Mouse Guard The Known Lands
Mouse Guard The Known Lands
Mouse Guard The Known Lands
Mice have long looked to the East, wondering what lies beyond the vast ocean. The Kingdom,
established long ago and falling from power, established a group of mice who were brave and bold
enough to explore the lands across the sea. These were the first mice of The Mouse Guard.
Now, the Frontier established and far away from the Kingdom, The Mouse Guard has many challenges
both from within mousekind and without. Guardmice must work to ensure that mice are able to thrive
in an inhospitable land full of new and vicious predators where survival itself is a daily struggle.
With the Kingdom's power waning, life is becoming harder in and outside of the Kingdom. The false
sense of security is falling away with more frequent animal attacks and prosperity in decline. Now, each
and every mouse of Mouse Guard must make a difficult decision. Will you allow mousekind to fall back
into subsisting in nature or will you carry on the legacy of your ancenstors and help mouse civilization
flourish no matter the opposition?
As a member of the Mouse Guard, you must be self-reliant, but able to work for something greater than
yourself. You have to stand up for what you belief in, no matter what stands in your way. You will be an
example for all mice everywhere, choosing to live your life for the greater good.
Table of Contents
The Mouse Guard.............................3
The Known Lands..............................4
Major Villages, Towns, and Cities..5
Other Areas..................................14
Lesser Settlements........................15
Yearly Events................................17
Water Depth and Watercraft..........21
Denizens of the Known Lands............24
Mice of the Known Lands...............30
Abilities and Skills Factors...................35
Map of the Known Lands....................36
Weapon Cards....................................37
The Kingdom
The Mouse Guard's relationship with the Kingdom
can be strained at times, but in keeping with the
circumstance of the Guard's creation, every
guardmouse serves every other mouse across the
Known Lands without prejudice or contempt. As
such, the King, depending on the situation, will
often defer to the Mouse Guard to resolve it. In
some instances, he will choose to send his own
mice to do the job, the Kingsguard.
The Frontier
The only central location for the Mouse Guard
could be in New Didymus, where the Matriarch
sits, along with the other guard captains in a
Guard Council. The Guard Council makes most of
the decisions for the Mouse Guard, with the
Matriarch having the deciding vote. However,
Dense vegetation and large root systems fill
jungles, making travel incredibly arduous. Many
exotic animals and plants fill the secluded
landscape of a jungle. Impossibly tall trees blot out
the sun with huge running vines travelling up the
canopy and down to the floor.
Many of the common types of terrain are
described in the Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game
(p.167-72), so only the terrain elements that are
unique to the Known Lands will be described.
Coral Reef
Moving a boat or ship through coastal waters is
difficult, but moving it through a coral reef is much
harder. With coral formations just below the
shallow water and abundant sealife living there, a
mouse must always be alert in a reef.
Carved from the side of a sheer rock outcropping
near a rushing creek, Goldcreek began as a
boomtown, but has grown steadily as an
attraction for mice in all of the Frontier.
The cousin of the desert, steppe receives some
rainfall, has sparse vegetation, and open country.
Much of the Frontier has steppe-like conditions for
most of the year.
A lordmouse oversees the operations of Goldcreek.
With his bodyguards, he demands a percentage of
every profit in the town. His means of enforcement
are brutal and direct, resorting to intimidation and
violence at times.
Major Trades
Goldsmithing, Mining, Hospitality, Gaming, Trade
Goldcreek imports nearly everything it has in the
town, from food to building materials. The city
exports gold to the Kingdom and weapons and
armor to much of the Frontier.
The Frontier
Greywood is held aloft in the high brances of
many beech trees, connected by bridges.
The Birdwatcher, who leads the Birdwatch, a
group of mice devoted to protecting the town from
bird attacks, oversees the security of the town.
Thereby, the merchants, artists, and harvesters
can go about their lives and keep the town
Major Trades
Fishing, Scrimshaw, Boneworking
Hookbait exports fish meat (with birds and
ferrets), styled bone carvings, and bone armor and
weapons. The village imports grain from
Meadowhill and boats from Moonbay and
Major Trades
Mapmaking, Lumber, Fletching, Woodworking
Greywood imports bows and crossbows,
parchment, quills, and ink for mapmaking. The
town exports unique birdtraps, its maps of the
entire area including the forest to the northeast,
and fine wooden furniture and chests.
Spread out across three creekbeds with stone
bridge crossings, Meadowhill is barely tucked in
some grasslands, with no trees or brush to provide
Hookbait lies along the west coast of the Frontier
living in houses made of fish bones that effectively
scare off many predators. The village lies on a
highland overlooking the coast, with a tall
lighthouse functioning as the center of the village.
City (Over a large area)
Two mice rule Meadowhill, a remnant of the
Kingdom control of the city. One mouse is the
head of security and the other is the head of
farming. The two mice often do not meet up for
many months at a time, with their two domains
seldom interfering with the other. If one is doing
his job, the other will function.
Council of the major fishermice, usually around
three to five members. The council decides how
certain hauls are going to be split up, if the
weather conditions are conducive to fishing, and
setting up trade with birds and ferrets.
Major Trades
Agriculture, Baked goods, Worm wrangling
Meadowhill exports grain and bread. The city
imports weapons along with tools and insects to
work the soil.
Mount Cornelius
At the highest peak of Sailor's End, Mount
Cornelius sits in a constant frost. The mice of
Mount Cornelius are intrepid and incredibly selfsufficient. Each mouse must be able to do many
things to keep the settlement going. It requires an
adventurous spirit and a watchful eye. Some of the
best guardmice have come from or live on Mount
Cornelius. Some consider it to be the true heart of
the Mouse Guard in the Frontier.
Outside of the Kingdom, Moonbay is the main
producer of wood and plank ships. With almost no
exception, everymouse in Moonbay is involved
with shipbuilding in some way from selling the
ships, weaving sails and rope, felling trees,
designing better ships, and actually building the
Tucked under an alcove right along the water,
protected from birds and many larger land
Inside of a hollowed out evergreen tree, Mount
Cornelius has very few natural predators up so
high in the mountains, so the weather is the
biggest threat in the village.
Moonbay still defers to the Kingdom, if a Prince
arrives in town, trying to accommodate the
Royalty in any way. Most of the time, the
Shipwright's Guild decides what is best for
Moonbay by negotiating prices with other
settlements for lumber, metal, and grain. In times
of emergency, such as a flood or very high tide,
the Guild defers to the oldest member to lead.
The government is very lax in Mount Cornelius,
with all mice working together to survive the harsh
conditions. But, the de facto leader would be the
lead Searcher, heading up the missions of the
village to find mice stranded in the mountains.
Major Trades
Shipbuilding, Netweaving, Sailweaving,
Major Trades
Brewing, Cooking, Hunting, Tracking, Harvesting
wild plants
Moonbay exports ships, nets, and rope. The city
imports most of the rest of its goods through trade
with travelling merchants.
Mount Cornelius exports exotic plants, furs, and
brews, known to be the best in the Frontier. The
village imports grains when food sources are low,
traps, scents, and weapons to stay protected.
New Didymus
Quicksilver is a subterranean town, hewn from a
boulder by order of the King when the jungle was
discovered. Defenses are very tight in the town,
with even the most clever animals never realizing
that mice live inside the rock.
Established by the stargazers of the Kingdom,
choosing the site because it is under the Didymus
constellation during the Spring and Summer. The
city itself is affixed between two large rocks,
making defense of the city much easier.
Grasslands stretch to the south, making insect
grazing very easy.
A duke appointed by the King himself oversees the
security and operation of Quicksilver. The
seclusion of Quicksilver and the level of protection
provided by the King allows for science to thrive in
the town.
Major Trades
Research, Harvesting unusual fungi and moss,
Experiments of all kinds
The Matriarch functions as the face of the Mouse
Guard, largely overseeing the mice of the
Kingdom, while the Guard Council of guard
captains make decisions for the city.
In shipments sent twice a year, all of the needs of
the mice at Quicksilver are provided for including
massive shipments of food, weapons, research
supplies, and analysis equipment. Quicksilver
exports many of its new technological
developments back to the King directly, often
secretly. Many recent advancements in medicine
and demolition traps are due to the research at
Major Trades
Silk, Insect Husbandry, Archiving, Instructing
New Didymus exports trained insects such as
beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, and worms for
specialized uses as well as fine silks. The city
imports most of its parchment and textiles.
Built on the top of a steep-walled mesa, Redridge
sits at the foot of the Red Mountains, mostly safe
from land predators. Sometimes the sheriff has to
form a posse to take down a rogue armadillo or
Roseport is settled directly on the beach, amid
thickets of rosebushes. The city was once simply
one point along the coast, but now stretches along
the ocean at many piers and harbors.
A sheriff with his deputies try to keep the violence
and killing to a minimum, which they often fail to
do. The Ridgers have an unspoken code that they
all live by, which emphasizes honesty,
trustworthiness, and always helping a mouse in
need. So, a talented Ridger who sees something
that needs doing will most likely do it himself.
Punishment for heinous crimes often ends in being
sent off the edge of the mesa.
Large City
The Lord or Lady of Roseport, an archaic title,
oversees the collection of taxes from Roseport. The
Lord or Lady largely fails to enforce any laws,
instead relying on the Royal Navy. While not
directly in charge of the city, the Navy polices the
waters, keeping watchful eyes to piracy and fish
Major Trades
Redstone Architecture, Wrangling, Crime, Rodeo,
Leading expeditions into the Red Mountains
Redridge relies on the agriculture of Meadowhill
and Millpoint for its food, especially during the
Rodeo. The town exports crafted stone tools and
statues made from the durable and hard redstone
with mice as well as the ferrets of Nivalia.
Major Trades
Harbor work, Merchant, Crime
Roseport imports everything it needs through the
harbors and it exports just as much through trade.
Tideview sits alone in the center of the Frontier, on
an island that hosts a yearly event called the
Tideview Games. The survival of the settlement
relies on this yearly event, providing it with most
of the business it will see all year. Therefore, the
success of the Games ties directly the survival of
Tideview itself.
The village rests in at the edge of a canyon that
acts as a natural arena for the Games. Many
merchants stop into Tideview for the Games and
leave once they have concluded, taking their
wealth with them.
The Mouse Guard is a huge proponent of the
Tideview Games, helping make sure they are a
success every year. For the rest of the year, the
town is nearly vacant except for some officials and
fishermice eeking out a living from the pond.
Along a freshwater creek and waterfall, Tideview
rests at the highest point of a canyon valley
making spotting predators very easy due to the
openness. Being in the center of its island,
Tideview is the only spot where a mouse can see
the ocean in every direction, giving it its name.
The Kingdom
Cragvale rests in the foothills of the King's Range,
operating the largest mines in the Known Lands.
The mines contain mostly iron ore, but small
amount of any ore or mineral turn up across the
many mines.
The town was created originally as a labor colony
for mice convicted of high crimes, but now
Downmire operates the Kingdom's prison colony.
Now, a culture of hard work and honorable service
permeates Cragvale, with mice that are
determined to serve the King in their capacity.
Therefore, the Kingdom receives the majority of
the iron, but some is shipped over to the Frontier.
The foothills of the King's Range, a nearby
mountain range.
Lords reporting directly to the King's court oversee
the operation, though officially, they are
independent from the Kingdom.
Major Trades
Ore Mining, Beetle Wrangling
A chairmouse oversees the Tideview Games during
the summer and allocates the resources of the
village to survive for the rest of the year. Lately,
the chairmouse has been trying to keep businesses
in the area and start to build it up to have it thrive
more than once a year.
Major Trades
Organizing the Tideview Games, Fishing
Cragvale imports everything that it needs to
survive, trading with the Kingdom and others. The
town exports its ore and trained beetles used for
hard labor in other parts of the Kingdom.
The first mouse settlement in all of the Known
Lands, Didymus is a sprawling metropolis, divided
into three main rings: Castle Ironhold, The Market,
and The Ground. Each has its own distinct inner
workings and large enough to be cities all their
own, divided from one another by large walls.
They will henceforward be described individually.
Tideview imports everything it needs for the
Tideview Games, relying heavily on the Mouse
Guard for support and to help if they need it
throughout the year.
Castle Ironhold
The Market
The center of Didymus, with a huge castle with
many protective barriers around it, including a
drawbridge, moat, high stone walls, and many
guards. At the center of the castle is a tower
comprised entirely of iron, where the King holds
In the second ring, just outside the inner ring, of
Didymus rests The Market. Narrow streets and
multi-story buildings comprise the majority of The
The center of the Kingdom, the King sits in the
Castle surrounded by his lords, dukes, and earls.
The inner workings of the court are relatively
secret, with official, Kingdom-wide edicts
proclaimed from time to time. Gaining audience
with the King is difficult and there are many
customs to adhere to.
The lords of The Market, hold some of the power,
but the King's orders often extend into all of
Didymus, including The Market. The King taxes
The Market moderately, providing much of the
continued wealth and extravagant lifestyle of
Castle Ironhold.
Major Trades
Business Administration, Law Enforcement,
Merchants, and nearly any other trade in the
Known Lands
Major Trades
Armorer, Entertainment, Political Administration,
Silkweaving, Scribing
Castle Ironhold imports huge amounts of food,
clothing, furniture, and other expensive goods
from all over the Known Lands; the more exotic,
the better. The Castle exports finished silk
products as well as parchment and ink for use
throughout the Kingdom.
The Market imports high volumes of raw
materials, such as ore, grain, and lumber, which it
then exports as processed or manufactured goods,
such as armor, bread, or furniture.
The Ground
Along the outskirts of Didymus, the slums of The
Ground stretch far and wide. Many mice fashion
dwellings out of whatever they can find, many just
living in holes as mice once did.
Downmire is a large, swampy island off the
southern coast of The Kingdom. There is a
compound where the Kingsguard and the Overseer
live in a stone house on a firm bedrock.
Though the Kingsguard attempts to have some
authority over The Ground, they have no effective
power. Many rival gangs of criminals send out
youngmice to beg and steal in The Market as well
as shake each other down for coin. It seems like
every season, a new gang has gotten into power
only to be overthrown and killed by the next gang.
Major Trades
Crime, Gambling, Law Enforcement
The Kingsguard, the law enforcement for the King,
keeps the prisoners in line, but a lesser Duke
called the Overseer, keeps track of the prisoners'
Major Trades
Hard labor in the form of agriculture, harvesting,
mining, weaving, and pottery.
The Kingdom supports Downmire exclusively, but
due to the high volume of goods being shipped to
Didymus, the Kingdom turns a huge profit from
Trade for cheap goods stolen from The Market.
The Hammer
King's Edge
In a constantly moving camp around the base of a
volcano, The Hammer is constantly building new
barracks and offices.
King's Edge is seated between two major clifffaces along the north of the Kingdom. They
provide natural barriers as well as the only trading
route into the North.
The King has direct jurisdiction over The Hammer,
deferring to the Captain of the Kingsguard when
he is not present. The Captain operates as the
leader of all things military in the Kingdom, handpicked by the King himself from the upper
echelons of the military.
The King used to appoint a lesser official of his
house to the Royal Apiary, but now the most
experienced beemouse oversees the operation.
The mice enjoy their work and have little problem,
because the Kingdom mostly stays out of their
affairs as long as they continue to produce on
Major Trades
Apiary, candles, wax, and honey production.
Major Trades
Military Training, Survivalism
King's Edge imports some of its grain and building
materials which the bees are housed in. The
village exports nearly all of its candles, wax, and
honey all over the Known Lands. A distinctive
square is imprinted into the bottoms of each of the
candles and honey jars produced by King's Edge.
They import all goods from the Kingdom that are
needed, but those are mostly just for the Captain
and the other upper officers. The soldiers are
expected to live off of the land and after
graduation, are given a permanent assignment.
Other Areas
The major harbor of the Kingdom, Thickrunnel
specializes in the construction of large ships.
Thickrunnel also functions as the site of the Royal
Navy, a branch of the Kingsguard that specializes
in sea combat.
Thickrunnel has the most contact with the Frontier
compared with the rest of the Kingdom. The Royal
Navy patrols all over the Wild Ocean and into the
Frontier, protecting the Kingdom's assets at home
and abroad.
The Warren
At the mouth of a rushing river emptying into the
Wild Ocean, Thickrunnel sits poised to push new
ships out to sea.
Thickrunnel is heavily controlled and regulated by
the Royal Navy, with Royalty sometimes venturing
out to inspect the boatmaking operations.
Nivalia is the only ferret community on the main
island of the Frontier. Most of the ferrets are
willing to trade with mice, especially for their
shimmerblades as the ferrets call them. The
ferrets live along the coast and into the mountains,
hunting, fishing, and living off the land.
Major Trades
All things boat-related, including building,
repairing, designing, and mobilizing.
Thickrunnel exports its ships and ship designs.
The town imports from the Kingdom mostly, but
the Frontier provides many unique goods such as
specialized wood for prototypes or even gold for
Lesser Settlements
Many of the following smaller settlements often
have one family or even one mouse at the location
at any one time. There are also many settlements
here and there that are not listed on the map.
The best guides through treacherous waters come
from Brushnob, due to their proximity to the
Swiftcurrent Straits.
Canyon's Cross
Coralbridge rests along Elanor Reef and is a
member of the Rodeo circuit, specializing in an
aquatic rodeo. A bridge made of coral connects the
settlement with many of the small nearby islands
off the coast.
Millpoint functions as a processing plant for
Meadowhill's grain production, specializing in
milling and baking for the surrounding areas.
Oyster Cove
Situated at the edge of a forest, Crabtree is a small
hunting community, specializing in pelts and furs.
Originally named by the Kingdom as a community
of outcasts who rebelled against the King,
Darkhedge now operates as a harvesting
operation to supply Didymus and Cragvale.
Adventurous mice live in Wavecrest, where the
waves in all of the Wild Ocean are at their largest.
Many mice come from all over the Frontier to try
to ride them.
West Acorn
Harren's Crook
Harren's Crook is a huge supporter of the Mouse
Guard, being a major supplier of goods to New
Yearly Events
Tideview Games
Circus Season
From late Spring to early Autumn, a huge group of
travelling performers of all kinds performing
dramas, feats of strength, illusionists, musicians,
and animal tamers. They move through most
settlements in the Frontier, starting in Roseport
and ending in Wavecrest.
Aurora's Comet
A yearly festival, usually in the mid-Summer, with
a ceremonial drink of honey mead. There are
many major celebrations, with nearly every town
and village celebrating its own way. Fireworks are
not an uncommon sight in wealthy, Kingdom
Day of the Dead
During Autumn, all mice, but especially the Mouse
Guard, remember those that came before them.
Not a somber event, mice enjoy a harvest feast,
including many sweets such as fruit pies. Long
detailed retellings of the classic stories passed
down through the Guard occur over the days of
this festival. Even retellings of how some great
Guardmice met their end, even the same year.
Rodeo Circuit
Starting in Coralbridge, moving through
Redridge, and ending in West Acorn, brave mice
interact with many lizards, toads, beetles, and
even some fish in many ways: roping, rodeo,
riding, and wrangling. Injuries and mishaps are
not uncommon at these events, but they draw
huge crowds from all over the Frontier.
Across the Frontier, special soups and stews are
made on the first frosty night of the Winter and
shared with the rest of the community.
In any saloon in the Frontier and maybe in some
back rooms in Castle Ironhold's guardtowers, mice
are kicking back and enjoying games of chance
and dice. Sometimes, quite a bit is at stake. Maybe
somemouse's life, maybe somemouse's fortune. A
gambling conflict is meant to represent a game of
chance when the stakes are high and the situation
intricate, not just for fun. Also, these games will
always have some level of skill, sometimes just
how much to bet, sometimes strategy, and
sometimes just playing the odds!
Actions in a gambling conflict are described as
bluffing, calling your opponent's bluff, cheating,
catching your opponent cheating, raising the
stakes, sweetening the deal, distracting your
opponent, and taunting your opponent.
Watery Chase
Sea Battle
With many ships and boats covering the seas of
the Known Lands, sea battles are not uncommon,
especially with pirates and the war-like Minks
Many communities in the Frontier rely on the
creatures in the area for survival and to maintain
productivity. Aside from capturing and taming
mounts and livestock, mice, especially in the open
ranges near Redridge, will often need to maintain
or move large groups of livestock at a time. In
those instances, use a Wrangling conflict.
Missile: Against short-ranged weapons, your
Attack action counts as a versus action against
Attack and is independent against Maneuver.
Piercing: +1D to Attack. Short Range: -1D to
Maneuver and Defend.
Special darts can be made with an Ob 3
Scientist test. Each one gives +1s to a single
action (depending on the type) and once they are
used, they're gone.
Hard to Reload: A mouse cannot Attack, Feint, or
any combination of the two actions back to back.
Missile: Against short-ranged weapons, your
Attack action counts as a versus action against
Attack and is independent against Maneuver.
Powerful: +1s to any versus test.
For example, if a guardmouse Attacks for
the first action in one set of three actions, and she
would act next. With her next action, she cannot
Attack or Feint; she must Maneuver or Defend.
Roping: +1D to Maneuver, +2s to a successful
Maneuver against Defend. Unwieldy: -1D to
For example, if a guardmouse chooses
Maneuver while using a lasso and her opponent
chooses Defend, then assuming she gets at least 1
success, she adds +1D and +2s to the Maneuver.
The following weapons are meant to
supplement and not replace any weapons in the
Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game (p.117-119).
Lightweight: +1s after a successful Feint, +1D to
Attack against Feint. Small Head: -1D to Defend.
Thrown: Against shorter-ranged weapons, your
Attack action counts as a versus action against
Attack and is independent against Maneuver. Once
you throw the tomahawk, it's gone!
Fighting Weapons
Heavy Weights: Any successful Maneuver with
bolas count as the gain position effect. This
happens in addition to your margin of success for
Tangling: +1D to Maneuver. Very Unwieldy: -1D
to Attack and Feint. Whipcrack: +1D to Defend,
+1s to a successful Defend instead if in a Fight
Animal or Taming Conflict.
Familiar Waters
+1D to one action of your choice, like a sword.
Being born or raised along a coastline, a mouse
would know which areas are rushing, where a
waterfall might be, or if the water is shallow in a
certain spot.
+1D to disposition. A ship in perfect condition
will be difficult to sink and be able to stay in the
battle longer.
Weapons of Chance
+1D to Attack. If your ship is better equipped
with mounted weapons, such as an acorn cannon
or a ballista, or each mouse has a crossbow, you'll
have superior firepower.
Outnumbering Force
+1s to Feint. If you have a larger attacking force,
the battle will more easily descend into chaos
allowing the unexpected to happen.
Smaller Ship
+1s to a successful Maneuver. If your ship is at
least 2 steps on the natural order of water smaller
than your opponent's ship, you will be able to
move more easily.
+1D to a Feint. If you have a way to visibly
bolster a promise to sweeten the deal for your
opponent, such as a large amount of coin to throw
around or showing off the deed to the family farm
that your opponent wants, by throwing it into the
deal, you can cause your opponent to make a
slight mistake in his greed.
Fixing the Game
+1s to a successful Attack. Nothing obvious, but
things like loaded dice, magnets, or a special
deck of cards being used can help push the odds
in your favor.
+2D to disposition. If you can convince your
opponent before the game starts that you have no
skill whatsoever in the game, your opponent will
think it's over before it starts.
Adequate Crew
+1s to Attack. Whether a small boat or a large
ship, having enough mice makes water travel
much easier.
+1s to a successful Maneuver. By belittling your
opponent or intimidation, you might be able to
catch him off guard. It must be played out to
receive the bonus.
Calm Weather
+1D to Maneuver. Untroubled waters ease travel,
making each wave easier to handle.
Proper Tools
+1D to Feint. Having the necessary tools, such as
herding staffs or a whip to assert dominance, can
overcome many difficulties along a drive.
Weapons to Tame
Taming animals and insects is very commonplace
in the Frontier. If applicable, interchange the word
animal with insect. Here are a few weapons
to get the job done.
Water Depth
Food or Water
+1s to a successful Attack. With just the right
food or water for a thirsty animal, an animal will
more easily come around to you.
Friendly Kin
+1D to Feint. If your patrol already has a tamed
animal of a similar or the same kind, an animal
will be more likely to associate mice with friends.
Safety Assurance
+1D to Maneuver. By showing the animal that
you mean no harm in a convincing way, such as
dropping weapons, can help to calm an animal.
+1D to disposition. If you have a mouse whose
Loremouse (or Insectrist) is higher than the
Animal's Nature, the mouse will know what to do.
Wrangling Weapons
Mouse wranglers use many different weapons to
keep their herds in line and safe.
Puddle, Wash
Creek, Brook, Basin
Stream, Rapids, Tributary
River, Moat
Pond, Marsh
Lake, Lagoon
Bay, Harbor
Sea, Sound, Gulf
Known Trails
+1D to Defend. Well-trodden paths allow mice to
provide more security to the herd, know which
predators or threats migh be along a certain road,
and where the best grazing spots are.
Mounted Mice
+1D to disposition. Mice riding other tamed
creatures allows them to move around faster and
keep the herd together.
Barge Weapons
Wide+1s to Defend.
Ferry Weapons
Sturdy+3D to disposition.
Canoes are quick and cut through rushing waters,
making them among the most maneuverable boats
that mice can build. A canoe can only hold three
mice, after that, it will lose its weapon, no matter
what the water depth is. Canoes are often used to
in groups to hunt fish swimming in rivers and
Mice have made leafboat since before the
Kingdom, being the most plentiful type of
watercraft in the Known Lands.
Leafboat Weapons
Small+1D to disposition.
Leafboat Water Depth
Canoe Weapons
Easy to Steer+1s to a successful
Catamarans have two hulls connected by a wide
frame, making them able to withstand many
different situations and weather conditions. Due to
their high buoyancy, catamarans tend to rest on
the water's surface allowing them to cruise swiftly.
Catamaran Weapons
Stable+2D to disposition. Swift+1D to
Catamaran Water Depth
Creek Pond
Raft Weapons
Adaptable When the raft is created, its
creator chooses a +1D bonus to one
action. The bonus remains with the raft
until it is destroyed.
Raft Water Depth
Creek Lake
Rowboat Weapons
Balanced+1s to a successful Feint.
Rowboat Water Depth
Creek Stream
Warship Weapons
Agile+2D to Maneuver. Reinforced
Hull In a sea battle conflict, +2D to
Defend and +3s to disposition.
Sailboats rely on the wind to propel them along
the water, and based on the conditions, they can
be very useful as well as completely useless
without any wind. A wise boatmouse will check
the weather conditions before setting out on a
sailboat, as well as having plenty of rope on hand
as backup.
Sailboat Weapons
Sails+1D to any action, as a sword.
Sailboat Water Depth
Stream Lake
Sailing Ship
Sailing ships are very large and often require up to
a dozen mice to operate, although some ships
need even more mice. All kinds of sailing ships dot
the ocean, being the first and most common type
of ship to pass between the Kingdom and the
Frontier. The majority of ships coming out of
Thickrunnel are sailing ships. These ships can be
used for big business, transportation, or even to
live in.
Denizens of the
Known Lands
Earthworm Nature 2
Burrowing, Decomposer, Squirming
Spider Nature 3
Climbing, Feeding, Lurking, Webworking
Mice have attempted to use butterflies for mouse
flight, but to little avail. Butterflies are mostly used
to pollenate flowers or as pets.
Butterfly Nature 3
Flying, Migrating, Pollenating
Wild Animals
Caterpillars are used for their silk as well as
voracious appetite to help clear away dense or
encroaching plantlife. Due to their hooked feet,
they are used as mounts and able to climb straight
Alligator Nature 10
Predator, Sprawling, Swimming, Walking
Caterpillar Nature 2
Climbing, Herbivore, Silkmaking
Dragonflies are used to carry messages incredibly
fast over short distances. Due to their unreliability,
the messages often do not make it. Not being
common in the Frontier and most often seen in the
swamps of Downmire, very few of them have been
domesticated thus far.
Dragonfly Nature 4
Flying, Insect Eating, Wetland-Dweller
Earthworms are used by farmers to help fertilize
the soil, but there are other uses that mice have
found, especially as a way to befriend some birds
or as fish bait.
Alligator Weapons
Death Roll+1s to Feint. Powerful Jaws
+1D to Feint. Sharp Teeth +1D to
Attack. Speed Burst +1D to Maneuver.
Alligator Natural Order
As a wolf.
Eagle Nature 9
Flying, Nesting, Perching, Predator
Eagle Weapons
Beak +1s to Attack. Broad Wings +2D
to Maneuver. Talons +1D to Attack.
Armadillo Nature 5
Armored, Digging, Egg-Stealing, Jumping
Armadillo Weapons
Claws +1D to Attack. Fast +2D to
disposition in a Chase conflict. Tough
Armor +2D to Defend.
Electric Eel
Chameleons have eyes on the sides of their heads,
able to move independently of one another,
making it nearly impossible to sneak up on one.
Given enough time, a chameleon can seamlessly
blend into its environment, making them difficult
to see themselves. Their tongues can lash out at
any moment, snatching up insects suddenly.
Chameleon Nature 4
Basking, Camouflage, Climbing, Insect
Chameleon Weapons
All Around Vision +1s to Defend.
Lashing Tongue +1D to Attack and Feint.
Chameleon Natural Order
As a weasel.
Fish populate almost every single body of water in
the Known Lands. There are many types, including
trout, carp, catfish, bass, sturgeon, tilapia,
bluegill, and tuna. Mostly fish swim around,
eating, and swimming away from larger fish.
However, a fish can easily disrupt any seafaring
voyage, no matter the body of water.
Some other types of fish are described in this
supplement, but use this entry for all others.
Fish Nature 4
Scaled, School-Traveler, Skittish, Swimming
Fish Natural Order
As a mouse or weasel.
Goats are seldom seen on lower ground, preferring
to stay high in the cool, thin air of the mountains.
Most days, they simply graze paying little
attention to the affairs of mice. They can expertly
navigate mountains, but when they slip, it can
kick rocks down on traveling mice or buildings.
Though goats will rarely fall themselves, the their
oblivious hooves can cause great damage to mice
communities, especially if they see something that
piques their interest.
Goat Nature 8
Bleating, Rock Climbing, Curious, Horned
Gull Nature 5
Calling, Flying, Omnivore, Stealing
Gull Weapons
Snapping Beak +1D to Feint. Small
Wings +1D to Maneuver.
Gull Natural Order
As a skunk.
Horned Lizard
Horned Lizards are common in steppe and desert
regions, uniquely adapted to the harsh
environment. When not sunning themselves and
catching unsuspecting insects, they are hiding in
plain sight from larger predators. They are able to
shoot blood out of their eyes, which tastes very
sour and acidic to predators. Horned lizards are
difficult to provoke, seldom attacking mice.
Goat Weapons
Horns +1D to Attack, +1D to Defend.
Long Legs +1D to Maneuver, -1D to
Iguanas are common in tropical areas, like jungles.
Though dangerous, they can be used as mounts
for entire patrols, providing useful movement
through land, water, and up in the trees. However,
they move very slowly, creeping along at their own
pace. Their tongues are incredible weapons, used
to snatch insects out of the sky almost instantly.
They will tend to ignore mice, but if it feels
threatened, it will not hesitate to strike!
The scavengers of the air, land, and sea, gulls
squawk and fly around eating almost anything.
They do not like a challenge when feeding, so
mice are almost always safe if they remain
vigilant. However, gulls do steal anything,
Iguana Nature 5
Climbing, Escaping, Herbivore, Swimming
Iguana Weapons
Claws +1D to Attack. Lashing Tail
+1D to Maneuver. Sharp Teeth +1s to
Prairie Dog
Prairie dogs act very similar to mice in many ways,
relying on one another. They differ in that they're
communities are often very xenophobic and
unwilling to work with others, mice or otherwise.
Many mice have described them as rude and
inhospitable, even refusing to help give water to
mice dying of thirst. Some mice think that they
have been soured by interactions with weasels and
ferrets long before mice arrived in the Frontier.
Scorpion Nature 6
Hiding, Lurking, Scuttling
Scorpion Weapons
Snapping Claws +1D to Attack. Venom
+1D to Maneuver and on a successful
disarm, the opposing team automatically
loses 1 disposition.
Scorpion Natural Order
As a mouse.
Seahorses exist abundantly in the ocean, residing
in areas with tall grass or coral reefs. They are
notoriously poor swimmers, often choosing to
wrap their tails around stationary objects. They
are easy to catch, so mice use seahorses to pull
barges across streams and rivers.
Seahorse Nature 3
Clicking, Ocean Camouflage, Swimming,
Salmon are very abundant in all bodies of water.
They are active fish, moving great distances and
leaping out of the water to play or thrusting their
strong tails while hunting. A leaping salmon can
do a great deal of damage to a mouse ship or
create large waves that could crash into a harbor
Seahorse Weapons
Grasping Tail +2D to Maneuver. Bony
Structure +1D to Defend.
Seahorse Natural Order
As a mouse.
Salmon Nature 5
Leaping, Ocean Camouflage, Swimming
Salmon Weapons
Splashing Leap +1D to Attack,+1s to
Maneuver. Tail Thrust +1D to Feint.
Salmon Natural Order
As a weasel.
Sidewinder Weapons
Fangs +1s to Attack. Tail +2D to
Feint. Venom+1D to Maneuver and on a
successful disarm, the opposing team
automatically loses 1 disposition.
Shark Nature 11
Frenzying, Keen Senses, Predator,
Shark Weapons
Razor-Sharp Teeth +2D to Attack, +1s
to Attack. Swift +1D to Maneuver. Tough
Skin +1D to Defend, +1s to disposition
in a fight.
Shark Natural Order
As a black bear.
Common throughout the desert, sidewinders move
in a curious way giving it more traction in the
blowing sand dunes. Sidewinders commonly feed
on lizards and mice. They are nocturnal during the
late spring and summer, when the weather is
Sidewinders are venomous, though the venom is
very weak. In extreme cases, a bite can be lethal if
left untreated for many days, but finding
antivenom is very common in any desert town.
The real danger is a wound from the fangs
Sidewinder Nature 7
Keen Sense of Smell, Luring, Predator,
Truly a monstrous ocean creature, a squid can
grow to unbelievable size. They live in the deep
areas of the ocean and have many myths
surrounding them, with many mice even denying
their existence.
Little is known about the collosal creatures, with
few sightings over the years. Though there has
never been a reported squid attack, mice have
written many tales about what such an attack
would entail, destroying Castle Ironhold in a single
Fear of such a monster has driven many mice
inland and refuse to even look at the water. Other
mice see it as a challenge, with some devoting
their lives to finding such a creature, but these
mice are seldom seen again.
Squid Nature 15
Abyss-Dweller, Grabbing, Ocean
Camouflage, Swimming
Squid Weapons
Tentacles +2s to all actions.
Squid Natural Order
One or two ranks higher than a black bear.
Stingrays inhabit every body of water in the
Known Lands, salt and freshwater. They tend to
stay near the bottom, mingling itself with the mud
to await incoming prey.
Although normally not dangerous to mice,
stingrays may be provoked either intentionally or
accidentally. When irritated, they will strike out
with painful stingers in self-defense.
Stingray Nature 5
Keen Sense of Smell, Ocean Camouflage,
Stinging, Swimming
Stingray Weapons
Stinger +1D to Attack. Wings +1s to
Swordfish are imposing fish, living in the Wild
Ocean primarily. Contrary to myth, swordfish do
not use their sword-like bills to skewer a target,
but rather to slash against it. Swordfish are
usually unseen during the day, but at night, they
rise to the surface to eat fish swimming higher up.
A swordfish might mistake a mouseboat for a fish
and inadvertently attack it, so travelling the waters
at night is especially dangerous in swordfishinfested waters.
Swordfish Nature 8
Predator, Slashing, Solitary, Swimming
Swordfish Weapons
Swift +1D to Maneuver, +1s to
disposition in a watery chase conflict.
Sword Bill +1D to Attack.
Swordfish Natural Order
As a coyote.
Thorny Devil
Though intimidating as a lizard covered in spikes,
thorny devils are largely prey for the birds of the
desert. Thorny devils have a false head, which is
used to scare off predators because it has more
spines than its actual head. They eat voraciously,
eating as many as a thousand ants in a single day.
The spines actually function as a way to funnel all
rainwater directly into a thorny devil's mouth,
with some being able to absorb the water directly
through their skin.
Mice of the
Known Lands
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Raw Abilities
Skills: Administrator 6, Orator 5 , Deceiver 4, Persuader 4,
Militarist 3, Kingdom-wise 6, Castle Ironhold-wise 5,
Rebellion-wise 3
Traits: Fiery (2), Leader (3), Oldfur (2), Royalty (3), Wise (2)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Deceiver 5, Scientist 4, Weaver 3
Traits: Lost (1), Young (1)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Deceiver 5, Orator 4, Archivist 2, Law-wise 3
Traits: Fat (2)
Common Mice
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Militarist 6, Fighter 5, Orator 5, Deceiver 4, Instructor
4, Administrator 3, Hunter 3, Survivalist 3, Kingsguard-wise 6,
Command-wise 5, Volcano-wise 4
Traits: Fearless (3), King's Honor (2), Leader (2), SharpEyed (1), Stubborn (2)
Skills: Fighter 4 , Laborer 4, Orator 2, Game-wise 3
Traits: Driven (1)
Raw Abilities
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Deceiver 4, Administrator 3, Persuader 3,
Royalty-wise 4
Traits: Extrovert (2), Spoiled (1)
Skills: Deceiver 5, Persuader 4, Survivalist 2, Poverty-wise 4
Traits: Cunning (2), Skinny (1)
Raw Abilities
Rating Special Abilitiies Rating
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Laborer 5, Harvester 3, Weaver 2, Family-wise 2
Traits: Bitter (1)
Skills: Fighter 5, Cartographer 3, Deceiver 3, Scout 2,
Treasure-wise 3
Traits: Scarred (1)
Raw Abilities
Rating Special Abilitiies Rating
Nature (Mouse)
Raw Abilities
Skills: Fighter 4, Survivalist 4, Hunter 3, Orders-wise 1
Traits: King's Honor (1)
Skills: Laborer 4, Scout 4, Deceiver 3, Guard-wise 3
Traits: Jaded (1)
Rating Special Abilitiies Rating
Nature (Mouse)
Raw Abilities
Skills: Fighter 5, Loremouse 4, Armorer 3, Lance-wise 3
Traits: Defender (1)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Insectrist 4, Loremouse 4, Hunter 3, Rodeo-wise 4
Traits: Brave (1)
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Raw Abilities
Raw Abilities
Nature (Mouse)
Nature (Mouse)
Skills: Survivalist 5, Weather Watcher 4, Brewer 3,
Instructor 3, Avalanche-wise 4
Traits: Compassionate (2)
Skills: Boatcrafter 5, Weaver 4, Cook 3, Storm-wise 2
Traits: Weather Sense (1)
A coastal fishing community.
Mouse Nature
The finest boats and ships in the Frontier are
made in this village.
Trait: Bigpaw
Mount Cornelius
The highest point in the Frontier, at the top of a
frosty mountain range.
The Frontier
A boisterous and wealthy city nearby to some very
lucrative gold mines.
Trait: Alert
New Didymus
The home of the Mouse Guard, always bustling
with guardmice.
A village aloft in the high branches of a tree.
Trait: Brave
The center of science and innovations in the
Frontier, lying on the edge of a vast jungle.
A town at a major entrance to the Red Mountains.
The Market
The middle ring of the city, where many
businesses operate.
The Ground
The outer ring and outskirts of Didymus, where
many criminals and underhanded dealings occur.
The Hammer
The Kingdom's center for soldier training and
military instruction, on a volcanic island.
The Kingdom
King's Edge
The home of the Royal Apiary, using the bees for
all kinds of purposes.
The Kingdom's mines, known for extracting large
amounts of iron.
Trait: Calm
The center of the Royal Navy, where large ships
are built and harbored.
The massive, sprawling capital of the Kingdom,
divided into three distinct rings: Castle Ironhold,
The Market, and The Ground. Each ring will be
described individually. A mouse cannot just be
from Didymus, he must choose a ring.
Castle Ironhold
The center of the city, where the King sits in a
fortified castle with his lords and ladies.
Life Experience
Wises S
Sales-wise, Sea Battle-wise, Ship-wise, Steppewise
Wises T
Wises A
Agriculture-wise, Alligator-wise, Artillery-wise,
Wises V
Venom-wise, Volcano-wise
Wises B
Barren Wastes-wise, Blowgun-wise, Boat-wise
Wises W
Whip-wise, Wild Ocean-wise, Wrangling-wise
Wises C
Canyon-wise, Coral Reef-wise, Crossbow-wise
Guard Resources
Same as p. 306, except add the following question.
Wises D
Desert-wise, Drama-wise
Wises F
Fish-wise, Frontier-wise, Fur-wise
Guard Circles
Wises G
Gambling-wise, Gold-wise
Wises I
Insect-wise, Iron-wise
Wises J
Jail-wise, Jungle-wise
Wises K
Kingdom-wise, Kingsguard-wise
Mouse Traits
Same as p. 307-308, except add the following
traits to the qualities a mouse can be born with.
Wises L
Heavy Drinker
King's Honor
Thrill Seeker
Wises M
Marble-wise, Mountain-wise
Wises N
New Didymus-wise
Wises P
Pearl-wise, Pickpocket-wise, Pirate-wise
Wises R
Rodeo-wise, Royalty-wise
Abilities and
Skills Factors
Resources Factors
In factors for weapons, after heavy armor, Ob 4,
add Advanced weapon, like a crossbow or
cannon, Ob 5.
Administrator Factors
Brewer Factors
Cook Factors
In Feeds factors, after neighborhood, add
massive feast.
Armorer Factors
In Paw-to-Paw factors, after Hard to Defend, add
Piercing, then Powerful. Use the descriptions
under the blowgun and crossbow for reference.
Weaver Factors
In Type factors, include sails at the same level as
cloaks. Also, include braiding at the same level
as bedding.
Boatcrafter Factors
If the GM decides, your group can supercede the
rules listed on p. 244 of the Mouse Guard
Roleplaying Game for Boatcrafter. Instead, your
group may use the following rules to construct
your own boats and ships, like Armorer to make
Weapon Cards