2.8 - ITP - FIRMATO - C1574 - Inspection and Test Plan - PDF

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7 INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ALLS aw ALGER PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO INSPECTION & TEST PLAN Document No.:_ ITP-C1574_Rev.1 = Cliente Finale PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA III (PERSERO) Progetto PELINDO Ill Nr. Ordine / Lettera Intento HK.0502/224/P 111-2015 Tniended TTACGROT Destinaziono Job No. PT PELABI INDONESIA) cit IMHG 2120E 20" Jan 2016 1 Issued for Approval E Mr. EB 1 Dee 2015 ° Preliminary Issue E MI. Prepared | Checked | Approved a Page 1 of 35 Date Revision Description of revisi INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 REVISION CHANGE SUMMARY Revision Location of Change / Section / Page Affected [Description of Change starting from Rev 1 [Gomcrcion fom Fle ISW of Teak Non22. 1042-0043 Jos sos 2008 3205400 005606 2.006 3.00867 2-07 3-07 0082-008 foe soos avo. neva 20t3 20¥7 2017 8018201840201 1 lax Jcomersion fom Rte Mo Tasks No 2.1021 20221 1 law Jats nas 023 & 28, Uptedrelvert Uist 8 Fg. Updated Thi Party as Local Autry age 20135, INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ALL uy PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No.7 ITP-C1574_Rev.1 PAGE OF CONTENTS Description Page No 1 Introduction 4 1.4 Purpose 1.2 Scope Contractual & Standard Reference documents Intervent Key Code ‘Type of Intervention Legend for Non Destructive Examination List of Spec.’ not applicable points List of Acronyms Important Remarks ITEMs List 10 ITEMs Figure 11 Inspection and Test Plan Contents eeonnnnara ne [Bsa nia ta er Sd lt Page 3 of 35 TALGRm INSPECTION & TEST PLAN Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 12 a) vodaoe x sw chat PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ‘The purpose of this documents is to define the minimum inspection and test plan implemented by ITALGRU {or the supply of the mobile harbour crane IMHC 2120E to ensure compliance of the control level required, ‘as well as detailing information relevant to the ITALGRU's Structure for the Project and a series of applicable ‘annoxes in support to the ITALGRU quality programme implemented, including independent appointed design verification and inspection authority role (if any). Scope ‘This document covers the following activities: = QC activities related to design model type - QC activities related to development of manufacturing Contractual & Standard Reference documents PURCHASE ORDER: HK.0502/221/P.II-2015 FEM 1,001 (Federation Europeonnee De-La-Manutention) Section ~ 1, 3rd Edition - 1998 Intervent Key Code ‘Supplier = ITALGRU (acronym: ITG) Third Party = Local Authority Client = PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA Ill (PERSERO) Purchaser = PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA Ill (PERSERO) Type of Intervention HOLD POINT = WITNESSING IS REQUIRED. Witnessing is mandatory. Notification required from S to T & C. WITNESS POINT = WITNESSING IS NOT MANDATORY. Nofication required from $ to T & C. W indicates 100% extension of check. ‘SPOT WITNESS POINT = WITNESSING IS NOT MANDATORY. Notification required from S to T & C. ‘SW indicates at minimum 10% extension of check (if not differently specified). MONITOR OR SURVEILLANCE POINT = Presence is not Mandatory. Notification not to be issued from $ to T & C. APPROVE POINT = APPROVAL IS REQUIRED. Approval is mandatory by Party involved. REVIEW POINT = CHECK OF CERTIFICATES AND/OR DOCUMENTS. Notification not applied. PROVIDE = DOCUMENTICERTIFICATE must be issued. Page 4 035. ows secon cea PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. ITP-C1574_Rev.1 rTALGRu INSPECTION & TEST PLAN Legend for Non Destructive Examination RT — Radiographic Test UT Ultrasonic Test Magnetic Test Penetrant Liquid Test Visual Test a 5 . not applicable points 7 List of Acronyms ITP Inspection & Test Plan WPS Welding Procedure, Specification WPQ Welder Performance Qualification POR Procedure Qualification Record INDT/NDE Non Destructive Testing / Non Destructive Examination CIP Welding Complete Joint Penetration PAP Welding Partial Joint Penetration NA Not Applicable/Not involved EN European Normative 180 International Standard Organization FAT Factory Acceptance Test SAT _ Site Acceptance Test 8 Important Remarks 2) Swill provide Material List & Material Traceabilty Matrix (including certs) related to each structural carpent'y parts listed at Chap. 9 to T & C ») _Alldocs as per Vendor Document List willbe submitted by $ to T & C through Job! Document Controller ‘Allistruments/dovices using to tetcheck materals/components according tothe present ITP must be under postive calibration status and relevant certs must be available during execution and collected in fina wea * g e ©) Allstructual plates of25 mm of thickness and above involved in fabrication of structural carpenty pats listed at Chap. 9 will be examined by UT according to doc. NDE Procedure UW1001-2015 & UWI002-2015 Ultrasonic ‘work instruction for through thickness load (acceptance citeria indicated in the same document), ors of test will be submitted for review from $ to T & C. ‘ Page $0 35. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ALERM PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document Nc ITP-C1574_Rev.1 ITEMs List & 2 ‘cRITICAL loescrinion oF rem is] UTA - bpes 1 nore uae Jocscrione ELEMENTO py coupovenre oot INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTATION - = Yes %. |VERIFICA DELLA DOCUMENTAZIONE ‘909. {CARRIER & OUTRIGGERS & PADS = ae 5 |CARRO (INCLUS! STABILIZZATORI E PIEDIN)) FRAME - Yee 7 002 piATTAFORMA rower Jcovonna laoom laRaccio Ja FRAME. = 5 Yee z 006 |cavaLLETTO: hoisrs) z oe z 07 TaRcANoMD pins AND SHAFTS. 008 IpeRNIE ALBERI Yoo [stew BEARING i” 009 Tala. [BOLTS FOR BASE FLANGEICOUNTERFLANGE AND oro |putuevs Yes as loULLONI PER RALLA E TRONCHETTIE CARRUCOLE oir HOOK TRAVERSE u Yes = [TRAVERSA GANCIO lores ora Rone - Yoo loears 019 IRiourToRI be xe lprime MovER 014 GRUPPO MOTORE. ~ ~ — ois {HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS ie ons Yes ~ [ciINDRI DRAULICI 16. |NAIN MECHANICAL COMPONENTS _ _ a. _ |COMPONENT! MECCANICI PRINCIPAL oy [HroRAW systeN . . oe IIMPIANTO !ORAULICO Page 6 035, TALERU INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. ITP-C1574_Rev.1 JDescrPTioN oF rem 568 ae me | ni escriione eueweNro Hy compote ong. [etectatcat system ve MPIANTO ELETTRICO lcRANE OPERATOR CABINET ©'9 Joasina OPERATORE GRU Fe Not = JpanvTinc oF CRANE 02 JveRNiciATURA GRU 5 a FE spare parts © descent - Yes a za [FACTORY AcoEPTANGE TEST 7 on : JcouLAuoo FINALE GRU : za |SITE ACCEPTANCE TEST Yes i JCoLLAUoO GRU oN STE a4. [RANE CERTIFICATION BY LOCAL AUTHORITY e iH ee i ICERTIFICAZIONE GRU DA PARTE DELLAUTORITA’LOCALE| Page 7 0135, INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 mrs Page 8 of 35, 3 INSPECTION & TEST PLAN TALE Re PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. ITP-C1574_Rev.1 41 Inspection and Test Plan Contents per ITEMs Page 9 035 iALERM INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ont ot PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 ey | ee eee ce INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTATION aoe oeScRIZIONE ELEMENTO IVERIFICA DELLA DOCUMENTAZIONE REFERENCE TO SPEC: = NOTE: Check of completonoss ard approval of docs nocoesary to start fabrication INOTA: Veriica dalla compltezzae apprvazione dal document necossar per rziaf la fabbviazioie olin Trapt Task No} Task Description 2c Activity Gonwroting | Acceptance eters | Verifying Does eee stmt | oesrsone seta ves Proeadured! | countacceranita | oocumentiventia | s |r| ¢ | [onc at ne desian scontming Jcantoculequremenis and eoramy io oni creck losin tes etn oporoptto Sens nfoqa econ onscovngs) llenrjra torte saps won wah i frre tocos eee apt Pt lee nc contacted lemons ceson cos comurevents | _featunen gra Sanaa aes i ome i frist ope nia ‘oven aed 7 eserme egos conta et ontctopogetasine [stone a one re pele conta spectre rao eed don) par ops panna on ret parte) |omcknat ne docs conoming coromiyi en so jes rarwra propa reno to eracoroe “a. i arn con sen ico eo en ins ctpon Set soc Joo rae |wsting Book nag z| wes rar vin wor? ots fees) 4 Weler Sora peste eee | tial ewe ieee ag Nets he oeent tno Jest nome en =) eres be nome apes Pee nea wsipoR wre fire pe po eps icuieereeieoy prieea cna eee SERED Joarnont eta puto 2 Jectemm ena Jowett na dos re coting fe cient Joe rromsres wre _ fosrtcablncodee ros pews u[ |e poems ausieaton cect en win etree coos, eer. fue Sookincan fists tpn zt oe leeversrsoenz Lew aproved Noe ae Cate outers nnn jrocetres ston | ices atepase lea Fe egeaacamn erat — aa fcc (erica Rake loot recosuoe [oun cane a rome Jesenzsirovnen fetter ean on pea rp at ison lesen Jone prance cen terme a Stren [score tats puna? 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INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 eet | go2 cca ae CARRIER & OUTRIGGERS & PADS: Pos. IDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO |CARRO (INCLUSI STABILIZZATORI E PIEDINI) IREFERENCE TO SPEC. = InOTE: NOE ie ecorus parted cog fabian (on wads ot wil ro be fal ecaesile) IwoTA cerca dei cont non dst enagul arr fstiexone eu saldahre non pt acceei inate fal) earanno aspoil er ree dapat ttle be eae rovow bya aed paris. ber crane rack No] Tesk Deception (A Aatvy Sonatina | pcceptance citer | Recont Doce lesoeciens ne | Deserone ati ates ae Cruacratabnna | Doumentracre | 3] te] P smite cnet cement — assent tase — Jconcatnaae” (Relea cane with lexieome tyes R oerter fps meee oars i ener eoe lions materi = pment = --Joctiicates ba. snvte prop chinic- |v crteu etc con ees [rctonch oats san st nonas2 Sic rat ea ena 08 ut ot amps erator) sc tea Fern” [ext xcsin acorn EM 0 eamptore e180 7. sone” frresotns iesbioee leper rarcion lr santo ot cee ronot2 lancet i cos Ur aise ten Linke conc fetiesereeereh Por fxeuios i Jama sen 50 [Scsthisenenscenst” [20 Teo txe icssuae2 lemon are ; : fetarcestne vo ne et co vr a snare ‘ culate wate [Test wei scoirg EX compre 80 1 i loen rect acne Heart VT arse ae & srt etovt an fecastng coon [NEO ITS rT fSosse err fern rowoess snc xninaton 1 a = penons7 |. ssennnattaals) fo ve soma foe etre sa lesan en cn 8 emai oe 120 ens Prise |iesrper os aeN60 EN 6 Lsrrtieps vrei [rants tebcazone ye fPN'S0 28278 sed es smote poms . ff s sie lana _ on --Jdimensional certficate(s)} mooie Joowsto soe esc an con ten foro segs jewaraetile ——_(elahe dean pple Lemons Page 12 0135 INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 em lbescrTion oF rrEM FRAME 003 Pos. |OESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO- PIATTAFORMA REFERENCE To spe = OTE Woe wot eo pred srg bain (owas wi eb ay ace) wie ste eof by che pai OTA leo enti non dart ropa abc as anestce non pecnel mac fn) eas Sapt pel ove pre tale pert cia Tat Deerton Conon acceptance tea sranaeae anne | oneiione stan Procedure! | crtevaccaanina | docomentimsstes.| 3] t | © | jeans eins 2 Jerse tigate est tal ens wth afte wrcd twist eno awe era sone mn aie om _aesne Sos |Controtio proprieta chimice- |Verifca contenuticertiicat con lequoal conrstuch \ frst sate ace (nano noms 2 [toto cet Lekessesnsrs ems rox ur ica ermoton (cP same eran wa Fart [Toxtncton cdr ENS [carpio eniso | Jeow icesbiswasies” [recotor8 ero tare farsa orem [RT examination of oos2 | ne enue Penoots insconsentes zm ts iste scat) uta completa \ femrnresress. Pr [anctin mtn aca st EN Janome a exis0 [osacaurenmaconnis [so owt 8 rscotme 2 [spserats ara [ticsne oo [ea soo vr aso ot ernaccesse wa |Tot omevion scar nN compre enis0 1 Pelee Fons aerials ots" ervt angen 80 on & erty an Jrepec ring aac [ENISO 2078 ot [so sae a eco eonoose sare resin weld an = aoe oe PeNDo37 rote oo feertfcte(s) Sgnatore oc v au ts P tds ctrl ge [Etecisions testinaccorto a EN Jcontrmia EN SO i semen Peinsasre |sreymevireda ent 86 sre Bparvt aso [mm sccesi pazonate fey iS0 28278 par MT lsse- pert Heal an neat [omc cis who eamptine sero 1 | Joon ence rms ins ioe 10007 rere ‘Signature. ete | cimensionat certificate(s) a canto i © eso cnet on rn Joao sors : imenionetase rant dap pnts, ron Page 19 of 95 TALERw INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ATA OFFENORE CRANES, PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO- Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 tem DESCRIPTION OF TEM ee 004 Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO [COLONNA REFERENCE To spec. = NOTE: Noe eat eco pod ing biconical be sal ety led aio, NOT: ea crt ron lt regu aaa abcazone (uate fon scores ina frat cron apo ero Ge par aa fet crete. feakio] _TeskDenepton (c Actty Gonkouna T pecoptance ents | Recorddocs | grapacton ne | Deseone tv ta 6 recedes | cradaccatatars | documentinostae | s | 7 | |» satsoee Jemccarcrmtend — ley ttre [src nt " lectancalnteiae |r crttston with Jive oct : sso sence. ae e [erie yew 3.4 ow i sired materi Le |-- certificates Signet Jeante ppt chimio- Yea conte cre con \eaesue fescance detetanae” (iment ate 052 Siete ato eicaca eore) nat 00% rot compte pensation (P) stucura crest aie. Forno” [Yetoxeouion acorn ENISO lconpane a EN'80 1 | fosw ficcstieatetore |itevotn8 soot 2 rc gon LE ner oon sno] PONDER __.,tinsecitein Ses fom ur eats sane Jowtcont rust scons Jencacons acon Pe [Esse etn cro al EN ona en 20 [ocscaseronacceet fo treo Lan fees 2 femamat cue faoncane va not rer eceseie wate. 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Nove: NOE war ocr promod arng Rarcton (nwo ht wir be race) wile malate ove by a ro patos. 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DeScRIZIONE ELEMENTO JcAvALLETTO REFERENCE To SPEC: = NOTE Woe wt es parlor igloo wall vl alo fay aces wb male rte ahd pon NTA: cme conte a su emp cabs eater orci al sree Sopano pte pris Tanne [sau a Toning Trepeton raekNo] Task Osean ceowatra | secptce crn | mucorgoocs | quien, ‘Att.Ne. | Deserizione attivite ae Critertaccattabilits | Documenti registra. | s | + | c | P frre Evins. crest ch ane ne [Sr oe - fnecencamanrnn’™ — (Rovewstmate emectree 8 frre oe [swore esos [rca oe ae voor | [Pare ram Signals loot rent cinco rien cont ceric con ee [recionchodotetomcre” [mre aent0n38 2 Leicne iced mettne fescrancnrst crass son Ur amete entton ) surrt enews Forms [Ystomcuton coring ENIG0 + [ia eon] beste awsome” [tree erect ring corccon ae 2 se Cd ur examination gees jos urate wu scence esc ra coca femcsere mera Per [sector tn cod a EN Joma venis0 [oescauresnaceena” [so tewtees ieee ton 2 [secret ante [seco eta. ea san v8 ona ot frit ecesbirwace, [rst necaion cing BEN compas Enso 1 Hidleon Jorn ecowsta woh ote ear evronsEN 507058 & errr avr and frovace ing coercion [en sO S70 rte erat ed Pononee ion maminaton | LL ome eee nf Bewomer ——festena joo vr esr toa ecoe srt eseaoe tin accra en coos 150, scene reriencstre |irarpm vedo eniS0 He lctrin sper e's0 fonscctait moesone, [evico sasope it feo pk jist nd orensonattnafoneck exciton wth 0 Jaman aed 1 flan nck mod conan Keener i , san vi! ant a cosa | a aa a sf emonsions cont — conote ws» seen cota co inane estar eo loreal iota doar eros soos Pago 17 of 35 ALERU Document No. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 tam | oy [PEBeRIPTION OF EM HoIsT¢S) Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO |ARGANO(|) REFERENCE TO SPEC. = INOTE: NOE wt reco parormed ciring fabian (on wide hal willbe tal accesible) wil be vial fr evi by a ved pares INOTA:cerfcat cei cont on anit sng crane aabacanone (eu alae nen Secessln fase Mao) srance spon pe review da pte tele fr conte Active = nee cr Record Docs aie reno] Tek Ortoton ac Any cones | capes cma en stat | eserisone ea atts a6 Froceaue | “Chretaccatabtts | Oocomentiegites | 2 | + |e | sree ome tenant am pf fncercaimanas, (nde ose catia win leer ee " peo oan be femeesear” beet sant mae at ons |__. ; ee ee. re eterna eo ye cnanatcatiat on Sarcoma Jeretoctonce” |demenca xen? 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REFERENCE To spe, = INOTE: NOE tet recor porormed dn NOTA eerie deol non dst osegut ree ricallon (on weds wil a be ily acess) wil be wala fr reow by al wae prion, ivicacone (su sedate non pi accessilin ase fe) stan cepa per evlw dapat tte rcv ea Connotia irapecton ‘an etertion (0 Actviy Gorwonna T pcceptnc rte | Racor Dees min mane reeds di | Crtecettats | Oocummatreauven | st] o] otek chictent ——Ieavewot matic wt wf x sires CE Irene i ‘oor setae ges Jconrato prope inion |ncsanich do ond Wertic enter cars con trent tn EN00693 fret ci tbo? ese) hea samples of mtr lor mecrarcl ests (ach [sts ofr motors) steal sampng win eto Jentoozs-2 @eN rozt0e1 sc aca Ete| | BF at rete canon mateet lesen campus con stineto a pone necncne p= _Pime canon con sae fan oes zen [ert saat) ea [Tense an impact ats ection hea est for mater | Jose] [secre porome cls [ese ENO 602.1 EN ae ae [snes sscrnica tet = — | wits) eps roe meceanche rate. lEsscuene prov vane @ me ere loeroonctotiat)esegteestanmn asda aa 2N'SO repaired eos Josert senso 401 en at rn 10% wr of pineand frost exectonsecerdng EN compare to | frou Jno oa. Isovases a hi examination 7 nen] PONE [sritcats poesia lest eupemieaines #0 tain ecrdoa EN loontornts 9 I ee joe fso nau Page 19035 Page 19 0135 iTALERU INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ‘DrFEHORE CAAMES: PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO- Document No. = ITP-C1574_Rev.1 6 Tgp PeSOnPTONOr EW FEEERERG Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO- JRALLA REFERENCE To sre z — Nora: — fosna] Tank oeetpton ee) ste | been ts Documentos. | 8] t] eo] & even conden doce betel sd ae Jseckctint xtteton [ont cforms mo of eves | leseamre fences | set aceon oo: : - L ere seston | — Se rete comptee |e etacantcaore |Socmansere cea dla ee me ae Jp teunoeei fens pratent cinerea log non comptes ape “ | eg ge ona vi na eT ne na poocnn = = +=} hmensional certiicate(s)} Sigeoture mee |i a | {sme te Sees | Page 20 of 35. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN TALERm PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 = 010 a |BOLTS FOR BASE FLANGE/COUNTERFLANGE AND PULLEYS ae —— a, IBULLON! PER RALLAE TRONCHETTI E CARRUCOLE REFERENCE TO SPEC. = Nore Nov raaxno] Token (6 Act Gertetna | ecepance crt | Racortbece | qivpeston | en sins oe roca | “Crunacotantts | Documents. | | tT] © | P [Materia aopticabie = ie creck any frat [eto ceca wlan lnsc otal carteten Jewitt aor ENED [senna es ee manana es a wer — [Signed Supplier's —— ® = Ee inspection repos Sieare — jie deta crease etn prose cerns dei iri Jnsterantpotsgcoe a loctmone ta) pula menor ol conptane apres Jeneck for bats snd puleys [Cheek execution |orowings: Cina | Ee | esa oo : [mental cotst rs lconsto vaio Jsrnensionfatepor _fesocuzone conto eros eset fama ecanocoe Pago 21 0f 35, TALERM INSPECTION & TEST PLAN [FORT # OPFSNONE CHAK PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 tom Joescripriow oF rrem HOOK TRAVERSE Pos. oa |DESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO |TRAVERSA GANCIO [REFERENCE TO SPEC: = Note: Nora: — esko] Tack Description (2c actly Contobing | pcceptance entra | Record Docs at se | Deseo ava ats o¢ Proesdursdl "|" cyuadaccetaband | oocumensnasvaz. | s | 1] | oven ofcariowness ees Jeane sans alae lrecxersnatenaion —fenteos copies evien of aac fis fests sonesnsonctn a _ ona oe ~ = v--ugp por suppters oars ets cnlaszz jeistacontcaore |soamentaonee catia cba Nome ern ne eonpaesenaone atte feng eres stances i [Traction test |Test executon |S contiaceal S | one | pellet sirens | Le sme arena. I | Jromcitermanens secon est fesse conrotse rica Page 2201 95 Document No. : INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ITP-C1574_Rev.1 PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO tem DESCRIPTION OF TEM ROPES pes | 9? Joescrizione eLewenro FUN REFERENCE To SPEC: = Nore: — Nora: FTasko] Task Description Actnty Pale Record Doce aspect BW Desersione tvs vac Procedura a document register | s | + | ores [review of completeness of docs lcreck otal cortcaton [Revit Werica dt certeasone erica compliezza nae |dsmenacone oer lrrtcedie serdar I coat Jreauromens Ime trent, requ contrat feats [sone suptios ora2 [rest ezcuton co ropes super or ime beans ns est ent once ms lesecusione etl roe ono Jaca stanaarss Ince ferment, fesreana ined Test root Signature Page 23 of 35 rALERu INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ferme PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 nem | 14 [Pzserrnon oF ew eens, Pos. DeSCRIZIONE ELEMENTO JRIDUTTORI : REFERENCE TO SPEC: = nore: Inova: — rake] TekDeseiion 6 Aaty ecaptnen tate | Resordtoce | ester, stutc| — Deserion tits da 06 Procedure dt) "cried sccatiabins | Oocumantrgita. | ¢ | +] © | ew ofcmpleonss foes lpi standards alls Jonker tral cutenon fandeas tof empl ees "Srvc fest Jeairamets sane nspcton om -fesbasoppters TP om ta det cones ery rin, 2 fe hea aul and Orns! compan to sepod nw] fase] | evs Jonecomeaton cae iE OP or fem cts] — Sa baste eee = besiancsaba NY fersionte tate Freone srr Page 240135. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 ww T gyq PesORPHOWOF MEW SaLE GEE Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO- |GRUPPO MOTORE REFERENCE To spec, = wove: ota: fesine] —Tancoesepton oc tty Goreng | acerca crass | econo | gion, sane | oes na sea oc rece! | “cransccntoira | Oocomantreaiier | 8 | t | © Reve ctcompleenes of docs artiste sancarse i : [Pexettceneos cen ent In contact reasremenis ons ete ctiain |[ieneoiiee posse be a, a Page 25 035, INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 perl tors’ deena HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO |CILINDRI IDRAULICI REFERENCE TO SPEC: = lnore: — Inara: Fran] Tank Deseripion (a Actty Coaketion | pcoigasacaart | necont Deca inapecton anne] Deserione ave ‘atta ac ‘ oecuneniraiear | 3] +] e | | oir tomsoanens tos pice snc ee eomareo cata [tens Se orp eon era a fomeaire fesronone i saretseton ep a ans . - a -fosper suppers TF Slonatire al paranoia ees lartcacatactcsene [orenasore scr ota ame toners ea lemocseaecunnes® fest sa Page 26 0f 35. TALE RM INSPECTION & TEST PLAN fonresneee ca PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 i Brae ee cee ae MAIN MECHANICAL COMPONENTS. Pes. DescRIZIONE ELEMENTO |COMPONENTI MECCANIC! PRINCIPAL! IREFERENGE To SPEC. = INOTE: With ref. to his job main mechanical conponents take nto consideration ae al mirimut alae J: eal; couple ore Gt present speeder (Fr presente), INOTA: Con siferimento a questa commessa | component! meccancl principal da prendre in cens\rarene eano come minima giunto elastic asa accopriatre benna (ss presente) spezdar (se praserte). resto] Teak escipton (2 hey Senet Record Does saan ann] Besrton abv ates ¢ Proeesua | “crrasaccarmnma | documentos: | s | 1 || le ones of docs Lrericane stances Jcrack ttn certizaton | Reow ofcomloiones ot Jaco ores 2 snes Supto’s Were data corteasione — |verieacompeteza ome rina lento |socamentconeecertat anes Page 27 of 35. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN TALE Rw PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 vem [escriPrion oF rrew ieoeniiceversa o17 Pos. |DESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO. IMPIANTO IDRAULICO IREFERENGE To spe: = ove: yradc canponents nts inv: tsa ps, haus mts, ves, eae, oc NOTA: component raul! chido, come mine: pape Kraehe, mck dau valve go ric, Bocch rato] Taskbeetpton a Atty Genveing | captacncitcn | nacortouee | hmpecton sue | ewer atta ais 0 Prac | Cen acctabata | Oocumeniraitex | 3 | +] © | > erent sas scenon, mar ado ttl atrty emetic roe ufr etc ag ee as [steers rte Men rd cote [nse Isto ones os 10007 pare = “Signature. =a eee ease aenaezon ae et eral ee cr San rome) sects | erat teint pr Sets acorn [igre tonmena |icreutico a fetestcnctantn ——_[onacemeton [campan wions2 4 ie oma wore enantio oo emt aioe Leesan co canto na on lormertrconcmanst — loser eanptane itm 1 | se [saaton enon ise rade eee ce eeeoe ee eee Spt ra conere Jette omaratrn [aeons ontote Jerome home |oneeners Page 28 0135. sTALE Rin INSPECTION & TEST PLAN [PORTA OFmHORE CRANES PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 ‘| Perot tee ee ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO |IMPIANTO ELETTRICO [REFERENCE TO SPEC.: = NOTE: Elect components including at minimum: uncon bo, iit switches, sip ring, oad cots. INOTA: | component eet includone, come minime: juncen box, finecorsa,clltereelettico, calle caren. reo] Took oeerpton (Ay Coowonea | pecapance crits | racotoos | giapecton ane tins ae crtaccanbana | oocumentagivaz | | +] ©] Sean er Materiel standard (as tector tang (Rese sat cntty rctes ne agro instrumentation & conth |“@C@rations and certificaies |awgs) & project hes omen a rae estore wapcion Se ee = onder ent torn ee oe Femi cart t) Waa cto ea on Scena Inte tina | ni et sept tocmont lrsraote rooms lesion nsnince fret nceston mt be canoe catemaycontnc [measurement test and applied prior to cable termination ar rere eae caneene aac ena y [es & FAT cco ict ect TN nee =. " ad = evnecenene {COCK HOPE Segnatare ccm tat z Iiewaresioenc) [scone ee see seta re fesoncavotracee lft na Se Krone 8 ‘ lestcan lass Fan) Posie: men : [check or correctness of aoe Icompiiance to lactic 4 | Jon jinstetaton & tagging ome lscheme. ones Sree _ferersonn a linsiaazione e marcatura | Esecuzione controlio. Sea: Page 29 of 35. TALERY INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 ae ey | peace teonce l CRANE OPERATOR CABINET ne DESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO CABINA OPERATORE GRU REFERENCE TO SPEC: = nore: — Nota: — frank wo] TskDesenipton ‘0C hetity RacorsOoce | paqoremerts cmt la Sal Jone ina certeston oa Irie sta cortessone JRevew completeness of oes Iectics cmpetzea larrcatie sandr [contract hme tarmento, reg conratush protean igre Spr’ jeepacion eps Page 30 of 35 ALERu INSPECTION & TEST PLAN Fort ormtore ens PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. : ITP-C1574_Rev.1 te | gay fOBORITIN OF TEM ISPARE PARTS Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO JRICAMB! IREFERENCE TO SPEC. = Nore: s Nota: [Task Wo} Task Description ‘2c Activity ‘Acceptance criteria nee ‘u.ne,| —Dasersione sits wtaae citer accoustins | documentirgiaias. | ¢ | + | c tk rat cinch cote fees an ery mating ates 6 Jand corforenity) ” -nfared Chace epot m= |conrao vena dimensions fica: fam (tao, quant, marcato [tort Joreck ot docurenaion ar fcomstancto 4 4 race Jsiteason where appa) wera semen oai2 signed aarite 7 i F a -feemfeter re rica dota cocumertacan [conta ests arti [sta concazone (oo apaeabie) att ota x Page 32 0135. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN WfALERm PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO Document No. ITP-C1574_Rev.1 tem JoescriPrion oF ITEM on PAINTING OF CRANE Pos. JoeScRIZIONE ELEMENTO |VERNICIATURA GRU IREFERENCE TO SPEC. INOTE: Check of panting is performed at minimum of tems: 002-008-004-006-006-007-015 INOTA: i contrato dela vericiatia ¢esequto come minim sugt items: 002-003-004-005-006-007-015 resko] Task Description C Aetivity Franca’ | Aecoptancserteria | Record Docs sae trecsduradl” |” Coectrecsecu ae tits OC recdura di |" crteaccataits | Oncumenteosiae | s | + | c | » osunenton linanepetenet ining —forbekereulon xara to Jconptnceto pero fOveumertston | | te inal inspection of Painting | sprayed Painting Procedure (PP) JPaining Procedure (Pp) | "32984 Following: Js ratabanytssung of aos [rreew and peo lcomato tne deta secon corto acco ata ferme ccs veritas sents appro [ ee crs are cease Papel pairs ast oe ios cacao orca ean [pet rsnpan crn eo) Page 31 of 35 TALERM Document No. : INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 pe ee eae FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST Pos. JDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO JCOLLAUDO FINALE GRU REFERENCE TO SPEC. = Note: Nota: Task No} Tesk Description 2c Activity comers Record Doce Noon saune | Descrsioe atts save oc Procedira | | crter accatabiitd | Documentiegetas. | s | + | c |p Leste contact FsconyAccopince Tet rest emton Jremirmens 8 cesgn i ota cele vanaf fPEIR8, | |amernnmnend gre FAT cites [Sanaa Roget contatuat oto trate cates fsncone tet sepa 8 tens foo " +SEE FAT LEAT MTA OR™ JUNE 2OAG Pogo 33 of 35 TALERM Document No. : INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO ITP-C1574_Rev.1 tom ] yg [PEBeRIPTIONOF rem [stTe ACCEPTANCE TEST Pos. lDeScRIZIONE ELEMENTO JCOLLAUDO GRU ON SITE |REFERENCE TO SPEC. = Record Doce Document gisiae. | s |r | c |e ‘vas oe Joa contact tf |Site Accaptance Test [Test execution [requirements & design 71* [ee oa 4 in 2 et Ace res ont esta srinsie ——_esecsora tt lrscaba aa rame [= oseto Page 34 0f 35 INSPECTION & TEST PLAN PIANO DI ISPEZIONE E CONTROLLO TTP-C1574_Revl 024 DESCRIPTION oF ITEM IDESCRIZIONE ELEMENTO CRANE CERTIFICATION BY LOCAL AUTHORITY JCERTIFICAZIONE GRU DA PARTE DELL'AUTORITA’ LOCALE REFERENCE TO SPEC: NOTE: NOT? Task no| “Task Decerition Desessione ats reid oc Conraing Procedure Procedure Accopance eters Trapection Requirements Documontivegistae. | s | + | c [crane certiaton by local fautonty [ceecasion gr pata lcercatonexecuton Lrooscotitoca aunty Reais autor locate spas oa auhortycniteat Page 26 of 96

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