Cultural and Sociolinguistic Issues in English-Arabic Translation of Collocations

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ISSN 1923-1555[Print]

ISSN 1923-1563[Online]

Studies in Literature and Language

Vol. 10, No. 6, 2015, pp. 53-58
DOI: 10.3968/7017

Cultural and Sociolinguistic Issues in English-Arabic Translation of Collocations

Mohammad Ali Bani-Younes[a],*



*Corresponding author.

Translation may be one of the most important tools

that enable different nations to communicate with each
other. Therefore, it may help in promoting cross-cultural
dialogue and mutual understanding among nations.
Since it is one of the ways of nations development, there
has been an increasing interest in translation over time.
In the Arab history and during the reign of the Abbasi
Caliph Almamuun, the first translation institution in
the world, Darul Hikkma (Lit. the House of Wisdom),
was founded. Almamuun issued a decree that anybody
who translates a book will be given gold that is similar to
weight of the translated book.
Munday (2003, pp.4-5) pointed out that translation
can refer to the general subject field, the product (the
text that has been translated) or the process (the act of
producing the translation, otherwise known as translating).
Translation may also include the process of conveying
meanings, ideas, and culture from one language into
another. Shunnaq & Farghal (1999, p.2) defined translation
as a project of transferring meaning from one language
to another. Transferring in this definition includes
working with two languages: The source language (SL)
is the language that a translator wants to translate from
while the language translated into is usually called the
target language (TL). Shunnaq (2012, p.22) pointed
out A translator has to bear in mind the fact that he
should exchange ideas and messages not merely words.

Received 4 March 2015; accepted 10 May 2015

Published online 26 June 2015

Collocations are words that must accompany each
other. When it comes to translation, collocations usually
pose problematic cultural and sociolinguistic issues.
This paper attempts to shed light on some of these
problems that participants of this study faced in the
English-Arabic translation of collocations. In order to
examine these issues, a questionnaire was given out
to 40 MA students majoring in English Language at
The Hashemite University, Yarmouk University, and
Al-al-Bayt University: 15 males and 25 females. The
results showed that translators faced these cultural
and sociolinguistic problematic issues: The word
order within the same collocation, the availability of
acceptable equivalents in the target language (TL),
and linguistic issues related to religious words. The
results also revealed that participants had not enough
proficiency in collocations. Data were tabulated and
analyzed. In addition, this study concludes with some
recommendations, including offering at least two courses
related to English and Arabic collocations in order to
solve the problematic issues in translating collocations
in Jordanian universities.
Key words: Religious collocations; Translation loss;
Cultural translation; Sociolinguistic issues


Many researchers defined collocation in several different
ways (see, for example, Dickins, Hervey, & Higgins,
2002; Baker, 2007; Nofal, 2012). Baker (2007, p.47)
defined collocations as semantically arbitrary restrictions
which do not follow logically from the propositional
meaning of a word. In other words, they are words

B a n i - Yo u n e s , M . A . ( 2 0 1 5 ) . C u l t u r a l a n d S o c i o l i n g u i s t i c
Issues in English-Arabic Translation of Collocations. Studies
in Literature and Language, 10 (6), 53-58. Available from:
h t t p : / / w w w. c s c a n a d a . n e t / i n d e x . p h p / s l l / a r t i c l e / v i e w / 7 0 1 7


Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture

Cultural and Sociolinguistic Issues in English-Arabic

Translation of Collocations

that go hand in hand with each other. This involves that

meaning of the total words of the collocation may be
totally different from the meaning of its components.
Dickins, Hervey, and Higgins (2002, p.71) also presented
the term to collocate and argued that to collocate
means to typically occur in close proximity with; hence
a collocation is an occurrence of one word in close
proximity with another. Collocations have to be dealt
with in a very careful way because when two or more
words collocate with each other, the meaning will be
totally different. Baker (2007, p.47) demonstrated,
Another way of looking at collocation would be to think
of it in terms of the tendency of certain words to co-occur
regularly in a given language.
Furthermore, there are words that always come
together while others occasionally co-occur with each
other. On the other hand, some words never co-occur with
each other. For example, Larson (1997, p.155) argued,
Knowing which words go together is an important part
of understanding the meaning of a text and translating it
well. Larson also demonstrated that some words in any
language can never go together combining them together
would make no sense. Moreover, he provided an example
of words that cannot occur with each other we do not say
the cats wings, but we often say the birds wings.
Many cultural and sociolinguistic problems might
appear when translating collocations. For example, the
collocation cats and dogs in It rains cats and dogs
might cause several cultural and sociolinguistic problems
to the translator of this collocation because, the words
cats and dogs cannot be used in Arabic language when
describing the rainy weather. Instead, Arabs use many
words that are capable of describing the rain (e.g. tumteru
beghazartun (Lit. It rains abundantly). Accordingly,
any translator has to know what words the Arabs use when
talking about much rain and what words and expressions
are used in the other language. As can be seen from this
example, the two languages use different collocations
to refer to the same concept. Finally, this study aims at
examining cultural and sociolinguistic issues faced by the
Jordanian participants while translating some collocations
related to culture and society.

systems of attitudes and feelings. Culture is learned and

transmitted from generation to generation. Moreover,
Foley (1997, p.108), on the other hand, stated, A culture
is a mental system which generates all and only the
proper cultural behavior. According to Faqi (2004, p.1),
Culture involves the totality of attitudes towards the
world, towards events, other cultures and peoples and the
manner in which the attitudes are mediated. Therefore,
it is argued that culture includes everything, including
religious expressions. Finally, it seems that theorists have
not agreed upon one definition of culture, and Newmarks
definition is a clear-cut one. It can also be concluded that
language and religion are an integral part of the culture of
any society.
Because the concept of culture is very
comprehensive, this paper deals specifically with cultural
and sociolinguistic differences found and encountered
during the process of translating collocations. Such
differences have a great impact on any translator and
on the translation process by the difficulties such
differences make; therefore, they are more important
than the differences in language structure (Nida, 1964).
Furthermore, Shunnaq (2012) explained that a translator
should exchange not only words but also the messages
and ideas of the SL, and a translator should be familiar
with the culture of the SL.


Studies conducted so far in the field of translating
collocations have focused on different issues. For
example, Nofal (2012) compared between collocations in
Arabic and English, and attempts to study collocations as
a habitual association between words. On the other hand,
other studies have focused only on problems in translating
collocations (e.g. Dweik & Abu Shakra, 2011). Similarly
and Rabeh (2010) shed light on the different kinds of
problems students faced when translating collocations.
In addition, he described the problems in general and
concludes that collocation translation includes both
linguistic and cultural issues. However, Dweik and Abu
Shakra (2011) investigated problems translators face in
translating collocations mainly in three religious texts in
the Holy Quran, the Hadith, and the Bible. They focused
on the cultural problems in the translation of religious
texts only from Arabic into English.
Other studies (see, for instance, Al-Kharabsheh &
Gorgis, 2009) examined the extent to which translation
students can translate Arabic contextualized collocations
into English properly with and without using dictionaries.
In addition, after comparing the output of two translation
tasks, the results defeated the claim that not using
dictionaries in tests may save time and help in producing
better translation. On the other hand, some studies have


There is no one specific agreed upon definition of culture
among researchers (see, for example, Newmark, 1989;
Kohls, 1996; Foley, 1997). Newmark (1989, p.142)
defined culture as The way of life and its manifestations
that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular
language as its means of expression. Thus, the life
aspects that some people are unfamiliar with may be
considered as a part of culture. In addition, Kohls (1996,
p.23) argued, Culture refers to the total way of life of
particular groups of people. It includes everything that
a group of people thinks, says, does and makesits

Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture


Mohammad Ali Bani-Younes (2015).

Studies in Literature and Language, 10 (6), 53-58


investigated the issue of familiarity of collocations. For

example, Boussalia (2010) wondered if difficulties faced
by students in translating collocations come from their
unfamiliarity with English language and its culture.
He conducted two tests in which the results revealed
that students were unfamiliar with English language
and its culture. In other words, the students inability to
master the target language may cause several problems
and may bring difficulties in the process of translation.
Similarly, other studies have addressed the issue of
students proficiency in translating collocations. For
instance, Abdul-Fattah (2011) assessed the advanced
students proficiency in translating lexical collocations
from English into Arabic. He scrutinized a number of
different texts translated by nine MA students majoring
in translation. Findings showed that the proficiency was
inadequate and that there was a scale of difficulty in
the acquisition of collocation forms. Other studies have
examined collocations in linguistic and cultural aspects.
For instance, Mustafa (2010) explained the linguistic
and cultural patterns of collocations. His study also
highlighted the link between collocations and culture in
translation. Nevertheless, he did not point out the cultural
issues translators face while translating collocations and
suggest solutions to these problems. In addition, the
structure of words which is different in the SL and TL
might pose several difficulties for translators. Larson
(1997, p.156) reports that There are certain combinations
of words in any language which are fixed combinations.
They always occur in a certain order, or they always occur
To conclude, many studies have been conducted about
collocations and the process of translating them, but to
the researchers best knowledge, none of these studies has
addressed issues in translating collocations from English
into Arabic, specifically from cultural and sociolinguistic
aspects in Jordan, a goal to be achieved in this study.
Therefore, this study aims at bridging the gap in this
field. In this paper, some cultural and sociolinguistic
problematic issues participants encountered were
examined and tackled.

5.1 Participants
In order to find out the problems and issues that may
arise when translating collocations, a questionnaire was
given out to MA students majoring in English language at
three public universities in Jordan. They were students in
English Language at The Hashemite University, Yarmouk
University, and Al-al-Bait University. They were 40 MA
students: 25 females and 15 males. These students are in
their first year in their English Language master program.
Moreover, they were of three tracks: English Literature,
Translation, and Linguistics.
The collocations used in the study are among the
most common ones in English. A questionnaire was
given to the subjects to fill in and try to answer the listed
questions. The questionnaire has two main questions, each
of which has been subdivided into sub-questions. The
first question is about the types of dictionary they usually
use when translating collocation: monolingual, bilingual,
or trilingual. Moreover, they were asked to provide the
Arabic translation of some English collocations in the
second question.
5.2 Procedure
The participants were told that the questionnaire is to
identify the problems and issues that may arise when
translating collocations from English Language into
Arabic Language based on analyzing their answers.
They were also told that the information provided would
only be used for research purposes, and they agreed to
participate in the study. Furthermore, they were given a
week before submitting the questionnaire. In addition,
they were asked not to write their names in order to avoid
any embarrassment in case they provide wrong answers.
5.3 Data Analysis
After participants had submitted back the questionnaire,
their answers were carefully observed and tabulated
in order to reach conclusions about the kinds of
problematic issues they had to deal with through
translating collocations and suggest solutions to them. Not
surprisingly, the problematic issues they encountered in
translating collocations were cultural and sociolinguistic
ones. That is to say, three major issues appeared that
participants suffered from based on analyzing their
translation of collocation. These problematic issues were
categorized as follows:
5.3.1 Word Order in Collocations
As hypothesized, one of the issues faced by participants
while trying to translate collocations in the questionnaire
was the order of words inside collocations because word
order within the same collocation may differ across
cultures and languages. There are certain collocations that
have certain fixed word order in English and Arabic. For
instance, the collocation blind trust should be translated

It is hypothesized that cultural and sociolinguistic
differences between the source language (SL) and
the target language (TL) will affect the process of
translating collocations. It is also hypothesized that
translators in general, and specifically MA students in
three Jordanian universities: The Hashemite University,
Yarmouk University, and Al- al-Bayt University will face
many cultural and sociolinguistic issues in translating
collocations, including the word order of the components
within the same collocation, the appropriate equivalent in
the TL, and the effect or role of religion.


Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture

Cultural and Sociolinguistic Issues in English-Arabic

Translation of Collocations

into thiqatun amiaa because the Arabic one includes

two words that collocate with each other in a fixed word
order that cannot be switched. When talking about fixedorder combinations, Larson (1997, p.156) reported, If
the order is changed, the result will sound unnatural to
the native speaker of the language. Fortunately, English
collocation blind tru has the same order in Arabic
thiqatun amiaa. Moreover, some participants translated
the English collocation day and night as alnnaharu
wallailu; this might be because they wanted to stick
to the English order. However, there is another order
of this collocation in Arabic, i.e. the native speakers of
Arabic tend to say allailu wannaharu. Translators of
collocations should always be alert to their order in both
SL and TL. This difference in ordering words may stem
from the importance and priority that one culture gives
to the first word in a collocation, or it may refer to some
cultural incidents or events which the order has come
from. It is worth mentioning that some cultures focus
on the first word in a collocation while others focus on
another word within the same collocation, instead.
Furthermore, if give and take is translated as
aatiwa khud instead of khudwa aati, it will not serve
the same function native speakers of Arabic expect it to.
Therefore, not using the expressions in the same order
native speakers use will make the loss in translation
inevitable. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the
accuracy shall be sacrificed. Without doubt, accuracy
is a crucial element in translation, but as Baker (2007,
p.47) suggested that it is important to bear in mind that
the use of common target-language patterns which are
familiar to the target reader plays an important role in
keeping the communication channels open. Therefore,
the best solution to the problematic issue of order is that
a translator has to acquaint himself/herself with what is
used as an appropriate order in both source and target
5.3.2 Acceptable Equivalents in the TL
According to Armstrong (2005) argued that recognizing
SL collocations is not difficult but finding an appropriate
TL equivalent is where the difficulty lies. It has been
long argued that rendering any suitable equivalent that
is culturally acceptable in the target societys language
might, most often, be problematic. Specifically, if the
term which is chosen as an equivalent in the TL has,
totally or partially, a different way of use from that of the
SL. In other words, a translator may succeed in choosing
an appropriate TL collocation; however, the function
of the translated collocation may not be one hundred
per cent exactly the same as its original function in the
SL. Consequently, choosing an appropriate equivalent
may sometimes be at the expense of the accuracy of the
Moreover, it is also necessary to avoid any collocative
clashes that may arise when trying to render similar

Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture

or semi-similar equivalents. Participants of this study

committed some of collocative mistakes. For example, the
English collocation hot potato would cause an inevitable
cultural clash especially if it is rendered as batatatun
sakhenatun (Lit. hot potato) as many participants did in
this study. This cultural clash arises because batatatun
sakhenatun in Arabic refers to a kind of food instead
of referring to a problem that is difficult to deal with
Mushkelatun saabatun .
In addition, strong tea was incorrectly translated as
Shaeun qawiun (Lit. powerful tea). In Arabic Language,
Rajulun qawiun (Lit. a strong man) is always used, but
Shaeun qawiun (Lit. powerful tea) is not used because
the word Shaeun (Lit. tea) does not collocate with the
word qawiun (Lit. strong). Instead, it collocates with
the word Thakeel (Lit. heavy). Similarly, the translator
who is not well acquainted with the Arabic culture will
mistranslate the English collocation weak coffee (Lit.
kahwa daeifa) as is the case in the questionnaire. In this
case, the right translation is kahwatun khafefatun not
kahwa daeifa because the Arabic word kahwatun
does not collocate with the word daeifa, but it
collocates with the word khafefatun i.e. this is the way
the native Arabs use this collocation. The word weak
describes a drink that contains a lot of water compared
to its other contents, so that it does not have a strong
flavour (Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary,
2008, p.1644).
5.3.3 Problematic Issues Related to Religion
Because societies of both SL and TL do not share the
same religion, problematic issues were observed in
participants translation of some collocations that were
derived from a religion of a culture or society. For
instance, most participants translated Life and death
literally as Alhayattu wal moutu, which is not acceptable
to the Arab native speakers. Almauta walhayata ( Lit.
the death and life) is acceptable because this collocation
came from the Quranic verse {Allathi khalakal mauta
walhayata leabluakom}(Quran, Almulk, p.2). Such
religion-related issues are related to the word order in
collocations as well because the order is different in both
Similarly, the same issue arose when some participants
rendered day and night as Alnahar walleil which
is not acceptable at all to Arab readers. The fault of this
translation comes from the fact that there is another
suitable Arabic collocation that came from the Holy
Quran. This suitable translation should be allailu
wannahar as it is existent in the Quran. It is taken from
the religion of the Arab societies. Furthermore, some
translators tend to translate fine as Alhamdullah.
Though this translation is somewhat acceptable, it fails to
render the exact meaning it has in the Arabic collocation.
Boussalia (2010, p.5) argued that these two phrases are
not totally equivalent because the Arabic translation has


Mohammad Ali Bani-Younes (2015).

Studies in Literature and Language, 10 (6), 53-58

religious implication which is not found in the English

phrase. Therefore, the equivalent here is not apt culturally
and religiously.

Table 2
Distribution of the Problematic Issues in Participants


Word order




Religion-specific collocations




Types of cultural and sociolinguistic issues

Translators are to cope with many issues when translating

a piece of work. However, when they translate a text
with collocations, they have to deal with problems and
issues that have cultural and sociolinguistic dimensions.
These issues come to be existing simply because
translators deal with two different languages i.e. SL and
TL. Consequently there are two different cultures involved
in the translation process. This paper intends to shed light
on these issues that translators face while translating

Participants answers were classified into three

categories of problems as shown in Table 2. It is clear
from the table above the most prevalent problematic issue
is finding an acceptable equivalent. Moreover, there were
a good number of participants who even did not answer
the question, suggesting that they had no ideas about how
to translate such collocations which means that they are
not familiar with collocations as some of them stated.
Table 3 shows the evaluation of translation. This
table classifies participants translation as appropriate
and inappropriate translation. The translation that did not
contain any kind of cultural and sociolinguistic problems
is considered appropriate.


The first question in the questionnaire is to investigate
participants use of different kinds of dictionaries
(monolingual, bilingual, and trilingual) while translation
in general, and when they translate collocations in
particular. Table 1 shows the frequency counts and
percentage of students usages of dictionaries and machine
translation systems while translating collocations in the
questionnaire, and their counterparts who translate without
using dictionaries.

Table 3
Evaluation of Participants Translation
Rating translation

Table 1
Distribution of Participants Use of Dictionaries
Kinds of dictionaries


Bilingual dictionary



machine translation systems








Appropriate translation


Inappropriate translation




Table 3 reveals that 62% of collocations were

wrongly translated, demonstrating that participants
suffered from serious cultural and sociolinguistic
problems while translating the selected collocations.
Another point that is worth mentioning is that some
students were confused when they had seen unfamiliar
expressions for the first time such as spick and span
and hot potatoes.
The results in all tables above clearly indicate that
participants in this study were unfamiliar with and had
difficulties in translating collocations that have cultural
and sociolinguistic background. This may be attributed
to the fact that the SL has different cultural and societal
norms from the TL. In addition, some students were
unfamiliar with some collocations as there are no courses
in most universities for teaching English collocations. The
findings are in line with many studies that reported that
Arab students are not familiar with collocations and their
proficiency might be not adequate (see, Boussalia, 2010;
Abdul-Fattah, 2011). Moreover, the participants were
affected by their Arabic-mother tongue, and the influence
of Arabic resulted in mistranslating some collocations
(transliteration) especially with the order of words. The

Table 1 shows that participants depended heavily

on dictionaries to look up the meanings of collocations,
suggesting that they are unfamiliar with the SL
collocations. Dictionaries cannot give the appropriate
cultural translation in all language contexts, which
might cause culturally inconvenient translation if
dictionaries are taken as the only means of translation. In
addition, the usage of bilingual dictionaries outperformed
all other types of dictionary, indicating that they might
understand the surface meaning or literal meaning of
collocations because monolingual dictionaries should
be consulted in SL and TL as well in order to better
understand the cultural and sociolinguistic background of
Table 2 presents kinds of cultural and sociolinguistic
issues found in participants translation of collocations in
question two in the questionnaire.


Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture

Cultural and Sociolinguistic Issues in English-Arabic

Translation of Collocations

findings of this study are also in agreement with Larson

(1997) who concluded that word order in languages is
crucial and that there are sets of words that always go
together in a certain specific order.

Amstrong, N. (2005). Translation, linguistics, culture: French

English handbook. UK: University of Surrey.
Baker, M. (2007). In other words: A coursebook on translation.
New York and London: Routledge.
Baker, M. (1998). Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies.
London and New York: Routledge.
Boussalia, S. (2010). Students difficulties in English- Arabic
translation of collocations (Masters thesis). Mentouri
University- Constantine.
Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary (3rd, ed.). (2008).
Cambridge University Press.
Dickins, J., Hervey, S., & Higgins, I. (2002). Thinking Arabic
translation: Course in translation method: Arabic to
English. London and New York: Routledge.
Dweik, B. S., & Abu Shakra, M. (2011). Problems in translating
collocations in religious texts from Arabic into English. The
Linguistics Journa, 5(1), 5-41.
Faqi, S. ( 2004). Cultural encounters in translation from Arabic.
In S. Faqi (Ed.). Topics in Translation: Cultural Encounters
in Translation from Arabic.
Foley W. A. (1997). Anthropological linguistics. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishing.
Hussein, A. (2011). Translatability of collocations: A constant
challenge to EFL Learners. Jordan Journal of Educational
Sciences, 7(2), 209-219.
Robert K. L. (1996). Survival kit for overseas living. Maine:
Intercultural Press, Inc.
Longman Dictionary of Modern English (First Edition). (2007).
Librairie du Liban Publishers.
Mustafa, B. A. (2010). Collocation in English and Arabic:
A Linguistic and Cultural Analysis. College of Basic
Education Researches Journal, 65, 29-43
Newmark, P. (1989). A textbook of translation. New York and
London: Prentice Hall.
Nida, E. A. (1964). Toward a science of translating. Leiden: E. J.
Nofal1, K. H. (2012). Collocations in English and Arabic:
A comparative study. English Language and Literature
Studies, 2(3), 75-93.
Rabeh, F. (2010). Problems in translating collocations (Masters
thesis). Mentouri University.
Shunnaq, A., & Farghal, M. (1999).Translation with reference to
English and Arabic: A Practical Guide. Irbid (Jordan): Dar
Shunnaq, A. (2012). Papers and studies in Arabic translation
(verse 2). Yarmouk University. The Holy Quran. Sura


Prominent cultural and sociolinguistic issues that might
arise during the course of translating collocations from
English into Arabic have been explored in this paper. A
detailed description of these issues has been provided
in the body of this study. More specifically, these issues
found in participants translations include the order of
collocations, availability of cultural and sociolinguistic
equivalent, and issues related to religious words. Forty
MA students in English Language from three public
universities in Jordan were taken as a case study.
Consequently, the results were analyzed statistically
in tables. As predicted, the results have shown that
translators faced cultural and sociolinguistic problems in
translating collocations and had not enough knowledge
and proficiency of collocations. The results were in
line with findings of other studies that as long as there
are different cultures involved in translation, the loss is
Moreover, the findings also revealed that some MA
students participating in this study were not familiar
with collocations. Therefore, it is recommended
that universities offer at least two courses that teach
collocations in order to acquaint students with
collocations, which might enable them to overcome such
translational problems. However, there are limitations
regarding this study. The findings of this paper should be
interpreted cautiously as they are limited to issues related
to the culture and society of the SL and TL. The subjects
who were given out the questionnaire are MA students
from only three Jordanian universities. Finally, the
findings of this paper may motivate other studies related
to other issues in translating collocations, including
linguistic issues.

Al-Kharabsheh, A., & Gorgis, D. T. (2009). The translation
of Arabic collocations into English: Dictionary-based vs.
dictionary-free measured knowledge. Linguistik Online 37,
1(09), 21-33.

Copyright Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture


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