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Best Method To Balance Torque Loadings On A Pumping Unit Gearbox

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PAPER 2004-132


Best Method to Balance Torque Loadings

On a Pumping Unit Gearbox
Echometer Company

Echometer Company

University of Texas
This paper is to be presented at the Petroleum Societys 5 th Canadian International Petroleum Conference (55th Annual Technical
Meeting), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 8 10, 2004. Discussion of this paper is invited and may be presented at the meeting if
filed in writing with the technical program chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. This paper and any discussion filed will
be considered for publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre-print and subject to

In general there are three methods available to the operator
to determine the net torque loadings on a pumping units
gearbox. Two dynamic methods determine the instantaneous
torque throughout the pumping cycle: method 1) Combines the
measured surface dynamometer card and calculated torque
factors together with measured or calculated counterbalance
moments from the crank and weights and method 2) uses
measured motor power with motor and drive efficiencies and
the pumping unit speed to determine gearbox torque.
Performing a counter balance effect, CBE, test is a direct
method of determining net gearbox torque at a specific crank
position to estimate the counterbalance moment; this static test
is where the cranks and counter weights are held level until no
upward or downward movement is noticed when the break is
released. Field case studies of applying all three methods to
determining gearbox torque are presented in this paper. The
pros and cons of using each method are discussed

The oldest and most common method of artificial lift used
for producing oil wells is sucker rod pumping. In the United
States and Canada sucker rod lift is used in over 85% of
artificial lift wells. The sucker rod lift system is made up of
four components 1) prime mover, 2) pumping unit, 3)
counterbalance to the rod loading, and 4) sucker rods and
associated downhole equipment. The function of the pumping
unit is to change the rotating motion of the prime mover into the
vertical up and down linear pumping motion at the polished rod.
The role of the prime mover is to furnish the necessary power to
drive the system.
In a sucker rod pumping system, the polished rod work
needed to lift the fluid column is required only during the
upstroke. If the sucker rod load on the surface pumping

equipment were not counterbalanced, then the total work

required from the prime mover would be performed during the
upstroke lifting the buoyed sucker rod load and fluid load.
During the downstroke the prime mover would not be doing any
work, while the force of gravity pulls the rods and pump back
down to the bottom of the stroke. Operating in this inefficient
manner would require an extremely powerful prime mover and
gearbox. For this inefficient system, the uncounterbalanced
sucker rod load would determine the torque on the gearbox. To
improve the efficiency and to reduce the size of the prime
mover and gearbox, plus to load the gearbox more uniformly,
the sucker rod pumping system is furnished with some type of
counterbalance system, where the counterbalance load effect at
the polished rod is approximately equal to the buoyant weight
of the rods plus half the weight of the fluid load on the plunger.
The effect of the "correct" counterbalance required to equally
balance the peak upstroke and down stroke torque loads on the
gearbox, when measured as a load at the polished rod, is
approximately equal to the weight of the rods floating in fluid
plus the fluid load.

driving the motor past its synchronous speed. When negative

motor torque is displayed, then the motor is operating in a
"regenerative horsepower" mode during this part of the stroke.
The statement that What the gearbox demands, the motor
provides is fairly obvious upon inspection of Fig. 2.

Prime Mover
An important consideration in a pumping installation is the
prime mover, electric motors and internal combustion engines
are the two basic types in widespread use today. The selection
of one type of prime mover over another depends upon local
availability, fuel supply, local conditions, availability of
maintenance, and personal experience or preference. The main
advantages of electric motors over gas engines are their lower
initial cost and lower maintenance costs. Electric motors also
provide dependable all weather service and can be more easily
fitted into an automatic system. The initial cost to electrify a
well site can be large, if the well location is a long distance
from electric power providers and the cost to set the power
poles and run the wires must be paid by the operator. Gas
engines have the advantage that they can be operated using
produced lease gas for fuel. Additionally, gas engines have the
advantage of more flexible speed control and can operate over a
wider range of load conditions. Fuel costs for gas engines may
be lower than comparable energy costs for electric motors,
although as fuel power costs increase this condition may be

Balanced or Unbalanced Gearbox

For each complete stroke the net torque load on the gearbox
is cyclic, usually having two maximum peaks and two
minimum valleys.
The height of the peaks should be
approximately equal for balanced operation. Pumping unit
manufacturers use various types of counterbalancing and
mechanical features to reduce the peak gearbox torques and to
smooth out the cyclic effects of the load.

The selection of the type of prime mover has a direct impact

on the method used to balance the torque loading on the
gearbox. Only mechanical means can be used to balance
gearbox torque when the prime mover is a gas engines. If the
prime mover selected is an electric motor, then method 1) using
measured motor power with motor and drive efficiencies and
the pumping unit speed can be used to determine net gearbox
torque. Inspection of the collected power data can be used to
immediately determine, if the pumping unit system is balanced.

The pumping unit gearbox is underbalanced or rod heavy if

the upstroke peak is greater. The pumping unit gearbox is
overbalanced or weight heavy if the downstroke peak is greater.
The net gearbox torque loading on the pumping unit is balanced
if the peak upstroke torque is equal to the peak downstroke
torque. Fig. 1 shows typical torque (in-lbs) or power (kW)
signatures of a pumping unit. If the net gearbox torque on a
pumping unit is maintained in balance, then the peak torques
imposed on the motor, the peak power delivered by the motor,
and the peak current drawn by the motor are reduced, thus
reducing the power cost.

Power provided to the motor and the net torque resulting at

the gearbox are directly proportional. Measurement of power
using the power-current transducer during the pumping cycle is
a quick and simple process. The power-current transducer
consists of three voltage probes that are attached to the three
wires to the motor. Two current transducers are installed
around two of the three wires that power the motor. The powercurrent transducer assembly is compact and wires in the panel
do not need to be removed or changed in any way to install the
power-current transducer. Using power probes connected to the
panel to directly measure electric power as a function of time,
then software can use Eq. 1 to calculate net torque at the
gearbox during a pump stroke from the motor power data.1

As shown by Fig. 2 the motor torque behaves in much the

same way as the net mechanical torque on the gearbox, both
motor output torque and gearbox torque have a peak (a
maximum) and a valley (minimum) on the upstroke and
downstroke portion of the pumping cycle. The relation of the
"left" peak to the "right" peak determines whether the pumping
unit is mechanically/electrically balanced or unbalanced, and
whether the pumping unit is rod heavy (underbalanced) or
weight heavy (overbalanced). In Fig. 2 both the power and
mechanical torque data show that this unit is weight heavy
(overbalanced) and the counter weights should be moved in
from the end of the crank to balance the peak torques. The net
mechanical torque applied to the gearbox is derived from the
measured polished rod loads and the output motor torque is
derived from the power input to the motor. The relationship of
the gearbox torque to the output motor torque shows the peaks
and valleys of each parameter track closely. Also notice that
although the pumping unit is electrically and mechanically
unbalanced, when the gearbox torque exhibits negativity torque
so does the motor. The negative motor torque is caused by the
combination of moments from the various components
(including cranks, counterweights, beam, and rod loadings)

TN = 84.5 x kW x Eff / (SPM x SV) ..................................................... (1)

The power requirement on the upstroke should be balanced

against the power requirement on the downstroke for uniform
loading on the gearbox and for more efficient operations. When
using power to balance net gearbox torque loadings on the
pumping unit the operator does not need to know the pumping
unit API dimensions, weight of counterbalance, or center of
gravities; simply all that is needed, is to know is the weight of
the counterbalance that must be moved. Direct measurement of
electrical power at the motor during a pump stroke provides a
very simple and accurate determination of the net gearbox
torque. Power measurement corresponds to measurement of the

resultant torque, which is the combination of the load

transmitted from the polished rod acting on the crank arm, with
the torque generated by the counterbalance and including the
dynamic torque due to the inertia effects.

Gearbox Torque From the Surface

Dynamometer Card
The standard method for determining the instantaneous
torque throughout the pumping cycle uses torque factors and
polished rod position data together with counterbalance
moments as defined by standard API Spec 11E. This method is
used in the Total Well Management5,6,7, TWM software. Table
1 is example calculations of net gearbox torque using the torque
factors (TF) derived from the geometry of a Lufkin C-320D256-100 pumping unit and are printed out for each 15-degree
position of the crank. The instantaneous torque due to net well
load at a given crank position is the torque factor at that position
multiplied by the net well load at that position.

Pumping Unit Geometry

API defined pumping unit dimensions are used to calculate
torque factors at crank angles throughout one complete stroke.
The torque factors are used to convert the measured polished
rod load into torque at the gearbox. API dimensions, A, C, I, K,
P and R, are shown in Fig. 3 for a C-320D-256-100
conventional pumping unit. In the API description of the
pumping unit, the prefix C indicates the type or API class of the
pumping unit; 320 is the gearbox capacity in thousands of inchlbs.; 256 is the rated beam load capacity in 100 lbs.; and 100 is
the maximum stroke length for the pumping unit. In modern
software programs used to calculate net gearbox torque, the
pumping unit API dimensions are stored in a database and
automatically get loaded when the user of the software selects
the pumping unit manufacturer and API description. Generally
conventional pumping units may rotate clockwise, CW, or
counterclockwise, CCW, but other types of pumping units,
gearbox lubrication requirements or specific manufacture
requirements will require a certain direction of rotation. The
direction of rotation, CW or CCW, of the crank is defined with
wellhead to right of the gearbox, when the observer is looking
towards the gearbox. Pumping units do not usually have
symmetric rotation around the gearbox and the direction of
rotation is important because the torque factors are different on
the upstroke and downstroke for the same polished rod position.

Net well load is:

WN = net well load = (W - SU) ............................................................ (2)

Torque due to net well load is:

TWN = TF x WN ................................................................................... (3)

Torque due to crank and counterweights is:

TCN = Me x sin ( + ) ........................................................................ (4)

The net gearbox torque, TN, about the crankshaft is the

difference between the torque due to net well load and the
torque due to the counterbalance moment of the crank and
TN = TF x WN - Me x sine ( + ) ....................................................... (5)

Polished Rod Loading

Fig. 4 plots torque due to net well load, torque due to crank
and counterweights, and the net torque gearbox torque. Torque
factors are positive () on the upstroke and negative () on the
downstroke. The reference position for the beginning of the
upstroke (12 o'clock or 6 o'clock) depends on the type of
pumping unit. The manufacturer recommends that the Mark
units rotate only counterclockwise (CCW), the Reverse Mark or
Torquemaster units rotate only clockwise (CW), while a
conventional unit may rotate either CW or CCW from their
reference point. Most programs compute the existing net
gearbox torque using Eq. 5 at each crank angle corresponding
to a measured load using the API pumping unit dimensions,
crank and master/auxiliary weight specifications using
information stored in the Base Well File data base.

A Dynamometer is a device that measures the polished rod

load applied to the pumping unit at increments of position over
one complete stroke. Mounting a dynamometer between the
polished rod clamp and the carrier bar is the usual method to
makes this measurement, so at any rod position the entire
weight of the rod string can be measured2. The accuracy of the
measured load depends on the load cell used to acquire the data.
Most portable load cells are calibrated and can accurately
measure polished rod loads. Some error in the measured loads
can be introduced while placing the portable loadcell between
the carrier bar and polished rod clamp, if the carrier bar and
clamp do not consistently contact the loadcell. Hydraulic3 type
load cells with a piston usually have hysteresis type of friction
that causes an offset and drifting of the loads. Permanently
mounted donut type loadcells are very accurate in measuring
change in load, but a significant offset in the load can be
developed due to overloading and the load cell becoming
permanently deformed. The donut load cell should have a
spacer and spherical washers to ensure the polished rod load is
centralized on the load cell. A surface dynamometer card 4 is
the plot of the measured rod loads at the various positions
throughout a complete stroke; normally load is displayed in
pounds of force and position is displayed in inches.
Dynamometer cards are displayed by commercial diagnostic
software for the purposes of determining rod loading and for
torque calculations.

Counterbalance Moment
Fig. 5 shows the measurements for calculating
counterbalance moments for a commonly used type of crank for
a conventional type of pumping units with crank mounted
counterweights. For convenience only one counterweight is
shown on the top of the crank (this is the #1 counterweight).
The numbering scheme to identify the counterweights and
cranks is also shown. With the wellhead viewed to the right,
the crank nearest to the observer is the #1 crank and the #2
crank is on the opposite side. With the crank pointing to the
wellhead, the counterweights on the top of the crank are #1,
those on the bottom are the #2 counterweights.




Me = Mcr Wmi (Dcgi Xi) Wai (Dcgi Xi)


Eq. 6 is used to calculate the existing counterbalance

moment for conventional cranks by summing of the moments
contributed by the cranks themselves (Weight x Center-ofGravity) plus the moments of the master and auxiliary weights.
Fig. 6 displays how the cranks, master weights and auxiliary
weights are selected from a database for a specific type of
pumping unit. The calculation of the existing counterbalance
moment for the selected configuration displayed in Fig. 6 is
listed below:
Crank #1
Crank #2
Weight - Lbs
Center Gravity (CG) in.
Crank CBM (in-lbs):

Equation 7 is used to calculate the existing counterbalance

moment from the measured counterbalance effect load:

Master Weight
Wmi, Weight (Lbs) 1327
Dcgi (inches)
Xi. (inches)
CG - inches
Wt. CBM (in-lbs): 44,056 44,056

Field Data

Me = TF90 x (CBE SU) / sin ( + ) ................................................... (7)

A properly functioning brake is a required component of this

type of CBE test. The procedure for this CBE test normally
works, unless the counterbalance effect load is greater than the
traveling valve load or less than the standing valve load. This
occurs when the pumping unit is very weight or rod heavy.
This technique will not work when fluid slippage through the
pump is rapid and the fluid load quickly transfers from the rods
to the tubing.

Master Weight
44,056 44,056

Table 2 summarizes net gearbox torque calculations from

field data collected on 10 different wells throughout the United
States. The table displays the counterbalance moment and the
distance to move the counterweights to balance the upstroke and
downstroke peak of the net gearbox torques. Generally gearbox
torque from power and CBM are in close agreement, where the
CBE calculated gearbox torque shows the most difference.

The existing counterbalance moment, Me, is calculated to

equal 500,900 in-lbs, the sum of the CBM for two cranks and 4
master weights. (2 x 162,338 + 4 x 44,056). If any auxiliary
weights were present, then they would have been included in
the calculation using the same procedure as the master weights.

Of the 10 wells, the distance required to move the counter

weights is usually in good agreement when comparing
balancing methods of CBM and power. When examining the
field data there appears to be more discrepancies from the CBE
method in determining the distance required to move the
counterweights to balance the upstroke and downstroke peaks.
Fig. 8 shows that for most of the wells the CBE balancing
method requires the weights to be moved from their current
position different than the other two methods. For well 5 and 6
the CBE method said gearbox loading was rod heavy and to
move the weights out from their current position, while the
CBM and Power methods calculated to move the weights in.
Wells 3 and 7 also show much different movement of the
weights as calculated by the CBE, compared to CBM and
power. Power method was not available for well 4, because the
prime move was a gas engine. The other five wells (1, 2, 8, 9,
and 10) required approximately the same movement of the
weights to bring the net torque loadings into balance.

Counterbalance Effect Test

A counterbalance effect test is performed to measure the net
load effect at the polished rod caused by the counterbalance
moment acting on the gearbox from the cranks and weights.
The counterbalance effect load from the test is used to calculate
the net torque acting on the gearbox. Various procedures are
available to perform the test, but in general the counterbalance
effect load is determined by stopping the unit on the upstroke
with the cranks level. If the counterbalance effect load is
between the buoyant rod weight plus fluid load and the buoyant
rod weight, then the pumping units crank will balance when
stopped as the load at the polished rod is momentarily equalized
due to fluid leakage from the tubing through pump
plunger/barrel clearances into the pump. Fig. 7 shows the
polished rod load trace versus time, where the operator stopped
the unit on the upstroke with the cranks level. The initial
polished rod load at 55 seconds was slightly greater than the
buoyant rod load plus the liquid load, 12062 lbs. As the liquid
load leaks past the plunger, the polished rod load dropped
toward the buoyant rod weight, 8041 lbs. As the drop in load
was occurring, the operator released the pumping unit brake
periodically to determine whether the polished rod load is
greater or less than the counterbalance effect load. The crank
arm was horizontal when the counterbalance load was
determined; so, minimal crank arm movement occurred on each
brake release. Every few seconds, the operator released the
brake and the brake drum was examined for any movement, if
movement occurs the loads are unbalanced and the brake is
reset. The elapsed time from the beginning of the CBE test was
137 seconds until the brake could be completely released
without any movement of the crank arm. A vertical line
indicator was positioned with the arrow keys to the exact time
when the crank arm did not move while the brake was released
and the CBE value of 11024. pounds was measured.

Possible Sources of Error

Peak torque balancing methods of CBM and CBE use many
of the same parameters in the calculation of net gearbox torque,
see Eq. 5 and Eq. 7. The API dimensions for a pumping unit
are either hand entered or selected from a database. Some
common sources of error concerning the API dimensions result
in error in the torque factor calculations are: 1) the wrong
pumping unit is select, 2) pumping unit not in the database, 3)
field assembly of the pumping unit results in dimensions not
matching database, 4) wrong radius/stroke length, and 5)
direction of rotation. The wrong stroke length is usually
detected by acquisition of the dynamometer card when an
accelerometer is used to determine the stroke length, because
the measured stroke length is determined from integrating the
acceleration data and the user is notified that there is a
discrepancy between the measured and data base stroke length.
For conventional units the direction of the crank rotation can
be either CCW or CW, a common mistake is to leave the default
CW direction of rotation selected and not select the correct
direction of rotation. If power torque is acquired at the same

time as the mechanical torque and the plots of the net torques do
not overlay or do not have the same shape, then the most
common cause usually is the direction of rotation causing the
mechanical torque to be calculated improperly. A bad bearing
or extra energy loss due to some type of friction between the
input to the motor and the polished rod can result in the power
and mechanical torque curves not aligning8. When the power
and mechanical torque curves do not match, most often this
mismatch is caused by an incorrect parameter the user has
entered in the well database.

the belts and motor are much lower than the default, then
calculated peak gearbox torques will be much higher and the
gearbox loading could even be in excess of gearbox rating.
Usually any error in efficiency affects the peak gearbox torques
the same, therefore the distance to move the weights from their
current location usually remains the same regardless of any
error in efficiency.

Conclusion: Best Method to Balance a

Pumping Unit

Both the CBM and CBE balancing techniques depend on

accurately measured loads. The polished rod loads should be
acquired using a calibrated load cell. Often the load measured
with a permanently mounted, donut type loadcell can be in error
due to 1) damage to the loadcell, 2) an error in the calibration of
the load cell, 3) a load cell that is not centrally loaded at the top
and bottom, or 4) an error in the calibration of the controller
incorrectly converting the mV/V output from the loadcell into
pounds of load. When acquiring data for the CBE load test, if
the CBE load is measured too low, then the unit would appear
to be more rod heavy. Both static friction and pumping unit
inertia can cause the CBE load to be measured incorrectly. If a
lower than actual CBE load is used, then the net gearbox peak
torque would calculate too high when lifting the rods and too
low when lifting the weights. When using a lower than normal
CBE load, the location recommended to move the weights
would be out closer to the end of the crank. For the CBM
method the effects of using a measured polished rod load lower
than actual load has just the opposite effect, the low polished
rod load would make the pumping unit appear to be more
weight heavy and the recommended location of the weights
would be moved in from the end of the crank. Errors in load
measurement effect the calculated location for the placement of
the counterweights using the CBM and CBE mechanical
methods, but errors in load measurement do not cause errors in
the motor power balancing method.

The best method for an operator to use to balance the net

peak torques on a pumping unit gearbox is to use both power
and mechanical methods at the same time to determine the
existing net gearbox torque. When viewing the plot of net
gearbox torque from power torque overlain by the net gearbox
torque from mechanical torque, it is a simple matter to visually
examine the plots and look for discrepancies.
Both dynamometer and power data can be further analyzed
to determine instantaneous net gearbox torque. The upstroke
and downstroke gearbox torque are both calculated and a
recommended distance to move the counterweights to balance
the unit is displayed. Pumping unit balance is easy using this
combination of power measurement and dynamometer
equipment. If the net gearbox torque on a pumping unit is
maintained in balance, then; the peak torque on motor and
gearbox are lower, the peak power delivered by the motor is
less, and the peak current drawn by the motor is reduced, thus
reducing the power cost and increasing equipment life.


Calculation of the existing counterbalance moment was

shown to be a fairly simple process in a previous section. The
most common problem in determining the existing
counterbalance moment is that the weights and center of
gravities for a particular type of crank or counter weight are not
known and the CBM method cannot be accurately used. The
location of the weights in inches from the end of the crank is
required for this method and the CBM method cannot be used if
the distance from the end of the crank is unknown or was not
recorded into the database from the last time the weights were
moved. Different types of auxiliary weights are manufactured
and the type of auxiliary weights are some times difficult to
identify, because some types can be hidden in a pocket in the
master weight and other types have slightly different thickness.
Incorrectly identifying or ignoring a crank, master weight or,
auxiliary weight will make a significant error on the calculated
counterbalance moment.



When using power to balance the torque loadings on the

gearbox, the motor and belts efficiency is defaulted to 80% in
the software program. Experience has shown this efficiency to
be reasonably accurate for the purpose of calculating existing
gearbox torque9,10,11,12,13. NEMA D motors operate at a nearly
constant efficiency over a wide horsepower range, but a lightly
loaded motor operates with a much lower efficiency14.
Rewound motors do not have the same efficiency performance
of a new motor. The efficiency of a rewound motor depends on
the quality of the repair and the efficiency may need to be derated or in some cases increased. When the actual efficiency of


= well load at a specific crank angle

= Net Well Load
= structural unbalance of the pumping unit (either
plus or minus value)
= torque factor, inches
= existing counterbalance moment of the crank
and counter weights
= Torque due to net well load
= Torque due to crank and counterweights
= Net gearbox torque
= Crank angle
= Crank phase angle.
= Existing counterbalance moment of the crank
and counter weights (in-lbs)
= Crank counterbalance moment (in-lbs)
= Weight of the master counterweight (lbs)
= Weight of the auxiliary counterweight (lbs)
= Max distance from centerline of the Crankshaft
to the counterweight center of gravity (in)
= Distance from end of the crank to the outside
edge of the counterweight
= Max distance along crank that counterweight
can be moved
= Number of master counterweights
= Number of auxiliary counterweights
= Instantaneous motor power
= Motor/Belts Efficiency
= Strokes per Minute
= Speed Variation of the Motor


13. McCoy, J.N., A.L. Podio, Russ Ott and Mike Woods:
"Electrical Motor Power Measurement as the Key for
Optimized Rod Pumping," SPE 36080, SPE,
Richardson, Texas, April 1996.

McCoy, J. N., R. E. Ott, A. L. Podio, Forrest Collier and

Dieter Becker, "Beam Pump Balancing Based on Motor
Power Utilization," SPE 29533 presented at the SPE
Production Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City,
OK. April 2-4, 1995.


McCoy, J. N., Jennings, J. and Podio, A. L., A Polished

Rod Transducer for Quick and Easy Dynagraphs," Paper
presented at the 40th Annual Southwestern Petroleum
Short Course, April 21-23, 1992. Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX.


Garrett, M., O. L. Rowlan, A.L. Podio, J. N. McCoy,

and F. R. Egnoto, Improved Field Measurements Aid
in Sucker Rod Lift Analysis, Paper presented at the
44th Annual Southwestern Petroleum Short Course,
April, 1996. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.


Rowlan, O. L., "Effect of Fluid Buoyancy on Rod String

Loads and Stresses", Paper presented at the 47th Annual
Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, April 1999.
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.


Podio, A.L., J. N. McCoy, Dieter Becker, and Bill

Drake, Total Well Management aids Production of
International, October 1995.


Podio, A.L., J. N. McCoy, Dieter Becker, O. L. Rowlan

and Bill Drake, Total Well Management II, SPE
67273, Production and Operations Symposium, March
2427, 2001.


Download TWM Software, Echometer Company, 5001

Ditto Lane, Wichita Falls, Texas, 76302, U.S.A.


McCoy, J.N., A.L. Podio, Russ Ott, O. L. Rowlan and

Mark Garrett: "Motor Power/Current Measurement for
Improving Rod Pump Efficiencies", SPE 37499,
Production Operations Symposium, March 9-11, 1997.


McCoy, J. N., A. L. Podio, Kay Capps, J. West and J.

Jennings: "Simplified Computer-Aided Analysis of
Electrical Current in Motors Used for Beam Pumping
Systems, SPE 25447, Production Operations
Symposium, March 21-23, 1993.

14. Lea, J.F., Rowlan, Lynn, McCoy, J.N.: "Artificial Lift

Power Efficiency," Southwestern Petroleum Short

Course, April, 1999.

10. McCoy, J.N., Forrest Collier and A.L. Podio:

"Application of Real-Time Measurement of Motor
Power to Determination of Beam Pump Efficiency,"
Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, Texas, April 1995.
11. Ott, R. E., M. D. Woods, J. N. McCoy and A. L. Podio,
"Reducing Electrical Consumption of Beam Pumping
Units by Properly Counterbalancing Using PC Software,
SWPSC, April 21-23, 1995. Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX.
12. Collier, F.B., L.J. Logan, J.N. McCoy, R.E. Ott, A.L.
Podio, J.R. Wolf, Electrical and Mechanical
Performance of Beam Pumping Systems in the Permian
Basin of Texas, SWPSC, April 17-18, 1996. Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

Table 1 Example Net Gearbox Torque Calculations

Table 2 Comparison of Net Gearbox Torque Balancing Methods

Fig. 1 - Torque (in-lbs) or Power (kW) Signatures for an Unbalanced or Balanced Pumping Unit

Fig. 2 Compare Motor Output Torque and Gearbox Torque

Fig. 3 API Dimensions for a Conventional Pumping Unit

Fig. 4 Torques: Net Well Load, Counterbalance, and Net Gearbox

Fig. 5 Conventional Pumping Units with Crank Mounted Counterweights

Fig. 6 Select Cranks, Master Weights and Auxiliary Weights


Fig. 7 Counterbalance Effect Test

Fig. 8 Move Counterweights from Current Position for Wells 1-10


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