HIV, Varicella, Polio, and Hepes Virus

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INFO  HIV  Herpes → Greek "herpein," → "to Epidemiologi : -Masa inkubasi: 3-14 / 7-14 hr
- infected cells having CD4 receptor creep," (menjijikkan )  Masa inkubasi : 3-9 hari
- giving damage of immune system.  a reference to a characteristic  Paling sering : dewasa muda
 AIDS pattern of skin eruptions.  95 % à Genital herpes episode
- terminal phase of HIV infection  Varicella: primary infection → primer à akibat hubungan seks
- leaving body susceptible to infection chickenpox. dari pasangan dgn lesi aktif
with a wide range of bacteria, viruses,  Herpes zoster: reactivation of  20 – 50 % à lesi ulseratif
fungi and protozoa virus → shingle  80 - 100 % à dewasa usia
- indicator CD4 count is very low.  both once considered separate pertengahan dengan sosial
TAXONOMY OF HIV : disorders. ekonomi
1983 Montagnier’s Lymphadenopathy  Now, both caused by a single virus
group Associated of Herpes Family known →
Virus (LAV) Varicella−zoster virus (VZV).
1984 Montagnier’s Human T  Primary varicella-zoster virus
group dan Lymphotropic infection → varicella (chickenpox).
Gallo dkk Virus Type III  Reactivation of latent virus
(HTLV-III) (usually in adults) → Herpes zoster
1986 International Human Immuno (shingles),
Expert Deficiency Virus
Committee (HIV- 1)
1986 Montagnier’s (HIV-2)
Family (-viridae) SubFamili : ALPHAHERPESVIRINAE
Subfamily (-virinae) Genus : SIMPLEX VIRUS
Genus (-virus)
Species (-virus)
 Sub Family : Alphaherpesvirinae
CIRI2  RNA Virus PROPERTIES HZV VIRUS  -Morphologically identical to HSV  ss(+)RNA,
 Envelope VIRUS  Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 3  -The virus causes chickenpox and  -Naked virus
 Sucseptible to vagina and skin injured  Sub Family : Alphaherpesvirinae zoster à same, no significant  Small 20-30 nm, rounded
(wound).  Target cell : Mucoepithelia @  genetic variation  Acid stable, Replication at 37º
 Killed : temp.at560C,30 minutes Neuron  -Virion : spherical, 150-200 nm in C
 Lyophilized Virus : 680C, 20  Virion : spherical diameter (icosahedral)  Poliovirus replicates in cells of
minutes,and a few second at 1000C.  Diameter : 150-200 nm - ds DNA,linear,124-235 kbp the human GIT and is
 Icosahedral symmetry  -Replication : Nucleus, bud from excreted in thefeces
 Killed : desinfektans alcohol,  Incubation period : 14-21 days nuclear membrane - Icosahedral symmetry
phenol,Iodine, chlorine  -Outstanding characteristics: - 3 serotypes
 Cannot penetrate of intact skin.  Genome : ds DNA, linear, 124-235  Establish latent infections - Paralytic Polyomyelitis
 Belonging four enzymes : Reverse kbp  Persist indefinitely in infected - Oral vaccine live attenuared
Transkriptase enzyme,integrase,  Replication : Nucleus, bud from hosts ( Sabin)
Protease and RNA ase. nuclear membrane.  Frequently reactivated in - Stabil on low pH,
 Having of nine gene dan three  Establish latent infections immunosuppressed hosts - fecal-oral infection
regulatory gene  Persist indefinitely in infected  some are cancer-causing  Humans are the only natural
hosts -Genom : DNA virus hosts
 Reactivated in immunosuppressed -Grup : Alphaherpesvirus
hosts -Reservoir : human
-Transmission : genitalia secret
 Infectious to childhood
 Vesicular eruption on skin and
mucous membrane
ADD THE GENES OF HIV : Vesicle of Chickenpox (Varicella) VIRAL REPLICATION CYCLE:
a.Major Genes Product of HIV  arises on all stages at same time, - ACTIVE INFECTION
 Gag, Pol, and Env → gene that  macula, papular, vesicular, crusta. - LATENT INFECTION
differenciate HIV and others Retroviral. gag structural peroteins
 Others Gene; gp41, gp120, gp160, p17, Herpes Zoster (Shingles). pol code for Reverse transcriptase
p24, p31, p53,p55, and p66, → gene  virus travels to dorsal root ganglia, Product several different enzymartic activities,
involved in infection process. transmit sensory information from polymerase, endonuclease, ribonuclease ,
 LTR : Long Terminal Repeat the skin to brain, virus allow it to integrase and ligase.
b. Regulatory Genes hide from the immune system for gene located code for protease
 Transactivator of Trancription (tat) years, often for a lifetime. at gag-pool
 Regulator of Expression of Viral Protein  VZV lies dormant in the spinal junction
(rev) dorsal root ganglia env codes for envelope glycoproteion
 Negative Expression Factor (nef) until reactivation results in Herpes
tat code for protein p 16.( transcription for cellular
zoster (shingles).
 This inactivity is called latency, as
rev codes for protein p 19 (structural protein)
Herpes zoster.
nef seems to enhance replication
LTR a nuclear binding protein.
CIRI2  Family : Paramyxoviridae  4 viral serotypes:  ds DNA  Definisi : peny. infeksi
 Envelope helical symmetry  Dengue virus 1 (DENV-1),  A disk-shaped core with in a menular seksual yg
 ss-RNA negative sense genome  Dengue virus 2 (DENV-2), double membrane disebabkan oleh Human
 Dengue virus 3 (DENV-3),
 Hemagglutinin and Neurominidase on  Lipoprotein envelope papilomavirus à khas : lesi
 Dengue virus 4 (DENV-4).
the same spike.  Virion contains DNA dependent fibroepitelioma pada kulit dan
 immunologically related, but do not
 Only one antigenic type is known. provide cross-protective immunity against RNA polymerase membran mukosa
 Man natural host each other.  Member of Poxvirus family
 British word "to mump", → grimace  Serotype – many variation -Diameter 300 nm  E/: HPVà>70 tipe
or grin (meringis, cemberut).  Tranmission by vektor Arthropoda  Epidemiology :  Etio paling sering :
 → parotitis, as acute unilateral or  Mosquito ManMusquito cycle. -Sex : laki-laki > wanita Low grade type:HPV 6 &HPV
bilateral parotid gland swelling.  Congenital infection never. -Usia : 11
 An affected patient → found in most  -ncubation period : 4-6 days -Anak High grade type:HPV16,18,31,
body fluids including cerebro-spinal  ss(+)RNA viruses -Org dewasa yg aktif scra 33 à karsinoma serviks
fluid, saliva, urine and blood.  Rounded seksual
 Envelope virus  Faktor resiko :Infeksi HIV 
 virus can b grown in cell cultures DNA Virus
 Diameter 90-120 nm 
 Infected salivary gland ,  Gambaran klinis Family : Papovaviridae
 Cubic Symmetry
especially parotic gland Pewarnaan Giemsa dari  Transmission : Skin contact,
 Pathogen to suckling mice
 Also can infected testes, ovarium,  Growing on tissue culture
keratotic plug à molluscum fomites, anogenital,
and pacreas.  Hemagglutinate to avian r.b.c contagiosum peripartum, or because of
 average time to full manifestation of  Transmitted by the bite of an infected  Histopatologi : acquired/iatrogenic
disease is 2 - 3 weeks but there may Aedes mosquito. Epidermis berisi inclusion immunocompromisation
be fever, anorexia, malaise, myalgia  Aedes aegypti is the predominant than A. bodies (molluscum  type 6 and 11
during prodromal phase. albopictus or other Aedes species. contagiosum)  ds DNA
 Pain from parotitis swelling for 7-10  Aedes mosquito species have adapted well  Icosahedral nucleo capsid
days to human habitation, often breeding  Non envelope
around dwellings in small amounts of 
 Aseptic meningitis is usually mild. Members of Papovavirus
stagnant water or other small containers
 half → meningitis is asymptomatic. discarded by humans.
 more severe in adults.  Female Aedes mosquitoes are daytime
 At least 100 types
 very rare→ encephalitis. feeders.  E6 and E7 genes are
 viral replication takes place in target implicated in carcinogenesis
dendritic cells.  P53 and Retinoblastoma(RB)
 Infection of target cells, primarily those of genes – tumor suppressor
the reticuloendothelial system, such as genes in human cells.
dendritic cells, hepatocytes, and  Approximately 30 types of
endothelial cells. HPV infect the genital tract.

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