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PRISM - Program For Earthquake Response Spectra

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PRISM - Program for Earthquake Response Spectra

PRISM for Earthquake Engineering

Home > Software > Prism

PRISM is a free program for seismic response analysis of structures idealized as single-degree-of-freedom systems. The main
features of the program include modification of earthquake records, calculation of response time histories of various hysteresis models,
and generation of elastic and inelastic response spectra.

Main features are:

Modification and correction of earthquake records

- Scaling and truncation of earthquake records

- Baseline correction
- Calculation of Arias intensity

Inelastic response history analysis

- Application of various hysteresis models: Linear elastic, Bi-linear, Tri-linear,

Modified Takeda, Bouc-Wen, and Al-Bermani

- Calculation of acceleration, velocity, and displacement response histories

- Monitoring force-displacement relationships

Generation of response spectra

- Generation of elastic spectra

- Generation of constant-ductility inelastic spectra
- Representation of spectra in various formats
Installation is not required.
PRISM is simple and easy. Please download prism.zip from the link below, extract and save the prism folder on any place of
your hard disk, and run prism.exe.

PRISM is available at the link below.

[DOWN LOAD] PRISM for Earthquake Engieering v.1.1 (1.0MB)
[DOWN LOAD] User's Manual for PRISM v.1.1 (pdf - 0.3MB)

Screen shots of PRISM

Modification and correction of earthquake records




PRISM - Program for Earthquake Response Spectra

Inelastic response history analysis




PRISM - Program for Earthquake Response Spectra

Generation of response spectra




PRISM - Program for Earthquake Response Spectra

Prism is developed to provide engineers, researchers and students with a tool to easily investigate seismic responses of structures.
Users may make and distribute unlimited copies of the program in its original form.

This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology (KRF-D00644).

Earthquake Engineering Research Group

Department of Architectural Engineering, INHA University

# 2S413, INHA University, 253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu, Incheon, 402-751, South Korea
jeong@inha.ac.kr / Tel: +82-32-860-7585 / Fax: +82-32-866-4624
Last Updated on Sep. 27, 2011
Tag: pris m s oftware, cons tant ductility s pectrum, earthquake s pectra, earthquake res pons e s pectra, earthquake res pons e s pectrum, s eis mic res pons e s pectra, s eis mic res pons e s pectrum, res pons e s pectrum generator
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