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2013 A Level Math P1 Tested Tpoics

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Topics tested /Not tested in 2013 H2 Math Paper 1

In general, the following topics have not been tested yet. For detailed analysis, please refer to the table below.
(1) Functions
(2) Maclaurin Series + Binomial Expansion
(3) Maxima/Minima + Rate of Change (but seldom tested)
(4) Transformations/Further Curves Sketching
(5) Recurrence Sequences
(6) Vectors (questions on lines, though they usually involve planes with column vectors given)
(7) Integration - by parts and volume of revolution



Functions and graphs

Concept of function, domain and range
Find inverse functions
Conditions for existence of inverse functions
Find composite functions
Conditions for existence of composite functions
Relationship b/w function and its inverse as
reflection in the line y = x


1.2 Graphing Techniques

1.2.1 Use of GC to graph a given function
Relating the equation of (x/a)2 (y/b)2 = 1 with its
1.2.2 graph



Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested

Not tested
Tested in Q5



Relating the equation of y = (ax + b)/(cx + d) with its

Relating the equation of y = (ax2 + bx + c)/ (dx + e)
with its graph
Characteristics of graphs such as symmetry,
intersection with axes, turning points and asympotes
Determinating equations of asymptotes, axes of
symmetry amd restrictions on the possible values of
x and/or y
Effect of transformation on the graphs of y = f(x) as
represented by y = af(x)
Effect of transformation on the graphs of y = f(x) as
represented by y = f(x) + a
Effect of transformation on the graphs of y = f(x) as
represented by y = f(x + a)
Effect of transformation on the graphs of y = f(x) as
represented by y = f(ax)
Relating the graphs of y = |f(x)| to y = f(x)
Relating the graphs of y = f(|x|) to y = f(x)
Relating the graphs of y = 1/f(x) to y = f(x)

1.2.14 Relating the graphs of y2 = f(x) to y = f(x)

1.2.15 Simple parametric equations and their graphs
1.3 Equations and Inequalities
Solving inequalities of the form f(x)/g(x) > 0 where f,g
are quadratic expressions that are factorisable or
1.3.1 always positive
1.3.2 Solving inequalities by graphical methods
Formulating an equation or system of linear
1.3.3 equations from a problem situation
1.3.4 Finding the numerial solution of equations using a

Tested in Q3
Tested in Q2
Tested in Q3

This is a general concept that may

reappear in P2

Tested in Q2/3

This is a general concept that may

reappear in P2
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested

Concept was present in Q11

Tested in Q3
Tested in Q3
SOLE was used in Q1
SOLE was used in Q1

This is a general concept that may

reappear in P2
This is a general concept that may


reappear in P2

2 Sequences and Series

2.1 Summation of Series

Relationship between Un and Sn

Sequence given by formula for the nth term
Sequence generated by recurrance formula of the
form xn+1 = f(xn)
Use of the notation
Summation of seies by MOD
Convergence of series and sum to infinity

Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Tested in Q9
Tested in Q9
Not tested

Binomial expansion of (1 + x) for any rational n

Condition for convergence of a binomial series
Proof by method of MI

2.2 Arithmetic and Geometric Series

Formula for the nth term and the sum of a finite
2.2.1 arithmetic series
Formula for the nth term and the sum of a finite
2.2.2 geometric series
Condition for convergence of an infinite geometric
2.2.3 series
Formula for the sum to infinity of a convergent
2.2.4 geometric series
2.2.5 Solving practical problems involving APs and GPs
3 Vectors
3.1 Vectors in 2 and 3 Dimension
Addition and subtraction of vectors, multiplication of
3.1.1 a vector by a scalar, and their geometric

Not tested
Not tested
Tested in Q9

Not tested
Tested in Q7
Concept was present in Q7
Tested in Q7
Only GP problems were seen in P1

Tested in Q6

This is a general concept that may

reappear in P2


Use of notation such as (x y), (x y z), xi + yj, xi + yj +
zk, AB, a


Position vectors and displacement vectors


Magnitude of a vector


Unit vectors
Distance b/w 2 points
Angle between a vector and the x, y or z axis
Use of the ratio theorem in geometrical applications

3.2 The Scalar and Vector Products of Vectors

Concepts of scalar products and vector products of
3.2.1 vectors
Calculation of the magnitude of a vector and the
3.2.2 angle between 2 directions
3.2.3 Calculation of the area of triangle or parallelogram
Other Geometrical meanings of |ab| and |ab|
where b is a unit vector (eg. Length of projection and
3.2.4 perpendicular length)

This is a general concept that may

reappear in P2
This is a general concept that may
reappear in P2
This is a general concept that may
reappear in P2
This is a general concept that may
reappear in P2
Not tested
Not tested
Tested in Q6

Concept was present in Q6

This is a general concept that may reappear in

Not tested

Tested in Q6
Not tested

3.3 Three-Dimnesional Geometry


Vector and cartesian equations of lines and planes

Finding the distance from a point to a line or to a
Finding the angle b/w 2 lines, b/w a line and a plane,
or b/w 2 planes
Relationship b/w 2 lines (coplanar or skew)

Tested in Q1

Equations of planes were seen in Q1 but

equations of lines were absent from P1
Not tested
Not tested
Not tested


Relationship b/w a line and a plane

Relationship b/w 2 planes
Relationship b/w 3 planes
Finding the intersections of lines and planes

4 Complex Numbers
4.1 Complex numbers expressed in cartesian form
Extension of the number system from real numbers
4.1.1 to complex numbers

Complex roots of quadratic equations

Four operations of complex numbers expressed in
the form x + iy
Equating real and imaginary parts
Conjugate roots of a polynomial equation with real

4.2 Complex numbers expressed in polar form

Complex numbers expressed in the form r(cos +
4.2.1 isin) or rei where r > 0 and - <
Calculation of modulus and argument of a complex
4.2.2 number
Multiplication and division of 2 complex numbers
4.2.3 expressed in polar form
Representation of complex numbers in the Argand
4.2.4 diagram
Geometric effects of conjugating a complex number
and of adding, subtracting, multipling, dividing 2
4.2.5 complex numbers
Loci such as |z - c| r, |z - a| = |z - b| and arg(z - a) =

Not tested
Not tested
Tested in Q1
Tested in Q1

Concept was present in Q4

This is a general concept that may reappear in
Concept of roots was present in
This is a general concept that may reappear in
Tested in Q4
Tested in Q4

Concept was present in Q8

Tested in Q8
Tested in Q8
Tested in Q8

This is a general concept that may reappear in


Tested in Q8
Not tested

5 Calculus
5.1 Differentiation
Graphical interpretation of f(x) > 0, f(x) = 0 and
5.1.1 f(x)< 0
5.1.2 Graphical interpretation of f(x) > 0 and f(x) < 0
5.1.3 Relating the graph of y = f(x) to the graph of y = f(x)
Differentiation of simple functions defined implicitly
5.1.4 or parametrically
Finding the numerical value of a derivative at a point
5.1.5 using a GC
5.1.6 Finding equations of tangents and normals to curves
Solving practical problems involving differentiation
5.1.7 (Max/Min) + rate of change

Not tested
Not tested
Not tested
Tested in Q11
Not tested
Tested in Q11
Not tested

5.2 Maclaurin's Series

Derivation of the first few terms of the series
expansion of (1 + x)^n, ex, sin x, ln(1 + x) and other
5.2.1 simple functions
Finding the first few terms of the series expansion of
sums and products of functions, e.g. e^x cos2x, using
5.2.2 standard series

Not tested

Not tested

Sin x x, cos x 1 - 1/2x2, tan x x

Concepts of convergence and approximation

Not tested
Not tested

5.3 Integration Techniques

5.3.1 Integration of f/f

Not tested

Integration of sin2x, cos2x and tan2x


2 0.5

Integration of 1/(a + x ), 1/(a - x )

Concept seen in Q5

, 1/(a - x ) and

Not tested

1/(x2 - a2)

Integration by a given substitution

Integration by parts


Definite Integrals
Concept of definite integral as a limit of sum
Definite Integrals as the area under a curve
Evaluation of definite integrals
Finding the area of a region bounded by a curve and
lines parallel to the coordinate axes, b/w a curve and
a line or b/w 2 curves
Area below the x-axis
Finding the area under a curve parametrically
Finding the volume of revolution about the x or y
Finding the numerical value of a definite integral
using a GC


5.5 Differential Equations

= f(x)
= f(y)
5.5.3 Solving
= f(x)
5.5.4 Formulating a DE from a problem situtation
Use of a family of solution curves to represent the
5.5.5 general solution of a DE
5.5.6 Use of an initial condition to find a particular solution
Interpretation of a solution in terms of the problem
5.5.7 situation

Tested in Q5
Not tested

Tested in Q11
Concept was present in Q11
Tested in Q11
Not tested
Tested in Q11
Not tested
Not tested

Tested in Q10
Concept present in Q10
Concept present in Q10
Tested in Q10
Tested in Q10
Concept present in Q10
Concept present in Q10

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