Tpack Samr

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Analyzing a Digital Lesson


By Robert Fedosoff

Lesson Plan Overview

Finding and Authenticating
Online Information on
Global Development

This lesson plan was created for MediaSmarts

by Maureen Baron and offers the opportunity for
educators to teach their students:
Strategies for using the Internet effectively to research
global development issues. Students discover how to
determine the truth and accuracy of online information and
learn effective ways to obtain balanced sources of
information. Students learn to ask, and search for answers
to, the questions: Who is presenting this information and
why? (Baron, 2015)

This lesson plan is intended to span 2 days and has been designed to be used
with students from grade 7 to grade 12. It is based on the guidelines established
by A Digital Literacy Framework for Canadian Schools which is a Canadian
not-for-profit charitable organization promoting digital and media literacy. They are
funded and supported by many large media corporations, internet search
providers, and the National Film Board of Canada.

Many aspects of this lesson plan fall inline with

the desired outcomes and focus points of the
ISTE standards for both teachers and students,
the Learning and Technology Digital Policy from
Education Alberta and Outcomes from the
Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) curriculum from Alberta Education.
Most of the connection between these resources
and this lesson plan revolve around the analysis
and use of information gathered on the internet.
The following are are a few snapshots of these

ISTE standards for students

ISTE standards for teachers

ICT Curriculum

Learning and Technology Digital Policy from

Education Alberta

These are by no means the only examples of

connections between these documents and this
lesson plan but a brief example of direct
connections within them. This lesson also is
embedded in the Social studies curriculum from
alberta Education from grades 7-12 as a skill
and process.

Application of the TPACK

Pedagogical Knowledge

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permission of the
publisher, 2012 by

As we see here in the lesson plan we are given some

additional information regarding ways to possibly deliver
this lesson. The plan has stress points for class
discussion, guides on what answers we are looking for
from the children, and the important questions to ask.
All of these points add to, or re-establishes, the teaching
practice of the teacher in the direction to best
accomplish this lesson. This lesson plan also gives
teachers a model for small group discussion and
information recording by the students.

Application of the TPACK

Pedagogical Knowledge

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The lesson plan is also offering a handout that falls

within the TPK aspect of the TPACK framework. The
handout is designed to assist the teacher with instructing
their students in the ways of collecting appropriate and
authentic online data.

Application of the TPACK model

Content Knowledge

This portion of the lesson preparation offered by this

lesson plan is a good example of providing resources to
build a teachers technological content knowledge. It is
offering a chance to review websites that will provide the
background information necessary for the teacher to
direct the students towards success of the lesson.

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permission of the
publisher, 2012 by

Application of the TPACK model

Content Knowledge
There are many examples of extending or refreshing the
teachers knowledge regarding the content within this
lesson plan.

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An example here shows potential opportunities for the

teacher to establish, or reinforce, knowledge with
regards to authenticating internet information and
Boolean search terminology prior to instructing the

Application of the TPACK

Technological Knowledge In addition to developing students awareness of proper
internet searching and information gathering this lesson
plan offers technological advice in the form of suggested
search tools to gather appropriate information.

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publisher, 2012 by

Despite this guidance of the lesson plan both the

teacher and the students need to be familiar with the
workings of the internet and different search engines
prior to starting the lesson.

Application of the TPACK

Technological Knowledge

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publisher, 2012 by

A very simple example of Pedagogical Content

knowledge would be the understanding of the
teacher that a computer lab and internet access is
necessary to complete this lesson plan. This plan
offers a reminder to have computers accessible
along with the handouts and information ready for
the students prior to starting.

Application of the TPACK

Technological Knowledge

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publisher, 2012 by

A mild example of Technological Pedagogical

Content Knowledge would be the part of the
lesson plan that deals with tips for effective online
searches. This is related to the technology being
utilized and taught about, it is increasing the level
of knowledge about authentic and unauthentic
information on the web, and gives teachers the
opportunity to utilize different techniques to deliver
the content.

Application of the TPACK

One opportunity to increase the amount of
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Technological Knowledge Technological
might be to add a separate lesson onto this 2 day

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permission of the
publisher, 2012 by

lesson in which students have to locate and

debunk information available on the internet
regarding topics researched by the teacher.
Instead of sifting through information looking for
accurate information they might be surprised as to
the amount of misinformation presented as truth
when doing simple online searches. This task
would utilize the skills that the students have
developed, reinforce the previous information
about searching on the internet that has been
presented and gives the teacher an opportunity to
continue building their skills and knowledge when
searching for pathways to guide students towards
when starting the lesson.

SAMR Framework
With regards to the final outcome of this lesson plan the use of technology is
unnecessary. The information being searched for could be located without the use
of technology, however the skills being developed through this lesson plan with
regards to proper internet usage could not be practiced well without digital access.
As the lesson plan stands now, understanding that technology must be utilized to
accomplish the desired outcomes, it sits within the Augmentation level of the
SAMR Framework. CC

SAMR Framework
One simple way for this lesson to shift from augmentation to modification on the
SMAR model would be to utilize technology to access specific information on a
specific topic that would be utilized for a future project. Perhaps the class as a
whole would be researching different aspects of a single topic and return to
collaborate on a final project with this new information. Using video calling, skype,
or other face to face communication with experts within the chosen topic would
increase the reality of the project and create a greater authenticity of the
information gathered. Not only will this increase the reality of the task but also
offers additional technological learning for the students. CC


Alberta Education (2003). Information and Communication Technology Curriculum. Retrieved from
Alberta Education (2013). Learning and Technology Policy Framework. Retrieved from
Baron, M. (2015). Finding and Authenticating Online Information on Global Development Issues. Retrieved from
International Society for Technology in Education (2016). ISTE Standards for Students. Retrieved from

Koehler, M., & Mishra, P.( 2012). TPACK image. Retrieved from
Lefflerd (2016). SAMR image. Retrieved from

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