Eisenhower Speaks
Eisenhower Speaks
Eisenhower Speaks
Primary Documents:
D-Day Orders
A Lesson Plan from
the Education Department of the
Eisenhower Speaks
Primary Documents: D-Day Orders
Primary sources can be documents, pictures, or artifacts that were produced during a certain time
or even people who lived during a historical event. Instead of merely reading second-hand
descriptions (secondary sources) of how soldiers felt during a battle, a good historian will also
want to read the letters (primary sources) that soldiers wrote home. Generals, too, wrote down
their feelings. We can learn a lot about a generals style, motivation, and outlook by studying his
1. Pass out copies of the two writings by Eisenhower to students to read or have students read
them out loud, along with their descriptions
2. Pass out worksheet questions for students to complete.
3. Hold a short discussion about the way Eisenhower uses language to motivate his men in his
Order of the Day. State specific examples. What can we learn about Eisenhowers
personality from his hand-written note? Discuss the use of documents as a primary source of
historical information. Explore the pros and cons of using such sources.
4. Assign students the task of writing an Order of the Day for students at their school. The style
of the Order should be motivational, while the content can be anything from an upcoming
football game or standardized test, to a call for school pride through less littering, recycling,
5. Students can volunteer to read their Orders to the class.
Have students write notes in which they take responsibility for some
aspect of their lives. Tell them to carry those notes in their pockets for a
week. At weeks end discuss the value of this exercise.
Eisenhower Speaks
Eisenhower Speaks
Answering Questions about Primary Documents
After reading the two D-Day documents from General Dwight Eisenhower, along
with their descriptions, answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper.
Indicate where you find your answers. If you use quotes, be sure to put quotation
marks around them.
Eisenhower Speaks
Eisenhower Speaks
Eisenhower Speaks