HIV, Varicella, Polio, and Hepes Virus
HIV, Varicella, Polio, and Hepes Virus
HIV, Varicella, Polio, and Hepes Virus
INFO HIV Herpes → Greek "herpein," → "to Epidemiologi : -Masa inkubasi: 3-14 / 7-14 hr
- infected cells having CD4 receptor creep," (menjijikkan ) Masa inkubasi : 3-9 hari
- giving damage of immune system. a reference to a characteristic Paling sering : dewasa muda
AIDS pattern of skin eruptions. 95 % à Genital herpes episode
- terminal phase of HIV infection Varicella: primary infection → primer à akibat hubungan seks
- leaving body susceptible to infection chickenpox. dari pasangan dgn lesi aktif
with a wide range of bacteria, viruses, Herpes zoster: reactivation of 20 – 50 % à lesi ulseratif
fungi and protozoa virus → shingle 80 - 100 % à dewasa usia
- indicator CD4 count is very low. both once considered separate pertengahan dengan sosial
TAXONOMY OF HIV : disorders. ekonomi
1983 Montagnier’s Lymphadenopathy Now, both caused by a single virus
group Associated of Herpes Family known →
Virus (LAV) Varicella−zoster virus (VZV).
1984 Montagnier’s Human T Primary varicella-zoster virus
group dan Lymphotropic infection → varicella (chickenpox).
Gallo dkk Virus Type III Reactivation of latent virus
(HTLV-III) (usually in adults) → Herpes zoster
1986 International Human Immuno (shingles),
Expert Deficiency Virus
Committee (HIV- 1)
1986 Montagnier’s (HIV-2)
Family (-viridae) SubFamili : ALPHAHERPESVIRINAE
Subfamily (-virinae) Genus : SIMPLEX VIRUS
Genus (-virus)
Species (-virus)
Sub Family : Alphaherpesvirinae
CIRI2 RNA Virus PROPERTIES HZV VIRUS -Morphologically identical to HSV ss(+)RNA,
Envelope VIRUS Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 3 -The virus causes chickenpox and -Naked virus
Sucseptible to vagina and skin injured Sub Family : Alphaherpesvirinae zoster à same, no significant Small 20-30 nm, rounded
(wound). Target cell : Mucoepithelia @ genetic variation Acid stable, Replication at 37º
Killed : temp.at560C,30 minutes Neuron -Virion : spherical, 150-200 nm in C
Lyophilized Virus : 680C, 20 Virion : spherical diameter (icosahedral) Poliovirus replicates in cells of
minutes,and a few second at 1000C. Diameter : 150-200 nm - ds DNA,linear,124-235 kbp the human GIT and is
Icosahedral symmetry -Replication : Nucleus, bud from excreted in thefeces
Killed : desinfektans alcohol, Incubation period : 14-21 days nuclear membrane - Icosahedral symmetry
phenol,Iodine, chlorine -Outstanding characteristics: - 3 serotypes
Cannot penetrate of intact skin. Genome : ds DNA, linear, 124-235 Establish latent infections - Paralytic Polyomyelitis
Belonging four enzymes : Reverse kbp Persist indefinitely in infected - Oral vaccine live attenuared
Transkriptase enzyme,integrase, Replication : Nucleus, bud from hosts ( Sabin)
Protease and RNA ase. nuclear membrane. Frequently reactivated in - Stabil on low pH,
Having of nine gene dan three Establish latent infections immunosuppressed hosts - fecal-oral infection
regulatory gene Persist indefinitely in infected some are cancer-causing Humans are the only natural
hosts -Genom : DNA virus hosts
Reactivated in immunosuppressed -Grup : Alphaherpesvirus
hosts -Reservoir : human
-Transmission : genitalia secret
Infectious to childhood
Vesicular eruption on skin and
mucous membrane
ADD THE GENES OF HIV : Vesicle of Chickenpox (Varicella) VIRAL REPLICATION CYCLE:
a.Major Genes Product of HIV arises on all stages at same time, - ACTIVE INFECTION
Gag, Pol, and Env → gene that macula, papular, vesicular, crusta. - LATENT INFECTION
differenciate HIV and others Retroviral. gag structural peroteins
Others Gene; gp41, gp120, gp160, p17, Herpes Zoster (Shingles). pol code for Reverse transcriptase
p24, p31, p53,p55, and p66, → gene virus travels to dorsal root ganglia, Product several different enzymartic activities,
involved in infection process. transmit sensory information from polymerase, endonuclease, ribonuclease ,
LTR : Long Terminal Repeat the skin to brain, virus allow it to integrase and ligase.
b. Regulatory Genes hide from the immune system for gene located code for protease
Transactivator of Trancription (tat) years, often for a lifetime. at gag-pool
Regulator of Expression of Viral Protein VZV lies dormant in the spinal junction
(rev) dorsal root ganglia env codes for envelope glycoproteion
Negative Expression Factor (nef) until reactivation results in Herpes
tat code for protein p 16.( transcription for cellular
zoster (shingles).
This inactivity is called latency, as
rev codes for protein p 19 (structural protein)
Herpes zoster.
nef seems to enhance replication
LTR a nuclear binding protein.
CIRI2 Family : Paramyxoviridae 4 viral serotypes: ds DNA Definisi : peny. infeksi
Envelope helical symmetry Dengue virus 1 (DENV-1), A disk-shaped core with in a menular seksual yg
ss-RNA negative sense genome Dengue virus 2 (DENV-2), double membrane disebabkan oleh Human
Dengue virus 3 (DENV-3),
Hemagglutinin and Neurominidase on Lipoprotein envelope papilomavirus à khas : lesi
Dengue virus 4 (DENV-4).
the same spike. Virion contains DNA dependent fibroepitelioma pada kulit dan
immunologically related, but do not
Only one antigenic type is known. provide cross-protective immunity against RNA polymerase membran mukosa
Man natural host each other. Member of Poxvirus family
British word "to mump", → grimace Serotype – many variation -Diameter 300 nm E/: HPVà>70 tipe
or grin (meringis, cemberut). Tranmission by vektor Arthropoda Epidemiology : Etio paling sering :
→ parotitis, as acute unilateral or Mosquito ManMusquito cycle. -Sex : laki-laki > wanita Low grade type:HPV 6 &HPV
bilateral parotid gland swelling. Congenital infection never. -Usia : 11
An affected patient → found in most -ncubation period : 4-6 days -Anak High grade type:HPV16,18,31,
body fluids including cerebro-spinal ss(+)RNA viruses -Org dewasa yg aktif scra 33 à karsinoma serviks
fluid, saliva, urine and blood. Rounded seksual
Envelope virus Faktor resiko :Infeksi HIV
virus can b grown in cell cultures DNA Virus
Diameter 90-120 nm
Infected salivary gland , Gambaran klinis Family : Papovaviridae
Cubic Symmetry
especially parotic gland Pewarnaan Giemsa dari Transmission : Skin contact,
Pathogen to suckling mice
Also can infected testes, ovarium, Growing on tissue culture
keratotic plug à molluscum fomites, anogenital,
and pacreas. Hemagglutinate to avian r.b.c contagiosum peripartum, or because of
average time to full manifestation of Transmitted by the bite of an infected Histopatologi : acquired/iatrogenic
disease is 2 - 3 weeks but there may Aedes mosquito. Epidermis berisi inclusion immunocompromisation
be fever, anorexia, malaise, myalgia Aedes aegypti is the predominant than A. bodies (molluscum type 6 and 11
during prodromal phase. albopictus or other Aedes species. contagiosum) ds DNA
Pain from parotitis swelling for 7-10 Aedes mosquito species have adapted well Icosahedral nucleo capsid
days to human habitation, often breeding Non envelope
around dwellings in small amounts of
Aseptic meningitis is usually mild. Members of Papovavirus
stagnant water or other small containers
half → meningitis is asymptomatic. discarded by humans.
more severe in adults. Female Aedes mosquitoes are daytime
At least 100 types
very rare→ encephalitis. feeders. E6 and E7 genes are
viral replication takes place in target implicated in carcinogenesis
dendritic cells. P53 and Retinoblastoma(RB)
Infection of target cells, primarily those of genes – tumor suppressor
the reticuloendothelial system, such as genes in human cells.
dendritic cells, hepatocytes, and Approximately 30 types of
endothelial cells. HPV infect the genital tract.