NewScientist - Poster of Reality
NewScientist - Poster of Reality
NewScientist - Poster of Reality
As Einstein once wrote, The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. Thanks not least to him, our understanding has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past century or so. A few basic principles underlie two grand theories of nature,
general relativity and quantum mechanics. But where these theories meet they are incompatible, and the models that build on them create other, currently indecipherable problems. Some new solutions will be needed if we are to complete our picture of the structure of reality
If you kick a football, knowing where itis doesnt stop you knowing where
The discovery in the early 20th century that light comes divided into
its going. Not so with a subatomic particle. The more precisely you know its
position, the less precisely you know its momentum, and vice versa.
equations, they only made sense if light travelled through space at the
was not a special place in the cosmos. A century or so later Newton in his
output of light bulbs, and so make better ones. Existing theories failed to
a hammer dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa will hit the ground
great treatise Principia assumed that the solar system was embedded in a
match reality. After a few false starts, Planck found he could bridge the gap
at the same time, once you discount air resistance. During the Apollo
the bullet travels at the sum of its speed and the cars speed. Yet when
These are the origins of what in modern cosmology has morphed into the
but energy and time anda whole host of other pairs of quantities.
cosmological principle: gaze out into the universe and everything is more or
worked both ways: if wave-like light can act like a particle, electrons and
other matter particles can also act like waves.
less the same everywhere and in whatever direction you look. Local clumps
not a description of reality. But in 1905, Einstein showed that the way some
metals expel electrons when light shines on them the photoelectric effect
Not only that, it is the ultimate cosmic speed limit. No influence not
Its a simplification that makes the mathematics a lot easier when were
like quanta, which he called photons. This was just the beginning. As
to initiate nuclear fusion in the sun, for example. It also enables them to
light, they reached the same conclusion: however you look at it, the
matter, not information, not gravity or any other force may travel
why this should be so, yet no experiment has ever prised these two
trying to build a working model of the cosmos. But our limited view makes it
quantum theory developed, it became clear that not just energy, but many
reality operate.
theories of relativity.
double that, 200 km/h. But imagine youre sitting in one of two
objects bend space and time around them, making things seem
the speed of light, c. From the perspective of one, at what speed is the
other approaching?
can pop out of nowhere, says quantum theory. Quantum field theory
he proposed it with two other physicists in 1935. The states of two once-
correlated quantum particles can remain correlated, even when they are
can ever cover a given space in a shorter time than light can.
fields. The British physicist Paul Dirac started the ball rolling in the late
At our normal speeds, these warping effects are negligible, but close
The Dirac equation had a sting in its tail: it predicted the existence of a
E=m c 2
discovered in cosmic rays a few years later. It was the first of a whole new
If it does exist, it must travel at least 10,000 times faster than light, in
covers the workings of three of the four forces of nature. It describes the
the 1920s, however, showed that distant galaxies are redshifted as if they
are moving away from us. Others then used his theory, plus the simplifying
and two quantum field theories lie at its heart. Quantum electrodynamics
strangely incomplete.
electric charge. The positron, the first antimatter particle, was duly
particle identical to the electron in every way, apart from the opposite
Earth whirls around the sun at a speed determined by its distance, the
In the late 1990s, two groups studying far-off supernovae discovered that these
Range your eye across the cosmos, and a couple of features are hard
stellar explosions were consistently fainter than expected. Their conclusion: the
to explain. It is darn near geometrically flat, and even far-off bits all have
but doesnt unify the electroweak and strong theories neatly. Gravity, meanwhile,
You dont need general relativity to work that out: Newtons old-school
space their light had travelled through to get to us had stretched more than
stands apart as the only force we cant describe with quantum theory. Any effort
gravitation will do. The same law should apply to distant galaxies swirling
tacked on to the theory. Were any of them to have even marginally different
expansion. It dominates the cosmos, making up some 68 per cent of everything there
within the universe). That ironed out wrinkles in its early chaotic self and meant
values, the universe would look very different. The Higgs bosons mass, for
the outer parts of the Coma galactic cluster were rotating far faster than the
is. But what is it? Perhaps a vacuum energy of the sort that quantum particles
that even now far-flung parts were once in close contact, so could swap heat.
clusters estimated mass allowed. In the 1970s, Vera Rubin confirmed the
might create by popping in and out of free space. This would be a resurrection of
huge mismatch in a clutch of spiral galaxies similar to the Milky Way. She
the cosmological constant that Einstein introduced into the equations of general
on the cosmic microwave background. But this proved mistaken, and its not
estimated they must contain about six parts of invisible matter for every
clear what would have made the early universe inflate anyway. Worse, inflation
amount of dark energy and dark matter in the universe seem so finely
This dark matter must interact gravitationally to produce the motion, but
hardly at all through the other forces of nature. The standard model of particle
Both identities have their problems, and there could be another way out.
A universe with a variable density of matter would expand at different rates in
physics provides no particle that fits the bill, and efforts to detect dark matter
light were faster in the early universe, that would also explain the temperature
we drop the cosmological principle we might possibly get rid of dark energy, too.
problem. Perhaps light is still slowing now, just at a rate that is imperceptible
becoming unstable.
that it can safely be ignored. But in some realms, the two must come together: in
And perhaps the most finely balanced of all: why does the cosmos have
Could neutrinos be dark matter? The standard model of particle physics says these elusive particles have no
mass, but experiments now say they do have a small one the only direct contradiction of a standard model
prediction so far. But the extra mass seems unlikely to be enough to explain dark matter, unless as-yet
undiscovered new varieties of sterile neutrino exist. Recent results from the European Space Agencys
Planck satellite and the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica seem to discount that.
example, is just about the smallest it can be without the universes matter
black holes, for example, or in describing the universes tiny origins in the big bang.
Just by the by, any theory of quantum gravity will require breaking the link
One way out might be to weaken the constant speed of light. If the speed of
When Einstein created his static universe model (see General relativity, above), he added an extra term in
the equations of general relativity to counteract gravitys pull. He later called this cosmological constant his
greatest blunder. Tweaked to represent aquantum energy of free space, it might explain dark energybut
quantum theory supplies a huge 10120 times as much as is needed to set the universe speeding on its way.
This is perhaps the most glaring numerical mismatch in all of physics.
Black holes are super-dense objects that swallow everything, including light, that strays too near. They
come in different sizes: supermassive black holes lurk at the heart of most galaxies, and stellar-mass ones
form when spent stars collapse in on themselves. Predicted by general relativity, black holes are also places
where gravity is so strong that it can no longer be neglected on quantum theorys small scales so we
currently have no understanding of what happens at the edge of a black hole or inside one.
Antimatter exists. Unwittingly predicted by Paul Dirac in 1928 (see Quantum field theories, above),
it was discovered in cosmic rays a little later. The mystery is rather why there is so little of it or indeed
anything at all. The standard model says matter and antimatter should have formed in equal quantities inthe
big bang, annihilating in a puff of light shortly after. Somecurrently inexplicable tiny imbalance caused
matter to win out allowing our universe of stars and galaxies to come to be.
Gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force... four
Many roads lead to the multiverse. String theory needs it. Inflation creates
theories: it has a tool for everything. It works by suggesting that for every
its generally assumed that general relativity is at fault. It is, after all,
a classical field theory of the sort that shinier quantum theories have
accurate up to the scale of the solar system, and the recent discovery of
The most likely fifth force is a weak, long-distance force, a bit like
gravity, that would probably interact with it. It might cancel a little of it
Double the particles means more than double the fun. Supersymmetry
happens when two orbiting black holes merge. But by cosmic standards, these
can solve fine-tuning problems such as the strangely low mass of the Higgs
dark energy. Or it could add to gravity to explain the additional pull usually
systems have a lot of mass crammed into a relatively small space. What
observed level. Calculations done in the 1980s showed that if you assumed
disguised to explain why we dont feel it. One suggestion is that the large
amount of mass in and around the solar system shields us from its effects.
gravitational waves (above) indicates they are also spot-on about what
and the weak and strong forces back into the early universe, they could be
matter, but there is as yet no theory for how this modification might come about.
made to unify into one superforce with stunning accuracy. The icing on the
The DGP gravity hypothesis, meanwhile, named after the initials of its
cake was that the lightest superpartner, the neutralino, supplied a ready-
originators, suggests that gravity can leak out from our 4D space-time into a
higher-dimensional bulk, progressively weakening its effect over time and so
of any of them.
But multiverses are in general both a blessing and a curse. The string
theory is not the most entangled world out there other, even weirder worlds
exist in theory that have even greater degrees of correlation. Why this
Its extra dimensions are curled up and tiny, explaining why we are not aware of
most probing of questions, why?. It may be the best we can do, but by
to be at the root of many mysteries, and there are recent hints that it could be
allowing every possibility besides the one youre probing to play out
the warp and weft that holds space and time together. In that case, what is
entanglement? The best we can say is that its some sort of collective
should have been created at CERNs Large Hadron Collider by now. But aside
for space-times more like that of our universe, and string theory has yet to make
from the odd exciting blip that subsequently went away, theres been no sign.
Rival approaches do pop up from time to time. But all these theories are far from
generally, lies in treating information not matter and energy as the most
a theory of everything as most people would understand it: one that can also
explain, for example, how properties such as consciousness emerge from the
workings of inanimate matter.
different. The second is how you get convincing evidence for the existence
them. Breakthroughs such as the discovery in 1995 of a way to link a theory with
producing the illusion of dark energy. Were yet to find any experimental
havent teased their existence from the data yet. But increasingly, particle