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The paper presents the results of experiments to investigate the effects of phase redistribution and re-injection on pressure build-up data during well testing.

The experiments investigated the effects of phase redistribution, phase re-injection, and wellbore phase redistribution in a closed system.

Wellbore phase redistribution was found to occur in two-phase flow tests before the end of wellbore storage.

SPE 96587

Experimental Investigation of Wellbore Phase Redistribution Effects on PressureTransient Data

A.M. Ali, Imperial College; G. Falcone, SPE, Total E&P U.K. plc and Imperial College;
and G.F. Hewitt, M. Bozorgzadeh, SPE, and A.C. Gringarten, SPE, Imperial College

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9 12 October 2005.
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Pressure transient analysis is a well established reservoir
evaluation method. By analysing pressure and pressure
derivative curves from build-up and drawdown tests, it is
possible to identify reservoir characteristic parameters and
heterogeneities. However, much of the pressure data recorded
during a well test may be dominated by wellbore effects that
can mask reservoir characteristics and lead to erroneous well
test interpretations. This is particularly true when the well
production rate is controlled at surface and more than one
phase is flowing. These effects, which are transient in nature,
include phase change, flow reversal, and re-entry of the denser
phase into the producing zone.
This paper presents the results of experiments carried out at
Imperial College to investigate the effects of phase
redistribution and phase re-injection on pressure build-up data.
Single-phase and two-phase flow tests were conducted with
air and water. An experimental rig was designed to emulate a
reservoir connected, via a resistance, to the base of a flowing
well. The reservoir is recreated by a pressurised vessel,
while the well is simulated by a vertical pipe. The well
was flowed at controlled rates to mimic those encountered in
gas condensate reservoirs. After steady-state conditions had
been attained, the well was shut-in at the top of the rig (i.e.
at surface) and the associated transient phenomena monitored
via distributed measurements of pressure, temperature, liquid
hold-up and wall shear stress. Pressure build-up data were
interpreted using established well test analysis techniques.
The experiments provide a qualitative and quantitative
understanding of the effects of gas rates, liquid rates and rising
gas bubbles on wellbore phase redistribution and re-injection.
The results yield an insight into the corresponding impact on
well test transient pressure behaviour.

Wellbore phase redistribution (WPR) occurs in wells where
more than one phase flows and has an impact on the quality of
recorded pressure data. WPR may cause an increase in the
wellbore storage coefficient in both drawdowns and build-ups.
Phase change, on the other hand, causes the wellbore storage
coefficient to decrease during build-ups and to increase during
drawdowns. While the impact of phase change on the pressure
behaviour is usually limited to early times, WPR may
dominate a well test for several hours. When WPR occurs,
derivative shapes can be easily misinterpreted as being due to
double porosity, partial penetration or composite behaviour.
Typical derivative shapes (for gas condensate fields) due to
WPR are reported in Fig.1, where curve 5 is typical of
situations where the denser phase re-enters into the formation.

Fig.1: Log-log derivative plots, increasing wellbore storage due to phase

redistribution in the wellbore1.

Pressure transients in a wellbore imply transient

multiphase flows, opposite the producing reservoir zones and
higher up in the tubing. Gravity, friction and acceleration
effects play an important role in this scenario, as they
determine the pressure profile and the flow regime in the well.
To date, there has been limited research into wellbore
phenomena during well testing. Initial research has focused on
empirical models to identify and match WPR, but these
models do not account for the underlying physical
mechanisms that cause it. More recently, robust mechanistic

SPE 96587

modelling of multiphase flows has been proposed to

characterise wellbore phenomena.
Stegemeier et al.2 were the first to provide a physical
explanation for the anomalous pressure hump observed in
build-up data from South Texas oil fields. 75% of wells
showed the effects of WPR. Fig.2 shows the relationship
between the size of the pressure hump and the productivity
index. The extent of the pressure hump was found to be
higher in wells with low productivity index, associated to low
permeability and skin.

Size of pressure hump-psi







Productivity index, bbl/day-psi

Fig.2: Size of pressure hump as a function of productivity index for South

Texas oil wells2.

When a two-phase (liquid and gas) fluid is flowing in a

well which is shut-in at surface, the denser phase will travel
toward the bottom of the well while the lighter phase will rise
to the surface. Due to compressibility effects, this wellbore
phase redistribution causes a net increase of wellbore pressure.
In build-up tests, the increased pressure is dissipated through
the formation until there is equilibrium between reservoir and
wellbore. However, in low permeability reservoirs, it may take
some time for this overpressure to be dissipated and this
causes the anomalous pressure hump at early times.
Pitzer et al.3 validated and extended the considerations
made by Stegemeier and Matthews. They suggested that the
size of the pressure hump is related to the amount of gas in the
wellbore. Pitzer et al. also identified downhole shut-in as the
way forward to eliminate the effect of afterflow and wellbore
phase redistribution on well test data.
Since the papers of the 1950s, no further relevant
investigations were done on the subject of WPR.
Gas-condensate and volatile oil reservoirs have become
more important as more fields enter maturity and the
worldwide production of condensates and NGLs grows4,5.

The main objective of this study was the development of an
experimental system capable of simulating the effects of WPR
on pressure-transient data. The aim was to investigate WPR
effects during build-up tests as a function of the production

rate prior to shut-in. Such investigations may produce a

method of eliminating or at least reducing WPR.
An added benefit of this study has been the gathering of
experimental data for future WPR mechanistic modeling
Imperial College.
To achieve these objectives, an experimental rig was
designed and tests performed, the results of which were then
analysed using a commercial well test interpretation package.

Experimental setup and procedure

The experiments described in this paper were carried out in
the LOTUS (LongTUbeSystem) facility at Imperial College.
A simplified diagram of the rig is shown in Fig.3. LOTUS is a
vertical two-phase air-water system that was originally built at
the Harwell Laboratory of the UKAEA in the early 1960s. It
was relocated to the pilot plant area of the Chemical
Engineering Department of Imperial College in 1992. The
vertical tube is mounted over three floors of the pilot plant and
the test spools for data collection are located at the top and
bottom of the rig. The tube is attached to a vertical fixed
beam, carefully aligned to guarantee the alignment and
straightness of the tube. LOTUS measurements include
pressure, liquid film thickness, wall shear stress and
temperature. The tube section used to simulate the wellbore
has an internal diameter of 31.8mm and an active length of
10.3m. Various flanged pipes were used to accommodate all
the necessary test sections and all the data gathering tappings.
The reservoir is simulated by a pressure vessel of dimensions
1500mm in length and 508mm in diameter. Air and water are
both introduced into the system at the bottom of the tube. Air
into the rig is from a compressed air supply at about 90 psia. It
is then passed through orifice plates in order to meter the air
flow rate by means of differential pressure transducers. Water
is introduced using compressed air through the pressure vessel
simulating the reservoir, and metered via rotameters.



3 floor
10.5m from


2rd floor Height
5.71m from




Fig.3: Experimental set-up.

Mezzanine Floor
Height 2.44m
Mixer, Inlet
0.9m from

SPE 96587

The experiments were organised into three groups: (1)

single- and two-phase flow tests to illustrate phase
redistribution; (2) phase re-injection tests and (3) closed
system tests to investigate the effects of gas migration on
bottomhole pressure.
Fluids (air and water) are flowed through the tube at a
steady-state surface rate prior to the well being shut-in at
surface. To see WPR, the results are compared with those
obtained with single-phase flow.

Test 1 (phase redistribution). The pressure vessel

(the reservoir) is filled with water, compressed air
is introduced at the top and the water is pushed into
the tube (the well) due to the pressure gradient as
in an actual reservoir. The pressure applied to the
water is kept at 40 psia. The water flow rate is
controlled using a calibrated rotameter with two
valves to choke the flow. When steady-state is
reached, the exit valve (Fig.3, valve23, the well
head) is closed. As the inlet valves stay open
throughout the test, fluids continue to flow into the
wellbore, thus emulating afterflow during a build-up
test. Data are recorded throughout the process.
Experiments were run for 150 seconds, of which 20
seconds of steady-state conditions.
Test 2 (phase re-injection). The procedure for this test
was the same as for Test 1. However, the air and
water flow rates were kept constant while varying the
vessel pressure (reservoir pressure). See Table1 for
more details on these experiments.
Test 3 (closed system). This test was designed to
illustrate the relationship between bubble migration
and bottomhole pressure. Three cases were
investigated: single-phase water, bubble flow and
slug flow. These were qualitative as no flow rate
measurements were taken. Both air and water were
introduced into the well using same procedure as for
Test 1 and 2. After establish the desired steady-state
flowing conditions, the data were logged and valves
v52, v23 and v5, shown in Fig.3, were simultaneously

For Test 1 and Test 2, annular flow conditions were

established prior to shut-in, while Test 3 was conducted at
different flow regimes.

The experimental data were analysed using a commercial well
test interpretation package. Pressure change and pressure
derivative are used to illustrate the effect of WPR. The
viscosity and compressibility of real gases are strongly related
to pressure. The pseudo-pressure concept is used to account
for these effects.

p0 Z

m( p ) = 2

The integral of this equation yields:


1 p
m( p ) = 2
+ Z ( pi pi 1 )

i =2
i 1


where the base pressure p0 is an arbitrary pressure (usually the

lowest end of the range of pressure of interest during the test),
is viscosity, Z is the compressibility factor. For the
analysis of single-phase air tests and annular flow tests, rate
normalised pseudo-pressure was used.
Single-phase flow pressure transients were conducted to
illustrate the deviation of pressure change and pressure
derivative in two-phase flow.

Test 1 (phase redistribution). To illustrate the effect of WPR,

single-phase pressure transient build-up tests were performed.
Both single-phase air and single-phase water experiments
were carried out. Fig.4 shows the pressure build-up results for
single-phase water. At early times, wellbore storage,
characterised by a unit slope, was observed, followed by
stabilization and boundary effects. As the water flow rate
increases, the wellbore storage decreases. This was found to
be consistent throughout the range of flow rates investigated.

Water rate

Fig.4: Log-Log plot of pressure and pressure derivative vs. elapsed time.
Comparison of single-phase water pressure responses for different water flow

Fig.5 compares single-phase air pressure transient data with

two-phase data. At early times, the two-phase flow test
exhibits a decrease in wellbore storage compared to singlephase flow. There is a slight humping effect in the pressure
change, which explains the observed pressure derivative
response. This behaviour is also present in the single-phase
flow test, but to a lesser degree. At middle times, there is an
additional stabilisation, which is absent in single-phase flow.
At late times, both the two-phase and single-phase pressure
derivative responses show a similar upward trend with roughly
the same slope. Close examination of the two-phase flow
pressure derivative shows a rather sharp V-shape, which is
indicative of a late phase redistribution or even re-injection.

nm(p) Change and Derivative (psi)



Liquid rate

Gas rate





Table 1: Rates and vessel pressures used in Test 2.







Elapsed time (s)





Fig.5: Log-log plot of rate normalised pseudo-pressure change and pressure

derivative vs. elapsed time. The comparison between single- and two-phase
flow shows WPR.

Fig.7 compares runs 1 to 4 shown above in Table 1. At early

times, the data show WPR, illustrated by the hump in the
pressure change. Phase re-injection is clearly illustrated by the
V-shape in the pressure derivative and was also visually
observed at the pressure vessel. The magnitude of the V-shape
depression is much deeper and occurs earlier at lower vessel
pressures than at higher vessel pressures. The humping effect,
which is indicative of phase re-injection, is only visible at low
vessel pressures. At late times, all derivative responses are

nm(p) Change and Derivative (psi)

Fig.6 illustrates the effect of reduced gas flow rate

compared to that shown in Fig.5. The pressure change and
pressure derivative responses exhibit similar shapes in both
cases. However, for single-phase air flow, the lower the rate,
the smoother the response. For two-phase flow, the lower the
air rate, the less pronounced the V-shape (which is indicative
of WPR) in the pressure derivative. At late times, for twophase flow, the pressure derivatives show similar slope in both
cases (high and low air rate).


seen to follow the same trend and slope.

Fig.7: Log-log plot of rate normalised pseudo-pressure change and pressure

derivative. Two-phase flow, phase re-injection.







Elapsed time (s)





14 Mscf/d
Fig.6: Log-log plot of rate normalised pseudo-pressure change and pressure
derivative vs. elapsed time. Single- and two-phase flow rate at low air rate.

Test 2 (phase re-injection). Phase re-injection is a major

problem in well dynamics. It has been noted in the literature to
have a significant effect on the pressure profile. The following
experiments were designed to illustrate the effects of phase reinjection. The methodology and procedure were the same as
before, the only change was the pressure at which the vessel
(the reservoir) was kept, which was manipulated as shown
in Table 1. All of the other test procedures stayed the same.

Test 3 (closed system). Three different cases were investigated

with Test 3: two-phase bubble flow, two-phase slug flow and
single-phase (water) flow.
Fig.8 shows the results obtained with bubble flow regime,
with water as the dominant phase. Normal pressure is used
instead of normalized pseudo-pressure for the interpretation of
the results. Bubble flow regime is unlikely in gas condensate
reservoirs. However, this test was intended to illustrate the
impact that rising gas bubbles could have on the pressure
During the first seconds after shut-in, a straight line with a
unit slope (which is indicative of wellbore storage) is observed
in the log-log plot, followed by a wave-type response that
causes instability in the pressure derivative. At middle times,
the pressure change data become less noisy and increase
steadily, as does the pressure derivative. At late times, no
further pressure change takes place and the pressure derivative
goes to zero, as in a closed system.

SPE 96587

Fig.8: Log-log plot pressure change and pressure derivative vs. elapsed time.
Bubble flow regime, phase redistribution without afterflow effect.

Fig.9 shows shows the results obtained with slug flow

regime. The pressure rise takes longer to stabilise than for the
case of bubble flow and the magnitude of WPR is greater.
This is illustrated by the continuous fluctuation of the pressure
change and by the sharper V-shape in the pressure derivative.
At late times, no further pressure change takes place and the
pressure derivative goes to zero, as in a closed system

Fig.9: Log-log plot pressure change and pressure derivative vs. elapsed time.
Slug flow regime, phase redistribution without afterflow effect.

shows results from a shut-in test with single-phase

water. The purpose of this test was to illustrate the
significance of sudden momentum changes, called water
hammering in hydraulics.
During the first seconds after shut-in, the pressure change
increases and then decreases with a wave-type response, due
to the incompressibility of the fluid, and is typical of water
hammering. The pressure stabilises after the hump.

Fig.10: Log-log plot of pressure change and pressure derivative vs. elapsed
time. Single-phase water, hammering effect.

Test 1 (phase redistribution). The conditions reproduced by
Test 1 were the closest to an actual reservoir-well system. As
soon as the well was shut-in, afterflow from the reservoir
took place and the pressure in the well built up to that of
the reservoir.
WPR and phase re-injection were investigated as a function of
air and water rates prior to shut-in. All the results in two-phase
flow conditions showed the existence of WPR.
WPR was found to take place prior to the end of wellbore
storage, because of the limited pipe length that caused liquid
to drop much faster than it would be the case in real wells.
Fig.5 and Fig.6 showed that, the higher the rates in two-phase
flow, the higher the magnitude of WPR (indicated by the
deviation of the pressure change and pressure derivative from
the single-phase air case). In particular, WPR was found to be
a strong function of air rate, for a given water rate. It is
difficult to draw a firm conclusion from the data collected
during Test 1, but it is believed that the behaviour observed is
a consequence of the fact that annular flow was the
predominant flow regime for the experiments.
One important anomaly to report is that, at high air rates,
even the single-phase air tests showed pressure change and
pressure derivative deviations. Similar anomalies were also
reported by Gringarten et al.1 for a dry gas well in Canada.
Test 2 (phase re-injection). Test 2 investigated the effects of
phase re-injection, which usually takes place in damaged wells
and in low-permeability formations. In these experiments, the
pressure at the vessel was manipulated to simulate a lowproductivity reservoir. Fig.7 showed higher phase re-injection
at lower vessel pressures, in agreement with the findings by
Stegemeier et al.2.
Test 3 (closed system). The tests with the closed system
allowed the investigation of WPR without afterflow and
without re-injection.
The results for bubble flow were found to be consistent
with what reported by Stegemeier et al.2 and, more recently,

SPE 96587

by Kabir et al.6. In bubble flow build-up tests, the gas bubbles

rise through the liquid column in the well. However, the gas
cannot expand in the closed system and therefore it exterts a
pressure on the liquid at the gas-liquid interface, which causes
an increase in bottomhole pressure.
When comparing the results for bubble flow with those for
slug flow, it was noted that the pressure change in bubble flow
took longer to stabilise. Also, the pressure waves shown in
slug flow were more pronounced than for the case of bubble
The results for single-phase water showed a wave-type
response in the pressure change after shut-in similar to that
caused by water hammering. The results also showed that the
rise in pressure change, seen with bubble and slug flow at
middle times, did not take place with single-phase water. This
suggests that the rise in pressure change seen with bubble and
slug flow was only due to gas rise.

Conclusions and recommendations for future work

An effective experimental set-up and methodology
was developed for the study of WPR. A pressure
vessel was found to represent the reservoir
WPR was found to occur in two-phase flow tests
before the end of wellbore storage.
Air flow rate was found to have a higher effect than
water flow rate on WPR. This was most probably due
to annular flow being the predominant flow regime
for the experiments.
Phase re-injection was successfully simulated. The
lower the reservoir pressure, the higher the liquid
re-injection, an analogue to low-permeability
For a closed system, WPR was shown to take place.
Rising gas causes an increase in bottomhole pressure.
More experimental investigation of WPR is
necessary for a better understanding of its impact on
pressure-transient data. In particular, a wider range of
flow conditions should be considered and a porous
medium should be used to simulate the nearwellbore region between the reservoir and the
well. Research is currently ongoing at Imperial
College to combine the experimental investigation of
WPR with the modelling of the associated transient
flow phenomena.




Gringarten, A.C., Al-Lamki, A., Daungkaew, S., Mott, R.

and Whittle, T.M.: Well Test Analysis in Gas Condensate
Reservoirs, SPE 62920 presented at the SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas Texas,
October 1-4, 2000.
Stegemeier, G.L. and Matthews, C.S.: A Study of
Anomalous Pressure Buildup Behaviour, J. Pet. Tech.
(February 1958) 44-50; Trans., AIME 213.
Pitzer, S.C., Rice, J.D. and Thomas, C.E.: A Comparison
of Theoretical Buildup Curves with Field Curves Obtained
from Bottomhole Shut-in Tests, Trans., AIME 216, 416419, 1959.


BP Review of World Energy 2005, downloaded from the

bp website.
IHS Energy's Report on 10-Year Petroleum Trends, 19942003, published in 2004.
Hasan, A.R., Kabir, C.S.: A Mechanistic Approach to
Understanding Wellbore Phase Redistribution, SPE 26483
presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 3-6, 1993.

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