Constitution Webquest

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The Romans believed that government can only survive with
active, informed citizens. Let us continue this tradition. This
webquest will help you be an educated citizen about the U.S.
Constitution. Take this responsibilty seriously, but have fun
on the journey!
Being an informed citizen is hard work. It requires effort and
desire. As citizens of the United States, it is our responsibility
to be educated and informed to keep our country strong. Use
this webquest to help you achieve your responsibilities as a
U.S. citizen.
The highlighted words or terms serve as links to a
websites...please use all of the carefully selected sites to
help you gain insight and understanding.
NOTE: There are many games, songs, and video clips in this
webquest - be considerate of others near you as you adjust
volume. Try not to not disturb your neighbors.
Before you begin, take a look at the original Constitution by
clicking on this link.
Constitutional Principles
The Constitution is based on fundamental principles or ideas.
Start your journey by understanding the meanings of each

1. Popular Sovereignty is:

2. Limited Government is:
3. Separation of Powers is:
4. Checks and Balances is:
Use this game to "check" your knowledge of checks and
balances: Checks and Balances game
5. Judicial Review is:
6. Federalism is:
Take a look at these websites (the first is easier!) three
branches #1 three branches #2 about the U.S. Constitution
and the THREE BRANCHES of Government. You may want to
come back to this frequently to help you answer many of the
questions in this webquest!!
7. The three branches of government are:
8. Each branch has certain powers. List at least three powers
for each branch.
Watch the "Three Branches Presentation" by clicking on the
link. We will then use the Promethean Board to assess
knowledge by group. Three Branches Game. Three Branches
The Preamble
Read about the PREAMBLE : Preamble
9. Make a prediction: What is the purpose of the Preamble?
Read. Was your prediction accurate? Why or why not?
Listen to the Preamble Song
10. You must memorize the preamble. Use the song to help
you! Let one of us know when you are ready to recite the
preamble. It does not have to be done in front of the class
this time!
The Articles
Learn about the Articles of the Constitution below:

11. ARTICLE I sets up the __________________ Branch.

12. Congress has many responsibilities. Prioritize and list 4
responsibilities you think are the most important. Provide a
reason why you think each responsibility is so important.
13. Check out this web site to learn about the process of
CONGRESS' Most important job!
Draw a diagram showing the steps of this important job! Use
construction paper (partner) or Microsoft Word SmartArt

House of Representatives #1 House of Representatives #2

14. The term of service is_______________________.
15. A Representative must be at least _____________ years
16. A citizen of the _______________ for at least _________.
17. Our Representative for EDISON
18. Click on our Representative's name. Next, click on
"Issues." Identify two issues that our Representative is
currently working on. Describe his/her position on each one.
18. There are ____________ total Representatives in the United
19. The number of Representatives is decided by
____________________________________. The current number of
Representatives in New Jersey is ______.
Try your hand at being a Representative before moving on!
Don't register or log in!


20. The term of service is____________________.

21. A Senator must be at least _________ years old and a
citizen of the U.S. for at least __________ years.
22. Our CURRENT NEW JERSEY Senators are:
23. Choose one Senator from NEW JERSEY. Click on their
name and browse their website. Click on "Issues" and
identify two issues that this Senator is involved in and
explain his/her position on that issue.
24. There are __________ total Senators in the United States.
25. (INDIVIDUAL) Find the e-mail address of your
Representative or a Senator. Write an e-mail related to an
issue (you will be prompted by pull-down menus) and
request a response. Explain that you are a student at
Thomas Jefferson Middle School working on a social studies
project. When completing the form, use your name, the
school street address and zip code, and my school e-mail
address ([email protected]) when filling in
the form. Your letter must be previewed and approved
by Mrs. Heagney before you send it!!

ARTICLE II sets up the _______________________ Branch.

26. What are the requirements for a person to run for
27. The President has many responsibilities. Prioritize and list
4 responsibilities you think are the most important. Provide a
reason why you think each responsibility is so important.
28. What are the next five positions in line if the President
cannot serve out his/her term? List each person who
currently would be next in line.
29. The Electoral College elects the President. Read this
information about the Electoral College Summarize your
findings, keeping it as brief as possible, about how the

electoral college works.

30. List the Departments in the President's Cabinet :
31. Click on one Department. Write three facts about the
department's role in the Executive Branch. Include an
opinion expressing why you think this role is important.

Article III sets up the _________________ Branch.

32. The judicial power of the United States is given to one
___________________ Court and ________________ (lower) courts
that Congress has established.
33. __________________________ appoints Supreme Court
Justices, but ___________________________ must approve all
34. A Supreme Court Justice serves for _____________.
35. There are _______ Justices.
36. List the members of the Supreme Court:
37. Which two current Supreme Court Justices were born in
Trenton, NJ?
38. After reading about each justice, what patterns do you
notice about their education?
(INDIVIDUAL) Try your hand in a Supreme Court Case
game! Remember - you don't need to log in or register to
play the game. Select one case and finish your argument!
Write a brief synopsis or summary of the case.
39. Article IV Describes relations among the
40. Article V Describes how to ___________ the Constitution.
41. Draw a Diagram or Chart showing how the Constitution
can be AMENDED: Use construction paper or Microsoft

42. Article VI States that the _____________ government, NOT

state governments, is SUPREME.
43. Article VII States that _________ out of the thirteen
original states had to _________________ the Constitution for it
to go into effect.
THE BILL OF RIGHTS is the first _________________________ to
the U.S. Constitution.
44. Amendment 1. Congress cannot make any laws that
establish _______________, or stop people from practicing their
_____________________, limit freedom of ____________ , freedom
of the ____________, limit the right of people to
________________ in groups, or to tell the government about
problems in our country (___________________)
45. Amendment 2. An ____________ is needed to defend the
country, so people are allowed to
46. Amendment 3. People do not have to
__________________________ either during war or peace (except
by special law).
47. Amendment 4. The police cannot ___________ you or your
home, or take away what you own, unless there is a good
and legal reason. Only a judge can issue a _________________
saying that the police have a good reason to ________________
you or take away what you own. (_____________________)
48. Amendment 5. You cannot be ________________ for a crime
unless the police have _________________. You cannot be put
on trial for the same crime _____________________ - No Double
49. Amendment 6. You have a right to a
speedy______________by______________. You have a right to a
__________________ to help you in court.
50. Amendment 7. You have the right to a ______trial where
the sum of money is more than $____________.
51. Amendment 8. Too much ________ shall not be required
and there shall be no ____________ or ______________
52. Amendment 9. People have ___________ that may not be

listed in the U.S. ____________________________.

53. Amendment 10. Any ______________ not given to the
United States in the _____________________ are reserved to the
________________ or the people.
Try this "Do I have a Right?" game -But, DO NOT create an
Another Great Game about the Bill of Rights!
When you are all finished - try your hand at this

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