Change Starting Date of A Project: Working With Calendar and Milestones in MS Project
Change Starting Date of A Project: Working With Calendar and Milestones in MS Project
Change Starting Date of A Project: Working With Calendar and Milestones in MS Project
When creating a project the starting date is the date of the first time you open a new project.
We will modify this date by going to on the toolbar to project > project information. Here you
can modify the start date, current working date and which calendar we will be working with.
When changing the start date it will automatically change the dates of the tasks.
When a milestone is the completion of certain tasks all you have to do is go to the task
information box (double click the task) and under the advantage box you check the mark as
milestone box. You will notice your schedule has changed and a milestone symbol has
been added for that specific task.
Now when you have a merge activity and the start of that activity is a milestone you will be
needing a task which lasts 0 days and has to wait for multiple tasks to be completed before it
can continue. Luckily we already have such task named Integration. When you create an
milestone from integration you notice again the schedule to be changed to which more then
one activity leads.
When setting up a project working times and calendar dates have to be inserted, holidays
cannot be missed nor a day off. On the toolbar go to tools > change working time. Here you
will find the standard working calendar but also 2 standard calendars (Nigh shift and 24
hours) and a calendar for each resource. The standard calendar is a 5 day work week from 8
to 5 with Saturdays and Sundays off. You can enter holidays and other off days, fill in the
name, start date and end date. Enter all the exceptions for as long as the project will be
running and a bit in advance if you do not know how long the project will take.