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Alain Connes

According to my first teacher Gustave Choquet one does, by openly

facing a well known unsolved problem, run the risk of being remembered
more by ones failure than anything else. After reaching a certain age, I
realized that waiting safely until one reaches the end-point of ones life is
an equally selfdefeating alternative.
In this paper I shall first look back at my early work on the classification
of von Neumann algebras and cast it in the unusual light of Andre Weils
Basic Number Theory.
I shall then explain that this leads to a natural spectral interpretation of
the zeros of the Riemann zeta function and a geometric framework in which
the Frobenius, its eigenvalues and the Lefschetz formula interpretation of
the explicit formulas continue to hold even for number fields. We shall then
prove the positivity of the Weil distribution assuming the validity of the
analogue of the Selberg trace formula. The latter remains unproved and is
equivalent to RH for all L-functions with Grossencharakter.

Local class field theory and the classification of


Let K be a local field, i.e. a nondiscrete locally compact field. The action
of K = GL1 (K) on the additive group K by multiplication,

(, x) x

K , x K ,

together with the uniqueness, up to scale, of the Haar measure of the additive
group K, yield a homomorphism,

a K |a| R+ ,

from K to R+ , called the module of K. Its range


Mod(K) = {|| R+ ; K }

is a closed subgroup of R+ .
The fields R, C and H (of quaternions) are the only ones with Mod(K) =

R+ , they are called Archimedian local fields.

Let K be a non Archimedian local field, then

R = {x K ; |x| 1} ,

is the unique maximal compact subring of K and the quotient R/P of R

by its unique maximal ideal is a finite field F q (with q = p` a prime power).
One has,

Mod(K) = q Z R+ .

Let K be commutative. An extension K K 0 of finite degree of K is

called unramified iff the dimension of K 0 over K is the order of Mod(K 0 )
as a subgroup of Mod(K). When this is so, the field K 0 is commutative,
is generated over K by roots of unity of order prime to q, and is a cyclic
Galois extension of K with Galois group generated by the automorphism
AutK (K 0 ) such that,

() = q ,

for any root of unity of order prime to q in K 0 .

The unramified extensions of finite degree of K are classified by the

Mod(K) , 6= {1} .

Let then K be an algebraic closure of K, K sep K the separable algebraic

closure, Kab Ksep the maximal abelian extension of K and K un Kab
the maximal unramified extension of K, i.e. the union of all unramified
extensions of finite degree. One has,

K Kun Kab Ksep K ,

and the Galois group Gal(Kun : K) is topologically generated by called

the Frobenius automorphism.

The correspondence (7) is given by,


K 0 = {x Kun ; (x) = x

} ,

with rather obvious notations so that q is the of (6). Let then WK be the
subgroup of Gal(Kab : K) whose elements induce on Kun an integral power
of the Frobenius automorphism. One endows W K with the locally compact
topology dictated by the exact sequence of groups,

1 Gal(Kab : Kun ) WK Mod(K) 1 ,

and the main result of local class field theory asserts the existence of a
canonical isomorphism,

WK K ,

compatible with the module.

The basic step in the construction of the isomorphism (11) is the classification of finite dimensional central simple algebras A over K. Any such
algebra is of the form,

A = Mn (D) ,

where D is a (central) division algebra over K and the symbol M n stands

for n n matrices.
Moreover D is the crossed product of an unramified extension K 0 of K
by a 2-cocycle on its cyclic Galois group. Elementary group cohomology
then yields the isomorphism,

Br(K) Q/Z ,

of the Brauer group of classes of central simple algebras over K (with tensor
product as the group law), with the group Q/Z of roots of 1 in C.
All the above discussion was under the assumption that K is non Archimedian. For Archimedian fields R and C the same questions have an idiotically simple answer. Since C is algebraically closed one has K = K and the
whole picture collapses. For K = R the only non trivial value of the Hasse
invariant is

(H) = 1 .

A Galois group G is by construction totally disconnected so that a morphism

from K to G is necessarily trivial on the connected component of 1 K .

Let k be a global field, i.e. a discrete cocompact subfield of a (non

discrete) locally compact semi-simple commutative ring A. (Cf. Iwasawa
Ann. of Math. 57 (1953).) The topological ring A is canonically associated
to k and called the Adele ring of k, one has,


kv ,


where the product is the restricted product of the local fields k v labelled by
the places of k.
When the characteristic of k is p > 1 so that k is a function field over
Fq , one has
k kun kab ksep k ,


where, as above k is an algebraic closure of k, k sep the separable algebraic

closure, kab the maximal abelian extension and k un is obtained by adjoining
to k all roots of unity of order prime to p.
One defines the Weil group Wk as above as the subgroup of Gal(kab : k)
of those automorphisms which induce on k un an integral power of ,

() = q

root of 1 of order prime to p .

The main theorem of global class field theory asserts the existence of a
canonical isomorphism,

Wk ' Ck = GL1 (A)/GL1 (k) ,

of locally compact groups.

When k is of characteristic 0, i.e. is a number field, one has a canonical

Gal(kab : k) ' Ck /Dk ,

where Dk is the connected component of identity in the Idele class group

Ck = GL1 (A)/GL1 (k), but because of the Archimedian places of k there
is no interpretation of Ck analogous to the Galois group interpretation for
function fields. According to A. Weil [28], La recherche dune interpretation
pour Ck si k est un corps de nombres, analogue en quelque mani`ere a`
linterpretation par un groupe de Galois quand k est un corps de fonctions,
me semble constituer lun des probl`emes fondamentaux de la theorie des

nombres a` lheure actuelle ; il se peut quune telle interpretation renferme

la clef de lhypoth`ese de Riemann . . ..
Galois groups are by construction projective limits of the finite groups
attached to finite extensions. To get connected groups one clearly needs to
relax this finiteness condition which is the same as the finite dimensionality
of the central simple algebras. Since Archimedian places of k are responsible
for the non triviality of Dk it is natural to ask the following preliminary
Is there a non trivial Brauer theory of central simple algebras over C.
As we shall see shortly the approximately finite dimensional simple central
algebras over C provide a satisfactory answer to this question. They are
classified by their module,

Mod(M ) R+ ,

which is a virtual closed subgroup of R + .

Let us now explain this statement with more care. First we exclude
the trivial case M = Mn (C) of matrix algebras. Next Mod(M ) is a virtual
subgroup of R+ , in the sense of G. Mackey, i.e. an ergodic action of R + . All
ergodic flows appear and M1 is isomorphic to M2 iff Mod(M1 )
= Mod(M2 ).
The birth place of central simple algebras is as the commutant of isotypic
representations. When one works over C it is natural to consider unitary
representations in Hilbert space so that we shall restrict our attention to
algebras M which appear as commutants of unitary representations. They
are called von Neumann algebras. The terms central and simple keep their
usual algebraic meaning.
The classification involves three independent parts,
(A) The definition of the invariant Mod(M ) for arbitrary factors (central
von Neumann algebras).
(B) The equivalence of all possible notions of approximate finite dimensionality.
(C) The proof that Mod is a complete invariant and that all virtual subgroups are obtained.
The module of a factor M was first defined ([6]) as a closed subgroup of R +
by the equality

S(M ) =

Spec( ) R+

where varies among (faithful, normal) states on M , i.e. linear forms

: M C such that,

(x x) 0

x M , (1) = 1 ,

while the operator is the modular operator ([24])


= S S ,

which is the module of the involution x x in the Hilbert space attached

to the sesquilinear form,

hx, yi = (y x) , x, y M .

In the case of local fields the module was a group homomorphism ((2)) from
K to R+ . The counterpart for factors is the group homomorphism, ([6])

: R Out(M ) = Aut(M )/Int(M ) ,

from the additive group R viewed as the dual of R + for the pairing,

(, t) it

R+ , t R ,

to the group of automorphism classes of M modulo inner automorphisms.

The virtual subgroup,

Mod(M ) R+ ,

is the flow of weights ([25] [15] [8]) of M . It is obtained from the module
as the dual action of R+ on the abelian algebra,

C = Center of M >/ R ,

where M >/ R is the crossed product of M by the modular automorphism

group .
This takes care of (A), to describe (B) let us simply state the equivalence
([5]) of the following conditions

M is the closure of the union of an increasing sequence of

finite dimensional algebras.


M is complemented as a subspace of the normed space of

all operators in a Hilbert space.

The condition (29) is obviously what one would expect for an approximately
finite dimensional algebra. Condition (30) is similar to amenability for discrete groups and the implication (30) (29) is a very powerful tool.
We refer to [5] [15] [12] for (C) and we just describe the actual construction of the central simple algebra M associated to a given virtual subgroup,
R+ .


Among the approximately finite dimensional factors (central von Neumann

algebras), only two are not simple. The first is the algebra

M (C) ,

of all operators in Hilbert space. The second factor is the unique approximately finite dimensional factor of type II . It is

R0,1 = R M (C) ,

where R is the unique approximately finite dimensional factor with a finite

trace 0 , i.e. a state such that,

0 (xy) = 0 (yx)

x, y R .

The tensor product of 0 by the standard semifinite trace on M (C) yields

a semi-finite trace on R0,1 . There exists, up to conjugacy, a unique one
parameter group of automorphisms Aut(R0,1 ), R+ such that,

( (a)) = (a)

a Domain , R+ .

Let first R+ be an ordinary closed subgroup of R+ . Then the corresponding factor R with modulo is given by the equality:

R = {x R0,1 ; (x) = x

} ,

in perfect analogy with (9).

A virtual subgroup R+ is by definition an ergodic action of R + on

an abelian von Neumann algebra A, and the formula (36) easily extends to,

R = {x R0,1 A ; ( ) x = x

R+ } .

(This reduces to (36) for the action of R + on the algebra A = L (X) where
X is the homogeneous space X = R+ /.)

The pair (R0,1 , ) arises very naturally in geometry from the geodesic
flow of a compact Riemann surface (of genus > 1). Let V = S be the
unit cosphere bundle of such a surface , and F be the stable foliation of
the geodesic flow. The latter defines a one parameter group of automorphisms of the foliated manifold (V, F ) and thus a one parameter group of
automorphisms of the von Neumann algebra L (V, F ).
This algebra is easy to describe, its elements are random operators T =
(Tf ), i.e. bounded measurable families of operators T f parametrized by the
leaves f of the foliation. For each leaf f the operator T f acts in the Hilbert
space L2 (f ) of square integrable densities on the manifold f . Two random
operators are identified if they are equal for almost all leaves f (i.e. a set of
leaves whose union in V is negligible). The algebraic operations of sum and
product are given by,

(T1 + T2 )f = (T1 )f + (T2 )f , (T1 T2 )f = (T1 )f (T2 )f ,

i.e. are effected pointwise.

One proves that,

L (V, F ) ' R0,1 ,

and that the geodesic flow satisfies (35). Indeed the foliation (V, F )
admits up to scale a unique transverse measure and the trace is given
(cf. [4]) by the formal expression,

(T ) =

Trace(Tf ) d(f ) ,

since the geodesic flow satisfies () = one obtains (35) from simple geometric considerations. The formula (37) shows that most approximately finite dimensional factors already arise from foliations, for instance the unique
approximately finite dimensional factor R such that,

Mod(R ) = R+ ,

arises from the codimension 1 foliation of V = S generated by F and the

geodesic flow.
In fact this relation between the classification of central simple algebras
over C and the geometry of foliations goes much deeper. For instance using
cyclic cohomology together with the following simple fact,

A connected group can only act trivially on a homotopy

invariant cohomology theory,

one proves (cf. [4]) that for any codimension one foliation F of a compact
manifold V with non vanishing Godbillon-Vey class one has,

Mod(M ) has finite covolume in R+ ,

where M = L (V, F ) and a virtual subgroup of finite covolume is a flow

with a finite invariant measure.

Global class field theory and spontaneous symmetry breaking

In the above discussion of approximately finite dimensional central simple

algebras, we have been working locally over C. We shall now describe a
particularly interesting example (cf. [3]) of Hecke algebra intimately related
to arithmetic, and defined over Q.
Let 0 be an almost normal subgroup of a discrete group , i.e. one

0 s 0 s1 has finite index in 0

s .

Equivalently the orbits of the left action of 0 on /0 are all finite. One
defines the Hecke algebra,

H(, 0 ) ,

as the convolution algebra of integer valued 0 biinvariant functions with

finite support. For any field k one lets,

Hk (, 0 ) = H(, 0 ) Z k ,

be obtained by extending the coefficient ring from Z to k. We let = P Q+

be the group of 2 2 rational matrices,


; a Q+ , b Q

and 0 = PZ+ be the subgroup of integral matrices,


0 =


; nZ

One checks that 0 is almost normal in .


To obtain a central simple algebra over C in the sense of the previous

section we just take the commutant of the right regular representation of
on 0 \, i.e. the weak closure of HC (, 0 ) in the Hilbert space,

`2 (0 \) ,

of 0 left invariant function on with norm square,


kk2 =

|()|2 .

0 \

This central simple algebra over C is approximately finite dimensional and

its module is R+ so that it is the same as R of (41).
In particular its modular automorphism group is highly non trivial and
one can compute it explicitly for the state associated to the vector 0
`2 (0 \) corresponding to the left coset 0 .
The modular automorphism group t leaves the dense subalgebra HC
(, 0 ) R globally invariant and is given by the formula,

t (f )() = L()it R()it f ()

0 \/0

for any f HC (, 0 ). Here we let,


L() = Cardinality of the image of 0 0 in /0

R() = Cardinality of the image of 0 0 in 0 \ .

This is enough to make contact with the formalism of quantum statistical

mechanics which we now briefly describe. As many of the mathematical
frameworks legated to us by physicists it is characterized not by this short
lived novelty which can too often only influence the mathematician left to
his own devices, but this infinitely fecund novelty which springs from the
nature of things (J. Hadamard).
A quantum statistical system is given by,
1) The C algebra of observables A,
2) The time evolution (t )tR which is a one parameter group of automorphisms of A.
An equilibrium or KMS (for Kubo-Martin and Schwinger) state, at inverse temperature is a state on A which fulfills the following condition,
(10) For any x, y A there exists a bounded holomorphic function (continuous on the closed strip), Fx,y (z), 0 Im z such that
Fx,y (t) = (x t (y))
Fx,y (t + i) = (t (y)x)

t R
t R.

For fixed the KMS states form a Choquet simplex and thus decompose
uniquely as a statistical superposition from the pure phases given by the
extreme points. For interesting systems with nontrivial interaction, one
expects in general that for large temperature T , (i.e. small since = T1
up to a conversion factor) the disorder will be predominant so that there will
exist only one KMS state. For low enough temperatures some order should
set in and allow for the coexistence of distinct thermodynamical phases so
that the simplex K of KMS states should be non trivial. A given symmetry
group G of the system will necessarily act trivially on K for large T since
K is a point, but acts in general non trivially on K for small T so that
it is no longer a symmetry of a given pure phase. This phenomenon of
spontaneous symmetry breaking as well as the very particular properties of
the critical temperature Tc at the boundary of the two regions are corner
stones of statistical mechanics.
In our case we just let A be the C algebra which is the norm closure of
HC (, 0 ) in the algebra of operators in `2 (0 \). We let t Aut(A) be
the unique extension of the automorphisms t of (8).
For = 1 it is tautological that is a KMS state since we obtained

t precisely this way ([24]). One proves ([3]) that for any 1 (i.e. for
T = 1) there exists one and only one KMS state.
The compact group G,

G = CQ /DQ ,

quotient of the Idele class group CQ by the connected component of identity

DQ ' R+ , acts in a very simple and natural manner as symmetries of the
system (A, t ). (To see this one notes that the right action of on 0 \
extends to the action of PA on the restricted product of the trees of SL(2, Q p )
where A is the ring of finite Adeles (cf. [3]).
For > 1 this symmetry group G of our system, is spontaneously broken,
the compact convex sets K are non trivial and have the same structure as
K , which we now describe. First some terminology, a KMS state for
= is called a ground state and the KMS condition is equivalent to
positivity of energy in the corresponding Hilbert space representation.
Remember that HC (, 0 ) contains HQ (, 0 ) so,

HQ (, 0 ) A .

By [3] theorem 5 and proposition 24 one has,

Theorem. Let E(K ) be the set of extremal KMS states.

a) The group G acts freely and transitively on E(K ) by composition,

g 1 , g G.
b) For any E(K ) one has,
(HQ ) = Qab ,
and for any element Gal(Qab : Q) there exists a unique extension of
, by continuity, as a state of A. One has E(K ).
c) The map ( )1 G = Ck /Dk defined for Gal(Qab : Q) is
the isomorphism of global class field theory (I.19).
This last map is independent of the choice of . What is quite remarkable
in this result is that the existence of the subalgebra H Q HC allows to bring
into action the Galois group of C on the values of states. Since the Galois
group of C : Q is (except for z z) formed of discontinuous automorphisms
it is quite surprising that its action can actually be compatible with the
characteristic positivity of states. It is by no means clear how to extend the
above construction to arbitrary number fields k while preserving the three
results of the theorem. There is however an easy computation which relates
the above construction to an object which makes sense for any global field k.
Indeed if we let as above R be the weak closure of HC (, 0 ) in `2 (0 \),
we can compute the associated pair (R 0,1 , ) of section I.
The C algebra closure of HC is Morita equivalent (cf. M. Laca) to the
crossed product C algebra,
C0 (A) >/ Q+ ,


where A is the locally compact space of finite Adeles. It follows immediately


R0,1 = L (QA ) >/ Q ,

i.e. the von Neumann algebra crossed product of the L functions on Adeles
of Q by the action of Q by multiplication.
The one parameter group of automorphisms, Aut(R0,1 ), is obtained
as the restriction to,
DQ = R+ ,


of the obvious action of the Idele class group C Q ,


(g, x) g x

g CQ , x AQ /Q ,

on the space X = AQ /Q of Adele classes.

Our next goal will be to show that the latter space is intimately related
to the zeros of the Hecke L-functions with Grossencharakter.
(We showed in [3] that the partition function of the above system is the
Riemann zeta function.)

Weil positivity and the Trace formula

Global fields k provide a natural context for the Riemann Hypothesis on the
zeros of the zeta function and its generalization to Hecke L-functions. When
the characteristic of k is non zero this conjecture was proved by A. Weil.
His proof relies on the following dictionary (put in modern language) which
provides a geometric meaning, in terms of algebraic geometry over finite
fields, to the function theoretic properties of the zeta functions. Recall that
k is a function field over a curve defined over F q ,
Algebraic Geometry

Function Theory

Eigenvalues of action of
1 (, Q )
Frobenius on Het

Zeros of

Poincare duality in
`-adic cohomology

Functional equation

Lefschetz formula for

the Frobenius

Explicit formulas

Castelnuovo positivity

Riemann Hypothesis

We shall describe a third column in this dictionary, which will make sense
for any global field. It is based on the geometry of the Adele class space,

X = A/k , A = Adeles of k .

This space is of the same nature as the space of leaves of the horocycle
foliation (section I) and the same geometry will be used to analyse it.
Our spectral interpretation of the zeros of zeta involves Hilbert space.
The reasons why Hilbert space (apparently invented by Hilbert for this purpose) should be involved are manifold, let us mention three,


(A) Let N (E) be the number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function satisfying
0 < Im < E, then ([22])

N (E) = hN (E)i + Nosc (E) ,

where the smooth function hN (E)i is given by


hN (E)i =



1 + + o(1) ,

while the oscillatory part is


Nosc (E) = Im log

+ iE

The numbers xj = hN (j )i where n is the imaginary part of the nth zero are
of average density one and behave like the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian
matrix. This was discovered by H. Montgomery [18] who conjectured (and
proved for suitable test functions) that when M , with , > 0,
(5) # {(i, j) {1, . . . , M }2 ; xi xj [, ]} M

sin u



which is exactly what happens in the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble. Numerical tests by A. Odlyzko [20] and further theoretical work by Katz-Sarnak
[17] and J. Keating give overwhelming evidence that zeros of zeta should be
the eigenvalues of a hermitian matrix.
(B) The equivalence between RH and the positivity of the Weil distribution
on the Idele class group Ck shows that Hilbert space is implicitly present.
(C) The deep arithmetic significance of the work of A. Selberg on the spectral
analysis of the Laplacian on L2 (G/) where is an arithmetic subgroup of
a semi simple Lie group G.
Direct atempts (cf. [2]) to construct the Polya-Hilbert space giving a
spectral realization of the zeros of using quantum mechanics, meet the
following sign problem: Let H be the Hamiltonian of the quantum mechanical system obtained by quantizing the classical system,

(X, Ft )

where X is phase space and t R Ft the Hamiltonian flow. Let N (E) be

the number of eigenvalues of H such that 0 E. Then, as for ,

N (E) = hN (E)i + Nosc (E) ,


where hN (E)i is essentially a volume in phase space, while the oscillatory

part admits a heuristic asymptotic expansion (cf. [2]) of the form,

Nosc (E)

1 X X
 sin(T# m E)

m = 1 m 2sh m

where the are the periodic orbits of the flow F , the T # are their periods
and the the unstability exponents of these orbits.
One can compare ([2]) (8) with the equally heuristic asymptotic expansion of (4) using the Euler product of which gives, using log(1 x) =


Nosc (E) '

1 1
1 XX
sin((log p) m E) .
p m=1 m pm/2

Comparing (8) and (9) one gets precious information on the hypothetical
Riemann flow of M. Berry. The periodic orbits should be labelled by the
primes p, the periods should be the log p as well as the unstability exponents
p . Also, in order to avoid duplication of orbits, the flow should not be time
reversal symmetric, i.e. non isomorphic to the time reversed:

(X, Ft ) .

There is however a fundamental mismatch between (8) and (9) which is

the overall sign in front of (9) and no adjustment of Maslov phases can
account for it.
The very same sign appears in the Riemann-Weil explicit formula,

L(,) = 0

) b
h(0) b
h(1) =



h(u1 )
d u,
|1 u|

b is its Fourier
where h is a test function on the Idele class group C k , h


z) =

h(u) (u) |u|z d u ,



and the finite values

are suitably normalized. If we use the above dictionary when char(k) 6= 0, the geometric origin of this sign becomes clear,
the formula (11) is the Lefschetz formula,

# of fixed points of = Trace /H 0 Trace /H 1 + Trace /H 2


1 (, Q ) which provides the spectral realization of the

in which the space Het
zeros appears with a sign. This indicates that the spectral realization of
zeros of zeta should be of cohomological nature or to be more specific, that
the Polya-Hilbert space should appear as the last term of an exact sequence
of Hilbert spaces,


0 H 0 H1 H 0 .

The example we have in mind for (14) is the assembled Euler complex for
a Riemann surface, where H0 is the codimension 2 subspace of differential
forms of even degree orthogonal to harmonic forms, where H 1 is the space
of 1-forms and where T = d + d is the sum of the de Rham coboundary
with its adjoint d .
Since we want to obtain the spectral interpretation not only for zeta
functions but for all L-functions with Grossencharakter we do not expect to
have only an action of Z for char(k) > 0 corresponding to the Frobenius, or
of the group R+ if char(k) = 0, but to have the equivariance of (14) with
respect to a natural action of the Idele class group C k = GL1 (A)/k .
Let X = A/k be the Adele class space. Our basic idea is to take for H 0
a suitable completion of the codimension 2 subspace of functions on X such

f (0) = 0 ,

f dx = 0 ,

while H1 = L2 (Ck ) and T is the restriction map coming from the inclusion
Ck X, multiplied by |a|1/2 ,

(T f )(a) = |a|1/2 f (a) .

The action of Ck is then the obvious one, for H0


(U (g)f )(x) = f (g 1 x)

g Ck

using the action II.15 of Ck on X, and similarly the regular representation

V for H1 .
This idea works but there are two subtle points; first since X is a delicate
quotient space the function spaces for X are naturally obtained by starting
with function spaces on A and moding out by the gauge transformations

f fq , fq (x) = f (xq) ,

q k .

Here the natural function space is the Bruhat-Schwarz space S(A) and by
(15) the codimension 2 subspace,

S(A)0 = f S(A) ; f (0) = 0 ,

f dx = 0

The restriction map T is then given by,


T (f )(a) = |a|1/2

f (aq)

a Ck .

q k

The corresponding function T (f ) belongs to S(C k ) and all functions f fq

are in the kernel of T .
The second subtle point is that since C k is abelian and non compact,
its regular representation does not contain any finite dimensional subrepresentation so that the Polya-Hilbert space cannot be a subrepresentation (or
unitary quotient) of V . There is an easy way out (which we shall improve
shortly) which is to replace L2 (Ck ) by L2 (Ck ) using the polynomial weight
(log 2 |a|)/2 , i.e. the norm,

kk2 =

|(a)|2 (1 + log2 |a|)/2 d a .


Let char(k) = 0 so that Mod k = R+ and Ck = K R+ where K is the

compact group Ck,1 = {a Ck ; |a| = 1}.
Theorem. Let > 1, H be the cokernel of T in L (Ck ) and W the quotient
e = 1 the correrepresentation of Ck . Let be a character of K,
sponding character of Ck . Let H = { H ; W (g) = (g) g K}
and D = lim 1 (W (e ) 1). Then D is an unbounded closed opera0
tor with discrete spectrum, Sp D i R is the set of imaginary parts of
e which have real part 1/2.
zeros of the L function with Gr
Moreover the spectral multiplicity of is the largest integer n < 1+
2 in
{1, . . . , multiplicity as a zero of L}.
A similar result holds for char(k) > 0. This allows to compute the
character of the representation W as,

Trace(W (h)) =

L , 1 + = 0
i R/N

h(, )

b is defined in
where N = Mod(k), W (h) = W (g) h(g) d g, h S(Ck ), h
(12) and the multiplicity is counted as in the theorem.


This result is only preliminary because of the unwanted parameter

which artificially restricts the multiplicities. The restriction Re = 12 inIndeed the
volves the same 21 as in (16), and this has a natural meaning.
natural Hilbert space norm for L (X), namely kk = X |(x)| dx is naturally given upstairs on S(A)0 by:

kf k2 =

| f (xq)|2 |x| d x , f S(A)0 ,

where D is a fundamental domain for k acting on Ideles. For a local field

one has indeed the equality
dx = |x| d x ,


(up to normalization) between the additive Haar measure and the multiplicative one. In the global case one has,
dx = lim  |x|1+ d x ,



and (23) ignores the divergent normalization constant which plays no role in
the computation of traces or of adjoint operators. The exponent 12 in (16)
turns T into an isometry,
T : L2 (X)0 L2 (Ck ) .


The analogue of the Hodge operation is given on H 0 by the Fourier transform,


(F f )(x) =

f (y) (xy) dy

f S(A)0

which, because we take the quotient by (18), is independent of the choice of

additive character of A such that 6= 1 and (q) = 1 q k. Note also
that F 2 = 1 on the quotient. On H1 the Hodge is given by,

( )(a) = (a1 )

a Ck .

The Poisson formula means exactly that T commutes with the operation.
This is just a reformulation of the work of Tate and Iwasawa on the proof
of the functional equation, but we shall now see that if we follow the proof
by Atiyah-Bott ([1]) of the Lefschetz formula we do obtain a clear geometric
meaning for the Weil distribution. One can of course as in [10] define inner

products on function spaces on Ck using the Weil distribution, but as long

as the latter is put by hands and does not appear naturally one has very
little chance to understand why it should be positive. Now, let be a
diffeomorphism of a smooth manifold and assume that the graph of
is transverse to the diagonal, one can then easily define and compute (cf.
[1]) the distribution theoretic trace of the permutation U of functions on
associated to ,

(U )(x) = ((x))

x .

One has Trace (U ) = k(x, x) dx, where k(x, y) dy is the Schwarz kernel
associated to U , i.e. the distribution on such that,

(U )(x) =

k(x, y) (y) dy .

Now near the diagonal and in local coordinates one has,


k(x, y) = (y (x)) ,

where is the Dirac distribution. One then obtains,


Trace (U ) =

(x) = x

|1 0 (x)|

where 0 is the Jacobian of and | | stands for the absolute value of the
With more work ([11]) one obtains a similar formula for the distributional
trace of the action of a flow,

(Ut )(x) = (Ft (x))

x , t R.

It is given, under suitable transversality hypothesis, by


Trace (U (h)) =


d u ,
|1 (Fu ) |

where U (h) = h(t) U (t) dt, h is a test function on R, the labels the
periodic orbits of the flow, including the fixed points, I is the corresponding
isotropy subgroup, and (Fu ) is the tangent map to Fu on the transverse
space to the orbits, and finally d u is the unique Haar measure on I which
is of covolume 1 in (R, dt).

Now it is truly remarkable that when one analyzes the periodic orbits of
the action of Ck on X one finds that not only it qualifies as a Riemann flow
in the above sense, but that (34) becomes,

Trace (U (h)) =



h(u1 )
d u.
|1 u|

Thus, the isotropy subgroups I are parametrized by the places v of k and

coincide with the natural cocompact inclusion k v Ck which relates local
to global in class field theory. The denominator |1 u| is for the module of
the local field kv and the u1 in h(u1 ) comes from the discrepancy between
notations (16) and (28). It turns out that if one normalizes the Haar measure
d u of modulated groups as in Weil [27], by,

d u log

for ,


one gets the same covolume 1 condition as in (34).

The transversality condition imposes the condition h(1) = 0. The distributional trace for the action of C k on Ck by translations vanishes under
the condition h(1) = 0.
Remembering that H0 is the codimension 2 subspace of L2 (X) determined by the condition (15) and computing the characters of the corresponding 1-dimensional representations gives,
h h(0)
+ h(1)


Thus equating the alternate sum of traces on H 0 , H1 with the trace on

the cohomology should thus provide the geometric understanding of the
Riemann-Weil explicit formula (11) and in fact of RH using (21) if it could
be justified for some value of .
The trace of permutation matrices is positive and this explains the
Hadamard positivity,

Trace (U (h)) 0

h , h(1) = 0 , h(u) 0

u C

(not to be confused with Weil postivity).

To eliminate the artificial parameter and give rigorous meaning, as
a Hilbert space trace, to the distribution trace, one proceeds as in the
Selberg trace formula [23] and introduces a cutoff. In physics terminology
the divergence of the trace is both infrared and ultraviolet as is seen in the

simplest case of the action of K on L2 (K) for a local field K. In this local
case one lets,

R = Pb P , R+ ,

where P is the orthogonal projection on the subspace,


{ L2 (K) ; (x) = 0

x, |x| > } ,

while Pb = F P F 1 , F the Fourier transform.

One proves ([9]) in this local case the following analogue of the Selberg
trace formula,

Trace (R U (h)) = 2 h(1) log () +

h(u1 )
d u + o(1)
|1 u|

where h S(K ) has compact support, 2 log 0 () = K , || [1 ,] d ,

and the principal value 0 is uniquely determined by the pairing with the
for u 6= 1 and whose
unique distribution on K which agrees with |1u|
Fourier transform vanishes at 1.
As it turns out this principal value agrees with that of Weil for the choice
of F associated to the standard character of K.
Let k be a global field and let first S be a finite set of places of k
containing all the infinite places. To S corresponds the following localized
version of the action of Ck on X. One replaces Ck by

CS =

kv /OS ,


where OS k is the group of S-units. One replaces X by


XS =

kv /OS .


The Hilbert space L2 (XS ), its Fourier transform F and the orthogonal projection P , Pb = F P F 1 continue to make sense, with


Im P = { L2 (XS ) ; (x) = 0

x , |x| > } .

As soon as S contains more than 3 elements, (e.g. {2, 3, } for k = Q) the

space XS is an extremely delicate quotient space. It is thus quite remarkable
that the trace formula holds,

Theorem. For any h Sc (CS ) one has, with R = Pb P ,


Trace (R U (h)) = 2 log () h(1) +



h(u1 )
d u + o(1)
|1 u|


where the notations are as above and the finite values 0 depend on the additive character of kv defining the Fourier transform F . When Char (k) = 0
the projectors P , Pb commute on L2 for large enough so that one can
replace R by the orthogonal projection Q on Im P Im Pb . The situation for Char (k) = 0 is more delicate since P and Pb do not commute
(for large) even in the local Archimedian case. But fortunately [21] these
operators commute with a specific second order differential operator, whose
eigenfunctions, the Prolate Spheroidal Wave functions provide the right filtration Q . This allows to replace R by Q and to state the global trace

Trace (Q U (h)) = 2 log () h(1) +



h(u1 )
d u + o(1) .
|1 u|

Our final result is that the validity of this trace formula implies (in fact
is equivalent to) the positivity of the Weil distribution, i.e. RH for all Lfunctions with Grossencharakter. Moreover the filtration by Q allows to
define the Adelic cohomology and to complete the dictionary between the
function theory and the geometry of the Adele class space.
Function Theory


Zeros and poles of Zeta

Eigenvalues of action of C k
on Adelic cohomology

Functional Equation


Explicit formula

Lefschetz formula


Trace formula

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