Electrical Malfunctions Vibrodiagnosis at The Direct Current Motors
Electrical Malfunctions Vibrodiagnosis at The Direct Current Motors
Electrical Malfunctions Vibrodiagnosis at The Direct Current Motors
Abstract. The identification and finding of malfunctions through vibrodiagnosis
leads to the elimination of useless de-mounting and checking operations, having
positive effects in cost decreasing direction. In this work we present and highlight
the manifestation and identification way of some electrical malfunctions at direct
current motors in mechanical vibrations spectra.
Keywords: vibrodiagnosis, vibrations spectra.
1. Technical considerations
The direct current motors have a large application domain in transports and
industry and especially in pulp and paper industry. These applications were
imposed by the advantages offered by these motors in regard to those in
alternating current: a rigid mechanical characteristic, the easy speed adjusting in
terms of maintaining energy transformation efficiency at high levels, good excess
current capacity, etc.
As any dynamic plant these motors can be diagnosed through vibrations
analysis through vibrodiagnosis. If the special literature presents consistent
information regarding the mechanical malfunctions identification way at this types
of motors (mechanical looseness on the arbors, in the bearings and in fixing the
motors on bases, misalignments between the motors and the driven plants,
mechanical unbalance of the rotor, etc.), it is not generous with information
related to electrical malfunctions diagnostic way, certain domains completely
In this direction some experimental checked information will be presented,
through which we can easily diagnose a diverse range of motors electrical
malfunctions, but also feeding and command systems malfunctions. The authors
had in view, when analyzing and classifying these malfunctions, the close
connection between the effects produced by the electromagnetic fields over the
motors magnetic parts, and also the results of their interaction according to the
analysis concept cause-effect.
There are four main vibrations spectra analysis methods met and used:
- Analysis through the monitoring of vibrations amplitudes average values
offers clues upon malfunctions appearance without locating it;
- Temporal variation analysis of vibrations levels offers presuming information
about malfunctions and their causes;