MTech PE Syllabus
MTech PE Syllabus
MTech PE Syllabus
MEPE 101
Unit 1 : Partial Differential Equation
Solution of Partial Differential Equation (PDE) by separation of variable method, Numerical
solution of PDE (Laplace, Poissons, Parabola) using finite difference Methods.
Unit 2 : Matrices And Linear System Of Equations
Solution of linear simultaneous equations by Gaussian elimination and its modification,
Crouts triangularization method, Iterative methods-Jacobins method, Gauss-Seidal
method, Determination of Eigen values by iteration.
Unit 5 : Calculus Of Variations
Euler-Lagranges differential equation, The Brachistochrone problems and other
applications. Isoperi-metric problem, Hamiltons Principle and Lagranges Equation,
Rayleigh-Ritz method, Galerkin method.
Unit 4 : Fuzzy Logic
Operations of fuzzy sets, fuzzy arithmetic & relations, fuzzy relation equations, fuzzy logics.
MATLAB introduction, programming in MATLAB scripts, functions and their
Unit 5 : Reliability
Introduction and definition of reliability, derivation of reliability functions, Failure rate, Hazard
rate, mean time t future & their relations, concepts of fault tolerant analysis.
Reference Books:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics - by Dr. B.S. Grewal; Khanna Publishers
2. Calculus of Variations - by Elsgole; Addison Wesley.
3. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB by Steven C Chapra, TMH.
4. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by S.S. Shastry,
5. Calculus of Variations - by Galfand & Fomin; Prentice Hall.
6. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana, Tata Mc Hill.
7. Advance Engineering Mathematics by Ervin Kreszig, Wiley Easten Edd.
8. Numerical Solution of Differential Equation by M. K. Jain
9. Numerical Mathematical Analysis By James B. Scarborogh
10. Fuzzy Logic in Engineering by T. J. Ross
11. Fuzzy Sets Theory & its Applications by H. J. Zimmersoms
Control of nonlinear dynamics: Lyapunov based control function, Phase plane technique,
Liapunov stability analysis. Linear Continuous time model for physical systems Existence and
Uniqueness of Solutions to Continuous Time State Equations Solutions Linear Time
Invariant Continuous Time State Equations State transition matrix and its properties
Introduction to optimal control Formulation of optimal control problems calculus of
variations fundamental concepts, functional, variation of functional fundamental theorem of
theorem of Calculus of variations boundary conditions constrained minimization
formulation using Hamiltonian method Linear quadratic regulator
1. Automatic Control System B.C. Kuo, Prentice Hall, New York, 1975
2. Modern Control Engineering K. Ogata, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. New Delhi, 1992
3. Digital control system B.C. Kuo Oxford Pub.
4. Manke: Linear Control System, Khanna Publishers
5. Nagrath and Gopal: Control System Engineering, New Age International Publishers.
1. Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications - M.H.RashidPHI
2. Power Electronics M.D. Singh
3. Edn Fundamentals of Electric Drives G. K. Dubey Narosa Publications 1995.
4. Hand book of Power Electronics M.H. Rashid
1 Dubey G.K. Power semi Conductor controller drives, Prentice Hall.
Vedam Subramanyam, Electrical Drives.
2 T.J.E. Miller, Switched Reluctance & P.M. B.L. DC motor, Pergamon Press
3. P.C. Sen, D.C. drive, Pergamon Press.