Improving Computer Control of Batch Dyeing Operations: by Brent Smith, Jun Lu

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Improving Computer Control Of

Batch Dyeing Operations

By Brent Smith, Jun Lu,
Dye Applications Research Group,
N.C.S.U. Raleigh, NC

Several approaches are possible fol Table I: Suppliers of wet processing control systems and supplies.*
upgrading textile wet processing control
systems. To that end, some fundamen- Arel Kurabo
tat constraints and limitations of present ABB Latex
control systems must be alleviated. Con- ACS Macbeth
siderations for novel control algorithm: Beacon Mahlo
are presented as well as specific simu BYK-Gardner, Micro Services
lation and experimental results for fuzzy Datacolor Milton Roy
logic and for adaptive control systems Erhardt & Leimer Select Controls
are presented.
Foxboro SheLyn
Gaston County Strandberg
Process control is one of the most International Zimmer
critical aspects of quality assurance. In Keiltex
textile operations, such as batch dyeing, *Not all suppliers in wet processing may be listed.
there are many variables which are
under the dyer’s control, but many more
which are not.9 Typically these con- ment information in a timely manner in ity as well as interfacing to a multitude
trollable and uncontrollable factors a macro or global sense. of peripheral devices, including network-
interact in a very complex way. The In CIM, individual workstations are ing, clustering, and supervisory com-
dyehouse of the future must feature connected through networking paths, puters. Microprocessor abilities to
even better process controls. and data are stored in a standardized upload and download process informa-
Traditional manual control methods in central database, accessible to all work- tion, perform real time or post process
textile processes have been automated stations. The general structure of such audits, and generate exception reports
using microprocessor systems, with a system is shown in Figure 1. and other information is currently in
corresponding improvement in process One of the most important features place in many operations.
repeatability. However, this mode of of CIM is that it provides data to mana- At recent equipment shows, dozens
control utilizes only a minuscule fraction gers for strategic decision making.7 for feasibility testing.
of the total capabilities of modern micro- This implementation, although useful in At this time, the basic concept of
processor hardware. certain ways, is incomplete because it using microprocessors for control in tex-
In an attempt to improve microproc- fails to focus on optimized hardwareand tile wet processing operations is to auto-
essor utilization, there are two avenues sensor utilization at the micro level, and mate manual procedures and control
to pursue. The most celebrated of these also because it does not address the methods of the past. This paper pre-
is the macro scale global linking of in- under utilization of the microprocessor sents some current research results in
formation referred to as Computer Inte- and other hardware capabilities per se. the development of novel control and
grated Manufacturing (CIM), to which An important, but far less travelled process models, based work of the Dye
much attention has recently been de- avenue for enhanced microprocessor Applications Research Group of N.C.
voted.14,15 In typical CIM implementa- utilization is the development of novel State University (DARG).
tions, sophisticated user interfaces, at- control strategies which fully utilize data
tractive graphics and computer net- processing capabilities at the micro State of the art controllers
working capabilities are employed to level, which use improved control Control hardware has made great
make information from machines and models and also employ improved theo- strides in recent years. The emergence
machine groups available to managers retical and empirical process models, of low cost, versatile, high speed digital
for real time and post process analysis. The key at this level is not only a better microprocessors has facilitated all man-
The focus is on the use of state of the understanding of processes but a will- ner of textile wet processing applica-
computing hardware and sensors to ingness to evaluate known control tech- tions. Microprocessor hardware has
acquire data from processes, set up nologies from other disciplines (e.g.- developed to a high state of reliability
common database formats, link islands aerospace) and to develop new textile and performance, and typically includes
of automation, and provide manage- Wet processing technology and science multichannel input/output (l/O) capabil-

September 1993 c American Dyestuff Reporter 17

of displays were presented by com-
panies which were manufacturers of
Figure l-Structure of a future dyehouse.
stand alone controllers. At a recent
ITMA, in fact, more companies were
showing controllers than were showing
dyeing machines. These controllers
have reached a high level of perfor-
mance. In recent review, over 20 major
companies were listed as specializing I
in controllers specifically for textile wet
processing use. Tables I, II and III sum-
marize suppliers, processes and prop- I
pet-ties for which fof the shelf controllers
are offered.1 Typical control systems
include microprocessors with
(a) control algorithms and interfaces
(b) multichannel l/O with two way
digital/analog conversion
(c) synchronous and asynchronous WS=Work Station
communications abilities
CC=Central Computer
(d) monitoring and sensors, with
(e) process devices (eg valves, Figure P-Structure of a dyeing process control system.
(f) networking, upload/download
The state of the art in microprocessor
control of textile wet processes is quite
advanced, as can be seen from the pre-
ceding, but there is still potential for a
quantum leap in performance if one is
willing to discard certain traditional con-
straints in textile control concepts. Many
of these constraints have become em
bedded in controller design concepts
over time during the evolution of modern
textile wet processing control systems.
In contrast, DARG has focused on dis-
carding many of these preconceived no- Computer
tions about control in order to evaluate
the feasibility of novel systems in terms
of performance and overall cost.
Methods under evaluation include adap-
tive, real time, multi channel control
strategies which include sophisticated
empirical and theoretical dye models,
and which are based on innovative con- arrive at the desired end result. In this minutes during the dyeing. These pre-
trol algorithms. approach, the process may or may not dictions are the basis for real time pro-
be the same each time it is run, but the cess modifications and departures from
Novel control concepts goal is only to arrive at the correct nominal process specification. Con-
Traditional dye process control result. The process may be varied each trollable process parameters are used
methods attempt to conform as closely time it is run to compensate for non con- to offset uncontrollable variances.
as possible to a specific predetermined trollable factors, such as variances in Another departure from traditional
process profile (eg time, temperature) water quality, substrate preparation, and methods is the use of multi/multi con-
to achieve correct results. Discipline is raw materials. trol strategies as opposed to the tradi-
emphasized. Uncontrollable variances The first and most fundamental de- tional one-to-one approach. For exam-
are accepted and, in some cases, rem- parture from traditional control concept ple, in a traditional control algorithm, a
edied after the fact, for example by is the use of predictive result-oriented standard temperature of 200 “F may be
shade sorting or dye adds. strategies, as opposed to process con- the process specification. If tempera-
Several innovative concepts are em- formance strategies. Sophisticated and ture deviates from the process specifi-
bodied in this feasibility study. Our ap- theoretically sound dyeing models are cation, the controller will open steam
proach attempts to control the ultimate combined with extensive real time data valves to correct. This one to one con-
product property of interest (in this case, acquisition to assess the state of the trol strategy senses temperature and
dye shade) by adjusting controllable pro- system and predict process outcome controls steam. The novel approach
cess parameters in such a way as to (i.e.-final dye shade) about every two does not control temperature for its own

18 American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1983

sake, but rather predicts the effect of a
temperature variation.
If no undesirable effect arises from
that situation, the controller doe:
nothing. However, if a problem such as
an unacceptable dye shade is predicted
then the controller takes action, but no
necessarily by opening a steam valve to
correct temperature to a nominal value
Rather, action is taken by whatever
means will correct the predicted out
come to the desired result (shade) a
minimum cost and production time. The
best action may be, for example, to add
salt or change the pH. Of course, there
are constraints built in to prevent the
controller from taking absurd actions
For example, rate of temperature
change or permissible pH or tempera-
ture values may be limited. Central to
this concept is the ability to accurately
predict a result from the present state
of the system. Several prediction
methods are used for this. Their pres-
entation is far beyond the scope of this
article, but they will be described in
other publications.16
Accurate real time data acquisition is
another prerequisite for this approach.
The present work was done with a sys-
tem capable of monitoring real time
values of temperature, rate of rise and
cooling. conductivity, pH, time and up
to 3 dye concentrations in exhaust dye
oaths. This system, comprising control
logic units, dyeing machine, sensors
and interfaces has been described in
detail in other publications.3,4,11
Another feature of the novel control
strategies is their adaptive nature. Most
colorists are aware of the necessity of
making numerous standard dyeings as
data input for laboratory color matching
systems. Of course, this would not be
feasible in a commercial production set-
ting, therefore the controller must have
some adaptive method of altering its
database and control algorithm--i.e.--
to “learn” from actual production dye-
ings. Traditional control strategies do
not do this and, in fact, dyers are con-
stantly altering dye recipe percentages
to adjust to standard. The set point tem-
perature, for example, would rarely if
aver be changed for an individual shade. dictive process control with state of the bility evaluations.
In this novel approach, nominal starting art computing devices and sensors,
set points for various controllable proc- outstanding results have been achiev- Novel control schemes
ess parameters (temperature, etc.) are ed and in fact, as will be shown in the
adjusted, according to results of owing examples, dye bath exhaustion Due to the complexity and uncer-
previous dyeings, to optimum values can be brought consistently to a desired tainty of dyeing processes, they are very
which would produce desired shade at get value, thus producing excellent difficult to contrrol.9 Possible control
the lowest cost and minimum production shade repeats in batch dyeing. The schemes can be divided into two cate-
time. same novel control principles could ap- gories: parametric methods and non-
By combining the above concepts of ply to any process. We have selected parametric methods.
real time, adaptive, multi channel, pre- batch dyeing as our example for feasi- The parametric methods require prior

September 1993 c American Dyestuff Reporter

knowledge of process model structure Figure 4--Dyeing Process Control Simulation with One Regulation Level Which I
and the range of process model param- the Desired Final Exhaustion of the Process and Represented by the Circle.
eters. Nonlinear robust control and
adaptive control belong to this Category.
Adaptive control is a technique to
handle uncertainties by designing the
control algorithm to be self-adapting.
There are two basic approaches to
adaptive control. The first approach,
which is called model-reference adap-
tive systems (MRAS), attempts to make
the l/O behavior of the controlled proc-
ess identical to that of pre-selected
models. The adjustment of parameters
can be determined based on gradient
methods or stability theory. The other
approach is called self-tuning regulator
(STR) because it has facilities for tuning
its own parameters.
Sliding mode control is a very impor-
tant scheme of nonlinear robust control.
By utilizing specific information about
the dyeing system which is being con-
trolled, a sliding surface s = 0 is
define, where s is a function of state
variables and time which defines
desirable process dynamics. The con-
trol law is defined so that the sliding sur-
face s = 0 becomes “attractive” in the
state space, i.e. a desirable state to
which the system will converge.
The nonparametric methods include
artificial neural network (ANN) control,
fuzzy logic (FL) control and expert sys-
tem (ES) control which are also called
knowledge based control or intelligent
ANN is a massively parallel architec-
ture for information processing, which
has results in a new paradigm for learn-
ing, similar to that in the nervous
system. There are several ways to
design an ANN controller. Supervised
control is a common one, which is an
ANN “learns” desired control actions
from sensor output. Training sets can be Table II: Wet processes offering off the shelf controllers.
supplied by system models, other well
designed control systems, or human ex- Atmospheric dyeing Dye weighing, dissolution, mixing Padding
Bar code tracking Fabric handling Paddle dyeing
perts. Neural adaptive control, direct in- Batch dyeing Fastness testing Pressure dyeing
verse control and other methods are Batching Fiber blending Printing
Beam dyeing Finishing Recipe control (dye/finish)
also used. The primary advantage of an Beck dyeing F1uorochemical application Resin application
ANN controller is its learning ability, Bleaching Foam finishing Rotary dyeing
Calendaring Garment dyeing Scouring
which can continuously improve its con- Carpet dyeing Gravimetric dispensing Screen printing
Chemical weighing, mixing, dosing Guiding, spreading Skein dyeing
trol performance. Coating Heat recovery Shade sorting
The FL and ES control are both used Color measurement Heat setting Shearing
Color matching Inspection Slashing
to simulate the decision-making activ- Communications Inventory, storage Slitting
ties of an experienced expert. The dif- Conditioning Jet dyeing steaming
Continuous dyeing Jig dyeing Tentering
ference between them is the logic. Clas- Curing Laboratory dyeing Trimming (edge)
sical expert system control uses crisp cutting Management Vulcanizing
Deizing Package winding Wsshing
logic. Currently, the two approaches are Drying Package dyeing Weft straightening
often used together in many cases. Usu-
ally, the control decisions of an expert
can be expressed linguistically as a set
of heuristic decision rules. These rules ES controllers. Also certain algorithms tative control outputs. The disadvantage
are used to build rulebases for FL and are used to convert the rules to quanti- of all the nonparametric methods is that

American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

ed by equation.1
Table Ill: Typical properties monitored/controlled by currently
available control systems.

Add on Level (water) Pump speed

Blending Liquor ratio Hate of rise/cool
Chemicals Machine alignment Selection (ingredient)
Color (product) Mass (package) Speed (fabric)
Concentrations Metal presence Static charge
Curl (fabric) Moisture content status (machine)
Cycle time Motor speed Temperature
Density (cloth/package) Nip pressure Tension
Differential pressure Number of actions Time
Distortion (fabric) Over/under feed rate Twist (fabric)
Dosing rate (dye/chem) pH valve status
Flow direction Position Volume of bath
Flow rate Preshrinkage Weight
Humidity Pressure Width
Inventory Print registration

the control parameters do not correlate Case studies

with physically meaningful parameters. Adaptive control:
Any of the aforementioned schemes The general structure of an adaptive
can be used for dyeing process control. control system is shown in Figure 3. The
Two designs of dyeing process control, dyeing model used here is Langmuir
i.e. adaptive control for parametric type kinetic model. Work by Burley [5]
methods and fuzzy logic control for non- and McGregor [8] gives a number of in-
parametric methods, have been eval- teresting applications of this type model.
uated for feasibility and performance in According to the model, the dynamical The controller works as follows. During
batch dyeing, as explained below. behavior in a dyebath can be describ- the process, Cs is measured and Cf is

Figure 5--Dyeing Process Control Simulation with Multiple

regulation Levels Which are the Desired Exhaustion at Dif-
erent Time During the Process, Represented by Circle.
Control Simulation

Time (min)

24 Amerlcan Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

computed through mass conservation. Figure 6-Controlled Experimental Dyeing Process Starting
kA, kD, and KL are estimated On-line at a High Temperature and the Temperature was Adjusted
with a recursive least-squares algor- During the Process to Meet the Desired Final Exhaustion.
ithm. Control Experiment
For dyeing processes, the control ob-
jective is to bring the dye concentration
in the fabric to a prescribed levelf final
at the end of the process, despite dif-
ferent initial conditions, raw material, or
other uncontrolled variances. This is
done by acting on controllable dyeing
process parameters, such as tempera-
ture, pH, and salt concentration. In
these experiments, many variables are
sensed, but for simplicity of demonstra-
tion, only temperature has been ad-
justed to meet the control objective.
Current and future work of DARG is
focused on controlling other param-
eters, especially chemical and dye
The dyeing process is a low order and
well damped system. Knowing these
characteristics and the control objec-
tive, the novel adaptive control
algorithm can be designed. The above
control objective can be achieved if the
closed-loop system behavior is given by
equation (3).

Time (min)

Figure 7-Controlled Experimental Dyeing Process Starting

at a Low Temperature and the Temperature Was Adjusted
During the Process to Meet the Desired Final Exhaustion.
Control Experiment

24 Amarlcan Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

Here, Gp, is a design parameter
which is greater than zero. If Gp is
treated as a constant, this means the
closed loop dynamics are linear. It can
also be treated as a function of time and
other variables of state, as is ap-
propriate based on dye models, but it:
value must be positive. Closed-loop
dynamics can be obtained by external
linearization of the nonlinear dyeing
system. Combining equation (3) with the
Langmuir model in equation (1), the non
linear control law can be implemented
as equation (4).

The control law in equation (4) car

then be restated in equation (5).

kL and kD are functions of temperature

which can be obtained either through
on-line adaptive parameter estimation or
from theoretical models. By a series of
model based calculations, the controller
computes proper temperature, T d '
which is required to bring the entire
system to its desired final exhaustion
After computation of Td, because of
he limitations of a real dyeing system,
some additional constraints on tem-
erature may be needed. The restric-
tions of maximum and minimum temper-
ture are:

The restrictions of temperature

change are:


Where ∆Τ is the maximum allowable

ate of rising or cooling. Based on equa-
tion (5), if Cf is smaller than Cffinal the
first part of equation (5) will be positive.
‘his can increase KL(increasing Cr). If
Cf is larger than Cffinal , the first part of
equation (5) will be negative. This can
decrease KL(decreasing Cf). When
final, equation (5) is the same as aqua-

28 American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

tion (2), the equilibrium equation. Figure 9-Structure of the fuzzifier.
With this kind of control scheme, the
closed-loop system is exponentially
stable and the regulation error e,. =
(C f - C final) converges to zero:

Figure 4 shows the simulation control

results with one target point at the end
of the process. The point is the desired
final exhaustion corresponding to Cffinal.
Figure 5 is the simulation control results
with multiple target points at different
times during the process. The solid line
is the simulated dye process exhaustion
and the dash line is the controlled tem- Figure 7 shows the actual experimen- fuzzifier. A computation of the control
perature. The model coefficients were tal dyeing with erroneous low starting action consists: of the following stages:
adaptively estimated during the proc- temperature. Note that in each case, 1) Compute current error (E) which
ess. The temperature was calculated by the controller changed the dyeing tem- the difference between the ideal output
the above procedure. As can be seen perature during the process to achieve and the measured output, as well as its
in each case, the desired target exhaus- the desired final exhaustion. Thus the rate of change (CE).
tion was reached. dyeing was, in each case, run accord- 2) Convert numerical E and CE into fuz-
Application of this control technolo- ing to nonstandard profile, but zy E and CE.
gy to real dyeings provides fascinating achieved the correct final dye shade. 3) Evaluate the control rules using the
results. Two dyeings of 0.9% owg these are actual dyeing done on an fuzzy logic operations.
Solophengl Violet DB200 on 100% Ahiba Texomat dyeing machine in the 4) Compute the deterministic input re-
cotton with 30:1 Liquor ratio and 5 g/L DARG lab at N.C.S.U. quired to control the process.
of Glauber’s salt were done to test the Fuzzy logic control The fuzzifier is used to quantize the
control scheme. Figure 6 shows the The structure of a fuzzy logic con- available measurements E and CE
actual experimental dyeing with erro- troller is shown in Figure 8. It comprises which may be of limited accuracy, into
neous high starting temperature and three parts: fuzzifier, rule base, and de- certain coarse levels. The fuzzifier in

American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993
cludes a scaling part and a membership
function part as shown in Figure 9. The
scaling factors can be linear or non-
linear, also the membership functions
can have different shapes, eg triangle,
bell, trapezoidal, sinusoidal. Here, a
linear scaling factor and triangle mem-
bership function are used. The fuzzifier
converts numerical E and CE, such as
2.01, - 0.93, into fuzzy E and CE, such
as LN (large negative), MN (medium
negative), SN (small negative), ZE (zero),
SP (small positive), MP (medium posi-
tive) and LP (large positive), with grades
of membership µ(Ε) and µ(ΧΕ) from 0 to
1. The grade of membership values are
assigned subjectively to define the
meaning of the fuzzy values, such as
large negative.
The rule base contains the control
rules which are developed heuristically
for the particular control task and imple-
mented as a set of fuzzy conditional
statements of the form: If E is LN and
CE is ZE, then CTRL is MP. This expres-
sion defines a fuzzy relationship be- by using the fuzzy logic operations, such fuzzifier. It converts fuzzy process con-
tween error (E) and error rate (CE) and as union, intersection, complement of trol input obtained through rule evalua-
change of process control input (Ctrl) for fuzzy sets. The control rules can also be tion into numerical deterministic pro-
the particular system state. Figure 10 represented graphically as a surface in cess control input. Many algorithms can
gives the structure of the control rule the three dimensional space (Fig. 11). be used here, the center of gravity
base. Also the rules used are evaluated The defuzzifier is the inverse of the method being the most popular one.

32 American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

Atlanta, GA., October, 1992
Figure 12-Structure of the defuzzifier. (4) Berkstresser (IV), G.A., Beck, K.R.
Smith, C.B., McGregor, Ft., Jasper, W.
“Novel Approaches for the Real-Time
Prediction of Dye Concentration in
Three Dye Mixtures”, AATCC Interna-
tional Conference and Exhibition, in

(5) Burley, R., Wai, P-C., McGuire, G.

“Process Engineering Approach to Dye-
ing Machinery-A Study of Package
Dyeing Machine Dynamics”, Chemical
Eng. Res. Des., Vol. 65, pp 505-513
(6) Dochain, D., Bastin, G., “Adaptive Iden-
tification and Control Algorithm for Non
linear Bacterial Growth Systems”,
Automatica, Vol 20, No. 5, pp 621-634,
(7) Ingle, Tony, private communication
(8) Kim, J., McGregor, R., “Theoretical
Modeling of Batch Dyeing Process”,
Report of CRAFTM Sponsor Meeting,
NCSU, 1991
Research Group of NC State University References (9) Koksal, Guiser, et al. “A System
for encouragement and support. We (1) American Dyestuff Reporter Process Analysis of Textile Operations”, TC &C,
Controls Buyer’s Guide, ADR, Vol 24, No 10, pp 30-45. 1992
acknowledge helpful consultations, in- November, 1991 (10) Lu, J., Modeling and Control of Dyeing
formation and donations of dyestuffs by (2) Astrom, K.J., Wittenmark, B., Adaptive Processes, Master’s Thesis, NCSU,
Ciba Geigy Corporation. We also thank Control, Addison-Wesley Publishing 1992
West Point Pepperell for the donation of Company, 1989 (11) Madderra, T., Development of a Data
substrates for dyeing experiments and (3) Beck, R.B.. Lefeber, M.R., Smith, C.B., Acquisition System for Real-Time Tex-
McGregor, R., Hunter, W.D., “Flow In- tile Batch Dyebath Analysis, Master’s
Tony lngle for valuable information and jection Analysis of Dyebath”, AATCC Thesis, NCSU, 1990
insights on CIM. International Conference and Exhibition, (12) McGregor, R., Harris, P.W., “A Chemical

September 1993 c American Dyestuff Reporter 35

Simulation results obtained in Figure
13 and Figure 14 show that dyeing proc-
Figure 11 -Control rule surface with (- 3:LN) (- 2:MN) (- 1:SN) (0:ZE) (1:SP) (2:MP) esses can be controlled effectively us-
3: LP). ing heuristic rules based on fuzzy
statements. The controller designer
needs detailed knowledge of the dyeing
processes in formulating the rules. To
get better control performance, other
process information like time delay and
response speed is also needed.
In our most recent work, we have
developed some enhanced FL schemes
which can develop control rules auto-
matically with very limited process
knowledge, i.e. the controller has total
learning ability. These schemes are now
under further evaluation.

Fundamental considerations for novel
control algorithms, as well as applica-
tions to batch dyeing process have been
presented. Several sets of experimen-
tal results for adaptive control and fuzzy
logic controllers have been evaluated
with very promising results. c c c

The authors thank the National Tex-
tile Center for financial support and
other members of the Dye Applications

American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

Figure 13 -Simulation one of fuzzy logic control for dyeing
processes (solid line: desired exhaustion) dashed line: actual
exhaustion) (dashed point line: controlled temperature).


Figure 14 - Simulation two of fuzzy control for dyeing proc

esses (solid line: desired exhaustion) dashed line: actual
exhaustion) (dashed-point line: controlled temperature).


Engineering Approach to Dyeing Prob- Cells and Systems, ClMware Limited, esses”, AATCC International Dyeing
tams: The Sorption of Acid Dyes by Guilford, England Symposium. Charlotte, NC, June, 1991
Polyamides” M-20 A Research Mono- (15) Scheer, August-Wilhelm, C/M - Towards (17) Vickerstaff, T. The Physical Chemistry
graph From Allied Chemical, 1969 the Factory of the Future, 2nd ed., of Dyeing, London: Oliver & Boyd, 1954
73) Preston, C., The Dyeing of Cellulosic Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991 (18) Warren J., Batch Dyeing Optimization
Fibers Dyer’s Company Publication (16) Spiekermann, C., Lu, J., Smith, C.B., for Fiber Reactive Violet 5 Using Real.
Trust, 1986 McGregor, R., “A Novel Approach for Time Data Acquisition, Master’s Thesis,
(14) Banky, Paul G., Flexible Manufacturing Modeling and Controlling Dyeing Proc- NCSU, 1991

36 American Dyestuff Reporter c September 1993

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