Humanity Shanda Glover
Humanity Shanda Glover
Humanity Shanda Glover
What gives humans the right to hunt and kill
androids because they want to exist like us?
I want to focus on that question. If humans
have the ability to feel the broad spectrum of
emotion, then that means they feel hatred,
and rage, allowing power itself to become an
emotion so strong it can lead a person to kill.
However, the androids in the
film and in the novel want to
live. They come back to earth to
live a life similar to the human
counterparts. They feel nothing,
supposedly, and because of this
they cannot live. We feel
everything, supposedly, and
because of this we kill.
What makes us human?
Works Cited
Bremnar, Kyla. "Philip K Dick's Human Vision." August 1999. The Ethical Spectacle.
Document. November 2016.
Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep. New York: A Del Rey , 1968. Print.
Newton, Michael. "Tears in the rain: Why Blade Runner is Timeless." March 2015. The
Guardian. Document. November 2016.
Whitehead, John. "Blade Runner: what does it mean to be human?" September 2007. The
Rutherford Institute. Document. November 2016.