Zarifa Barkatullah: B.S., Healthcare Management
Zarifa Barkatullah: B.S., Healthcare Management
Zarifa Barkatullah: B.S., Healthcare Management
The University of Texas
at Dallas
May 2017
B.S., Healthcare Management
GPA 3.796
Deans List Fall 2014 and Spring 2015, Student Service Award Nomination
Study Abroad Semester at WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Fall 2015
Richland College
May 2014
Associate of Science Degree
UT Dallas Office of Student Volunteerism
Student Leader
May 2015 Present
Planned, promoted and led several recurring service events on and off campus
Collaborated with 8 other student leaders to host workshops and orientations about service
Interviewed and trained new student leaders regarding event planning procedures
Led the 2016 Alternative Spring Break Social Services Trip at San Antonio by volunteering
with a team of 10 people at the San Antonio Food Bank to reduce food insecurity
StudySoup Campus Marketing Coordinator
Fall 2016
Recruited note takers by delivering pitches across campus and acquiring over 25 sign-ups
per class
Developed my own pitch and secured 3 times as many leads
Gymboree Store - Richardson, Texas
October 2014 Feb 2015 Sales Associate, Cashier and Trainer
Trained 4 employees about customer service policies, conflict resolution and payment
Coordinated with staff and co-workers to ensure smooth operations during peak hours and
high traffic
Managed the cash register with money exchange in excess of $3000 per day
Organizational Behavior 3310
January 2015 May 2015
Operated with a team of 5 members to do an in-depth analysis of an organization of our
choice (Chick-fil-A)
Persuaded management to let our team members observe their organizational behavior for a
few weeks
Composed an extensive report of our findings along with recommendations and constructive