Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol
Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol
Dr. Cowden's Lyme Protocol
from sugar cane exfrad
A Natural
Dietary Supplement
Lowers total and LDL cholesterol
without side effects
Elevotes beneficial HDL
Inhibits the formation of lesions
in arteries
Keeps LDL from oxidizing
Reduces inflammation-promoting
Inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation
(a cause of arterial blood clotting)
Royal Nutrition International Anaheim, CA 92807
het^ statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
This product IS noi intended lo diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease,"
Important Information
The dosages recommended
in this protocol are for an
average size adult weighing
between 120-170 pounds (5577 kilos). Adjust the dosage
according to weight; i.e., a
patient who weighs 30 pounds
would take one-fourth of the
recommended dose.
Unless the protocol specifies
that products can be taken
exactly at the same moment,
it is best to separate the products by at least ten to 15
minutes so that one does not clash with another.
Unless otherwise specified, mix all Nutramedix remedies
with at [east one-half cup (4oz. / 120ml) of water and wait
at least one to two minutes before drinking. The products
are most effective when taken in water. The products
can be taken directly in the mouth without water, but this
should only be done when water is not available.