Solar Powered Room Cleaning Machine
Solar Powered Room Cleaning Machine
Solar Powered Room Cleaning Machine
Room cleaner is very much useful in cleaning floors in hospitals, houses, auditorium, shops,
computer centers etc; it is very simple in construction and easy to operate. Anybody can operate
this machine easily. It consist of moisture cotton brush, the brush cleans the floor and dried with
aid of small blower. Hence it is very useful in hospitals, houses, etc. The time taken for cleaning
is very less and the cost is also very less. Maintenance cost is less. Much type of machines is
widely used for this purpose. But they are working under different principles and the cost is also
very high.
Good well-maintained entrance matting can dramatically reduce the need for cleaning.
For public and office buildings about 80 to 90% of the dirt is tracked in from outside. Installing a
total of 15 feet of matting consisting of both indoor and outdoor sections will remove about 80%
of this. Thus about two-thirds of the dirt can be removed at the entrance
To prevent injuries due to tripping or slipping. Injuries due to slips and trips on level
floors are a major cause of accidental injury or death. Bad practice in floor cleaning is
itself a major cause of accidents.
To remove grit and sand which scratch and wear down the surface.
To prevent wear to the surface (e.g. by using a floor wax or protective sealant).
There are also a wide variety of floor cleaning machines available today such as floor
buffers, automatic floor scrubbers and sweepers, and carpet extractors that can deep clean almost
any type of hard floor or carpeted flooring surface in much less time than it would take using a
traditional cleaning method.
Wood flooring
Wood flooring should be treated completely differently depending on whether it waxed or
oiled, or whether it has a polyurethane coating. It is important to determine the type of finish of a
wood floor and always treat it the appropriate way, for instance it is difficult to clear wood floor
wax from a polyurethane floor. Simple cleaning instructions:
1. Clear the floor of any furnature that's easy to move.
2. Sweep or vacuum all loose dirt and debris.
3. Mop the floor, going along with the grain. If your floors are polyurethaned, dampen a
mop with water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Be sure to ring out the mop
thoroughly before using it on the floor. Run the mop back and forth, going with the grain
of the wood in smooth strokes. If your floors are lacquered or shellacked, dont use water,
which can stain the wood and cause buckling.
4. Buff the floor with a soft cloth to remove any soapy residue. Cloth diapers work well for
buffing, because theyre very soft and absorbent.
Tile and stone floors
Nowadays many modern kitchens, stairs, and bathrooms have tile flooring that can be
cleaned in three simple steps:
1. Dirt or dust should first be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.
2. Have a floor cleaning solution or spray bottle for the appropriate floor. If you are cleaning
stone floors (marble, granite, travertine, etc.), make sure the cleaning agent states that it is
for stones. An acidic tile cleaning solution can be used on ceramic and porcelain floors
3. After spraying the tile or stone floors in a small area, use a mop to clean and scrub floors.
Waxes and resins present in the product applied form part of the eventual finish, further
enhancing the appearance of the floor.
This is the most aggressive way of removing impacted soil from a surface. A scarifying
attachment is fitted to the machine that incorporates a series of sharp cutting tools that will
remove soil deposits by means of a chisel like action.
Light Sanding
This can be done with the use of abrasive mesh discs used in conjunction with a slow
speed machine. They can be used to lightly sand an uneven or damaged surface or strip back
multiple layers of polish that cannot be removed by conventional stripping.
Bonnet Mopping
A cleaning process for carpets or hard floors using a standard speed rotary machine fitted
with the appropriate bonnet mop. Each surface has its own particular technique and involves a
surface-specific bonnet mop.
With hard floor bonnet cleaning the rotary machine should have a centre feed facility and
be fitted with a solution tank A hard floors bonnet is manufactured from a mixture of nylon and
high tensile nylon which ensures that it is hard wearing and the mop does not hold too much
water. To distinguish it from carpet bonnets the hard surface bonnet generally contains easily
identified coloured fleck, and has a mesh centre to allow water to feed through to the bonnet.
The cleaning technique here is different to carpets. The bonnet is put onto the drive board
in a dry state, and dampened by feeding water through from the solution tank. Only sufficient
cleaning solution should be fed to the bonnet, and as the bonnet dries out more solution can be
fed through. If done correctly the floor should be air dried in two or three minutes.
Types of Machine
As previously stated, although the machines may look similar, they do perform a number
of separate tasks, depending on their individual properties. In this section we will look at the
various types of machines available.
Single Brush Machines
Single brush machines have, as the name implies, a single rotating drive pulley driven,
powered by an electric motor. The drive pulley itself can be driven via a belt linking it to the
rotor of the motor or through a gearbox.
All machines apart from the Ultra High Speed machines are designed to be used in
conjunction with drive brushes, abrasive pads and a wide range of other accessories and
assemblies. Ultra High Speed machines, due to their speed configuration tend to be fitted with a
fixed drive board which is not removed after use.
The working width of these machines can vary from 28 to 60 cm and the speed at which
it is driven falls into one of the following categories:
Slow or Standard Speed
High Speed
Super Speed
As a general rule, machines in the Standard, High and Super Speed categories, will tend
to be swing machines which are operated in a side to side motion. They will have a head weight
on the floor of anything between 20 to 45 kilos, depending on working diameter, size and weight
of motor and general construction of the machine. The machines operate on the principal that at a
point of equilibrium or in a horizontal position to the floor the machine will hover in the same
spot. By gently raising the handle the machine will move to the right, and by gently lowering the
handle the machine will move to the left. It is a combination of this slight upward and downward
movement on the handle that allows the machine to swing in a side to side action.
With Ultra High Speed machines, these are known as divided weight machines and tend
to be operated in a straight line method. In order to facilitate these higher speeds the rear wheels
will be in contact with the floor when in use and possibly the machine will also have a front or
central castor wheel to give further ease of mobility. Ultra High Speed machines usually have a
pad pressure of between 3 to 9 kilos, depending on the diameter and speed of the machine. This
is why they are particularly effective in polishing or burnishing hard floor surfaces, but cannot be
used for more aggressive cleaning methods such as scrubbing or stripping.
1. Solar
2. D.C Motor
3. wheel
4. Solar
5. wiper
6. Cleaning liquid
7. Water
8. Battery
Solar Cell
This epoxy-encapsulated polycrystalline solar cell offers 6.7V and 31mA in a 37x33mm
package. These are mounted on sturdy fiberglass backing, with color-coded polarity solder tabs. As for
performance, it offers 6.1V at 23mA in its 37x33mm package. After using your solar cells for a couple of
bots I noticed that they can be altered to provide about 3.3v at near 80ma (in full sun) by cutting the bus
connector on the back to electrically separate the two sides of the cell and then to cross-connect the two
sides of the bus to the + and - contacts. This puts the two sides in parallel.
A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts sunlight directly into
electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices
intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight, while the term photovoltaic cell is used
when the light source is unspecified. Assemblies of cells are used to make solar panels, solar
modules, or photovoltaic arrays. Photovoltaic is the field of technology and research related to
the application of solar cells in producing electricity for practical use. The energy generated this
way is an example of solar energy (also called solar power).
different doping. Eventually GaAs dual junction cells reached production efficiencies of about
22%. Triple Junction solar cells began with AM0 efficiencies of approximately 24% in 2000,
26% in 2002, 28% in 2005, and in 2007 have evolved to 30% AM0 production efficiency,
currently in qualification.
Simple explanation
1. Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed by semiconducting materials,
such as silicon.
2. Electrons (negatively charged) are knocked loose from their atoms, allowing them to flow
through the material to produce electricity. Due to the special composition of solar cells,
the electrons are only allowed to move in a single direction. The complementary positive
charges that are also created (like bubbles) are called holes and flow in the direction
opposite of the electrons in a silicon solar panel.
3. An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a usable amount of direct current (DC)
The photon can pass straight through the silicon this (generally) happens for lower
energy photons,
The silicon can absorb the photon, if the photon energy is higher than the silicon band
gap value. This generates an electron-hole pair and sometimes heat, depending on the
band structure.
When a photon is absorbed, its energy is given to an electron in the crystal lattice. Usually this
electron is in the valence band, and is tightly bound in covalent bonds between neighboring
atoms, and hence unable to move far. The energy given to it by the photon "excites" it into the
conduction band, where it is free to move around within the semiconductor. The covalent bond
that the electron was previously a part of now has one fewer electron this is known as a hole.
The presence of a missing covalent bond allows the bonded electrons of neighboring atoms to
move into the "hole," leaving another hole behind, and in this way a hole can move through the
lattice. Thus, it can be said that photons absorbed in the semiconductor create mobile electronhole pairs.
A photon need only have greater energy than that of the band gap in order to excite an electron
from the valence band into the conduction band. However, the solar frequency spectrum
approximates a black body spectrum at ~6000 K, and as such, much of the solar radiation
reaching the Earth is composed of photons with energies greater than the band gap of silicon.
These higher energy photons will be absorbed by the solar cell, but the difference in energy
between these photons and the silicon band gap is converted into heat (via lattice vibrations
called phonons) rather than into usable electrical energy.
A pulley is a wheel on an axle that is designed to support movement and change of
direction of a cable or belt along its circumference. Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift
loads, apply forces, and to transmit power. In nautical contexts, the assembly of wheel, axle, and
supporting shell is referred to as a "block."
A pulley is also called a sheave or drum and may have a groove between two flanges
around its circumference. The drive element of a pulley system can be a rope, cable, belt, or
chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove.
Hero of Alexandria identified the pulley as one of six simple machines used to lift
weights. Pulleys are assembled to form a block and tackle in order to provide mechanical
advantage to apply large forces. Pulleys are also assembled as part of belt and chain drives in
order to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another.
A hoist using the compound pulley system yielding an advantage of 4. The single fixed
pulley is installed on the hoist (device). The two movable pulleys (joined together) are attached
to the hook. One end of the rope is attached to the crane frame, another to the winch.
A rope and pulley system -- that is, a block and tackle -- is characterised by the use of a
single continuous rope to transmit a tension force around one or more pulleys to lift or move a
loadthe rope may be a light line or a strong cable. This system is included in the list of simple
machines identified by Renaissance scientists.
If the rope and pulley system does not dissipate or store energy, then its mechanical
advantage is the number of parts of the rope that act on the load. This can be shown as follows.
Consider the set of pulleys that form the moving block and the parts of the rope that support this
block. If there are p of these parts of the rope supporting the load W, then a force balance on the
moving block shows that the tension in each of the parts of the rope must be W/p. This means the
input force on the rope is T=W/p. Thus, the block and tackle reduces the input force by the factor
A gun tackle has a single pulley in both the fixed and moving blocks with two rope parts
supporting the load W.
Separation of the pulleys in the gun tackle show the force balance that results in a rope
tension of W/2.
A double tackle has two pulleys in both the fixed and moving blocks with four rope parts
supporting the load W.
Separation of the pulleys in the double tackle show the force balance that results in a rope
tension of W/4.
How it works
The simplest theory of operation for a pulley system assumes that the pulleys and lines
are weightless, and that there is no energy loss due to friction. It is also assumed that the lines do
not stretch.
In equilibrium, the forces on the moving block must sum to zero. In addition the tension
in the rope must be the same for each of its parts. This means that the two parts of the rope
supporting the moving block must each support half the load.
Fixed pulley
The load F on the moving pulley is balanced by the tension in two parts of the rope
supporting the pulley.
Movable pulley
Diagram 2: A movable pulley lifting the load W is supported by two rope parts with tension W/2.
These are different types of pulley systems:
Fixed: A fixed pulley has an axle mounted in bearings attached to a supporting structure. A
fixed pulley changes the direction of the force on a rope or belt that moves along its
circumference. Mechanical advantage is gained by combining a fixed pulley with a movable
pulley or another fixed pulley of a different diameter.
Movable: A movable pulley has an axle in a movable block. A single movable pulley is
supported by two parts of the same rope and has a mechanical advantage of two.
Compound: A combination of fixed and a movable pulleys forms a block and tackle. A block
and tackle can have several pulleys mounted on the fixed and moving axles, further
increasing the mechanical advantage.
Diagram 3: The gun tackle "rove to advantage" has the rope attached to the moving pulley. The
tension in the rope is W/3 yielding an advantage of three.
Diagram 3a: The Luff tackle adds a fixed pulley "rove to disadvantage." The tension in the rope
remains W/3 yielding an advantage of three.
The mechanical advantage of the gun tackle can be increased by interchanging the fixed
and moving blocks so the rope is attached to the moving block and the rope is pulled in the
direction of the lifted load. In this case the block and tackle is said to be "rove to advantage
Free body diagrams
The mechanical advantage of a pulley system can be analyzed using free body diagrams
which balance the tension force in the rope with the force of gravity on the load. In an ideal
system, the massless and frictionless pulleys do not dissipate energy and allow for a change of
direction of a rope that does not stretch or wear. In this case, a force balance on a free body that
includes the load, W, and n supporting sections of a rope with tension T, yields:
The ratio of the load to the input tension force is the mechanical advantage MA of the pulley
Thus, the mechanical advantage of the system is equal to the number of sections of rope
supporting the load.
Belt and pulley systems
An electric motor is used for the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.
This conversion of electrical power to mechanical energy takes place in the rotating part of the
motor. A D.C. Motor is called as Conduction motor, but an A.C. Motor is called as Induction
The Direction of rotation of an Electric motor is given by Fleming's Left Hand rule:
Keep the Thumb, Index finger & the Middle finger of the left hand at right angles
to each other.The First finger or the index finger indicates the direction of the Field.
The seCond finger or the middle finger represents the direction of the Current.
The THumb represents the direction of the THrust or the direction of motion of
the conductor.
Also other important Law is the Faraday's Law Of Electro Magnetic Induction.There are 3
important rules/laws of electro magnetic induction.They are as follows:
1. An EMF is induced in a coil whenever the flux through the coil changes with time.
2. The magnitude of induced EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux.
3. The direction of the EMF is such as to oppose the change in flux.
If a 3-phase supply is fed to the stator windings of a 3-phase motor, a magnetic flux of
constant magnitude, rotating at synchronous speed is set up. At this point, the rotor is stationary.
The rotating magnetic flux passes through the air gap between the stator & rotor and sweeps past
the stationary rotor conductors. This rotating flux, as it sweeps, cuts the rotor conductors, thus
causing an e.m.f to be induced in the rotor conductors. As per the Faradays law of
electromagnetic induction, it is this relative motion between the rotating magnetic flux and the
stationary rotor conductors, which induces an e.m.f on the rotor conductors. Since the rotor
conductors are shorted and form a closed circuit, the induced e.m.f produces a rotor current
whose direction is given by Lenzs Law, is such as to oppose the cause producing it. In this case,
the cause which produces the rotor current is the relative motion between the rotating magnetic
flux and the stationary rotor conductors. Thus to reduce the relative speed, the rotor starts to
rotate in the same direction as that of the rotating flux on the stator windings, trying to catch it
up. The frequency of the induced e.m.f is same as the supply frequency.
Sometimes, when the supply voltage is low, the squirrel cage induction motor refuses to
start. This happens when the number of stator teeth and the number of the rotor teeth is equal,
thus causing a magnetic locking between the stator and the rotor. This phenomenon is other-wise
called as teeth-locking or Magnetic locking. This problem can be overcome by having the
number of rotor slots prime to the stator slots.
Plugging of Motor
The Induction motor can be stopped immediately by just interchanging any two of the
stator leads. When an induction motor is rotating at a high speed, during emergency if situation
arises that the motor has to be stopped immediately, can be done by interchanging any 2 leads of
the stator supply. By doing this, it reverses the direction of the revolving flux, which produces a
torque in the reverse direction, thus causing a breaking effect on the rotor. This breaking period
is called the Plugging period.
Loss = T* 1 T* 2
Loss = T* 1 T 1*(1-s)
Loss = s * T 1
Loss = slip * input.
If we apply +ve to one lead and ground to another motor will rotate in one direction, if
we reverse the connection the motor will rotate in opposite direction.
If we keep both leads open or both leads ground it will not rotate (but some inertia will be
Battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored
chemical energy into electrical energy. Since the invention of the first battery (or "voltaic pile")
in 1800 by Alessandro Volta and especially since the technically improved Daniel cell in 1836,
batteries have become a common power source for many household and industrial applications.
The Lead Acid battery is made up of plates, lead, and lead oxide (various other elements
are used to change density, hardness, porosity, etc.) with a 35% sulfuric acid and 65% water
solution. This solution is called electrolyte, which causes a chemical reaction that produce
electrons. When you test a battery with a hydrometer, you are measuring the amount of sulfuric
acid in the electrolyte. If your reading is low, that means the chemistry that makes electrons is
lacking. So where did the sulfur go? It is resting on the battery plates and when you recharge the
battery, the sulfur returns to the electrolyte.
Basically there are two types of lead acid batteries (along with 3 sub categories);The two
main types are Starting (cranking), and Deep Cycle (marine/golf cart). The starting battery (SLI
starting lights ignition) is designed to deliver quick bursts of energy (such as starting engines)
and therefore has a greater plate count. The plates are thinner and have somewhat different
material composition. The deep cycle battery has less instant energy, but greater long-term
energy delivery. Deep cycle batteries have thicker plates and can survive a number of discharge
cycles. Starting batteries should not be used for deep cycle applications because the thinner
plates are more prone to warping and pitting when discharged. Dual Purpose Battery is a
compromise between the two types of batteries, though it is better to be more specific if possible.
Wet Cell (flooded), Gel Cell, and Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) are various versions of the
lead acid battery. The Wet cell comes in two styles; Serviceable and Maintenance free. Both are
filled with electrolyte and are basicly the same. I prefer one that I can add water to and check the
specific gravity of the electrolyte with a hydrometer. The Gel Cell and the AGM batteries are
specialty batteries that typically cost twice as much as a premium wet cell. However they store
very well and do not tend to sulfate or degrade as easily as wet cell. There is little chance of a
hydrogen gas explosion or corrosion when using these batteries; these are the safest lead acid
batteries you can use. Gel Cell and some AGM batteries may require a special charging rate. If
you want the best,most versatile type, consideration should be given to the AGM battery for
applications such as Marine, RV, Solar, Audio, Power Sports and Stand-By Power just to name a
few. If you don't use or operate your equipment daily, AGM batteries will hold their charge better
that other types. If you must depend on top-notch battery performance, spend the extra money.
Gel Cell batteries still are being sold but AGM batteries are replacing them in most applications.
There is a some common confusion regarding AGM batteries because different manufactures call
them by different names; some of the more common names are "sealed regulated valve", "dry
cell", "non spillable", and "Valve Regulated Lead Acid" batteries. In most cases AGM batteries
SPECIAL NOTE about Gel Batteries: It is very common for individuals to use the term GEL
CELL when referring to sealed, maintenance free batteries, much like one would use Kleenex
when referring to facial tissue or "Xerox machine" when referring to a copy machine. Be very
careful when specifying a battery charger, many times we are told by customer they are requiring
a charger for a Gel Cell battery and in fact the battery is not a Gel Cell.
The Absorbed Glass Matt construction allows the electrolyte to be suspended in close
proximity with the plates active material. In theory, this enhances both the discharge and
recharge efficiency. Common manufacturer applications include high performance engine
starting, power sports, deep cycle, solar and storage battery. The larger AGM batteries we sell are
typically good deep cycle batteries and they deliver their best life performance if recharged
before allowed to drop below the 50% discharge rate. The Scorpion motorcycle batteries we
carry are a nice upgrade from your stock flooded battery, and the Odyssey branded batteries are
fantastic for holding their static charge over long periods of non use. When Deep Cycle AGM
batteries are discharged to a rate of no less than 60% the cycle life will be 300 plus cycles.
The Gel Cell is similar to the AGM style because the electrolyte is suspended, but
different because technically the AGM battery is still considered to be a wet cell. The electrolyte
in a Gel Cell has a silica additive that causes it to set up or stiffen. The recharge voltage on this
type of cell is lower than the other styles of lead acid battery. This is probably the most sensitive
cell in terms of adverse reactions to over-voltage charging. Gel Batteries are best used in VERY
DEEP cycle application and may last a bit longer in hot weather applications. If the incorrect
battery charger is used on a Gel Cell battery poor performance.
When you need to control a DC motor (such as a DC linear actuator) you usually
need to be able to swap the polarity on the wires going to the motor.
A double pole, double throw switch is used for this purpose but you have to wire it
up correctly to reverse the polarity going to the linear actuator.
First you need to cut a bit off each wire that will be going to the motor. This is the
jumper that will allow the polarity to swap.
I'm using blue and brown wire. THE COLOR OF THE WIRE IS NOT SIGNIFICANT.
You can use red and black, or any combination of wire color. Because you'll be
swapping the polarity back and forth on the actuator, the color of the wire, and
whether they are on the right side or the left doesn't matter.
Twist together one end of the blue jumper wire and the end of the main blue wire.
Then push this into the disconnect terminal and crimp with the wire tool.
Do the same for the brown wire.
At the end of the blue jumper attach another disconnect terminal.
Do the same for the brown wire.
Attach the main blue terminal to one of the poles on the side, attach the main
brown termainl to the pole right next to it.
Attach the blue jumper connector to the opposite corner, and the brown jumper to
the other corner to form an 'X' across the switch.
Similar to the last step take another wire that will go to the +12V DC (or whatever
you are using). I am using blue wire.
Attach this to a disconnect terminal.
Do the same with another piece of wire (I used brown). This will go to ground.
Attach these to the center poles of the switch.
With my switch it doesn't matter which poles it's attached to, as there is no up and
down for the switch. If you don't like it just turn the switch upside down. Otherwise
test before installing the switch.
Step 4: Done!
The cleaning liquid is mixed in proper proportion and it is poured into the reservoir
through the top way. The cleaning liquid is poured until the tanks are filled. Actuating the lever
opens the valve. Cleaning liquid from the tank spills on the brush. After the required amount is
delivered, the lever is released and the machine is switched ON. The brush gets drive from
motor through pulleys and belts. The brush applies pressure on the floor, when the adjuster rod
is unscrewed and the handle is moved in the required direction to clean the sufficient area. Again
the lever is operated to supply cleaning liquid whenever required. This process is repeated, so
floor is cleaned well. The cotton brush prevents the damages on the mosaic, marble floors and
gives smooth surface finish and shining.
Domestic purpose
Computer centers
Cultural centers
Large scale industries
Medium scale industries
Educational institutions
Thus in our project we have designed the Automatic floor cleaning machine with the help
of A.C Motor and belt transmission. The machine is designed in order to enable easy operation
and to reduce the effort of human beings. Even chidren and aged people can handle this machine,
no critical operations is needed in this machine. The ultimate need of this project is satisfied and
with the help of this machine we can clean the floor easily.
1. Woodbank Communications Ltd. (n.d.). (2005). State of Charge (SOC) Determination.
Retrieved from
2. North Arizona Wind & Sun. (n.d.). (2009). Deep Cycle Battery FAQ. Retrieved
6. Chen & Schelin: