Best 4a Volunteer Handbook 2016
Best 4a Volunteer Handbook 2016
Best 4a Volunteer Handbook 2016
Use the hotel guest room or another place to teach with activities
and movement.
Real maps or ones that you make are useful when teaching
telling directions, vocabulary related to direction, or using
public transportation. Consider using hotel floor plans.
Big sheets of paper and markers: Have one student lie on the
paper on the floor while someone traces them. Then students label
body parts. Or draw and label clothes. Its even more fun to
divide into two groups and have the groups compete to see who
can come up with the most labels.
Teaching Vocabulary
Review the new vocabulary during the next class meeting and
periodically after that. Regular review will help students remember the
new words.
Teaching Grammar
Instead of:
third person singular
present continuous tense
simple present tense
Try saying :
substitute words
he/she/it verbs
now verbs
everyday verbs
Dont feel you always have to give them the rule, especially
if it is very complex or there are lots of exceptions. You can
just tell them to learn the individual examples. This is true
especially of spelling rules and some pronunciation rules.
2. Label the two sounds as #1 and #2. You say the words and they
identify whether you are saying a #1 word or a #2 word.
Example: the /i/ words are #1 and the /iy/ words are #2. You
say ship. They say Number one.
3. Repeat the exercise, but this time use one of the words in a
sentence and have them identify whether you said a #1 word or
a #2 word. Example: You say, She drew a sheep on the
blackboard. They say, Number 2.
4. Only after they can recognize the two sounds regularly, have
them practice saying the words (production).
Do repeat after me drills. Listen carefully to this sentence
which has a contrast, then repeat it after me. Theres a sheep
on the deck of the ship.
Have them say one of the words in a minimal pair; you tell
them which you heard, and they say whether that was what
they meant.
Divide into pairs and have them take turns saying one or the
other of a minimal pair to their partner, who confirms.
Have them make sentences (or you provide them) using
words with difficult sounds and then practice saying the
1. Sound: /iy/ of sheep vs. the /i/ of ship
least - list
eat it
hes - his
heat - hit
cheap chip
green - grin
peel - pill
feet - fit
Minimal sentences
FEEL/FILL this bag, please.
She wore a NEAT/KNIT suit.
Dont SLEEP/SLIP on the floor.
2. Sound: /ae/ of hat vs. the /a/ sound of cot
pad - pod
axe ox
rack rock
rat rot
shack shock
tap top
pat - pot
Minimal sentences
pair bear
simple symbol
pup pub
cap - cab
Minimal sentences
The ROPE/ROBE was brown.
They were MOPPING/MOBBING the store.
Put this in your LAP/LAB.
4. Sound: the /w/ of wag vs. the / g/ of gag
wait gate
won gun
worth girth
wood- good
Minimal sentences
Turkeys are funny when they WOBBLE/GOBBLE.
Put it in the WOOD/GOOD box.
It was a long WAIT/GATE.
5. Sound: the /v/ of vat vs. The /b/ of bat
Minimal sentences
I see two CALVES/CABS.
The accident was on the CURVE/CURB.
Use that for the VASE/BASE.
6. Sound: the /th/ of thank vs. the /t/ of tank
Minimal sentences
He THOUGHT/TAUGHT about the war.
She was sad about the DEATHS/D
Thats a good THEME/TEAM.
7. Sound: the voiced /th/ of than vs. the /d/ of Dan
Minimal sentences
When will THEY/DAY come?
Its forbidden to THOSE/DOZE in class.
Rabbits BREATHE/BREED quickly.
Play a portion of a movie without seeing it, and have them describe
what they think is going on - Who is there? Where are they? How
do they feel?
Use Information Gap Activities. This is when one person has certain
information that the other one needs, and vice versa. They must
communicate in order to complete the task
Borrow books on tape from the Public Library. Have students listen
to the tapes as they follow along in the book. This will enable them
to hear the rhythm, intonation, and stress of the language.
Dictations are good writing practice at any level. Simply adjust the
difficulty of the sentences based on what your students are capable
of, read it aloud, section by section, and have students copy what
they hear. Then let them check their work and make corrections.
This is also a good chance to revisit vocabulary or grammar
structures youve worked on recently.
Reading Activities
Books on tape
Again, borrow books on tape from the library, and have students
read along as they listen to the story
Cut out short articles, Dear Abby letters, or a few ads from the
classifieds (if youve discussed the abbreviations), and have
students read them and tell you what they understood
Scramble Sentences
Write a sentence (appropriate for your students level, and related
to your current theme). Cut up the sentence word by word. Have
students organize the pieces into the correct order and read it
aloud. Do this with several different sentences.
Song Lyrics
Find lyrics to songs on the internet, copy and paste them into a
word document and use a large font. Read the lyrics together and
discuss the meaning. Listen to the song together. Next, cut up the
lyrics into many sections. Have the student arrange the strips in
order as they listen to the song again (they may need to listen a few
Card Questions
These can be used for written or oral responses. Cut the questions
apart and use the cards that are the appropriate level for your
How do you spell your
What do you do
What is something
that you are very
proud of?
What is something
embarrassing that
happened to you?
Places to Go:
Most of your students, even newcomers, will already be shopping
regularly at a supermarket, so the purpose of this trip is more to
help them practice vocabulary and build confidence, rather than
to introduce them to the resource.
At the store:
1. Make slips of paper each containing something to look for.
Students draw a slip from a bag, find the object and note where
it was, return to you, and then draw another slip. At the end of
the time youve allotted, the student who completed the most
searches wins.
Heres a sample list: corn tortillas, canned tomatoes, Granny
Smith apples, a cold bottle of Snapple tea, 1% milk, aspirin, fresh
flowers, canned pineapple, corn chips, and a six-pack of Coke
Cultural items to discuss:
Weights and measures:
Have students convert from kilos to pounds, grams to ounces,
and vice versa. Practice estimating with problems like: Five
pounds of flour is approximately how many kilos? or My recipe
calls for 250 grams of butter. How many sticks is that?
Help carrying groceries:
No need to tip like you would in Latin America. Take advantage of
Explain how to use them and what double coupon days are. You
may want to caution your students not to buy products that they
dont really need just because they have coupons for them.
Either use the main library or take them to one of the smaller
branch libraries. Be sure to allow plenty of time for the students
to explore the free computers; you may even want to give a
short lesson on using the Internet.
At the library:
Be sure to point out the print and audio materials for English
learners. They may not know that the library has CDs and videos
for checkout, so make sure to point these out also. Ask individual
students to do the following tasks (and report later to the class):
Find out how long you can keep books, childrens books,
audiotapes, videos, CDs, and other materials
What would you do if your shift ended at 4:30 and you
finished everything at 4:00?
If I were to call your supervisor, what would he or she say
about you?
What are your goals for the future? Where do you see
yourself in 5 years?
Additional Questions
Discuss a time when you had a misunderstanding with a coworker and how you resolved it.
Some lesser-known websites include and (Vayama is better for visual learners).
As a project, ask students to compare ticket prices from Boston
to another city. Compare various dates, cities and airlines.
Begin the process of booking the flight.
The Public Library:
If all the students in the class have a library card, go to the
Minuteman website, or the BPLC website and search the
catalog. Show students how to search for key ideas, then how
to request that an item be sent to their nearest library.
Introduce students to resources beyond books. For homework,
have students request one item: CD, movie, book, etc.
Some libraries will let patrons pay fees online.
Wikipedia or another wikihow
Introduce students to wikipedia. Explain what it is (the pros and
cons) and ask students to read/research specific topics.
On (instructional wiki), have students find one page
related to your class topic.
For a more advanced class: students can write and then publish
their own instructions (encourage them to write a recipe or
something specific to their culture).
(Ask yourself these questions after every class!)
1. Was the atmosphere of the class friendly/did I give frequent
2. Did I begin by reviewing material previously covered/relate
material to what student already knows?
3. Was the class well organized with a logical flow from one activity
to the next?
4. Did I check for understanding? How?
Be extra sure that you are able to commit to volunteering for the
next three months.
If you are having trouble finding the right level materials, let us
know so we can provide you with materials.
Spread the word about our program to friends, families, and coworkers