Digital Version: The of Crochet! Is Now Here!

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The digital version

of Crochet!
is now here!

MAY 200 9

ation Mask: So
othing Relaxati


Create a Stunni
Prizewinning Ja


Unravel the My
Pattern Repeats stery of


Turn a Classic
Neck Scarf
Into a Chic To


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l Hemp
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Your Bed
Dress Up


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IRISH C Lace Cuff


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elight the new

mother with this
warm and snugly
sweater for baby!


When instructed to work 2 back and

3 down, count 2 sts back from present position and 3 rows down, work
st in front lp only of this st.

Pattern Stitch
Spl dtr: *Yo hook 3 times, insert
hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a
lp, [yo, draw through 2 lps on hook]
3 times *, (first leg completed), rep
from * to * (2nd leg completed), yo
hook, draw through rem 3 lps.


Skill Level

Row 1 (RS): With J hook and offwhite, beg at bottom edge of back,
ch 32, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sc in
each rem ch across, turn.
Row 2: Ch 2, working in front lps
for this row only, sc in 2nd sc and
each rem sc across, turn.


Back, Sleeves & Fronts


Row 3: Ch 2, working in back lps

for this row only, sc in 2nd sc and
each rem sc across, turn.
Row 4: Rep Row 2, changing to
baby blue in last st.
Row 5: Working in back lps for this
row only, ch 2, sk first st, sc in each
of next 3 sts, *dtr 2 forward and 3
down, sk 1 st, sc in each of next 2
sts, dtr 2 back and 3 down, sk 1 st
*, sc in each of next 5 sts, dtr 2 forward and 3 down, sk 1 st, sc in each
of next 3 sts, dtr in same st as last
dtr, sk 1 st, sc in each of next 5 sts,
rep from * to *, sc in each of next 4
sts, change to off-white, turn.
Row 6: Rep Row 2.
Row 7: Dc 2 rows down in each
of first 4 sts, *sc in back lp only of
next st, dtr 3 rows down in each of
next 2 sts, sc in back lp only of next
st *, dc 2 rows down in each of next
5 sts, sc in back lp only of next st,
dtr 3 rows down in each of next 3
sts, sc in back lp only of next st, dc
2 rows down in each of next 5 sts,
rep from * to *, dc 2 rows down in
each of last 4 sts, turn.
Row 8: Rep Row 2, changing to
mist green.

Design by Melody MacDuffee

Infants' 69 months

Caron International Wintuk
4 worsted weight yarn (3.5
ounces per skein): 1 skein
each off-white #65, mist
green #187 and baby blue
Size J/10 crochet hook or size
needed to obtain gauge
Size H/8 crochet hook
8 (34-inch) buttons
Tapestry needle
Sewing needle and thread

7 sc = 2 inches; 3 sc rows = 1 inch
Check gauge to save time.

Pattern Notes
Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.
When instructed to work 2 forward
and 3 down, count 2 sts forward
from present position and 3 rows
down, work st in front lp only of
that st.

Row 9: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back

lp only of each of next 4 sts, *work
first leg of spl dtr around post of
first baby blue dtr, work 2nd leg of
spl dtr around post of 2nd baby blue
dtr, sk 2 sts *, sc in back lp only of
each of next 6 sts, trtr around post
of 2nd baby blue dtr of next pair,
sk 1 st, sc in back lp only of each
of next 3 sts, tr around post of first
baby blue dtr of same pair, sk 1 st,
sc in back lp only of each of next
6 sts, rep from * to *, sc in back lp
only of each of last 5 sts, change to
off-white, turn.
Row 10: Ch 2, sk first st, working
in front lps only, sc in each of next 4
sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of next
17 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of
last 5 sts, turn.
Row 11: Working in front lps only,
dc 2 rows down in front lp only of
each of first 6 sts, sk to other side of
mist green spl dtr, dc 2 rows down in
each of next 7 sts, sc in back lp only
of next st (directly above mist green
trtr), dc 2 rows down in each of next
3 sts, sc in back lp only of next st
(above mist green trtr), dc 2 rows
down in each of next 7 sts, sk to
other side of mist green spl dtr, dc 2
rows down in each of last 6 sts, turn.
Row 12: Rep Row 4.
Row 13: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 3 sts, *dtr
around post of both mist green spl
dtr at once, sk 1 st, sc in back lp
only of each of next 2 sts, rep from
* once, sc in back lp only of each of
next 3 sts *, trtr around post of 2nd
mist green trtr of next pair, sk 1 st,
sc in back lp only of each of next
3 sts, trtr around post of first mist
green trtr of same pair, sk 1 st, sc in
back lp only of each of next 5 sts,
rep from * to *, sc in back lp only
of last st, change to off-white, turn.
Row 14: Rep Row 2.
Row 15: Dc 2 rows down in each
of first 4 sts, *sc in back lp only of
next st, dc 2 rows down in each of
next 2 sts, sc in back lp only of next

From 150 Weekend Crochet Projects book, Pages 86-89 and 99, Copyright 2001
Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law.

st *, dc 2 rows down in each of next

5 sts, sc in back lp only of next st,
dc 2 rows down in each of next 3
sts, sc in back lp only of next st, dc
2 rows down in each of next 5 sts,
rep from * to *, dc 2 rows down in
each of next 4 sts, turn.
Rows 1622: Rep Rows 814. At
the end of Row 22, fasten off.

Row 23: With off-white, ch 15,
attach with sl st in first st of Row
22, dc 2 rows down in each of first 4
sts, *sc in back lp only of next st, dc
2 rows down in each of next 2 sts,
sc in back lp only of next st *, dc
2 rows down in each of next 5 sts,
sc in back lp only of next st, dc 2

rows down in each of next 3 sts, sc

in back lp only of next st, dc 2 rows
down in each of next 5 sts, rep from
* to *, dc 2 rows down in each of
last 4 sts, ch 16, turn.
Row 24: Sc in 3rd ch from hook,
working in front lps only where
applicable, sc in each rem st across,
change to mist green, turn.
Row 25: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, *work
first leg of spl dtr around post of
first baby blue dtr, work 2nd leg of
spl dtr around 2nd baby blue dtr, sk
2 sts *, sc in back lp only of each
of next 6 sts, trtr around post of 2nd
baby blue dtr of next pair, sk 1 st, sc
in back lp only of each of next 3 sts,
trtr around post of first baby blue dtr

of same pair, sk 1 st, sc in back lp

only of each of next 6 sts, rep from
* to *, sc in back lp only of each of
last 15 sts, change to off-white, turn.
Row 26: Ch 2, sk first st, working in
front lps only, sc in each of next 14
sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of next
17 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of
next 15 sts, turn.
Row 27: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, dc 2
rows down in front lp only of each
of next 6 sts, sk to other side of
mist green spl dtr, dc 2 rows down
in each of next 7 sts, sc in back lp
only of next st (directly above green
trtr), dc 2 rows down in each of next
3 sts, sc in back lp only of next st
(above mist green trtr), dc 2 rows

From 150 Weekend Crochet Projects book, Pages 86-89 and 99, Copyright 2001
Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law.

Button-Up Baby Cardigan

down in each of next 7 sts, sk to
other side of mist green spl dtr, dc
2 rows down in each of next 6 sts,
sc in back lp only of each of last 15
sts, turn.
Row 28: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 29: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, *dtr
around post of both mist green spl
dtr sts at once, sk 1 st, sc in back lp
only of each of next 2 sts, rep from
* once, sc in back lp only of each of
next 3 sts *, trtr around post of 2nd
mist green trtr of next pair, sk 1 st,
sc in back lp only of each of next
3 sts, trtr around post of first mist
green trtr of same pair, sk 1 st, sc in
back lp only of each of next 5 sts,
rep from * to *, sc in back lp only
of each of last 15 sts, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 30: Rep Row 2.
Row 31: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, dc 2
rows down in each of first 4 sts, *sc
in back lp only of next st, dc 2 rows
down in each of next 2 sts, sc in back
lp only of next st *, dc 2 rows down
in each of next 5 sts, sc in back lp
only of next st, dc 2 rows down in
each of next 3 sts, sc in back lp only
of next st, dc 2 rows down in each of
next 5 sts, rep from * to *, dc 2 rows
down in each of last 4 sts, sc in back
lp only of each of next 15 sts, turn.
Rows 3234: Rep Rows 2426.

Right neck shaping

Row 35 (RS): Ch 2, sk first st, sc in
back lp only of each of next 23 sts,
Row 36: Rep Row 3, change to
baby blue.
Row 37: Rep Row 3, change to
Row 38: Rep Row 2.
Row 39: Rep Row 3.
Row 40: Rep Row 2, change to
mint green.

Row 41: Rep Row 3, change to


Right front
Row 42: Ch 10, sc in 3rd ch from
hook, working in front lps only
where applicable, sc in each st
across, turn.
Row 43: Rep Row 3.
Row 44: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 45: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 18 sts, dtr 3
forward and 2 down, sk 1 st, sc in
back lp only of next 2 sts, dtr 3 back
and 2 down, sk 1 st, sc in back lp
only of each of last 11 sts, change to
off-white, turn.
Row 46: Rep Row 2.
Row 47: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in each
of next 14 sts, dc 2 rows down in
each of next 4 sts, sc in back lp only
of next st, dc 2 rows down in each
of next 2 sts, sc in back lp only of
next st, dc 2 rows down in each of
next 8 sts, sc in back lp only of each
of last 3 sts, turn.
Row 48: Rep Row 2, change to mist
Row 49: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 19 sts, work
first leg of spl dtr around post of
first baby blue dtr, work 2nd leg of
spl dtr around post of 2nd baby blue
dtr, sk 2 sts, sc in back lp only of
last 11 sts, change to off-white, turn.
Row 50: Ch 2, sk first st, working
in front lps only, sc in each of next
11 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each rem
st across, turn.
Row 51: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, dc 2
rows down in each of next 6 sts, sk
to other side of mist green spl dtr,
dc 2 rows down in each of next 9
sts, sc in back lp only of each of last
3 sts, turn.
Row 52: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 53: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back

lp only of each of next 19 sts, dtr

around both posts of mist green
spl dtr at once, sk 1 st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 2 sts, dtr
around both posts of mist green spl
dtr again, sk 1 st, sc in back lp only
of each rem st across, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 54: Rep Row 2, fasten off.
Row 55 (RS): Attach off-white in
15th st, dc 2 rows down in each of
next 4 sts, sc in back lp only of next
st, dc 2 rows down in each of next 2
sts, sc in back lp only of next st, dc
2 rows down in each of next 8 sts,
sc in back lp only of each of last 3
sts, turn.
Row 56: Rep Row 2, change to mist
Row 57: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 4 sts, work
first leg of spl dtr around post of
first baby blue dtr, work 2nd leg of
spl dtr around post of 2nd baby blue
dtr, sk 2 sts, sc in back lp only of
each rem st across, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 58: Ch 2, sk first st, working
in front lps only, sc in each of next
11 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of
last 5 sts, turn.
Row 59: Dc 2 rows down in each
of first 6 sts, sk to other side of mist
green spl dtr, dc 2 rows down in
each of next 9 sts, sc in back lp only
of each of next 3 sts, turn.
Row 60: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 61: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in
back lp only of each of next 3 sts,
dtr around both post of mist green
spl dtr at once, sk 1 st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 2 sts, dtr
around both posts of mist green spl
dtr again, sk 1 st, sc in back lp only
of each of last 10 sts, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 62: Rep Row 2.
Row 63: Dc 2 rows down in each of
first 4 sts, sc in back lp only of next st,
dc 2 rows down in each of next 2 sts,

From 150 Weekend Crochet Projects book, Pages 86-89 and 99, Copyright 2001
Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law.

sc in back lp only of next st, dc 2 rows

down in each of next 8 sts, sc in back
lp only of each of last 3 sts, turn.
Rows 6476: Rep Rows 5663,
ending with Row 60 on last rep,
fasten off.

Left neck shaping

Row 35 (RS): Sk 13 sts on Row 34,
attach off-white in back lp only of
next st, ch 2, sc in back lp of each
rem st across, turn. (24 sc)
Rows 3640: Rep Rows 3640 of
right neck shaping.
Row 41: Rep Row 3, change to offwhite.
Row 42: Rep Row 2.
Row 43: Ch 11, sc in 3rd ch from
hook, working in back lps only
where applicable, sc in each rem st
across, turn.
Row 44: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 45: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 13 sts, dtr 3
forward and 2 down, sk 1 st, sc in
back lp only of each of next 2 sts,
dtr 3 back and 2 down, sk 1 st, sc in
back lp only of each rem st across,
change to off-white, turn.
Row 46: Rep Row 2.
Row 47: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 2 sts, dc 2
rows down in each of next 11 sts, sc
in back lp only of next st, dc 2 rows
down in each of next 2 sts, sc in back
lp only of next st, dc 2 rows down
in each of next 4 sts *, sc in back lp
only of each rem st across, turn.
Row 48: Rep Row 2, change to mist
Row 49: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 14 sts, work
first leg of spl dtr around post of
first baby blue dtr, work 2nd leg of
spl dtr around post of 2nd baby blue
dtr, sk 2 sts, sc in back lp only of
each rem st across, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 50: Ch 2, sk first st, working
in front lps only, sc in each of next

17 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each rem

st across, turn.
Row 51: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 2 sts, dc 2
rows down in each of next 13 sts, sk
to other side of mist green spl dtr,
dc 2 rows down in each of next 6
sts, sc in back lp only of each rem st
across, turn.
Rows 5254: Rep Rows 4446 of
left neck shaping.
Row 55: Rep Row 47 of left neck
shaping to *, turn.
Row 56: Rep Row 2, change to mist
Row 57: Rep Row 49 of left neck
Row 58: Ch 2, sk first st, working
in front lps only, sc in each of next 4
sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each rem st
across, turn.
Row 59: Rep Row 51 of left neck
shaping to *, turn.
Row 60: Rep Row 2, change to
baby blue.
Row 61: Ch 2, sk first st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 13 sts, dtr
around both posts of mist green
spl dtr at once, sk 1 st, sc in back
lp only of each of next 2 sts, dtr
around both posts of mist green spl
dtr again, sk 1 st, sc in back lp only
of each rem st across, change to offwhite, turn.
Row 62: Rep Row 2.
Rows 6375: Rep Rows 5562 of left
neck shaping, ending with Row 59.
Row 76: Rep Row 2, fasten off.

Right Front Edging

Row 1 (RS): With H hook, attach
mist green in right front corner st
at bottom, ch 2, working over row
ends, [sk end of next row, sc over
end of each of next 3 rows] 8 times,
ending with sc over end of last row
at neck edge, fasten off.
Row 2 (RS): Attach baby blue in
2nd ch of ch-2, ch 1, [sc in back lp
only of next st, ch 3, sk 1 st, sc in

back lp of next st] 8 times, ending

with sc in back lp only of last st,
fasten off.

Left Front Edging

Row 1 (RS): With H hook, attach
baby blue in left front corner st at
neck edge, working over row ends, ch
2, [sc over end of each of next 3 rows,
sk next row] 8 times, ending with sc
over end of last row, fasten off.

Neck Band
Row 1 (WS): With H hook, attach
mist green in first st of Row 1 of left
front edging, sc in same st as joining
and in each of next 10 sts across left
front, sc over end of each of next 8
rows across left shoulder, sc in each
of next 15 sts across, back, sc over
end of each of next 8 rows across
right shoulder, sc in each of next 10
sts across right front, ending with
sc over end of Row 2 of right front
edging, turn.
Row 2: Change to hook size J, sk
first st, working in front lps only, sc
in each st across to last 2 sts, sk 1 st,
sl st in last st, turn.
Row 3: Sk first st, sc in back lp
only of each rem st across to last 2
sts, sk 1 st, sl st in last st, turn.
Rows 4 & 5: Rep Rows 2 and 3,
at end of Row 5, change to baby
blue, turn.

Row 6: Sk first st, working in front
lps only, sc in each of next 5 sts, [2
sc in next st, sc in next st] 5 times,
sc in each of next 11 sts, [sc in next
st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times, sc in each
of next 5 sts, sk 1 st, sl st in last st,
Row 7: Sk first st, working in back
lps only, sc in each of next 6 sts, [2
sc in next st, sc in each of next 2
sts] 4 times, sc in each of next 12
sts, [sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in
next st] 4 times, sc in each of next 7
sts, sk 1 st, sl st in last st, turn.
Rows 8 & 9: Rep Rows 2 and 3.
Row 10: Sk first st, working in front

From 150 Weekend Crochet Projects book, Pages 86-89 and 99, Copyright 2001
Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law.

lps only, sc in each of next 5 sts, [2

sc in next st, sc in each of next 3
sts] 5 times, sc in each of next 11
sts, [sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in
next st] 5 times, sc in each of next 5
sts, sk 1 st, sl st in last st, turn.
Row 11: Rep Row 3, fasten off.

Sleeve Cuffs

Rnd 1 (RS): With H hook, attach

mist green in end of sleeve row,
ch 2, working in ends of rows, [sc
over end of next row, sk 1 row, sc
over end of each of next 2 rows] rep
around, sl st to join in beg ch-2.
Rnd 2: Ch 2, working in back lps

only, [sc in each of next 2 sts, sk 1 st]

rep around, sl st to join in beg ch-2.
Rnd 3: Ch 2, working in back lps
only, sc in each st around, sl st to join
in beg ch-2, change to baby blue.
Rnds 4 & 5: Ch 2, working in back
lps only, sc in each st around, sl st
to join in beg ch-2. At the end of
Rnd 5, fasten off.

With tapestry needle and off-white,
with RS tog, sew side seams.
With sewing needle and thread, sew
buttons on left front corresponding
with button lps.

Arthritis Relief
Here are some
tips for crocheters who
suffer from
Dont try to crochet very early in
the morning or very late at night,
since arthritis pain and stiffness is
more severe at these times.
Soak your hands in warm water
before and after crocheting. This
will help soothe the inflammation
and relieve tension.
A gentle massage, with or without
one of the good topical pain relief
ointments on the market, will help.
Be sure you use a non-greasy formula, so you wont defeat your purpose by having to work harder to
control your yarn with sticky hands.
Choose a comfortable spot to
crochet. If your body is relaxed,
your hands will be less apt to
cramp. Dont crochet for lengthy
periods. Take a break now and then
to stretch and move, and flex your

fingers in a nice warm water


Have a soothing cup of

tea. Dont think about
the arthritis; think about
the lovely things you are
creating and direct your energy
toward that. Youll be amazed at
what you can accomplish if you put
your mind to itarthritis or not.
Your condition will dictate when
and how to pace yourself. Arthritis
pain and inflammation are affected
by weather and stress. On a particularly bad day, you might want
to forego your project.
Although mild exercise is helpful
to keep affected joints mobile, to
tax those joints during periods of
flare-up or severe swelling could
make matters worse. See your doctor for regular checkups. Contact
your local chapter of the Arthritis
Foundation for updated information on the latest help for arthritics.

Baby Gifts
Wrap baby gifts in receiving blankets instead of wrapping paper.

Ponytail Elastics
Use the coated ponytail elastics
(smaller size) as a base for skirts,
dresses, shorts, etc. The elastics
are just the waist size needed and
will save you the time of sewing
together regular round elastic.
They come in many colors so you
can color-coordinate them to your
yarn or thread.

Decorative Doilies
When you decorate your home for
the Christmas holidays, dont overlook the possibilities of crocheted
doilies. Cluster five or six small
red, white and green doilies in a
pretty group on the dining room or
kitchen table. Add a round bowl
of greenery and holiday-colored
flowers for a unique centerpiece.

Sweet-Smelling Afghans
When packing away crocheted
baby afghans for later use as gifts,
place a sheet of dryer fabric softener in with the afghan. It will
smell fresh when opened weeks or
months later.

From 150 Weekend Crochet Projects book, Pages 86-89 and 99, Copyright 2001
Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law. is
for crocheter like you!
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CMYK version (below)

Black versio








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