Broken Way Sample
Broken Way Sample
Broken Way Sample
What you need to know about Ann Voskamp: after the stunning success of One Thousand Gifts, she has chosen to decline
the mantle of spiritual guru and instead to become even more
intimately vulnerable. In this book, she helps us slow down,
stop time, and allow gritty faith to penetrate, expose, and bring
the hint of healing to the mess of daily life. For all imperfect
peoplein other words, for all of usshe offers a compassionate and wise way forward to help navigate our broken world.
PHILIP YANCEY, editor-at-large, Christianity Today
author of Jesus > Religion and Its Not What You Think
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The Broken Way is the most honest and beautiful healing balm
for an aching heart. The authenticity and grace from which Ann
Voskamp writes are refreshing and life-giving. This book is a
true gift from God!
LYSA TERKEURST, New York Times bestselling
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A l so by A nn Vosk a m p
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live
Fully Right Where You Are
One Thousand Gifts: A DVD Study: Five Sessions
One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections
on Finding Everyday Grace
Selections from One Thousand Gifts:
Finding Joy in What Really Matters
The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the
Full Love Story of Christmas
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family
Celebration of Christmas
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A Daring Path into the Abundant Life
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The Broken Way
Copyright 2016 by Ann Morton Voskamp
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
ISBN 978-0-310-31858-3 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-310-34927-3 (signature edition)
ISBN 978-0-310-34656-2 (international trade paper edition)
ISBN 978-0-310-31862-0 (audio)
ISBN 978-0-310-31859-0 (epub)
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy
Bible, New International Version, NIV . Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks
registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
Other Bible translations quoted in this book are listed on page 276, which hereby
becomes a part of this copyright page.
Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers in this
book are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply
an endorsement by Zondervan, nor does Zondervan vouch for the content of
these sites and numbers for the life of this book.
The names and details of many of the individuals depicted here have been
changed to protect anonymity.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for brief quotations in
printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Published in association with William K. Jensen Literary Agency, 119 Bampton
Court, Eugene, Oregon 97404.
Cover design: Curt Diepenhorst
Cover photo: Mary Anne Morgan
Interior imagery: PhotoDisc / Siede Preis
Interior design: Kait Lamphere
First Printing August 2016 / Printed in the United States of America
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pain? There isnt one of us not bearing the wounds from our
own bloody battles.
There isnt one of us who isnt cut right from the beginning.
All of us get pushed from safe wombs out into this holy
mess. All of us need someone to catch us and hold us right
from the beginning, and for one sacred moment, every single
one of us is cupped. And then they cut that one thick umbilical cord. You can spend a lifetime feeling pushed out, cut off,
abandonedinexplicably alone.
What in Gods holy name do you do when it feels like youre
broken and cut up, and love has failed, and youve failed, and
you feel like Somebodys love has failed you?
Dad had just kept breaking open the earth, just kept planting wheat seeds, thousands of them. They grew.
The wheat across the fields to the west waits in willing
Later, hed cut down the harvest. I never once told him how
I cut. Never once told him how, in that moment when the jars
shatter, when the shimmer of glass slides through your skin,
theres this exhaling moment when you feel the relief of not
hiding anymore. Not acting, not for one more mocking minute
that everything is just bloody fine.
I knelt down and held the shards in my hand and turned the
edges over.
Not one thing in your life is more important than figuring
out how to live in the face of unspoken pain.
It may have been more than two decades since my cutting
throughout my teens, but standing there in the kitchen this
older, more battle weary, more broken woman, looking out
over wheat fields of our own, Im overwhelmed by how my
skins starved again for the cutting, for the breaking edge of
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pattern, just light and dark bleeding into this subtle suggestion
of Jesus hanging on the cross. Hes hoarse with the begging,
for Himself, for us: God, why have You abandoned me? And
He surfaces in the patches of color, the broken brushstrokes,
the silhouette of Him visible in the chaosChrist entering all
this chaos.
There is the truth: Blessed
are those who cry.
Blessed are those who are sad, who mourn, who feel the loss
of what they lovebecause they will be held by the One who
loves them. There is a strange and aching happiness only the
hurting knowfor they shall be held.
And, by God, were the hurting beggars begging: Be close to
the brokenhearted. Save the crushed in spirit. Somehow make
suffering turn this evil against itself, so that a greater life rises
from the dark. God, somehow.
I was eighteen, with scars across my wrists, when Id heard
a pastor tell a whole congregation that he had once lived next
to a loony bin. Id looked at the floor when everyone laughed.
They didnt know how I had left my only mama behind the
locked doors of psychiatric wards more than a few times. When
they laughed, I felt the blood drain away from my face, and Id
wanted to stand up and howl, It is not the healthy who need a
doctor, but the sick.3
Id wanted to stand up and beg: When the church isnt for
the suffering and broken, then the church isnt for Christ.
Because Jesus, with His pierced side, is always on the side of the
broken. Jesus always moves into places moved with grief. Jesus
always seeks out where the suffering is, and thats where Jesus
stays. The wound in His side proves that Jesus is always on the
side of the suffering, the wounded, the busted, the broken.
I believed this then and believe it now and Id say I know
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Its all okay. She finds the right first words. She holds the
torn bit of her paper heart out to me. Maybe the love gets in
easier right where the hearts broke open?
I blink at her, replaying the moment.
Maybe the love gets in easier right where the hearts broke
I pull her in close, gently kiss her in the middle of her perfect
little foreheadand off she goes with her one broken heart.
And Id sat there in the wake of her, waking: maybe you can
live a full and beautiful life in spite of the great and terrible
moments that will happen right inside of you. Actuallymaybe
you get to become more abundant because of those moments.
MaybeI dont know how, but somehow?maybe our hearts
are made to be broken. Broken open. Broken free. Maybe the
deepest wounds birth deepest wisdom.
We are made in the image of God. And wasnt Gods heart
made to be broken too? Wounds can be openings to the beauty
in us. And our weaknesses can be a container for Gods glory.
Hannah tasted salty tears of infertility. Elijah howled for
God to take his life. David asked his soul a thousand times why
it was so downcast. God does great things through the greatly
wounded. God sees the broken as the best and He sees the
best in the broken and He calls the wounded to be the world
Up in the gable hangs the painting of Jesus breaking over
all our brokenness, Jesus bleeding here in our chaos: our bad
brokenness is made whole by His good brokenness.
If I could figure that outlive that outthen could I know
the grace that knows how to live fully, even though youre
The Farmer comes in from the barn, leaves a bucket from
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the henhouse at the back door with his boots. I can hear him
washing up at the mudrooms porcelain sink. He steps into the
kitchen. I look up from the dishes. Hes seen it already. The
man can read my eyes better than he reads the skies. Sometimes
all our unspoken broken speaks louder than anything we could
ever say. He reads my slow breaking over the kids lightning-
bolt news and all my not-enoughness that I cant even grope
through the pain to find words for.
He pulls me into himself, enfolds me. And then, into the
quiet, he says it so soft I almost miss it, what I have held on to
more than a thousand times since.
You knoweverything all across this farm says the same
thing, you know that, right? He waits till I let him look me in
the eye, let him look into me and all this fracturing. The seed
breaks to give us the wheat. The soil breaks to give us the crop,
the sky breaks to give us the rain, the wheat breaks to give us
the bread. And the bread breaks to give us the feast. There was
once even an alabaster jar that broke to give Him all the glory.
He looks right through the cracks of me. He smells of the
barn and the dirt and the sky, and hes carrying something of
the maple trees at the edge of the woodscarrying old light.
He says it slowly, like he means it: Never be afraid of being a
broken thing.
I dontI dont even know what that means. I am afraid.
And I think this journey, this way, will not spare any of us. But
maybethis is the way to freedom? Ive got to remember to
just keep breathingkeep believing.
In Christno matter the way, the storm, the storywe
always know the outcome.
Our Saviorsurrounds.
Our futuresecure.
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Re-Membering Your
Broken Pieces
The day after wed held on to each other in the kitchen, this
Open Me
package came in the mail with three words
Carefullyas if it could be a soul.
I have no idea how this happens. How in the thick of ache you
can be this solid damyet you catch bits of a song on a radio
somewhere or the light falls a certain way across the floor or you
lean the mailbox forward and a package slips right there into your
handand in a moment, the loss of it all breaks you wide open.
Maybe its because we never stop hoping for the best, waiting for the best like it got lost in the mailand then one day
there it is, unexpected and with our name right there on it.
I trace the ink across the top of the packageI dont recognize the handwriting.
The package is largishand way too small for the shoulder-
crushing load of questions about what the bloody point of all
this is. I keep forgetting, me with the chronic soul amnesia.
A mourning dove coos out in the maple to the west of the
kitchen. It calls out bravely, unafraid in its lament.
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all the disciples, two hands broken off, lying there palms open
like an invitation.
The jug in front of Him is knocked over. Poured out.
How many times in your life do you get the Last Supper
delivered to your very doorstep? Hadnt this been the story
Id been unpacking for the last five years? Hadnt I just been
searching for an answer to the question of how to live with
your one broken heart? Where is the abundant life? And how
in the world to find it?
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it
to them...1
I had first read it slowly, years agohow in the original
language gave thanks reads eucharisteo. The root word of
eucharisteo is charis, meaning grace. Jesus took the bread
and saw it as grace and gave thanks.
There was more. Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, also holds the
Greek word chara, meaning joy. Joy. And that was what the
quest for more has always been aboutthat which Augustine
claimed, Without exception... all try their hardest to reach
the same goal, that is, joy.2
Deep chara is found only at the table of the euCHARisteo
the table of thanksgiving.
I had sat there long . . . wondering . . . is it that simple?
Is the height of my chara joy dependent on the depths of my
eucharisteo thanks?
So then as long as thanks was possible, then joy was always
possible. The holy grail of joy was not in some exotic location
or some emotional mountain peak experience. The joy wonder
could be here, in the messy, piercing ache of now. The only
place we need see before we die is this place of seeing God, here
and now.
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