Constitution Webquest
Constitution Webquest
Constitution Webquest
The Romans believed that government can only survive with
active, informed citizens. Let us continue this tradition. This
webquest will help you be an educated citizen about the U.S.
Constitution. Take this responsibilty seriously, but have fun
on the journey!
Being an informed citizen is hard work. It requires effort and
desire. As citizens of the United States, it is our responsibility
to be educated and informed to keep our country strong. Use
this webquest to help you achieve your responsibilities as a
U.S. citizen.
The highlighted words or terms serve as links to a
websites...please use all of the carefully selected sites to
help you gain insight and understanding.
NOTE: There are many games, songs, and video clips in this
webquest - be considerate of others near you as you adjust
volume. Try not to not disturb your neighbors.
Before you begin, take a look at the original Constitution by
clicking on this link.
Constitutional Principles
The Constitution is based on fundamental principles or ideas.
Start your journey by understanding the meanings of each