Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol

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The passage discusses a Lyme disease protocol developed by Dr. Cowden that utilizes Nutramedix herbal products to treat Lyme disease and its co-infections. It also notes that heavy metals and other toxins can make people more susceptible to infection.

The protocol begins with a initial treatment of 4 products - Burbur, Amantilla, Pinella, and Trace Minerals. It then expands to include additional products taken twice daily and before bed. The protocol is intended to be followed for 4-6 months while rotating between Cumanda and Quina every 2 weeks.

The protocol utilizes products like Cumanda, Quina, Samento, Banderol, Parsley Detox, Carnivora, Chlorella and others. They are described as having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immune-modulating and detoxifying properties to target Borrelia burgdorferi and associated co-infections.

Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections,^

reports that although transmission

through a tick bite is still believed
to be the most common way of
contracting tbe disease, "little
research has been conducted on
other routes of transmission." He
states, "spirochetes are passed
not only through tick bites but also
through other mechanisms. Once
they infect peopie, they can be found
in breast milk, in tears, in semen, and
in urine. Babies have been infected in
tbe womb."
Buhner says tbat, while gathering
research for his book, he expected
to find that non-pharmaceutical
alternatives were not included in
any mainstream medical discussion
about treatment of Lyme disease.
But he was surprised by something
else he discovered, which is "that
a significant amount of reputable
research is being ignored by the
mainstream medical community."
Health care professionals can
request product samples from
Nutramedix, LLC, Suite 301. 900
East Indiantown Road, Jupiter,
Fiorida 33477; 800-730-3130 or 561745-2917: Fax 561-745-3017; Email:
[email protected] : Website:
For comprehensive scientific
information about Nutramedix
products and Lyme disease, visit the
following two websites hosted by
Bionatus Laboratories in Ecuador:
www.nutramedix.ee and www.
For information about tbe author
of this article and for access to
audio interviews with Lyme-literate
physicians on the Lyme Disease
Research Database, please go to
1. Walker M, Walker RS. What makes Lyme
disease tick and how Samento eliminates
it. Totunsend Letter. July 2004.
2. Buhner, SH. Healing Lyme: Natural
Heating and Prevention of Lyme
Borreliosis and Its Coinfections. White
River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green
Publishing; 2005.


Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol

Nutramedix Products in Dr. Cowden's Protocol
Brief Descriptions
Adrenal Support replenishes the adrenal glands restoring normal function.
Amantilla Relax relieves stress and anxiety and aids sleep.
Algas Metal Detox mobilizes heavy metals out of the interior of the cells.
Burbur Detox aids detoxification of the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and the
ground matrix.
Carnivora is a proteolytic enzyme that dissolves the fibrin coating around harmful
microbes, helping the immune system identify and eradicate them.
Chlorella binds heavy metals and boosts the immune system.
Cumanda is an anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum antiviral, antiparasltic,
antibacterial, and antifungal, effective against Borrelia burgdorferi and the coinfections.
Magnesium Malate helps maintain normal cardiovascular, muscle, nerve, bone, and
cellular function.
Parsley Detox-aids detoxification of the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and the
ground matrix.
Pinella Brain/Nerve Cleanse eliminates neurotoxins.
Quina is an anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiprotozoal,
effective against Borrelia burgdorferi and the co-infections.
Samento is an immune system modulator, anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum
antibacterial, effective against Borrelia burgdorferi and the co-infections.
Trace Minerals Relax restores depleted mineral stores in the body, helps correct
tissue acidity, aids in relaxation, aids in hydration, and enhances the effect of the

Lyme Borreliosis (Lyme Disease) Protocol

Used by William Lee Cowden, MD
Causes: Borrelia burgdorferi bacterial infection and usually one or more of the
following microbial infections; Eriichia, Babesia, Bartonella, Mycopiasma, Coxiella,
etc. Heavy metal toxicity (usually mercury) plus pesticides, herbicides, petroleum
byproducts, and plastics make the patient more susceptible to these toxins.
For the first three days, do only the following:
Mix the following four products together in at least a one-half cup (4 oz./120ml) of
water and take three times daily immediately before mealtimes (whether eating a
meal or not): BURBUR - 10 drops, AMANTtLLA - 10 drops, PINELLA - 10 drops
and TRACE MINERALS - 15 drops. Continue this for the entire protocol unless
the patient feels fairly well. If so, then the noontime dose can be eliminated.
Then add the following to the protocol:
Mix the following three products together in at least a one-half cup (4 oz./120mi)
of water and take twice daily 30 minutes before breakfast and supper: PARSLEY
DETOX - 10 drops, TRACE MINERALS - 15 drops and CUMANDA - start with
one drop adding a drop with every dose until reaching 30 drops. It should take
approximately 15 days to reach the full dose of 30 drops. At the same time, take
CARNIVORA- 4 capsules. If a dose of Carnivora is missed, it can be taken at
bedtime when the other products are taken.
Mix the following tow products together in at least a one-half cup (4 oz./120ml)
and take twice daily after mealtimes (whether eating a meal or not): ADRENAL
SUPPORT - 20 drops and BURBUR DETOX - 1 0 drops. If feeling toxic (headache,
muscle ache, nausea, joint ache, etc), take 10 drops of Burbur or Parsley in water
or under the tongue every ten minutes until feeling better and then resume the

Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol

Take two to six capsules twice daily of MAGNESIUM
MALATE (oniy if kidney failure is not present) with the liquid
products before or after meais. Start with two capsules,
twice daily, increasing the dose until bowels move at least
twice a day.
On day 18 of the protocol, add the foliowing products mixed
together in at ieast a one-half cup {4 oz./120mi) and take
once daily at bedtime: SAMENTO - 20 drops, PARSLEY
DETOX - 10 drops, AMANTILLA - 15 drops and TRACE
MINERALS - 15 drops. Every third night take ALGAS 10 drops mixed with the Samento, Parsley-Detox, Amantilla,
and Trace Minerals.
After two months on full dose of Cumanda, start taking
OUINA in place of Cumanda. Then, alternate between
Cumanda and Quina every two weeks for four months
(some patients require only two months of rotating therapy,
but it may be more prudent to rotate for four months). Take
Cumanda for 12/2 days stopping for 36 hours then, continue
with the Quina for 1214 days, stopping for 36 hours. Then,
restart with Cumanda for MVi days, etc. Most patients with
chronic, third stage Lyme Disease require four to six months
of alternating treatment but never less than two months,
if the patients suspects that a sensitivity or apparent
resistance deveiops to either Cumanda, Quina, or Samento,
BANDEROL can be substituted for any of these products.

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For pain: CONDURA - 20 drops as needed, placed under

tongue and held for at least two minutes before swallowing,
and applied topically on the site of pain using the number of
drops necessary to cover affected area. May be repeated
every ten to 15 minutes as needed.
For Depression: AVEA - 15 drops three times daily, 15
minutes after mealtimes. If the patient becomes suicidal,
take Avea-15 drops and Pinella-10 drops every hour.
For Insomnia: AMANTILLA - 15-30 drops 15 minutes
before bedtime, can be repeated every 30 minutes until
patient falls asleep and if the patient wakes up at night.
Amantilla can also be taken every 15 minutes for extreme
anxiety or panic attacks.

Also recommended: Drink three to four liters (quarts)

of water daily (clean mineralized, not distilled or reverse
osmosis). Avoid common food allergens - all cow milk and
cow cheese products, all corn products (corn oil. corn starch
and corn syrup), peanuts and peanut oil (most Asian foods),
soy products (it is a common filler in fast food restaurants),
black pepper, white pepper, sugar (may substitute Nutramedix
STEVIA) Take Proteolytic enzymes (such as Carnivora)
- four capsules, two times daily - 30 minutes before food with
water. Proteolytic enzymes can be taken at the same time as
Cumanda, Quina, Samento. Banderol. Consider having silver
(mercury) dental amalgams replaced with composites
by a biological dentist. Chlorella (if sensitive to Chlorella
substitute with Spirulina) - build up to 1500 mg daily before
the mercury amalgams are removed and continue for three to
four months after the amalgams are removed. After all dental
amalgams are removed, DMSA - 100-300 mg, depending on
kidney function, age, and body weight can be added every third
night for two to three months with 10 drops of Algas and 1500
mg of Chlorelia or Spirulina.

Important Information
The dosages recommended
in this protocol are for an
average size adult weighing
between 120-170 pounds (5577 kilos). Adjust the dosage
according to weight; i.e., a
patient who weighs 30 pounds
would take one-fourth of the
recommended dose.
Unless the protocol specifies
that products can be taken
exactly at the same moment,
it is best to separate the products by at least ten to 15
minutes so that one does not clash with another.
Unless otherwise specified, mix all Nutramedix remedies
with at [east one-half cup (4oz. / 120ml) of water and wait
at least one to two minutes before drinking. The products
are most effective when taken in water. The products
can be taken directly in the mouth without water, but this
should only be done when water is not available.


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