November 2016 Newsletter

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Duclos News

November 2016 T: 780-826-3992 Email: [email protected]

Developing Mind and Character in a Safe, Caring

and Learning Environment
Duclos School Remembrance Day Ceremony
Thursday, November 10th at 10:30 a.m.

Upcoming Events

Parents are welcome to attend. Remembrance Day

Poppies are available at the school for a donation to
the Legion Poppy Fund.

November 2
School Spirit Day

Progress Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews

November 3
Fall Retake Picture Day

Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November 22.

Hot Lunch Subway

Parent - Teacher Interviews will be held on:

November 10
Duclos Remembrance Day
Ceremony at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, November 23 from 4:30 p.m. 7:45 p. m.

Thursday November 24 from 4:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Book your appointment online, its easy!
Please remember to sign in online at and book
your appointment. (your name will not appear when you book, but
the teacher will see this information).
If you are unable to book online, please call the school at 826-3992.
Duclos School Council
Wendy McInnes is the Duclos School Council Chair for
the 2015-2016 school year.
You can email Wendy at [email protected]
Please email Wendy by November 22 with suggested school council
agenda items to be considered for the next meeting.
The next school council meeting is on November 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Remembrance Day Lest We Forget!

Hot Lunch Happy Valley

November 11
Remembrance Day No
November 17
Hot Lunch Express Pizza
November 24
Hot Lunch Yums The Word
November 25
Family Friday No School
November 29
School Council Meeting at
6:30 p.m
November 30
Crazy Hat Day
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Thank you!
Thanks to Mrs. Helen Cameron for her donation of many sets of
hand knitted toques and mittens. These are given out to students
at our school who may need them as the weather gets colder.
Thanks for your kindness and generosity.

My Parent Read the Newsletter Contest

Bookaneer Book Fair

November 21: 8:30 am 4:00 pm
November 22: 8:30 am 4:00 pm
November 23: 8:30 am 8:00 pm
November 24: 8:30 am 2:00 pm

Students - Ask your parents to read the newsletter, and fill out this
entry. Please return this entry to Duclos School. Entries go into a
draw and lucky winners choose a prize from the Treasure Box at
the assembly. Good Luck! If you have an emailed newsletter, you
can print and send in the entry, or send a note paper with:
Students Name: ____________________________________
Classroom: _________________________________________
Parents Signature: ___________________________________

Duclos Annual Cancer Run and Walk

Duclos held our Annual Cancer Run and Walk on Friday, September
30th. Thank you for your generous donations. Duclos raised $3968.80
for the Bonnyville Cancer Clinic.
Good Behavior Award Winners from October Congratulations!
Thanks to all students who receive Good Behaviour Awards every
week. There are hundreds of positive behaviours on display on the
Good Behaviour Tree on the wall beside the library. Stop by to see
how Duclos students SHINE!
Four lucky students were chosen for lunch at A&W with
Mr. Cameron. Congratulations to our October winners:
1G Sierra Witwicky

2T Corbin Wells

3W Zac Slywka

4I Elisabeth Pilisko

Duclos Website
Please sign up for our
Newsletter by visiting our
website at:
Duclos has a Twitter account!
Be sure to follow us for
Please feel free to Like us
on Facebook. You can find
us at Duclos School NLSD #69.

Christmas Concert!
December 14th and
December 15th.

Remembrance Day Lest We Forget!

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Operation Education
Operation Education is a co-operative fundraising initiative that
partners Duclos School and Boston Pizza to earn cash back. Staff,
students and families can dine at any Northern Alberta Boston Pizza
and help Duclos earn 5% cash back on the pre-tax total of
submitted receipts (Only original receipts are accepted).
It's as easy as eat, save and submit!
1. Eat at Boston Pizza between September 1, 2016 and December
31, 2016
2. Save your receipts!
3. Submit your receipts to Duclos School by January 10, 2017
The colder weather is here! Remember: all
students are expected to go outside at recess,
with the exception of temperatures below -25C or high wind chill
factors or rain. As the weather gets colder, Duclos staff reminds
parents to dress children in proper outerwear that is suitable for the
weather. All students should have a warm winter coat, winter boots,
snow pants, toques and mitts.
Friendship Fridays
Duclos grade 3 students are promoting a wonderful community
service project. The Bonnyville Friendship Center Food Bank needs
donations. If people in our community need food, they can go to
the Bonnyville Friendship Center and get help.

School Cash is now open for
donations for our new accessible
sensory playground.
Do you have questions about
Duclos School?
Please be sure to find our Duclos
Student and Parent Handbook
posted on our website.
You can find the 2016-2017
Handbook by clicking on
Documents and find the
Handbook link.
Fact! School Cash Online
Did you know that parents at
Duclos School pay school fees, hot
lunch, milk program, and other
purchases online using School
Cash? Register now!
For your convenience please sign
up for School Cash Online:
If you would like an Email copy of
the Newsletter. Please Subscribe to
School Updates at:

We thought it would be a great idea if Duclos School could donate

some food items to help fill their shelves.
We want to show our community that we SHINE and that students at
Duclos show empathy. The grade three classes started a service
learning project called Friendship Fridays. Every Friday please bring in
something for the food bank at the Friendship Center. Canned
foods, cereals, macaroni and cheese are some examples. Help us
show empathy and donate food on Friendship Fridays! Friendship
Fridays will continue for the next few weeks.

Shine with us!

Remembrance Day Lest We Forget!

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New Duclos Playground: Accessible Play Spaces for ALL Students

Exciting news for our students and for our school. Duclos School has completed the new playground
and it is ready for our students.
The purpose for designing and building accessible, special needs / sensory equipment is to create a
play area for all students and for those with sensory needs and mobility issues. An accessible and
inclusive playground means it is as easy as possible for everyone to play, regardless of their abilities
or disabilities. New playgrounds are built with consideration for accessibility and usability, giving all
students opportunities to discover unique pieces of inclusive playground equipment.
This project is funded by a loan from the Northern Lights Board of Trustees. We are fundraising and
requesting donations to pay back the loan. The project costs $105,000. This amount covers the
cost of the playground project: play structures, equipment, excavation, border area, fill material,
and the installation.
Cheques can be payable to Northern Lights School Division. Northern Lights will issue registered
charity receipts for donations of $20 or more. We will be proud to list all donors on a recognition
Thank you for your consideration and for your support of this project. We look forward completing
this project and to meeting the needs of all students in a welcoming and inclusive play
Please feel free to contact principal, Richard Cameron, with any questions you may have or to
inquire about making a personal or business donation.
Playground Project we thank you for your support and help!
Skye and Bob Christians donated time, labour, and equipment to help remove and haul away the
dirt from the site, and to spread the fill material. Thanks very much!
Ray Miller donated time, labour and materials to build the forms to pour the concrete for the border
area allowing easy access. Thanks very much!
Lafarge Concrete donated the concrete for the border curb to build an easy access point on the
new playground. Thanks very much!
Flint Beaulac finished the concrete and removed the forms for the curb. He gave us a reduced rate
for his labour. Thanks very much!
Chad Bordeleau of Trademark Plumbing & Heating Ltd for donating rolls of safety fencing to mark off
the playground work site during installation. Thanks very much!
Bob McRae and NLSD Maintenance for their help with the project, including setting up and removing
the safety fence. Thanks very much!

Remembrance Day Lest We Forget!

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate circumstances around the
world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Duclos School is
happy to be participating
again this year. It is one important way for our
students to learn about sharing
and caring. You are welcome to begin making
donations at the school. Your
donations for the shoeboxes or donations of money
to help with shipping can be
made up to November 17 . Please note that there is no food and candy allowed in shoeboxes. It
takes $7.00 to ship each box. You can visit the official site at:
Healthy Living thinking about head lice?
As fall and winter come it seems that head lice might show up too. Head lice is sometimes found in
schools, and we are always monitoring and checking to avoid it spreading.
Like all schools, Duclos School will at times have cases of head lice. To keep head lice in check
requires the support and care of parents and the school. Parents are requested to regularly check
their children for head lice.
The school checks when there is a suspected case of head lice. Students who are absent are
checked upon their return to school. Students found to have live lice are sent home to be treated.
Parents are informed when there are nits. All nits are to be picked clean to help prevent reinfestation and spreading.
For more information, see the attached Fact Sheet, or contact public health at 780-826-3381, or go
to the My Health Alberta website:
Fundraiser at Camrose Casino Needs Volunteers on November 18 and 19
Duclos and HEB Support Group Foundation needs volunteers to work at a Casino! The Foundation
can make up to $20,000 or more to benefit our schools.
We need about 12 volunteers (9 for each day and 2 or 3 on standby) to work at the Camrose
Casino on Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th. You are trained when you arrive by
Casino staff. The hotels are booked and paid for. You will get a food voucher/daily food allowance.
Please contact the school at (780)826-3992 or Erin Stefure at [email protected] as soon as
Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report
Please note that the Duclos School Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR) is
available for you to read on the school website. You can find our Education Plan and Results
Report at this link:
Or go to our Duclos School home page and click on Documents to find the link to the Education
Plan and Results Report page. Thanks for your interest.

Remembrance Day Lest We Forget!

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