The Bent Cross Crucifix Versus The Traditional Crucifix
The Bent Cross Crucifix Versus The Traditional Crucifix
The Bent Cross Crucifix Versus The Traditional Crucifix
Therefore, Pope John Paul II is telling all the occultists the world over that he is not a
Traditional Pope, but a Pope that is committed to carrying out the role of World
Religious Leader as called for in the New World Order Plan. Another Roman Catholic
author, Malachi Martin, makes this same claim - that Pope John Paul II is committed to
the New World Order Plan in his book, "The Keys To This Blood".
As you can see, the Crucifix which Pope John Paul II is holding up to adoring crowds is
not the Traditional Crucifix, but is the Satanic Bent, or Broken, Cross! This Bent Crucifix
was created by Satanists to depict Antichrist and his Mark of the Beast! Very soon, you
will see the appearance of a global leader, calling himself The Christ, who will claim to
be Jesus Christ returned, the Jewish Messiah, and the Avatar figure for which all the
major religions are awaiting, all in one man. This will be Antichrist. Then, very quickly
thereafter, a global religious leader will step forward to aid the Antichrist; this religious
leader will possess the same miraculous power of Antichrist. At this moment, the
prophecy of Revelation 13:11-14 will be fulfilled; this global religious leader will be the
Biblical False Prophet.
The New World Order Plan calls for this global religious leader [False Prophet] to be the
Roman Catholic Pope, and certainly, John Paul II's use of this Satanic Bent Cross is
consistent with this part of the Plan. But, if it is Pope John Paul II who steps forth to aid
The Christ [Antichrist], you will know the truth about this Pope and his entire Roman
Catholic Church.
You have been forewarned. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this Bent Cross
picture labels Pope John Paul II.