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The Gabrielino Chess Club is a nonprofit organization dedicated to show students how fun
chess can be. In this club, members will learn how to play chess, get better at it, and attend
tournaments. Chess Club was founded to allows students to have fun.
ARTICLE 1 - Name
The name of this organization shall be known as the Gabrielino Chess Club.
ARTICLE 2 - Purpose and Goals
The purpose of the Gabrielino Chess Club is to help members learn not only how to build critical thinking
skills, but to also have fun and build community within the organization. We will educate members about
the basics and/or complexity of chess, and host tournaments with other schools.
ARTICLE 3 - Membership
Section I: Membership
Membership is free to join the Gabrielino Chess Club. Of course, one must be a student at Gabrielino
High School in order to join.
Section II: Participation
Members are able to join this club, however, we encourage active participation in each meeting.
Section III: Member Behavior
Members that do conduct inappropriate behavior and misconduct may have their membership revoked.

ARTICLE 4 - Meetings
Section I: General Meetings
General meetings are held on every other Tuesday starting from September 20, 2016 in room E166, Mr.
Barracloughs room during lunch. Member will be updated ahead of time in case if there is meeting date

ARTICLE 5 - Officers and Directors

Section I: Officer Roles
The officers at this club shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, historian, junior officer,
and a webmaster.
Section II: Governing Body

The governing body of this club shall be an officer body composed of the president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer, historian, and addition directors that will be determined by this club. All actions made
by this club shall be subject to the advisor, Geoff Barraclough, and/or any school authorities.
Section III: Officer Duties
Officers must do their job to the best of their abilities. If they are unable to fulfil the duties of their role, it
will result in immediate consultation of their behavior and if inappropriate actions happen again, they will
be dismissed from their position.
ARTICLE 6 - Activities and Projects
Section I: Responsibilities
This club will be held responsible for organizing, financing, and conducting its own activities. It is the
responsibility of the club to provide all funds necessary in order to carry out planned activities and
projects. Members of this club is expected to be involved in activities and projects related to to the club,
but they do not have to go if there is an appropriate alibi.
ARTICLE 7 - Committees

The president, along with board approval, is allowed to create certain committees whenever
necessary. All committees function until completion of objective or until the end of the presidential

ARTICLE 8 - Acceptance of Constitution

Every member of this club, by his or her acceptance of membership and for that matter any returning
members, shall accept the principles of Gabrielino Chess Club as expressed in its purpose and goals and
submits himself or herself to and agrees to comply with and be bound by the constitution and rules of this
club, and on these conditions alone is endowed the privileges of the club. No member will be acquitted
from the observance of the constitution based on the notion that he or she has not received a copy of

ARTICLE 10 - Duration
The club will exist as long as
1. Rules of this constitution are not broken.
2. There are interested or dedicated members. (Excludes Officers)
3. There is a purpose to continue.

ARTICLE 11 - Advisor Duties*

*These duties also apply to officers, Vice President, and President of the club.


Participate in club events.

Attend and participate in club meetings.
Support the actions of the club if those actions are found to be correct.
Keep the environment safe.

ARTICLE 12 - Disputes
Any arguments that arises must be solved by unanimous and unbiased vote amongst the club officers
and the advisor.

1. We understand that the game of chess accounts for a very competitive atmosphere;
however, this is no excuse for outlandish remarks or profane behavior. Be respectful to peers
and opponents during matches and tournaments. Win with humility, lose with grace, and do
both with dignity.
2. We understand that chess can be a serious game, however, the chess club should not
be your top priority.
3. Chess is a sport of knowledge, and as a result information from all sources are
welcomed. We strongly encourage experienced players and patrons of chess to participate
actively in chess club discussions intended to educate inexperienced or newer players.
Likewise, inexperienced players should not be intimidated by those of higher skill level.
Playing against better players, whether you win or lose, is how improvements are made, and
this applies to any sport.
4. Chess is a game of concentration, therefore, we ask that you respect the nature of its
environment. Excessive, loud noises may inhibit a players ability to play and enjoy the sport.
5. Sabotaging an ongoing game in any way will not be tolerated.
Failure to adhere to these codes of conduct may result in consequences, which may be as minor
as a warning to suspension from competition or dismissal from the club.

Cuong Thai (Secretary)

Dylan Rojas
Dylan Rojas (Vice President)

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