in your packets, and at the same time, clip out pictures of animals and nature
scenes etc, and label and file to say an 8x10 envelope(s) for future reference. As we go along, we
are going to develop our own Pictionary/dictionary"!!!! FUN!!!!!!!!
Now let's move on to the next exercise or game, whatever you wish to call it. Locate a deck of
playing cards (who's way ahead of me already? Try to get playing cards that are not full of pictures
on the non numerical side, something simple, like" ace" or "bike" brands. Do not get pinochle
cards, do not get canasta cards, just a regular deck of 52 is fine...shuffle them and spread them in a
fan display, numerical side down. Pick them up, one at a time, numerical side facing AWAY from
you. Feel the card; feel the image, you are not trying to guess the suit
(hearts/diamonds/clubs/spades) - YET - just the number on the card. In time, you may try to add
this aspect as well.
For those who are truly adventurous, you make include the face cards as well (king/queen/jack/and
joker). You are attempting the same communication skills as with the colors, but now numbers. Go
with FIRST IMPRESSIONS ALWAYS! Really feel the cards, even though you have the numbers
facing away from you feel for the numbers, this is actually a little easier than the colors, make sure
your hands are freshly cleaned, and you neednt sit in the dark for this exercise. You may also use a
crazy eights deck, or as you progress, you can try with Pictionary cards, or even tarot cards, but of
course you will be venturing into images being sent from your spirit guides.
Concentration, silence and clear mindedness are important, so that you can "pick up" what is being
given or sent to you, each time you are correct. Thank your spirit guides and remind them that,
Those who have gotten their binders and divider sheets and pages, can begin creating their
dictionary; one section for colors, one section for numbers, one section for animals, one for flowers,
one for insects, one for trees, one for water(lakes. rivers, streams, brooks, oceans, seas, etc. Each
RECOGNIZE IT WHEN THE IMAGE IS SENT TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you continue with this
project, and it is A LIFELONG PROJECT!!!!! Begin to jot notes and meanings next to each entry,
even occasions where you have received it in visions or messages....this will go a long way in
helping you to educate your guides, to not become copycats and mimics, to obtain a special
mediumship. Always remember, in Mystic practices, there are no generic ways, or "Right ways or
"wrong ways. There IS the way YOU and only YOU communicate with your own guides and
spirits, it is what makes the bonding stronger and dare I say, healthier! so that when YOU give out a
message ,it will be clear to the receiver that it has come from you and your spirit TEAM, and can be
trusted wisely...thanks again for following along. Ill do another post on this in a few weeks.

- Raoul Leger and his spirit team!

Chapter 16 -- Ascended Masters

What Is An Ascended Master?

First though, what does ascend mean? In the clinical application it is the movement upward;
ascension is the act of ascending; ascended is the past tense, the completion of the act of moving
upward. However in the Mystical sense, Ascension is the belief that certain rare individuals have
ascended into Heaven directly without dying first.
So an Ascended Master is someone who has entered the higher Dimensions directly without use the
grave portal.
The concept of Ascended Masters has evolved from the Bodhisattva of early Buddhism.
According to Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can
achieve in life (the others states are known as Arhat (Perfected One), Buddha (Perfect Enlightened
One), or Pratyekabuddha (a Buddha on their Own, One who has Achieved Enlightenment on Their
Own). yet In early Indian Buddhism, the term Bodhisattva was primarily used to refer specifically
to the Buddha in his former lives. Traditionally this term refers to one who has achieved
enlightenment, and who strives toward awakening and compassion for the benefit of all sentient
beings. Another similar term is found in Theosophys Mahatmas, although this refers to enlightened
beings who continue to occupy fleshly bodies. Bodhisattva may choose to remain in the physical
realm or enter the higher dimensions. Ascended Masters are not, by Divine Law, allowed to walk
openly among us. Some say this is because of our karmic pattern of the human collective; we arent
advanced enough to offer the complete reverence and love deserved by the Masters.

In this Chapter we will only be concerned with the Ascended Masters.

The abilities of Ascended Masters
An Ascended Master is effectively immortal. Most often the Masters are Energy, thus without
form, if they do need to take a physical form, it is intentional, temporary and as an adult. It is said
that an Ascended Master could sit in a fiery furnace and not burned, or cut a mountain in half with
only a simple thought. Yet their most important ability is their great wisdom and their
Before we continue, it will probably help if we become familiar with some terms often used when
speaking of the Ascended Masters.
Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology
According to the Temple of the Presence
Archangels are Angels that have passed certain Initiations and gained the Attainment of this rank in
the Hierarchy of the Angelic Hosts. The Attributes of the Solar Consciousness and God
Consciousness of each of the Seven Rays to the Earth's evolutions are represented by an Archangel
and His Divine Complement, an Archeia.
The First Ray (Blue Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is represented by Archangel
Michael and Faith in the "Temple of Faith and Protection", in the etheric realm over the Canadian
Rockies, near Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, and extending over the border of the United States.
The Second Ray (Yellow Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and Understanding) is represented by
Archangel Jophiel and Christine in the Retreat in the etheric realm south of the Great Wall near
Lanchow, north central China.
The Third Ray (Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is represented by
Archangel Chamuel and Charity in the Retreat in the etheric realm over St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
The Fourth Ray (White Flame of Purity, Discipline, and Harmony) is represented by Archangel
Gabriel and Hope in the Retreat in the etheric realm between Sacramento and Mount Shasta,
California, U.S.A.
The Fifth Ray (Green Flame of Truth, Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by
Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary in the Retreat in the Temple of the Sacred Heart in the etheric
realm over Fatima, Portugal.
The Sixth Ray (Ruby, Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is represented
by Archangel Uriel and Aurora in the etheric realm over the Tatra Mountains, south of Krakow,
The Seventh Ray (Violet Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and Transmutation) is represented
by Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst in the "Temple of Purification" in the etheric realm over

Ascended Masters - The Ascended Masters are Individuals who were once embodied on Earth and
learned the lessons of Life in Their embodiments. They gained Mastery over the limitations of the
matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled Their Dharma (Divine Plan).
An Ascended Being has become God-like and a Source of unconditional Love to all Life, and
through the Ascension has united with His or Her Own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. Ascended
Masters serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. The Divine Plan is for all
people to eventually attain the Ascension and move forward in Spiritual Evolution beyond this
Ascended Master Octave - Also known as the Ascended Masters' Octave, this refers to the Divine
Realm of Light that is composed of the Immortal, Eternal Seven Planes of the Spirit Universe.
These are the habitation of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Cosmic Beings, and Elohim - as well as
the Electronic Bodies of those who have not yet Ascended. In The Magic Presence, Saint Germain
explained that in the Octave of the Ascended Masters there is "Perfect Life which is the Divine
Light and Eternal Inheritance of every one of God's children. Many have chosen to take a long time
to come to This Point, but all must make a beginning sometime, and all must do It eventually."
Ascension - The Ascension in the Light into our Immortality - through reunion with our own God
Presence - is a goal of life. Once we have completed our Divine Plan and balanced at least 51% of
our karmic debts to life, there can be the complete raising and permanent union of the purified outer
self with the "I AM" Presence - that True Identity that is the unique Individualization of the Most
High Living God for each person.
Bodies of Men and Women - We have "seven bodies; four lower bodies: physical, emotional,
mental, and memory. These bodies are four sheaths composed of four distinct vibrations of matter
that surround the lifestream and provide the vehicles for the personal identity's journey through
time and space. There are three Higher Bodies: the Holy Christ Presence, the Causal Body, and the
Electronic Body of the Mighty I AM Presence. These Bodies are three Immortal Bodies composed
of three distinct Vibrations of Spirit. There is also the "White Fire Body" of the Individualized God
Flame - out of which the I AM Presence of each Twin Flame is emanated. The "Individualized God
Flame of Perfection" who proclaims "I AM, continues Active and immortal - before the
embodiment of Twin Flames, during embodiment, and after the Ascension of the Twin Flames.
Brotherhood of Light - A Spiritual Organization, also known as The Great White Brotherhood,
composed of
those Ascended Masters who have Arisen from our Earth into Immortality, and
yet have said: "We are not going on into Cosmic Heights and leaving our brothers and sisters on
Earth behind. We will stay and assist." At this moment in Cosmic History, the Door is wide open.
The Great White Brotherhood is sponsoring the Release of the Spoken Word through conclaves,
seminars, writings, books, and through personal discipleship and training. The Brotherhood of Light
also includes Members of the Heavenly Host, the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the
evolution of our world, Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as
well as certain unascended chelas.
Chohan - A Chohan is an Ascended Master that focuses the Christ Consciousness of one of the
Seven Rays of God's Manifestation, becoming the Law of the Ray and governing Its use in man. A
Lord or Master; a high Adept; an Initiate who has taken more Initiations than the five major
Initiations which make man a "Master of the Wisdom".
In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described the Chohans as "Seven Mighty
Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have the Power to focus within Themselves the
Ray-Streams or Attributes of Logoic Consciousness"


The Seven Chohans of the Rays are Ascended Masters representing the Attributes of the Solar
Logos and the God Qualities of each Ray to Earth's evolutions. Their Hierarch is the Maha Chohan
("Great Lord") who also is entrusted with the distribution to all of Nature of the Electronic Force of
the Outpouring of Life in the Five Secret Rays (also known as the Five Pranas, Breaths, Elements).
The First Ray (Blue Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is represented by El Morya, at
the Retreat of God's Will in Darjeeling, India.
The Second Ray (Yellow Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and Understanding) is represented by
Lord Lanto at the Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton Mountains, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
The Third Ray (Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is represented by
Paul the Venetian at the Chteau de Libert in southern France.
The Fourth Ray (White Flame of Purity, Discipline, and Harmony) is represented by Serapis Bey
at the Retreat and Temple of the Ascension in Luxor, Egypt.
The Fifth Ray (Green Flame of Truth, Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by
Hilarion at the Temple of Truth in the Island of Crete.
The Sixth Ray (Ruby, Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is represented
by Nada at the Arabian Retreat in Saudi Arabia.
The Seventh Ray (Violet Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and Transmutation) is represented
by Saint Germain in the Cave of Symbols in Table Mountain, Teton Mountain Range, and
Wyoming; and at the Great Divine Director's Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania.
Christ Presence - The Holy Christ Presence - also known as the Higher Mental Body, Holy Christ
Self, Higher Self, or the Guardian Angel - is the Divine Mind that is aware of the Perfection of the
God Presence, but is also aware of imperfections and requirements of the outer self. This Christ
Mind does not accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and Perfect. The
Holy Christ Presence is endowed with the Discriminating Intelligence to act in the outer self Directing and Governing the amounts of Light, Life, and Love released into the outer body forms.
Described as a "Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human realms, this
form has a lower vibratory rate than the Electronic Body of the God Presence, and is composed of
the Light Substance of the Buddhic Octave.
Electronic Body - The Electronic Body is the Immortal Body which the "I AM" Presence - a
Divine Consciousness - uses as one of Its Vehicles of Expression. This Electronic Body has Divine
Purity and Structure, and forever remains "Eternally Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free
from every conceivable limitation. In this Body, individuals can and do function wherever in the
universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place, space, or condition." Beloved Jesus referred to
this Body when He spoke of the "Seamless Robe" or the "Bridal Garment" of the Spirit. No
imperfection can ever be recorded in or upon It, for It is composed of Pure Electronic Light. Saint
Germain has stated: "Every human being sometime somewhere must raise the outer or atomic
structure into the Imperishable, Electronic Body, where no imperfection exists."
Great Central Sun - The Great Central Sun is the Source and Center of a galaxy and a Cosmos. It
is the Nucleus of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the Origin of all physical and
spiritual creation. It is the Heart of the God Life of the Universe. The Great Central Sun is One with
every individual's Mighty I AM Presence.

Great White Brotherhood -- See: Brotherhood of Light

Hierarchy - The Cosmic Hierarchy is a "Universal Chain" of Individualized God Free Beings
fulfilling Attributes and Aspects of God's Infinite Selfhood. Included in this Cosmic Hierarchical
scheme are Solar Logoi, Elohim, Sons and Daughters of God, Cosmic Beings, the Twelve Solar
Hierarchies, Archangels, Angels, Beings of the Elements, and Twin Flames of the Alpha-Omega
Polarity sponsoring Systems of Worlds and entire Galactic Systems. This Universal Order of Divine
Self-Expression is the means whereby God in the Great Central Sun steps down the Presence and
Essence of His Universal Being / Consciousness in order that all Life in time and space might give
and receive Unconditional Divine Love. One's placement on this "Ladder of Life" in the Spirit /
Matter Universes is determined by one's level of Spiritual Attainment measured by Awareness
and Manifestation of balanced Love, Wisdom, and Power as well as the embodying of other
Divine Qualities.
Human creation
Human creation is that mis-creation which human beings create through a consciousness of being
separate from God Perfection - separate from Divine Ideals and Inspiration. It is limited creation
that is the result of carnal and mortal motivations, with a tendency toward human equations of
desire, egotism, self conceit or self concern. There may be subtle vanity, or pride, or prejudices
inherent within the thoughts and discordant feelings. The result can be creation of imperfection
which the Ascended Masters have termed "human creation".
"I AM" - For thousands of years the inner understanding of the Name of God and the Creative
Words "I AM" had been restricted to the Retreats of the Great Brotherhood of Light and
given only after a three year probation. However because of the urgency of the hour and the urgent
need for humanity to have greater Assistance, the Dispensation was granted Saint Germain for this
Teaching to be given to the outer world. In The "I AM" Discourses, Saint Germain explained that
the Words "I AM" release the full Power of God in Action. They are the first expression of every
self-conscious Being. "I AM" is the purest and highest Principle of Life, of the Individualized God
Presence, of the Universal Intelligence that is ever endeavoring to bring forth the Manifestation of
the Original Pristine State of the God Source.
Lifestream - The Stream of Life that comes forth from the Individualized God Presence the I
AM Presence in the Planes of Spirit, and descends to the lower planes of creation where it
manifests as the Threefold Flame anchored in the Heart Chakra (in the "Secret Chamber of the
Heart" for the sustaining of the individual identity and the lower bodies in the matter planes.
"Lifestream" denotes the ongoing nature of the individual through its cycles of embodiment on this
and other worlds. It is used to denote the unfurling of the Identity of Individualized I AM Presence whose Sacred Destiny is to out picture Christ Mastery while in embodiment and externalize the
God Qualities.
Lightbearer - Lightbearer means one who carries or sustains the Light of the Christ and bears the
responsibility for Christhood in himself and others by defending the Truth and Honor of God.
Beloved Gautama Buddha considers every person with a Threefold Flame to be a "Lightbearer".
Anointed Representatives - The Anointed Representatives of the Great White Brotherhood are
anointed by the Hierarchy as the Representatives who deliver Discourses and Dictations of the
Ascended Masters that provide the Instruction and Illumination that is deemed most vital for our
time. Another very important function is to anchor Light in the matter planes of the Earth. This is to
assist in the raising of the vibratory frequencies of our planet during this transition period into our
Earth's new Cosmic Cycle in this System of Worlds. A Messenger is trained by the Ascended

Masters to receive by various methods the words, concepts, teachings, and messages of the Great
White Brotherhood. Although there are only "Two Messengers" of the Brotherhood, the "Two
Messengers" constitute the Office of the "Two Witnesses" spoken of in the Book of Revelation. This
is a high and holy calling to which Twin Flames are ordained in every age. As there is only One
Christ, so there are many Manifestations of the Office of the Christ; and as there are Offices in
Hierarchy, so the Opportunity to Serve in those Offices is given to Ascended and unascended Sons
and Daughters of God as they evolve in the Hierarchy of the Great Brotherhood of Light.
Mighty I AM Presence - We have an Individualized Presence of God the "I AM" Presence as
part of our very Nature and Being. This is that Part of each one the God Self which is the
Imperishable, Eternal, Individual Identity of every person. This is the Individualized Flame of Life
from the Great Central Sun and from the Universal All-Pervading Presence of Life. It is the I AM
THAT I AM; the God-Identity of the individual; the Divine Ego, the Immortal Monad, the God
Presence that is each person's Source.
Threefold Flame - The Threefold Flame of the Holy Christ Presence is the Flame of Life anchored
in the secret chamber of the Heart in the Sons and Daughters of God and the children of God. The
Sacred Trinity of Power, Wisdom, and Love, that is the Manifestation of the Sacred Fire, are only
one-sixteenth of an inch high within the average human heart. It is made up of a Blue Plume, a
Yellow Plume and a Pink Plume of Radiant God-Charged Electronic Light. Each Plume is a
manifest Focus of God Qualities. The Blue Plume of Spiritual Power relates to Faith, Good Will
and the Divine Intent. The Yellow Plume of Divine Wisdom relates to Illumination, to the right use
of Knowledge, and to the expansion of the Intelligence of the Godhead into the chalice of the heart
and mind. The Pink Plume of Divine Love provides the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion, Justice,
and Creativity. The Threefold Flame is the Sun Center and Source of Life to the physical body. The
expansion of a person's Threefold Flame brings him closer to his own eternal Freedom in the
Ascension. When we speak of the Presence of God "within" each one, we are referring to the
Glorious Victorious Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within.
Violet Flame - The Violet Flame is the Consuming Flame of Divine Love and Compassion. This
Violet Fire is the Grace of the Ascended Host that allows the transmutation and consuming of
human creation and all negative karmic causes, effects, records, and memories, without the need to
individually balance that karma face-to-face with each individual back to our earliest incarnations.
Saint Germain has explained that by calling to the Mighty I AM Presence to release this Action of
the Sacred Fire; a person can purify the mind and body of unnecessary substances which hinder the
Flow of Light and thus clear the consciousness to receive greater Illumination. This Flame of God
elevates the unhappy substance of human creation back into its original Pristine Radiance.


Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters have the tremendous responsibility of overseeing the Earth and its growth or
work on a cosmic level. Overseeing the Earth are such masters as Sananda (inner planes name for
Jesus), Lord Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, Serapis Bey, El Morya, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Saint Germain,
Lady Nada and many, many others.


Those serving on a cosmic level include Maitreya, Gautama Buddha, Melchizedek, Sanat Kumara,
Metatron, the Maha Chohan and Vywamus (Sanat Kumara).
Below is a list of some of the Ascended Masters, however there is no agreement as to how many or
who the Masters are. The same is true with the Sacred Rays, 7 or 12 or more.
Jesus/Sananda, Jesus represents Divine Love and the Higher Realms of Spirit. Sananda is his
Higher Self name. He is the symbol of Christianity. He represents the Ascension Process of
Humanity rising back to the Godhead. Call him in to help you with healing, teaching, guidance and
Lady Mary, also known as Mother Mary in the Christian faith is the symbol of the feminine,
Universal Mother or Yin essence. She is compassionate, loving, intuitive and comforting. Call her
in to help you with healing, teaching, guidance and comforting.
Kuthumi is the Master of wisdom and Love. He aids those who are working on self awareness. As
an Overseer of Earth, he works with mankind to clarify many of Earths mysteries. Call him in for
Serapis Bey also known as Ptah in ancient Egypt. He encourages creative ideas, artistry and
attunement to nature. He is a Master of the Devic kingdom. Call him in when working with the
nature kingdom.
Kwan Yin is also known as the Chinese Goddess of Healing and Compassion. She also represents
the yin (female) energy. She is a loving guide to those who work as healers. She works with the
Aqua light energy. Call her in for any physical healing and comfort.
Aquala Awala is a sister spirit to Kwan Yin. She represents the whales, dolphins and the seas. She
also works with the aqua light in aiding healing. Call her in for any emotional or mental healing.
White Eagle also known as Quetzalcoatl is associated with the Native American Cultures. He
visited the tribes of North and South America, bringing Divine information and healing skills. He is
strongly attuned to Mother Earth and the four facets of earth, wind, water and fire. Call him in for
strength, guidance and your connection with earth.
Sanat Kumara also known as the Planetary Logos, who is working with the Planetary Ascension
process of humankind and Gaia (Mother Earth). He works with humankind to encourage
manifestation skills, through pure thought, for highest intent.
Lord Maitreya is also known as the Aquarian Age Buddha Consciousness of pure light and love.
He encourages creative thought and a full awareness of who you truly are. He is also an Overseer of
the Solar System. Call him in for knowledge of New Age Practices and Consciousness, Love and
ST. Germain is associated with the Amethyst Ray for healing and manifestation. He is concerned
with harmony, musical sounds, peace and personal growth in consciousness. Call him in to use his
violet ray for activating Grace and Forgiveness within you.
Melchizedek known as the High Priest in the Bible, represents the White Brotherhood, a level of
spiritual attainment. He represents transformation, faith and upliftment. Call him in for Higher

Lord Buddha is the symbol of Buddhism. He represents the stilling of the mind, relativity in truth,
the middle road philosophy and divine light and love. Call him in to create harmony, gentleness &
calmness in your life.
Lord Krishna is the symbol of Hinduism. He represents the balance of yin (female) and yang
(male) energies, ancient mysticism and knowledge, karma and reincarnation. Call him in to help
you understand the principles of Reincarnation and Yin/Yang balance.
Joachim also known as the Father of Mother Mary, He represents humor, wisdom and humanity.
He encourages the use of human traits for higher intentions. Call him in for a human and humorous
aspect on higher knowledge.
For more Use link:
Maybe these paragraphs from Wikipedia will explain the variation of numbers for both. -- An
Ascended Master is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation and is thereby capable of
dwelling on the 6th dimension. An "Ascended Master" is a human being who has regained full
union with his "Mighty I AM Presence." When a human being has regained full union with his
"Mighty I AM Presence," that state of full union is referred to as "Ascension." Technically, a human
being "ascends" when he takes the Sixth Initiation, and not before then.
A "Chohan" (Lord) of a "Ray" is an Ascended Master who has been placed in charge of one of the
12 "Rays" (until recently, 7 Rays were generally known, and 5 Rays were "secret"), due to having
an extraordinary natural spiritual affinity for that Ray. A "Ray" is a concentrated stream of spiritual
energy emanating, ultimately, from the Godhead. Each "Ray" is the embodiment or expression of
one of the 12 great God-Qualities, such as Divine Will, Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, etc. The
"Chohans (Lords) of the Rays" thus constitute a special grouping of Ascended Masters (Sixth Level
Initiates). - Wikipedia
You may notice there is an apparent correlation, between both the colors and numbers of the
Chakras, the Auric Fields, DNA, Dimensions. Thus one may assume that numbers of each increase
as we attain higher levels of consciousness/enlightenment.
For the sake of brevity, we will limit this chapter to the 7 and 12 Rays and the Chohan" (Lord) of

12 Sacred Colors according to Sacred Geometry

The Rays, the divine evolutions of peoples and planets, are represented by 7 colors (new age) and
more 5 colors (solar rays). The colors of new age and solar rays are (in order):
New Age Rays
1. Blue (Willpower, Faith. Material Goods): Master El Moriah (absent), God Thor and
2. Yellow (Discipline, Intelligence): Master Lanto
3. Rose (Beauty, Genius): Master Roweena;
4. White (Ascension, Peace, and Spiritualization): Master Seraphis Bay;
5. Green (Prosperity, Nature): Pan (the members of this radius do not like be dealing with
differences) and Hilarion;
6. Red (Sacrifice): Master Jesus Christ, Master Virgin Mary;
7. Violet (New Age, True Magick, Technology, Transmutation): Master St Germain.
The Solar Rays (almost unreachable for humans)
8. Turquoise (Clarity): Master Kenich Ahan;
9. Magenta (Miracle Divine): Master Lady Magnus (South Pole) and Master Polaris (North Pole);
10. Gold (Materialization of Riches): Divinity Gold and God Alexia;
11. Orange (Nirvana): Master El Moriah;
12. Opaline (Renewal, Rejuvenation): Lord Gautama.

Variations may be found at these links:


How do We Contact the Ascended Masters?

Actually the answer is simple. Just ask. Ascended Masters can be contacted any time you need an
answer to a challenging question or guidance in a difficult area. You will need an open heart and
sincere desire for their help and guidance when you call.
An Ascended Master NEVER commands or condemns us. Respect is always given and received by
Self and Spirit.
Exercise to Contact an Ascended Master
I like to play some soft, relaxing music in the background. Some also suggest holding a clear quartz
crystal to enhance the connection. I prefer to use the Amethyst for any activity in the higher
1. Begin this session as we do with all Spiritual work, first protection, and then we activate our
Chakras. As we do our deep breathing for relaxation, we can call our Higher Self personal Spirit
Guides, or other higher spirits, to help us with this exercise.
2. We see our consciousness moving up a silver chord from our Crown Chakra to enter violet
colored room. Pause for a moment to allow that violet light to flow through our astral body.
3. Now we ask for an Ascended Master to come forward, the one who will assist us with our
situation. We see and feel a beautiful Being approaching us, radiating pure, unconditional love.
4. Look into the face of the Ascended Master, hold His or Her hands, feel their embrace.
5. Greet the Ascended Master mentally and hear His/Her melodious voice speak to us.
We may now ask guidance from the Ascended Master on any issue, personal or spiritual.
6. When we are comfortable with The Ascended Masters energy, allow it to gently merge with you.
We can feel ourselves expanding with love, harmony and knowledge.
This may feel like a soothing hug or the Ascended Master is flowing into our Crown Chakra. This
feeling can be rather intense and we may only be able to maintain this contact for short periods of a
few minutes, but in time, we will be able to hold the contact for several hours.
7. When we have finished our visit, we thank the Ascended Master, gently detach from each other
and prepare to leave for our physical self.
8. We now leave the violet room and glide back down the silver chord to our crown chakra, and
our physical self.
10. Take a few deep breaths, dink a glass of water and ground ourselves.
Write down the degree of our contact with the Ascended Master think of ways we might increase
the effect and contact.


For Additional Information:

This link provides a list of many of the Ascended Masters and should help you decide from which
Master you would like to request assistance.
This link is another source for more in-depth information
For additional information, you might want to read:
(All are available free in pdf format on the internet)
The Mystery of Being an excerpt from The Secret Doctrine
Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King


Chapter 17 - Angels, Guardian Angels, Arch Angels

Is their a hierarchy among the Angels? According the Angelology of different religions, there
may be a ranking of angels (up to 9 levels), with the higher ranks having greater abilities and
authority over lower ranks. Each rank is thought to be unique in, such as different numbers of
wings or faces.
Spiritual Hierarchy of the Angelic Kingdom
In Jewish lore, Angel Princes governed not only the seven heavens, but the angelic orders as well.
The following list includes some of the Angels and their Order (You may notice that some Angels
are included in several of the orders):
Seraphim: Michael, Metatron, Uriel, Seraphiel
Cherubim: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zophiel
Thrones: Zaphkiel, Raziel, Orifiel, and Jophiel
Dominations: Zadkiel, Zacharel, and Muriel
Virtues: Gabriel, Michael, Uzziel, Tarshish, Sabriel, and Peliel
Powers: Camael, Gabriel, Verchiel
Principalities: Amael, Nisroch, and Haniel
Archangels: Metatron, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Barachiel, Jehudiel
Angels: Gabriel, Chayyliel, Phaleg, and Adnachiel
In this Chapter we will focus on only the Angels, Guardian Angels, and Archangels. (This link
offers a more in-depth look at the Angel Hierarchy.)
What is an Angel?
We often think of Angel as a pure spirit created by the Divine. However a look at the origin of
term, Angel, suggests that Angels may manifest in many forms.
The English word "angel" comes from the Greek Angelos, which means 'messenger'. The Hebrew
word for "angel" is Malak, also meaning 'messenger'.
Although the word "angel" in the Bible, meaning a messenger, nearly always applies to heavenly
beings, it is occasionally applied to human messengers as well. Malachi (a Hebrew prophet who
took his name from Malak, (meaning that he was a messenger for the Divine), said a priest was a
messenger (Malak) of the LORD of hosts (Malachi 2:7), and in the Book of Revelation the elders
of the seven churches of Asia were called angels. Angels are usually thought of as benevolent
celestial beings who act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding
Angels are often shown in art human form, feathered wings on their backs and halos around their
heads, wearing robes, surrounded by various forms of glowing light. The term "angel" is not
limited to Hebrew or Christian traditions; its also used to identify many various spirits found in
many other religious traditions. Mercury and Hermes are two of those in Roman and Greek
mythologies identified as messengers of the gods and with wings on their ankles.

Some other winged messengers from Spirit also fitting the definition of Angels, yet not in the
human form, are Crow or Raven, Owl, Swan. Many believe Angels come in a variety of forms,
from helpful animals to mysterious strangers, from glorious heavenly angels to earth angels, human
beings who generously help others.
However, not all agree that Angels are literally winged beings. Some believe that Angels dont
actually have wings. They argue that art work and descriptions showing the robes, halos and wings
use those symbols to have no other meaning than to indicate the sublimity of the nature of these
Divine Beings. In fact Mormon founder Joseph Smith state that "An angels of God never have
Angels Among Us
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people has entertained angels without
knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)
More Americans believe in angels than those who believe in global warming. A survey in Canada
shows that 2/3 of Canadians also believe in angels. Studies in other nations show this is a global
A 2002 study in the UK, interviewed people who said had experienced contact with an angel. They
talked having visions, sometimes with multiple witnesses present or voices with warnings. Some
they had felt like someone was touching them, or felt they were being pushed, or lifted, usually to
avoid a dangerous situation. Many also reported smelling a pleasant fragrance, often like a message
of someones death. Most said these sensations were caused by Angels appearing in a variety of
forms, the "classical" human-like appearance with wings), or the form of extraordinarily beautiful,
radiant human beings, or as beings of light.


Most of us have either had similar experiences or know someone who has. One long-distance truck
driver I know had a heart attack while driving his truck on a crowded highway in Arizona. He said
he felt a sharp pain, then everything went dark, then he felt someone move him from the drivers
seat to the passenger side. He said he saw someone, something, driving the truck to a hospital. No
one saw who drove the truck, saying that it was impossible for him to do so in his condition.
I know another lady who was involved in a car accident, her two children in the back seat. The car
rolled over, began smoking then burst into flames. She said she felt someone carrying her through
those flames and two other bright lights carrying each of her kids to safety, as soon as all 3 were
safe, the 3 lights dimmed and disappeared.
Angels on Film?

An angelic cloud caught on camera after

two children threw some sand in the air.
Do Angels really walk among us? Even though weve heard the stories, are they real or just
coincidence and imaginations? Many are determined that Angels are real, and they are all around
us. Many photographs and videos are offered in proof of that belief.


Guardian Angels

"Guardian Angel by Bernhard Plockhorst

The belief in Spiritual Guardians, Guardian Angels, has existed throughout history and among all
cultures around the world. St. Jerome described the concept of heavenly guardians this way, In
the "mind of the Church, how great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an
angel commissioned to guard it".
We dont need to wait for Divine Intervention to call on our Guardian Angels, or any angel for that
matter. Meditation exercises to call upon the angels will follow the section about Archangels,
however here some traditional prayers to one's Guardian Angel:
Angel of God, my guardian dear
to whom God's love commits me here.
Ever this day/night be at my side
to light, to guard, to rule and guide.
Another might be:
O Angel of Christ, my holy Guardian and Protector of my soul and body,
forgive me all my sins of today. Deliver me from all the wiles of the enemy, that I may not anger
my God by any sin. Pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant, that thou mayest present me
worthy of the kindness and mercy of the All-holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus
Christ, and of all the Saints.


Believers say that God has assigned guardian angels to protect each individual person on Earth,
but He often sends Archangels to accomplish earthly tasks of a larger scale.
Although Archangels are believed to rank very highly among the heavenly host, the Bible only
mentions 3 angels by name; Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael. Other religious texts, Islamic, Jewish,
and several other sacred writings add to those 3, although the numbers vary. The following list
includes the more accepted names and their specialties:
Judeo-Christian Archangels

Archangel Ariel ~ Ariel means "altar" or "lion of God." She is known as the angel of nature,
taking care of the environment, protecting all animals and plants. As well as the elements,
stone, water, wind, and fire. She is the Patron Angel for Environmentalist and Veterinarians
and all those who work with nature.
Archangel Azriel ~ Azriels name means 'Whom God helps'. Azriel's role is primarily to cross
people over to heaven at the time of physical death. Azriel comforts people prior to their physical
death, ensures they do not suffer during death, and helps them to assimilate on the other side. He
also brings Universal Healing Energy, love and comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a
loved one. Azriel is the Patron Angel of the Clergy.
Archangel Chamuel ~ Chamuel's name means "He who sees God' or 'He who seeks God'.
Chamuel is known as the angel of peaceful relationships. We can ask Chamuel to help us discover
more about Gods love, find inner peace, resolve conflicts with others, forgive people who have
hurt or offended them, find and nurture both unconditional and romantic love, and help us find
peace. He is called the Patron Angel of all who love God
Archangel Gabriel ~ Gabriel's name means God is my strength or Man of God. Archangel
Gabriel is sometimes called the Messenger of Messengers because he was often chosen to deliver
important messages to people. Gabriel is Patron Angel of all who work in the field of
communications, also Postal workers and clergy.

Archangel Haniel ~ Haniel's name means 'Glory of God.' He helps us recover lost secrets of
natural healing remedies. Haniel also helps us enjoy more grace in our lives. We can ask Haniel to
add beauty, harmony, and bring wonderful friends to our life. Moon energy, clairvoyance and grace.
- Archangel Jeremiel ~ Jeremiel's name means 'Mercy of God' In addition to being an archangel of
prophetic vision's, Jeremiel helps newly-crossed over souls to review their lives. He helps those still
living to take an inventory of their life, to be able to make positive adjustments. Visions, life review
and psychic dreams.
Archangel Jophiel ~ Jophiel's name means 'Beauty of God'. Jophiel helps us to think beautiful
thoughts and to therefore create, manifest, and attract more beauty into our lives. Illumination,
wisdom and perception. Thoughts of beauty and love. Patron Angel of Artists
Archangel Metatron ~ Archangel Metatron and his twin brother Sandalphon are the only
archangels who were once mortal men. Metatron ascended after his life as prophet and scribe
Enoch. Archangel Metatron is the Divine Record-keeper, responsible for recording everything that
happens upon earth within the Akashic records a.k.a. The Book of Life. His duties include Unity,
education and truth, owning your own power. He is considered to be the Patron Angel of Small
Archangel Michael ~ Michael's name means 'He who is like God' or 'He who looks like God' His
chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael gives
guidance and direction for people who need help or assistance in their life's purpose or career
path ... to clarify or to make changes. Defender of the Element of Fire and of the South. Leader of
the Archangels, he is the Angel of protection, justice & strength. Protection, courage, power and
strength. Archangel Michael gives you protection, and encourages you to make life changes that are
required for your spiritual growth. If your space needs clearing call upon Archangel Michael. Patron
Angel of Law Enforcement and the Military
Archangel Raguel ~ Raguel's name means 'Friend of God' His chief role in heaven is to oversee all
of the other archangels and angels, to ensure that they're all working together in a harmonious and
orderly fashion, according to Divine order and will. If you need help in creating harmony and
resolving conflicts, call upon Raguel.
Archangel Raphael ~ Raphael's name means 'God heals' or 'God has healed' based upon the
Hebrew word, Rapha, which means 'doctor' or 'healer' Raphael is a powerful healer of physical
bodies, both for humans and animals. Defender of the Element of Air and of the East. He is the
Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, custodian of the Tree of Life and of Healing Powers. He helps
you heal your mind, thoughts, body, and soul. Those suffering from addictions would benefit asking
Archangel Raphael for assistance. Patron Angel of all those in the field of Medicine.
Archangel Raziel ~ Raziel's name means 'secret of God' because he works so closely with God that
he knows all of the secrets of the universe, and how it operates. Raziel can help you too understand
esoteric material and increase you ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. Alchemy,
divine magic and manifesting. Patron Angel of Law Makers and Lawyers.
Archangel Sandalphon ~ Archangel Sandalphon and his twin brother, Metatron are the only
archangels who were once mortal men. Sandalphon lived as the prophet Elijah and Metatron was
the wise scribe Enoch. Elijah made his ascension to heaven via a horse drawn chariot of fire and
light. Sandalphon's chief role is to carry human prayers to God. Patron Angel of music.


Archangel Uriel ~ Uriel's name means 'God is light' 'Gods light' or 'Fire of God' because he
illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. Perhaps because of his
connection to Noah, and the weather elements of thunder and lightening, Uriel is considered an
archangel who helps us with natural disaster. Call upon archangel Uriel to avert such events, or to
heal and recover in their aftermath. Defender of the element of earth and of the north. Angel of
nature, visions and instruction and the custodian of prophecy. Peace & ministration, spiritual
understanding, students with their test and studies and problem solving. A patron angel of literature
and music.
Archangel Zadkiel ~ Zadkiel's name means 'The righteousness of God' Zadkiel can help you hold
mercy and compassion towards yourself and others, and let go of judgments and unforgivingness.
To forgive yourself or someone else, ask Zadkiel for help. He is the Archangel of
invocation, transformation. Angel of freedom, benevolence, mercy, and Patron Angel of all who
Other Interesting Angel Beliefs
Angels of the Week
Some angels have been watch over the seven weekdays. These angels give their particular day
special attention and may be called to assist a person in some endeavor or need. The Angels of the
weekdays as listed in by Francis Barrett in The Magus (1801):
Angels of the Zodiac
Certain angels have also been assigned to who watch over the twelve signs of the zodiac. These are
considered to be the same for the months of the year. The angels of the zodiac are:
Aries: Machidiel
Taurus: Asmodel
Gemini: Ambriel
Cancer: Muriel
Leo: Verchiel
Virgo: Hamaliel
Libra: Uriel
Scorpio: Barbiel
Sagittarius: Adnachie
Capricorn: Hanael
Aquarius: Gabriel
Pisces: Barchiel


Interacting with the Angels

Remember Angels are always ready to comfort, advise, help us any time and any place. We only
need to ask by simply sending out a mental request and they will be there. WE are important to
Doreen Virtue offers this meditation exercise to establish that contact:
Meditation Transcript
We begin by taking in a very deep breath and inhaling all of the good energy from the angels and
on the exhale, letting go of anything that could be stressing or bothering us.
Just letting it go. (Exhale)
And as we continue to breathe in and out very deeply, we call upon your guardian angels and the
archangels to make their presence known.
And perhaps you can feel them around your shoulders, your head, your heart, or other parts of your
body, feeling them as a tingling or warmth or just a feeling generally of safety and peace.
And even if you cant exactly feel them right at this moment, know that they are with you and ready
and willing to help you with whatever will bring you peace. So if you think of a question that you
have for the angels or any requests for their help, and just take a moment and mentally ask this of
your angel, now.
And we let this question, this request, go to your angels.
We let go of any worries about how your prayer will be answered and we trust in the infinite
wisdom of the divine infinite mind of God, who gives all messages to you and from you through
these beautiful, glorious angels.
We ask the angels to surround you with extra insulation of protective love, helping you all
throughout the day to have glorious experiences, wonderful new experiences and opportunities, and
just feel the peace of God within your heart and your mind, today.
YouTube has several guided meditation to meet your Guardian Angel, if you prefer to use
Lisa Beachy:
Doreen Virtue:


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